Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 5 days ago

For many millennium, long before the oral histories can recount has man fed on the fruits and meat provided by nature on nature's terms. They hunted the forests and the fields and scavenged the groves and the shores. They fished from the streams and the shallows of the ocean moving however the rhythm of nature took them. Nature proved to be a harsh mother though, killing those who failed to find food and bring it back to their families. But to those who succeeded and did so often they were richly rewarded with strength and wisdom.

It was not a life of rich innovation, but curiosity is so much a human thing as the bird's urges to fly. Whether it was by conscious effort of their part, or an accidental discovery in the waste piles of hunting camps that man found it was possible to take some of nature's bounty and sew it into the Earth. And to not just tend it all in one space, but to over time modify and change nature's bounty so that it was man's bounty. It was learning to be a nature of master, and not be its servant that sparked a revolution in humanity.

As hunting villages took root surrounded by fields of sewn crops community's rose and flourished around farming. They learned to tend to animals and over time these small villages spawned grander societies. Becoming not just villages but cities. Emphasis on certain luxuries were had and from stone tools and sticks modified for tilling the Earth did they come to adapt tools wrought and molded from the ground: bronze. As the complexities of society became more and more entangled, they built writing. And as it became necessary to travel great distances with so much supply, so did the need for wheels and pack animals. Those who did not wholly adopt one, the other, or all were slowly absorbed or misplaced by their growing neighbors.

Meanwhile on distance fringes, people still held to the old ways. In time, they came to meet these new ways. Whether they adapt them or fight them is up to these people.

The first farmers were born from the west, coming down out of the gentle highlands as their kingdom expanded and their people grew. As domination was imposed village's worth of people migrated from their homeland or were themselves displaced by the growing strength of the kingdom known as the Hemquan. People of the Hemquan seeking independence poured from the west towards the east with the displaced to farm and settle the verdant valleys and the lush shores of the great river there. In the over hundred years the migration had been ongoing villages have grown in the once wild forests and acres have been cut down to make way for fields of rice and millet, barley and sorghum.

And the men who had called the forests home stand on a delicate precipice signaling a shift in the world and the light of change on the distant horizons. The light brings two fates, to fight or to adapt to the intruder's ways.

Welcome to Upon Our Changing Times, an RP of fiction and the development of human civilization as we might come to call it. Set in a sub-tropical land, the RP's main features is the collision of early farmers with that of hunter-gatherers of the old way. The players will get the chance to lead a village of farmers or a tribe of hunter-gatherers in their interactions in this world. It is the time when men are preparing to shift to settled life in permanent villages, and for those that don't choose to adapt there is certainly the chance of conflict as the farmers clear land for their farm fields and their pastures.

As well, this region will have a decidedly south-east Asian flair, so divorce from your mind the notions of the European aesthetic.

The general technological level of this world is that of bronze tools. Writing exists among the farmers, all from the same culture so sharing the same general language or writing tradition, but this largely exists among community bureaucracy. These farmers bring with them their crops, animals, and a desire to settle somewhere new and virgin and intent on staking their own claims in an unsettled and unmanaged world.

The people who have lived among these hills for longer than the oral histories recount, or until they breach the world of myth and legend have lived as they had for millennium, scraping by on the mercy of nature, their benefactor. They may not be as advanced as their new farming neighbors, but the precipice brings change and they may either adapt from these people as it would befit them, or combat them to preserve their life-style.

Here's the map:

Each square marked denotes a total are of 2,500 square miles, adding up to a total of 562,500 total. All things to scale. This size is important to figure out each player's relative land-claim scale.

Player land-claims are to be treated differently than other Nation RP's, in that territory isn't to be so much comprised so much of multiple settlements but a single village, or community to put it more broadly. Farming players will operate here a single village full of their characters. Hunter-gatherers a single clan or smell tribe of people, inter-lap may happen.

The formation of formal polities, as in multi-community states may happen through the art of diplomacy to establish multi-community alliances against their enemies or conquest of another community, without out-right forcing another player from the game if it should happen. By this measure, I actively encourage or hope to see “nations” someday comprised of multiple players.


All subjects in < > to be removed by applicant, only for clarification.

<Name of the village or tribe>

<If a village, who are/is the village leader(s), if a hunting tribe who are/is the influential person(s)>

<general location on the map>

<Population will help me determine on my end how large your final territory will be based on my graces based on:
1 person per 8-10 miles for hunting-foraging tribes
10 persons per mile for farming villages
Some arbitrary middle-point for "transitional" communities>

<Self explanatory>

Claim Map

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Honestly not feeling to confident on accuracy/quality of my NS, any sort of advice would be appreciated ^^

Khaha na Ronn (or just Khaha)

Lord Yuetin Arrun


~850 people (Farming Village)

According to the tales of old, the progenitors of Khaha na Ronn were lead east by a woman remembered only as "the Greater". The winds whisper various names with the most common wisps saying that the Greater's name was Ronn or Khaha, but such are mere whispers who cannot agree even amongst themselves. Some even dare think that perhaps she was of Hemquat royality. What is known is that the Greater had brought together many a people who migrated east after their numbers were whittled down. Days passed into months, months passed into years but finally the migration was at its end. The heavens had told the Greater and her followers that once they found a white tree with a black bird in it struck by lighting, they would have found their new home and now they had.

Trees were cut down, dirt was dug and soil was tiled as the people began to settle down. Huntsmen, foragers and fishermen would bring in food as the crops sprouted from the farmlands that grew and grew into the ever distant horizon. Hovels became huts as wood and clay were offered as sacrifice to build the village up. Dialects and slang picked up and formed from the Great Journey had formed a new offshoot language of Hemquat called "Woqitang". And the Greater watched over it all as she began to age and her health started to decline; she might have been a robust, lively young woman when she lead the Great Journey but time and nature had taken her toll on her. Her closest friends and followers knew her life was at its end but the Greater refused to acknowledge it until one day, she disappeared from her home and the village.

A frantic search began as woodsmen and peasants tried to track down their leader but she was no where to be found. It was then that one of her followers claimed that the Heavens had taken her to be their queen after she lead them so well. The Greater was then enshrined as an eternal goddess of life who had become the "Lady of the Heavens", named "Horuei". A leader in life, the Greater was now a pantheon in death.

Under her watchful eye high in the sky, the village continued to grow. It saw bountiful bumper harvests and joyous celebration as well terrible storms and great tragedy. But of all their hardships, one nomadic tribe in particular had caused the people of Khaha na Ronn the most suffering, the Yomkep. At first it was simple skirmishes and threats, then it escalated as women were captured and men were killed. Local hunters would form the first militia soldiers to try and fend off against the Yomkep but they were given little respect from much of the populace and leadership who saw the Yomkep as nothing but a small thorn in the side of their growing community. But even thorns can be deadly.

One night, while all was asleep, the Yomkep came in force. Massed waves of raiders came out of the forests and over the hills, killing and burning everything in sight. What small and meager resistance that the understaffed and under equipped militia could produce was crushed under the tide of marauding reavers. Come dawn, people buried themselves out of the ashes of their homes and set their sights against the Yomkep, flames of revenge in each of their hearts.

As the village rebuilt, an army was raised and given the best that Khaha na Ronn could provide them. Years would pass until the Yomkep would return, but the people would not stand idle during that time. When the Yomkep nomads came back to their homes, the Khahans fought back with a vengeful fury which would send them running off into the distance, being taught a lesson that the Khahans were no longer just push overs.

Since that time, Khaha na Ronn has expanded and flourished, their farmlands producing food for a growing population as they claim more forest lands and more river banks for their own. Over the years, a central citadel was built up as the defacto administration area where the Lord would rule over all with the help of his advisors. Woqitang was written down and given a proper system of writing for the first time and taught to nobles and scholars as well as their sons. Farms became increasingly varied as different types of crops were experimented with and even those not meant as food were planted to make rope and linen.

And from her throne in heaven, surrounded by the many new gods, goddess, deities and heroes, Hourei the Greater, the Queen of Heavens looked down and smiled at her work, proud at what her beloved village and people had become.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I mean even though my question was never answered I will be working on an NS.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I mean even though my question was never answered I will be working on an NS.

Well it may have just gone unnoticed. You probably should've just asked it again, to make sure Dinh sees it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 5 days ago

I'm pretty sure it would have been fairly obligatory based on the context and pretense of the RP.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Attolia

Attolis Lothar Wolff



The Attolians are a transhumant/nomadic pastoral people. Meaning, rather than being true nomads who randomly move based on the movement of the herd, the Attolians have certain set locations that they typically settle depending on the season. During the warm seasons, they typically settle in a plain or lower valley closer to the temperate coast. During this time, the Attolians do practice some agriculture and grow crops to supplement their food. In the cooler seasons, the Attolians move north, and more inland to the steppes where the arid desert provides warmth, but there's still enough grass for the herds.

Historically, the Attolians were a nomadic horse tribe. They relied on their quick, nimble horses to guide the herds of sheeps and goats and hunt prey. On occasion, they would have contact with the Westerners and it wasn't unheard of for the Attolians to occasionally serve as guides to the untamed lands and even do a bit of trading by forming small caravans. However, since their livelihoods mostly relied on the herds, the encroaching westerners pushed the herds away. The Attolians did their best to avoid the territorial grounds of native tribes, but conflict wasn't always avoidable. Sticking to the plains, the Attoilans used their horsemanship and hunting skills to good use when situations demanded that the Attolians fight. Then at a certain point, the Attolians reached the sea. They knew that they could not flee anymore. This began the move for the Attolians to become a settled people.

In present day Attolia, the average Attolian is familiar with the spoken language of the Westerners due to centuries of contact, but literacy is a different matter than only a few know how to read and write. Most of these people serve as merchants among the Attolians. All Attolian men are still expected to learn horsemanship since it is men who tend to the herds and hunt while the settlement is mostly inhabited by women, the young and the old. The herd is still a major part of the Attolian way of life and means of living. They provide the majority of the food, and goods to trade in the community.

The Wolff family has historically been the leader of the Attolians with each successive leader given the title of Attolis which means "The First Person of Attolia". The family name of each Attolian is very significant as it indicates the family's historical contribution to the tribe. The Wolff family was named after the wolf as it had managed to unite the tribe and effectively form a "pack" that is powerful when working together. Other distinguished family names include "Hawke and Meare"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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Koshibito Tribe

Chief Chouko


900 (Depending on the Weather), Fishing Village

The Koshibito Tribe has always been on the ocean, from the very first moment men came from the West to wiggle their feet in the sand and warm waters of the bay. The first settlers were a Nomadic people from further West who had slowly made their way down through the rain forest along the banks of the river, eventually following one of its outlets to the sea. Here they built a small village, under the guidance of the first Chief Chouko, a matronly woman who provided great guidance despite being blind.

Years would pass and the small village would fluctuate greatly in size on a regular basis as the forest killed some, the ocean others, and more than once the tribe nearly vanished from the face of the earth only to be revived by others from the West. The village would eventually be built on higher ground next to the sea, providing protection from the creatures in the rainforest that had learned that humans make easy prey. Advancements in small boats went beyond virtual rafts to actual large single hulled vessels hollowed from single trees felled in the forest, allowing the tribe to catch greater numbers of fish and other sea life.

The Koshibito have virtually no battle experience against other humans other than the odd in fight amongst its own people. For as long as it has existed, the tribe has been locked in a battle with nature. The rainforest is thick with powerful creatures that can break a single spear wielding tribesman. The most dangerous of these is the man-eating Tiger, six hundred pounds of clawed fury that kills many villagers every year. As a result the great cats are held in some awe by the Tribe and their furs are considered highly valuable, though less than a dozen have ever been collected.

At sea there are just as many enemies. Sharks preyed for many years on the small raft like vessels the Koshibito used, easily upsetting them with coordinated attacks and dragging screaming tribesman to their deaths. Even the bigger sea life, whales, can casually destroy any boat the Koshibito posses, and on more than one occasion people have lost their lives when they came to close to one of the huge beasts. New advancements in tools are slowly allowing the population to hunt the smaller sea going creatures, though the Dolphin is considered sacred to the tribe and serves as their guardian spirit. This as a result of a number of tribesman who had been thought lost to sea appearing on the beach and crediting their survival to the help of the dolphin.

The population currently sits at the highest level it ever has and with more and more children surviving birth and their early years, the Koshibito Tribe finally looks as if it is here to stay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 5 days ago

I should probably start preparing mine soon.

@ClocktowerEchos @RisenDead

You two are looking good.


My concerns is that your not quiet in the level of aesthetic I was hoping to see. It probably doesn't help either that to be honest, I didn't really paint that corner expecting it to be desert. Rock hill-lands maybe, but not dry. The map is set in a sub-tropical area so it would be all too wet still to be a proper desert in the traditional sense.

And also: I was wanting to go into this with horses at all really. Folk like the farmers might have beasts of burden like mules or cows/bulls. But no one was supposed to have horses.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 5 days ago

I would like to apologize for the delay, but here's the map with the territory of accepted applicants included:

I threw in my piece of turf as well. Risen and Clocktower can re-post their apps in the character tab and begin their first posts.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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Hmmm, I may decide to move myself before I actually get my app up. Don't wanna be too far from everyone else now. XD

I've having trouble with names, though. I wanna play an indigenous village, but it's hard to figure out what to call anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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RisenDead Always Watching

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I honestly looked up Japanese Tribal names and took one. Not original but it sounds way better than some white guy going to a fantasy name generator.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well, I was planning on being one of the native/indigenous peoples. As in, ones that aren't descended from the influx of people coming from the west. So I typical Asian names that like just wouldn't look right in my mind. I'll get it done eventually, though. I have pretty much everything but the names and my population thought up already anyway. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 9 days ago

I'm just basically using BS faux south eastern Asian sounding names and adding a primal/tribal twang to them lol
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

All right, so here it is. Any questions and/or comments?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 5 days ago

Ya look good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fabulous; I put my sheet in the Character tab. Now I can't wait to get started. :D

EDIT: Hmmm, you know I just realized that the three of us on the left all have rather similar colours.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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RisenDead Always Watching

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

How're we doing wildlife? Like it is in SE Asia? Or can we just use every damn jungle creature ever? Gorilla and Hippo for example?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 9 days ago

How're we doing wildlife? Like it is in SE Asia? Or can we just use every damn jungle creature ever? Gorilla and Hippo for example?

Calling dibs on Hippo cav right now.
Get fking rekt scrubz.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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RisenDead Always Watching

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<Snipped quote by RisenDead>

Calling dibs on Hippo cav right now.
Get fking rekt scrubz.

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