Since Gecko did the examination of the Machina, I have dibs on demons.
Rufus knew just how to piss everyone off all at once, he is missed dearly.
Ira was brave and more of a leader than a boss, and she had a lot of potential to develop. And then Hildr crossed dimensions.
Lucille scares me, power anchors do as a rule of thumb but she does in particular.
Victoire's an asshole, and was in competition with Sliske as Hell's tactician. She probably would've won either way.
Sliske was an asshole, then he finally gave up when Lucille took over. There's bias here.
Henry earned a personal Vendetta that Marquis got clued in on.
Balrog's cool, surprisingly wise if you look into the way he acts.
Fran's likable in general, but a little too rapey for her to score high with me.
Ghelgath's basically a lost dog at this point. An abused lost dog that still loves his master for some reason.
I like Mephilus for some reason. This reason has something to do with how he was partially inspired by Sliske.
Atoria needs to calm down.
Kermit can fuck off, I think he's super funny but the serious writer in me wants to kick him into orbit.
Greg is unintentionally edgy, though I'm looking forward to pulling a ton of shit with him. Also forcing plot.