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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Name: Haru Mochizuki
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Enhanced Combat - Unlike his brother Shiro who has an innate understanding of everything, Haru instead has a nearly superhuman level of combat capabilities, being close to Shiro's opposite in terms of fighting. While Shiro will observe and do the thinking, Haru will do the fighting. Also, due to the fact that he just stops thinking when he fights and becomes extremely unpredictable, mind readers and even Shiro are unable to predict his next attack, as he will sometimes even go from using a sword to simply kicking a person then return back to the swordplay. He also has the ability to summon one of his many weapons to his hand and dismiss them at will, or even simply call them to him if they're nearby. He and Shiro have taken to call this ability Weapon Summoning, due to the fact that he appears to simply summon the weapon from thin air. He and Shiro also have some form of mental link with each other, allowing them to find each other and work together flawlessly. They can also speak to each other telepathically through the link.
Species: Human
Crush: None
Relationship: None
Personality: Haru is the more emotional of the two brothers, and, in his own words: "I have to be the joker to make up for Shiro's lack of personality. I have enough of it for the both of us." He's very lighthearted and joking about even the most dire of situations, and on occasion is known to make really bad or inappropriate puns. He also likes to collect legendary and powerful weapons, claiming it to be a hobby though he does occasionally use them in fights.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): TBR
Working for Hunter or on your own?: He's loyal only to his brother, and has even severely injured people before for trying to order him around.

Shiro now has a younger brother! >:D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Just added something to Haru and Shiro's CS's.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Name: Deon Vincent
Nickname: none
Age: 18(He's actually reeeeaaaally old XD)
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Telepathy, Invisibility, reappearing and disappearing and turn into a bat.
Species: Vampire
Crush: "Not happening ever again!" (His last girlfriend left him)
Relationship: "Once again, not happening!"

Personality: Pure evil, mean, rude. Nuff said.
Bio/history: "Why?"
Other: Rarely uses his bat form.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: "I work alone!" (In other words, on his own)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Clayton McDougle
Nickname: "The Shotgun Vampire" due to his affinity for use of shotguns. "Cowboy" Due to his wearing a cowboy duster, even in 100 degree whether. Lastly "Boss" due to his always having an idea of what to do in a given situation paired with his stoic nature giving him an authoritative vibe.
Age: 150
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: A high degree of strength, speed, agility, and resilience due to him being a vampire. He turned back in the age of the Western gunslingers, so he is an excellent shot with rifles and pistols but especially with a revolver. In addition to his love of firearms, he has been perfecting his fist fighting abilities mainly through experience, without really setting on one form like just kung fu or just krav maga. Also he regenerates wounds at a quick rate depending on how well nourished he is.
Species: Vampire (My personal idea of lore for vampires. The rules regarding his weaknesses and strength are different pm me if you want details.)
Crush: He is focused primarily on the good of the world and life as a whole, too much to fool with things like romance.
Relationship: N/A
Appearance(s):6'0, short brown hair with hints of grey. Stubble all over his face. Fit body and tan but kinda hairy. He still wears his duster and cowboy hat from years ago when he was turned. Usually wears a stoic expression on his face
Personality:Calm, collect, and analytical. He appears angry, but that's just his expression. He tries to do the right thing in many situations, but also the wisest thing. Due to his lack of excitability, and the fact he never smiles, however, he comes off as cold.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): Was once a deputy somewhere in Nevada back in the late 1800s, when the "Old West" was a real thing. He will occasionally mention work before that to hint that possibly he also worked as a mercenary and or bandit before that. He turned to a vampire at some point, and he will say mages did it. He will not go into detail about it, but he harbors no resentment towards mages. He has fought in both WW1 and WW2 before deciding he just wasn't a military guy, though part of his combat prowess can be due to his military and war experience. He now works for a mercenary company known as ROSE, which is a group of soldiers for hire that the government can pay to take care of a supernatural problem.
Other: For the record, he does not burn up in sunlight, but he cannot regenerate, and his strength, speed, and agility are lowered significantly.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: He doesn't know or trust this Hunter person, but is not totally opposed to doing temp work for him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Got another one coming...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Matt
Nickname: "Mikkish the Leprechaun" as he was once called by a high school friend.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Decent athletic ability. Above average hand to hand skills and can take a real beating before going down, but far from a true martial arts master. He knows a little bit of Spanish. Good singer. Good cook. Knows a few other facts that are useful at times. On top of all this, if someone is to kill him, he will wake up somewhere close to where he died a few hours later, healthy.
Species: Human
Crush: Well he just go here, but is likely to develop one quickly
Relationship: He knows Joseph from the internet, but doesn't know yet that Joe is nearby
Appearance(s): Average build with a bit of muscle. A little stuble. Short brown hair. Green eyes. Skin a shade darker than pale. 5'11 but will just tell people he is 6 feet tall cuz "close enough, right?"
Personality: Is a happy, excitable guy in a social setting, but quiet at first. Slowly, he reveals he likes to give people shit, but all in good fun. He is willing to help out with any advice he can give, if only to feel useful. Amazed at the concept of experiencing or learning something new. In a high stress situation, he will keep his cool half the time, freak out the other half.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): After attempting to finish college but life getting in the way every time, he was finally ready to start his own life and maybe just get a career from experience or apprenticeship. One day after blacking out from overdrinking, he woke up in this strange world.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: A guy named Hunter is hiring, you mean? How much does he pay? What kinda work? I am interested, so long as it aint serving burgers for minimum wage.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Clayton accepted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

What about Matt?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: The Traveller (her real name is unknown)

Nickname: Trav

Age: She's lost count

Gender: Female

Powers/skills: The Traveller as the unique ability to craft keys out of any material. These keys open portals to other universes. The downside, however, is that it is impossible for the Traveller to craft keys for specific universes, making it completely random (think Sliders). But once she has made a key, she can use that key to travel to whatever universe it previously took her to. Also, as far as she can tell, the Traveller is unaffected by time. Finally, she can comprehend and speak any language. But while she does have these abilities, she mostly relies on her doctor's bag, a bag that leads to The Traveller's own pocket universe, which contains all the little nicknacks that she's obtained in her travels.

Species: Universe Explorer

Crush: None yet

Relationship: None yet


Personality: Well, the Traveller is described by most using words like weird, odd, unpredictable, ect. But she has really hung around with anyone long enough for them to really get to know her.

Bio: The Traveller's past is a mystery that only she knows.

Other: While the Traveller has all sorts of weapons in her bag, she often only carry's her two weapons of choice: the Bull's Whip, a bullwhip given to her as a gift by the King Ballinsar, the Minotaur ruler of a hellish universe filled with monsters, after introducing him to the invention of tea, and the Sorceress's Revolver, a revolver she stole from a sorceress bandit in a wasteland universe called the Tundra. In addition to these to items, she also has the Crystallite Katana, a blade rumored to have been used by a god to create the world of Jewel. It's said to be able to cut through anything. It's worth mentioning that in every noteworthy universe she goes to, she gives the person she interacted with most (who are more often than not badasses) small business cards with the words "The Traveller" and a phone number (232-555-2804). On the bottom right corner of the card is a strange bump, which seems to be made out of plastic glass of some kind. Its effects are unknown. Also, her bag looks like this:

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Adding a character for Hunter's side! :D

Name: Remus
Nickname: Dracula's Reincarnation, The Prince of Darkness, The Blood Prince
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: As Dracula's reincarnation he inherited all of the original Vampire Lord's powers along with ones he developed on his own. Just like the original Dracula he's extremely physically powerful, having nearly unmatched speed, strength, and durability. He can also shapeshift, disperse himself into either a mist or a swarm of bats, and knows many various kinds of magic, ranging from forbidden black magics to even more common magic such as flame-based spells. He's also a highly skilled fighter with not only his bare hands but also his claws, and various weapons. He has also been known to form a whip from his own blood to fight, catching others off guard. He's telepathic as well, especially towards other vampires.
Species: Vampire(though he's more like a Super Vampire)
Crush: None
Relationship: None
Personality: Remus, much like the original Dracula, is extremely protective over what he deems as his territory. He hates being stolen from and he despises trespassers who are attempting to attack him and his people. He's also a bit bloodthirsty, and very ruthless towards anyone he deems an enemy. He's normally a bit distant and detached towards others, tending to come off a bit cold, and sometimes arrogant with his opinion of seeing the various worlds as a place to amuse himself. He doesn't like gods very much, and finds humans amusing, though he considers those who annoy him to be pests. He also has a bit of a temper, and when he snaps he gets very violent, even killing people simply because they kept irritating him. He sees all "normal" vampires as his subjects, with a few exceptions(Price being one of them). He does tend to find strange ways to amuse himself, making people see him as evil due to his methods of both amusement and protecting his territory and property.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): Not much is known about Remus's past before awakening his powers as the second incarnation of Dracula himself. Despite being Dracula's reincarnation, the only things he has in common with the original Dracula is a fierce protectiveness over anything he sees as his territory, a ruthlessness towards enemies, and his bloodthirstiness. Other than that, there's very little in common with the original, making it a mystery as to what he's done in his life.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: Working WITH Hunter. He doesn't work for anyone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Brylle Nouin
Nickname: The Blood Mage
Age: "'tis impolite to ask a lady her age."
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: Haemomancy - can bend her blood to her will, harden it and shape it.
Bloody Love - If blood is exchanged through drinking her and the person she has exchanged blood with will become intertwined with her in fate.

Species: Human?
Crush: All Human males.
Relationship: None.
Appearance(s): TBA
Personality: Insane, but bubbly. Does not care much for others who don't meet her criteria.
Bio/history: Born to the same family as her younger brother, Brylle was always more distant. She came up with a criteria of suitable people, to which she found excluded her entire village, bar Parell. Thus she enlisted the help of darker forces to extinguish the village. She didn't know what had happened to her brother; thinking him dead, she manifested her innate power and destroyed the dark forces. Since then, she adopted Lago de Sangre Humana as her home and became its patron, extending its radius and adding to her own power.
Other: Parell's brother.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: Will meet with Hunter and ask to work with him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Ryūko Drake
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: Flight, fire-breathing, enhanced senses of hearing and smell, enhanced night vision
Species: Dragon
Crush: None
Appearance(s): Human. In dragon form, Ryūko resembles your typical Western dragon, save for her wings; these are composed of large, feather like scales. Her scales are black with a golden sheen in the sunlight. Her body is more lightly built than a male of her species, but she still stands 14 feet tall at the hip, and from nose to tail she is just over twice that length; her wingspread is equal to that.
Personality: Ryūko tends to be the quiet type, preferring the company of books and animals to the company of people (regardless of race/species). However she is polite as a general rule. But woe unto those who invoke her wrath! Despite her small frame, Ryūko can be more intimidating than she normally appears (think "Palm-top Tiger" when she's pissed off). She thinks of most males around her age to their twenties as somewhere baboon and human, and she will not indulge any moron or pervert that messes with her. Ryūko is a bit of a nerd, and loves playing video games, reading manga, watching anime, and otherwise doing anything nerdy.
Other: - Physical strength is limited in human form, but enhanced senses and fire-breathing remain usable.
- Has to hide her wings, since she can't shift them away; said wings are extremely sensitive, as wing-brushing is an intimate act usually reserved for mates.
- Ryūko has a single scale between her wings that is sensitive. In most cases, this will cause a dragon to fly into an unspeakable rage; in her case, she will collapse and sob, repeating the phrase, "I can never get married!"
Working for Hunter or on your own?: Working solo

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: While he's taken many names throughout history, his most common name is "Unnir"
Age: unknown, has possibly been around since the beginning of time itself.
Gender: Unknown, though most commonly takes a male form, despite having been known to switch genders instantly on occasion.
Powers/skills: The true nature of his abilities are unknown, even by ancient beings such as gods, though it has been confirmed that he only exists so long as he is aware of himself. He has suddenly appeared in many places across various worlds, no matter the defenses put up to stop him. He has even appeared inside of the illusions that various trickster gods have made, showing that he can enter mental realms as well. The closest description of his powers would be "I think, therefore I am," which certainly explains his apparent teleportation, regeneration, and immortality. If he thinks he's at any location at any moment, he will be at that location. Even if he's supposedly taken a mortal wound and is bleeding out on the floor and dying, so long as he believes himself to be perfectly alive and well, he will be fully healed and completely fine. When asked about his powers, he merely says that he's "everywhere and nowhere".(for those of you who recognize it, yes his powers are based off of Schrodinger from Hellsing)
Species: Unknown, though it's rumored he may be a god of some sort, despite the fact that none of the gods like him.
Crush: None
Relationship: None

Personality: Unnir is very playful and loves messing with people, though, despite not being sadistic at all, finds other peoples' embarrassment and problems to be incredibly amusing and entertaining, having fun by screwing with other people. He has a tendency to change forms, ages, and even his gender on occasion, going out of his way to confuse people, annoy them, or just outright anger them if he isn't trying to be funny.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): TBR
Working for Hunter or on your own?: By himself. He couldn't care less about stupid conflicts, just about messing with people and amusing himself. Totally neutral.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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