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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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When Ayaka avoided the blood golem that was heading for her, it promptly turned and leaped up at her, trying to attack her in the air.

The second blood creature seemed to grin as it fell into a puddle of blood and seeped into the ground, before rising up on the other side of the tree that Price was hiding behind, and formed one of its arms into a sharp spear. It then shoved its arm through the tree, attempting to stab Price.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Price just turned around when the creature came from behind him and now was about to stab him. He looked for a way to get himself out of this situation before something bad happened. He knew running anywhere would probably do him no good. Then he thought about an ability he hadn't used in forever, flying. Yeah, but I don't know how far this thing can reach. He shrugged and in an attempt to avoid the stab, he flew up into air, hoping he was out the creature's reach.

Still in cat form, Juno went behind the creature in attempt to help his friend. Hey, messy, leave him alone, will ya? He mentally face-palmed himself for his lame attempt at distracting it.

@Ninkitty @arowne97
Arin couldn't stand this and decided to warn the creature that was attacking his girlfriend. "Hey, leave my girl alone." He could feel his temper begin to rise once again, but he didn't turn yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Ayaka was still floating in the air thanks to wind keeping her levitated. The creature of course decided to suddenly turn and come after her. Again. Only this time in the air. What? It's trying to attack me when I'm in my own element? She had no idea what the could possibly mean, but it didn't matter right now. She simply had the wind carry her further up into the air and sent huge gusts of wind at it. She could tell this was upsetting Arin, however. That's when she saw something in the sky. It looked like an explosion of sorts.

"What? There are still others here?" But what if that was meant to lure them over there? It was in the general direction these creatures came from after all.


Luna managed to pull a little water out and was quite happy with herself. It wasn't much, but it wasn't bad for her first time trying something either. She made the water swirl around her while trying to find where the second creature was. Where was that vampire who didn't like blood for that matter? Deciding there was no point in focusing on something she didn't know the location of, Luna turned her attention back to the other creature who was still after her friend.

She couldn't see exactly what it was that Ayaka saw, but she heard what sounded like an explosion in the distance. Just what was going on anyway? First these creatures, now an explosion that pretty much screamed someone else was about.

"I'm not sure how good an idea it is, but....they'd come find us anyway if that explosion was meant as a trap. So we mind as well go see who or what set it off."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 4 days ago

The blood golem fired a blast of blood at Price, before turning and swiping at Juno with claws it just formed.

The other blood golem was splattered all over the area by the gusts of wind. The blood then seemed to vibrate before it all flew at Ayaka at once.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Juno just dodged the claws. I have claws too. Well in this form, I do. However, he knew a fight of claws would probably be a waste of time. Instead, he decided to make it look as if he were running, attempting to get the thing to chase it to somewhere, anywhere away from his friend.

Price started looking fearful as the the creature shot some blood at him. He covered his nose once again while in the air. He turned his head for a second when he heard an explosion, but he had his problems deal with right now. Not now... He thought as he felt his demon trying to come out. He quickly flew away as far as he could from the blast.

When Arin saw the blood flying at his girlfriend, his anger worsened by the minute and he could even feel himself growling by now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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The blood creature, instead of attacking Juno, turned and leaped into the air at Price when it saw Juno appearing to run away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Doesn't even want to bother reforming itself huh?" Ayaka said slightly amused and slightly annoyed all the same time. Kind of made her wonder who summoned these things. It obviously wasn't Hunter. She knew her friend's powers probably wouldn't be quick enough to deal with this. She saw how much Luna struggled just to pull that little bit of water she pulled out the blood earlier after all. All Ayaka was able to do at this point was surround herself in a shield of strong winds and hoped it kept most if not all of the blood away from her.

@Framing A Moose@MikkishtheLeprechaun

Luna noticed how everyone seemed to be quite busy. Her friend did notice the explosion, but Ayaka was obviously too busy to deal with it. No one else seemed too interested in it. That or they didn't even notice. Whatever the case, someone had to go see what it was even if they didn't get to go see as a group.

"Well, I'm going to go where that explosion came from. So anyone who wants to come along is welcome to." She spoke to the group to anyone actually listening and froze the water she had swirling around her before throwing it at the blood. There was no point in keeping the water anyway.

She took off in the direction the explosion came from in hopes that someone would decide to follow her. If no one followed her, then there was nothing she could do about that. She turned into a white cat to help get through the forest quicker. The smell of blood, of course grew stronger with each step, which totally annoyed her.

Before long, Luna saw two people and turned back to human form. Well mind as well try talking to them right? "Hello?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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The blood, after being blown away again, formed into multiple sharp, solid spikes of crystalized blood as it shot at Ayaka.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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The blood creature, instead of attacking Juno, turned and leaped into the air at Price when it saw Juno appearing to run away.

Juno smirked as he continued his 'run'. That's right, just look at me instead of him. He wasn't sure long he could keep this up, but kept going anyway. He would do whatever it took to save his friend.

Price cursed under his breath as he saw it leap at him and then stop to look at his neko friend. He knew he was trying to help, but as long as this thing stayed in his presence, he would eventually turn no matter what. It's scent was strong enough to do that. I've got to get away from this thing. He knew if he lost control of the demon, it would only cause more problems.

Arin had tried to warn that creature to stop messing with girlfriend once with words and again with a growl. Of course, it seemed to be either ignoring him or just not noticing. It will notice soon if it doesn't stop hurting her. He was burning anger by this point and his growling got louder this time. He went under his transformation into a gigantic dinosaur once again. He was glaring daggers at the blood that was aiming at his girlfriend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 4 days ago

It seemed to grin, just before it exploded, sending blood splattered everywhere.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I didn't know how long or how far I had ran. However, I came across something interesting... an old abandoned cabin. The windows were dusty and cracked, vines were creeping up the walls along the rotted wood, it seemed like no one had touched this place in years. I walked up to the door and twisted the doorknob, the door opened with a rather ominous creak. I walked inside and peered within the gloomy cabin. It was a bit hard to see, since the moonlight was barely coming in through the dusty windows. However, I could make out the silhouette of a table and a few objects on top of it.

I cautiously walked inside, the floor seemed to groan in protest of the new weight it had to bear. I hoped that it wouldn't give out on me while I was searching. I walked over to the table and through the gloom, I managed to make out a matchbox lying on the table and a candlestick sitting on the corner of the table. I picked up the matches and pulled one out, it didn't feel damp, so hopefully it'll ignite. I struck it against the box and watched the flame burst to life. I leaned over to the candle and lit the wick after a little bit. I blew the match out and picked up the candle holder.

I turned around and looked at the cabin. I could make out much more detail now thanks to what little light the candle gave me. There was an old rocking chair in the corner next to a fireplace covered in dust and filled with ash. In the other corner, there were a bunch of old rusty tools, farming equipment, I think, there's a hoe, a scythe, and a watering can. I guess whoever stayed here tried their hand at gardening. On one side of the room there was an old bed that looks like it no one had slept in it for a long time, it might be a good place to rest my head for the evening... so long as it isn't infested with bugs. At the foot of the bed was a chest. I opened it only to find it full of men's clothing. Though, most of this stuff probably wouldn't fit me, too big, plus it looks like it's full of holes.

On the other side, next to the table was a cabinet. I searched through the drawers and cupboards. It was filled with plates, bowls, and cutlery, along with some more candles and another box of matches. I grabbed them and set them down on the table. Next to the cabinet there was an old fashioned wood stove, again filled with ash, but I'm pretty sure that I saw some logs outside, if I find some food, I can cook it here.

I took one last look around the cabin. Strange... there's something missing... A place to store food... and somewhere to store weapons, in a place like this, I'd be damned if anyone would stay in this god forsaken forest without some kind of protection. After a little bit of searching I found a trapdoor. I guess that's where they would prepare anything that they caught, keep their weapons, and probably used it for storage as well. I'm definitely not going down there though. With my luck there's something very horrifying down there and I'm not going to act like the dumb ass teenager in a horror flick going down into an enclosed area where there may be something dangerous lurking inside with no real means of escape after the fact.

In front of the table there was an old chair, it didn't look that comfortable, and god knows if the wood's rotted. But, as long as I don't do anything to put any extra stress on the chair's legs, then it might hold up... I slid it out from the table and sat down. I would just wait here for the others. If they didn't come by sunrise... if there is a sun here... then I would go search for them back where they were fighting. Then... if there was no one there... or worse... then I would just continue on my own. Not a big deal.

I wiped off a bit of dust from the window in front of me and looked into the gloomy forest beyond. "Why did this happen to me? I'm... nobody. I'm not special, I don't see why I would be dragged into this hell. I haven't done anything to anyone. I stick to myself..." My vision began to blur, I covered my face with my hands and began to sob softly. No one was around now. I could let it all out. "...Why...?!" My body shook with each shaky breath. "Why!?" I knew no one would answer me. No one could hear me right now. Everyone was off fighting while I was having my private pity party. Being useless and being safe while they all risked their lives.

I eventually clasped my hands together and put my forehead against it. I wasn't very religious, I hardly prayed, I never went to church, never read the Bible or any other religious text. But, it was the only thing worth trying at this point. "God, or whatever deity might take an interest in a lowly being such as myself. Please, let me just go home. Please... Please save me...!" I eventually unclasped my hands and leaned back in my chair, staring out the window, waiting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Jyden watched as Joe ran off and was considering doing the same thing. He did have powers of his own, but doubted they would be of any use here. He didn't want to feel like a stalker, but he wanted to follow. Forget about him and let me enjoy this. Jyden just sighed in annoyance. Yeah, not happening. He decided to take the same path Joe took, not sure how long it would take to get there.

It seemed to grin, just before it exploded, sending blood splattered everywhere.

When the blood it sent starting splattering everywhere, Price didn't know what else to do. He wasn't a fighter so in a way, he was also pretty useless(XD). This flying away isn't helping at all. He knew it was risky, but he just lowered himself to ground and settled on running for his life. "Get away from me, you, well whatever the heck you are!" He shouted while still fleeing from the creature.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 4 days ago

The creature reformed and chased after Price, making a sound similar to laughing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I leapt back instinctively as the Traveller shot her revolver.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted, looking around frantically. In her own words, she was seriously trying to get others to come attack us. This was what it was. My punishment. Punishment for thinking I was a badass all this time.

I always envisioned myself in a dangerous situation beating up an armed enemy, taking the gun, and going on to kill everything else that threatened my life. Sometimes I imagined cartoons of myself in which a dangerous monster appeared before me right before the scene cut to one of the monster being horribly beaten or ripped apart. No epic battle, just two scenes to show what a bad idea attacking me was.

But of course, now it was actually happening. I wanted to run, but they could come from anywhere. I began shaking. I was in a panic. Shit was coming, to eat me, or skin me alive, or god knows.

There was no real place to hide, so I did the next best thing. The Traveller was looking in one direction. I got up behind her, and face opposite. Knowing I couldn't really fight, as I had some martial arts training but no literal combat experience, I crouched down to make myself less visible. I couldn't breathe normally, and my whole body was quivering out of control, but I resolved I could at least warn if something was coming.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Unnir had been observing this world for awhile, trying to decide if he could entertain himself with this world, and he grinned when he saw the perfect pranking opportunity. He appeared crouched beside the guy who was obviously scared@MikkishtheLeprechaun, and whispered, "What are we hiding from?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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@MikkishtheLeprechaun@Framing A Moose@arowne97
Assuming they didn't hear her, Luna walked closer to them. She raised her eyebrow at the one trying to hide and obviously failing seeing as how she wasn't the only one who spotted him. Unless both of them were in fact hiding, which she doubted. Only one of them seemed to be human. Great. Just what they needed. ANOTHER human scared of everything around him. Oh well. It can't really be helped.

"Hello to the three of you. I'm Luna. Were one of you the source of that explosion in the sky earlier?"


Well that was interesting. The blood crystallized itself? Ayaka didn't really have to do much at this point as Arin transformed..again. Only this time it was because of whoever summoned these creatures in the first place, which she knew couldn't have been Hunter. Anyway, the blood pretty much exploded splattering it everywhere. Ayaka surrounded herself in her winds again before lowering slowly closer to the ground. Amazing how two creatures split everyone up.

Which reminded her. Where exactly was the other creature. "Anyone know where the other one went off to?" She was worried about Arin, of course, but there was still another one of these dumb things about and she doubted it went back where it came from.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Unnir had been observing this world for awhile, trying to decide if he could entertain himself with this world, and he grinned when he saw the perfect pranking opportunity. He appeared crouched beside the guy who was obviously scared@MikkishtheLeprechaun, and whispered, "What are we hiding from?"

I flinched when someone suddenly appeared right beside me. I paused. This person, probably actually some monster, knew I was trying to hide, and just...out of nowhere was already right next to me.

I looked at him, taking a stern expression. Anyone could see I was afraid, but I still wanted to hide it as much as I could, and not give him the satisfaction.

"Who are you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Arin noticed how the blood crystallized itself which totally made the idea of using his ice breath useless. He could always do something with his tail instead if he had to.

Price didn't know how long this was going to last, but he kept running, not caring where he ended up as long he didn't run into anything else that involved humans or their blood. He could still feel his demon trying its hardest to come out, but he did his best to hold it back for as long as possible.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Unnir pouted, and totally ignored the girl speaking to them. "Aw, I was hoping you'd at least do something more than flinching..." He sighed. "Well, I guess it can't be helped. I have many names, but for now you can call me Unnir." He grinned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The Traveler, hearing two new voices, spun around, with her revolver at the ready. She let a loud sigh of annoyance as she saw the source of one of the voices. "Hello Unnir. What is it that brings you to the same universe as I once again?" she asked before turning to the source of the other, more feminine voice. "Hello. Might you be able to tell me where the nearest settlement is?"
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