Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Ayaka noticed this creature no longer seemed to be doing anything? She sighed not knowing where the other was and that at least 4 in the group ran off elsewhere. She knew Luna planned to be back. "Well this got crazy quickly. Is everyone ok?"


@arowne97@MikkishtheLeprechaun@Framing A Moose
Luna was about to dump water over the heads of the two ignoring her. It wasn't like she was so far away that they couldn't hear or see her. Besides, it was rude to ignore someone. The woman spoke before she did, however, and seemed to know one of them yet not seem too happy to see him.

At the very least , she didn't ignore Luna. "I wish I could, but myself and several others are just as lost as you seem to be. I can take you to where they are though."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Arin had been angry, but he didn't really get to do anything so he just calmed himself down enough to turn back before turning to his girlfriend. "I am now, not sure on everyone else though."

Not sure whether or not he was still being chased, Price stopped running for a bit to rest a little. That was close. He looked around to see where his run had led him. He could tell he was still in the forest, but looking back, he saw he was well away from the group. Unless that creature comes back, I'll just rest here.

Juno had trying to catch up with his friend only to end up lagging behind him and the thing that was probably still chasing Price.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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The creature that was chasing Price discreetly sunk into the ground, before rising up behind him as a puddle, and staying like that, just to tempt him.

@Framing A Moose
"Entertainment, of course," Unnir said, before turning to the neko.@Ninkitty "I haven't even found a city yet. I did see a few other cool places though. Like a large wasteland full of monsters. And the base of this necromancer guy. He even has a shadow dinosaur!" he grinned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Just when he thought he was safe, Price caught the same scent as before and turned around only see a puddle of blood. He back away from it only to back into a tree. Wish this stuff would just disappear. He covered his nose once more to block the smell, but like that ever really worked for him. Wait, where's Juno? He could feel his demon trying even harder to come out now. "Someone get this darn thing away from me!" Though he doubted anyone would hear him from here.

Still in cat form, Juno had lost track of the both of them. Ugh, where'd they go? He wondered as he slowed to walk. Great, no way of helping now if I get lost in here. He just sighed in frustration as he walked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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The creature took form and pounced at Price, seeming to form a wide grin on its face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Deon noticed his usual target was now gone. Well, might as well see where he went. He used his invisibility once again as he went in search of Price. Hehe, can't wait to see him in demon form. He continued walking.

Now I feel cornered. Price thought as the creature pounced at him which was only making it harder for him control the demon. I really hope there are no humans around me right now.(XD). And that was the last thought he would have for awhile since he felt the demon start to overpower him. "....no...." The 'no' wasn't to the creature, but more to himself.

Juno had somehow gotten himself lost and wasn't sure how to get back on the right path. Maybe I can ask someone for guidance. He continued walking, hoping to find a person or thing to do just that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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I slowly stood up, calming down a bit as I did. These people didn't seem inclined to attack or kill me and this Traveler, but it could be a trick, I should remain cautious.

"So...do any of you know where this is, whats with this bloody lake, and why this girl keeps talking about other dimensions?" I looked at the girl with the cat ears. Must have been fake.

"...Did you just come from a Halloween party or something?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

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The Traveler holstered her gun, but did not completely relax, when the cat girl seemed to have no violent intentions. She knew Unnir would not do any serious harm, and the young man seemed too confused to be a threat, so seeing the neko's harmlessness was relieving. She then turned back to Unnir. "Of course. Why else would you ever go anywhere. You know, you should really find a purpose in life. Dancing around and causing trouble isn't going to entertain you forever." she said, before turning to the young man. "I said nothing of the sort. I said that there are multiple universes, not dimensions. Although in some universes, there are multiple dimensions. But that's a lesson for another day." Finally, she turned to the cat girl. "Yes, if you could do that, it'd be great."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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@MikkishtheLeprechaun@arowne97@Framing A Moose
Yep. They had another confused human alright. Luna had an idea why he'd be asking if she'd just came from a Halloween party. "Actually, Mr. The ears are real. And as this nice lady here says. There are other worlds or universes as she puts them." Luna had no idea what to think of Unnir, however he did mention something interesting.

"I don't know how I feel about a wasteland full of monsters, but I have a friend that seems to know who the necromancer you speak of is. She doesn't seem to like him very much, however."

She looked over back at the Traveler. "Ok. They are this way." Luna started walking back in the direction she had come from.


"I'm not sure either. Well the ones that took off when this started, I've no idea where they are. But Luna went in this direction." Ayaka started walking where Luna ran to. "Hopefully, by now she'll be heading back and we could meet up with her and whoever else soon, then we can worry about the others that were with us.."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Arin nodded in agreement to her as he followed beside her. He didn't seem to have anything to say though. He just hoped he and his girlfriend wouldn't get messed with again. He continued following beside her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

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I shivered softly and zipped up my jacket, I put my hands in my pockets and yawned softly. There wasn't really much to do in the cabin. Well, except explore the basement, but I'd really rather not do that... then I thought about it. What if someone were to attack me while I was waiting here? I didn't have anything to defend myself with...

I got up and walked over to the corner where the farming tools were. I picked up the scythe. It was old, the blade was dull and rusted, but it was something. I could at least cause some kind of damage with it if someone were to try and attack me. I walked back to the desk and set the scythe against the wall next to the desk. "I feel... a little bit safer I guess."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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I paused. Clearly these people were either insane, or there was something seriously fucked up going on.

"Alright..." I said. I looked around at everyone conversing. They weren't focused on me, so that was a relief. More evidence that this wasn't some punishing afterlife.

"If this is some other fucked up dimension, how did I get here and how do I go back?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Unnir rose an eyebrow at the guy. "Dimensional travel isn't that simple for most. Well, unless you have an ability like mine, of course. Or the Traveler over there." He almost casually twirled the fancy cane he was holding. "Sorry about your luck, but you're stuck here until you get sent back whatever way you came."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


As soon as the cat girl confirmed to the young man that there were, in fact, multiple universes, The Traveler seemed to get lost in her thoughts. After a few moments, she began to speak. "So if one of you knows of the other universes, but the other one doesn't, that means one of you doesn't belong here. And because this young neko does not seem surprised by this lake of blood, I assume this universe is her home." she said before turning to the girl. "We will follow you as soon as you tell me the name of this planet." she said, before her face flushed lightly at the young man's words. "The word you're looking so desperately for is universe!" she said in a frustrated tone, before taking a deep breath. "Look, think of reality as an apartment complex. Each apartment is a different universe. And in those apartments are different rooms. These are called planes, or dimensions. Understand?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Guess what. Jyden was halfway there when Darth said that. He stopped right in the middle of the pathway. I think I already know. Great, now he needed somewhere to hide. I can't let myself transform out here in the open. He couldn't continue following the cute one(Joe), he just sighed and went to turn back, but then that would be causing the group more problems. He looked around for a good hiding spot, one that would keep Darth from being able hurt anyone. It won't matter where you hide, it'll be my turn soon. Yes, I know, now shut up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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@Framing A Moose@arowne97@MikkishtheLeprechaun
Luna was honestly not sure what to make of this human. Then of course the woman assumed she's from here since she wasn't surprised by the lake. She sighed and turned to face the lady. "Actually, I'm not surprised by the lake because myself and everyone in the group I was with were already aware that it was here. I honestly don't even know if I'm in the same world that I'm originally from so I can't really tell you what planet this is."

She waited a moment while this woman spoke to the human who seemed rather clueless about everything. Luna was patient, but really this was getting ridiculous. "There's something you should know about the forest though. We only just figured this out recently, but it's pretty much a living a forest, and it seems that necromancer has a lot to do with it. And if that lake isn't any indication, I'd say he has others with him."

Then she looked at Unnir who seemed quite interested in the necromancer a bit ago. "And to be quite honest. The necromancer and his little friends are bad news really. "

Luna turned around and started walking again hoping this time they would be willing to follow her. After all, there are other problems that need to be solved after those blood creatures. That and many of the others were tired, herself included.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

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The Traveler gave a small nod. She then looked at Matt. "Follow us young man. I get the feeling that you will not survive here on your own." she said, before looking to Unnir. "Unnir, you may stay if you'd like. Actually, I think you should stay. This young woman is tired, and we need none of your childish games." she then spun around and followed the neko. "So what planet do you originally originate from? And how the hell did you get here? It's not like you can just cook up a portal with the ingredients you have in your kitchen."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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@Ninkitty@Framing A Moose
Unnir followed, grinning as he turned into a small fox kit and hopped up on The Traveler's head, laying there like a lazy cat would. "So mean to me..." he mumbled, in response to her comment about his 'childish games'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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I felt slightly insulted. What? Was everyone else in every other dimension some video game and anime badass? Yes, I was human, but humans are violent, crazy motherfuckers...weren't we?

I was going to explain how I was perfectly aware of the concept of different dimensions when someone told Unmir to stay and not follow.

"Wait, we're gonna just leave this guy in the middle of some fucked up forest?" I was actually hoping to figure out where Unmir got his outfit specifically the top hat and cane. But then he turned into a fox.

"Alright look, I get that im the only one without powers but you guys gotta rub it in my face so much?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Unnir looked at the human. "Even gods have trouble with things like dimensional travel so don't take it personally. I can just be anything and anywhere just by thinking of it. And there's lots of badass humans! I mean, just look at certain anime like One Piece, or Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple. Many of the characters in those are just normal humans who kick tons of ass. Well, the non-Devil Fruit users in One Piece anyways.
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