Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A New Dawn

A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away...

The Emperor is dead, and with him Lord Vader and the second Death Star destroyed. The Empire lost an incredible number of its assets during the Battle of Endor, and the scattered remnants are struggling to put together any organised resistance to the rising New Republic. Across the galaxy, countless people are taking up arms against Imperial oppression, taking the death of Emperor Palpatine as a sign of the Empire's true end.

Roughly a month has passed since the decisive Battle of Endor, and while the New Republic's military keeps itself occupied with mopping up what remains of the Empire, and securing territory throughout the galaxy, the Senate has begun to establish itself properly. Wishing to extend an olive branch to worlds in order to bring them into the fold of the New Republic, the Senate has begun to dispatch Senators and Ambassadors to outlying worlds.

The war is still very much raging however, and while the heroes of the rebellion involve themselves in other matters, it's up to you to pick a side, and help decide the fate of the galaxy.


Setting: The Galaxy Far, Far Away
Time Frame: One Month after the Battle of Endor
Rp Tags: Sci-fi, Fandom, Space Opera, High Casual, Large Group, Character Driven, Military, Slice-Of-Life
Type Of RP: An original story set shortly after the Original Trilogy, in the period of the collapsing Empire and rising New Republic before the Battle of Jakku.

The RP will follow two opposing groups; The Empire and the Crew of The Raven.

The Empire is in decline, having lost control entirely over many of the core worlds, either having them taken by the New Republic, or engulfed by riots and civil war following the Emperor's death. Many of the Moffs and Governors have turned against eachother, splitting much of the Empire into factions across the galaxy, only making it easier for the rising New Republic to mop up what remains.

Much of the still-organized Empire has shifted its focus to its previously ignored Outer Rim worlds, tightening their grip on those worlds and using them to hide and regroup more than anything as they seek some way to come back from their crushing defeat at Endor. Many of these rim planets are too far out for the New Republic, still fairly unestablished, to assist, and so most who live there are trapped under the iron grip of the Imperial remnant, although rebellion still forms, and the New Republic military attempts to assist these rebels as well as they can.

A New Republic senator has been sent to join the Crew of the Raven for their diplomatic missions. Some of those aboard the Raven are members of the New Republic, and of the old Rebellion, but some are just hired help or crew, working mostly as smugglers. Not all of those aboard have particularly allegiances either way in the war, but the ship is at least contracted by the New Republic to assist in their diplomatic work. A varied bunch, they are certainly not all soldiers, and their experience of the war is vastly different to most others. But, they do stick together - whether it's because of the credits, the mission, or each other.

While both sides in this RP will have an overall goal before them, there are various other tasks for them to complete toward the war effort. It is up to you which side you want to play, but any character can switch sides. (Given the right circumstances) - the way things go in this RP is up to you!

The Empire is desperately searching the galaxy for any leg up they can get in the war, while the New Republic remains confident that it is only a matter of time until their victory. However, the Empire may now be less organized and in fewer numbers, but they still hold the upper hand in most basic regards - their use of slave labour provides them with a fairly steady revenue of supply, and their Star Destroyers remain as dangerous and powerful as always. They may be down, but they are certainly not completely out of the war just yet.

The fate of the galaxy rests on your shoulders, what information, supplies and alliances you can broker for your given side will depend. Whether you're a soldier, a senator, a pilot or just someone along for the ride, life isn't easy in the Galaxy far, far away, and every day will be a fight to survive. Things may seem good for the New Republic, but it is still mostly a government and military of smugglers, rebels and criminals, disorganized and burdened by the rigors of democracy. The Empire is in decline, and that is clear to all - mistrust and infighting plagues the remnant, and it is hard to trust anyone left.

The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance, how will you help to affect the coming months?

Cast Of Characters

These roles aren't set in stone, but exist mostly to give you a vague idea of the kind of characters available to you. As long as it fits, you are welcome to play near any kind of character. (Although, no force sensitives) If you have any concerns that your character might not fit too well, just run it by me first so I can make sure that the role fits and works. Unfilled roles will be assigned to NPC's until they are taken.

Crew of The Raven:
  • Captain - Luke Teth (Pundii)
  • Second - Sutton Corandel (Morose)
  • Pilot
  • Mercenary
  • Mechanic
  • Medical
  • Senator - Corrina Sorovia (Fluorescent)
  • Other
  • Other

The Empire:
  • Captain
  • TIE Ace
  • Stormtrooper
  • ISB Agent
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Medical
  • Intelligence
  • Other
  • Other

The Galaxy

The known galaxy is vast, and although a great deal of the Galactic West remains mostly unexplored, that which has been is separated into a series of sectors. For ease of reference, use this guide. - The Galaxy

The Core Worlds:
  • Coruscant: Also known as Imperial Center during the reign of the Empire - was the seat of government for the Old Republic, Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire, and the homeworld of the human species. Much of the world is involved in a planetary civil war between Imperial remnants and New Republic sympathizers.
  • Chandrila: The homeworld of the New Republic's leader - Mon Mothma, and the capital of the New Republic. Chandrila serves as the seat of the newly formed Galactic Senate, and a relative safe haven from the ongoing war.
  • Hosnian Prime: A world under the control of the New Republic, a large center of commerce and political involvement for the New Republic.
  • Corellia: Corellia is a world under conflict between the Empire and the New Republic, and a major metropolitan center. Corellia is known for its ace pilots and large starships.
  • Kuat: Still under Imperial control, Kuat is a vital shipbuilding and industrial planet known for the Kuat Drive Yards. Kuat serves as the most important ship-building center in the galaxy for the Empire.

The Mid Rim:
  • Naboo: A bountiful planet, Naboo is the home to the Gungan species and a member of the New Republic. Naboo's government exists as an Elective monarchy, and was the homeworld to the late Emperor Palpatine
  • Kashyyyk: A world engulfed in open rebellion and ongoing war, Kashyyyk is the Wookiee homeworld, and was a slave world under the Empire. Since the Battle of Endor most Wookiee slaves have risen up against the Imperials along with New Republic assistance.
  • Dathomir: A remote, neutral planet, Dathomir was the home to the nightsisters and nightbrothers. Dathomir was the location of much conflict during the Clone Wars, and there are many sinister stories surrounding the world.

The Outer Rim:
  • Akiva: Akiva has become a major center of Imperial control in the Outer Rim territories, considering its remote nature, the New Republic pays little attention to the world as it stands, and is oblivious to the Imperial presence.
  • Ryloth: Homeworld to the Twi'lek species, Ryloth suffered severely under Imperial oppression and still does. A failed assassination attempt on the Emperor and Lord Vader in the early years of the empire only tightened the Empire's grip. Pockets of rebellion have sprung up, and the New Republic is planning an offensive to take the world.
  • Tatooine: The homeworld to Anakin and Luke Skywalker, Tatooine is a sparsely inhabited desert planet, and equal parts the most and least important world in the galaxy. Controlled by the Hutts, the Empire makes regular expeditions to the world, as does the New Republic.
  • Dantooine: A grassy world populated mostly by farmers, Dantooine is famous for having previously been the home to numerous Jedi temples and enclaves. It is one of the only worlds in the galaxy where lightsaber crystals grow naturally, and once served as the base of the Rebellion
  • Yavin IV: Once the headquarters of the Rebel Alliance, it was above Yavin IV that the first Death Star was destroyed. A jungle world, it lies under New Republic control, and is still scattered with ruins and debris from the Death Star.

The Unknown Regions:
  • Rakata Prime: Also known as Lehon, Rakata Prime served as the capital world of the ancient Infinite Empire, which created incredibly powerful super weapons, stations and starships which still exist to this day, despite their rarity.
  • Ilum: Ilum is an ice covered world which was mostly forgotten after the destruction of the Jedi Order. Important to the Jedi, Ilum was one of the only, and the most major source of lightsaber crystals in the Galaxy.


*I know these rules may seem like a fair bit, but they are enforced - take the time to read through them all and make sure you understand them.

  • Gm Is God
    • Gm has final say on all matters
    • Gm does check on posting and log in habits
  • This is a New Canon RP, that means if it's restricted to Legends, it didn't happen, keep that mind!
  • CS Sheet Provided Must Be Used
    • Use code provided below
    • Do not submit WIP's - Final CS's only
    • Post CS for approval in OOC
    • Only GM approved CS's allowed in CS Tab
    • You cannot use a character or a Face Claim from the Movies! (Or other media) - Aliens and Droids are exempt from this unless it is in certain cases (i.e. Thrawn)
    • NO Force Sensitives!
    • Any Mandalorian character will be subject to heavy scrutiny, most of the time when I see Mandalorians role played it is done incorrectly or they're generally overpowered. You are welcome to create one, but know they will be limited, and heavily scrutinized.
    • Change color code to one not in use or one that is close to another characters; this is to help better keep things easy to read during collabs.
    • May not use white
  • Characters can and will die! You have been warned! It can happen at anytime without warning, it is all left to the luck of the roll for this. LLA is strong. (A back up character to bring in is highly recommended!)
  • This is a slice of life "style" rp; which to me means the following -
    • Real Life cause and effect will be in place
    • Realistic Character Sheets Only
    • Backgrounds must be reasonable! The younger the character, the less you know. Remember this! No Prodigies!
    • Skills listed must be reflected in the character history
    • Minimal Character Age is 21 For This
  • Language - No Filters
  • Romance - Pg-13, then fade to black
  • Follow All Forum Rules
  • Communication is Key
  • Posting Habits
    • Minimal of 2 well developed paragraphs per post
    • Must IC post once every 7 days, if your IC counter ticks to day 8, you are booted without question or warning. - I will warn people once before they reach day 7, after that, it's your job to keep on top of it
    • I do not accept no inspiration as a reason not to post
    • Keep up with all IC and OOC posts
    • No spamming OOC
    • Minimal 2 posts between your last
    • Know your personal posting limitations before applying to join
    • If you cannot post, you must contact the GM and make them aware, you will be granted extra time to post (do not take advantage of this) - I realize real life comes first but you know your schedule better than anyone, if you join it is your responsibility to keep up and not hold up the rest of the Rpers. You must contact me by day 5 on your counter if you need an extension.
    • No collabs may be started after day 5 of either persons counters, collabs must be posted by 7 seven or either Rpers. If your partner vanishes, post what you have before your clock runs out.
  • Spots are not first come first serve
    • Gm will review completed CS first
    • Gm will review previous Rp's and posting habits
    • Gm will then notify you if you are approved
  • You may use characters from previous RP's but must ask GM before hand if it is okay and CS must redone to fit the one provided.
  • Do NOT post WIP CS's!!!!! (Auto denial)
    • You may Rp up to 2 characters - though try to keep the balance between male and female
    • If you wish to Rp more than 2 characters, contact the GM for a "review" process.
    • Once Cs's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS
    • PM other approved characters to work out your relations.
    • No Preshipped couples!
  • Read through Rpers Guide To Etiquette to know the kind of expectations for you and myself - Shoutout to Lady A for the wonderful guide!
  • Under Extras in your CS please post a link to a post you have done in the past to show you have read the rules AND your favorite one of the movies!


*Under skills you must pick from the list provided on the pdf linked here (Scroll down a bit, they start on page 15). Remember, check the rules for specifics - No Force Sensitives (Seriously, can't stress this enough), no prodigies, make your skills match your history and so forth.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

So in! :D I'll make Sutton into the second for the Raven.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arcarius
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Arcarius A Ghost among the Stars

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I'm interested, and I'll keep an eye on it
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interested says I... even though the CS sheet is HUUUUUUUGE as hell lol. (Not like Im complaining that much. I'll see what I can do)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Also @Morose, I take it you got your gifs and pics from this one Tumblr site... I used to know it but then I forgot. Remind me what that site is called again?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Lmpkio Google actually ^^;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Lmpkio Google actually ^^;

Oh, nvm then lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


All looks good to me, I'll mark the position of Second as yours :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Pundii Cool! I'll probably do some tweaking to her likes and dislikes, little edits to make her more sci-fi oriented.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
Avatar of Lmpkio

Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

My profile is taking a very long time to make lol. Hopefully I'll have most/all of the stuff done soon...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

*Pants* Finally... it's complete... may change the theme song... for an obvious reason maybe... but yeah... time for some sleep.

*Plops on bed and falls asleep*

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


A few things, you need to change your starting location to the Raven if you're with the New Republic, Tatooine is for the Empire.

Also, you've missed an important part in your profile, check the rules, then have a look back at your "Anything Else" section.

I'll hopefully have a proper OOC up tomorrow sometime.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fluorescent

fluorescent can't change her bio and she's g r u m p y

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ooh, can I jump in on this, too?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Of course! The more, the merrier!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fluorescent

fluorescent can't change her bio and she's g r u m p y

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Pundii Awesome! I aim to have a CS done within the next couple days, at the longest, though I'll most likely have it done within the next 24 hours. Probably gonna go for the Medical or Senator slot on the Raven, depending on how the character creation goes.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Pundii Hrm, now this looks like fun. Gonna check my schedule now that things are calming down and the kids are in school. See if I take on one more RP >.>
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Looks very interesting, but I'm still a fairly new RPer so I don't want to get in the way of anyone here :/
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Shadow Daedalus

I've taken a gander through your posts and what-not, you'd be welcome to join if you are interested, not to worry about getting in anyone's way. ^^

On another topic, i've completed my own CS and there's a link in the original post if anyone would like to take a look.

Once again, i'm hoping to have the OOC up sometime tomorrow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fluorescent

fluorescent can't change her bio and she's g r u m p y

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Do you ever think to yourself, "Oh yeah, I'll take my time on this CS, go little by little at a time while I clean my apartment today," and then you start writing, and it's all downhill from there? Because that's an accurate description of what I just did.
CS: 1, Apartment cleaning: 0

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