Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blu
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Blu ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀꜱ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You will find no redemption in these lands."

Personal Information
Name: Arryn Flynt
Alias: Flynt; Flynt of Tusa; The Pyromancer
Sex: Male
Age: 39
Date of Birth: October 28
Race: Human

Combat Information
Mage Status: Yes
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Death is a lot like water. Except most people cant swim and drown in it. I am one of the few that can. In fact I can't drown because I can breathe that water."

Personal Information
Name: Jason Faye
Alias: Dead Hand
Sex: Male
Age: He is stuck at the age of 18, but currently he has existed for 27 years as of now.
Date of Birth: 10/10
Race: Human Warlock-Necromancer
Appearance: A fair skinned, well fit body standing 5'11. He has large blue eyes, a slightly large nose, and smooth pale lips. He has dark brown hair messy and unkept, with a bang going down the left side. His signature outfit is a cowboy hat, blue bandana from the middle of the nose to the neck, a slim black overcoat over a grey cotton shirt and black pants.

Biography: TBA
Combat Information
Mage Status: Yes
Phantom Magnum:
.357 black magnum revolver with a brown leather holster.

Ghost Slayer

A steel 20" machete with a black grip, and a serrated edge.


-Reanimation: He can regenerate or restore his body to perfect condition, even if his body is already deceased. If is body is completely destroyed he can recreate his body from other organic matter.

-Body Manipulation: Though he has little skill with this ability, he can shift his body arrangement around, temporarily grow limbs and other deformities, or instantly decay his own body. This ability is best used when he's dead, as it tends to be very painful if he's using it alive.

Resurrection: He can reanimate a dead corpse into a zombie. The corpse can be almost any once living thing but he can only control 1 zombie at a time. When he looses control of that zombie, it will crumble into a pile of rot.

Life Transfer: He can take away organic material and decay a nonliving target with an exception of his own body or plants, and transfer that into regenerating another target's body. This can heal many wounds and injuries even loss limbs or organs.

Bio-alchemy: He can change biomatter down to the very molecules and DNA that makes up the target into any other form of biomatter. However this cannot be performed on anything too large or alive with the exception of plants. The only thing he knows how to do with this is turn something into an apple, or make his body and clothing

Ghost Blade: Jason's machete becomes intangible to all but living flesh, essentially bypassing armor and other blades to cut the flesh of his opponents directly.

Ghostbane: When casted with concentration, Jason's next shot becomes intangible, in fact it does no damage, passing right through a body like air with no damage to the flesh or blood. Instead the bullet temporarily "knocks out" the soul or spirit inhabiting the body, rendering someone essentially unconscious for a few minutes. However he needs to be dead accurate with the shot and it takes a few minutes to charge up the spell. Alternatively this can be used to put spirits or ghosts back to rest or exorcise bodies from being possessed by a demonic or spiritual source.

Note: Over exhausting these abilities will keep him inactive for the next hundred years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ML
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ML Attempted Polymath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Some days, you gotta ask yourself: 'Is the reward here really worth the risk?' Then you ask yourself that again, and pretend you didn't give a stupid answer the first time."

Personal Information
Reginald Dubois

Reggie, Stoneheart, Longbeard



Date of Birth:
August 3rd


Longbeard is an old man, and he knows it. His sharply-angled face is lined with wrinkles, his hazel eyes are razor-edged and alert, his hair is gray and thinning, and his posture is sharp and indicative of a long life. He walks with a slight stoop, but he'll be damned to hell before he needs a cane. He walks on his own two feet, and his own two feet alone.

In his youth, Reggie was a big man: easily six feet tall, and broad as an ox. Nowadays Reginald isn't as quite strong as he used to be, but a strict regiment of exercise and diet has kept him at his fighting best. Put him toe-to-toe with any normal man thirty years his younger, and Reginald will put him to the ground easy.

His nickname comes from his beard, of course: Reginald hasn't shaved the bastard in ten years, and it comes down to his sternum in a well-groomed wave. It's as gray as the rest of his hair, but Longbeard takes great pride in his facial hair. He was once heard joking that the bastard who takes his beard is "the bastard who'll kill me dead".

Reginald's brand is on his left bicep.

Reginald's been a mage his entire life. From the get-go, when he was born to a tough father and doting mother, he had an affinity. His mother told him how a heaping helping of dust pressed up against their little house on all sides when he was born. There was no doubt as to his purpose in life, and as soon as he was old enough, his father shipped him off to train with the mages.

Earth mages are not unique, especially not in the Living Lands, where nearly everything is dirt and dust. In fact, they are some of the most common, with pure-earth mages being a well-known and powerful section of the Mage Order. With an endless supply of bullets and a large collection of well-documented spells, it is easy to train in earth spells exclusively, and never need to branch out at all.

Therefore, it is not Longbeard's magic that makes him unique, but rather his age. Few Mages of the day live to be as old as he, with most dying in battles, duels, or by accident. But Reginald was careful, cunning, and above all else, stubborn. From his earliest days in the order, even as a young boy, his teachers had to urge him to take more risks, to try some of the bigger spells.

Partly due to his stubborn nature, and partly due to a fear of failure, Reginald refused. Instead, he took the basic spells and spent a decade mastering them. While other young Earth mages were creating enormous cavern systems, or branching into fire, air, or electricity, to name a few, Reginald was mastering geokinesis. He learned every possible way to shave time off his reload and his formation of bullets. He practiced creating stalagmites day after day, really just too scared to try anything harder.

And so when he passed the final exams to become a fully-licensed Mage, it was to the surprise of some of his friends and classmates. Reggie had never shown any impressive techniques at his practical display test, but it was his technical prowess which impressed the masters. Reggie quickfired faster than any earth mage in recent memory. His aim was on another level entirely, and clusters of slender, lethal stalagmites all but annihilated the simple targets that had been set up as makeshift enemies.

It could be argued that Longbeard's mastery of the basics is what has kept him alive so long. He knows his limits better than anyone, and he instinctively knows if a bit of magic will be too much for him. After mastering the basics, when Reggie finally mustered up the nerve to try some more interesting techniques, he found them almost trivial, while other mages struggled desperately. In fact, Longbeard even invented a few brand new spells, which belong to him alone.

More than that, his intimate knowledge of geokinesis allowed him to develop a style of fighting as fluid and organic as the demons they fought. He learned to zip around the battlefield, taking shots from upside-down, mid-flip, that most gunslingers would be proud to hit standing up and steady.

For years and years, Reggie patrolled the Living Lands, gaining a reputation as a stone-hearted man unphased by anything. The name stuck, and Stoneheart has been active ever since. Despite his nickname, Stoneheart was a good-natured man with a quiet sense of humor, but he was first-and-foremost known for his deadshot aim, and his skill with the earth and stone.

As he aged, Reggie knew he could no longer fight with such aplomb as he had in his younger years. He began adapting, using his agility spells to aid in movement, instead of amplifying it. He could still move as fast as a man thirty years younger, and jump a good deal higher through his magic. No more flips, of course, but with his aim and his powerful array of spells, Reginald no longer viewed acrobatics to be practical or 'cool'.

A decade back, in XXX6, an old flame of his told Reginald that "he still looked like a baby-faced prattle". Exactly that day, Reginald stopped shaving, in a foolish attempt to win that woman back. It didn't work, of course, but by the time he realized it wasn't working, he'd already gotten too many compliments on the beard to quit.

For ten years, he let his beard grow. Somewhere along the way he picked up the name Longbeard, and since he never told anyone to call him otherwise, Stoneheart gradually became Longbeard instead.

Now Longbeard is one of the oldest mages still active in the field. He is sought after by other mages for his years of experience and his more...tempered outlook on the world. The fiery youths think he has some secret to his success, so it's always amused him to watch their faces fall when he tells them about his own training.

Reginald is also asked along on many important missions into the Helscape, due to his honed senses, mastery of his craft, and the fact that even the Devil himself probably couldn't scare old Longbeard.

Combat Information

Mage Status:

Paradiso: Longbeard's old revolver, Paradiso has been around longer than most Mages. A special make by an old--and dead--friend, Paradiso has a seven shot barrel, which would make reloading difficult if not for Reggie's magical aptitude. As it happens, that extra shot has led to a few interesting standoffs, where the enemy loses by counting shots, and counting them incorrectly.

Bertha: An ancient weapon of stone and steel, Longbeard won this short, sharp knife off an Ancient fourty years ago. It's balanced for throwing, though Reggie tends to simply control the arc of the blade with magic when he does throw it. Most of the time it's used in close range, bolstered by magic.

Tamarand: In that same game, Longbeard won Tamarand--a spear of middling length, the point is made of steel and the shaft is made of stone, but to Reginald it weighs next to nothing.

Pouch of Stones: A simple pouch carrying a variety of stones and metals, from rubies and sapphires to marble chunks and obsidian flakes. Used in his spellcasting.

Spells - FIREARM:
Stone Bullets: Longbeard's specialty is, and always will be, the earth. His bullets come from the earth, carved from marble, granite, obsidian, or just plain rubble if need be. Gemstones are fair game as well. Certain materials like the aforementioned stone types increase his magic's strength, but any old earth will do. In that sense, Reginald really can never run out of ammunition. A simple flick of the wrist reloads his revolver, and he's ready to go again.

Underspear: By shooting a stone bullet at the ground, Longbeard can aim a quick spear of rock, erupting from the ground to skewer anything above it. This is one of the most basic earth spells one can learn, but Reginald's decades of refinement allow him to fire off bursts of stalagmites faster than the eye can blink. Can be cast with any weapon made of stone.

Chasm: Another common earth spell, a pair of shots opens up a deep canyon below the target, tracing the line between the two bullets. Useful for swallowing enemies whole, as the chasm only lasts for a short time. Or, in Longbeard's case, several chasms can be used to trap a land-based enemy in place.

Wall: A third simple spell, but made immeasurably more powerful through the use of granite, Wall, as it suggests, creates a wall of stone where the bullet hits the ground, protecting it's caster from incoming attacks. Can be cast with any weapon made of stone.

Sinkhole: A common, but complicated spell, Sinkhole creates a never-ending patch of dirt which looks identical to any other patch of dirt, with the slight difference of sucking anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it into an early and wet death. Used mainly as a trap.

Red Death: A specialty shot requiring rubies to function, this spell pulverizes the ruby into trillions of tiny shards, sending a cloud of razor sharp flecks toward enemies. If it breathes, the enemy inhales the shards and is cut to ribbons from the inside.

Guillotine: Requiring Obsidian to function, Guillotine is one of Longbeard's special creations. Upon firing, the bullet forms into a razor sharp disk, whirling at into enemies at bullet-speed. Guillotine returns in a linear path after being fired, often catching enemies unawares. Reginald has yet to find a material that the spell can't cut through.

Anchor: Sandstone based, Anchor is used to freeze enemies in place. Upon making contact with the enemy, a surprising amount of liquid sandstone flows over the target, hardening rapidly and preventing the target from moving. This works best for fast targets or flying enemies.

Boulder: Diamond based, the fired bullet grows to a massive size, steamrolling over anything in its path at ridiculously fast speeds.

Spells - OTHER:
Longbeard also maintains a variety of non-firearm based magic, of which the most prevalent are...

Flow: A movement spell which allows Longbeard to slide around on the ground as if roller-skating. While useful, it can also be dangerous, as if he is struck while Flow is active, Longbeard won't stop when he hits the ground. Instead, he will just keep sliding until the spell ends, after 15 seconds.

Launcher: Another movement spell in which a pair of small circles beneath him launch Longbeard into the air, letting him get a better angle on his opponents. Upon landing, the earth gently catches him to prevent damage. Only works with dirt or stone beneath his feet.

Geokinesis: Low level manipulation of stone, Longbeard can use geokinesis to create his bullets in a fraction of second, or to control his other weapons made of stone at a distance. This, for example, makes Longbeard's knife a deadly throwing weapon.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deathkiller


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You don't get to die. Your going to get up off your ass, and do whatever you can to make up for your past sins....even if you know it will never be enough. "

Personal Information
Name: Joseph H. Highrider
Alias: The Ranger
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Date of Birth:
Race: Human

Combat Information
Mage Status: No


Unlike many people, Joseph carries a lever action pistol (dubbed, Quick Shot) , a newer and sleeker design compared to the revolvers and multi barreled muskets. The pistol uses common .44 caliber ammunition, and can hold 8 shots, instead of 6. This pistol was inherited from his father....

Josephs 'Silver Rider' His pride and joy, and another weapon inherited from his father. Hes built this rifle with his dad for 5 years since before his fathers tragic death, even custom made it to hold .50 caliber ammunition, and advancing the rifling on the barrel, making the rifle have a Very high effective range than most other rifles. Though this comes at a cost as .50 calber ammunition is harder to find, and more expensive to purchase. Also provides less room in the loading chamber, so only holds 6 shots, in stead of ten, and, the new grooves in the rifle can be prone to jamming and misfires.

Josephs 'Up Close an Personal' 12 gauge Sawn off shot gun. It delivers more damage at a lower range, and was taken from a bandits corpse.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lacks


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Personal Information
Name: Ryn McCray
Alias: The Clip Ear
Sex: Male
Age: 125
Date of Birth: December 2nd
Race: Elf



Combat Information

Mage Status: No
Equipment: A water skin, a small flute he plays to somewhat meditate, a leather bed roll, a small pack of survival supplies, and a handful of small bones which Anaquandai has had him gather for divination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 21 days ago

Personal Information
Name: Bartholomew James
Alias: Grimjaw, Black Bart
Sex: Male
Age: 46
Date of Birth: ?
Race: Human (sorta)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Theme Song

Personal Information
Butch “Shooter” McKone
Rift Hunter
Date of Birth:

Combat Information
Mage Status: Yes
As depicted in the Character Picture Butch uses a five shot .56 caliber rifle and two break-hinge .44 caliber revolvers, he also has a large and intricately engraved knife that measures a seven inch blade.
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