Mattsipoodleskins.......Wait what? ._.
thewizardguy said
Only when it stops bugging you.
CreedTheChimera said
"It doesn't really bug me anymore, I just wanted to try asking..." I say.
CreedTheChimera said
((XD LOL: ))
CreedTheChimera said
((XD LOL: ))
thewizardguy said
What's with the brackets?
Angel said
Fuck if ik .-.
thewizardguy said
So if you know, fuck? Fuck what? And why?You are a strange, strange person.
thewizardguy said
What's with the ?
Angel said
Fuck you -_-
FoxFireOfDawn said
They're addictive >_> yeah. That''s defiantly the reason.
thewizardguy said
So you're a bracket addict?
thewizardguy said
I think that would be quite impractical.
supertinyking said
A train drives by you all sending little giblits of me raining down apon you all.
CreedTheChimera said
"..." I pull out an umbrella and watch the pieces fall under its safety.