thewizardguy said
Then they were incapacitated, and healed by his power. That makes the most sense to me.
Same here.
thewizardguy said
Then they were incapacitated, and healed by his power. That makes the most sense to me.
CreedTheChimera said
Dex also doesn't speak, too terrified and embarrassed to do much of anything. "..."
CreedTheChimera said
thewizardguy said
Hi Creed.
CreedTheChimera said
I'm still rather depressed this day, and drowning myself in science didn't help... it's just that now my brain hurts...
shion sonozoki said
omg creed *hugs you*
CreedTheChimera said
*pushes you away* ... No hugs...
shion sonozoki said
... ok just wanted to make you feel better....
thewizardguy said
supertinyking said
Ok, why is creed depressed?
NoahFire said