CreedTheChimera said
kishin asura said
CreedTheChimera said
Yo! How are ya Kishin?
kishin asura said
CreedTheChimera said
kishin asura said
A. Okay B. ...... well that's a disturbing image O_O
supertinyking said
A. Yea. B. Yea....not really. I could do a lot worse.
thewizardguy said
Hey guys. Someone posted in the IC ^^
kishin asura said
B. ProbablyCool. It's been a while since someone posted in the IC
supertinyking said
Now I am tempted to see how far into the cesspool of my mind i can reach to make people vomit. Maybe bringing out one of my newest nightmares to text would do the trick.
kishin asura said
supertinyking said
You sure? Maybe you people would finally see just how fucked up I am on the inside, rather than just thinking it is a comical joke........I AM LOOKING AT YOU CREED! YOU AND YOU'RE GOD DAMN ITALY HUG THEARAPY....I am gonna go to my corner now....
CreedTheChimera said
Italy: *depressed* I was just trying to help...Me: *pats Italy on the head* It's OK...
supertinyking said
There you go again....I guess it isn't your fault.....I mean, hell you're one of the few people to see my madness...I mean remember that time The C.E stole Angel's unborn child in order to force her to help the spiral king turn a little girl into a weapon?
thewizardguy said
Dude. You know I mean no offense. Let me put this to you in plain text, because I don't do subtle. You keep saying you're emotionally damaged, and you're actually insane. Guess what. Everyone here is. I have anger issues, a seriously defective memory, and have serious problems controlling myself. I know you have problems, but I'm willing to bet every person on this thread does.
supertinyking said
I know, but no one seems to really see the severity of our problems.
ShadowVentus said
Heyo! I have returned! How's everyone do--*reads the recent posts* Oh..ok then, I guess that answers my question.