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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Sync>


Everyone is talking about friking summer and such and im here in this stupid country where it is gonna be -8 tommorow and I have to work outside with flue.

I'll gladly trade.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxit
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

in my country it's not so cold haha it's only 2 or 1 degres at me so it's okay, we are usual to cold :D@liferusher
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sync
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Sync The Wildcard

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Sync I see you also forgot you had an account and just joined for realzies. Welcome XD

Oh yeah, for 3 years it seems XD. And thanks! I used to have an account way back when but I think the thread updated and started from zero. Losing most of my stuff in here.

<Snipped quote by Sync>


Everyone is talking about friking summer and such and im here in this stupid country where it is gonna be -8 tommorow and I have to work outside with flue.

You live in freezer? D: That sound extremely terrible on top of having a flu. I live in the Caribbean so it's hot all year round. Hope you get better soon though!

welcome @Sync :D
i'm new too so you are not alone haha

Awesome! Which means our character have to climb up that ladder of progression and stuff. Should be super fun!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ladder of Progression*
2 months/402 posts in the Rp=> Not even a day has passed.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Ok then... - note to self, do not trust his character, he will stab you in the back - Now at least I know not to trust your character at all.
1x Like Like
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Zelosse Cleave in half is unrealistic? Well, you seem to forget my* divine protection and also seem to underestimate my enchanted holy sword! 1 key trait of my light sword is that it can cut through physical things like butter. It will even cut other swords in half.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Isn't that a bit too OP? I mean, if he can cut through physical things like butter, then melee combat would literally be useless since he's going to win either way...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Well it's basically a plasma sword, what would you expect? Also it can't cut through still like butter, that's for flesh and leather. It cuts through steel like stacked paper, a lot harder than butter.
Also, your* defense is too op. You can just spam your divine protection on and off to avoid the drawback.

Edit: And it's a great sword, a lot of room for dodging and counter attacking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

No, you cannot simply kill another player for the sake of it. Fight if you want. But step out of bound and try to autohit or otherwise autokill, and I will step in and stop you. Divine Protection or not.

Frankly there's enough carnival of killers running about the city as is. If necessary, I will be willing to turn both Malakaus and Atisha into NPC's to keep the peace if everyone suddenly decides to become murder hobos.

I'll need to do a recap of all the events going on, but if possible I'd like to try to move things from tonight to the next day, before we have an entire war occur within the night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Lucius Cypher Don't worry, that killing part was a joke, my sword power is not.. a joke. ...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

And where exactly did he obtain such a sword? Nothing in your character sheet implies he obtained it if it's that powerful, and if you just received in IC for some reason, that would not be acceptable. Royal Knight or not, can't just have people come across epic weapons for their own power fantasy. Having such a powerful weapon without even mentioning it is unacceptable. Even I included important equipment like weapons and armor, and they're only masterwork. not magic, not special materials, just well made.

Besides, a knight who needs to rely on magic swords is hardly a good knight. Instead of relying on the power of your sword to win battles, learn how to win battles with a sword.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sync
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Sync The Wildcard

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Wester H. Pica
[Wester H. Pica]

"A lone warrior surviving hundreds of battles, when it comes to losing, I'm the strongest."

Manga, Anime, Solitude, Charismatic people, Monologues (His own), Tangents (His own), Gaming

Youth, Solitude, Society, Charismatic people, Awkward Hello's, Awkward Good-byes, His old history teacher





Divine Protection:

(Unknown to him)

The force of a man is measured by the strength of the undying will, of the purpose he places upon himself and the people around him that elevate his sense of prowess that unravels the truth within the course of a thousand veils, he who cannot be defeated by mere actions or words, a charisma of the benign and yet the fury of the dreaded, he stands among a million, the voices that cry out in either agony, despair, of the naysayers or the hatred that engulfs the heart of crying mothers, lonely children, battered fathers, of the pessimists, the cynics, the voices of a myriad that calls out for a hero that would bring forth the good, a man who isn’t afraid to place himself on the line of fire, whose life is a mere extension that docks upon humanity to face what the weakened of both heart and soul cannot, a warrior soul that stands out, peers from the silent gaps of reality. A conqueror in its own right!

Like an open wound that refuses to heal, this attribute bleeds from the user pores with strength to overpower the myriad by mere extension of his willpower. Any and all who does not posses an understanding of themselves, a reason of any kind for existing, who’s heart fail to prepare itself for bewilderment or even by merely existing is susceptible to this force. This type of attribute allows the user to exert their willpower, their exorbitant presence over others, to dominate their own presence. Much like the very air that swarms across the user, like an invisible typhoon, the senses of whomever is close will resonate noting it’s threatening brilliance of this at first gaze.

A lone warrior soul with qualities of a king.

  • His presence is noticed. People turn their heads at his arrival. Regardless of what the think, people will notice his arrival and remember his leave.
  • He has a dark charisma. People either hate him or love him. But regardless of your stance, his will can carry people's moral. And increase or decrease their mood.
  • He's like a sore-thumb. He sucks at espionage because he will always get caught thanks to having a 'loud' presence.


Apathetic, isolated, lone and average youth with no people he could call friends. Know as 'Kibou' by his parents. He is in fact as average as they come, no, perhaps even could consider him the standards of average. As average people hold withing the a concept of hope. He is under-average. Pica is a youth that utterly despises youth, he firmly believes that such belongs in the realm of illusion fabricated by a society on that lingers for something of surface value. There is no one to trust, thus he relies in only himself more than likely on the grounds that he has no genuine friends to place his trust in. His dead-fish eyes doesn’t help either. He monologues to himself in shorts whispers and analytic fashion. Teachers refer to him as a “Geezer” However, more likely than so another spoke more to the core saying he: “...Has the nature of a petty criminal and spineless goon.” He is mostly result-oriented, hence he is not bothered by any process, as long as no other person gets hurt other than himself and if it gives him the desired result.

Perhaps this is all which could amalgamated from one such as him? Girls held a negative view of him since middle-school. Belittled and thrown aside by gestures of disgust which evolved through the harsh years and just unfavorable genetics. This has naturally birthed a sense of discontent over the opposite gender. Same could be described to men who are at a higher pedestal than himself. Which most likely than anything is about 90% of his peers. He regards them as almost comedic and notices their position in life as the carriers of modern hope. A beacon which brightly accommodates the plain of recent charisma! An otaku. He’s a loser, and he wears the badge with ‘pride’, much to the dismay of people finding him ‘Disgusting’ and ‘Gross’.

He’s roundabout as at times when ask he has directly mention that “He wouldn't want to lose his position as pathetic.” Pica tried his best at becoming sociable once, believe it or not. However all steps were met with failure and was in fact ostracized as his actions were made as a joke to laugh for other due their view of him being creepy, gross and overall uninteresting. As a victim of bullying, he was brought to his general loneliness and development of his pessimistic and apathetic demeanor and glass for life. He refuses because he truly believes that no matter what changes the individual goes through, people will never change their view of the individual (Initial impression).

However… and almost foolishly… Though his pessimistic attitude and lack of self-value is clearly mentioned. He firmly believes that nothing good could ever happen to him and does his damndest to keep himself from hoping for something that is not existent. He makes others hate him in a way to keep himself at a distance, so that he won't be disappointed nor hurt by their superficial acting. He feels himself to be a hindrance to others and avoids being there with them, purposely distancing himself out of concern. Pica believes that he is insignificant and is thus willing to become the scapegoat, no matter how significant the situation is to him, in order to protect everyone and keep them happy. Despite his so called rotten personality he does show signs of being kind underneath his exterior as shown by the various methods he goes through for the sake of other people. However, this comes at a cost of causing pain to himself over others. He often keeps his face stiff and thus surprising everyone by his concern for the individual. But through such it has wounded his reputation and relationships.


Most stories are told from greatness. Perhaps that is what long for. For that mirror that could reflect that which separates us from what's real. We run and hide from things that displease us. We hunger for that which helps us clings to our perceived notions of hope. Hope everlasting, that beacon of light that dawns on the horizon. Perhaps that which elevates us to move onwards. Maybe that own conception of hope is tainted with despair. A despair that leaves us all the same. No matter what we do, that despair is everlasting, a delicious amount of hope lingering with the dripping of poison. Society is truly disgusting. Youth is a lie, and in the world I was born with I am beyond what they call worthless. Perhaps I am even pathetic! And I wear that title with diligent pride! A true loner upon a word of greatness! Yes! This world is truly great in all sense of the meaning! Men fly above the skies without the aid of machinery. Traverse seas with the aid of only their legs, lift buildings with merely the weight of their back garnishing strength! Indeed, I am incredibly below such personalities. But I do not care for such!

I am, or more so was, a mere a student in an ordinary school who could never in his life participate in such greatness. Sadly I'm not a member of this world. I am a student from your average school and even among them I am below the scale of average. In this world of amazing people who could even create space from the tip of their fingers I was chosen by this cruel mistress called fate to be under-average. And even beyond that to hold absolutely no prevalent defining qualities of my own. That is, I am a loser among losers!

...Yeah, I'm being an idiot. I know that saying all that is a bit much. And for the most part I've see how this will end. I'll be left with nothing. Even so, I want us to think, writhe, struggle... and find... [something genuine].

But It doesn't matter if we're wrong...because every time we go wrong, we'll continue to look for the right answer.

There are no inherently bad people. Everyone believes that, myself included. I don’t doubt the existence of virtue. And yet people bare their fangs when it seems they can profit. People will rationalize their own behavior whenever they become tainted with evil; they’re not supposed to be evil. In order to preserve their own twisted integrity, the world becomes twisted. Someone you praised as “cool” until yesterday is “stuck up” today; someone you respected as “smart and knowledgeable” is now scorned as someone who “looks down on bad students”, and “energetic vigor” becomes “annoying and overly carried away.” Sadly that is my truth. ​


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Lucius Cypher Wow wow, retrace a little, went too far ahead. As I explained or not in my previous previous previous post, it's not enchanted enchanted, It's buff it-with-magic-temporarily enchanted. Like that move Reinhard uses on the first arch of Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu but on a lower scale and instead of being a one shot it is a constant buff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I cant even read anynore it is all hazy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Happens to me too, when I'm tired or have overused my eyes during the day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Having a lesser yet constant buff from the most overpowered character from the canon series doesn't exactly instill me with confidence that it's okay. Regardless, I would prefer if the PC's actually earned their magical equipment through their actions IC, as oppose to already having them from character creation. There are certain exceptions which have already been grandfathered in, so I won't retcon those. but magic equipment should be something in rare supply, even for the likes of Royal Knights.

As I said before, if you want to fight then fight. But with your battles because you're a good fighter, but because your equipment is better then your opponent.


Not bad but please explain the function of your Divine Protection. I have a good idea of what it can do, but I would like to know how this DP will be used by you. From my understanding, it's your standard Heroic Resolve that allows people to effectively become immortal. not to mention that such thing as "willpower" is vague enough that it could be used to let your survive anything from your limbs being ripped off to mind control. Perhaps as Divine Protection that's to be expected, but still I'd like to know how you intend to use it and what would be it's limits or lack-thereof.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sync
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Sync The Wildcard

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Having a lesser yet constant buff from the most overpowered character from the canon series doesn't exactly instill me with confidence that it's okay. Regardless, I would prefer if the PC's actually earned their magical equipment through their actions IC, as oppose to already having them from character creation. There are certain exceptions which have already been grandfathered in, so I won't retcon those. but magic equipment should be something in rare supply, even for the likes of Royal Knights.

As I said before, if you want to fight then fight. But with your battles because you're a good fighter, but because your equipment is better then your opponent.


Not bad but please explain the function of your Divine Protection. I have a good idea of what it can do, but I would like to know how this DP will be used by you. From my understanding, it's your standard Heroic Resolve that allows people to effectively become immortal. not to mention that such thing as "willpower" is vague enough that it could be used to let your survive anything from your limbs being ripped off to mind control. Perhaps as Divine Protection that's to be expected, but still I'd like to know how you intend to use it and what would be it's limits or lack-thereof.

Oh nothing like that lol. It's was more like it makes him charismatic and stuff. I'll add a few point in there so it can be clearer then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I cant even read anynore it is all hazy

Take a nap life, you're not you when you're sick and sleepy or just sick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

" As the orange orc started approaching the clusterfuck, Leo unsheathed his sword, ready to strike. Using a stealth and speed spell he dashed to the new comer. When the Orc started asking, Leo took a big swing for his back, the great sword glowing a bright yellow just as the lightning before the thunder and not one second later, coincidentally when the Orc had just finished his sentence, the attack made contact, easily cleaving the unarmored Orc in half.
You could say he was..."

Yeah, so, can I do that?

Vesta would beat the living shit out of him if he tried. Hide your presence all ya like, Vesta WILL find you.
I lived in WA for a while. Used to wear hoodies to school in summer when it was 40+ XD Love me some good old summer.
Winter kicks the shit out of me though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sync
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Sync The Wildcard

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Lucius Cypher Done! Maybe that'll help
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