Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


uh...you need to put the app in the ooc to be accepted before putting it in the character sheet

Already accepted in pms,


Alright, just got back from working the night shift, wherein I had a sudden epiphany, and made a few changes to the CS.

1) Did away with that line about Duncan's 'Upper Limit', Locking him at roughly where he is now throughout the game and toning down the Saitama vibes.
2) In it's place, added a few helpful tips on murdering him.
3) Added fight music.
4) Proceeded to wring my hands together and cackle maniacly, because I have plans...

Yea sure accepted. At this point im to tired to read >.< Still tried my best to follow the whole text so im just gonna say accepted
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry but seeing all these posts and thinking on how long I would take to make all of them im gonna skip out and take a day off from posting. I believe I have posted almost everyday up till now and am simple too tired right now. GM-CHAN YOU'RE IN CHARGE
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Fair enough, though it does give her something more to react to outside of "Oh that attack." and oh my that attack!" And hey, he's comic relief to an extent. He's supposed to look weak.


Ah...gotcha. And have a good rest
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sir Lurksalot
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Sir Lurksalot

Member Seen 4 days ago



Gettin' started on a post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I wonder if Lifer Liferush had told you all what I'll be doing here...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I just can't wait to see everyone's reaction when they find out Avery is a guy XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'll be a bit busy for a little while longer, but I'll give you a hint as to the special move.

Don't spoil it. C:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Indy Ploy?

Edit: It's what Joseph do.
1x Like Like
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 17 days ago

@FamishedPants Wait...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 3 mos ago

It is neither of those, however, I did intend on Indy Ploys being a part of his character since Aleph only thinks ahead in very rare cases, as you might have noticed. Otherwise, he wouldn't be in this fight XD

Aleph reserves this particular technique for foes who prove to be very difficult for him to deal with. You can say it is a Trump card of sorts, and its use means he acknowledges the strength of whom he fights. But I can almost guarantee that because of it, Aleph will be leaving the fight as the one who ends it, against the strongest rock thrower or not.

Another hint: His second blessing is usually important in using it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

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@Sir Lurksalot

Cool, a fellow military veteran joins the fray. Albeit, I'm not sure Addison will be expecting some badass Canadian to come crashing down from the sky. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 17 days ago

Really wondering how to develop Jiru...He could turn to the light, though he'd always steal on the side. Or, he could slowly come to terms with breaking his no murder rule as death drains his sanity. Dunno, for now he'll remain the chaotic neutral fun loving mischievous thief that'll befriend you and rob you blind simultaneously...then ask why you're mad the next time you meet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It is neither of those, however, I did intend on Indy Ploys being a part of his character since Aleph only thinks ahead in very rare cases, as you might have noticed. Otherwise, he wouldn't be in this fight XD

Aleph reserves this particular technique for foes who prove to be very difficult for him to deal with. You can say it is a Trump card of sorts, and its use means he acknowledges the strength of whom he fights. But I can almost guarantee that because of it, Aleph will be leaving the fight as the one who ends it, against the strongest rock thrower or not.

Another hint: His second blessing is usually important in using it.

Well tis a good thing Vesta thinks ahead then doesn't she? She has a few tricks of her own up her non-existent sleeves.
Eh but if she loses it's her own fault for not going full out XD
Hint: She can do more than just throw rocks XD Also unless he suddenly has a ranged attack he's going to have a difficult time unleashing his trump card. Vesta isn't exactly going to stand there and let him get close to her, as stated in the last post she knows if he gets close enough she will lose.
Also I don't see how his second blessing can activate...it's not exactly 'dire' at the moment. e.g. do or die. Vesta isn't trying to kill, so it's unlikely to become that dire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Forett
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Forett Corporate Dragon Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Forett Altol

Age: 46, though he looks to be in his 30's
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: Forett is generally a quiet fellow who doesn't trust people easily. If his trust is earned, his loyalty will never falter. Forett has yet to feel the knife of betrayal. Forett's hard life has made him rather tough as far as most men go. He has seen things that most men believe to be fairy tales, so surprising him is a challenge. This does make him rather gullible for far fetched stories involving magical beast and myths. He is slow to anger, though once achieved his anger can make him a far meaner individual. He will do his best to stop fighting or arguing so that matters may be resolved without needless violence. regardless of how things go, Forett's will to move on is possibly the strongest thing about him. Given all of his misfortunes, Forett still presses onward with the memory of his friend and family. He believes that they did not go through the time and effort caring for and teaching him for him to simply throw their memory away.
Backstory: Forett Altol was a man who had little promise in his future. His last name carried no weight and his noble house consisted of sharecropping uncles and a crippled father. That is to say, he was no noble. Forett’s life did not turn around as he came into manhood either. At the young age of sixteen Forett’s mother and father were killed by bandits who had been told that they were hiding gold from them. The bandits did what bandits would do to a cripple man and his wife, and Forett had to watch between the floorboards as he hid in his parent’s wooden hovel. Needless to say, Forett did not go on a great quest to seek vengeance or give up on life- no. He did what any 16 year old lad would do with no education and now no family. He became a street urchin. For 3 years Forett scraped by on the mercy strangers gave him. Every now and then a stranger would feel pity and give him an easy job to work, which was only enough to help him get by. By the divines Mercy he never fell ill. It was at the age of 23 that Forett’s life began to turn and favor him. While in the markets begging for coin, a drunk passed out in front of him. This drunk, as he would never forget the night he saw this face, happened to be a bandit with a very large bounty. After turning in the man that ruined his life, Forett decided he would invest in what the nobles called an ‘education.’
After learning to read and write, Forett took on the job of writing up wanted posters. It wasn’t the best job, however it payed far better than any job he had before. A paying job was far better than being a street urchin in the capitol. It was not long before a poster crossed his eyes that shocked him. “Wanted: Dead for gold.” The poster started, displaying the picture of a massive dragon burning a village in crude black ink. Many of the books Forett had read told of wildlings and dragons, however he had never seen one before.
At the age of 28, Forett set out of the capitol to find this dragon with every cent he had to his name. It was on the road that he met a man by the name of Hexilius Boldarin. Hexilius was a mercenary that had just finished escorting a caravan and was making his way east to return home. After hearing Forett’s story over a beer in a roadside tavern, Hexilius decided that Forett would need lessons in swordplay. Now, one key feature of Hexilius that made him an interesting man was the fact that he was an elf. What was supposed to be a three month trip turned into a four year adventure as Forett and Hexilius traveled from village to city taking odd jobs to clear bandits and highwaymen that were to small a problem for the guard to handle. It was at the age of 32 Forett lost Hexilius to a bolt in a bar. His one and only friend was shot in the back by a drunk with a crossbow. Forett’s good nature died on that night. Some say it died with his friend, others say it died as the drunk choked on his own blood.
Forett had to travel east to tell Hexilius’s son of what befell his father. Of course, no family takes a death well. It was here that Forett discovered Hexilius used to be a knight before his wife had died in a fire. Something the elf had never told Forett, aside from the fact that he had married into a human house.
Forett, to this day, still carries the shield Hexilius once used to protect them both. A shield that Forett jokes made his next friend! The shield had a mighty tree in it’s centre, the engravings worn away from years of use on the field. It would be a long year before Forett decided he would gamble for everything he knew.
Returning to the capitol, Forett found that no man had claimed the bounty for the dragon. However, it also seemed that it had not been seen since he had hung that poster all of those years ago. Forett decided he would use the money Hexilius left him to buy a set of plate, a sword and a younger horse. He traveled to where this dragon was spotted last, and found nothing more than the lone village it had burnt to the ground so many years ago.
He would kill this dragon and never leave the capitol again, retiring in luxury… or he would die as nothing more than a forgotten story spoken in some tavern by a drunk.
How life loved to ruin Forett’s plans.
Forett spent two years living in this burnt out village, having learned how to live off of the land from his travels. It was in the fall of his 35th year he found the beast he was hunting… or rather, it found him. It was nowhere near as large as the beast drawn on the poster, though it was still just as terrifying. It seemed not to resemble the beast’s picture all that much either. It had ambushed him at the village well while he was fetching water.

As Forett lowered his shield, he was hit with a plume of blackened fire that he surly thought would melt Hexilius’s very memory… instead he was met with a blinding light. His memory of what transpired after that was all but a blur. He awoke to find himself in the village where he had been attacked, the shield lying some distance away next to the unconscious black monster that had attacked him.

Magic: Ice (though he has very little control over it.)

Divine protection of Melding.
Forett's mind and essence has been fused with a dragon like creature from another world. This creature lacks the ability to understand anything other than basic common or gestures, however is just as intelligent if not more so than a human being. His mind, when near her, is shared with her. They can understand each other without so much as uttering a word and also share the same mana pool, however this last ability is rather useless as Forett is equipped with a sword and shield, not a staff or mage throwing powers. Likewise, Verisa is linked in the same way to Forett. She can use him to understand those around her, however this ability is limited. After they first became bounded to one another, the bond would break at only several hundred meters away. After a decade of each other's company, however, this range has extended to nearly a mile. Their ability to share senses leaves them at 300 meters, however they can communicate flawlessly until this range is met. Should the bond break, a faint pull will be felt towards the other. Forett will know that his friend is in 'this general direction.' Likewise for Verisa, the two are rarely more than two feet apart. The main exceptions involve walking into towns or cities were a dragon may not be a sight for calm citizens to see. This blessing has caused Forett’s eyes to take on dragon like attributes, though sadly the only benefits received from this are better vision in the dark and creeping out strangers. The blessing does not make him any stronger or weaker as a person.

Verisa the Black

Verisa’s body is not covered in the traditional scales of a dragon. Her nimble frame has large plate like bones that overlay to form an almost natural suit of armor on her sides, breast, back and neck. Her belly and the inside of her hind legs have much smaller plates, meaning that the armor here is very weak. Despite the picture, her horns are not pointed back, but instead are curled like a ram’s horns. They roll over in a loop once before the tips of them face forward to just behind her eyes. This offers her head a little more protection, though they can be a little bulky at times. They are rather short, no doubt showing her to be young of age. Her wings resemble a bat's, however they also have muscles bracing them so that she can prop herself up with them. (See pic for reference. She has thumbs!)
Gender: Female
Race: Dragon like creature.
Magic: Fire
*See Forett for Divine protection.
Back story: Verissa was a dragon of noble birth, born to Talon Whitefire and Sulkan Vess, she was to be a huntress upon her coming of age. Her life was normal, or as normal as life was for a young black dragoness. Her bloodline was of good repute and her father was a wonderful trainer. Many males sought her attention and many females favored to hunt beside her, though many of the elders feared her ambitious nature despite the fact she was nothing more than an older child. Well before she was old enough to realize just how important she was as a youngling, she awoke to find herself not in her nest in the cliffs, but in a green valley she had never before seen. Used to the harsh mountain climates and fighting griffins for food, this valley held plenty of food and offered little to no dangers. She searched the skies for several years, though at the end of every month, which is as far as she would ever dare fly, she would return to where she woke up. She missed her family, and she believed herself cheated out of a good life. Naturally, as her most deadly weapon finally developed, she became angry. Several hundred years passed as she grew, slowly making the climb from being smaller than a horse to being roughly eleven feet tall. As time ticked on, she slowly accepted the fact that she would never see her tribe again.
She had spent years learning of the land, however her fear of being caught alone kept her locked to caves and hunting. She was a horridly anti social creature after her rough fall from grace. She learned that humans were not food, and neither were their horses. She had to move caves due to being discovered and being pestered by humans who encroached on her abode with hardened skin and extended limbs.
It was on a late hunt one afternoon that she saw a human with nothing more than a horse for company. She watched him for several days, wondering why he was living in an empty human settlement all alone. Soon she came to terms that this human was like the ones that hunted her, and she was enraged by this sudden thought. As her emotions constantly moved in her lonely mind, she decided to ambush him to see if she could best one of these humans alone. She attempted to surprise him, but this human was quick to raise a plate that halted her fire. She moved to jump on him, only to be met with a blinding light.
She woke up slowly, her purple eyes quickly spotting the human. He was separated from his fire blocking plate! She had him! She quickly moved to stand, only to feel a sudden tide of emotion she had not planned to feel. She could feel this Human’s fear and see how she appeared to him. She could see through his eyes, though the feeling quickly left. The human had stood, drawing one of the sharpened limbs that they used to attack her. Likewise, he was frozen as well.
“This creature couldn’t understand me.”
“This creature couldn’t understand me.”
They both jumped back slightly, having heard what the other thought as though it were spoken aloud. Forett Altol and Verisa the black lived each other's life in their heads in all but a flash. Forett saw what it was to hunt as Verisa saw what it was to fear, the two beings lowered their guard, unsure of just what was happening.

That was ten years ago, now Forett claims Verissa as a sister, and she claims him as a nestmate.
Over the years Forett’s eyes would take on the dragon like nature of Verissa’s eyes, though they are far less effective than hers. Forett is currently returning to the capital to invest his time in adventuring again. His shield and armor a symbol for a unknown hedge knight of some lost kingdom or lowly guild, however he hopes that one day his friend's memory will be known by everyone.

Personality: Verisa is a spunky gal, at least that is what Forett will tell you. She values strength and loyalty as well as honesty, though her instincts to flaunt her power and prey upon weaker beings still plague her. She can often be very arrogant at times, more than willing to sink her teeth into anything that insults her. Her young and ‘do anything’ attitude died out fast with Forett, who taught her that this world was not one to be scared of. She is friendly to those who do not draw their swords, and friendly still to those that do. However, much like the black fire that rests in her belly, she is more than willing to lash out at anyone who brings harm to Forett... Perhaps even more so than should someone harm herself. She also has a strange taste for oranges, though she will refuse anything else that was not once alive. (She doesn’t buy that whole ‘plants are alive’ thing. They are green and never move, after all!)

It was in the rules, so I better follow em'.

Also, my name is Forett. I can care less if you use a lowercase f, however using it in the @call will not ping me and I will miss your message.
@liferusher @ZekariVoblis
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Meh, feel kinda meh about that post, especially Tsu's part but I got something up before I got busy for the day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Rune_Alchemist It's almost time to kill us a tax man's son, are you still up for that dialogue we discussed like forever ago? I'm assuming that servant would be the victim in question.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Oh yeah.

I completely forgot about that. Sure, let's do it~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 17 days ago

I was almost not expecting a fight, hmmm. Well spectating ought to be fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sir Lurksalot
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Sir Lurksalot

Member Seen 4 days ago


Had a thought on that, actually, would it be alright if I played it like the two have actually met before?

Duncan was in the infantry and Addy is a medic that jumps out of choppers 'n shit, so it wouldn't exactly be far-fetched that they ran into eachother once or twice on the base in Kandahar... or, more likely, the back of a Blackhawk with her trying to literally pull chunks of shrapnel out of his ass with a pair of needle-nose pliers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by FamishedPants>

Hint: She can do more than just throw rocks XD Also unless he suddenly has a ranged attack he's going to have a difficult time unleashing his trump card. Vesta isn't exactly going to stand there and let him get close to her, as stated in the last post she knows if he gets close enough she will lose.

Personally, my goal is to get her to get serious before the fight ends. Though I wouldn't mind Aleph actually defeating her, either C: Either of those would be considered my win conditions for this fight. Aleph, on the other hand, merely wishes to meme. But since Vesta is no weakling like the rest of the people he gets in fights with for the most part, he also kinda just wants to not get beaten silly. His ideal win condition would be her surrendering (So that's not gonna happen) or at least not losing. Something important to note is that being knocked out or otherwise disabled is what he considers to be "losing".

The ability I am going to use in this post I'm writing is NOT the trump card I was referring to, so remember that as well.

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