Name Title
Lilith Shatterfell
Age Length of life
20 years
Gender Curse
Class Affiliation
Leader of the Exiled
Appearance Mien
Lilith Shatterfell is graced with stern, but enticing facial features. Her high cheekbones and dimpled chin are slightly softened by her quiet jade eyes. The girl's bone chilling voices pierces through a pair of sensual lips. Stark red hair caresses around the frame of her face and drops below her strong jawline.
Lilith's skin is fair, unlike her blackened heart, and ripples with coarse muscle mass. She stands at an average height of 5'7", but commands her army with the ferocity of one thousand men. The specialized leather armor she wears is laced with crimson and gold stitching. When Lilith is not called to battle, she adorns her body in seductively sewn outfits that greatly compliment her fit body. She radiates raw, terrifying beauty.
Personality Disposition
The Third Heir to the Shatterfell throne is most definitely the mirrored image of nobility. Lilith is manipulative and rules with the fear that has surrounded her since the murder of Gifre. She is passionately vicious and maintains control with her cruel methodology. Her heart is covered in parasites. Greed. Hatred. Cruelty. Doubt. The girl will not trust, she cannot feel, and she refuses to display weakness.
Lilith's ability to lead is one of the few faint connections between her brothers, Rorick and Alden. She has a natural intimidation factor that none are immune to. Her reputation precedes her, and Lilith enjoys every bit of the infamous attention. She lacks the emotions to form relationships, but greatly desires affection and exhortation. She has seduced and captured the hearts of many, if not all, of the Exiled.
There is a secretive side to the young girl that is extremely rare to witness. On certain occasions, Lilith is contemplative and reflective, but most always lets her instincts guide her words and actions. She is wicked, blunt, rash, and extremely offensive in her military rulings. Her spirit is dark, wild, and longing for the affirmations that her mentor promised.
Skills/abilities Expertise
Knife throwing
Illusion magic
History Antiquity
*refer to History hider in original OOC post
Whisper post Bondage
Lilith's small hand clutched tightly to Gifre's dark robes. Their footsteps crunched through piles of dead leaves as they made their way briskly through the twisted trees. The young girl's red hair bobbed with each step and she stumbled to keep up with the older man. Gifre threw his arm backwards, smacking her hard across her cheek, and spun around angrily.
"Will you stop dawdling, child! You must learn to start leading and not trailing along behind others. You are impossible!"
His hands gripped in frustration at his face as Lilith widened her eyes in confusion and terror. He slowly lowered his face to the ground and shook his head disapprovingly. The girl touched her bruised cheek gently and stood shakily to her feet. She furrowed her brows and reached for the dagger concealed in Gifre's belt. Her tiny fingers could hardly wrap around the handle, but she pointed it towards her mentor and spoke icily into the silence separating them.
"I am the strongest! You'll see, Master Gifre. You will never doubt again. Look at me, I say! Look at me!"
The intensity steadily rose in her voice and her lungs burned inside her chest. The cold of winter was settling in, and her breath carried like a ghostly fog. Gifre's eyes rose but focused on something looming in the distance behind Lilith. She could stand it no longer, she refused to be ignored. She turned sharply on her heels to confront whatever had attracted Gifre's attention. A small, glowing orb of light stalked steadily from side to side feet away from Lilith. Her white jade eyes followed it mesmerized and the dagger in her hand swept steadily back and forth.
"It cannot be?"
Gifre gasped aloud in realization of the Whisper before them. His own soul had not been affected during the betrayal, so he knew this to be the youngest Shatterfell's missing essence. She cannot possibly be ready. The man's rotted teeth exposed themselves as his lips parted in an evil smile. He stared at the back of his apprentice's red head and tapped his spindly fingers along her shoulder. Lilith looked up at him momentarily and he nodded without further affirmation or instruction.
Lilith stepped forward cautiously, never letting her eyes linger from the Whisper's bright trail. The Whisper slowly bobbed forward as well. She was inches from the magnificent light when her arm reached forward enticingly. Her palm extended and made contact with the orb in an explosion of blinding rays. Gifre pried open his eyelids and unshielded his wrist from his face. Before him stood a smiling Lilith and the newly formed outline of her magnificent beast. His whispered words echoed sickeningly in the dying woods.
"I'm looking, dear. I'm looking."