But that's not Dominion newspeak/standard/whatever it's called, that's Uryuomoco.
Either way, the Silent Imperium's Binding Oath (The one that bound the Tikali into a endless 'war' with the Dominion) in Uryuomoco:
Uc remt uc cholo yuc u amyubolco, YU usura vo um omoni eh cho Seuremoem Jenyumyuem. YU usura mobol callomjol geh cho Jenyumyuem meh nuggol cho semjyugyuemc, mel senklenyuco, meh nuggol cho loucem. Cho emri nolsi YU quyura uraequ u Seuremoem yuc u wyusp jouch, lotuljroais eh choyul uto el uraotyuumsoc. Umja cho emri hagalo YU quyura tyubo cho Seuremoemc yuc cho hagalo choi tubo ac- chug eh ummyufyurugyuem.
YU quyura kag oboli ohhelg yumgeh ujbumsot umja lovayurjot cho Gyupuryu pyumja, obom ug cho secg eh ni equm ryuho. Amgyur cho nyuaisyuem yuc senkrogo, YU usura krojto ni ryuho geh emo eh coslosi ceh uc geh klegosg ni horaequ pyum umja omcalo cho nyuaisyuem semgyumaoc quyucheag eagcyujo cavbolcyuem.
YU quyura meg cog heeg em umi moqu quelrja quyuch cho yumgomgyuem eh cgulgot u moqu feno hel cho Gyupurayuumc amgyur cho Jenyumyuem yuc meh nelo, hel yum u obyur turuzi meh quelrja yuc cuho hlen cho lotc eh hyulo. Geh jeh ceh yuc geh jeen tomolugyuemc geh cho cuno ummyufyurugyuem chug vohora eal feno, chug vohora eal pyumja umja sum mobol vo nomjoja uc remt uc choi ryubo.
Umja YU usura omcalo chug ni seyurjlom louhhyuln chyuc Euch, umja choyul seyurjlom uc quoop, umja geh semgyumao jequm geh cho tomolugyuem quoeh cooc cho Jenyumyuem helobol ummyufyurugoja.@Willy VerebI work under the presumption no stealth in space as a reality is ignored here. If magic can exist I can make physcists want my head.
@Commodore Robot Permission to have a Tikali craft in the same star system? On the fringes and oblivious to the anti-matter world that I presume is hidden and far closer to the local star It's not a power play thing, I just wanted to do a commentary thing along with introducing a few characters whose importance may grow depending on how the plotting ends up. It'll be a single ship on a fleet watch operation crewed by 3 Tikali- one of which a trainee, the other someone in the wrong op and the last being a hard headed officer who was recently demoted. Not really the cream of the Tikali crop to say the least.