Lawrence Thorne

Age: 37
Eye Colors: Left and Right
Sergeant Thorne, despite holding a commanding rank within the DMA, is still considered DMA Warden Program property. Proper Level 2 safety protocol is followed in handling Sergeant Thorne and even so he remains casual and amicable towards DMA staff when in holding. The only deviation to this behavior is when Sergeant Thorne is dispatched on assignments, fellow operatives describe his demeanor as focused and reserved with frequent moments of mild sarcasm used as a cushion.
Type 4:
As a Tracker type metahuman, Sergeant Thorne does not possess any supernatural advantages like his teammates. That being said, his ability to sense and identify other metahumans by their unique signature allows him to be an ideal team leader as well as an effective hunter.
Sergeant Lawrence Thorne applied for a position in security for the Department of Metahuman Affairs in [classified]. His application for security detail was denied and instead he was inducted into the Warden Program after discovery of his metahuman identity(see Interrogation File #470). Background checks on Lawrence Thorne reveal that at one point he was a high ranking member of renowned private military company, [classified], before resigning after infighting within the company. Further research shows Mr. Thorne was once married without children. The couple married in [classified] and divorced in [classified]. Mr. Thorne developed severe alcoholism as well as depression before joining the DMA. Department Med R&D prescribed Mr.Thorne a psychopharmaceutical which suppresses Mr.Thorne's depression and promotes animate and focused behavior.
Post Example
Interrogation File #470: The following is the recorded dialogue of the interrogation of Lawrence Thorne immediately following his arrest under suspicion of metahuman abilities.
Interrogator(Int): So, Mr. Thorne, do you understand why you are under arrest?
Thorne: Is this for that speeding ticket I didnt pay? I swear I was getting around to it.
Interrogator: Mr.Thorne, you are here because-
Thorne: I know why I'm here dude...(mutters)went way over your head.
Interrogator: What was that?
(Long pause of silence)
Interrogator: Mr.Thorne, what did you expect to gain from taking a job at the Department of Metahuman Affairs as a metahuman?
Thorne: Last place you'd check for one, right? Besides it's not like I was looking to kill one of my own, I was applying for facility security.
Interrogator: You realize what's going to happen now that we've discovered you, yes?
Thorne: You'll ask me what do I know, the real reason why I tried to work for you all, who I'm working with, and where are they. After that you'll either kill me or indoctrinate me then look for the "others" and ether kill or indoctrinate them as well. Did I get that right? If so, let me save you some time and say I'm working alone I'm just trying to hide. That's failed, so now do what you want.
(End of session 1)

The MT-45 Combat Rifle is the primary weapon for Sergeant Thorne as it is capable of switching between live rounds and tracker rounds.
Theme Song:
Morgan Gray "Reaver"

Age: 35
Eye Colors: Left and Right
Agent Gray is described by her handler, Dr. Samuel Hayden, as being a rather grim individual. Dr. Hayden states, "Morgan has no regard for human interaction. In fact, most social instances tend to only aggravate her further. Morgan lacks the ability to empathize with anyone and tends to isolate herself from other DMA subjects when given the opportunity to interact. It is possible that the indoctrination process removed Agent Gray's humanity...she may simply be a bio-weapon now"
Type 1:
Psychosis Field- Agent Gray is capable of generating a 15 meter field of an undetectable substance which causes any who step within range to develope feelings of intense aggression towards others. This effect can be intensified to cause the victim to harm others and even themselves. Testing reports show that in one instance, Agent Gray's abilities are capable of rendering the victim's mental state permanently unstable(see Experiment #225). Psychopathy, Sociopathy, Dementia, Depression, and other mental disorders are a possible risk when under the influence of Agent Gray. DMA staff are instructed to use Level 5 Safety Protocols when handling Agent Gray.
Born on [classified], Agent Morgan Gray was handed over to [classified] Military Academy by her biological parents [classified] and [classified]. Shortly after her arrival she was apprehended by DMA operatives [classified] and [classified] before being brought to DMA Facility designated [classified]. Her indoctrination process into the Warden Program was unorthodox as she displayed strong resistance to the process. Eventually, results showed that Agent Gray was now a high performance operative capable of fulfilling high risk capture or kill missions. Out of the dozens of assignments she's been given, Agent Gray has only failed two.
Post Example
Experiment #225:
Subject #613, Morgan Gray, is placed in center of a 30meter by 30 meter steel reinforced chamber. Subject #613 is bound to operating table placed vertically towards entrance so that subject has view of any entering chamber. Subject is strapped in straight jacket and mouth is covered to prevent unnecessary noise. Level 5 Containment Agents are on standby outside of room in the event of experiment malfunction or subject escape.
Ten minutes into experiment start, a Type 1 metahuman is placed into chamber without restraints. Subject #613 displays signs of grief, possibly aware of experiment intentions, reluctant to participate. Shock collar activated to reinforce cooperation. Type 1 Metahuman is ordered to approach Subject #613, eventually stepping within 15 meters of Subject #613. A high dose of a psychopharmaceutical is injected into Subject #613's bloodstream via syringe mounted to robotic arm. Subject #613 becomes highly volatile and aggressive moments after injection, straight jacket is almost torn in process. Containment Agents on standby. Subject #613 spots Type 1 metahuman, psychosis field is activated. Immediately, Type 1 becomes aggravated, swearing, yelling, thrashing beings. Type 1's speech becomes unintelligible, mostly screams and frothing from the mouth. Type 1 begins to claw at their own body before biting into flesh without hesitation or signs of pain. Type 1 begins to break limbs and claws out own eyes. Type 1 dies of self inflicted injuries shortly after stabbing self in center mass with bone fragment. Experiment #225 concluded.

Agent Gray's main weapon of choice is the AVR-D21; a lightweight PDW with holographic sight, AP rounds, red dot right, and attached silencer.

Agent Gray mainly uses her custom made twin karambits when a kill order is placed on a target. While not entirely efficient for dispatching a high priority target, the karambits allow Agent Gray to release a large amount of pent-up aggression which could possibly be used to charge a psychosis field against DMA staff.
Theme Song: