Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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@GreenGoat I woke up and found out there's so much happening lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by January
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Psst. The string is vermilion, which is just red for all intents and purposes.

I'm making that "ok" sign with my hands while excitedly typing up the post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by banjoanjo
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banjoanjo Still likes pistachios

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Psst. The string is vermilion, which is just red for all intents and purposes.

I'm making that "ok" sign with my hands while excitedly typing up the post.

Lol derp, I mixed up vermillion with viridian. Fixing it right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Can I join this RP?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Can I join this RP?

(Edit: @Scio, also, are Magical Boys covered by Hatsudo, or Henkei?)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

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I saw what you did with the character page, I just found out you can link with images and stuff

I think that'll be pretty cool?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by banjoanjo
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banjoanjo Still likes pistachios

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I love how so far it's like

Nico and Don: Clash of wills. Hatred and curses flowing freely. The fighting will never end.

Enver and Clive: Yikes. *raises eyebrows and sips drink*

Akasha: I'm just here to have a good time, bruv.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by January
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Ah, Nico had been using his ability for the past few minutes, just to clear that up. It's weakening now that he's tired.


Which reminds me, since Debilitate's effect will be running out soon, will Nico and Akasha just drop into placid zombie land?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by banjoanjo
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Yeah, probably. It's a gradual effect though, so maybe Nico will be able to sneak in a few punches before he's taken in completely.

I should add that when Harmonise takes effect, the person still feels their prior resentment and other emotion but loses the will to actually do something about it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by January
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Does it only affect violently reactive emotions like anger and resentment or all emotions?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by banjoanjo
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For now, it only effects negative emotions during Harmonise's passive state. If he concentrates, Donovan can have it affect all emotions, but he's pretty terrible at it at the moment.

EDIT: I was thinking that when Donovan's powers develop, he'd be able to do other things with his passive aura, like produce some artificial confidence or sadness in people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by January
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Haha, I only ask because OCD isn't really an emotion, so angry or not, Nico wants his thread back.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Name: Mikhail Suburov-Tachibana

Age: 16

Personality: Mikhail Suburov wants a lot of things, both unselfish and selfish. One is for Magical Beings and Humans to live in harmony, nay, symbiosis, and the other is for a girlfriend or boyfriend; he's not picky. He is aware that for those to happen, he has to have power, and is frustrated at his lack of it, including magically. Then again, he's also the type that tends to rush first without thinking, while believing he's up to whatever the world can throw at him, so it's best that he has no power at first.

He also tends to act as though his life is that of an Anime, taking most of his social cues from things he watches or reads, as well as hides deep insecurities inside, due to his past.

History: Born to a relatively rich Japanese-Russian Couple with magical powers, Mikhail was nevertheless subjected to prejudice because of his ancestry and his parents' abilities, with only his family's wealth saving him from the worst of bullying. It was something he didn't want to remember, and something that left him friendless, dependent only on Anime, Manga, Light Novels, and Videogames for a reason to live. Then, one day, his mother suggested:

"Why don't we just not send you to school? I mean, your father might not like it, but I'm sure that if we confront him with the staggering suicide statistics among schoolchildren, we can convince him to just let you be homeschooled, or allow you to spend your days in the library?"

Mikhail accepted the suggestions gratefully, with open arms, and discovered a subculture of people who avoided school by staying at the public library, unwilling to choose between school or death. There, he found friends among nerdy people like him, people who learned at their own pace, who were more open-minded than the normal student, and had also found a safety valve from the stifling conformity of Japanese society. And in his happiness, he manifested his magical power at dinner with his parents as he was gushing about his friends. And with a smile, they went over and embraced him.

The letter from Four Winds came thereafter, and while Mikhail was hesitant, nay, resistant to going to school again, his parents reassured him that this time, he would be able to defend himself, and that the teachers there won't bully him. And all Mikhail can say was:

"All right, I'll give it a chance, but I'm running away if something bad happens, okay?"

And with that, he went off, to what he hoped was an environment where he can actually learn...

Skills: History, Literature, Kendo, Sabers, and Wrestling/Grappling.


Magical Fundament (Hatsudo-class): The Magical Fundament is a Hatsudo-class power that starts out weak in the beginning, with obvious flaws, but gets stronger later on. It governs the flow of magical energy in people, places, and things, as well as the composition of said magical energy.

Useful for a variety of functions, it has two weaknesses: 1.) any Henkei or Igyo Magic learned by the user weakens the use of Magical Fundament, 'corrupting' its flow, and 2.) Mikhail's abilities are limited by proximity, target, and time.

Here are the current abilties accessible to Mikhail:

Wellspring - Mikhail radiates a pool of silver-white, faintly glowing liquid around his feet, which, when touched with bare skin, or ingested, provides extra magical energy that allows one to continue fighting longer. Any attempt to collect the fluid into a non-magical bottle or such automatically fails, but magical bottles, aka enchanted containers, can contain it just fine, providing a source of quick energy. Edit: This is not limitless; Mikhail can only manifest as much Mana as his own body weight, and every bit of Mana taken from him makes him more tired. Not merely that, but this power can only be used when Mikhail is standing or sitting still.

Fundamental Siphon - Mikhail can drain magical power from a spell or a person, converting it into silver-white liquid which he can then absorb into himself, weakening either the spell, the person, or even both. Basically, he can suck out the magic from spells and make them ineffective. However, Mikhail can only target one person at a time, at a distance of six - twelve meters around him, and unless he is touching his opponent or his spells, he can only siphon magical power gradually, over a few scenes.

Basically, he can touch a fireball and render it harmless, or weaken an aura, or even absorb a magical sword, but to seriously drain a person without having to wait for hours, he has to touch them. This is bad, as Mikhail is also not immune to mundane weapons like fists, knives, swords, and guns, nor is he immune to telekinetically thrown objects.

Inventory: Clothes, books, school supplies, a bento box, and a Katana and Saber.

@January@banjoanjo, what do you think of this?

@Scio, will this be acceptable?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by January
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@Letter Bee

If you're asking, I'll honestly answer, haha.

Absorbing only as much extra energy as his body weight would imply that the essence of magic can be quantified by units of measurement usually reserved for physical bodies. I don't know the laws of this world, so it could happen, but I think you'd have an easier time RPing if you didn't have to ask about the "amount of magic used in kg" for every spell Mikhail drains.

Nothing else warrants concern, at least, to me.

Of course, this is just a cursory opinion. Cool character, though!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Letter Bee

If you're asking, I'll honestly answer, haha.

Absorbing only as much extra energy as his body weight would imply that the essence of magic can be quantified by units of measurement usually reserved for physical mass. I don't know the laws of this world, so it could happen, but I think you'd have an easier time RPing if you didn't have to ask about the "amount of magic used in kg" for every spell Mikhail drains.

Nothing else warrants concern, at least, to me.

Of course, this is just a cursory opinion. Cool character, though!

That would be true, but I don't want to seem too overpowered or game-breaking. Any idea how I can keep Mikhail's powers over Mana and spells without having him be OP?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by January
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@Letter Bee

Hmm, a drain and conversion is already somewhat dicey in terms of overpowered, imo. But if I had to develop a check and balance for someone who specializes in directly manipulating mana (or whatever they call it here), it would take the form of a rate limit, a proximity limit, and a target limit, rather than a weight limit.

One target at a time (at least for now and that's if Scio green lights it all), in close proximity, and at a slow rate. Think damage over time rather than hard damage upfront.

Instead of seeing immediate results, it'd be gradual, similar to Donovan's effect. Which means in a potential combat situation, Mikhail would be the guy in the corner keeping that DoT applied on the enemy. Something like that.

Edit: Since you already have a mobility limit on Wellspring, and assuming the AoE isn't large, that seems balanced enough to me.

Edit 2: I would have also suggested a cost limit in the form of the drain costing large amounts of energy to use, but doesn't drain at a 1:1 ratio. More like a 1:0.25 ratio or something, but since Scio has a pattern of disliking quantifiers that are too specific (and I personally agree; there are too many messy details there that aren't necessary), I think more organic limits would be better.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Letter Bee

Hmm, a drain and conversion is already somewhat dicey in terms of overpowered, imo. But if I had to develop a check and balance for someone who specializes in directly manipulating mana (or whatever they call it here), it would take the form of a rate limit, a proximity limit, and a target limit, rather than a weight limit.

One target at a time (at least for now and that's if Scio green lights it all), in close proximity, and at a slow rate. Think damage over time rather than hard damage upfront.

Instead of seeing immediate results, it'd be gradual, similar to Donovan's effect. Which means in a potential combat situation, Mikhail would be the guy in the corner keeping that DoT applied on the enemy. Something like that.

Thanks, that works better! Will edit my sheet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by January
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Glad I could help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nanashi Ninanai
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Nanashi Ninanai Strange Bird of the Moon

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@January Is it fine if I ask you about my app? The ability seems pretty narrow compared to everyone else, and I'm not sure whether I'm doing it right. It's in the previous page.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by January
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@Nanashi Ninanai

I don't mind, but remember that Scio is still working on the current system so all of this could be overhauled whenever he finalizes that. Also note that I don't know a thing about the laws of magic in this world, so all suggestions and opinions are coming out of my ass. At the end of the day, the GM's opinion is the only one that matters, so don't put stock in what I think. Let's just call this an exercise in shooting the breeze, haha.

But if you want my opinion on your ability:

Haha, are you kidding? You have the equivalent of small-radius teleportation. Generally, that's OP. That your limiter is in the medium used to teleport just makes it fair. I believe Scio put it best when he mentioned that simplicity is beauty. Besides, we're all going to "level up" and gain new abilities at some later point, so I don't think yours is narrow at all. Rather, it's just right.

Still, Scio did ask you to hold off on making the ability for a reason, so be prepared for anything.
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