Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nanashi Ninanai
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Nanashi Ninanai Strange Bird of the Moon

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Nanashi Ninanai

I don't mind, but remember that Scio is still working on the current system so all of this could be overhauled whenever he finalizes that. Also note that I don't know a thing about the laws of magic in this world, so all suggestions and opinions are coming out of my ass.

But if you want my opinion on your ability:

Haha, are you kidding? You have the equivalent of small-radius teleportation. Generally, that's OP. That your limiter is in the medium used to teleport just makes it fair. I believe Scio put it best when he mentioned that simplicity is beauty. Besides, we're all going to "level up" and gain new abilities at some later point, so I don't think yours is narrow at all. Rather, it's just right.

Still, Scio did ask you to hold off on making the ability for a reason, so be prepared for anything.

Thanks for the insight! At first I was worried because I thought she didn't have much way to utilize the teleportation aside from an escape mechanism, but you're right. I guess I'll figure out the other ways she'll use it along the way.

Yeah, if he ends up deciding that I should change it after the rework, I think I'll use something else instead. Perhaps ability to rewrite the functionality and form of a small object to some extent?

Once again, thanks!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

So many people joining! I hope we won't have too much of an issue to keep up with each other. Otherwise, the opportunities for interactions are forever increasing. I like it!

Loving the RP so far. Hope this train keeps on rolling like this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by January
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Nanashi Ninanai

No problem.

@Riffus Maximus

Donovan was holding that skein in his hand the entire time, actually. But if Akasha remembered that it originally came from the bag, it all amounts to the same effect, haha.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Aaah my bad, I brainfarted. Thought it was some sort of red wire thread bundled up in a bag. I'll correct it to just have Akasha snatch the thing from Don's hand instead of the bag.

Once I get back home in a hour or so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by January
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Haha, no rush. I'm impressed you got all that out from a phone? Actual magic, though.

Edit: I'll wait on banjo since the first reaction should be his in this case--and also because Donny's way more likely to snap-quick react than Nico if banjo had any particular reaction planned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hey there guys, regarding the change in the system I mentioned earlier, the reason for this is that I was having issues in regards of equality in terms of individual progress for each character. The current system that we were using seemed quite vague which would eventually become unfair when people start to power up. To prevent that from happening, I had to alter how magic would be utilized. So instead of using the classification of Hatsudo, Henkei and Igyo, I decided to simply classify magic based on the properties of their effects and how they are utilized instead. So instead of labeling magic by categories, we label the ways on how they function. We will be using 5 properties of magic.


To make things easier for everyone, I'll be explaining how the system will be applied to each character that's already been accepted.

Before I'll be discussing, I'll be using a simple point system when it comes to one's magic. For now, each property of magic will cost 50 points. I'll be discussing further on that later.

For Nico's - Galvanize and Debilitate [250]
The core principles of Nico's magic the release of his magical energy to influence the potency of the magic of others. The three properties he'd be utilizing would be Hakko which deals with the release of his magical energy while Sosa would be responsible for control over how it effects others. Kyoka would then be used for both aspects of amplification and diminishing of magic. If we put that in numbers, then it would be [1 Hakko + 1 Sosa + 2 Kyoka]. Basically, that would amount to 250 points. If you'd want to have more targets and a greater range, you'd need to invest more on Hakko. If you'd want the potency of your magic to become stronger, then more Kyoka would be needed. Since Sosa was only used to create the condition "affect the magical capabilities of my target", then further increasing it wouldn't do much unless you wanted to impose another effect.

Junko - Mist and Mayhem [200]
For Junko, the concepts of her ability would be transformation of her magical energies to mimic the properties of fog, release of it towards the surrounding area, then the option to thicken it. Henkan would be related to property change of magic, then Hakko for release and control of her fog. Pretty simple, so that's [2 Henkan + 2 Hakko]. The range of her ability would be fairly large and her control over it would be relatively be good. More properties can be added to her fog given its simplicity.

@Riffus Maximus
Akasha - Panthera [250]
Transformation into a panther is relatively easier to explain compared to the other types of magic. 2 points of Henkan would allow transformation of one's magical energy to that of a panther's physical form and capabilities. Then as for the boost in strength, speed, and agility, you'd have 3 points in Kyoka.

Clive - Beholder [300]
Clive's ability is a little bit more complicated, but I'll try my best. Henkan would initially transform his eyes into ones that are able to see magical energies and its traces. Another point in Henkan would allow him to see the magical symbols that would indicate what his target's magic is capable of. And one more would deal with the whole seeing their emotions. Then the rest would be Kyoka which would focus on enhancing the capabilities of his eyes. Basically, Henkan altered his eyes to be able to function differently, then Kyoka gave each of these properties the energy to function.

Anna - Aquamarine [200]
This would be relatively simple to explain as well. Henkan to change the properties of her magic to water, Hakko for the release of it. Given her history, she had one outburst where her powers went wild, so I'd say that would be a point in Kyoka and another with Hakko.

Enver - Combustion [150]
Henkan to mimic the properties of fire, Hakko for the release. Given his history, he doesn't seem to be proficient with his magic, hence the small amount of points in it. Don't worry though, this just means you have more room for power-ups; you won't get left behind.

@Masaki Haruna
Kyou - Kitsune [200]
Henkan would deal with her mild transformation, then 2 points in Kyoka would be for her enhanced physical prowess and senses. Like I said with Mercurial, you won't get left behind. This just means that she isn't that proficient with her magic yet since she's only have them for 4 months. She can make up for it with her martial arts though; this is a perfect example of magic and physical capabilities being synergistic.

Valechka - Ursa Major [250]
Henkan for mimicking the energies of a bear and for her mild transformations. Then Kyoka for her strength, endurance and reflexes.

Arthur - Holy Sword [200]
Since Arthur technically summons a sword, then that would be due to the properties of Jumon. A few points in Kyoka would deal with the actual durability and sharpness of the sword along with the slight boost in physical capabilities of Arthur.

Donn - Harmonise [250]
Emission and the range of his aura would be due to Hakko; since the range so far from what I read in your posts, I'll say it'll encompass a few meters, so that'll be 2 points in Hakko. Then to change the aura's properties to that of something "peaceful", would need a point in Henkan. Since it affects others, that would require a point in Sosa then the ability to tune down rage would be due to Kyoka.

Atsushi - Script and Art [150]
I'll allow you to no longer need ink as a medium. Instead, you can transform your magical energy and allow it to take on the properties of ink; that would be a point in Henkan. The release of these drawings would be due to Hakko. To increase the range from how far they can travel from you, it would take more points in Hakko. To actually grant them life, that would be a point in Sosa.

You all must be wondering why some types of magic have more points than others. I know it may be unfair, but I made use of all your character sheets. If you'd notice, most of those with abilities that can't be turned off or those who freely use their abilities, they'd have the highest amount of points. Those who only have been using their powers for awhile or those who have recently discovered theirs, have the lowest. Don't be discouraged though. Eventually, you'll catch up to the others. Having less points, just means you have the potential to earn more; just put in the work for it.

Anyway, if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll try to finalize everything as soon as possible. The system is pretty simple; if there's anything you don't understand, its probably due to my explanation. I'll apologize for that. If you guys do have things that seems confusing, just tell me and I'll do my best to explain.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Scio Where is the option to change color? I want my fog to be a whole prism worth of colors ;w;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

@GreenGoat That would mean changing its properties, so Henkan. I'll say a point in Henkan in the next power up would give you the ability to change its color.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ayemdar
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Scio So since I wanted the basis of my magic to be the control of the water I'd primarily want Hakko? And henkan to incorporate ice? And like to add healing properties that would be Kyoka?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by January
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So if my plan was to upgrade Galvanize and Debilitate to something even cheesier like Sublimate (maximize ability output to the target's current limit) and Countermand (single-target silence, essentially), that would be 2 points in Kyoka down the road?

Edit: Oh, did you want us to edit that into our sheets for now or hold on until everything is laminated and framed?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Okay, so since I'm going to bed soonish, I've revised a bit of my bio according to recent changes. I know I'm jumping the guns and nothing's officially done making, but I'll just use my bio as a reminder of how my stuff is working, and will edit the bio as we get further in details. Check my character sheet in the characters tab (not the one in the OoC, that stuff is out-dated), I've added a new entry for the new system to categorize her ability's inner workings.

Also, I have notice that when I made my ability, I haven't mentioned anything about its weakness, or rather the toll it takes on its user. As many have begun to do so in their ability entry, I felt the need to go more specific about it. You can also find the weakness' description in the last paragraph of Akasha's ability details.

Finally, since it has been decided that Panthera was focused on transforming into only a panther, I have edited the part in Akasha's history about her awakening. Instead of growing out black feathery wings, she would have grown black fur.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey, I know you're probably pretty busy, but I just wanted to make sure you saw my character application, if you didn't, It's back on page six.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yo, place looks interesting. Decided to write up a profile. Although given the magic changes here, I'm not sure how to classify this guy's abilities, if they're acceptable at all.


Name: Subhash Bun (文源言)
Age: 17

Personality: Subhash is a man who is seemingly always in a state of smiling, nonchalant geniality, a personality trait that makes him almost quite enigmatic (a rather nice little descriptor that tickles his fancy more than either "eccentric" or "mysterious"). He's pretty cheerfully serene most of the time, rarely giving off any tells for any other emotion he could be feeling at any moment, much preferring to just keep on smiling politely (it also really helps with ass-kissing if he needs to do so). Of course, this doesn't stop him from being very involved with other people and their emotions; he finds humans oh-so-very-interesting, and embarrassingly (well, he says so at least) enough for him, he's a mischievous dude who's a bit fond of lightly teasing others, finding some measure of satisfaction in poking those who aren't really that happy contacting his long, pale fingers. He's very much an independent young fellow, with each undertaken action more or less serving his own desires and purposes.

That's probably why, despite a general lack of interest from others, Subhash has a tendency to descend into filibusters on all sorts of strange and varied topics, perpetually crafting monologues upon monologues on the nature of life, the universe and everything, even if their triggers were the most mundane of things. It seems as if he's quite a fan of his own, prodigious talking skills, so it isn't too rare for him to just start talking even when you don't want him to. Of course, that doesn't mean that everything he says is accurate or even representative of his own beliefs; they are equally as likely to be really long-winded jokes or complete and utter bullshit (he's gotten a hang of this entire lying shebang). Peppered as they are with wild hand gestures, slips into different languages and strange turns of phrase and overly irregular metaphors, you really have to wonder if he takes himself seriously with those speeches.

He particularly care much for personal space either, and can be rather "in-your-face" at times. Given his fondness for songs, casual teasing and, from to time, a bit of drama, catching his interest isn't really something the less touchy-feely folks should do. He enjoys amateur philosophy, etymology and long walks on the beach.

History: Despite the Sanskrit origin of one of his given names, Subhash is actually of East Asian descent (although that little tidbit doesn't really explain his fancy hair or non-normative eye colour). Yet it was the presence of this non-native name, however, that assisted him in discovering his powers, as it had promoted in him an interest in the origin and meanings of words (which, as detailed later on, were definitely related to his abilities). As an only child with nothing else to really do (and no siblings to bug), it didn't take long for him to discover that what he said could convey his magic (the only victim was an expensive shrubbery that ended up being set ablaze), doing so pretty early on in his so-far-so-short life. However, he didn't really let the fact that he was some sorta mutant magical abomination get to him, and just lived life doing what he wanted and working towards the goals he sought to achieve. Heading to Four Winds is just another event for him.

Skills: Relatively fit thanks to athletics participation; polyglot; can actually act thanks to theatre classes; he can sew; possible source of wise trivia???; really good on game nights.

Abilities: Phonetics
By speaking out loud and conveying his will through his words, Subhash's magic allows him to add properties to his own body or manifest the energy in some form outside of it. The duration and intensity of these effects tend to correlate with the amount of words spoken, as well as the precise words utilised (as the meaning behind his verbalisations vary), with longer or more detailed words providing a greater effect. However, he is capable of setting "key words" to his magic (and thus reducing the need to speak more) to a maximum of two (eg. "Lightning Kick" could possibly make his kicks hit even harder), and can change them around (although the time required to do so takes a while).

Inventory: Smartphone; voice recorder; large notepad; pens; sunglasses in case of strong sunlight; other necessities.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Mikhail Suburov-Tachibana

Age: 16



Skills: History, Literature, Kendo, Sabers, and Wrestling/Grappling.


Inventory: Clothes, books, school supplies, a bento box, and a Katana and Saber.

@Scio, edited my app; is it okay?

Edit: Also, can I have Henkan and Jumon properties in the future?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Menhir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Crimmy Did your exams go well?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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@Ayemdar Essentially, the properties I mentioned for you are the ones your ability currently has for now. What it needs in the future, is really up to you since ability progression is in no way just linear. It really depends on what you want. So if you just want to improve Ann's degree of control over her ability, then that would require more Hakko. If you want to incorporate the theme of ice, you'd need more Henkan. As far the healing factor goes, I'd probably say that would take some Henkan as well since you're trying to give your water some healing properties.

@January I wouldn't say that it would exactly need 2 points, but yeah, more Kyoka if you want to improve your magic's potency.

Regarding the edits, not yet. Maybe when everything is finalized.

@Riffus Maximus Excellent breakdown; I'll be applying that to the system as well. Good job, Riffus. Sorry about naming your ability Panthera. That isn't something you should follow though, unless you want to. Just wanted to give it a name; its basically a placeholder. Just don't forget to include the inventory section in your CS.

@hagroden Sorry man, I haven't checked out the new characters yet. I decided to fix up the current characters before going for the new ones. I'll give yours a look, don't worry though.

@Crimmy@Letter Bee Haven't checked out the other characters yet, but I definitely will. Just have to finish the whole system thing. Regarding your request for Jumon and Henkan properties for your ability, just remember that all magic can eventually gain all property types in the future. No restrictions.

Just a tip guys, use [Hider]. Those walls of text are kind of bothering. Lol

Also, glad to see a fellow filipino here.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

These are the list of the characters that are currently pending for review. Anyone I missed?


Feel free to skim through most of this, the more immediately relevant portions are framed with ~ ~
I hope I'm Accepted, and look forward to the possibility of roleplaying with you.

I got too carried away with her bio, but hopefully she's fine.

Also decided to put up her ability in the end so I can do her bio, but if necessary, I can change it to something else.

Oh, so many people. Let's give this one a try, then.

Yo, place looks interesting. Decided to write up a profile. Although given the magic changes here, I'm not sure how to classify this guy's abilities, if they're acceptable at all.


@Scio, edited my app; is it okay?

Edit: Also, can I have Henkan and Jumon properties in the future?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Scio, Thanks. Mabuhay ang Pilipinas (Long Live the Philippines to everyone else)!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Scio, Oh, will be unavailable Monday, Tuesday, and Wendsday mornings, Philippine Time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

It's all cool man. I love the name you gave it.

Will add that inventory entry. You can probably guess it'll be empty though.
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