@FallenTrinity So your stats and skills are good, yeah. If you can give a little explanation for each Relationship, that would be good. I'll be honest your mech is way off base but you seem to be getting there pretty well.
@Flamelord Okay your stats, skills, and relationships all function. Your mecha is all over the place, and also Finishing Moves don't really support stuff like what you have here. You could make your Zero System thingy a part and it'd be kosher though.
@Raineh Daze It's been kind of a rough week here too so I can entirely understand.
Speaking of which, now that I have time, I should get around to writing a little guide on how to mecha.
HOW TO MECH LIKE A PROSo today we're gonna build
@Jerkchicken's request, Gravion- specifically, God Gravion. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But Menhir, Gravion is HYPE MADE MANIFEST, there's no way you can build it in a system!"
Well, whoever you are, I'm gonna prove you wrong.
Glossing over the fluff parts for the moment, basically we want to start with the Parts that make up Gravion. Being a five-section combiner, this is pretty easy. We'll assign three hit locations to the primary component, Gran Kaiser, and then two hit locations to each of the component machines: G-Driller, G-Attacker, and G-Shadow. The remaining hit location goes to the left leg, which is also a G-Attacker but for some reason that one never actually did anything of import in the show. So, arranging them roughly from bottom to top, we get:
1-2 G-Attacker I
3 G-Attacker II
4-5: G-Driller
6-8: Gran Kaiser
9-10: G-Shadow
For those who didn't watch Gravion (don't, it's terrible), this is roughly analogous to (in order) right leg/left leg/arms/torso & head/backpack. Next, we assign Qualities. Gravion is basically a pile of pink lasers and knives held together with weak magnets, so let's assign each location's free quality to Attack. Gran Kaiser does a...
passable job at dodging, so we'll slap the Defend quality on it. The G-Driller has been shown to tunnel underground and pierce through heavy armor, so we'll give it Useful: (Burrowing) and Useful (Punch Through Hard Objects). The G-Attackers can both fly, so we'll give them each the Useful (Flight) skill. You might think this is redundant, but remember that a part becomes unusable once it's knocked out. The G-Shadow- I don't remember the G-Shadow doing anything except being used as a boomerang, so I think it's fine. Finally, since the Gran Kaiser is actually a smaller robot, we'll give it the ability Useful (Operate When Damaged), and define it as a quality that allows the Gran Kaiser part to continue operating until it's gone, even if Gravion has lost three or more parts. So now, Gravion looks like:
1-2: G-Attacker I: Attack (Graviton Missile), Useful (Flight), 9 Points
3: G-Attacker II: Attack (Graviton Rifle), Useful (Flight), 4 Points
4-5: G-Driller: Attack (Graviton Pressure Punch), Useful (Burrow), Useful (Punch Through Hard Objects), 8 Points
6-8: Gran Kaiser: Attack (Graviton Sword), Defend (Dodge), Useful (Operate When Damaged), 13 Points
9-10: G-Shadow: Attack (Graviton Crescent), 10 Points
So we've got a red flag here in the form of Gran Kaiser- it has over ten points on it, which is a no-go here. Luckily, we can fix that with our next step: Extras.
First thing we'll want to do is check if we're the right size. Gravion's actually a tiny bitch combiner that, from what I recall, doesn't even clear the 30 meter mark, so we can stick with the default Size 2. Next comes trying to emulate Gravion itself. the G-Attacker's Graviton Missile bombards a fairly large area with weak-ish missiles, so we'll hit it with Fast 1 and Area 2. The G-Attacker II can eject the Graviton Rifle from a holster on the side, which doesn't do all that much in the show but since the boob woman is supposed to be a skilled gunman we'll give it the Aim extra. the G-Driller's rocket punch was the first weapon to be halfway-decent, and can also hit two chunks of space monster at once, so we'll drop the Strong 1 and the Splash 1 extras on it.
Next is Gran Kaiser. We need to spend at least 3 points on extras to get it on track, for the reasons stated above. First off, we want two ranks of Advanced, partly because it's space magic but also so we don't have to roll for Operate When Damaged every round. Since it technically has to take multiple actions to function like this (keeping itself alive with it's Useful quality counts as an action) we'll also give it Spray. Finally, Gran Kaiser is shown to eat a decent amount of shit before it goes down, so we'll give it Tough 1. Lastly, the G-Shadow contains lock-on targeting systems and the damaging Graviton Crescent attack that can explode the heavily-armored Zeravire with minimal trouble, so we'll give it Strong 4 and Advanced 2. So now, our mecha looks like this:
1-2: G-Attacker I: Attack (Graviton Missile), Useful (Flight), Area 2, Fast 1, 6 Points
3: G-Attacker II: Attack (Graviton Rifle), Useful (Flight), Aim, 3 Points
4-5: G-Driller: Attack (Graviton Pressure Punch), Useful (Burrow), Useful (Punch Through Hard Objects), Strong 1, Splash 1, 6 Points
6-8: Gran Kaiser: Attack (Graviton Sword), Defend (Dodge), Useful (Operate When Damaged), Advanced 2, Spray, Tough 1, 9 Points
9-10: G-Shadow: Attack (Graviton Crescent), Advanced 2, Strong 4, 4 Points
Finally, we fill out the rest of the sheet and we're done. If you're wondering how do do the copilots, you can simply represent them with Relationships. So, if Eiji was the lead character, it'd look like:
Luna Gusuku 1: Copilot of the G-Driller. Looks like a child and is kind of a total bitch about everything.
Touga Tenkuuji 1: A well-meaning, sheltered idiot and martial arts prodigy who pilots the Gran Kaiser. Arguably the most tolerable member of the team.
Eina 1: Copilot of the G-Driller and token shy glasses character. She's actually a clone of a robot from the moon. No, that part's not really explained at all.
Mizuki Tachibana 1: Pilot of the G-Attacker II. She's a dirty traitor who exists to have boobs. Does almost nothing, but is still important for some reason.
Leele Zeravire 1: Pilot of the G-Shadow. She's Sandman's daughter and the token shy waif character. Easily spooked by fire except when she's not.
Ayaka Shigure 1: Eiji's missing sister. She's not actually missing at all, and was actually that guy in the back wearing the char mask the entire time but just didn't tell anyone.
Klein Sandman 0: Sandman doesn't get a relationship because he's a douchebag.
Since they're copilots, all the relationships (save Ayaka) can be freely triggered when the copilot in question is present. Be careful about overusing them, though: You could very easily drain a relationship and need one of your copilots to sit out the next mission if you're unlucky.
This concludes the first and only(?) episode of HOW TO MECH LIKE A PRO.