Welcome to Digimon World Online (DWO) program, your way into the digital world.
Hello there. I would like to on the behalf of the Thakumi cooperation invite you to our offices and by extension the Digital World Online program. The DWO project has been in the making for several years and is almost ready to launch, in light of this we would like to have a few people test it. It is for this reason, we have sent you this letter. We would like you to be one of these select few. To protect the DWO program and several layers of legal reasons we can not disclose much about the project in this letter, but we will answer any and all questions at the event. This event will take place at the 18th of February at Thakumi headquarters. We hope to see you there.
Best wishes, The Thakumi cooperation
It has been about a week since you and five others received this letter along with a card the showed the exact location and the time the event starts, only one issue. The time shown on each card is slightly different. In reality, this letter is just a trick. It makes it seem like the Thakumi cooperation is going to hold and event to show you and tell you about the DWO program, but sadly this is just straight up kidnapping. They need someone to enter into the program and fix all the bugs and flaws they simply can't do anything about from the outside, and this is where you come in. While it is true that the Thakumi cooperation has done tests on DWO, it has never worked as intended. A few of the issues they have run into are that the code you are made up of as you get transported in often breaks and you get lost in the program. While another problem is that the people who have survived being digitized get locked in the program, eventually going insane.
In the media, the DWO program has been advertised as a way for people to travel into the digital world and experience it. However, the end goal is for the Thakumi cooperation to be able to transport people and Digimon between the two worlds. They are hoping to sell the Digimon to people as pets, toys and even weapons.
They can not be allowed to do this, and thankfully most Digimon are resisting. However there a few strong Digimon and the ones that follow them that hunger for battle and see the human world as just another battlefield and have decided to help the Thakumi cooperation and have set up control points all over the digital world.
Thankfully you and a few others survive being digitized and transported into the digital world and get told that fixing the issues will allow you to return to our world, but all around you, it can see how the code is breaking apart and destroying the digital world. So will you help the people who kidnapped you or will you turn your back on them and ruin everything they have built ?
The choice is ultimately yours.