Inspired by Project X Zone

Platform City is the majestic capital of the video game universe known as Arcade. It is here where the prestigious leaders of the seven major kingdoms gather and discuss matters of The Balance. The Balance is what keeps the realms from crossing over, but it has been disturbed come late. A virus has breached The System. It is an agent so contagious; so corrupting that The Seven have come to address it as the Mugen Virus; the M-Virus; the Infinite Virus. While heroes cringe at the prospect of the virus warping the entire system, the villains grasp it lecherously. They see it as a higher evolutionary. Finally, vengeance. Taking the kingdoms of Arcade is only a matter of keeping the heroes oblivious to how the virus works and how it can be stopped. The Seven realize that they would need to summon Arcade's mightiest heroes -- old and new. If nothing is done to quarantine and delete the virus, then the realms would converge; realities would warp; and stories would be undone. The story begins here and the game has just begun.

Note: These are not the only kingdoms in which players can choose characters to play from. This is just a small list of the top gaming companies, and those selected to represent the seven major kingdoms in this game.
GM note: Players have dibs on characters regardless if they are being used as NPCs. If you see a NPC being used by the GM that you want to make your playable character, simply PM the GM.
- Rosalina - Nintendo
- Guile - Capcom
- The Prince - Ubisoft
- Artanis - Blizzard
- Alucard - Konami
- Vault Boy - Bethesda
- Headmaster Cid -Square Enix
Platform City is a crossover dimension, and the capital of the video game universe. In Tetris Castle, the rulers of the seven largest kingdoms: Nintendo, Konami, Capcom, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Square Enix, and Blizzard; come together in a summit once a year to discuss the stability of the video game world. Unfortunately, due to an emergency, a meeting was called sooner than intended. An unknown video game virus has infiltrated the universe and has led to the corruption of several worlds. The seven rulers of the seven major kingdoms have summoned the greatest warriors to venture out to these corrupted kingdoms and purge them of the enemy virus dubbed the Mugen Virus.
Players will choose one hero from any video game franchise with the exception of certain Japanese video games. If the anime, film, literature did not originate as a video game, then players are not allowed to choose characters from such games. Other prohibited franchises are Marvel, DC, Disney (to include Star Wars and Kingdom Hearts (due to the Disney characters being in the game)), and Hyperdimension Neptunia.
After players have managed to complete an entire mission with their one character, those players who have remained dedicated and who are still a part of the game will be allowed to unlock a second character option. For now, I am only permitting one character to be selected to control the character traffic and to permit players to have a better chance of acquiring their first choice.
Players are not permitted to play villains. Villains already have a place in this game. If a player goes inactive, then his or her character will be relieved and tossed back into the dibs pool. The story that that character left behind will no longer be significant for the new player that adopts that character will have free reign to play that character as though the character were anew. Reset!
Players are not permitted to bend the gender of the hero character UNLESS the gender was interchangeable in the game. For example, a player can play Link and another can play Linkle. Although they are similar in appearance, they are different characters. A second example is Commander Shepard. In Mass Effect, the player could make Commander Shepard either a male or a female, but there will be only one Commander Shepard. By now, I am sure that you understand.
Barney-Style Game Statistics Guide
Physical Damage
Physical Damage: This attribute determines physical damage.
(P)Defense: This attribute determines physical resistance to physical damage and critical damage as well as tenacity to certain physical afflictions such as: poison, disease, and drugs that affect the character’s mental (drug afflictions on the brain) or physical state.
(M)(E)Defense: This attribute determines magical/energy resistance to magic/energy damage and critical damage as well as tenacity to certain magical/supernatural afflictions such as: curses, illusions, psychokinetic attacks, and any magical/supernatural effect that can alter the character’s psychology or spiritual status.
Magic/Energy: This attribute determines magical/energy damage.
Dexterity: This attribute determines speed, accuracy, and evasion.
Critical Damage: For every point placed into Physical/Magic/Energy Damage and Dexterity, the percent of critical damage rises. Every 5 points in Dexterity and PM/E-Damage will grant a 5% chance increase. Remember, five points in both categories not just one or the other.
Every character who joins this game will be given 5 stat points to distribute throughout the 5 attribute categories. All sheets start with 1/1/1/1/1 so you will add five points to that. All characters start at Level One, and as they earn experience, they have the ability to level up. Each time a character levels, the player will earn 5 stat. points to arrange how they like. It does not matter who you choose to role play, with these stats, your character's strength and weaknesses will be determined by where you allocate the points. Lara Croft can be just as powerful as Asura if that character's stats are better. It does not matter who you choose to role play.
The character code that I give you to help you fill out your CS is a guide. Just follow what it says. I promise you that it is easy. Be also sure to refer to the profile sample if you need a visual.
Experience is awarded in two ways: 1) In game Only During Missions when bosses—main or minor—are defeated along with minions, and 2) by player word count. I reward literacy. The players and the GM will keep track of the experience points achieved. Every experience bar starts at 10 experience for level 1. As players level up, the experience bar will increase by 10. So for example, the experience bar of a level 2 character is 20. This means that a character must earn 20 points worth of experience in order to advance to level 3. The GM has the right to deny a character experience points. If a writer posts a post with no purpose and is believed to have contributed nothing, then a GM will deny that writer experience. This system is supposed to be rewarding. If you try to abuse it or manipulate it, you will be denied experience and then you will be asked to leave the game.
300 words = 1 experience point
500 words = 2 experience points
1,000 words = 3 experience points
The experience reward may increase as characters grow in level.
You can keep track of your acquired experience by posting the points at the end of your post (or bottom of your post), or by writing it to your character’s character profile (which the GM encourages you to do both). Players can receive experience points regardless of where the character is in the game with this system.
Battle System Explained
The way combat will work in this game is the villains will be run by either the GM or a trusted player.
Players will write their characters making what is called an attempt. You will attempt to strike the enemy, but you will not confirm it happening. You can say what could possibly be the result if your character was to succeed with the attack, but you cannot say that the attack succeeded. The GMs will determine what amount of damage your character outputs based on his or her stats, technique, and how much is received based on the secret stats and level of the enemy. Yes, if a character had an ability like "Scan" from Final Fantasy, the stats and level of the enemy would be revealed. But back to the explanation.
Here is an example of a correct combat post:
Joyce curled her fingers into a large fist and swung at Billie's jaw.
It is very important to always specify where exactly your attack is intended. The GM rewards description. If you write vague, then the GM will finish your response for you and cause the attack to hit where you probably didn't intend. So it is very important to pay attention. This battle strategy makes combat challenging, fun, and rewarding. When you get good at it, you'll probably be able to gloat about your skills to pay close attention to detail.
Here is an example of a vague combat post:
Joyce curled her fingers into a large fist and swung at Billie.
Notice how Joyce didn't state where she was swinging. Billie at this point can easily dodge her attempt because loophole-granted, he can say Joyce swung wherever.
Here is an example of a bad combat post where the writer completed the action without GM judgment:
Joyce curled her fingers into a large fist, swung at Billie's jaw and broke it. While he fell over clutching his face, she stood over him with a cocky smirk and said, "Suck it!"
I hope you now understand what is the right thing to do in a combat scenario and what is the wrong thing to do. If you ever decide to have your character spar another player's character, then by writing only attempts, you show each other courtesy. If players want to challenge a move, then they can call the GM forth to judge the disputed action. Understand that whatever the GM decides is final. Do your best to try and discuss it in PM and let the GM be the last resort.
Squads were added to the game to make it fun and competitive in good sport as well as to provide a way for the game to constantly take in new players. After the initial characters start this game off, Alpha Squad will be the initial entry squad for all new players. Alpha Squad will go on missions more suited for their level; and after those missions, depending on how the heroes perform, they can be assigned to the veteran squads.
Some writers may start their characters off as rookies to dabble in the pleasure of full-on character development and progress. This is absolutely fine. The option to leave the rookie level to ascend will always be open to you.
Delta Squad
Delta is where the elite heroes go. “Elite” is not determined by whether a character is a legendary or not or by how bad-ass they were in their game. It is determined by the hero’s performance. Initially, heroes may make it to this team because they performed well during the first mission, but the assignment is not permanent. Heroes can always be dropped to the next lowest squad if they become complacent or if other heroes surpass them. The Delta team go on missions at the highest difficulty. While being a part of this honored team is gloat-worthy, the mortality rate is higher. As a GM, my role is not to kill-off heroes but to make the mission as fiction-realistically difficult to match the level and squad your character is assigned. The rewards for completed missions are worth it, including the reward of your character having survived. Delta members will be placed into mentoring positions to help train the other squad members into potentially succeeding them. You never know what will happen in combat, and there must always be a hero ready to replace a fallen champion.
That’s the idea of Delta Squad any way. It sounds intense because that is the feeling that you're supposed to get. It is Delta!
Now if writers who manage to have their heroes make it to Delta want to make an initiation rite of passage for any new heroes who join in the future, by all means. Play around with the story to your heart’s content. As I said before, your playground. This goes for all of the squads.
Charlie Squad
This is probably one of the most competitive squads. Members of Charlie are right beneath Delta and have the potential to ascend any moment. By no means does being a member of Charlie, Bravo, or Alpha mean that the hero is inferior to Delta. While some immature Delta members may make them feel that way, everyone can be replaced. Charlie has the pleasure of being able to study the Delta members and tailor their leadership style as they deem appropriate so that when they become Delta, they won't make the same mistakes they have witnessed.
Charlie will at times be tasked alongside Delta as a support unit. When this opportunity arises, members of Charlie have the option of impressing and getting to know their future teammates. Charlies’s performance during a Delta-level operation may have some heroes qualify for Delta Squad.
Bravo Squad
Bravo Squad is for characters who aren’t interested in direct combat, although, some characters may be assigned as support personnel to other squads. This is the support squad whether it be medical or cybernetic. Bravo supports all the other squads up-close and at a distance. If heroes need to be extracted from a perilous situation, dropped off for silent infiltration, or if heroes need a system hack that is the duty of Bravo!
Alpha Squad
This is the squad for characters who have a lot to learn or who are joining the game for the first time. This is the initial entry squad. Heroes apart of this squad will have a chance to advance to other squads after completing an Alpha-level mission. Missions in Alpha tend to have a low to medium difficulty. This squad is to get those players adjusted to the game or to act as a plot point for those writers who want to develop their characters at a pace under their control.
1. Do not come to this game to argue. If you read over this recruitment thread, and saw something that you didn't like, then move on.
2. Do not abuse the system. This game is meant to be fun and to allow players freedom to play their favorite characters to their interpretation. We're all adults here (most of us) so please be mature and act like one. Do not try to cut the corners on the system laid out here.
3. Whatever the GM says goes. I try to be fair to the best of my ability. However, I do not try to please the world nor do I care to. If we discuss an issue and we can't seem to come to an agreement, then it is best that the issue is dropped.
4. If someone chose the character you wanted, then compromise. If the player does not want to give him or her up, I'm sorry. Be creative and find someone else or move on.
5. If you need help with the stat system, the GM will help you. Do not overthink it. I promise you that it isn't that difficult and once you get the hang of it, you'll think, "No sweat!"
6. Images. Be mindful of the size of your images. If it is too big for the screen, then put a hider around it or make it a url.
7. Read my Game. I did not write this for my health. I wrote this mostly for you than for me. The number one way to get on my shit list is to show me that you didn't read my game. The best way you do this is by frequently asking me questions that are answered in the damn OP. If I suspect you're not thoroughly reading this OP, then I'm going to stop caring and you're not going to be allowed in this game. Why would I allow a person whose hand I would have to hold throughout the game because they don't want to read a freakin' text role play game on a text role play site?
8. GM questions. If you ask a question, mention me. If you're talking to me, mention me. If you want my attention mention me because that is what that button is for. If it looks like I ignored you, 99.9% of the time it is because you didn't mention me and I lost your comment or question in the OOC flood. Mention me. Mention me. Mention me. I have to repeat this because people don't do it.
9. Be open and friendly. I am very big on character interaction. It is often overlooked in games. Please collaborate with other writers in this game. This game will become way more interesting if you do.
10. Romance. I like romance. Some of us do. But if you plan on walking the borderline of the Guild rules, then take it into PMs.
11. Have fun. There is only so much I can do as a GM. I cannot make you have fun. I cannot make you enjoy the character that you created. I cannot make you seek out writers to collaborate with. All I do is guide the game and make sure everything goes forward and not backwards. You have to do the rest. So please make the most of this game.
Story Thus Far…
April 22, 2017 – Odinsphere
The Council has gathered all the video game heroes from across The System to battle the epidemic caused by the Mugen Virus. Their first ever mission was to travel to Odinsphere to help a general whose land was in peril. Unfortunately, the group learned that the general was hoping to use them to help him secure the Ring Titrel that would give him the power to control The Cauldron and bring Erion’s (the world) end. The group managed to foil General Brigan’s plans and defeat Odin at the expense of the legendary hero Mario. The war in Odinsphere is not over, but to return would require the group to grow much stronger. The group returns to Platform City to rest and recover from tragedy as well as to welcome new additions to the cause.
December 17, 2017 - Smash Arena 2017 - Sparx's Request
New Character Reservations
Second Character Reservations
As characters reserve second characters
Third Character Reservations
As characters reserve third characters