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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Scarifar@Eklispe@Satoshi Kyou

Walking into the card shop, the small young boy took in the whole place. There were cards all over the place, and just as Rumi had suggested, there were many students before them. The whole thing was new to him. Usually, the only cards he saw were the ones his father brought home to him for the children, and even then he only really got the ones that his brothers didn't want for a multitude of reasons. Here he was open to whatever he wanted. Harpie Ladies, Alien cards, robot cards, anything he could think of it was here and it was purchasable. He loved the idea he was allowed to make any deck he wanted. All of this was taken away from him when he heard a sudden whisper. He felt confused and worried as he heard a familiar voice speak.

"Rumi surprise attack Take 2!"

"What?" He asked, turning to see Rumi fall on the ground in front of a new person. He walked forward in confusion. Clearly, he was a friend of hers, and a nice young man as he crouched to offer help. He decided to merely give moral support.
"Are you ok Rumi?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@GarlandDaHero @KOgaming

It would appear that Konstantinovich's commandeering of the bus for his own nefarious purposes in service of his Hellish Master Lucifer had already caught attention. It was to be expected really, as The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell noticed that there was a blue Toyota giving chase behind him alongside the pounding on the bus from his newest disciple. The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of hell was headbanging alongside a few quick drumming beats on the steering wheel as he kept the bus bolting forward, as the momentum caused the brick to slide back towards him. During these brief motions he noticed that his brick came back to him but also that there was a microphone.

"Heeeeeelllo..." There was an expression underneath the helmet of The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell; but that expression was just between him and the Devil. Fyodor tapped the microphone once before activating it.

It was time for a monologue done through the bus speakers.

"Attention! I, THE GHOULISH RIDER - TRAVELER OF THE HIGHWAY OF HELL, am bringing you masses of Saotome Duel Academy a most important Sinful Sermon! This vehicle is being liberated from Saotome so that it may serve its dark purpose for Lucifer! Any attempts to reclaim this vehicle will not be tolerated; for you oppose not only me but you oppose the WILL OF THE LORD OF THE FLIES HIMSELF! All ye who serve the Angelic Forces, REPENT AND SANCTIFY YOUR DEMONS! You still have a chance to convert before the Kingdom of the Damned has been constructed and wipes out all of those who have refused the call to serve Satan and his forces! I know many of you are lost without a sense of purpose, without a place to belong, perhaps you feel like you are weak all by yourself. LUCIFER WILL ACCEPT YOU AS HIS SERVANTS AND YOU WILL HAVE A PLACE IN THE KINGDOM OF THE DAMNED! NO MORE DO YOU HAVE TO CARE ABOUT THE LIFE YOU ONCE WALKED AND LIVED! FOR THE LORD OF FLIES SHALL BAPTIZE YOU IN SIN AND MARK YOU AS HIS OWN! AND THEN YOU SHALL HAVE PURPOSE, STRENGTH AND MOST OF ALL A DEVOUT FAITH! Those of you who know that deep in their heart of hearts that they are meant to serve, to finally find a place where you belong, for those wishing to leave an impact that'll exist longer than you could ever hope to live, and those who just wish to see the world burn, FOLLOW THE WAYS OF THE GHOULISH RIDER - TRAVELER OF THE HIGHWAY OF HELL! Place your faith in the Demonic Forces as they will guide you to me. I shall provide purpose for all of you lost black sheep! Join while you can... BECAUSE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN WILL BE BROUGHT DOWN IN BLOODIED CARNAGE BY THE KINGDOM OF THE DAMNED! HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN!"

After finishing that sermon, Fyodor reached for his brick and dropped it out towards Tekkan. "Neophyte! Before I allow you aboard...YOU WILL TEST YOUR FAITH FOR THE DARK LORD LUCIFER! I have a blasphemer, a servant of angels, on my tail. You will throw my brick at his vehicle to stop him from pursuing me! And you will hold on tightly while doing so because I must perform evasive manuevers. IF YOU HAVE SANCTIFIED YOUR DEMONS, SOLD YOUR SOUL TO ME AND GIVEN YOUR LIFE IN SERVICE TO THE DAMNED KINGDOM LUCIFER SHALL ESTABLISH ON EARTH, YOU WILL BE ALLOWED INTO THIS NEW SANCTUARY! Now go forth and speak your name as you declare your loyalty to Lucifer as you allow him to guide my brick to stop this force of righteousness!"

And that's when Fyodor began driving even more erratically while still heading off of campus grounds in search for an unholy spot that would store this 'demonic bus'.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Blight Bug @KOgaming

Tekkan joined in The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell's satanic chanting as he preached his dark lord's will. "HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN!" Despite his upbringing as an officer's child, it felt amazing to be acting like this. Sorry, Mom, Dad... the youth thought to himself as he took a deep breath. ...But I've found my calling in life. The Morning Star and Demon Lord Lucifer needs me!

Taking the brick that Fyodor bequeathed unto him, Tekkan gave a salute with the same hand the brick was in. "Your wish is my command, Leader!" A look of determination in his eyes, the youth turned to the engineer, poised to hurl the brick at him and his truck.

Holding on to the rail tightly, Tekkan declared his loyalty to the demons at the top of his lungs.

"Morning Star and King of Demons, Lucifer! I, Tekkan Katsuragi, son of Kaori and Akira Katsuragi, pledge my allegiance to you and offer thee my eternal soul! May your almighty will guide this unholy brick of decimation to its target with unparalleled precision! HALLOWED BE THE NAME OF THE ONE TRUE DEMON LORD!"

With all of his might and newfound determination, Tekkan hurled the brick at the blue Toyota, watching it sail deftly toward its intended target.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Blight Bug@GarlandDaHero

After the sermon of Fyodor, the Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell, another monotone voice had been heard. "SPEED WORLD 2 ACTIVATED." it droned through the bus. "DAMN KIIIIIIDS!" the trucker engineer shouted, following close behind him. The dashboard of the schoolbus had shifted, turning inwards and into an old fashioned, solid duel disk. It must have been an older model. The initiator of the duel was the engineer, whose deck was already in the deck slot of his duel disk. As is customary, the one to get to the next turn first would be the one to start the duel.

@The book of bad juju

It was silent for a moment save for the wind blowing through the windows, the silence broken by the man in vaguely Egyptian garb taking a loud, deep breath. "Very well." he answered, reaching his arm out to the side. His robe slid down his arm, revealing a gold bracer covering his forearm. The center slid open, revealing a screen which read 4000, and a black, solid light blade with gold trims was projected from it.

"Duel!" he shouted, his deck popping out of the brace, dispensing five cards. "It is Our turn, and to start things off, We shall activate the spell card One for One! It will allow Us to send one monster from Our hand to the graveyard, in return, giving Us a level 1 monster from Our deck. In this case, We shall discard the ever faithful "Pharaoh's Servant". Do you have any response, oh blessed of Ra?"

@PKMNB0Y@Scarifar@Eklispe@Satoshi Kyou@manapool1

"Damn. You alright girlfriend?" the woman remarked as Rumi fell over herself. The pair did not seem to expect a crowd, and the boy seemed a little worried.

"S-so. Are any of y-you guys still in the tournament thingy?" he asked the crowd, hiding his head halfway through his sentence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@GarlandDaHero @KOgaming

Cackling wildly, The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell certainly had an expression underneath his helmet as his neophyte pledged his eternal soul to Lucifer - The Punished Angel of the Morningstar. But that expression was just between him and the Devil. "Well done!"

And that's when the servant of goodness activated his own Speed World 2 card. While Fyodor relished the idea of destroying this heretic in a Turbo Duel; he needed to get his newly acquired Unholy Sanctuary to a spot off the campus grounds quickly so he could secure it for the Damned Kingdom. Plus he'd need the time to check out that old model style of duel field...

"Lo you have taken the first steps into service for the Dark Lord! I did say that I would let you in; however I need you to do something else so that we may serve the Odious One in a more beneficial matter!"

That's when Konstantinovich began easing on the breaks and slowing the bus down, and allow the blue Toyota to get closer.

"Take flight! Land upon the truck and break in and stop that arrogant fool's driving; if possible secure the Truck so that it may be driven to the Promised Land where I shall raise this Unholy Sanctuary upon! My duty to Lucifer is out there, your duty is still on these academy grounds.
Believe in the Almighty Demon Lord Lucifer, for he shall guide you to the truck to conquer it in his name!
Believe in the Almighty Demon Lord Lucifer, for he shall guide you to see other souls who need unholy guidance!
Believe in the Almighty Demon Lord Lucifer, for he shall guide you to cause mayhem in the Academy Tournament!
Believe in the Almighty Demon Lord Lucifer, for he shall guide you and the other lost souls to me when your task is done!
Believe in the Almighty Demon Lord Lucifer, for he shall guide me to establish his Kingdom!
Believe in the Almighty Demon Lord Lucifer, for he has given us purpose!
Believe in your Almighty Demon Lord Lucifer, for he has your soul now!
Fret not, for even when times are rough the Morningstar shall shine brightly.
You shall be among the first to enter the Unholy Sanctuary I will raise for Lucifer; now go forth and help set the stage for Satan's Infernal Reign!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I do, actually. Activating the monster card called Retaliating "C" from my H-hand, I can special summon it to my side of the field, like so. And since it's summoned by it's own effect, any card you send to the graveyard is banished. Like that One-for-One spell you've just played, but unfortunately not the Pharaonic Servent, erm, because of timing issues."

Her voice cracked and faltered. Anywhere else, she would have been raving about her "C", how great a macro cosmos that can be activated from the hand was, or how cool and tactical it was to have monsters out on the field already making her plays before her turn even came up. Or even how cool it looked in solid vision, running up the leg of a desk and hiding in the shadows underneath. This guy was still creeping her out, and she was obviously rambling. Concentrate, Tsukasa. Concentrate!

"So, what're you summoning?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Blight Bug @KOgaming

Tekkan pumped his free hand into the air, ecstatic about succeeding in his mission.

Then, after watching the Speed World card activate, the youth received another assignment, which he promptly accepted. "You got it, Leader!"

After getting into position and waiting for the truck to come closer, Tekkan leaped from the railing with a jihad-esque cry of "HAIL SATAN!" and crashed through the truck's front window, pushing against the driver and trying to both wrest the vehicle's control from him and push him through the front door's window. "Surrender your vehicle to the one true king Beelzebub, wretched servant of God! Your ilk has no future in Satan's kingdom! Now begone!" The youth aimed a quick and sharp right hook at the engineer's eyes, intending to blind him at least temporarily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"A Duel with you?" Ayami asked, contemplating the thought a bit before shrugging her shoulders. "Well, seeing as how the shopkeeper won't be returning any time soon, I don't be-"

The young woman's words were cut off by the sound of someone abruptly falling flat on her face in an attempt to tackle Matt to the ground. Given her words, it seemed as if this wasn't the first time she had attempted such a silly feat...

Which raised a few questions in and of itself, but Ayami let the matter slide. What others did had no weight on her conscience, anyhow.

"...Right. As I was saying, I don't believe I have any reason to decline. I assume the one being challenged would decide the turn order, so I'll go second," she continued, letting her Duel Disk fan out in front of her. "Oh, that reminds me: are we still mimicking the tournament here with 8000 Life Points, or are we using the normal 4000 now that we've both been eliminated?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Blight Bug@GarlandDaHero

The trucker all but dropped his cards, clenching the pieces of cardboard in hand as he covered his eyes. When he opened them, he noticed the fist coming right at him, knocking him unconscious. With the driver out, the truck swerved out of control, but Tekkan had the truck for himself.

Not far along, was a dirt trail which led into one of the farmhouses. There, Fyodor could find an empty barnyard. Indeed, the crops seemed unkempt, the ricefields brimming with weeds and the barn houses were clean of any animals or equipment. It was abandoned- and more importantly- it was spooky.

@The book of bad juju

"Very well, oh blessed of Ra. We shall summon "Ra's Scribe" in defense mode!" the cultist declared. A small child dressed in Egyptian garb adorned in gold jewelry decorated with depictions of The Winged Dragon of Ra appeared holding a papyrus scroll and quill, taking a knee, apparently writing something down. "Now. When he's summoned, his effect activates, allowing Us to show you three cards from Our deck with the same name, and allows Us to add it to Our hand." The scribe scribbled something onto the scrolls, revealing the name "Ra's Disciple" to Aya. The three cards were revealed from the cultist's deck, held in his own hand, before he took two of them, placing them at the bottom of his deck.

"Next, We'll activate the spell card Smashing Ground to destroy your monster! Then, We will normal summon one of the Ra's Disciples We've added to Our hand, and with that, his effect activates, allowing Us to summon two more along side him from Our hand or deck. Arise, oh servant of Our greatest god!" the cultist shouted as three similar monsters appeared out of his deck and onto the field.

"Now. With level 1 tuner Ra's Scribe and level 4 Ra's Disciple, Synchro Summon! Arise, level 5 Ra's Royal Guard!" The scribe threw its pen into the air and disappeared into a glowing green ring as one of the disciples transformed into four glowing orbs in the center of the ring. Out of it, a tanned, muscular man wielding a bronze khophesh, his head covered with a gold funerary mask with the head shaped like that of a hawk.

"Now, We cannot activate his first effect. However, We can his second. One of Ra's Disciples must be sacrificed. Farewell... And you will take damage equal to his attack points! We shall repeat the process with the other of Ra's Disciples. Now. Before We end Our turn. Will you tell us your name, oh blessed of Ra?"

@PKMNB0Y@Scarifar@Eklispe@Satoshi Kyou@manapool1

"I dunno what's wrong with you baby girl. We doing fights with four thousand, like people normally do it. You think we gonna do something like this again? I sure hell don't. Oh! The names Tanya by the way. I'm from Detroit. And this here's my new friend! Uh..."

"Martin" he answered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell would not have to deal with the delay of a Turbo Duel by that mechanic in the pick-up. He watched in the mirror noting that Tekkan Katsugari had fulfilled his mission. Truly the sinful machinations were in motion.

He slowly activated the microphone and spoke it into it once again.

"As I stated before, destruction will be brought down upon those who fail to heed the call to serve Lucifer. Have faith in the Morningstar, as he protects those marked by his Infernal Sin. Listen to your heart; I will await those who shall serve His Infernal Majesty." came out the speakers as the bus drifted off the school grounds, and down a dirt road.


Konstantinovich drove the bus to the farmland devoid of life, but not devoid of structures. There was certainly an expression underneath the helmet of The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell as he made this serendipitous discovery. But that was just between him and the Devil. Fyodor parked just outside of one of the barnhouses. Exiting the bus, Fyodor made sure to manually lock the bus door. He spun the key ring around his finger as he gazed upon the barnhouses and the fields that only grew weeds.

He clasped his hands together in a mockery of prayer and knelt down on both knees. Gazing down at the Earth he prayed,"На этой земле фермеров, я создам Церковь Мою, и все силы небо не может принять его"

Slowly rising, Fyodor stretched his arms out wide and howled out to the skies, "HAIL LUCIFER!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rumi got up quickly after Matt's help and hearing people around her "I'm okay I'm okay, turns out I'm not made for surprising people" Rumi joked while jumping on the spot to signify she is completely okay in response to everyone's concerns "Yeah um... I tried to surprise you earlier Matt-senpai" Rumi said Senpai again still unsure if it's correct or not to call him that "I came here looking for duelists to duel nobody else seemed to be interested back there," Rumi remarked nodding "I came here to you challenge you to a duel!" Rumi proclaimed pointing at Matt assuming he is still in it once again striking another pose trying to be cool but once again coming off as cute, still not really showing people that she is in fact 17 years old

almost completely forgetting she was supposed to work with Lua "B-but there is the problem that I kinda thought of the idea of doing a tag style duel with Lua in it as well... and there is only one of you so that might be a tad bit unfair..." Rumi said once she realized the situation and honestly didn't want to gang up on someone she kinda made friends with. though she was completely ignoring the fact there was someone else here asking if anyone else was in the opening ceremony free for all

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"It's Maxx 'C'. " She said, drawing two cards while her opponent was blabbering. "If you destroy my "C" with Smashing Ground, I get to add another one f-from my deck to my hand, which i've discarded to chain onto the activation of Ra's Disciple." There was a moment of silence before she caught on. "You mean my name? It's erm, Aya. Originally turkish, but in moonspeak, it's spelt with the kanji for Logic, which i've always thought was kind of a misnomer? I mean, there's totally a thing i do, but it's n-n-not... I'm babbling. My turn, right? Draw!" Her hand was noticably heavy as she added the newest card to it. Seven card; five minus one for the Retaliating but plus 2 for the Maxx. Maxxes? Maxxen? Whatever. Definately more then enough to start swinging her weight around. Shame he hadn't left her a couple of traps to pop, but still. She walked forwards, into the field of illusions.

"Okay, so first off, i activate the field spell Kyoutow waterfront. Next i'll play Terraforming, allowing me to add another Kyoutow to my hand." Somewhere outside the building, the view of the school was replaced, as smoothly and efficiently as the finest of Solid Vision would allow, with a bustling and pristine metropolis. It had a skyline and everything. "As Terraforming hits the Graveyard, Kyoutow's effect activated, giving it a Kaiju counter-" A building sparkled into view, all shiny chrome and brass, with the words "TERRAFORMING RESEARCH SOCIETY" written in brass over the doors. That was a particularly neat touch, she had to admit. She chuckled a little every time she saw it go off. She stepped around her opponent's Royal Guard, and finally faced him off directly.

"This is yours." she said, slapping a card onto his field.

Somewhere behind her, Royal guard died. It happened very fast and very sudden, but the ceiling had caved in, and a man-sized block of masonry dropped from the ceiling and crushed him whole. The earth shook. Solid vision with mass had really come a long way since the primitive holograms of yesteryear, and the disks strained with the effort of having to render all of it in real time. Finally, off somewhere in the distance of Kyotow city, it appeared. It's mere presence darkened the sky to a sickly red. It sniffed the air, and roared a deep, draconic roar.

"And don't you bend the cardboard or anything, mister." Said Aya, waggling a finger to her opponent. "That Dogoran's a secret rare! Oh, and Kyoutow gets another counter with Royal Guard hitting the graveyard." Next to the building, a small statue was raised, the spitting image of the now deceased Royal Guard, with a tiny little plaque under it that read "In Memoriam of those who tragically lost their lives - RA'S ROYAL GUARD". It would have been sweet if it wasn't being raised amidst so much death and destruction that the Kaiju left in it's wake.

"And i bet you're thinking that it's okay to lose your guard to get such a powerful monster in exchange, right? Even if you lost that big strong Guard who hit me for like 2200 last turn, at least now you can get your revenge. Well, i'm afraid you're wrong about that." She played a card face up on her side of the field. It appeared from the sky, twisting the clouds apart in its wake. It seemed to glow like the sun, preventing anyone from really getting a good look at it. Geometrical shapes, maybe. And mouths. Teeth, certainly. It let out a roar of its own, higher pitched, keening, that set Aya's teeth on edge.

"When you control a Kaiju, i can summon an equally strong Kaiju onto my side of the field for free. So Say hi to Jiz- erm, Jazz- Big dragon sun thingy!" She cursed a little, getting the name wrong. It never sat right in her mouth, that name. She shouldn't have acted all smug and proud of herself just for playing four cards reasonably well. "And if you've got no objections, we'll move straight into seeing which one of them is the strongest, okay?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ryik
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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

Member Seen 6 days ago

Elly closed her eyes. Vanity’s fucking emptiness. No one ever ran that card. It's a real headache, but at least it’s not Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo. Fuck that card. She took a deep breath as she drew, subtle enough so that her opponent wouldn't be able to see. Maybe she could turn it around if she played her cards right...

Dead draw.


"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" Elly put a hand on her head to contain her oncoming headache. Speaking much softer now, "that should have cost you the game." Against anyone else it probably would have cost him the game, but boy oh boy is she fucked. So much for an impressive entrance, so much for being hailed in as a prodigy or a natural. What would father think?

Well, she know what she thinks, and what she thinks probably isn't what actually happened.

Elly sets a monster and another face-down before crossing her arms. "Listen up you blithering god-damned furry, I can't afford to lose to scum like you, so if you insult me by holding back like I'm some kind of pitiable child again, I will get this feculent shithole destroyed even if I have to bury it myself. Understand?" She doesn't wait for an answer. How rude of her. "It's your turn. Don't keep me waiting."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Blight Bug @KOgaming

Having deftly maneuvered the vehicle towards the farm, Tekkan mimicked Fyodor and parked the truck outside a barn house, albeit a different one from what The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell had chosen. Leaving the engineer behind, he opened the passenger's seat door and jumped out, running up to his boss and kneeling in prayer beside him. Chanting in his own native tongue, the youth ended his recital with a cry of "HAIL LUCIFER!", again mimicking the biker's actions.

Waiting about half a minute after the satanic display, Tekkan asked Fyodor a somewhat important question.

"So, Leader, what do we do now?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@GarlandDaHero @KOgaming

About forty seven seconds, maybe fifty one seconds at the most, had passed as The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell yelled his Unholy Patron's name up at the heavens. Yes. He could feel it, the boy knew that soon enough the skies will plunge down into the fiery abyss that was Lucifer's Kingdom. The helmet gazed up as he first addressed Tekkan.

"I see that the Almighty Prince of Darkness has already returned you to me." He lowered his head back down as he paced around Katsuragi. In the distance he could spy the pick-up truck, with one door open. "And you've even brought me forth the truck of that nonbeliever." Konstantinovich slowly glanced over Tekkan to see if he had the keys on him. It appeared that he did not. The boy must've left them in the ignition, which was perfect. The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell began clapping as he paced around towards the left side of Tekkan.

Placing his right arm on the neophyte's shoulder, The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell leaned in closer.

"Yes. I can feel it!" Fyodor declared as he threw up his arm off Tekkan's shoulder and towards the sky. He quickly brought it back down on his disciple, "Your soul is dutiful, Lucifer is most pleased!

He used his other arm to gesture around at the abandoned farm buildings and fields that surrounded them,"This, this will be our PROMISED LAND! A BULWARK OF HELL, SANCTUARY TO THE SINFUL!

The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell engaged in a dramatic pause. "Now you ask what is our plan; it is the establishment of the Kingdom of Hell upon Earth itself! Yes that is our plan, the plan that I've -no we've- been tasked to do by our Infernal Lord of the Morningstar. But I know that was not the answer you wished. Was it?"

He shook his head, "You wish to hear of the plan in the short-term. Yes. I shall tell you our plan."

He pointed towards the dirt road leading back to the school, and gestured Tekkan to face towards it. "You, you have a most important task to do in that place. You are still part of that 'Academic Battle Royale'; are you not? I recall the automaton saying something about it. Walk down upon that road and return back to those campus grounds. It should not be a lengthy travel, so do not take the Toyota with you. We do not wish for them to try to disturb the Accursed Convoy being gathered. Oh that convoy is a most bountiful dark harvest..." Fyodor continued, "You will continue to be a part of that tournament until the time comes. It does not matter whether you win or lose; the important thing is that you convert. I know that my sermon has spread across the grounds, but I need eyes and ears in the field ready to bring those who are ready to serve to my guidance"

"I know you can complete this task dutifully and efficiently." The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell said as he patted Katsuragi on his shoulder before pacing towards the Toyota.

Turning his head towards his disciple he spoke once more, "As for my task, I must start to prepare these grounds into the Unholy Sanctuary that it is destined to be. It will baptize many into the ranks of Lucifer's own and it will be a glorious part of the Almighty One's Empire. NOW GO FORTH! HAIL LUCIFER!" He shouted as he raised his fist into the air.


As he walked to the Pickup, Fyodor noticed that the engineer was both still there and knocked out. "Oooh I've been given such gifts this day!" gleefully exclaimed the boy as he rubbed his hands together like it was Christmas Morning. The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell pulled the gruff engineer out of the vehicle and left him on the ground. After taking a brief moment to secure the fact that he was out, The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell began to search through the Toyota to look for things to serve as nice restraints, and other interesting implements the truck had readily available.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Satoshi Kyou

"What about this young man? He seemed to want to duel, he even asked us if we were still in the game. What was his name again? Martin?" Lua Interjected. He was eager to join her in a battle. It would be fun, and to develop some friendships would be very nice. Martin seems like a nice kid, although he was clearly a shy young body, Lua had a similar personality as a young man. The woman accompanying him was eccentric, but so was Rumi and she seemed to be the closest thing to a real friend he had, assuming that he should not confirm that if they had only met moments ago, but perhaps that was wrong to assume.

"What dorm are you all in? Maybe we'll meet again, but for now, let's have a tag team duel, what do you say?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Blight Bug @KOgaming

The white-haired youth was grinning wide as the biker praised him and explained his plan to him. The grin was like a combination of the reaper's own smirk and the giddy smile of a little school girl. Fyodor believed in Tekkan, and so too did the Morning Star, Lucifer. Excellent. This was a glorious day for the young Katsuragi, to be certain.

"Yes, Leader! I will carry out your will: The will of the Demon King!" Tekkan broke out into an immediate sprint towards the academy after saying his piece, letting out another scream of "HAIL SATAN!" all the while.

On the run back to the school grounds, the youth heard what sounded like a crack of thunder. He initially dismissed it as just the weather, but after being enlightened by one of the devil's own messengers, who could really say for sure?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Szall
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Lord Szall Supreme Dark Entity

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Meanwhile, behind the "Dark Magician" House Dormitory...

"Turn 3! Draw!" Yuryuu proclaimed to his opponent, his poker face showing signs of confidence. His field was bare of cards, with only a single face-down spell in play, as well as his Storm Rage Dragon, standing alone on the field. Meanwhile, His opponent was sitting with two face down cards, and a newly summoned Black Luster Soldier in attack mode. Not only that, but his opponent's life points were still sitting on a 4000 lead verse his 1200.

Even so, Yuryuu was calm. He still had one monster on the field, and he knew just how to make use of it. "I activate Pot of Greed..." he stated, adding to cards to his hand to make a total of 5. "And then I then tribute Storm Rage Dragon. Come forth, Dark Dragon... Unleash your hidden potential! I summon the Legendary Lock Rage Dragon!". His opponent chuckled a little as the so called Legendary Monster took to Yuryuu's field. "I'm sorry, freshman, but I think with only 2100 ATK points, your Monster cannot stand up to my Black Luster Soldier" his opponent exclaimed.

Yuryuu's expression did not change. "Using Lancephorhynchus... and Fierce Anger Dragon, I set the Pendulum Scale!". And with that, the two monsters floated across his field, and the effect for Pendulum Summoning appeared on the stadium."Pendulum Summon! I bring forth Rare Metal Dragon and Genesis Dragon from my hand, and bring back Storm Rage Dragon from my extra deck!"

The monster's Yuryuu's summoned appeared, and their ATK power, though not higher than Black Luster Soldier, made his opponent sweat. Then, his opponent realised that Storm Rage Dragon hadn't taken the field yet. "Wait a second... where is your other monster?". Yuryuu activated his next ability in response to his question. "Storm Rage Dragon's ability activates! If he is special summoned, I can destroy one of my scales and activate him in the empty space left behind..." Upon the reading of his effect, the Ocean Dragon swallowed Lancephorhynchus, as his pendulum scale became a null 3:3. "When Storm Rage's effect resolves, all dragon's on the field gain 200 attack points. What's more, I can use his pendulum effect to destroy my other scale, along with one of your spell or trap cards!"

As Yuryuu's monsters grew in power, Storm Rage Dragon devoured the other Dragon, spitting out a thunderous laser at one of the opponent's facedown cards. "Battle! Lock Rage Dragon... attack Black Luster Soldier!" Yuryuu's opponent jumped back at this declaration, smiling nerviously. "You can't beat Black Luster Soldier. Your monster's attack points only went up to 2300..." Yuryuu waved a hand at this fact. "During battle, if Lock Rage Dragon's ATK has increased this turn, he will immediately destroy the monster he battles. Attack! Black Raging Nova!"

Yuryuu's opponent became terrified of the Dragon's ability. Without a second thought, he desperately flipped up his face-down trap card. "Nggh! I activate Dimensional Prison in order to banish your monster!" Yuryuu simply flipped his face-down trap card in response. "Your not getting away with it. I flip up Trap Stun to nullify your Prison! This duel is my victory!" as the trap cards left their field, Yuryuu's opponent became helpless as his monster disappeared in a swirl of black and orange flames.

Following the destruction of Black Luster Soldier, Yuryuu's monsters dealt 5000 points of direct damage, finishing off his opponent. His opponent complimented his fight shortly before taking off. Meanwhile, as Yuryuu placed his cards back in his deck, he took one last proud look at his Lock Rage Dragon, before setting it back in his deck and walking off towards the center of campus, in search of more opponents to face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Matt Ronwell

Matt helped Rumi help, shook Carnel's hand with a brief, "Matt Ronwell." for an introduction. Martin, as he was now known spoke up timidly asking if any of them were still in, "I'm still playing." Matt said, quickly turning back to Rumi who seemed no worse for wear given her tumble. He raised a skeptical eyebrow at her calling him senpai. Should he call her Rumi-chan then? Nah that seemed weird. "A tag duel hm? Not sure if that follows tournament rules, well either way. So, who wants to tag duel with me against these two?" Lua had the same child-like appearance as Rumi, it was kind of disconcerting to be honest. Martin might want to duel but he was so timid it was hard to tell, Carnel might but Matt had really just met him, well not counting the bus. Ayami and Tanya were planning on getting into a duel all their own, this trip to the card shop had proved more exciting than initially planned. Of course often was the way of life, Matt certainly had no complaints.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@The book of bad juju

And just like that, Ra's Royal Guard had disappeared, replaced by something that was far less. It was certainly bigger, in terms of size and attack power, though the man clad in gold did not appear impressed, and through his mask, possibly even felt disgusted to see his monster being removed from the field as easily as it was.

When the attack was declared, the man stood still, a mere 300 life points would not be enough to topple him.

(3700 LP)
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