@Byrd Man Well how can I say no to that? I love this mantle passed onto Frank Castle. Accepted, looking forward to seeing how this one interacts with the greater universe.
Me, last night: 'Ghost Rider is basically one step down from The Spectre so he's pretty damn tough.'
Byrd Man: 'Yep.'
<Snipped quote by Roman>
Vengeance Bros?
@AndyC *Grumbles about how ugly a centered sheet looks... * I suppose I can accept that since we like need a Superman or something.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
Better now?
@AndyC So for the sake of my brain... Supes was active in the All-Star Squadron... in another timeline not the one we're currently in?
(and here I thought I'd be the first to mess with the timeline, bravo sir. Bravo.)
Essentially Superman was the first superhero, but now he's one of the last.