— Way up there —
Blitz sighed, looked the man in the eye and opened his mouth as if he were going to say something.
Then he let go.
For a second he briefly considered letting the fall end in a typically messy fashion. But Blitz had more questions. This fellow had to be a Himura then and someone had led them to believe that the Wireforts were behind the attack. Maybe the intent was to start a war. It only took another second to catch up and catch his prisoner so that the interview could continue.
"So who told you that the Wireforts were involved?"
The moment gravity took hold of him, the man cried out with a blurred mess of slurs and screams, abruptly ending with a, "Shit!" just as his leg was grabbed hold of again.
"What the fuck man! I'm not fucking hiding anything from you! The Himura's were hit and then we were hit! Only the Wireforts have that set of grudges!"
He shook the man a little. So someone other than the Himuras was hit.
"Interesting, but if they have that sort of capability, why hold back at all? And they only had a skeleton crew at best on the gate, not what you'd see if they were gearing up for a war. It's just bad luck for you that we happened to be paying them a visit."
"The fuck are you guys anyways? You're not Wireforts, that's for sure," he said, tone still riddled with anxiety.
"That's right, we're not." He didn't exactly want to say enough to lead back to Cafe Thaza and the Cleaners. "But we want to find whoever hit you guys as much as anyone."
Maybe trying to appear to be on their side would help. If only they hadn't killed a bunch of his friends…
"Why were you at the Wirefort's then? We could've taken them down ourselves! We deserve our revenge!"
"Trying to get a meeting with their boss to actually ask him instead of just attacking. You know, diplomacy."
He thought for a second.
"And I doubt you would have gotten past the front door. Did you see how fast those Policus drones showed up? You would have been put down like dogs in the street and the Wireforts would have been the ones getting revenge against you. Now think. Who would benefit from a war between your three groups?"
The man was clearly following Blitz's line of thinking, because he fell silent for a moment rather than dismissing what he was throwing down.
"That... makes sense. But the Policus don't resort to shit like this!"
"Think. Who else would want the Wireforts, Himuras and your guys at each others throats. Because it looks like the Policus might just be another pawn like you."
Except for someone like Blitz, of course. Conflict always meant big profit to the ones selling the tools of war. He hadn't entirely written off any of the three groups as a suspect either. If someone would resort to this level of violence he wouldn't count out the idea that they would kill off some of their own.
"I don't know anyone else man! The bigger brotherhoods don't give a shit about us, so there's only Policus that could benefit from us being wiped out. But like I said, this isn't how they operate!" Clearly the man was beginning to lose his patience again, as he started struggling once more. "Now settle me down safely. This shit is all I know!"
This guy didn't seem to know anything else. Blitz flew him down to a building and then took off again before turning his radio back on.