Dr Felix Twycross Athos Zara
Felix’s nervous smile as Athos accepted was soon wiped off his face as their resident Legilimens appeared nudging him out of his admiration. He glared at Zara as she teased the newbie. His daggers stabbed into her mass of lilac curls knowing full well that she would hear his thoughts even if she didn’t want to if he thought them loud enough at her. “LEAVE HIM BE, YOU AUBERGINE HAIRED HAG!” he ‘thought loudly’ in her direction, with equal laughter and humour as there was genuine concern. Hopefully she’d only sense the first emotion… Although he was under no illusion that his Kiwi friend knew everything about his thoughts and feelings toward already. He’d made friends with her sharpish once he knew her ability and although Zara was highly professional, they’d gotten drunk enough on enough occasions for him to know a few juicy titbits about a variety of their staff…
Her smirk widened as the man looked up at her, clearly embarrassed. There was no doubt that she absolutely knew what his feelings were towards Felix, so it did not surprise her when the man was caught off guard. With a small giggle, she was about to make a remark to his statement when her best friend's voice rang extremely loud and clear in her head. Zara scrunched her nose and put two fingers to her temple as she glanced at Felix. Sticking out her tongue at him, she shrugged. "Crikey! Don't have to be so loud, cuz. Gonna give me a headache. And it's lavender, thanks so very much. Can be such a wet blanket at times."
Athos raised a brow at Zara before letting himself be moved by Felix. A tingling sensation spread on his back while the man worked and he found himself going into a statue like state. His eyes shut and his body perfectly unmoving.
Felix shrugged off her comment with blushing cheeks and proved to her that she wasn’t the only one who could do magic without a wand. He sat down on the bed beside Athos and, turning the magizoologists torso, pressed his hands over the two hoof marks and closed his eyes.
As Felix moved to attend to his beloved crush, Zara leaned her back against the wall and folded her arms across her chest. She watched as his face construed in concentration, not being able to help a giggle when his tongue stuck out. The man was an absolute genius and she was lucky that he was one of the only ones who didn't find her crazy or spooky. It could be a little upsetting to know that someone could dip into your mind at any given moment- she was often given the cold shoulder and ignored when she was found to be a Legilimens.
While this was happening both crows tilted their heads at Zara. They seemed to tell whenever someone was uncomfortable around them and unlike many other animals did not seem to push those people. Snape let his pale beak open for a yawn before letting out a soft caw. Clearly the birds were bored...bored and tired. A good mix for the two at the moment.
With a quick sigh, she studied the room around her while she waited. Her eyes strayed over to the crows and she couldn't help an inward shiver. She hated those things. The wings, their beady eyes...They gave her the creeps.
Felix's magic wove into the soft skin, firstly tickling the local nerve cells so his patient would only feel a slight itch before moving the leaking blood back into the broken vessels. His eyebrows furrowed and tongue stuck out slightly as he focused on knitting back together the microscopic capillaries. Normally he didn’t bother with bruises but he didn’t want a newbie to have any disadvantage out on the field especially if he was partnered with them.
Zara ran her hand quickly through her purple curls to distract her mind. She needed to focus on something else entirely before she ran from the room. Looking back over towards the two men, she allowed another peek into the both of them. She had known for a while that feelings were building within the two, yet they were both too taken aback to even do anything about it. There had to be something she could do to push them along to their realization. All the Regulators were known to have a short life span. Their lives were absolutely too short to hold anything back. That thought alone had her own mind drifting to a certain individual…
Felix finished with a quick check of the area surrounding the bruises, no muscular damage or broken ribs, and finally promoted a spike in adrenalin and dopamine for the guy. He sighed in slight exertion as he finished, opening his eyes and placing a hand on Athos’ toned bicep. “How does that feel?” he asked, with a beaming smile on his face.
Athos felt Felix finish with the bruising and felt the sudden spike in energy and happy. He felt a chuckle escape him and he found himself beaming. "I feel awesome thank you" he tried very hard not to think about Felix touching his arm....and was failing a bit.
Taking a quick breath, she shook her head and once more looked at Felix and Athos. Once the magizoologist was healed, she nodded shortly and straightened. "Perfect! Now how about you two pash and make each other better so that we can get to the cases at hand, eh?"
Athos’ focus was then shot to Zara and he blinked his ears slowly brightening in color. "W...what. I mean....we....uh" he could not even form a coherent sentence and resorted to avoiding all glances.
Felix merely went bright red and quickly removed his hand from Athos’ arm.
Before either could answer, Emory's voice boomed throughout the house that they were nearly to their first destination. She grinned and rocked back on the heels of her feet. That was, before it was wiped away when she realized she was still in her pajamas. Her eyes widened. "Crikey! I'm still in my grunds!" Hurrying out of the room, she raced to her own living quarters before pulling on a pair of denim shorts and an over sized black t-shirt.
Zara grabbed a hair tie and knotted the side of her shirt into a ball at her hip before securing it with the tie. Before slipping her feet into a pair of purple converse, she covered her feet with a pair of socks. She checked her reflection in the mirror quickly before deciding against adding makeup to her face. She definitely didn't have a use for it and she was working a case, not trying to impress anyone. Although...
She shook her head quickly. They were on an assignment; she couldn't afford for her emotions for the man get in the way of that. Yes, she knew the very possibility that she could die at any moment. But she was here to do a job. That came before anything else.
Athos barely noticed her leave as he wondered if he could actually sink into the floor and hide. Or maybe go into his bag and hide there.
Felix and Athos stood at the same time and fell into that awkward situation of being very close face to face. Felix’s eyes flew wide and his heart raced. God he’s gorgeous. All he had to do was… There was a moment of silence before awkward smiles prevailed. “Errrr...yeah.” All he wanted to do was lean forward further but his professionalism prevailed and he quickly stepped back eying Athos’ shirt and quickly tossing it toward the half-naked man. “Here, you might want this.” He hurried rushed to leave, only to knock over his bag spilling it’s contents, vials rolling across the floor. You clutz! “I’ve got it!” he snapped before Athos’ could even offer to help, annoyed at himself, not his partner.
Athos blinked at the sudden closeness of Felix from standing at the same time as him. He felt his face heat as his cheeks decided to match his ears. Should I? But what if it ruins everything...why is this so complicated before he could even fully think about doing anything Felix moved away and tossed him his shirt. Athos pulled on the purple t shirt and felt rather frustrated, but shook himself out of it. Athos snapped his attention to Felix as the sounds of rolling vials reached him and went to help, but stopped at the snap. He hoped that annoyance in Felix's voice was for the bag.
Zara pushed her hair away from her face before racing back towards the meeting room, yelling into Athos' room on the way. "Hey, mate! Once you're finished pashing the both of you need to quicken your tail feathers!"
Felix scrambled to push everything back into his bag with more haste at her yelling and stood up to leave, completely flustered and his face completely flushed. “Erm… well I’ll see you downstairs then.”
Athos nodded as Felix left, he completely ignored Zara's comment. "Yeah I'll be down in a moment" he watched Felix leave before going to a trunk he had tucked underneath the window. The two crows cawed and Athos shook his head. "you both know that he won't hurt me... I'm raising him" with that he disappeared inside.
Soon arriving to the designated meeting place, Zara’s grin widened. "Present and accounted for. Ta!"
Felix raced down the corridor to enter the meeting room just after Zara. “I’m here!” he declared to the team leaders before turning on Zara with false menace “As for you,” he growled, “When I get back, we are going to have words…” It was obvious from his expression that his façade of annoyance was merely masking a deep insecurity and fear of opening himself up. He hoped she’d sense his cry out for advice.
She didn't have to to what his words aloud to know he was flustered. With a small grin, she leaned over and placed a big kiss on his cheek. "We both know you love me, Lixie." Lowering her voice so the others didn't hear her, she shrugged. "You two obviously adore each other. Go for it, cuz. No worries."
Several moments later Athos made his way back to the meeting room with his crows and a vial. The liquid looked rather different and in his other hand he held what looked like bandaging. He inhaled before making his way to Felix and handing him the soft cloth. "Let me know if this work well for you. Oh and the liquid is for defense" he carefully handed the vial over.
Felix looked quizzically at the material and vial he’d been handed. “Erm… thanks,” he replied, too overcome with the situation and Zara’s ‘helpful’ comments to even ask what they were for. Great. Now it was awkward.