Emory looked over to Zara and a laboured breath escaped his lungs that were now tinged with black smoke. He didn’t have to be a mind reader like her to understand that she was struggling, hell so was he. He had just murdered a child and it split his heart deeply. This job had broken him, it had changed him. Had he more time he would’ve tried to think of another way to end it but trapping the Sluagh in the body of someone from its bloodline was the only method he knew; it just so happened that the trap was a child. Emory was doing everything in his power to rationalize his actions, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. One life for many is a small price to pay but it is a price nonetheless.
”I had to do it, Zara. There was no other way. She was a hero”The Welshmen turned his head at the faint sound of muggle sirens in the distance. Police, ambulance and fire service if he was not mistaken. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled free the small gold coin that the Caretaker had given them each before the start of their case. An enchanted galleon that would apparate them back to Lundy.
”We need to go”She couldn't focus on any one thing around her. Everything was coming at her all at once, completely overwhelming her senses. Zara could still hear the shrieks, the dark thoughts, the fear- all warped together in a chaotic mess at the front of her mind. All she could do was stand in one spot, staring straight ahead at nothing in particular. Couldn't they have done something else? Surely there was something they could have done to save the child. She had been an innocent in all this- Sarah Winchester was the true evil here. Why did a little girl have to pay for the crimes of another?
Emory's voice seeped through the mess and she slowly glanced up at him. A small scoff escaped her throat at his statement before she once more looked away from him. Her voice was raspy and hoarse as she replied,
"A hero...I'm sure she didn't feel that way. Just a teeny tiny babe all alone in the world...Orphaned all at once...Like abracadabra...Poof, everyone's dead." She knew she was starting to lose whatever sanity she had held so dearly to. Zara felt like her little world she had created for herself was slowly crumbling around her, and she didn't know how she was going to rebuild it.
Glancing towards the new noise, she let out a breath and shrugged weakly.
"Here comes the cavalry...one if by land, two if by sea.." Her eyes caught sight of the gold coin that was pulled free of Emory's pocket. Snaking her fingers into her own, she pulled out the small object and stared at it.
"Open sesame..""Mysterium Domum" Emory spoke clearly and concisely, flipping the coin in his palm and in an instant he found himself back in the occult office that he had called home for five years. The Caretaker sat in a nearby chair, reading as the others began to appear as well. The creature would take his leave to collect supplies as Emory looked upon his team.
"I am sorry for how this one turned out. I did what I had to"He looked to those that were broken and sighed. It had become apparent to him now that among the members of ORO, Emory Corrigan had become the necessary evil, the man who made the hard calls. Surely one day they would understand? He did not do these things because he wanted too, in fact his heart broke more deeply over it but he could not let them see that. They needed him to be strong and if a hate or fear of him kept the office running, then hated and feared he would be. Moving on from the map room, the charms master entered a kitchen. In a moment of frustration he picked up a chair and threw it against the wall, breaking it into several pieces. An anguished scream burst from his chest as tears streamed down his face and he dropped to his knees, punding the cold oak floor with his closed fist until it was bloody.
Zara had muttered along the words to bring them home, arriving just as soon as Emory had. Her brow raised slightly at the look around the room. What had happened to everyone else? Where was...Where was Felix? Athos was missing from the room too, so maybe they were huddled up in one of their rooms together. The thought brought a small grin to her face. At least something good would come from today.
At Emory's words, she blinked and looked at him. He sounded about as great as she felt. She watched as he walked away- and finally allowed herself a dip into his mind. As he couldn't hide any new memories from her now, she felt the onslaught of emotions pouring from him. It drew a large gasp from her chest and she hurried into the kitchen at the moment when things began to fly. Blinking as she watched him fall to his knees, she hurried over without hesitation and fell down next to him. Zara tightly wrapped her arms around him as he did for her back at the house.
"I'm a monster" The poor man wept.
"I'm no better than the things we hunt"Emory raised his head from the floor at the touch of Zara's hands. In that moment he felt comfort, a feeling he rarely had any more. How could she forgive him for this? She was linked with that poor girl, felt everything that she felt. He had come to realise that this Kiwi girl was someone he could trust and rely on but they were not cut from the same cloth. In fact Emory was probably more alone in this place than anyone. He entwined the fingers of his non-bloodied hand with one of hers and let out a great sigh. Correcting his posture, Emory looked into Zara's eyes and felt the pain that she felt. Their noses grazed slightly in that awfully charged moment.
"You should rest, it's been a hard day""No, no, no, no, no..." She clicked her tongue at him as she ran her hands over his back, trying to ease his burden. Her eyes caught sight of his bloodied hand and she took a breath. No matter what had happened back at the house, they were here now. They had had a job to do, and a countless number of people to save. And they had succeeded in that. Yes, they had taken a life of an innocent. But that one innocent life, for numerous others? Zara knew it had to be done. She certainly didn't blame Emory for that. And for him to think she did...
As he took hold of her hand, she sucked in a small breath as his thoughts flooded her. She stared down at the fingers wrapped together, trying to sort everything out. He was hurting, just as much, if not more than she. While she had been connected to the child, he had been the one to take her life. She tilted her chin up to meet his gaze as he moved, brushing her nose with his. Her stomach flipped slightly and her free hand raised up to cup his cheek.
"You're not a monster. Vespa was tormented; now she's at peace. You saved her." She leaned in ever so slightly, brushing her lips across his in a soft kiss before whispering against them,
"you're not a monster."Pulling back, she searched his face before standing.
"I'll go find Felix. Your hand needs healing. I'll send him to your room."