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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SaberClass4242
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Yeah, I'm still working some ideas out, that's why I'm looking for people that can help brainstorm with me.

@SaberClass4242I feel you should give all of those magical elements their own section. I get some idea of what they do from Adam's CS, but a full explanation would be welcome.

In the mean time, is all magic elemental? If so, if one was going to conjure or summon an inanimate object, like, say, a sword, what element would that fall under?

There are many styles of magic depending on certain teachings. Elemental is the most basic/malleable type, breaking magic down to its roots and using combinations of types to broaden possibilities. Things like conjuring, summoning, and other types do exist, but if you had to break it down, I would consider summoning a sword to be earth magic and possibly some mixture of light or dark magic. I can definitely make a little magic section by tomorrow though further explaining it, I want to make sure I can include all types and hopefully cover the spectrum of it. For the most part though, most types of magic are possible in this world.


And yes, still accepting for sure! I would love to hear some ideas if you have any.

Sorry for being gone for a bit, this weekend turned out to be crazier than I thought it would.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SaberClass4242
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alright! I made a little extra section in the first post called "Magic Continued" with some brief descriptions of the different types of magic and the common type of magic users there can/will be. It's still a work in progress though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rice Porridge
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Rice Porridge wait / where am i

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So basically
the word vomit I made before is nonsense
(I guess lol)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SaberClass4242
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So basically
the word vomit I made before is nonsense
(I guess lol)

Quite the opposite actually! Albeit some of the terminology is different, but the concepts are the same. everything you said concerning Aether magic, Void magic, Blink, and so on were spot on. I'm familiar with the concepts of mana & whatnot, but I'm still working on the concept of magic in the world we'll make. I know I want a similar concept to what you said, but there are still kinks to work out. If you want, I'd actually really like the help shooting off some ideas and getting a more solid ground in how magic will work, you seem to know your stuff!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 17 days ago

@SaberClass4242 Something about the technological aspect of the world, is magic a significant aspect of technological advancement (eg Magic-powered cars and phones etc), or is it kept deliberately separate (like normal, with petrol and generated electricity), maybe as a way of stating that people don't have to rely on magic?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SaberClass4242
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@SaberClass4242 Something about the technological aspect of the world, is magic a significant aspect of technological advancement (eg Magic-powered cars and phones etc), or is it kept deliberately separate (like normal, with petrol and generated electricity), maybe as a way of stating that people don't have to rely on magic?

The prior for the most part, magic is ever present throughout the world, but not everyone is capable of it and those who are aren't necessarily a large percentage either. So that being said, magic and technology is usually separate. The only time the two intermingle are usually for military purposes, hence some things such as airships and whatnot.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rice Porridge
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Rice Porridge wait / where am i

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Quite the opposite actually! Albeit some of the terminology is different, but the concepts are the same. everything you said concerning Aether magic, Void magic, Blink, and so on were spot on. I'm familiar with the concepts of mana & whatnot, but I'm still working on the concept of magic in the world we'll make. I know I want a similar concept to what you said, but there are still kinks to work out. If you want, I'd actually really like the help shooting off some ideas and getting a more solid ground in how magic will work, you seem to know your stuff!

will try
not really sure if I actually know what I'm doing but
tell me what you need help with
and I'll
try to
get the groundworks set up
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 17 days ago

@SaberClass4242 My idea uses things like modern firearms and prosthetic limbs, both powered and enhanced by magic. I'll elaborate more when a CS is put up, but is that kind of thing ok?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SaberClass4242
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@Shadow DaedalusYeah, that seems perfectly fine to me! I look forward to seeing what your character's like. ^_^
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 17 days ago

I haven't developed him completely yet, but the premise is a young ex-soldier from Temperantia, slightly older than Adam (maybe 23 or so?), who sustained horrific injuries on the battlefield (insert details about a military conflict here, maybe an insurrection or rebellion?) and was thusly treated with prototype magi-tech prosthetic limbs. They replaced his entire left arm (and shoulder, see middle drawing), most of his lower right arm and both legs, and they were controlled by manipulating the flow of magic within them.

After his injuries, he quit the military but couldn't find work due to his magi-tech parts being too militaristic for civilians to accept. With no other choice, he travelled the country before he joined up with the Fortitudian (?) military. Due to his previous experience and magi-tech upgrades, he was quickly elevated to Royal Protector, but he was never fully trusted due to Temperantia being an annexed state under the control of the Iustitian Empire.

His weapons use a mix of modern technology and magic, but function loosely like regular firearms. A small projectile, similar to a nail in appearance, is used in the place of regular bullets, and the weapons themselves apply magic fed from the soldier to accelerate the bullets. His main armament is a prototype assault/sniper rifle with a 20 round magazine. In Assault Mode, the weapon applies instant repeating bursts of magic to fire the projectiles at medium range and power (like a SCAR-H in terms of damage and rate of fire). He can also transform the weapon into a semi-automatic Sniper Mode, wherein the barrel and scope extend and a bi-pod is folded down if needed. In this mode, the weapon charges up each burst of magic after every shot, which increases the power of each shot but reduces the rate of fire.

He also has two holdout magi-tech pistols with 12-round magazines. They work using instant bursts of magic, and fire in semi-auto. They are stored in concealed quick-draw mechanisms built into his prosthetic arms, but he can detach the weapons to give to someone else if needed.

These weapons can only be used by people that can directly manipulate the formless magical energy (i.e. mana) and direct it into the weapons, but this means that the weapons aren't always exclusively used by the soldier
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 17 days ago

@SaberClass4242 ^ That's my general idea, but I wasn't sure on a few things so I marked them in brackets. Let me know if anything needs adjusting, or if my idea is way too off the mark
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SaberClass4242
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@SaberClass4242 ^ That's my general idea, but I wasn't sure on a few things so I marked them in brackets. Let me know if anything needs adjusting, or if my idea is way too off the mark

I like it! I was kind of hoping to see a character mare adept with technology and use it more in their character, especially when my character has no connection to it for the most part. Plus, having a character be ex-Temperantian military will add a good bit of character conflict/development. The only real thing that would need to be discussed is how it went about that your character became one of Adam's advisers/protectors (which is more of a formal title, as Adam fights alongside his friends) seeing as he would not be trusted among his ranks, so it would be unlikely that the king handpicked him to protect his son. Maybe some sort of interaction with Adam in the past that led to him insisting your character into becoming one of his advisers?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 17 days ago

@SaberClass4242 Yeah, that was one of the areas I wasn't sure about. I'm not too sure about it myself, but maybe he was part of a larger guard detail during a diplomatic trip to Temperantia (him being an ex-native means he can help smooth things over). Adam got caught up in an incident between a small number of Fortitudians being attacked by a larger group of Iustitian loyalists, and when confronted between the choice of Loyalty to the Prince or loyalty to his former people, he chose to support the prince?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SaberClass4242
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@SaberClass4242 Yeah, that was one of the areas I wasn't sure about. I'm not too sure about it myself, but maybe he was part of a larger guard detail during a diplomatic trip to Temperantia (him being an ex-native means he can help smooth things over). Adam got caught up in an incident between a small number of Fortitudians being attacked by a larger group of Iustitian loyalists, and when confronted between the choice of Loyalty to the Prince or loyalty to his former people, he chose to support the prince?

I like that! We can work out the bigger details at some point, either through the rp as a flashback or prior, but at least now we have a rough idea to work a friendship out of.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SaberClass4242
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@Fisticuffs@Rice Porridge@Shadow Daedalus@Jinxlynx

Alright! I think we have enough people interested! I think it's safe to close the search and get the ball rolling with getting some characters made/ideas rolling! ^_^ For what I've seen so far of CS's & rough ideas, it seems like things are going along pretty well honestly. I think the only real big question mark that'll require some discussion is how all the characters met, got their positions, what they're relationships are like, etc.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 17 days ago

@SaberClass4242 I'm working on a more standardised CS now
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SaberClass4242
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@SaberClass4242 I'm working on a more standardised CS now


Also, I'm working on fleshing somethings out some more stuff for the world! I've updated deorum without getting too specific for... reasons. I'm currently working on better descriptions of the different territories of Unitatis as well as small CS's for minor characters that will play key parts either early or later in the RP.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infamous Empath
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Infamous Empath [MA]ster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

i may be interested, but im not gonna say for sure since im running 2 campaigns.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 23 days ago

Name: Jitka Krall
Gender: Female
Age: 25

Appearance: Jitka has the appearance of a young woman in her early twenties. She stand 5'11" tall with a lithe athletic figure. She has golden yellow eyes and her hair is naturally platinum blonde but she keeps it dyed teal, it is long and reaches the small of her back but is often kept tied up in a pony tail to keep it out of her face. Her style of clothing is often simple and practical. she likes being able to move freely and not feel weighed down.

Likes: Sparring, shopping, rock music
Dislikes: Guns, sleeping in, sour foods
Personality: Outwardly Jitka is a very kind person, one who goes through great lengths to always look her best and appear regal. She has a way with words that can make anyone she speaks to feel like the most important person in the world. A silver tongue that helps her get close to people and get to know them.
For her however blood runs thicker than water and no matter what her family and their alliances come first before any others. She would put her own life on the line to keep any of those who share her blood or are close to the Krall family safe. She does however keep a scandalous secret about her family safe with herself, one that could run their name through the mud and ruin them.

Background: House Krall is a well known name in the kingdom of Temperantia, even known to the enemies of the kingdom as those from this blood line are seen as great warriors and are prominent members of the Royal Guard. They draw roots from the ancient order known as the Eldritch Knights, a group or warriors who wielded magic and sword in equal parts. Though this order no longer exists in any official form the Krall family still claims to be 4th generation decendents from them.
They have an alliance with House Elissium despite never having been joined by a marriage in the family. The Krall`s are known for their generations of service as personal guards to members of the Elissium family.
Jitka herself is the 3 child of her father Kayvaan Krall, the youngest and only daughter she was orginally expected to be a proper lady but showed an interest in swords that her father encouraged despite her mother's protests. For much for much of her youth she trained with swords and studied magic, it was during this time she also showed signs of being a Mage Breaker, one who could absorb hostile spells cast upon them. A latent ability the Eldritch Knights were known for that she has yet to learn to fully control. It was because of this power she was chosen to be a protector and companion to the young prince Adam, joining him on his travels and training when she could.
Jitka however enjoyed the time she got to spend with the Prince and took it as opportunities to be herself and relax. She had accompanied Adam to the country of Sapientia, however not spending much time with him as he was often in the palace recovering and accompanied by Lady Eliana and her guards. It gave Jitka a lot of time to explore the city and get into her own trouble before the Iustitian Empire invaded Sapientia and she was called back to Adam's side.

. Night Lotus: Sword & Shield
. Storm's Teeth: Great Sword
. Shadow Binder: Scythe
. Telepathic challenge: Magic at the core despite the name this spell is meant to draw the attention of hostiles and make then focus on the source. It is a small area burst of about 15ft and makes even foes using ranged weapons meet the user in melee combat.
. Stalwart Aegis: a barrier spell meant to protect against ranged attacks and spells. It absorbs damage to a point dependent on how much energy is placed into it.
. Persistant Harrier: When attacked by a hostile at range Jitka can shift herself to a space beside them, closing the gap and allowing her to hit them with a melee attack.
. Weapon Bond: A spell that was once used by the ancient order of Eldritch Knights a weapon bond is performed in a hour long ritual that allows the user to summon their weapons at will when needed. Selection of the weapons is as simple as thinking of the one they require and pulling it from the extra dimensional space they are stored in.
. Mage Breaker: Jitka can and often tries to the use one of the inheritant abilities of her bloodline, She like many others from her family name can use Elemagnetism to absorb spells cast at them. She does not have much control over this power and it is far from consistent but being able to absorb the odd fireball can be helpful in a pinch.

Other Items:
. Cell phone
. Red Choker
. A brooch with Krall family chest
Other Info:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 17 days ago

So far, one character hates technology and the other hates guns... My character uses technology and guns... oops
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