Lily was excited for the meeting, but quickly realized that it wouldn't be as simple as everyone rallying up for a single cause. There was a schism between monster Mahou and the Beacon, whom Lily only heard of once before, back when she was still starting out in her hometown. She learned from another magical girl that a lot of recruited girls pledged allegiance to Beacon, and that they wouldn't tolerate any kind of monsters, even helpful ones. She did get why they would think like that; since the world was full of monsters and dark magic that needed to be dealt with. However, she felt like they were going overboard on their crusade. After all, why waste your time and energy on hunting down good people when you could be going for the real threats just because they happened to have adorable ears on their head or a fluffy coating of fur?
Lily frowned; she couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by the girls representing that faction. The most scary people were those that fully believed what they're doing is right, and how unconditionally they would follow that belief, no matter how many innocents they would hurt. And Lily feared she might one day be one of the victims, if they ever discovered her secret. It would only happen in a time of crisis, and Lily hated it since she felt like a completely different person when it happened, but there was no denying that she was, somewhere deep inside, part monster as well. But as long as she kept that hidden, she wouldn't face any trouble from the Beacon...Or at least, that's what she wanted to believe in.
Brushing those uncomfortable thoughts aside, Lily then took a good look at the others. Her eyes glimmered in awe at seeing the scantily clad dark magical girl. She seemed to exude confidence, from her choice of fashion to the way she spoke from atop a stone pillar. Lily was impressed, her mouth open; she always thought dark magical girls were evil witches wreaking havoc, but she was polite and stood her ground against the Beacon girls.
"She's so cool," Lily mumbled to herself. She noticed how she spent time around other girls as well; a uniform-wearing girl and a girl with a big bust holding a branch. Lily thought that they all seemed cool to hang around with.
One of the magical boys, Castor, seemed to radiate a powerful aura, something Lily felt wasn't natural for a Mahou. The group here was in a different ball game from what Lily was used to. She also sensed a powerful presence near him. "Be careful around him, Lily. I sense the power of a deity coming from him," she heard Ixion speak to her telepathically. Well he's just like Alex then? She asked him, and Ixion neighed. "Every deity is different; some are benevolent, others seek destruction and death. Never let your guard down around their champions, even the human who's accompanying you. He may want to destroy me."
You're just being paranoid, stop that. Lily puffed her cheeks; Ixion really didn't understand anything about humans. He didn't realize that she had nothing to fear from Alex...Or did she? They have only known each other for a short while, and he does hide his face underneath a mask. While she first thought it was because he was like Spiderman and wanted to protect his identity, in truth she couldn't help but feel a bit of a distance to him because of that. Then again, he also tried to hit on him, and only good boys would do something as silly as that.
Castor then spoke of himself, and Lily's prediction turned true; he was a monster boy after all. She was really curious to see what his monster form was like. Once he bared his teeth and turned his eyes more bestial, Lily began wondering about his true form. An image of a fluffy doggy came to her head. Eee, please be a doggy boy~, she thought, and Ixion neighed quietly in confusion. "Humans are certainly strange beings..." Then she put her hand to her mouth when he saw the other magical boy, who dressed flamboyantly, approach him and...Pat him on the head? She covered her mouth and blushed, holding back a giggle. She hasn't had fun like this in a long time.
After she had time to think amidst the arguing between the monsters and Beacon, she decided on what she wanted to do. She took her companion's wrist. "Hey Alex, let's try and talk to those girls. Maybe we could join their group!"
Ever since Lily became a magical girl, she wanted to be a cool and cute warrior of justice, and to be a part of a cool group of magical girls. She felt that Chloe and her group was exactly what she wished for, and so wanted to be a part of that fun as well. Ixion once again contacted her mind. "Are you sure about this, Lily? Those champions seem dangerous."
She waved her hand, and grinned.
It's fine, X. I can take care of myself. Besides, I'll do a better job protecting everyone when I'm part of a group.
Once Chloe went over to verbally debate with the Beacon girls some more, Lily approached Isana and Penny with a wide smile, waving towards them. "Hey there! Name's Lily Lightning, but my friends call me Lily. This is Alex," she said pointing her thumb back to the masked boy behind her.
"You gals are friends with the skimpy girl, right? Would you mind if we joined our forces? I can provide ranged assistance with my thunder bow, and Alex here is all about protection and healing. I think we would make a good team!"