A week passed since the successful defense against the alien invasion and other small scale attacks caused by other beings. City K, City S, and City T are still undergoing repairs in certain districts, but overall city life was returning back to normal. As it stands, the Hero Association control 23 out of the 26 cities across the continent. The entirety of City Z, City Y, and City X remain occupied by powerful monsters and criminals. There has been many attempts by the Hero Association to take back these cities, but all of which have failed.
Danzo, also known as The Commander of Headquarters, has summoned all available S-Class heroes to participate in an urgent meeting. No information was given on what the meeting is about.
"There is no doubt that City W is the next target for those damn bastards...In the past we were dealing with scattered uncoordinated attacks. Now, it is evident that there is a Mastermind behind their recent behavioral change." Danzo addressed, as he placed the Monster Association's invitational card on the table.
"This was retrieved from City X last night, courtesy of Dillinger. Unfortunately, he didn't make it out alive himself...But thanks to his sacrifice, we've learned that we are up against an entire organization of monsters which also consists of humanoid members. With thorough investigation, we have confirmed that a sheer number of them have already blended into society. It is quite possible they already infiltrated our ranks as spies...Which leads me to say this..."
Danzo slowly stood up with a petrifying gaze directed towards the S-Class members who were present and slammed his hand onto the table.
"Which one of you bastards murdered Dillinger last night!?!..."
Dillinger, a young rookie member that makes Mrs.Pickles look like Guardian in comparison. While his bad luck often caused him to get into troublesome situations, he was fully capable of holding his own with a very powerful handgun. However, his handgun wasn't enough to help him this time around. Last night during a scouting mission in City X, he was murdered by another S-Class hero in cold blood.
S-Class Hero Rank #10
S-Class Hero Rank #10

Shit! It's a trap! I should've expected this meeting was about THAT. I got careless. Calm down...They don't know it was me yet. If I play it cool, then I can shift the blame to the other members who are absent. If I can pull that off, then my status in the Hero Association will be set for life!
Tash kept a low profile at the table, waiting for his opportunity to speak while he observed some of the members arguing with the Director.
The rumors of City W being the next target for the Monster Association has spread like a wildfire and probably caught the attention of every hero within a short amount of time. Unlike most rumors that go around, this one appears to be true. The ground violently shook on main street, a giant armored monster jumped out of the tunnel it had created underneath the road system. A Demon level threat has appeared...
The giant stood over 16 feet tall, its armor thick and stronger than steel.
"I AM NASHORN THE DESTROYER! COWER BEFORE ME HUMANS AS I-..." The monster stopped shouting for a moment, quickly realizing there were no civilians on the streets. Most of them had already been escorted to the evacuation zone due to the rumors, giving the heroes a much wider battlefield.
"Well then...this just makes my job extremely boring."
Nashorn brought his large hands together for a thunderous clap, causing the building windows on the street to shatter. This caught the attention of two nearby heroes who were patrolling around the area together. The two heroes arrived at the scene and immediately attacked Nashorn. Unfortunately, they were only C-Class and posed very little threat to him. Needless to say, he effortlessly defeated them.
The two heroes were still alive, but in critical condition. "Is this what the Hero Association is nowadays? HA! Pathetic!" He mocked the fallen heroes and turned to continue on with his destruction, starting with main street.