I've been pondering whether or not to bring Erika back. If three characters are allowed, I might.

Name: Himeko Harusashi
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Often seen as a person with a cool and calm personality, Himeko is quite a mature individual. She keeps a level head even in the most dire of situations. This is one of the reasons why no one questions her rank and class, the other being the sheer destruction that her powers can cause. In person, she is a rather chill person and wouldn't really get angry if you would throw an insult her way. She might send back a snarky remark, she also might not - it depends on the right circumstances. She is also quite tomboyish, hence her favored outfit of jacket and jeans. She tends to shy away from skirts and would prefer to not be in them. She is a diligent worker and students and doesn't stop until she has done her job. She isn't above completely obliterating evil people if they so deserve it.
Himeko hides behind a perfect facade. Inside, she is a person who doesn't really trust a lot of people unless they've been friends for quite a while and they've proven themselves trustworthy. While she appreciates backup in fights, she seems to want to do a lot of missions alone, despite the risks. The only person she can fully trust is herself, and that is the only fact she knows about trust. To her, trust is not easily gained but very easily broken - but if you have earned her trust and kept it for a while, you will not regret it. She is quite a good friend and listener.
Brief History: Himeko was born to a powered father and a normal mother. They were trying to live a normal life. They ran a small pharmaceutical clinic for both the powered and the normal people. Her father's power was healing so he was one of the most sought out doctors since he both had the power and the smarts. Her mother was a great researcher in the medical arts, making them the perfect couple. They were backed up by the Hero Association so they had enough money to continue what they were doing. Despite it being a small clinic (as they had not wanted to work in a hospital), it was always busy but they always had time for their little kid. Her power had manifested when she was around six and has been practicing diligently ever since. This was also around the time her parents took in a male, ten years her senior. He was a good worker and was kind to her as well so she treated him like an older brother.
When she was ten years old, the clinic was attacked by a villain group. They aimed to get the research of the two. Himeko was at school at this time so she was blissfully unaware of what was happening at her home. Her parents tried to defend the research but they were brutally murdered but they had managed to burn it all before they were killed, rendering the villain group's mission a failure. Himeko had come back to see that her house was surrounded with police tape and that her parents were nowhere to be seen. Panicking, she began questioning everyone and they all looked at her with pitied eyes. With no remaining family members, the Hero Association took her in and began molding her into a superhero.
She became a full-fledged hero by the age of fourteen, and she found out that the person she considered an older brother was part of the villain group that killed her parents. He was apparently scouting it out to find out where the papers were being kept and so on. Ever since then, she had been wary of everyone. As a hero, she is known for her one-hit knockouts but the monsters had grown stronger since, and she does not plan to fall behind.
Possible Goals?: Find the group that had killed her parents and make them face justice. Find out where the hell she truly came from.
Other: She is mostly taken out for bigger monsters or covert missions for larger organizations. She carries around a special sword that was made just for her that could conduct her lightning.
Her origin is still unknown to everyone including herself. Her parents were silenced by death so she had no leads besides her ability to transform into the a lightning being.
Lightning Princess - S Class #11

Name: Himeko Harusashi
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Often seen as a person with a cool and calm personality, Himeko is quite a mature individual. She keeps a level head even in the most dire of situations. This is one of the reasons why no one questions her rank and class, the other being the sheer destruction that her powers can cause. In person, she is a rather chill person and wouldn't really get angry if you would throw an insult her way. She might send back a snarky remark, she also might not - it depends on the right circumstances. She is also quite tomboyish, hence her favored outfit of jacket and jeans. She tends to shy away from skirts and would prefer to not be in them. She is a diligent worker and students and doesn't stop until she has done her job. She isn't above completely obliterating evil people if they so deserve it.
Himeko hides behind a perfect facade. Inside, she is a person who doesn't really trust a lot of people unless they've been friends for quite a while and they've proven themselves trustworthy. While she appreciates backup in fights, she seems to want to do a lot of missions alone, despite the risks. The only person she can fully trust is herself, and that is the only fact she knows about trust. To her, trust is not easily gained but very easily broken - but if you have earned her trust and kept it for a while, you will not regret it. She is quite a good friend and listener.
Brief History: Himeko was born to a powered father and a normal mother. They were trying to live a normal life. They ran a small pharmaceutical clinic for both the powered and the normal people. Her father's power was healing so he was one of the most sought out doctors since he both had the power and the smarts. Her mother was a great researcher in the medical arts, making them the perfect couple. They were backed up by the Hero Association so they had enough money to continue what they were doing. Despite it being a small clinic (as they had not wanted to work in a hospital), it was always busy but they always had time for their little kid. Her power had manifested when she was around six and has been practicing diligently ever since. This was also around the time her parents took in a male, ten years her senior. He was a good worker and was kind to her as well so she treated him like an older brother.
When she was ten years old, the clinic was attacked by a villain group. They aimed to get the research of the two. Himeko was at school at this time so she was blissfully unaware of what was happening at her home. Her parents tried to defend the research but they were brutally murdered but they had managed to burn it all before they were killed, rendering the villain group's mission a failure. Himeko had come back to see that her house was surrounded with police tape and that her parents were nowhere to be seen. Panicking, she began questioning everyone and they all looked at her with pitied eyes. With no remaining family members, the Hero Association took her in and began molding her into a superhero.
She became a full-fledged hero by the age of fourteen, and she found out that the person she considered an older brother was part of the villain group that killed her parents. He was apparently scouting it out to find out where the papers were being kept and so on. Ever since then, she had been wary of everyone. As a hero, she is known for her one-hit knockouts but the monsters had grown stronger since, and she does not plan to fall behind.
- Lightning Manipulation - She has the ability to create and manipulate blue lightning. Lightning is destructive in nature. There is no mercy with lightning - and there is no mercy in her. She is a very hard hitter and each hit is packed with pure destructive power. Though she does have the capability of controlling the destructiveness of the lightning as to not harm anyone else around her. God forbid she uses her entire energy reservoir in a single strike - even she does not know the extent of damage it would cause. Though, thanks to her focus on sheer power, she loses the ability to use it for more meticulous tasks like controlling electronic devices and the like.
- Lightning Immunity - She is impervious to lightning and electricity. However, when shocked, she must release it in a set short period of time. This can be used to her advantage as shocking her makes her release an attack which does not use her reservoir and she can just make it more powerful.
- Lightning body - she literally turns into a lightning demon for a short amount of time, making her attacks more powerful and she can travel like a lightning bolt. This is apparently what she truly is - or at least half of her though she's still trying to find out what exactly she is.
- Lightning travel - Even without 'lighting body' active, she is able to travel on a lightning bolt for short distances and it is very taxing. She prefers not to use this.
- "ZEUS CONDEMNS YOU" - A phrase she usually yells out for fun when she's calling down a lightning bolt from the sky.
- Lightning Weapon - Himeko has learned to reign in the electricity and bend down to her will to form something else, this something being a weapon. She favors the lightning whip.
Possible Goals?: Find the group that had killed her parents and make them face justice. Find out where the hell she truly came from.
Other: She is mostly taken out for bigger monsters or covert missions for larger organizations. She carries around a special sword that was made just for her that could conduct her lightning.
Her origin is still unknown to everyone including herself. Her parents were silenced by death so she had no leads besides her ability to transform into the a lightning being.