The tales of Calradia
A hundred and fifty years have passed since the Calradian Empire fell and many different factions fight for itβs crown. It is a time characterized by war, death and suffering. But also by opportunity. In Calradia you just need determination, a little bit of wit and a great deal of luck to become rich and make a name for yourself.
Map of Calradia: Orange: Swadia. Green: Rhodoks. Blue: Nords. Purple: Khergits Yellow: Sarranids. White: Vaegirs.

The Kingdom Of Swadia: The Swadians are ruled by King Harlaus the tenth. Grandson to King Harlaus the eighth who was once the emperor of Calradia. This grants him the most legitimate claim to the empire. But birthright means little in times like these. The swadians are renowned for their heavy cavalry. A charge of Swadian knights can topple all but the strongest line of infantry. Their position in the centre of Calradia is both a disadvantage and an advantage. Much trade passes through their lands. This grants the kingdom a healthy income in form of taxes and tariffs. But on the other hand they often have to fight wars on many fronts.

The Khergit Khanate: The Khergits come from many different steppe tribes that raided settlements along the Calradian border and fighted with each other. But they were driven out of their homelands by a great horde. They were forced to settle the eastern parts of Calradia, which was held by the Vaegirs at the time. Soon after they were conquered by the Calradian empire. After the fall of the Empire the Khergit Khanate was quickly reformed. Today they are ruled by Sanjar Khan. The Khergits are a hardy people accustomed to the rough conditions of the steppes. They are great horsemen and archers. Their horse archers and lancers are feared, and rightly so, on the open fields.

The Kingdom Of Vaegirs: The Vaegirs occupy the snowy tundras in the northeastern parts of Calradia. Even though they were once formally a part of the Empire they mostly kept to themselves. After the fall of The Calradian Empire they kept on living as they had always done but their neighbours had another idea. They have had to fight of many invasions from the Swadians, the Nords and the Khergits. The Vaegirs are know to be the best marksmen in all of calradia. Their powerful warbows can kill an armoured knight in one shot. The Vaegirs are ruled by King Yaroglek who overthrew his father to gain control of the kingdom.

The Kingdom Of Nords: The Nords are raiders from the islands to the north. They were employed as sailors by the Calradian Empire. As payment for their services they received some land on the northern coast of Calradia. After the fall of the Empire a Nord chieftain named Gundig Hairy-Breeks landed on Calradia with aims of conquering it. Today the nords are ruled by king Ragnar. The Nords are skilled sailors and Strong Warriors. The Nordic shield wall can not be toppled by even the Swadian Charge. They prefer to fight in heavy chainmail with round shields and axes.

The Kingdom Of Rhodoks: The Rhodoks inhabit the mountainous region on Calradias southern coast. They were once subjects to the Swadians but became an independent state after a successful revolution under the great general Grunwalder. He is honored by Grunwalder Castle that is built on the site where he fell in battle. To counter the Swadian knights the Rhodoks invested in polearms and crossbows. They soon became experts with these weapons. A Rhodok pike formation will stop a cavalry charge dead in its tracks and their crossbows will penetrate the heaviest of armours. The Rhodoks are ruled by king Graveth.

The Sarranid Sultanate: The Sarranid sultanate is tucked away nicely in southeastern corner of Calradia with only a few narrow passages into the lands of the Khergits and the Rhodoks. Their lands are hot and arid so cities have to be built close to oases and other water sources. Their mamluks rival the Swadian knight and their archers are very skilled but they are severely lacking in infantry. They are ruled by sultan Hakim.
- I'm the boss.
- No meta gaming.
- Don't be a dick in OOC.
- Don't control another players character without their permission.
- No God modding.