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"Yeah, funny, huh? you never know who you'll bump into." Light said, pretty much alluding to her. Light stepped inside, setting her bags down gently on an empty table. When she shut the door, Light continued the conversation. "Oh, I am quite honored to be noticed by you, Madeline-san. I imagine we will have quite the strange relationship. In fact, I think it would benefit us both if I stayed with you, right here." Light said, and as he spoke he kept a low voice. Also, as he was speaking he walked up to her. "So honored to be with Madeline-san, in fact.." He took her right hand, and kissed it for what seemed like it was quite awhile, as if he was respecting a Queen. Was this Light actually humbling himself? not exactly. It had more to do with the fact that he found the situation he was in peculiar, it amused him. So he simply found himself playing along with it. Another reason was that, despite not admitting it he found Madeline quite interesting. Of her origins, her supposed split personality and what she knew, and her choice as a vessel of "Kami". The third was that he felt it almost appropriate. It reminded him of when L had done something similar, when he was defeated with the foot massage. Light wouldn't be defeated by her, she had no interest in such a thing. However he couldn't do anything to her, so she was someone he had no control over, at least not yet, someone who matched him. Light finally stopped, and waited for a reaction before getting himself set-up, despite having nothing but his Death Note. The reaction was most important.
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Even with this, it was hard to decipher whether or not she expected this or she was surprised. She didn't talk either, maybe she was taking awhile to come up with something to say, this is the first time someone acted this way to her. "...you are quite interesting...a sudden move...maybe I would had more to say if I had the emotions to..." Madeline says, for once sounding like she was stumbling with her words. Just that sudden act from Light happened to make her realize that she had no common knowledge on basic human interactions, including this sudden sign of respect. Madeline is the one half of the vessel that was mainly knowledge, but it seemed like she didnt know completely everything, more importantly, human feelings.
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"Well, I am the Shinigami king, yes? even if I will be judged, you are something of a surrogate as my boss. To keep this power, I kill. It is the role of the King. It was, after all such an unexpected thing to be visited by something that could be so ancient, that it is Kami's vessel itself. And, more surprisingly a woman. And a pretty one at that. Like you said, I should simply be honored you came all this way just because you took an interest in me. It is not about my goals or ambitions on this one, it is about giving you the respect you rightfully deserve, yes? from one being to another, we must carry that type of simple understanding. And such respect," Light said, sitting the Death Note down on what was a table with some chairs, "is quite commonplace, and keep in mind you will receive more of this quite often. At least, by those who recognize such things. Other Shinigami, such as my partner Ryuk here are different. He just isn't that way. He is a Shinigami, and honestly I would not have him change, or the others. It is, I would say just a norm. As I was saying, I find it strange no one has done this before, I am right in assuming so? when a subject or someone of higher power is in the presence of a lower one, typically you either have them kiss your hand, kneel before you, or even kiss your shoe or even your bare foot or the hem of your dress alternatively, if you were wearing one that day. It is sad you do not get this respect, though you lack emotions I would still demand some recognition if I were you. I will recognize you, if it pleases you." Light offered.
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"I haven't experienced anything like that...so I am okay with this," Madeline says, still couldn't really understand the concept of this but was interested to know how it would be done. Maybe she had the curiosity of a child.
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Light simply nodded. "Then it is decided then." He sat down at the table, flipping open the Death Note he turned on the TV to the News, waiting for any good reports of killers. In fact, it might be a good time to send in his letter and make his appearance as "Kira" once again. On another note, he had finally snagged a break with Madeline. She obviously had trouble understanding emotions without any, so if he "taught" her to embrace her own godhood, but in his own special way, he could possibly corrupt her and make her change her mind about being Kami's vessel. Possibly use her somehow for his own ends, she surely had some skills he knew nothing about. Not only that, I've yet to meet with this "Deus" character. Maybe Madeline knows about her? I should ask.. Light thought to himself. "So, do you know anything about the God that inhabits this version of Earth? it is my main threat here in this world." Light said, tapping his pen on the table he waited for a report on any dirty scumbag he could kill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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As expected, the news was currently reporting on the school bombing incident that occurred earlier that day. Of course, there was a lot more that Light, Madeline, and the other Diary Holders knew of this incident as this news report only retells the incident from a "public eye." That along with the fact that they call Minene's sudden capture a miracle from sheer luck. It is also mentioned that the school is in the state that repair would not be fast, and that would mean that all of the surviving students would be transferred to different schools. This would apply to Yuki and Yuno, being transferred to a different school. It wouldn't be sudden however, which would give time for anything "interesting" to happen to them before returning to school.

Madeline had sat down with a notebook, apparently even if she were a vessel to hold a godly presence in the future, she appeared to have some kind of pastime. Silently, she began writing in a language that was roughly the same to her strange distorted real name as seen from Light's shinigami eyes. Of course, this wouldn't be some journal, as Madeline had almost impossible memory from being the Vessel's "knowledge" half, so it was mind-boggling on what she was actually writing about. "Deus Ex Machina, the God of Time and Space of this world. He is omnipotent, but yet, he doesn't seem to realize the existence of different worlds beyond this one, or that he has no interest in the other worlds. I find it peculiar that the fact of this world having different...iterations of itself, copies of the same world but with different events, even Deus can only rule in one version of this world. Then it is safe to assume that in every iteration of this world, there is another Deus that would only correlate to that version of this world. Unlike you and myself where we are upfront with our goals, it is obvious that Deus does not interfere with this world's events directly, most likely that he has no interest in achieving on his own, but that does not eliminate the fact that he may have a proxy running about to come in contact with the other Diary Holders of the Survival Game. It is quite alike to how I am like a proxy to Kami, that Deus may have a proxy to make matters interesting. This God of Time and Space clearly wants to be amused with this Survival Game before his eventual death that is less than 90 days," Madeline explains as she continues writing, not even stopping for a moment in both explaining in this much detail and writing without a single mistake or smudge. She truly seemed like the absolute "knowledge" of Kami's Vessel, but it also seemed like she could not tell the absolute future as it is always subject to change. That would explain why she had nothing to say on what Deus would actually do later on from now, or that she doesn't know the exact identity of Deus's possible proxy. By now, Madeline had completely written 3 pages worth of cryptic words as she had stopped talking, and not to mention that she didn't actually make any eye contact with Light as she spoke.
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"I see, so it's not anything to his benefit, he's just going to accept his death and he's using this Game as a means of a pastime. What a waste of power. He's probably gone senile in his old age. I guess we just have to figure out who Deus's proxy is, for starters. Maybe he or she only appears to the diary holders, and not regular people? which is why even though I used the Death Note to kill off Minene, nothing's happened to me." Light said, and then went silent, listening to the TV report about Minene and the school. "Hmm, that's not good. Which means I won't have an easy way of keeping an eye on the diary holders. Oh, well. I'll figure out something." Light said, clicking his tongue with a frown. "Have you brought anything I could use? perhaps a computer or something useful?" Light said, motioning to her bags.
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"There is a laptop in one of my bags, so you can use it. I do not have a use for it at the moment," Madeline said, but she didn't seem so used to technology despite her knowledge. She paused in her writings as she went to open up one of her bags to take out a laptop. Knowing that Light would use this to figure out more on what he planned, she handed the laptop to him, and then went back to writing. "The proxy will either be seen by only the Diary Holders or particularly everyone. I have not seen this proxy myself, so only until we meet face to face with this proxy, we can only guess," Madeline said with a bored expression before delving herself back into her writing.
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(So, what's next after this? Code Geass, since that's where we started last time?)

"Excellent." Came Light's reply as he eagerly took the laptop off her hands, like a child receiving a new toy at Christmas. He opened it up, turned it on and logged in. He accessed the Internet, and sat at the search bar, silent. He sat back, thinking on what to do. "Speaking of parallel Earths, it's almost headache inducing. You realize, there are probably millions of different alternate reality's, with a single different change made, yes? In another possible universe, I am girl and you are a boy, I am sure right now my girl self would have mentioned this. And another million realities where you never showed up, and we are not talking right now." Light pointed out. Deciding to send a message to the News station playing on TV, he went to the police website for the city's local station. Seeing a viable email to steal, he copied it, and went to the login page. In just a few minutes he cracked the password, and was writing out a message to the News Stations email address.

it read:

Email said
To: Sakuraminews@gmail . gov

Subject: To ease concern on widespread panic


I am the one who caused 400 criminals to die in one day. How, you might ask? that is a well-kept secret, however I would like to say right now, I have no interest in the deaths of normal people. I am only interested in ridding this world of undesirables. Murderers, Warmongers, Rapists, burglars, anyone who commits any type of crime will be punished swiftly and severely. Those who try to stop my purge, you will never find me out. You may be asking yourselves "why do this? what's the motivation?" it is simple, I am sick and tired of our dear planet wasting away into ruin, destroying itself day after day. I envision a world with no more suffering, no more pain, hatred or ignorance. Some people need to be dragged kicking and screaming into such a place. I have the resources, and I will carry out my vision. To show I am serious, When this message is read on live TV, I want you to confirm something. You may take your time, but you will confirm the following death: The current dictator of Northern Korea, will die on the spot of a natural heart attack. After this, I would like an immediate response from the world governments, that they will bend to my will and stay out of my way. That is all, and have a pleasant afternoon.

With love, Kira, God of the New World"

He hit "send" and then made sure he left no trace behind. Shutting the laptop as he had no need for it at the moment, he got ready for the News station to launch into a "breaking news" about the email, ready to write down the name of the dictator as promised. It would probably take awhile, but It'd be worth it.
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(I'm saving Code Geass for later. Haven't really decided on the next world after Mirai Nikki)

It was a bit of a wait, but it wasn't until the news suddenly changed from some general report with a breaking news. "This just in, it was only a few minutes ago that we received an email from someone that claims to be responsible for the 400 deaths last night. The exact email reads..." the reporter began to speak on the matter of the email, and began to read the message. Madeline stopped writing as she heard that Light's email had reached the TV station, and was quite interested to see how this would turn out to be. Soon enough, the reporter then stated,"As this email says along with admitting that this person is the one behind the deaths, the next death is the current dictator of North Korea by a heart attack. After this is confirmed that it's happened, Kira requests of an immediate response from many other governments in the world to allow these deaths to continue." It all started to seem to be going as Light had planned, nothing happened to interrupt this news broadcast at all.

"I suppose in the world you come from, this same method you had demonstrated here wouldn't had been done easier in your world. Here, no one appears to oppose you, it must be easy to convince people of this world then," Madeline comments on how easy this entire setup appeared, subtlely mentioning that she may know a bit of Light's mind games against L.
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(Alright, then.)

"So the only significant people in this world are the Diary holders and Deus..I suppose that settles that then." Light said, writing down the name of the North Korean dictator. "No detectives or oddballs here, I see. I'm actually a little disappointed. Ah, it reminds me of when I was young and inexperienced. Oh, well. I guess I'll make due with the survival game, I am already wrapped up in enough I suppose. It makes it easier if the people are more subservient to a force such as myself." Light said, turning his attention back towards his the TV for the reaction the latest dictator of Korea's death. It would happen in exactly forty seconds, so it wasn't a long wait. "Honestly, I wouldn't allow anyone else to stop me. L has been the only one to match my wit. And right now, he is the only one allowed to stop me. Not that he's alive, of course. The Whammy House kids left a lot to be desired." Light said with a sigh. "Though, the reaction with the Diary holder kids and the police officer one...in fact, I will phone him right now." Light quickly stood up, and phoned the station. "This is Light Yagami, I need to speak with the Inspector. Yes, thank you.....Inspector!! are you seeing the news right now?! the killer of the 400 deaths has sent an Email to a news station, and is going to kill Kim-Jung Un through a heart attack somehow, in just a few seconds from now!!" Light exclaimed, his breathing tense and his voice hysterical, Light looked at the TV still.
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"So it is either that there is no one in your league or that there is someone but they have not decided to make an appearance against you," Madeline gave one more thought of hers before Light had gone to call Keigo about the breaking news. "Yes, and it doesn't seem to be any good. It's only now that this person responsible, Kira, wanted to reveal themselves. If that email was just sent to the TV station now, the death could occur at any moment, especially with the fact that Kira claims to kill others with just simple heart attacks," Keigo sounded very urgent about this, unsettled by the fact that only one person could be responsible for such a large amount of deaths. A few moments, the news continued with an update that correlated with this situation. "It's hard to believe, but we received info that the dictator of North Korea, Kim Jung-un, had just died to a heart attack. This is no doubt Kira's doing as we see in the email. As it is a shock to all of us, it's definite that world governments will have their response towards Kira soon," the reporter says, "We will televise the responses from each of the governments later tonight." From there, the newscast was cut off. By now, everyone would had now know that Kira is the one responsible for the deaths, that Kira was capable of doing all of this. Madeline didn't have any comment for this as she went straight back to her writing, and with the fact that Light was still on the phone.
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"My God..what the hell are we dealing with here?!" Light said in shock at the announcement of the death. "Okay, okay..we have to calm down. Inspector, I need a favor. I'm the smartest student in Japan, if I was able to figure out who Minene was...this line may not be safe, but I'll say it. Do whatever you have to. Get me in touch with the Japanese Prime Minister, get him to phone me. I suggest we mobilize a Kira Task Force, of the smartest detective minds around the world, the KTF for short. I'd say, it's a safe bet since this "Kira" killer didn't email this to any International or World News station, that this person is somewhere in Japan if he, she or it emailed to Sakurami News specifically. We need to get this started as soon as possible, before tonight of the various Government's decision. We can't let ourselves be bullied, no matter what. Are we in an agreement here with this, Mr. Inspector?" Light asked, preying on Keigo's vulnerable and unnerved state of mind. Now this was a good break. With this, he'd have a wider amount of resources to pick out the diary holders, one by one.
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Surely after these sudden chain of events, it was inevitable that Keigo is going to go with Light's plan regardless. "That is quite the plan Light. I can agree with this, even if it does seem like a long shot, but we don't have much time before tonight. I'll try to get in contact with the Prime Minister, so it may take awhile. I'll call you back immediately after getting in contact with the Prime Minister," Keigo said on the phone, completely agreeing with Light's offer. Considering the state of dilemma for the many governments, it would be safe to assume that figures of authority are pressured on whether or not they would abide by Kira. Given that, it was most likely that the other governments would give in.
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"Right, we will talk around that time again. Okay, bye." Light hung up. "Hahahahahaha...hehehehahahahahaha!!" Light couldn't help himself, he started to go into a laughing fit. "FOOLS!! playing right into my hands, and they can't even begin to see where the truth starts and the lies end. Alright.." Light took a breath. "I just need to make two more phone calls." Light said, pulling out a phone book. "Amano..Amano..no, that's Amane..Amon....there we are." Light phoned the number in the book. "Hello, is this the Amano household? my name is Light Yagami." Light inquired.
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"Hello?...Light? It's me, Yuki. Did you hear of the news on the guy responsible for all of the deaths? So it really is one person, Kira from what the email said," Yuki answered the call on the household phone, surprised to hear Light calling this number. Though, he still had his cell phone out in his other hand, wondering if new entries would come up after this information of Kira was brought up on the news. Yuki also had a feeling that this Kira could be a Diary Holder by how this occurs not too long after the start of the Survival Game and Minene's capture.
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"You don't sound very distressed, Mr. Amano," Light noted. "though I suppose that would be I called. As of today, you're hired onto the KTF, that's Kira Task Force for short. You're a bright kid, Yuki. And certainly not average. Before you ask, no you don't have a choice. I'm getting a call from the Prime Minister soon, and I'll be laying out terms with him. The Kira case opens today. Make sure to tell your Parents. Bring what you need, then come over to this address..[Insert Apartment Address], ok? oh, and what's Yuno's cell number?" Light asked.
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Yeah...I don't sound distressed...maybe this whole experience of being in the Survival Game and Kira running around is becoming normal...or that some of Yuno's behavior is rubbing off on me... Yuki thought about Light's comment before hearing the big major news. He was only in middle school and now he's going to be a part of some investigation team? This was getting out of hand for him, he never asked for any of this. But then again, he along with Yuno had some pretty solid ideas regarding Kira, especially with the fact that Yuno narrowed Kira down as one person before the reveal from the email on the news. "R-Really?...then I'm ready to help out in any way I can. And Yuno's number is 728-3714. Gonna take a guess and say you're hiring Yuno into the KTF too. This is a lot to take in honestly...but that won't get in the way," Yuki had a shaky voice as he tried to not stutter too much from the sudden news. Yuki knew his parents wouldn't actually care, as his mother was never home due to her job and his father divorcing and leaving the family some time ago. I'm not sure why...but I start to get the feeling that Kira might be one of the Diary Holders...but I'm not definitely sure either... Yuki thought to himself, glazing a bit at his Future Diary. Nothing really notable was shown and nothing was altered in the entries.
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"Hey, I know you're nervous, but this is going to be top secret. As in, when we have this meet-up, it's off the grid. The Prime Minister and all of the higher ups cannot claim any responsibility for this. Knowing how powerful this guy is, most of the World Government's will probably give in either way. Alright, I have to call Yuno now. I'll see you when you come over. Take everything you absolutely need, and nothing else. Talk to you later." Light hung up, then dialed Yuno's number into the phone. He waited for it to connect.
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I wonder if I'm actually... Yuki thought to himself as soon as Light hung up. Though, he began to get this things together, like a notebook and some pencils. This also included his Future Diary, though he wondered if it would be any use in this whole meeting.
It took a few minutes before Yuno had finally answered the call. "Who is this?" Yuno asked blandly, maybe because she did not know Light's number and that she only liked getting calls from Yuki.
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