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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"This is Light Yagami. You will be joining Yukki on the Kira Task Force for now on. If you refuse..i will have the police investigate the fact of why your parents aren't at home and your power is shut off there. Do you understand what I am insinuating here, Ms. Gasai?" Light asked. This way, I have her in my hold. She can't do anything in the KTF without me knowing about it, or else I'll just bring that fact up to any of the officers. They'll trust me, I'm just an innocent, genius model student who just so happens to have prevented any deaths of the children, and killed Minene too at the school. Light thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Yuno was silent as soon as Light mentioned the fact that he had an idea on what she was hiding in her household. Sure, she could just leave the household, but there was much more than just her parents' corpses there. She refrained from laughing at all, only smiling a bit before finally responding to Light. "Alright, I'll be there with Yuki. I really do understand what you're talking about," Yuno says before abruptly hanging up as soon as she finished her sentence. Yuno looked at her Future Diary entries and read that Yuki was headed for an apartment not too far from here. They will never know... Yuno thought to herself as she just got a bag with a notepad, and went out of her house with her phone in her hands.
"And I suppose I'll be around for this meeting you're arranging..." Madeline suddenly brings this up, knowing that she couldn't just hide in this apartment while there are certain others coming here. At the same time, the phone was being called at the time, as if Keigo had finally gotten a hold of the Prime Minister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Naturally, you are a star student from England Madeline, am I wrong about that?" Light said with a grin. "And, you did provide me with a place to live, so I really do have to pay you back somehow..hello?" Light said, then answering the phone and placing it to his ear. "That you, Inspector? what's the word? you get the PM or what?" Light asked hopefully.
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"Yeah, I got the Prime Minister, let me go and transfer this call to him," Keigo said as he began to transfer Light's call to the Prime Minister's phone. Madeline only watched Light on the phone, seeing that Light was quite contempt with the progress he made so far in no less than an hour.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Light silently waited for the call to connect to the Prime Minister. As he did, he mentally prepared himself. All he had to do was convice him that it would be in his best interests to provide him with what he needed to "capture Kira". "Playing the role of my own L, if you think about it. Maybe I'll go under that code name as a "tribute" of sorts." Light said to Madeline.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Before Madeline could respond, the call had finally connected to the Prime Minister. "This is Light Yagami that I am speaking to, correct? One of the smartest students in Japan. I've heard the idea of the KTF from Inspector Kurusu before the call was transferred," the Prime Minister said, knowing that Light would explain the idea more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Ah, Mr. Prime Minister. Thank you for taking the time to consider it. As you know, the world is now in an unsure state. It is most likely that smaller country's, and or nations will surrender to Kira quite easily with that sort of "power", though I imagine America, the Invincible world police they think they are will stand tall, at least at first. My request is simple: I need your resources to get me bright, logical minds for this case. The best of the best. Whoever you can get to cooperate. I need state-of-the-art equipment, and a secret location in Sakurami city to work out of. I want full control of this case as its leader, I call all the shots and you will get results. I have my own picks for the team, such as Inspector Keigo as he is local, and two others. If you help me out, we will take full responsibility, so you have every right to claim the KTF doesn't exist nor did you help fund a group. My full intentions are to go off the grid either way, so it's a win-wiin situation for both of us. So what do you say, will you meet my requests?" Light asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Those requests are fine with me, I can find the resources for the work done in the KTF," the Prime Minister said to Light's request, and sounded to be affirmative with the plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Thank you very much, Mr. Prime Minister. Please call me back when you have made progress." Light said, and on his face was a devious grin that only Ryuk and Madeline could possibly see. He hung up the phone. "Everything has gone as planned," Light said in glee, going to sit down at the table. "now, we just have to wait for Yukki and Yuno to arrive. Madeline, just act like you usually do. Your near-emotionless state actually puts you as the stoic type, so I can just explain you away as a transfer from England who let me stay with you." Light said, flipping through the Death Note. On the table as a centerpiece was a complimentary bowl of fruit, filled with Banana's, Apples and other fruits. Light took an apple and tossed one to Ryuk, then took one for himself, biting into it. "It seems being half Shinigami extends the amount of time I don't need to eat. However, I need to keep up a perfect image, thus comes a maintained diet. Scurvy is not something I desire." He remarked, then taking a bite from the apple and flipping through pages in the Death Note.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Understood. Considering the time that you had called those two, it wouldn't be long until they arrive," Madeline gave a slight nod and commented on the arrival of Yukki and Yuno. Ryuk immediately caught the apple tossed over to him, and ate away as if it had been awhile since he's had an apple. Just like she had expected it, Madeline glanced over at the door for a moment, and a moment afterwards, a knock could be heard on the door as well as a faint "hello?" that sounded like Yukki had said it.
By the time that Yukki had pressed the open button for the elevator of the apartment building, he was suddenly met with a hug from Yuno. "Yuno? You're here too?" he mumbled in surprise. "Of course, I didn't want you to go on alone Yukki~" Yuno says to him softly as they got into the elevator, and pressed the button for the 9th floor. Inside, Yuno was still on the edge towards Light, she just didn't like him one bit, especially after that phone call. Not that people could figure out about the dead bodies of her parents in her abandoned household, but the fact that those two bodies aren't the only ones there either. "Are you sure? I mean...it's really serious," Yukki blinked, wondering if Yuno knew what this was about. "Of course Yukki, I know and we both can handle it," Yuno smiled as the elevator stopped and opened up at the ninth floor. Seeing as Yuno didn't seem like she wanted to knock, Yukki sighed and knocked on the door of the place Light had told him to go to. "Hello?" Yukki said to be sure that there was people in the apartment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Light turned his head towards the door. He turned up the volume on the TV, then stood up with the apple still in his hands. He took a bite while heading towards the door. As a precaution, he looked through the peephole. Everything was normal, so he opened up the door. "Ah, Yukki, and Yuno too. So glad you both showed up," Light said with a smile, then took a bite from his apple. "Please come inside. We can talk more when I close the door." Light said, holding the door open.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Alright," Yukki nodded as he and Yuno walked into the apartment. Though upon seeing Madeline, Yuno tensed up for a split second before acting as childish and innocent as her "normal" self. "Hey, who's that?" Yukki asked once he noticed the other girl. Madeline only stayed quiet, which was how she usually is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"That's my roommate. I had no place to stay, remember? I bumped into Madeline here on the street, she was asking for directions. She came all the way from England because she's going to a school here as an exchange student. Since I helped her out, she let me stay here. She doesn't talk much, but she's pretty smart." Light explained, taking the last few bits from the apple before throwing it away."Oh, and by the way, no more unnecessary chatter for now on. If we are going to talk about anything that sounds important, we have to talk in private, like this. I was just on the phone with the Prime Minister a few minutes ago. We're going to be gathering smart minds at a hidden location to speak about this, so getting everything I asked for is gonna' take awhile, especially if some come from other countries, they have to be flown out. So, unpack and make yourselves at home. Consider this the KTF's temporary base." Light said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh, alright then," Yukki says as Light introduces Madeline to them, a little unsettled by the girl's silence that it was quite on par with Yuno's creepiness... He and Yuno listened to what else that Light had to say about their actions within the KTF, which reminded Yukki of how they were talking about the deaths caused by Kira in the car ride to the police station earlier today. Compared to how Yuno had a lot to say back at the car, this time Yuno was quite silent herself, and it was making Yukki a bit unsettled even more. "So, Yuno...did you have anything to say?" Yukki asked, and was soon given an answer right away. "No, it's fine Yukki~, we already talked a lot about the deaths at the hands of Kira back at that car, remember?" Yuno responded with a smile, which was her way of saying "i don't have anything else to say."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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(I feel like Light needs more outside intervention to stop him in his tracks. Maybe somebody from another series? (also, time skip)

Light, not really sure what to do, sat down on the couch, holding the Death Note. There was nothing to do but just wait, really, and that would take hours. Should he sleep? honestly he hadn't slept one bit since he had got here, and he was feeling a bit tired. Light yawned a bit. "I'm going to go take a long nap, I guess. When that phone rings, come and get me. Do NOT answer it, it's the Prime Minister of Japan. I've been having some insomnia, but I think I can get through it. We've got plenty of daylight still out, so we've got plenty of time until the World Governments make an announcement." Light stood up, and then disappeared into a bedroom, shutting the door. He yawned, sticking the Death Note under a pillow, then shut his eyes and fell asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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(Hm...who would fit that position? There's just a huge list in my head right now on who would get in Light's way. I think I have two characters that would be it. :) This is going to get interesting)

-Before Time Skip-

Not really having much to say, Yukki gave a nod to Light before he went to sleep for now. Yukki could agree with Light, today's just been some crazy day, and even he felt like he wanted to sleep too "Yukki, you can lean next to me and sleep, I know you're tired," Yuno says with a concerned look, sitting over at the couch. Yukki looked at Yuno, and glanced over to see that Madeline was only reading a book and not paying any attention to them. "Yeah...thanks Yuno," Yukki said as he sat down next to Yuno, and leaned against her as he also drifted asleep. Yuno smiled to see that he was peacefully asleep, and held out her Future Diary in case something were to happen to Yukki. She would always know anyways.

-After Time Skip-

In case something were to come up, Yuno had left the TV on, but on a low volume so she wouldn't bother Yukki sleeping or Madeline reading. It was just some boring looking sitcom show for a bit, and it looked like the world governments weren't going to make an announcement any sooner. I don't care much on Kira killing criminals...I only care if this Kira is going to get in-between me and my Yukki... Yuno thought about this situation on Kira, and then remembered how Light happened to know about her parents being "missing." If he speculated that much from just running into her house on that day, Yuno knew that he wouldn't just bring it up like that because he's suspicious, but she had a feeling that he knew more. Light basically knew about their situation in the Survival Game.

Before she could think more on her situation against Light, Yuno's attention was caught by the news suddenly interrupting the usual show broadcasting, and it was obvious it was on the decisions of the multiple wold governments. No phone call from the prime minister of Japan however, as if something had come up at the same time of this news broadcast. "I'll go get Light," Madeline said as she closed her book and went to Light's room, right after she saw what was on the TV. "Yukki, wake up, there's a news report related to the Kira incident," Yuno gently shoved him, waking him up. "Huh? Already...but wasn't there supposed to be a phone call from the Prime Minister?" Yukki blinked in confusion.

/"As reported hours earlier today, Kira has requested the decisions of the multiple world governments to support the deaths of criminals, and most of the decisions had been made and finalized. Here is-"/ the reporter began with the fact the governments had decided, but for some reason, the telecast began to be transferred to different footage as if someone were actually hacking the TV networks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Light quickly sat up, opening his eyes. It was only Madeline. He had learned to be a light sleeper, especially when you were Kira. "What's wrong, did the Prime Minister call?" before she could answer, he could tell something was wrong by the look on her face. Light rushed out into the Living room, seeing that Yukki and Yuno were focused on the TV, and caught the last few seconds. "-most of the decisions have been finalized here they are-" Light kept a good poker face, but was angry inside as he could tell the broadcast was being interrupted by something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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The footage was then changed over a featureless dark room with a single light on, and there was no windows or doors to be seen. It was like a perfect closed room, unable to be determined where this was being filmed at. It showed a small boy that was blindfolded and tied to a chair, and was obviously scared to death by what could be happening to him. A man walked into the view of the camera, as if he were setting this up himself, though it was unclear if this was affecting this broadcast worldwide. Yet, many would recognize this man to be a world-famous CEO of a technology company, and it wouldn't be abnormal to know his name (which I'll let you decide because I'm too lazy to decide on that). "Kira, or whatever people call you, killing that much people for a cause, is it really worth it? Well, I want to see if you're really that figure of justice," the man says as he walks up to the blindfolded boy, pulling out a handgun and aiming it for the boy's head. "If you really want to purge the world of evil, then do it by killing me. Unless you want to see this boy, my son, murdered all in front of the public eye, then go and watch," the man said with obvious hatred for Kira, his finger right on the trigger that would determine the boy's life. As for the boy, he was trying his best not to freak out too much in fears that the man would instantly shoot him for begging for his life, but slight murmurs of fear came from the boy.

"Is this guy crazy?" Yukki muttered in shock of this, seeing as a man would go this far to defy Kira. Though, Yukki wasn't even sure if there was anything they could do to stop this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Light gritted his teeth. The man's name was Ryujin Rise, and his son Tenma Rise. He knew next to nothing about the both of them, so while everybody was glued to the TV he slipped off and and looked up Ryujin on the Computer. Ryujin Rise, of the company Ryujin Technologies, based in Sakurami City. A famous innovator, similar to companies such as Apple, who had created revolutionary items to make life easier for people. After his father had died of natural causes a few years ago, he had taken over the company. His son was obviously a great joy in his life, considering public photos. He wasn't married, and...his mother. His mother was dying of a rare disease, that killed slowly. It was time to act on that, then. Being a CEO was busy work, so it was safe to assume he had his cell phone on him. If the man had enough stones to kill his son in the name of justice, how would that make him any better than the way they portrayed Kira? It wouldn't, obviously. His policy was to kill criminals and not kill based on the fact someone MIGHT kill. There would be no good people left, otherwise. So, if his mother died in her sleep, it would weaken his resolve as to the fact that he would have noone left. Not to mention that killing his son would be HIS decision, Kira was only the one who laid down indiscriminate judgement. Ryujin would have to live with two of his closest family members dead in one day, lose his father's company and go to jail, the operation would fail, and he would still be free, barely lifting a finger.

Light took out his old Pocket Watch. He stealthily wrote down Ryujin's mothers name, then flipped it closed. In just 40 seconds his mother would pass away. If his cell phone was on him, it would ring a few seconds later, informing him of the death. If he was able to rightly predict the reaction, the man would break down, unable to do it. If he did still kill the boy, nothing would have changed. Ryujin would be taken to jail, and then die by the Death Note a few weeks later. He'd truly rid him from the world, absolutely having a reason to kill him, just it being less suspicious. In both scenarios, Kira had not done anything, at least not while being put on the spot. He waited silently, walking over to see the results on TV.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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The man, Ryujin, waited for a few seconds, as if he were anticipating that Kira would kill him, and was just a moments away from pulling the trigger on his son. However, his cell phone had received a call, just like Light had predicted, and he answered the call. The sudden grim look on Ryujin's face upon hearing the news on the phone, a brief muttering of "not her" could be heard. Ryujin glanced at his son, who was still scared to death, and then towards the camera. In an emotionally unstable state, he aimed the gun at the camera and shot at it, putting the footage off the air of the TV network. However, that wasn't the end of it, as the footage was immediately transferred to a white screen with a symbol at the center of it.

"...that was quite abrupt, wasn't it everyone? As much as things happen to be...chaotic ever since this individual Kira had been doing some business, I anticipated it, not just once, but in many multiple ways," a distorted voice announced in a way that this person wasn't actually taking this seriously. No doubt that this person was anticipating something to occur during this risky TV stunt, but it was unclear on what this person was getting on. "It wasn't hard to figure you out, Kira, well...not entirely since I haven't caught you just yet. Your first major move, the 400 deaths, it occurred all over the world, correct? Basic confusion tactic, but given the time period on how these people were killed, it's safe to say that it's one person, that should be Kira, and that you're in one location primarily. Clearly you can kill without being there, but I saw a great opportunity to get you where I want you. So, this was all set up, since Ryujin was definitely against Kira. I anticipated exactly three ways this would play out. First, given how you Kira have a very strong kind of justice, I expected you to kill Ryujin on the spot. Second, I had a feeling that you wouldn't want to give yourself away, thus not killing Ryujin and letting the boy die. Lastly, I anticipated you Kira, to involve any outside deaths that would make Ryujin unable to kill his son. Surely that last anticipation actually occurred, but how would that work out in my favor? Well, right after you had sent a message to the TV station, I had Ryujin's mother moved to a location without the media knowing, and that his mother would be heavily guarded. Before she would be placed on that type of protection until now, I had a tracking device placed on her, and it would give me her current heart rate in great accuracy. Even with her rare disease, the sudden loss of her heart rate clearly abnormal at the same time of Ryujin attempting to kill his son on TV. That's not all, because I have my resources all around the world. Getting a hold of people, famous people, that had opposition against Kira, I had different kinds of events happen on TV depending on what region they were in, and this TV airing is the only one that got a different result than no involvement from Kira as I've seen on different regions. So, I can conclude that you're in Sakurami City, Kira. I also made sure that these were world famous people involved with what I had planned, because everyone knows their names and faces. Roughly before this occurred, I had several criminals arrested and their arrests were made secret from the public, and they were never killed. So that also tells me you only kill if you know the name and face," the voice continued, actually having full involvement with all that's happened so far on TV.

"I can tell that you're wanting to know just who I am, but all I aim to tell you Kira is that I'm the detective challenging you. You may or may not know, but I've been involved in many mind-boggling cases before now. If you want to call me by something, I say that Bernkastel works as a good placeholder for my real name. So, what do you think about this, Kira? Whether you aim to take me down to continue your judgment or not, I will catch you," the voice concluded before the footage instantly changed to a fuzzy screen as if the news station couldn't get back on the air after all of this.

"That was...crazy, is this one of the detectives that are going to be a part of the KTF?" Yukki said after a few moments of trying to make sense on what just happened.
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