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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Damn it all! he thought, that he had been able to predict this situation this time around. He had already known that Ryujin was from Sakurami. Thus, in theory all he had to do was have an unrelated incident occur, to masterfully bring the situation to a close. Nobody would die, and he wouldn't lose. A tracking device to monitor a heartbeat, not bad. This Bernkastel had also already planned out a few possibilities towards this situation, and now, so would he. Light looked at Ryuk through the corner of his eye. It was just like the original case, all over again. He had found his opponent. He nodded, turning off the TV and then answered Yukki. "Yeah, I'm gonna guess so. Bernkastel...interesting. I have a feeling, that this person will be visiting us quite soon, considering I am the one who launched this investigation. Right now, I think the best bet is to re-contact Inspector Keigo and ask him if he knows of anything that will be going on. So, I leave that up to you, Yukki," Light turned his head to Madeline, "as for me, Madeline and I need to go discuss our living arrangements, in private." Light said, and headed into the bedroom from earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh, I'll do that," Yukki says as soon as Light had given him this task. As he went to contact Keigo, Madeline looked over to Light and gave a silent nod as she went into the room. Of course, Ryuk was laughing at how this detective had decided to do all of this and effectively get the location where Kira is so easily, it was certainly like how L had done the exact same thing at the time. Once the door was closed and both of them were in private, Madeline spoke up first,"I can tell you have one person that will be an interesting opponent." Out of all of the possible things that would oppose Kira, it was only one but worthy detective. Even if Madeline knew a lot, the way that this detective Bernkastel is basically an anonymous individual, Madeline had nothing that would be informative on this Bernkastel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Yes, I agree. And there are less stakes like having my family involved, so there's no need to worry about holding anything back, all I have to worry about is the public eye." Light went and grabbed the Death Note from under the pillow. He ripped out 6 pieces of a blank page from the Death Note, each enough to write two names on the back, and for himself, a seventh that he put in his watch. He handed them to Madeline. "Carry 5 of these with you. Hide the 6th one in the apartment somewhere for emergency purposes. I have a very strong feeling, that we will be needing them. When, and if that time comes you will bring them to me. That's really all I have to say right now. I can't make any plans unless I have an idea of what's going on, so I'm going to go talk to Yukki. Hopefully, he has something." Light said, and then left the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Understood," Madeline said, not having much to say on her own, taking the Death Note pieces and putting those in her pocket. Knowing her intellect, she wouldn't forget this and would not let the pieces leave her hold. This would be taken as the only thing she'll actually pitch in with, as she rather doesn't want to interfere too much for that she wants to see just how Light will make matters...interesting. Once that was taken care of, Madeline walked out of the room and went back to reading her book, she didn't really have much to do on her own anyways.

"Oh, I'll tell them, thanks," Yukki nods as he hangs up, hearing what Keigo had filled him in on, right at the same time that Light and Madeline had came back from their private conversation. "Hey, perfect timing, apparently that new detective, Bernkastel, wants to meet up with us, since we're a part of the KTF. This is quite something, since Keigo's told me that no one has actually seen Bernkastel in person, and that that the name he or she came up with was just something new, since even he or she hasn't gone by any name. To meet up with Bernkastel, it's going to be at one of the hotels in the downtown district of Sakurami, sometime tomorrow," Yukki told everyone on what Bernkastel had proposed, to have everyone that would be a part of the KTF to meet up at some location. "But Yukki, tomorrow we have a date, remember? You promised~!" Yuno said in a protest, for once sounding like a normal girl for her age and not as creepy as she would be normally. "We can have it after that meeting, alright Yuno. I won't forget," Yukki said to reassure her, and to also keep Yuno from getting too antsy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Then it's decided. Tomorrow we head out to meet Bernkastel at a hotel located downtown. Okay, kids. Let me review the layout in case you get confused. We're standing in the Living Room right now. Directly on the right side of the room which is directly opposite to the Living Room, is the Kitchen. In the bottom right corner near the Kitchen, right over there, is a wall. Located in that space is where the wooden table I sit at is. That wall is apart of the doorway to the Kitchen, so it's good to use up empty spaces. In the middle, behind us and quite close to the table is a short walkway. There are three rooms. The middle room, is the room I was taking a nap in. That will be me, and Madeline's room for now on. There are two doors now, the one on the left is you two's room. Directly across from your room, is the bathroom. You get all that? you need to memorize the layout in case an emergency comes up." Light said, and then went to sit down at the table, opening the laptop. "I'm going to be up quite late, you kids should get some rest." he said, then laid the Death Note out on the table next to the Laptop. It was amazing how easy a fake cover made something seem so inconspicuous. However, he knew he couldn't bring it along with him tomorrow, with that Detective around. He'd have to hide it at the apartment somewhere. Maybe, in the bathroom? or maybe his and Madeline's room. Either one was fine. He'd figure it out. He started to focus on researching things, anything that would be considered useful in knowing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Alright, we'll keep that in mind, right Yuno?" Yukki nodded as he paid attention on how the layout of this apartment was, and Yuno only gave a simple "yes" as an answer. Though, right after saying that, Yuno followed up with this response,"Let's go and rest Yukki, it's been a tiring day." It was a sudden response, and soon Yuno had dragged Yukki into the other bedroom in the apartment before Yukki could even give her his response to that.

On whatever Light was researching on, there was little to no information on Bernkastel, or otherwise known as the unnamed detective as he or she never used their real name or even an alias at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Light had already figured out that there would be no information on the Detective, and in the eerily similar way this was playing out, he had figured it wouldn't have been any different. "Hey Ryuk," Light said softly, not wanting the kids to hear the unfamiliar name, "doesn't this seem a little bit familiar to something we've already experienced? criminals suddenly start dropping dead, Kira announces himself, then comes along an unknown detective that is able to lure him out and narrow Kira down to one region in Japan. Now we're in a Task Force, with ME as the head, or if this plays out like I think it will, this Bernkastel will try and head the case. Now, we're going to a hotel tomorrow to meet the detective. Only a few things have played out differently. It's all so eerily familiar." Light remarked, and as he spoke he started to open new tabs, bringing up information about wanted or living criminals, and started writing names in the Death Note. "So, if things are going the same way they did before, maybe I can use this to my advantage to come out on top." Light said, continuing to write down names.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"It's like a good sign of deja vu, you'll know everything ahead of time if it's just like that case with L," Ryuk said with an amused tone, he found it really funny how in this completely different Earth, there happened to be someone else that would pull into the Kira case just like L would, and that the same timeline of events were taking place in this different Earth. By now, both Yukki and Yuno were already asleep, the door to their room closed tight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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(Time skip, alsooo E3!!)

"Exactly," Light said with a smirk. "And by having an upper hand, I'll be able to control the situation. I just have to copy what L did, really." Light continued to write names down in the Death Note. "Bernkastel may have been able to catch me off guard, but not next time. I'll make sure to read up on a ton of things tonight, so that I'm more familiar with the world, next time..I will be ready." Light grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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(I'm hoping that there's some more news on KH3, there hasn't been much lately on it. ^^)

The next morning, Madeline apparently was still awake and reading, but due to what she really was, she didn't have to sleep and she would always appear in good health conditions. Yukki was just waking up, and was surprised to see that Yuno was cuddled up next to him and still asleep. "Y-YUNO!" Yukki exclaimed as he quickly sat up, clearly uncomfortable with her that close to him, especially knowing how Yuno really is. She only woke up as he had exclaimed that, and rubbed her eyes with a tired expression. "Is there something...*yawn* wrong Yukki?" Yuno asked as she got up from the bed, but Yukki only sighed as from his point of view, Yuno acted like she didn't mind sleeping so close to him before. It was like they actually...Yukki immediately snapped that out of his thoughts, he just didn't want to think of that right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Light had also stayed up the whole night, since he had napped hours ago he wasn't really that tired. He was still writing down names which were now up to a thousand, and he was still researching the world on the Internet. He had discovered history was mostly intact, besides a few different celebrities and Sakurami City. He sat back, and shut his Death Note, shutting down the laptop. Yukki and Yuno were probably going to get up any second now. They would be going to Bernkastel's place any hour now. While they had been sleeping, Light had made breakfast for the both of them, he had already ate earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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After that rather awkward awakening, Yukki walked out of the bedroom, and saw that Light was either up already or that he had stayed up the entire night. Same case with Madeline, who was now writing something in her journal. "Morning," Yukki said with a tired expression, and even with rest, he still felt shaken up from all of the events that happened yesterday. "Good morning!" Yuno says suddenly while catching up with Yukki, having just woken up and she was already this energetic. This kinda got Yukki off guard, but he knew he had to get used to it. By the time that both would start eating breakfast, the phone began to receive another call, and this call wasn't coming from either Keigo or the Prime Minister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Good Morning.." Light said in response before they went to eat. Yuno seemed to be very happy. Almost too, unusually happy, he would have to keep a note of that for later. "I'll get it," Light said, and then with not much to say after, he simply got up from his chair went over to answer the phone. "Hello, this is Light Yagami, who am I speaking to?" Light asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh, so you're the one who started the Kira Task Force from what Investigator Keigo told me, correct? I'm Bernkastel, and no doubt that you've seen my telecast yesterday. Regarding on meeting today, I would like all of you to come at noontime sharp, the location is at Sakurami Hotel building, 15th floor, room 1523. You can save any questions or anything related to the Kira case when we meet," a distorted voice spoke on the phone to Light, and it was no doubt the same person that pulled that stunt on TV to narrow down Kira's location. Before Light could even reply, the phone call was hung up immediately. "So..er, who was that?" Yukki asked briefly before finishing up his food, having a feeling that someone important just called.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"It was that Bernkastel Detective that was on the television last night. He or she has given us specifics on which hotel we're going to downtown. The Sakurami Hotel, 15th floor, room 1523, at noon to the dot. We have plenty of time until then." Light explained. He went to sit back down. "I asked for as many people as the Minister could get, so regardless or not if we get a call back from him on progress relating to that, I'm hoping there's more then just one person, which would be Bernkastel. It'd be impossible to solve such a case alone or with little help, regardless of equipment or intellect. " Light pointed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Like you said, we have time before we figure that out. If the Prime Minister is gathering all of these people from different places, it would be awhile depending on where these people come from," Yukki said, a little unsure but assumed that it would be a few more days until they would meet these people that would help out with the case. Surprisingly, Yuno actually had nothing to say much, and was taking a peek at her phone for any Future Diary entries that would pop up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Yeah, I know. Well, I don't see much practicality in hanging around here." Light left the room for a minute, hiding the Death Note under his pillow in his and Madeline's bedroom. "So, why don't we all go out for a walk. Maybe we could go check out the rebuilding of the School, see how it's going." Light suggested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Yeah, but I don't think Yuno and I are going to be in school for awhile," Yukki says, but knew it would be at least better than just sitting around inside the apartment. "That can pass the time pretty well, then let's go!" Yuno finally spoke up after her string of silence, dragging Yukki out of the apartment with her. "I'll come along as well. After enough time has passed, we'll head for the hotel to meet Bernkastel," Madeline agreed as she put her book down and got up from her seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Great, a little exercise never killed anyone." Light said, and headed out the door. He lead everyone into the nearest elevator, and pressed "1" on the list. After just two minutes they were on the ground floor and headed out the doors. "Ah, good to see some natural sunlight after staying up late." Light said, and stretched a bit before starting to walk. "The school is that way, at least this is the way I walk," Light explained as he walked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh, it's that way for sure," Yuno said as they were finally outside. and she dragged Yukki along and ahead of the others. It was a no-brainer that they would know as they went to school there before that bombing incident. "It appears that Yuno is more energetic than yesterday," Madeline commented on Yuno's behavior.
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