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"I know," Light muttered to Madeline, "It's kind of strange. I wonder what could have made her so happy after acting like she usually does." Light wondered, then continued to walk. After a little while of of walking, Light could see that they were getting close to the school, as they got further Light wondered to himself what kind of person this "Bernkastel" detective exactly was. Not knowing anything was frustrating, especially with his Shinigami abilities, and the sooner the better, to him anyway.
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"Whatever that reason is, it seems like Yukki may be the reason for her mood change," Madeline whispered back as they got closer to where the school was. Even if Madeline had just met these two yesterday, she already caught onto the fact that Yuno is obsessive over Yukki, and apparently, Madeline was unaware of their Future Diaries. Once they would arrive at the place, the school was currently in repair, but judging from the damage, they wouldnt be going to school there in awhile. Also, it seemed like there was someone there to see the school site after the bombing incident. This person didn't look that old, and actually looked like she was around Yukki's and Yuno's age. This girl was taking pictures of the school, and noticed that there was others here.

"Oh, so I'm not the only one here to see the school especially after that incident," the girl says as she holds the camera in her hands, readjusting her hat. "We wanted to see how the school looked, since we were in the middle of it," Yuno says with a friendly voice, but she held onto Yukki's arm tightly,"So why are you here? You don't look like you went to school here either?" As much as Yuno sounds really different, like she is normal for today...those questions sound like Yuno is going back to her weird behavior again... Yukki thought as he wondered what the girl's response would be. "Just taking several photos for the newspaper, the basic job of a photographer I guess," the girl only smiles with a polite manner,"Yeah, I don't think we met at all, so I'm Erika Furudo."
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"Well, that's kind of weird you work for the News Industry, little girl. Because I work at this school as a new teacher, and the way I got this job was reading a newspaper that talked about School and Church bombings, so I figured that the bomber, who has since been named as Minene and is hospitalized, would come here. Whoever you work for sure must take a slow time publishing, because I'm pretty sure every news outlet has already moved on from this. What's extremely important right now is this "Kira" person, so why don't you move along and go tell your boss that there's more money to be made on selling papers on the Kira Incident. Killing the Dictator of North Korea is no easy feat." Light found it just a little bit suspicious that this girl, who was actually 19, was taking pictures of the destroyed school after the incident was over. "Oh, and by the way, just between you and me.." Light leaned in close, whispering, "I've seen every class roster here..and you don't go to this school." Light said in a low and extremely creepy tone of voice as he whispered, then leaning back. "Now scram, before I call the cops for suspicious activity." Light said in an authoritative tone.
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Despite the fact that Light was suspicious on her, Erika didn't seem to lose her cool. "That I had that in mind, but oh well. Don't worry, I'll leave, I was just finishing up here," Erika gave an apologetic tone, but still smiled. And just like that, she left the area without another word. "....I don't like that girl," Yuno whispers, as if she was also suspicious towards Erika besides Light's suspicions towards Erika.
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"Erika Furudo...she's suspicious enough to warrant some investigation, I'll do a search on her." Light said, and took out his cellphone, he brought up Japanese Google, and then typed her name into the search bar. Surely there would be basic records on her, perhaps medical records or a bank transaction or two. "If she REALLY DOES works for some newspaper company, her name should come up somewhere in an archived article, there are online archives, it's the way of the future anyway. Otherwise there's evidence that points to something else entirely." Light explained.
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Everything on Erika that was archived was all normal basic stuff, with the fact that she was really a part-time newspaper photographer and a fairly new college student. Everything on her was perfect, too perfect actually. "So, anything that makes her suspicious," Yuno asked, as if she really wanted Erika to be suspicious in the first place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Hmmm, well she wasn't lying about being a newspaper photographer, but that doesn't mean she isn't just using it as a cover for something else. People can lie to get what they want, that is what makes humanity dangerous," Light said, then continued, "However, there is no way she could have been "caught up in this" like she said, because she's almost twenty and is attending her first year in college, so her being a young girl doesn't check out, she's just very youthful looking." Light explained. "That girl is a legal adult." Light said, emphasizing it for good measure. "I think, we should start heading to the hotel downtown, now. I'm starting to get paranoid, and it's worse when you have a good suspicion." Light said, checking the time on his phone.
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"Y-Yeah, but I'm sure she's not really involved in anything else," Yukki said, not really seeing right away what Light and Yuno were suspicious on. Yuno didn't say anything regarding on Erika, and she had a faint feeling that that wasnt going to be the only time they run into that girl. "Right, by now, we should make our way to the hotel. Better to arrive early than barely at all at noontime," Madeline said, though it was hard to tell if she noticed anything else strange with Erika.
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"And if our suspicions are proven wrong, great. But we can't say you're right, and we can't say I'm right, because there's nothing on her, and honestly it doesn't really matter right now, since we have more pressing matters to attend to." Light pointed out, dropping the discussion. He left the area with the rest of them, and they started to head downtown towards the hotel. His phone still open, Light was searching on any new news about Kira, maybe the media or anyone else had taken notice of the 1000 deaths he had achieved last night alone, or just anything Kira related that was new.
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As they headed towards the hotel, Light would find that there already a lot of reports focusing on the 1000 deaths, and linking these to the obvious answer that Kira was behind it. Not to mention that the people they pass by in the downtown area were also briefly mentioning the 1000 deaths in conversation, it was like the current big news headline as of now. It wouldnt be long until they would arrive at the building that Bernkastel is in. Yuno was looking at her phone as well, but taking a peek at her future diary entries as if there was something she wanted to see time after time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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News sure seems to spread fast in Sakurami..that just makes me even more suspicious on that girl from earlier. Light thought to himself, just momentarily giving two people talking about Kira a passing glance before shutting his phone and putting it away into his pocket. They were finally at the hotel, and Light went inside with everyone. They were a bit early, but it had taken them quite a long walk to get downtown, so a significant amount of time had passed from when they had first left. Light headed towards the nearest elevator.
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By then, Yuno had put her phone away once inside the hotel building with everyone else. Once they got into the elevator and pushed the button for the 15th floor, it did make Yuno and Yukki wonder what kind of person Bernkastel was, because they were completely unaware to what they would find out soon. They couldn't check their future diaries either as it would be dangerous to actually use them here. Though, as much as they were to focus on the Kira case, Yuno was still suspicious on Erika, and it wasnt because she had a feeling that she would take Yukki away, but it was on a different variable.
(A little scene to explain Erika's and Dlanor's side)

Dlanor glanced at the clock, it was nearing noon and nearing the time that the KTF were to come here. Everything was arranged as the two had planned it, and as much as it seemed lik Dlanor did the majority of the work, Erika was like the puppetmaster of this duo, but not in complete dominance also. As if to pass time, Dlanor thought over on the night before where Erika had told her of what they were to do for the following weeks:

"And done! Just like that Dlanor, I guess all of that TV network bypassing for all of those countries worked out fine, that we managed to find out that Kira's in Sakurami as we speak, and that I arranged the KTF that the Prime Minister had told me earlier to come here," Erika says after hanging up with the Prime Minister. Dlanor only stretched from her seat near a whole set of multiple monitors, being the tech responsible for the TV setup and with Erika's help with the distorted voice message.

"Do you have any plans as to what we do next? Surely Kira would just continue killing," Dlanor said, which was the response that was definitely obvious. Though, Erika immediately interrupted her.

"I'm prepared fully for whatever comes at us. So, Here's what I have in mind. It's a no-brainer that Kira would only continue to kill, but in different ways that are probably to confuse us. That's like a double-edged blade, so maybe if we just let the deaths happen too often, we're sure to lower down the possibilities to face there. Though, I'm sure enough that the KTF would really like to meet "Bernkastel" to gain trust and work together, but it's too risky to just trust someone with my identity, appearance alone once they get here. So, you'll be taking my place as Bernkastel, you're smart enough to match my actions, so it wouldn't be that weird," Erika explains her thoughts, and brings up this risky idea in itself. For once, Dlanor was surprised by this decision.

"Are you sure? That is a big favor to put out there, and a risky one too," Dlanor commented briefly, but stopped as Erika held up her hand as a gesture that said " that's not all."

"You're not just going to be a decoy for me Dlanor. Despite the specific instructions I'll give you, you can have your own style of investigation while I condone my own in secrecy and as a normal citizen in Sakurami. Now, for the certain instructions to either protect the truth on who's really Bernksastel. I came up with these possible results. First, if they have the feeling that you aren't Bernkastel and that they start to assume there is another person for whatever reason, I want you to say that this is the first time that Bernkastel has directly worked with people for a case. Second, if the possibility of Kira in the KTF or someone in the public for times you got to go outside is possible to be Kira, I will have you attach this tracking device to your chest, it works just like the one used for Ryujin's mother, but it will feed back to my private database with accurate information that will show your usual mortality rate alongside your vitals upon the chances of Kira killing you. Though, I doubt that would happen as we never reveal our name's while on duty, but since I won't be directly involved, it's fine for me to use my real name as you have to use an alias in ties where you are in public. And lastly, if they somehow decide to bring up the name "Erika Furudo" in suspicions that I'm involved, just say that you don't know. Publicly, I'm not that known here in Sakurami, so it'll work out fine. To be completely honest, its quite a plus that Kira happens to be in the same city we're currently at," Erika explained her plans for now as she packed her things so they could work indirectly with each other on the case.

"Alright. I'll take the place as Bernkastel for you. I can handle the position, just don't get yourself in too much trouble," Dlanor says after thinking it through.

"Same goes to you. Besides, this level of reasoning for this case is possible for Furudo Erika. What do you think, Dlanor?" Erika said to Dlanor before leaving the hotel room for the other place that Erika would be at for awhile.

"Soon, everything you planned will be set to motion," Dlanor says to no one, thinking of that very conversation that happened last night, glancing at the clock that it was 14 minutes before noon. Dlanor only waited silently for them to arrive and set Erika's plans into gear.
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The elevator reached the 15th floor, and it opened. Everyone stepped out of it, and they weren't far from Bernkastel's room. Deciding that Bernkastel would be as tricky a Detective as L, Light decided he would fool the Detective. He combed his hair so that one side of it was covering his right eye, and he cleared his throat, he would lower it a bit. He would adopt the role of his own stand-in double, with a monotone, almost emotionless and stoic personality, similar to Madeline, thus the voice change. Bernkastel sounded like he wasn't recognized in his or her mind, so he had the advantage. "Take everything I say as fact and don't say anything unnecessary." Light explained. Walking up to Bernkastel's room, he knocked on the door. This was it.
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The moment that he knocked on the door, it took a few moments for a response. Of course, there was probably hidden cameras and wiretaps set up at the front door of his hotel room. Then after those few moments, the door opened to them finally, and again they would see a girl that also looked like Yuno's and Yukki's age but was older than she appeared at the same time. "Please come in," Dlanor gestured the group to come inside. Once they were inside, Dlanor sat at a chair nearest to all of the sets of computers she had in the room. "I could tell some of you have your doubts about me, but I am Bernkastel," Dlanor said as she could tell from the looks of Yukki especially. Wow, she's actually Bernkastel...she looks like she's still in middle school... Yukki thought in surprise.
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Light said nothing, and thought about what he was going to do. He could pull it off, he knew he could, he was an old man, he'd lived a full life. Suddenly, something about Light's aura changed that made him seem different to everyone that knew he was Light, this was his superb acting skills. In a surprisingly deep and monotonous voice that sounded very different then his real one, he spoke up. "I am Aito Agari, Light Yagami's acting double and a close friend of his. I believe Mr. Yagami spoke to you on the phone, unfortunately while Mr. Yagami promised he would speak to you in person, he has gone off to locations unknown to me in order to follow leads on Kira, he is quite passionate on the Kira case and I quite admire Mr. Yagami on his drive, with such occurrences going on, you would rarely find someone strong enough to face this." "Aito" said, going to sit down, but as he did, he walked with a bit of an aloof and uncaring hunch. This was to further distance himself as Light. "However, I am not Mr. Yagami, I am merely his conduit, though, if I might brag a little we both have quite the intellect. So, what have you called the KTF here for, Detective? we have just started the case, and just finished negotiating with the Prime minister not too long ago. From what I saw, you seemed to be more of a solo act, so this seems quite surprising actually." "Aito" asked.
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I wonder why Light's deciding to go by another name, and it's almost like he's a whole different person... Yukki thought as he saw Light take on this "Aito" persona. "Understandable. There will be other times where I will call for us to meet, this won't be the only time we will meet. All in all to catch Kira, which is our main goal amongst all of us. As to the reason I had arranged our first meeting, I found it best that we, for now, explain on what we know on the case so far. Despite how much time it has been from the initial...challenge I had made towards Kira, I had already compiled full analysis on the details of every death for any patterns, so yes, we both do have quite the intellect," Dlanor says as she opens up a file on her main computer, displaying a graph of all deaths caused by Kira, all estimated 1400 of them. The graph displayed all of the deaths within day, exact timing, where it happened, how it happened, and any other details worth throwing into the fairly large graphing. In her head, Dlanor was basically taking mental notes on the KTF, as Erika would always do, because there was always evidence or any small detail that would lead to many possibilities.
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"Right, but before we get into any of that we need to address a few things. Firstly, we're going to take on aliases. Mr. Yagami is very cautious in these types of situations, and it seems to have rubbed off onto his comrades here, which is why they haven't told you there names yet. I stated my name as a test. There was a possibility of you being Kira, regardless of how young you look. If you were the real Bernkastel, you would know that Kira needs people's names and faces to kill, and by that you would have caused some indirect incident to fool me and or freak me out in some way. Speaking for Mr. Yagami here, you haven't done anything, but since you called us Bernkastel, and gained access to private information about the KTF that was between Light and the Prime Minister so easily without any assistance, I don't have any choice, nor do I really mind marking you as a possible candidate in being Kira while we work together. It's far too suspicious of a situation to knock out the possibility." "Aito" explained, and then moved right along like it was nothing. "Right then, you three do as I ask and name yourselves in full name aliases only."
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Dlanor had thought of this possibility occurring, where due to lack of real information coming from her that she is Bernkastel, she would become a candidate that she was Kira. Not that it mattered, Dlanor actually anticipated that assumption, and purposely didn't say much or reveal much to see if they would be that cautious. Like expected, they weren't pushovers in the first place. As "Aito" had asked the others with him to introduce themselves alias only, Dlanor only silently waited for them to say so before putting her own words in. "Jiseki Shizuru," Yuno said, basing this alias in the concept of her being the "Second Diary Owner," not that Dlanor would narrow down to that ever. "Satoshi Aoi,' Yukki said some time after Yuno, trying his best not to stutter as this was a sudden experience. "Natalie Innomé," Madeline was the last to speak, since she was actually letting Yuno and Yukki go before her to see if they were prepared for this.

"Better to be safe I suppose. I rather not sway or interfere with your own assumptions, it would only waste the time that we have before Kira would most likely stir up an occurrence in a much more higher scale than the recent events regarding the deaths," Dlanor says, not at all offended or worried or even surprised that she would be put in the place where she is suspicious of being Kira.
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"You may feel how you like about it, Bernkastel. It is simply a possibility I can not ignore." "Aito" simply said. He nodded to all of them, accepting each one's aliases without any comment or complaint. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Three times knock, no more no less. Aito silently turned his head to Dlanor expectantly.

Lucius stood at the door, he knocked three times and then waited. He knew there were hidden cameras or wiretaps, so he said nothing. There was only a mysterious smile on the American's face, as if he knew something others didn't.
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At least this outcome would not effect the investigation. I know it's not the best to influence their decisions, so I would just continue my investigations while they continue theirs. It is that simple, like Erika would say... she thought to herself, having already a chosen set of words to say next. Dlanor did aim to at least have an acquaintance and collaborate their findings towards Kira, but something interrupted that. Someone was knocking on the door. It was a little confusing on why someone could be knocking, considering that no one else knows that this is the apartment where "Bernkastel" is hiding at. Actually, it did make her wonder who it would be. Not saying anything to the group inside with her, Dlanor got up and went over to the door. She knew that ignoring the knocking would make it seem suspicious to whoever was knocking, but then there's the risk of actually opening up the door. There was only one way to find out. After a few unlocks of the various locks of the door, Dlanor slightly opened the door to see a boy that seemed like he would be in high school. "Is there something you needed?" she asked simply, it was a very basic question in itself.

For a split second, Madeline looked at the corner of her eye to see the boy through the small opening of the door. If it wasn't for some of her long hair in the way, it seemed like she wasn't looking at the door at all. Though, she was curious and suspicious at the same time on who that could be. For some reason...somewhere deep down in her endless knowledge, she could faintly tell that this was not normal.
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