One such pattern followed by history and known to sages from all times and era, yet ignored by so called scientists and academics who rely on their overzealous love of equations and factual data, is that the darkness that lurked the dreams of our ancestors cannot be destroyed. It'll always find a way to preserve itself. Once a man of the modern age comes in contact with it, it's inevitable that his mind will pay the price of his foolishness in forgetting why we used to fear it for most of our history.

It's within this mansion, known as the Rivianne Solaire, circled by sparse woods that the following account has transpired. To the reader is reserved the right to interpret this story in whatever way they deem more fitting. Take it as hard facts, delusions of insanity or a hallucination caused by the waste of the very thing that made the town rich, whatever is it that suits you best."Welcome to my mansion. I hope that you find the supper to be of your liking," Those would be the first words heard by any of those who found themselves attracted by the alluring call of the Rivianne Solaire, the so called cursed mansion resting atop a sinister hill, in a town forgotten in the middle of nowhere. Those words, spoken in a soft, whisper-like voice came from the lips of a finely dressed girl sat by the head of the very own table in which all those attracted by the mansion would find themselves as soon as their consciousness returned.
Not a single coin of their possession had been taken away, yet those reunited by that table wold find a plentiful supper before them. Some of it was half eaten, which raised a lot of suspicions. Yet, there they were. What could be happening?