Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
Avatar of Conscripts

Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 10 days ago

I'll be posting shortly, it's nearly finished
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
Avatar of Jeep Wrangler


Banned Seen 9 days ago

Though fella weaponry is a very plausible side, I don't think the suit work work. Especially when we have a a walking tank, basically. If it were scaled down, possibly to a backpack containing a charger, as long we it is balanced, you should be fine to have it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
Avatar of Conscripts

Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 10 days ago

Name: Thanh Pham

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Birthdate/Location: 04.20.1928/Hanoi

Appearance: A young man standing only 165 cm high and 60 kilograms heavy, comparing to the likes of his Russian peers, his appearance isn't that much impressive, despite the height being slightly over the standards of Vietnamese men at the time. He has short, neat black hair and the yellowy brown skin, but in reality he looks a lot darker because of the bloods and dirt of the battlefield he faced. The color of the young man's pair of irires perfectly matched what he had been through: brown, for dirt and mud. He's not well-built, but not skinny. After being transferred to Russia, he took the usual attire of Russian infantry men, but then evolved to wearing another layer of light protective armor around him to protect himself against explosions, and to conceal the scars he suffered from all the battles he had faced.


If one could describe him in three words, it would be brave, reckless and peaceful. Normally, to Thanh’s comrades, he would tend to act completely normal, and sometimes friendly to his peers, and try to avoid conflict as much as possible. He never went all the way to get in a fight with someone else and get injured in the process. A young man with a simple way of life, and a peaceful ideology to bear. He had little education during his childhood, so he can be clueless sometimes, and his manners sometimes might be a little rude. He can be lazy at times, but generally, he’s a gentle boy who values the moral values of life, like for example, friendship

In stark contrast to the peaceful and tranquil personality, he is extremely reckless when it comes to tense situation. Because of his little education, especially in military tactics training, he is usually one of the first to charge into battle, regardless of gunfire, bombs, mines, pretty much everything, frequently getting himself wounded in battle. Many times he placed his life on the line like it was nothing, even if the target objective isn’t worth the risk at all. The rumor that he has once charged a German Tiger II tank during a battle with nothing but a bolt action rifle and a few molotovs and hand grenades has much confirmed the trait. But despite his seemingly stupid and impulsive human-wave aggressive attacks, Thanh isn’t that clueless in tactics, as he has some basic common sense about strategies, is actually very decent at teamwork, and his fierceness in battle had sometimes boosted the morales of battle soldiers.

But when mentioning recklessness, there is absolutely no way not to mention about his bravery. It’s absolutely immeasurable. A trait inherited from his father, who is also a war veteran, Thanh’s bravery is widely reowned among their peers, something which they greatly respect the young man. He is quick-witted, seen continuously employed in tasks that require utmost resolution and daring. Thanh is also a patriotic person who is proud of his country’s long history, and is shown to be very hateful of the Nazis. To the bravery of the young man, Thanh despises cowards, to the point that he might even shoot them himself.

On side-notes, Thanh is pretty bad at academic, politics and diplomacy.


Classification: Specialist


-Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle

-TT32 pistol

-Molotovs x2

-HE grenade x2

-Warhead x5 (1 on the pole, 4 on reserve)

-Bottle of glue

Experimental Equipment: The lunge mine

The same name as the Japanese made ‘lunge mine’, it’s basically a high explosive anti tank warhead shaped like a cone and is placed on one end of a 1.5 meters long pole. The mechanic of the weapon is simple. The bottom of the cone is attached with a super-magnet that can hold the weight of the mine so that it sticks onto metal structure. If the target is a concrete wall, then the user will have to manually add glue to the funnel like structure so that it stays on the intended location for at least a few seconds. The three sticks protruding out acts as fuses, when pushed inwards due to impact, the mine’s gunpowder will be triggered, and will explode. It is used like a spear, with the user has to grip it tightly, each hand placed on the 1/3 and 2/3 position of the pole respectively, although when attacking it can be changed depending on the references of the user. When attacking, the user will have to ram it into the target in a 90-degree angle for maximum potential of exploding. And after plunging it into the target, the user has around 3 seconds to remove the pole from the mine, which is done by rotating it a bit and pulling it out, and run to a safe location. The extracted pole can then be attached to another mine so that he can continue attacking. The user can choose not to use the pole and instead hold the mine directly, however, this is highly unrecommended.

When triggered, the mine will take 3 seconds to explode. The heat and pressure of the explosion will be extreme, due to the large amount of explosion being squeezed into the small shell being let out at once, and the mine can penetrate to about 160mm of armor, which is a good number at the time. The movements of the user will have to be decisive, and he has to make sure that he has a clear path and good cover to both attack and retreat. In general, the one using this mine has to be brave, quick-willed, because one mistake can lead to deadly consequences. The user can die from the intense pressure being placed on him or the heat of the bomb. Even if he manages to run, he may still suffer wounds, so a cover is highly recommended. Another important thing to be noticed is that to use the mine, the user will have to get very close to the target. As a result, he will need heavy fire support, and he will have to pick his timing carefully, otherwise he would be gunned down when he either attack or retreat

The mine, improved from the Japanese equivalent to make it survivable, is considered very effective against almost every walls, normal vehicles, light and medium tanks, armored car, some poorly armored heavy tanks, and most walking tanks due to the mine being triggered at point-blank range, but is prone to suffer from the heavy armor of most heavy tanks, super-heavy tanks and heavily armored walking tanks. Basically, an armor beyond the penetrative capability of 160mm will negate the effect of the mine. When faced against tanks, the user will have to choose the area with least armor, notably the rear or side if possible. In general, it can be very effective, but extremely risky, and is highly dependent on the skill and bravery of the user. Because of it, not many Soviet officers and generals held it in high regards, despite its performance.


A natural born Vietnamese, Thanh was born in Hanoi in a normal traditional family under the Imperial French occupation. Because his family’s bloodline wasn’t a noble one, he received little education, only going to rural schools. His father, at the time was in the resistance party against French occupation in Vietnam, however, was the role model of inspiration for Thanh, who inspired him to become brave and fearless in the face of danger. He had a normal childhood, like many other kid, and was taught Russian very early during school.
That was when the Imperial Japanese invaded the French colonies in Asia. From the very start they tried to offer peaceful resolution to the French, but things soon became violent as the Japanese launched a major attack against the French’s three major foothold in Saigon, Hanoi and Hue. Realizing the imminent threat of a Japanese rule over Indochina, the French and Vietnamese government, along with two Indochina countries, Laos and Cambodia, decided to form a temporary alliance to keep the Japanese at bay. But as the numerically superior Japanese army approached near the capital, Vietnam’s Ministry of Defense at the time, decided to launch a full-scale war against the invading Japanese. Soon, the citizens began to build trenches, walls, and blockades in hopes to hold out as long as possible against the invaders

Thanh’s house were among the first to get bombarded by Japanese artilleries and planes. His mother was killed on sight, while his father was busy fighting in the streets. Thanh was, who was only twelve at the time, decided to take revenge for his mother, and began to tag along the Vietnamese soldiers in the trenches, regardless of the gunfire that flew near him. Because of his young age, initially, the soldiers did not allow him to take part, but his stubborn attitude eventually convinced them, but he only took part as a messenger and ammunition carrier. For 60 days, Thanh miraculously managed to survive the battle, only sustaining minor wounds, and fled the battlefield along with thousands of French and Vietnamese troops.

The Japanese occupation of Vietnam did not last long, thanks to the traditional scorched earth policy imposed by the Vietnamese governments that many times defeated the Mongolians and Chinese. Normal life ensured, but it was never the same. Seeing how the Russian influence among the society increased, Thanh was also influenced in some ways. And then the faithful operation occured. The day that many thousand soldiers of youthful Vietnamese men being sent to their deaths in a foreign, no man’s land. Thanh was thankfully spared due to his young age, but his father wasn’t so lucky. He was included in the long casualty list. Now left with no surviving family members of his own, Thanh soon noticed a chance to be migrated to Russia to join the Red Army in resistance against the rising German threat. Due to the lack of manpower, the Soviets were getting desperate, trying to recruit everybody they can, from every allied country. Thanh took the chance without any hesitation.

Thanks to his pre-emptive education in Russian, he didn’t have many difficulties fitting in. He was highly regarded as brave, and several times charged German tanks under heavy fire with only a handful of grenades and molotovs, suffering some terrible wounds on some battles. On one cold, misty morning of February in 1946, he received orders to be transferred to defend Kursk from the unstoppable German mechanized forces. There, the tale of a reckless yet brave Asian who again and again charged the German tanks had, for some times, inspired the men there to continue fighting, and although his attack wasn't really effective, the rumors were big enough to the point that one German tank battalion commander to order the tanks to go in reverse once they heard battle cries and waves of infantry charge into their position. He was finally put down after attacking a German Tiger II, which was somewhat reowned among the Russian military for a while after that. The attack was pretty disastrous, as not only was he not able to destroy the tank, but he also got shot in the right leg by another tank's machine gun. He survived and was transported away from the battlefield, but the shot had put him out of action for an entire year, leaving behind a not so pretty projectile inside his bloody thigh, and a scar that he would have to carry with for the rest of his life.

In March 1947, after a year lull in the fighting to treat the wounded leg suffered from the previous charge, Thanh was called back into service once his leg had healed. This time, he was placed in Stalingrad, possibly one of the largest graveyards in the world. The battle had raged on for nearly five years in that one city, and the citizens had either fled or all died. There, where soldiers were throwing everything they had against each other even for just a small inch of land, Thanh demonstrated his bravery and recklessness yet again, by rushing for the German trenches with nothing but his bare hands. At the time, weapons were scarce for the soldiers of Stalingrad, so some might not be distributed anything, and would have to rely on picking up dead soldier's weapons. The result was also disastrous, yet quite hilarious. After picking up a dead Russian's weapons, he was instantly shot in the arm, resulting in him falling to the ground due to sudden shock and pain, discarding the picked up weapon. Those behind him, thought he was dead, picked up the dropped weapon and moved on. Some who weren't paying attention even stomped onto his back. Still, it was still a minor wound, and Thanh continued to serve at Stalingrad until December, when he was transferred to Moscow to aid in war effort against the imminent German invasion.

At the time, the Russian government officials were searching for someone to work with their equipments, a high explosive anti armor and structure mine that unfortunately has a very short trigger delay. Because of the short delay, there are chances that the user will sustain heavy wounds or even death if it is not operated correctly, so those in the reserve groups were hesitant to receive such a weapon. Before the Russian military had to force the weapon into one of the unfortunate, a Vietnamese instructor in the field, Sih Bao, introduced a young man who had had records and commendations for bravery. That man was Thanh, and the Russians decided to draft him in Squad 914, a mysterious experimental squadron formed by the Russian military


Messenger and ammo refiller: December 1940 - January 1942

Basic military training: A few months

Defense of Kursk: February-June 1946

Battle of Stalingrad: March-December 1947

Vu Pham (Father) - Deceased
Quynh Nguyen (Mother) - Deceased

Theme song

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
Avatar of DracoLunaris

DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Though fella weaponry is a very plausible side, I don't think the suit work work. Especially when we have a a walking tank, basically. If it were scaled down, possibly to a backpack containing a charger, as long we it is balanced, you should be fine to have it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
Avatar of Jeep Wrangler


Banned Seen 9 days ago

<Snipped quote by LetMeDoStuff>

I do like the first, I must say!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
Avatar of Jeep Wrangler


Banned Seen 9 days ago

Name: Thanh Pham

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Birthdate/Location: 04.20.1928/Hanoi

Appearance: A young man standing only 165 cm high and 60 kilograms heavy, comparing to the likes of his Russian peers, his appearance isn't that much impressive, despite the height being slightly over the standards of Vietnamese men at the time. He has short, neat black hair and the yellowy brown skin, but in reality he looks a lot darker because of the bloods and dirt of the battlefield he faced. The color of the young man's pair of irires perfectly matched what he had been through: brown, for dirt and mud. He's not well-built, but not skinny. After being transferred to Russia, he took the usual attire of Russian infantry men, but then evolved to wearing another layer of light protective armor around him to protect himself against explosions, and to conceal the scars he suffered from all the battles he had faced.


If one could describe him in three words, it would be brave, reckless and peaceful. Normally, to Thanh’s comrades, he would tend to act completely normal, and sometimes friendly to his peers, and try to avoid conflict as much as possible. He never went all the way to get in a fight with someone else and get injured in the process. A young man with a simple way of life, and a peaceful ideology to bear. He had little education during his childhood, so he can be clueless sometimes, and his manners sometimes might be a little rude. He can be lazy at times, but generally, he’s a gentle boy who values the moral values of life, like for example, friendship

In stark contrast to the peaceful and tranquil personality, he is extremely reckless when it comes to tense situation. Because of his little education, especially in military tactics training, he is usually one of the first to charge into battle, regardless of gunfire, bombs, mines, pretty much everything, frequently getting himself wounded in battle. Many times he placed his life on the line like it was nothing, even if the target objective isn’t worth the risk at all. The rumor that he has once charged a German Tiger II tank during a battle with nothing but a bolt action rifle and a few molotovs and hand grenades has much confirmed the trait. But despite his seemingly stupid and impulsive human-wave aggressive attacks, Thanh isn’t that clueless in tactics, as he has some basic common sense about strategies, is actually very decent at teamwork, and his fierceness in battle had sometimes boosted the morales of battle soldiers.

But when mentioning recklessness, there is absolutely no way not to mention about his bravery. It’s absolutely immeasurable. A trait inherited from his father, who is also a war veteran, Thanh’s bravery is widely reowned among their peers, something which they greatly respect the young man. He is quick-witted, seen continuously employed in tasks that require utmost resolution and daring. Thanh is also a patriotic person who is proud of his country’s long history, and is shown to be very hateful of the Nazis. To the bravery of the young man, Thanh despises cowards, to the point that he might even shoot them himself.

On side-notes, Thanh is pretty bad at academic, politics and diplomacy.


Classification: Specialist


-Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle

-TT32 pistol

-Molotovs x2

-HE grenade x2

-Warhead x5 (1 on the pole, 4 on reserve)

Experimental Equipment: The lunge mine

The same name as the Japanese made ‘lunge mine’, it’s basically a high explosive anti tank warhead shaped like a cone and is placed on one end of a 1.5 meters long pole. The mechanic of the weapon is simple. The bottom of the cone is attached with a super-magnet that can hold the weight of the mine so that it sticks onto metal structure. If the target is a concrete wall, then the user will have to manually add glue to the funnel like structure so that it stays on the intended location for at least a few seconds. The three sticks protruding out acts as fuses, when pushed inwards due to impact, the mine’s gunpowder will be triggered, and will explode. It is used like a spear, with the user has to grip it tightly, each hand placed on the 1/3 and 2/3 position of the pole respectively, although when attacking it can be changed depending on the references of the user. When attacking, the user will have to ram it into the target in a 90-degree angle for maximum potential of exploding. And after plunging it into the target, the user has around 3 seconds to remove the pole from the mine, which is done by rotating it a bit and pulling it out, and run to a safe location. The extracted pole can then be attached to another mine so that he can continue attacking. The user can choose not to use the pole and instead hold the mine directly, however, this is highly unrecommended.

When triggered, the mine will take 3 seconds to explode. The heat and pressure of the explosion will be extreme, due to the large amount of explosion being squeezed into the small shell being let out at once, and the mine can penetrate to about 160mm of armor, which is a good number at the time. The movements of the user will have to be decisive, and he has to make sure that he has a clear path and good cover to both attack and retreat. In general, the one using this mine has to be brave, quick-willed, because one mistake can lead to deadly consequences. The user can die from the intense pressure being placed on him or the heat of the bomb. Even if he manages to run, he may still suffer wounds, so a cover is highly recommended. Another important thing to be noticed is that to use the mine, the user will have to get very close to the target. As a result, he will need heavy fire support, and he will have to pick his timing carefully, otherwise he would be gunned down when he either attack or retreat

The mine, improved from the Japanese equivalent to make it survivable, is considered very effective against almost every walls, normal vehicles, light and medium tanks, armored car, some poorly armored heavy tanks, and most walking tanks due to the mine being triggered at point-blank range, but is prone to suffer from the heavy armor of most heavy tanks, super-heavy tanks and heavily armored walking tanks. Basically, an armor beyond the penetrative capability of 160mm will negate the effect of the mine. When faced against tanks, the user will have to choose the area with least armor, notably the rear or side if possible. In general, it can be very effective, but extremely risky, and is highly dependent on the skill and bravery of the user. Because of it, not many Soviet officers and generals held it in high regards, despite its performance.


A natural born Vietnamese, Thanh was born in Hanoi in a normal traditional family under the Imperial French occupation. Because his family’s bloodline wasn’t a noble one, he received little education, only going to rural schools. His father, at the time was in the resistance party against French occupation in Vietnam, however, was the role model of inspiration for Thanh, who inspired him to become brave and fearless in the face of danger. He had a normal childhood, like many other kid, and was taught Russian very early during school.
That was when the Imperial Japanese invaded the French colonies in Asia. From the very start they tried to offer peaceful resolution to the French, but things soon became violent as the Japanese launched a major attack against the French’s three major foothold in Saigon, Hanoi and Hue. Realizing the imminent threat of a Japanese rule over Indochina, the French and Vietnamese government, along with two Indochina countries, Laos and Cambodia, decided to form a temporary alliance to keep the Japanese at bay. But as the numerically superior Japanese army approached near the capital, Vietnam’s Ministry of Defense at the time, decided to launch a full-scale war against the invading Japanese. Soon, the citizens began to build trenches, walls, and blockades in hopes to hold out as long as possible against the invaders

Thanh’s house were among the first to get bombarded by Japanese artilleries and planes. His mother was killed on sight, while his father was busy fighting in the streets. Thanh was, who was only twelve at the time, decided to take revenge for his mother, and began to tag along the Vietnamese soldiers in the trenches, regardless of the gunfire that flew near him. Because of his young age, initially, the soldiers did not allow him to take part, but his stubborn attitude eventually convinced them, but he only took part as a messenger and ammunition carrier. For 60 days, Thanh miraculously managed to survive the battle, only sustaining minor wounds, and fled the battlefield along with thousands of French and Vietnamese troops.

The Japanese occupation of Vietnam did not last long, thanks to the traditional scorched earth policy imposed by the Vietnamese governments that many times defeated the Mongolians and Chinese. Normal life ensured, but it was never the same. Seeing how the Russian influence among the society increased, Thanh was also influenced in some ways. And then the faithful operation occured. The day that many thousand soldiers of youthful Vietnamese men being sent to their deaths in a foreign, no man’s land. Thanh was thankfully spared due to his young age, but his father wasn’t so lucky. He was included in the long casualty list. Now left with no surviving family members of his own, Thanh soon noticed a chance to be migrated to Russia to join the Red Army in resistance against the rising German threat. Due to the lack of manpower, the Soviets were getting desperate, trying to recruit everybody they can, from every allied country. Thanh took the chance without any hesitation.

Thanks to his pre-emptive education in Russian, he didn’t have many difficulties fitting in. He was highly regarded as brave, and several times charged German tanks under heavy fire with only a handful of grenades and molotovs, suffering some terrible wounds on some battles. On one cold, misty morning of February in 1946, he received orders to be transferred to defend Kursk from the unstoppable German mechanized forces. There, the tale of a reckless yet brave Asian who again and again charged the German tanks had, for some times, inspired the men there to continue fighting, and although his attack wasn't really effective, the rumors were big enough to the point that one German tank battalion commander to order the tanks to go in reverse once they heard battle cries and waves of infantry charge into their position. He was finally put down after attacking a German Tiger II, which was somewhat reowned among the Russian military for a while after that. The attack was pretty disastrous, as not only was he not able to destroy the tank, but he also got shot in the right leg by another tank's machine gun. He survived and was transported away from the battlefield, but the shot had put him out of action for an entire year, leaving behind a not so pretty projectile inside his bloody thigh, and a scar that he would have to carry with for the rest of his life.

In March 1947, after a year lull in the fighting to treat the wounded leg suffered from the previous charge, Thanh was called back into service once his leg had healed. This time, he was placed in Stalingrad, possibly one of the largest graveyards in the world. The battle had raged on for nearly five years in that one city, and the citizens had either fled or all died. There, where soldiers were throwing everything they had against each other even for just a small inch of land, Thanh demonstrated his bravery and recklessness yet again, by rushing for the German trenches with nothing but his bare hands. At the time, weapons were scarce for the soldiers of Stalingrad, so some might not be distributed anything, and would have to rely on picking up dead soldier's weapons. The result was also disastrous, yet quite hilarious. After picking up a dead Russian's weapons, he was instantly shot in the arm, resulting in him falling to the ground due to sudden shock and pain, discarding the picked up weapon. Those behind him, thought he was dead, picked up the dropped weapon and moved on. Some who weren't paying attention even stomped onto his back. Still, it was still a minor wound, and Thanh continued to serve at Stalingrad until December, when he was transferred to Moscow to aid in war effort against the imminent German invasion.

At the time, the Russian government officials were searching for someone to work with their equipments, a high explosive anti armor and structure mine that unfortunately has a very short trigger delay. Because of the short delay, there are chances that the user will sustain heavy wounds or even death if it is not operated correctly, so those in the reserve groups were hesitant to receive such a weapon. Before the Russian military had to force the weapon into one of the unfortunate, a Vietnamese instructor in the field, Sih Bao, introduced a young man who had had records and commendations for bravery. That man was Thanh, and the Russians decided to draft him in Squad 914, a mysterious experimental squadron formed by the Russian military


Messenger and ammo refiller: December 1940 - January 1942

Basic military training: A few months

Defense of Kursk: February-June 1946

Battle of Stalingrad: March-December 1947

Vu Pham (Father) - Deceased
Quynh Nguyen (Mother) - Deceased

Theme song


I really like the look of this character. I will say that it is accepted.

For the sake of knowing, the Battle of Stalingrad in this timeline played far differently to that of the real one. It was a much larger success in the eyes of the Soviets, who used their aircraft to almost decimate any rivals in the street. Though it was still bloody, the biggest disaster was the Leningrad Siege, which makes those who survived seem like legends, despite them not feeling like one.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
Avatar of Conscripts

Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 10 days ago

<Snipped quote by Conscripts>

I really like the look of this character. I will say that it is accepted.

For the sake of knowing, the Battle of Stalingrad in this timeline played far differently to that of the real one. It was a much larger success in the eyes of the Soviets, who used their aircraft to almost decimate any rivals in the street. Though it was still bloody, the biggest disaster was the Leningrad Siege, which makes those who survived seem like legends, despite them not feeling like one.

Yeah, I've read that on your character's profile. Still, just want to make the hilarity of being a foot soldier.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Interested in making a medic character.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 9 days ago

Interested in making a medic character.

Go for it! I'll look forward to your CS.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Xandrya@LetMeDoStuff ah Im getting some nostalgia here :)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@LetMeDoStuff I'm doing the experimental weapons description now, can I have a bit of help with the experience/training section?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
Avatar of Jeep Wrangler


Banned Seen 9 days ago

@LetMeDoStuff I'm doing the experimental weapons description now, can I have a bit of help with the experience/training section?

Welp, it might just be listed as "German Defector - Escaped to USSR"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

Welp, it might just be listed as "German Defector - Escaped to USSR"

Okay adding that now, the experimental weapon description is finished too
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 9 days ago

I call that accepted, now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

>Changelog 1.0
>Filled in missing parts
>Added additional details about Object-342 in Experimental Gear Section: Notably strength (p2), maneuverability (p2), customization (p5), and a headlamp (p2).
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
Avatar of Jeep Wrangler


Banned Seen 9 days ago

>Changelog 1.0
>Filled in missing parts
>Added additional details about Object-342 in Experimental Gear Section: Notably strength (p2), maneuverability (p2), customization (p5), and a headlamp (p2).

I shall accept your CS, great work here!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
Avatar of Jeep Wrangler


Banned Seen 9 days ago

So, as a reminder, we have three 'Confirmed' arcs for this, I'll give a bit of information about it now.
The Training Arc
As most, if not all, of the characters each have skills of their own for their selection/conscription for the programme, a week to month long training programme will have to take place for the characters to familiarise one another with each other, as well as the equipment they will be given. A series of scenarios will be made for them to test their abilities and equipment, as well as how they use it, but this will be the shortest Arc.

The Battle of Moscow Arc
For the first real test of their abilities, their training will be interrupted by the Invasion of Moscow, where the constant artillery bombardment stops, and the German, Spanish and Italian forces fully charge the City. Much like Stalingrad and the Leningrad battles, a series of Urban conflicts will work. This'll test the relationships of the characters, the experimental groups and numbers of tactics for their future 'Mission', providing they actually survive.

The Deployment Arc
The Deployment Arc is the main story of this Roleplay. This is where they are deployed with little orders except from a simple and open instruction. This will defy the future relationships for the characters, whether they live or die (As some may die, definitely NPCs will), how they will utilise the resistances, whether they create their own army, whether they follow the order to the heart, whether they desert and so forth. It'll be a very Open Arc. This may split into separate Arcs, but this is the main/general.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@LetMeDoStuff how many more are we waiting on before we get started?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

so here is my kind of WIP submission. sorry that it's taken a while.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Dynamo Frokane

Busy weekend for me ill get something on here tonight or tomorrow sometime
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