Name: Roxy Black Age: 16 Parents: Erebos Appearance: Power: manipulation of shadows and shadow walking Symbol: Followers: people with secrets Weapon: throwing knife Animal: black panther Bio: Roxy was raised by her (human)father. Her mother was never part of her life. Her father hated her. Roxy never knew why. She never bothered asking. Her father was very abusive of her because he wanted a son but was never able to have one. He tried her to be an assassin. She excelled despite her father's abuse. She wanted to prove to him that she was just as good, if not better than the son he wanted. She tried as hard, sometimes harder, than his men just so she could prove him wrong about her.
Power: Time control: Victor can slowing down the time which mean he can travel faster. Time energy: Victor can store enegry from time when he isn't using his power. When he stores enough enegry, he can release it to control time.
Limitation: Time control: He need time energy to use this power so every 1 hour he doesn't use Time control, he can use time control in 5 minute Time energy: He cannot store more than 24 hour time energy which mean his maximum time to use time control is 120 minute. BUT this storage will increase as he grow up and the limtation when he master this skill is 72 hour= 360 minute to control the time. The more energy he used, the more tired he is. Moreover, pure dark energy can make him unable to use his power and charge time energy.
Follower: Elder, Adventure, Farmer
Weapon: Scythe
Animal: Dark Wolf
Bio: He had a normal childhood live with his mother. When he was 10, his mother was killed by a thief, he was sent to live with Mark, his uncle.. After his mother death, he has practiced with a scythe he found to strengthen himself and waiting for chance to revenge but know nothing about his power and father.
Name: Qargidali Age : 16 Parents: Unknown (He knows at least one of them is a god; That's where he got his powers) EDIT: Demeter, some random human Appearance Ignore the cow. And the hat. Power: Make corn grow faster (slight effect on other plants), bend plants to his will Limitations: Some chemicals make him faint/light-headed, many animals don't like him and don't want to listen or see him, ability to control plants is somewhat uncontrollable, powers grow weaker/stronger proportional to amount of plant life around him (I assume the academy would have many plants around unless we're going for that woods around the academy thing. He's been living around a farm for his life anyway so I guess he would be unadapted to the different plant life of the academy.) Symbol: Followers: Farmers, bakers Weapon: Plants, farming tools Animal: He hates animals...especially bugs and such. Will scarecrow work...? EDIT: Ox Bio: Grew up on a farm, and has no idea how he got there. Had parents (not his actual parents, and he never thought they were) like Harry Potter's, who basically used him as a slave, which is how he learned the ways of the farm. One day, he woke up to find that a vine had broken through his parents' window and strangled his mother, and somehow, he knew he had something to do with it. Later that day he was trying to do something similar when he found that he could make the crops grow faster. Because of the incident, he was kicked out and going to the academy. His is shy when you first meet him, but opens up after you get to know him. He is amazingly loyal to his friends, but makes enemies quickly. Cares about everyone and everything's feelings (except most animals), even his enemies, and can always see the better side of someone. Doesn't hold grudges, and willingly does things he likes or will benefit him in the future, but easily distracted.
Name: Gaël D'Entremont Age : 16 Parents: Hecate Appearance: Power: Usage of magics tires him greatly, and the only reason he frequently us uses Eldrich magic is because the revovery time is a few seconds not hours. Spells also take time to cast and are hard to control.
Elemental Magics: Spells that enable him to control the elements, he can only use fire and ice. The Fire spells is a simple fire ball spell, he can increase the size and heat but it takes more out of him, the average one is the size of a baseball. The ice spells is a spell that makes things cold to the touch.
Black Magics: Any magic that is not elemental, he does not prefer to uses these so he sticks to Eldrich magic.
Symbol: Followers: Witches, Fae, Wizards, Warlocks, Necromancers Weapon: Eldritch Energy: blasts and weapons. Ghost swords and the Eldrich blast drain his energy making him sleepy and sluggish. Animal: Raven Bio: Gaël D'Entremont was raised in Louisiana by his father. They both lived a normal middle class until his dad finally cracked and left him, saying he never wanted a son. Left alone and hurt, Gaël turned to something that he never thought would work: magic. He started to learn and practice, finding out that he had a knack for casting spells and summoning minor spirits. He is a cool guy who likes to go with the flow but is not a push over and will tell you how he feels.
Name: Amaranda (Goes by Randa) Age: 17 Parents: Dionysus (father) and some female human Appearance: Power: Controls vines, decent wine maker Limitations: Not a big fan of insects or fire, certain chemicals in plant killer and pesticides Symbol: Followers: Wine makers Weapon: Sickle, Vines (sorry I first had this as plants) Animal: Cheetah Bio: She was raised by her mother until her mother married. They moved to his place which was a vineyard and decided to start learning the art of it shortly after. She learned the art of it over a few years before getting blamed for something she didn't do. One of the hired hands killed an entire vine and after an argument with her father figure that lasted into the night she got mad at the plants for causing it. The next morning the entire vineyard was dead and she knew it was her doing. She was kicked out that morning and was hired with a landscaping company where she tested her powers in small spurts and still not knowing the full extent of what she can do.
Powers: Ullr has superb heightened senses, allowing him to smell, hear and react to things much quicker. Great for tracking and fighting. However, his abilities also revolve around hunting, allowing him to create binding traps to stall assailants.
Limitations: Being careless or overconfident can severely get in the way of his heightened senses. It's no good having the power if he forgets to use it all the time or use it too much. His traps are only small, able to pin say a wrist or ankle to a surface and they can be broken with either enough physical force, spiritual willpower or more practiced magic. His hearing, smell etc are more sensitive, meaning a sensory overload can keep him at bay too.
Followers: Hunters, fighters, Wild-men.
Weapons: Two daggers, ordained with viking carvings.
Animal: Raven.
Bio: Gareth was probably among the very few who spent time with their deity parent. It was, in fact, Ullr himself who taught Gareth to hunt and track, learning the ways of the wild. He's been tasked to help those who still follow a Viking's path, whether they know it or not, to help them achieve the rights to enter Valhalla and usher in a new generation to fight and drink with the warriors of old. Although, he's not strong enough yet. Every ounce of help will aid him when Ragnarok comes... according to their own Pantheon anyways. Who knows for sure?
Name: Jordan, otherwise known as "Paragon the Saint"
Age: While his soul has lived since the dawn of time, his physical body is, at most, a couple thousand years old. Physically looks 25, however.
Parents: None; He is a Primordial Deity.
Power: Positive Mastery- Jordan possesses absolute mastery over Positive energy, the energy which spawned from within his core. Positive energy in its raw state can be very constructive, capable of healing and restoring, but can be used offensively in the form of blasts or beams or the like if concentrated enough.
Positive Absorption- As Jordan is the core from which Positive energy springs, those with an intense Positive aura in their hearts will find their attacks useless against him. For the purity of their hearts is imbued in every attack they deal, and so their every attack will only serve to make Jordan stronger. (Meaning that any villains who attack Exodos will only get their attacks absorbed into him.)
Purification- As the source of Positive energy, Jordan can use the positive energy within himself to purify the hearts and minds of anyone near him, driving them to gain a change of heart for the better, a purer mind and soul, but at the expense of their will power and wants draining out of them. Resistance is very possible, the strongest of stubborn wills being all but immune to this ability. Which is why Jordan must soften them up, convince them to have a change of heart and let in the purity to cleanse their souls.
It should be noted that, to ensure the protection of both the students and faculty of the school, Jordan has his corruptive power restrained via Cursed objects that has been attached to his body, keeping his energy from naturally seeping out and draining others of their desires and will.
"Pure" Light Magic- As the King of Light, and with Light serving a natural symbol of his Positive energy, Jordan trained himself to master the art of Light magic, which he then imbues with his positive energy to enhance it.
Immortality- As he is the Core of Purity and positive energy, as long as there are people with a sense of morality and justice in the hearts of people, Paragon can never truly die. However, that is not to say that it cannot be defeated. His body is a semi-immortal vessel oddly fashioned after the composition of a demi-god's body, of all things.
Skills: Master MMA fighter- Jordan spent almost the entirity of his body's life training in the art of combat, learning much from the ways of the humans' multiples styles of hand-to-hand martial arts. Experiencing their techniques and thousands of years of practice has made him a masterful mixed martial artist.
Skilled Swordsman- As another common form of divine and mortal combat, as well as making use of his own weapon, Jordan has also learned how to use the sword quite well. However, his memories in that regard can be considered rusty, and focus was more on hand-to-hand as oppose to swordsmanship. As such, while he is certainly an expert at the sword, he still has a bit to learn before he could ever earn mastery.
Charisma- A major factor of his leadership qualities stems from his charismatic personality.
Weaknesses: Negative energy- Raw negative energy is especially destructive a force for someone like Jordan. Positive and Negative energy negates each other, so an overwhelming amount of negative energy can be corrosive to his very soul.
Demi-God Vessel- While the power of his soul, his core, is on the level of Primordial gods like Erebus, the body he was given as this reincarnation is ultimately that of a Demi-god. His power makes it more durable than your average demi-god, but it is still ultimately part-human in physicality, and thus, can still technically be "killed" if enough damage is applied.
The 5-point crown of a king. For humans it may represent authority and command, but for Jordan, it is a symbol of humility and responsibility among the divine.
Followers: Heroes, regardless of who they are or what they do.
It should be noted that in his case, the blade's a golden yellow color.
Animal: The Lion
Personality: As the title of "The Saint" may suggest, Jordan is essentially the nicest, most merciful god one could ever hope to meet. More often than not he's soft-spoken and rarely ever raises beyond the normal tone, the same going for his emotions in general even in battles.
Contrary to most in a position like his as a Primal God, Jordan values humility above all other things, and sees the responsibility of the power he has more valuable than the power itself. In all he has spent in a human body, never once has he ever called himself a god, let alone a Primal one, despite having the power and authority of one. He has always addressed himself as a King, not of Gods, nor of Men, in fact never has he ever declared himself king of...anything. A king without a kingdom to call his own, or a king who considers the whole of the universe as his kingdom, it's a debate to this day which of these he considers himself. But either way, he feels it his responsibility to help and protect the mortals beneath him, and is not above stooping to their level, learning their ways, and respecting them as equals to himself in order to do this, acts that most Gods would consider. He even goes as far as to support the freedom of desire and will they have much like his brother does. An essence of man that most gods look at with disdain for one reason or another.
In that respect, he, like his brothers, possesses an optimistic fascination towards mankind and mortals in general, contrary to most gods who feel them to be inferior sheep to be ruled over. Likewise, whereas most gods have ignored their halfling children for centuries, possibly even millennias, Jordan sees a potential in Demi-Gods the likes of which full-breeds could never hope to achieve in their lives. Of course that's not to say he'll treat them any better than the full-breed children of the gods, just that he won't treat them any worse either.
As most of the more Primal gods would testify however...Jordan wasn't always like this back when he was Paragon. Back then, before the whole of creation was made, he was not only in agreement with the consensus of mortal life being nothing more than sheep, he was outright insistant on them having no will, and following every word of the gods to the letter, believing it was how they could obtain true happiness. It was only after the battle with Exodos, after the blow they dealt on each other and his reincarnation as Jordan, that he began to change his opinion. Some say that there's still a part of him, deep down in his subconscious, that still believes that humans should be enslaved to the whims of the gods. Others say that he outright cut out that part of him. Either way, it is a subject he tends to avoid outright enigmatically, preferring not to talk about that time.
Bio: Long before the material world's existence, during the dawn of time, Primordial beings existed within the realm of nothingness, the Void, or Oblivion as some may call the infinite nothing. These were the first existences, the first beings within reality, that then gave rise to the existence of other gods and eventually all life.
Among these primordial entities existed two in particular, the twin core essences of Purity and Desire that make up the soul of the living. These were Paragon, Origin of Purity, and Exodos, Origin of Desire.
For an immeasurable amount of time, the two lived together amidst the darkness of the eternal void, when one day, Paragon decided in his vast lonliness to create other life outside of their existences. Supporting other Primordial beings who have begun to do this very same thing. Paragon wanted to build a perfect paradise for these creations, need it be of his own or others, where they are in a state of eternal bliss.
However, Exodos fervently his brother's goal, preventing him at every turn to join with the other Primordials to make up the whole of reality, stating how the eternally perfect paradise he seeks would be a disaster waiting to happen. But Paragon refused to listen to his brother, and as the worlds were beginning to form, Paragon and Exodos debated for what could only be measured as years.
Realizing how fruitless the debates were, one of the two, it's unknown who struck the first blow, and even they forgot who it as. But regardless, their debate turned into catastrophic battle within the void, their brothers watching as what could be described as the First battle of Good versus Evil unfolded.
It is said that the Battle between Paragon and Exodos, was the cause of the first catastrophes of man, such as the Great Flood of Mesopotamia, or even the plagues of Egypt. In short, Their battles were said to be the source of the Old Testament's "Wrath of God".
Eventually the battle came to a climatic close, that result in both beings being permanently scarred. Exodos' core Broke in half, the other half imbued in his sword which was lost in the Abyss, while Exodos himself was thrown to the depths of Oblivion. Paragon's core broke into 6 pieces, tainted by Exodos' energy from the blow. To this day, it is still debatable who won that fight or if it was considered a Draw.
With the last of his whole power, Paragon created Children of his own, Gods similar in creation and age to the Greeks' Titans, but transcending the prospects of one universe and creating numerous universes at once, crafting a way to connect all of them to each other without outright merging them. Universes being separate from each other, segregated by barriers even Gods have a hard time breaking through, yet connected.
Alot has happened since those early days. Overtime however, Paragon was reborn with the help of his descendants, two demi-god brothers of light and dark, who were tasked with creating vessels for his fragmented core. The fragments were weakened when separated, and so had not the strength to form physical bodies of their own. Instead, Paragon's fragments possessed the bodies of 6 demi-god vessels, empty and technically stillborn at the time, and were given life through these vessels and their respective fragments of Paragon's core.
One of those vessels, possessed by Paragon's central fragment containing his memories and persona, chose the name Jordan and became his reincarnation, leading the reincarnated fragments of his core. But despite having the same memories and emotions, Paragon changed as Jordan. He was not as prideful or as stubborn as he was, and his stance on Mankind's imperfections greatly softened, moreso than most gods. This was likely due to Exodos' power infecting his core after the attack, and yet he did not mind it.
And so, despite having the power and authority of a God, he declared himself a King without a castle, a crown, a throne, or even a kingdom, his other fragments doing the same. Rather than ruling universes as its god. He vowed instead to help and protect them as a King would his kingdom.
Alot of time passed, and eventually Jordan met up with his brother once again, and while they did fight once more, they both realized how each other grew beyond the nature of their cores, grew beyond who they were back then, and so neither could bring themselves to kill the other, this hesitation leading to Exodos' defeat, but also to Jordan sparing Exodos.
Nowadays, Jordan and the other "Kings" spend their days traveling the many universes as vigilante gods, helping and supporting the heroes of respective universes as they fight to protect what they hold dear, being watched over by another primordial, an existence higher than the both of them who keeps them in line.
It was at this point in time, that Exodos contacted Jordan one day, and told him something very peculiar. He said that there was a universe where the children of the Gods were being educated so that they may become the next gods. More shocking, however, was that Exodos decided to take a job as a Teacher in the school. However, he stipulated that he could not do so on his own, due to his leaking core possibly causing problems. As such, he wants Jordan to come help him by being a Teacher of this school himself. Jordan found it odd, but two of his fellow kings advised him to go for it, and to merge with them so that he has the knowledge and wisdom to do such a class. (Not to mention to be at equal odds with Exodos in case he tries something funny.) Jordan agreed, and the three merged into half of Paragon's Core as he then made his way to the Gods of Tomorrow Academy, ready to assist his brother and the headmaster Chaos in the teaching of their students, among "other" things.
Name: Exodos the Beast
Age: Has lived since the dawn of time.
Parents: None; He is a Primordial Being.
Power: Negative Mastery- Exodos possesses absolute mastery over Negative energy, the energy which spawned from within his core. Negative energy in its raw state can be very destructive and so can be used offensively in the form of blasts or beams or the like. In addition, the energy is his nourishment and can be absorbed back into him, further increasing his power the more he satiates his hunger. Should enough negative energy be absorbed into him, the results can very well be cataclysmic.
Negative Absorption- As Exodos is the core from which Negative energy springs, those with an intense negative aura in their hearts will find their attacks useless against him. For their evil is imbued in every attack they deal, and so their every attack will only serve to make Exodos stronger and satiate his hunger further. (Meaning that any villains who attack Exodos will only get their attacks absorbed into him. Course there are..."special" exceptions to this for one reason or another.)
Corruption- As the source of Negative energy, Exodos can use the negative energy within himself to corrode the hearts and minds of anyone near him, driving them to gain a darker heart, a more evil soul, and even an insane mind. Resistance is very possible, the purest of heart being all but immune to this ability. Which is why Exodos must soften them up, convince them to lose what moral high ground they have and let the negative in.
It should be noted that, to ensure the protection of both the students and faculty of the school, The Beast has his corruptive power restrained via holy objects that has been attached to his body, keeping his energy from naturally seeping out.
Nega-Wind Magic- Exodos' current and most common form was modeled after a Wind Elemental he possessed beforehand. As such, Exodos copied his Wind Magic while adding a negative and destructive touch to it, making it stronger than normal, but still possessing the same elemental weakness, while also adding in an extra weakness with the inclusion of Negative energy.
Shape-shifting- While preferring the current human-like form he has now, the form of Exodos is, in actuality, merely a shell made out of its energy physically materialized around his true form, his core. As such, he can reshape that shell into whatever he desires to be at the time, surpassing physical barriers such as mass and even gender. In other words, in the words of Egon from Ghostbusters: "He can be whatever he wants to be."
Immortality- As he is the Core of Desire and negative energy, as long as there are people with the freedom of will, as long as there is desire and darkness in the hearts of people, the Beast can never die. However, that is not to say that he cannot be defeated. It has been known that he CAN be incapacitated, and one may even be able to destroy the body, leaving only the immortal core that is his soul, intangible and harmless without enough negative energy within, and can be sealed away as a result.
Skills: Master Swordsmanship- Spending some of his life inside the body of an sword-wielding wind elemental, he picked up the elemental's memory and from it his skills as a swordsman. From then on, Exodos trained his swordsmanship to the point of Mastery. Of course, like with any weapon, there can always be someone greater at it than someone else.
Manipulation- One of the Beast's signature skills. As the Origin of Desire, The Beast knows very well how to manipulate people by using their desires as a means to push them to doing what he wants them to do, effectively making them able to dance to his tunes. The Purer of heart can, of course, resist the temptations he provides them.
Weaknesses: Positive Energy- If Negative energy is his source of power, than of course Positive energy, "Purity", or "Good" if you want to blatantly simplify, is his kryptonite. Excess Positive and Negative energy negates each other upon contact. Therefore for a being like the Beast, a being practically made out of Negative energy, Positive energy is a poison weakening him to the point of debilitation or outright incapacitation. In other words, cliche as it may sound: Heroes have the best chance at taking on and defeating Exodos.
Objects and equipment imbued with positive energy, such as holy objects, gives harm to his body, as it eats away at his energy. By strapping them on his body, the Beast's power and aura diminishes as it focuses on keeping the objects in question from eating away at his body.
Energy Exhaustion/Starvation- Exodos can absorb an indefinite amount of Negative energy into himself, but he cannot contain it. Every blast, every corruption, every attack he makes that isn't physical and every wound made by positive energy drains his energy and can do so quite fast. If the core is drained completely, Exodos is incapacitated completely, and unable to resist any attempts at ensealment.
Moreover, since his physical shape and form is a shell made out of his energy, the shape-shifting is limited by how much energy he has within himself, and should the core be drained completely, the shell would fade away, exposing his core, his true form.
Followers: There is no specific group of people that follow him. Rather, his followers is an army of cultists, warriors, masterminds, schemers, and even some benevolent heroic beings. Those who know of him as a destroyer of worlds, and offers their allgiance and faith in exchange for Sanctuary for the end of their world. Hence why this army-cult is called "The Sanctuary of Apocalypse".
Animal: Many forms of Beasts, animals of basic instinct and desires. Most commonly, he's associated with the Snake.
Personality: Contrary to his title, his power, and especially his reputation, (Some universes mistake him for Satan.) Exodos is...actually not that bad a being as far as personality is concerned. Perhaps it's due to his experiences in the many many years of his life, but Exodos is actually quite calm, passive...even kind to those who show kindness to him. He's a grand supporter of freedom and often times encourages one to do what they want to do; he's often seen with a small sincere smile on his face.
However, this is a front to hide what lies beneath the surface. Exodos, in truth, is a very cold and calculating individual, often careless for individual life save a few particulars, and often hungry for the negative energy that inhabits the soul of living beings; the more the better. While an enforcer of free will, he's not above corrupting and manipulating others to do what he wants them to. He has a very high patience threshold, a benefit to living as long as he has, but if by some curse you managed to take it to its limits, Run.
As a destroyer of worlds, Exodos bears no personal vindication, or at least would not be so petty as to burn a world down for it. He sees the calls for the judgement and armageddon of these worlds only as a job given to it by a higher power, and nothing more. If anything, he would rather not destroy anything, much less worlds, if he can help it. All Sentient living things feel want, they feel desire, whether it's for good or evil, nothing entertains Exodos quite like seeing people attempt to gain what they long for. They're also a conveniant source of negative energy whenever he needs to feed, due to said wants sometimes overwhelming one's moral conscience. Because of these reasons, he does feel pity for the millions of possible victims of its destruction, sympathizing with the desperate and resistant for trying to save their worlds. Likewise, he often feels annoyance when incredibly nihilistic fools summon it to end their world, especially when they have some kind of self-righteous justification to their summoning; it's frankly an insult on top of being pathetic. It is true, however, that he only comes to destroy when a world gets so wretched, so evil, and so without hope, that there's little chance in salvation. They themselves chose to indulge in the power of the beast, to a degree where the world is corroded beyond redemption, and so they brought it upon themselves that Exodos avenged the world they themselves wasted. The only sympathy he gives to those who made their world like this is that it's a waste of good food.
It should also be noted, that while his eyes are usually red, under conditions of excitement, corruption, or anger, his eye color changes to purple and its pupils become feral slits.
Bio: Long before the material world's existence, during the dawn of time, Primordial beings existed within the realm of nothingness, the Void, or Oblivion as some may call the infinite nothing. These were the first existences, the first beings within reality, that then gave rise to the existence of other gods and eventually all life.
Among these primordial entities existed two in particular, the twin core essences of Purity and Desire that make up the soul of the living. These were Paragon, Origin of Purity, and Exodos, Origin of Desire.
For an immeasurable amount of time, the two lived together amidst the darkness of the eternal void, when one day, Paragon decided in his vast lonliness to create other life outside of their existences. Supporting other Primordial beings who have begun to do this very same thing. Paragon wanted to build a perfect paradise for these creations, need it be of his own or others, where they are in a state of eternal bliss.
However, Exodos fervently his brother's goal, preventing him at every turn to join with the other Primordials to make up the whole of reality, stating how the eternally perfect paradise he seeks would be a disaster waiting to happen. But Paragon refused to listen to his brother, and as the worlds were beginning to form, Paragon and Exodos debated for what could only be measured as years.
Realizing how fruitless the debates were, one of the two, it's unknown who struck the first blow, and even they forgot who it as. But regardless, their debate turned into catastrophic battle within the void, their brothers watching as what could be described as the First battle of Good versus Evil unfolded.
It is said that the Battle between Paragon and Exodos, was the cause of the first catastrophes of man, such as the Great Flood of Mesopotamia, or even the plagues of Egypt. In short, Their battles were said to be the source of the Old Testament's "Wrath of God".
Eventually the battle came to a climatic close, that result in both beings being permanently scarred. Exodos' core Broke in half, the other half imbued in his sword which was lost in the Abyss, while Exodos himself was thrown to the depths of Oblivion. Paragon's core broke into 6 pieces, tainted by Exodos' energy from the blow. To this day, it is still debatable who won that fight or if it was considered a Draw.
While Paragon used the last of his strength to give his own take on the making of existence, Exodos stayed adrift in the darkness of oblivion, too weakened to even attempt to move away from the eternal stillness of nothingness. For far too long, Exodos stayed in that darkness until the sins of the multiverse was enough to leak out and be felt by him, empowering him slowly but surely until he was able to find his way into reality, though still lacking a suitable vessel for his broken core.
As such, he chose to possess a body of someone worthy, someone strong enough to possess his core and survive, and the one he chose was an Elemental named Sky, a descendant of his brother Paragon just to add insult to injury. Possessing Sky's body, he began to establish his place in existence by gathering his followers from across all universes, establishing an army that would serve him, that would feed his hunger for sins and corrosion of the heart.
Eventually, thanks to their efforts and the plans he himself enacted against his brother and his respective descendants, he was able to dismiss Sky's body and create a body of his own with the negative energy that his army of followers gathered for him over the years.
However, just as his own influence effected Paragon, so too did Paragon's influence effect him. As time passed and another battle with Paragon was fought, Exodos began taking more and more of a liking towards humanity and the gods above them, for they had his essence within them, and he was shown their will and freedom, as oppose to what Paragon originally wanted. Originally he wanted to destroy worlds simply as vengence against Paragon, but now it's so his own influence doesn't bring about ruin of such fascinating creatures, as well as it being tasked to him by a higher power than himself and Paragon.
Overtime, Paragon and Exodos came to terms with each other, and while Paragon's fragments became wandering vigilantes, Exodos became a judge of worlds and a supporter of freedom for all things, his army serving as a shadow organization secretly generating, exploiting, and exorcising negative energy back into its source, Exodos.
One day, during one of these runs, Exodos found the world that gods seem particularly interested over, Earth, and was contacted to the newly formed "Gods of Tomorrow" academy by its founder and headmaster, Chaos. Behind closed doors, Exodos was asked to assist in the teaching of these students, classes of demi-gods that would one day become the new gods taking their parents' places in the heavens, along with full-breed princes that were also being taught for the same. Exodos agreed to it, but realized that having him alone teach them may cause problems, and so contacted his brother Paragon, among others allies of his, to assist as fellow faculty of the academy.
The rest is history, as Exodos readies himself to teach them a thing or two about their duties as gods.
Name: Alex Winterborn
Age: Physically 17, Actual Age: Approximately 50
Parents: Antares, God of Everlasting Life (For reference, look up Osiris.)
Minus the Cape or hood.
Power: Cellular Manipulation/Crystallization- Like his father before him, Alex has the ability to manipulate the cells within his own body, as well as the cells of others to telepathic levels. This ability grants him complete control over his own body, making him able to heal faster to the point of regeneration, making him put muscle and energy in places where he needs it most, and being able to manually discharge any poisons or virus/disease that may enter his body. Furthermore, he can manipulate his blood flow to stop bleeding, make blood that does come out of him enter back in without much worry, also being able to make blood float in the air. To top it off, while they'd have to be cut first, Alex can use his power to manipulate other people's cells as well, making him able to heal wounds or, if he had to, absorb their blood.
In addition, Alex is able to crystallize his blood cells, materializing them into a very thick, very solid crystal material stronger than most metals. Using this to his advantage, he able to shape his blood or the blood in his surrounding vicinity into weapons he can use, usually throwing spears like his father before him.
Resurrection/Reincarnation- As the son of a Life God, Alex was taught by his father the ritual necessary for bringing people back from the dead, be it by resurrecting their dead bodies, or by reincarnating their souls into new ones. By creating a room and writing the necessary runes on the walls with blood, be it his own or someone else's, he is able to either heal fatalities, or create a new living body to put the soul into, should there be nothing left of the body itself.
Divine Fusion Armor- A little something he was taught by his foster parents. Essentially speaking, by consent, Alex is able to merge with the power of a god, manifesting as armor and weapons he can then use. The shape and power of both armor and weapon is dependant on which god merges with him, but usually the general idea of both remains the same: that of a knight of some kind.
Skills: Expert Weapons user- Due to the technique of his foster family, Alex was trained from a very young age to be able to use weapons of almost any kind. However, even in 50 years he has yet to reach mastery on any one weapon that he trained with, essentially making him a Jack of all trades but master of none.
Limitations: Cellular Manipulation/Crystallization- For starters, the usage of his cells requires energy from his body, and unfortunately for him, unlike his father, energy and the mitochondria of the cells is the one thing he can't manipulate inside his own body, and even if he could, there's only so much the Mitochondria if the energy they store is used up.
The Crystallization of blood is also dependent on that energy and mental concentration. The weaker his concentration and focus, the weaker and more liquefied the crystal blood becomes, until it reverts back into regular blood and loses solidity, and its threat level by extension, as a result.
Not to mention the fact that when he attacks using blood, more often than not, it's his own. Despite being a Demi-god, unfortunately, he's not immune to the effects of blood loss. Using too much blood will lead to him becoming disoriented, light-headed, losing consciousness, and possibly even death if he's not careful.
As for the cells of others... He can only manipulate blood cells of other people, and only blood that's within his line of sight, but the skin cells of a person's body nullifies his telepathic signal to the opponent's blood. Therefore, in order to use or drain that blood from a person, that person has to have a significantly large cut wound on their body, and said wounds have to be visible to him.
To top it off, unlike his father, who has had eons to train and perfect his power over cells, Alex has very little experience and is ultimately an amateur with this power. His options of how to use it are very limited compared to what his father is capable of.
Resurrection/Reincarnation- Both he and his father are bound by the laws of the Gods of Death, laws specifically made to ensure no one is able to take souls from the Reapers and bring them back to life without terrible things happening to them in turn. It's a bit more complicated but Antares himself, but for Alex, the stipulation is simple enough: failure to uphold their law on the matter would result in their own deaths by the reapers' own hands.
Because the Reapers do not wish to simply give away souls they've rightfully claimed, each soul can be resurrected or reincarnated once, and only once. (Before anyone ask: You can't do one and then the other either.) After that, should the formerly deceased die again, Death shall take permanent claim of their soul.
(In other words, only one resurrection or reincarnation per character, and no more after that. Think of it as a safety net or a second chance that will not be repeated.)
Divine Fusion Armor- For starters, the ability in question requires the consent of others in order to take their powers into himself. Meaning that he cannot force them to give it to him, nor can he take their power by force. In addition, while he gains the strengths of the ones who gave him this power, he would also gain their weaknesses as well. What's more, there is a time limit to the skill, only about an hour before it dissipates on its own, and to top it off, the abilities drains him of his energy and exhausts him as he uses it.
Followers: Because of Antares' nature regarding blood, life, and the idea of cheating death, not to mention his own abilities of magic, Antares' followers mostly comprises of alchemists wanting to create the elixir of immortality, and wizards who wishes to use magic to cheat death, as well as the "Blood for the Blood God" type of cultists, of which Antares' cellular manipulation and blood rune magic were likely most responsible for making.
A sword enchanted by a Mother Goddess and bestowed upon her knights. This enchantment has made it able to pierce the skin of a god and therefore bring harm to one. Essentially meaning that his sword is a god-slaying weapon, although all that truly means is that he's able to go against one in a fair fight, and has no defensive capabilities against the powers of one.
Furthermore, the goddess gave it the ability to change its shape through the Divine Fusion Armor, the powers of whoever willingly gives him power being able to shape the weapon to whatever suits the god in question. (For example, if Chronos gave his power to Alex, the sword will turn into a scythe.) However, much like the armor, the weapon too has the weakness of the God in question.
Like his father before him, due to his manipulation and crystallization of his cells, his blood more specifically, Alex is able to shape and crystallize his blood into the shape of a crimson scimitar, a sword they both name Scorpio for both the celestial alignment, in which Antares is the central star of, and for the scorpion tail-like shape of the Scimitar's curve. While he can shape Scorpio without the need of a hilt, both father and son carries an empty hilt to place the blade into.
Being a by-product of his power, it carries both its strength and weakness. It's stronger than most metals as a crystal sword, but can liquefy back into blood if Alex is unable to keep focus and concentration, resulting in nothing but an empty bloody hilt.
Animal: The Phoenix, symbol of his father. The White wolf, Symbol of the Winterborn Family
Personality: From the outside looking in, Alex seems like your everyday teenager. He's optimistic, energetic, easy-going, and often friendly towards others. He has a sense of humor, sarcasm, and snark, always liking to mess with those with more arrogant and macho types, and always up for a challenge or a fight.
However, his upbringing has led him to done a more sophisticated facade around the particularly elite and elder. Raised from infancy to be a knight, Alex is shown be quite courteous, well-mannered, and humble when speaking to those in a higher power than his own. He honors the Knight's Code of the Medieval times to a tee, often showing himself as honorable and chivalrous, althought sometimes TOO honorable and chivalrous for his own good.
His raising experience under Eden and the Winterborns has left him unphased and desensitized to the supernatural; what may be something that leaves newbie demi-gods and humans in awe is interesting or slightly shock worthy for him. Even learning that he himself was an adopted Demi-god barely gave a reaction stronger than shock at the fact that he was adopted of all things.
He has a particular disinterest to the point of loathing for his real father, essentially disowning him just as he feels he was disowned in turn. But he does not regret what his father did, as he believes that's what led him to being raised by a family that could love him like he believes his father never could.
Bio: Born from Antares and a village chieftain of warrior forest folk, Alex was one of four children, arguably the youngest alongside his twin sister. But unfortunately neither of the twins had even the chance to remember their parents in anyway. Not too long after they were born, their elder brothers, another twin pair, were driven mad by the discovery of their identity as Demigods, the thought of being their father's sons going straight to their heads and giving them a heavy superiority complex. Amidst their madness, they burned down the village and decapitated the chieftain, their own mother, before Antares in turn killed them.
Because of this incident, of which Alex and his sister survived due to their mother hiding them from their manic brother before she died, Antares took the twin infants, separating them from each other and giving each one to a pair of parents he felt could raise them far better than he himself would be able to.
While the sister was brought to a normal pair of parents, so that at least she may lead a life of peace, Alex was brought to the Winterborn Family, good friends of Antares, so that he may be protected and in turn be able to protect himself.
The Winterborn Family was one of modern day generational knights that has lasted since the medieval era of Europe, tasked by their Mother Goddess, Eden, to serve as her defenders, her bodyguards, and her Royal Knights, tasked with protecting her and the human race from anything that may bring great harm to it. To that end, they were given a gift from Eden that was passed on from parent to child throughout the generations: Teaching them the ability to take in the powers of a God, by their consent, and merge it with their armor and weapons, giving them the power to defend even against other deities. In addition, Eden herself was considered a rogue goddess, a runaway of the very pantheon she created, the reasons why being kept strictly to this family alone. As such, she has lived with the family in hiding for generations, serving as their mentor and guardian, teaching the next generation how to properly use their abilities.
Alex, despite not being of blood, was treated no differently as an adopted son. Raised by Eden and the Winterborns, he was trained in the ways of the knight, both in combat and in sophistication, the honor and chivalry of a knight etched in his mind as a child. It was around the age of 12 where they sat him down and told him that he was adopted and that his father dropped him off with them, and hasn't come back for him for one reason or another. It's a common speculation that he did so due to being unable to himself, but no one knows for sure. This actually didn't phase Alex as much as one would think it would. Oh, the fact that he's adopted was shocking, and the fact he was a demi-god was...overwhelming, but the
Now he is within the age of high school, and Eden has learned of the Gods of Tomorrow Academy, where Demi-gods and young deities come to learn how to take the places of their parents should the time occur where they die. Upon discovering this, Eden urged Alex to go there for classes, but he ultimately declined at first. Throughout his life with as a Winterborn, Antares never once came to him, never to tell him of his responsibility as his son, and never to mention the role he'd have to play as one. He insists therefore that there's no reason to go to a school for Demi-gods, for he doesn't see himself as a Demi-god, but as a Knight, and so believes his place is with Eden as her protector.
Annoyed-though appreciative-by his stubbornness to his duties, Eden decided to go to this Academy to serve as Faculty, which would prompt the duty-bound young knight to fulfill his obligation to his family and to his goddess by following her there, but that he would have to be a student so as to properly fit in with the environment around him so as to not make it complicated for them both. This way, Alex would have no choice but to join the school like she wants him to.
While Alex was frustrated, his service to Eden takes priority, and so as she insists, he decides to join the Gods of Tomorrow Academy student body, insisting that it's solely to keep Eden safe as she does her own duties of teaching them.