Name: Gaël D'Entremont
Age : 16
Parents: Hecate

Power: Usage of magics tires him greatly, and the only reason he frequently us uses Eldrich magic is because the revovery time is a few seconds not hours. Spells also take time to cast and are hard to control.
- Elemental Magics: Spells that enable him to control the elements, he can only use fire and ice. The Fire spells is a simple fire ball spell, he can increase the size and heat but it takes more out of him, the average one is the size of a baseball. The ice spells is a spell that makes things cold to the touch.
- Black Magics: Any magic that is not elemental, he does not prefer to uses these so he sticks to Eldrich magic.

Followers: Witches, Fae, Wizards, Warlocks, Necromancers
Weapon: Eldritch Energy: blasts and weapons. Ghost swords and the Eldrich blast drain his energy making him sleepy and sluggish.
Animal: Cat
Bio: Gaël D'Entremont was raised in Louisiana by his father. They both lived a normal middle class until his dad finally cracked and left him, saying he never wanted a son. Left alone and hurt, Gaël turned to something that he never thought would work: magic. He started to learn and practice, finding out that he had a knack for casting spells and summoning minor spirits. He is a cool guy who likes to go with the flow but is not a push over and will tell you how he feels.