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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@medalliah@Kit DewStein@Lemons@Helo

Vlad signaled the guards to bring the teen to dining room. He has set up a buffet for them. He had put out many of the teens favorite foods. He was hoping the food would distract them. This was the first time they would interact. He could hardly wait to begin the next step in his plan. He would prove his theory. He but first he had to turn teens into soldiers. It would be an interesting challenge.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noelle woke up to the clicking of the lock on her room door. Scrambling up she grabbed her coat and quickly put it on. The guard motioned her to come outside and she wasn't going to argue. While walking she didn't look anywhere but the ground. The idea of guns made her a bit nervous. Upon walked in nervously she didn't know how to react to being in a room other than her own. Her stomach growled when she saw the table not realizing she fell for Vlad's plan. She ran over to grab some fish and fruit and happily munched on it. She sat down at a wall and placed her food beside her, clutching her small jacket close to her body. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and listened. She could hear many footsteps, more than likely guards with how heavy they were but there were other ones as well. Opening her eyes she went back to munching on her food and decided to observe if anyone else came in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The latch on his door slid open and a gruff voice echoed from the other side: "Come on, bug boy. Time for some exercise."

Gavin uncoiled himself from where he was sitting on the bed, getting to his feet with some difficulty. He was still a bit weak from the months spent in forced inactivity, and his cheeks and back ached where his insectoid organs connected. Groaning, he slouched to the door, trudging out and seeking support from the walls in the sterile-looking hallway.

Teeth and mandibles clenched in some variety of anxiety, Gavin slunk into the large, expansive dining room, eyeing the food suspiciously. The powerful sensory receptors in his mandibles caused them to twitch, giving his cheeks an odd, stretched. The delicious smells of the food assaulted his mind. His shrunken stomach growled. His wings flickered involuntarily, a dry rustling sound emanating from his back. His expression changed into one similar to horror and revulsion combined, and he looked like he might be sick.

There was another person there. Maybe his age, maybe a bit younger. He didn't quite know what her deal was, but he suspected that there weren't many "normal" people to be found here other than the staff. For the moment, he was going to stay as far away from anybody else as he possibly could. You know what they say; you're not paranoid if there's really someone out to get you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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medalliah Magical

Member Seen 12 days ago

The first sound Becca heard was the turning of the handle on her door. She sat up quickly, and looked for a place to hide. A natural instinct, as she'd forgotten where she was for a moment. The door opened, and the guards entered.

"Shit! She's escaped!" One of the guards shouted, turning back to the doorway "sound the alarm, the girls gone! The boss is gonna have our heads for this if we don't find her!"

Becca frowned. She knew she could hide well, but this seemed...excessive. She was only hiding behind the door after all. Then suddenly it all came back. The offer, the operations...the abilities. She forgot how easily she could blend in. A half-smile crept onto her face; if she could fool these guards this easy, then she could get away with almost anything. So she remained quiet for a little longer, listening.

"You're an idiot" she heard finally as the men came walking back. This voice was different - likely a captain, or a higher ranking officer. "She's still in there, just hidden." The man walked in; a large man, who looked quite terrifying by Becca's standards. She cowered in her hiding place as the man spoke. "Girl, you better step out now or we're gonna have to find you."

Becca meekly stepped out, no longer blending into her environment, looking down at the floor.

"I'm sorry, you all startled me" she said quietly. She didn't look up at the man, who just made an annoyed sound and said "follow me."

Becca followed obediently. Keeping her eyes down as she arrived in the room, looking likely the most normal one there. Her appearance wasn't physically different after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Kit DewStein
Luke awoke to a loud banging on the door to his room, or more accurately his high-tech cage. His entire body ached and his muscles felt weak. His mind was fuzzy and he desperately tried to remember where he was and how he got here. It started to come to him slowly; the creepy man and his offer of money and some kind of experiment. He sat up too quickly in the bed and felt instantly lightheaded. He looked around the room and saw the door open revealing two uniformed men wearing light tactical armor. Luke assumed they were guards, and he noted that they were armed.

“Careful with this one, don’t let it bite you.” Said the taller man. “On your feet, solider.” The man ordered.

Solider? A memory triggered, the creepy guy again telling him about the experiment. He remembered the phrase genetically enhanced super soldier being used. His mouth was dry and when he went to lick his lips he realized his tongue was forked. Another memory, Vlad, the creepy guy, asking him one final question, ‘Got a favorite animal?’ Luke was slowly piecing things together.

“Hey, freak, get up and get to the dining hall.” The slightly shorter guard yelled approaching him. Luke snapped his head towards the guard and immediately felt fangs spring forth in his mouth, his hissed and leapt from his bed at the man. His entire body pulsed and he fell to the ground unable to control any movements. The other guard had shot him with some kind of taser gun and the other guard let out a nervous laugh before kicking him hard in the ribs.

“Keep those fangs put away, kid, or you’ll get a lot worse.” The guard who shot him threatened. “You signed up for this, remember, best if you just cooperate, or we can always find more street trash if you prove to be more trouble than you’re worth. Now, follow me.”

Luke slowly got to his feet and followed the first guard with the second guard following behind Luke. When they got to the dining hall the first guard gestured towards the table of food. “Go play nice.” He ordered. Luke approached the table studying the unfamiliar faces that were already there. His stomach growled as he looked at the feast laid out before him. He’d never seen so much food before and couldn’t even remember the last time he’d had a real meal. He grabbed a plate and loaded it up with breakfast foods; eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, grits and some orange juice. He’d eaten half the plate before he even sat down. He took a seat next to the only other person he saw eating.

“Hey, you been here long? Any idea what’s up with this place? I kinda feel like I just made a deal with the devil.” Luke asked, only half joking about the last part. He hoped someone here might have a little more information than he did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noelle had heard the steps of people coming back to the room. She saw one boy come in who she wasn't sure about, it wasn't the looks that bothered her just how he seemed uneasy about anyone. The girl that came in after was apparently a trouble-maker, but weren't they all. The second boy to come in was vary aggressive in personality. She wasn't sure what to think of his punk attitude but he was the only one willing to have a conversation so she would let his personality slide for now.

"I have been here since I signed up, some sort of science lab I guess, I don't know if I could consider anyone a devil just yet," Noelle said whispering. She wasn't sure why she whispered but listening to all the footsteps had started to make her a bit jumpy with sounds. She picked up grape and plopped it in her mouth enjoying fresh food.

"I'm Noelle by the way," she said with her mouth full not truly caring about manners, "What's your's?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@medalliah@Kit DewStein@Lemons@Helo

Roxy wasn't like the rest. She hadn't volunteered. When the guards came to her door she bared her teeth at them but followed them she knew from past experience that they would used the tranqs. She was not willing to be unconscious around these people ever again. She stormed through the halls towards the dining room.

The others were suppose to be joining her today. She couldn't see who was crazy enough to volunteer for the old loon's experiment. Knowing Vlad he had made it seem something that was on the up and up. Rather than a government experiment that only a few people knew about. Few people would approve of experimenting on humans in this way. DNA splicing was still a very highly debated topic.

Suddenly the doors opened. A girl with long jet black hair was escorted into the room. Her brown eyes swept the room evaluation each person in the room. Unlike the others she didn't wear a prison uniform instead she wore a old leather black biker jacket over a black lacy t-shirt. Her black leather pants fit like a second skin and were tucked into old black leather biker boots. But the oddest thing about her appearance was the thick black collar around her neck. "Met my pet. She has the abilities of a black panther. She is quite the huntress." He caress her neck above the collar. "This keeps her from leaving the facility. Which she has already tried to do more than once."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Kit DewStein
Luke grinned. “Yeah well I guess your wake-up call must’ve gone smoother than mine.” He said, lightheartedly, in response to her comment about not considering anyone here the devil yet. “Got tased and a kicked around.” He said lifting his shirt just enough to show the bruise around his rib cage. He put his shirt back down and continued to shovel food into his mouth while talking. No had ever actually taught him manners, that would require having adults in your life that actually cared. Luke, also, didn’t know when he’d be eating again, he never did really, so he was used to indulging in a bit of gluttony whenever he had the chance. “I guess this is still better than any foster home I ever got stuck in, so, can’t complain too much, at least the food’s good. Name’s Luke by the way-” And he would’ve continued talking if the doors hadn’t opened revealing Vlad along with a girl their age wearing a collar.

The scene before him, along with Vlad’s little speech made his stomach turn. It cleared up a lot of things for Luke. One, this guy was clearly the devil. Two, he had most certainly made the biggest mistake of his young life, there was no doubt about it, they were prisoners here and as good as the food was nothing was worth being in a cage. And three, he was going to be in for an unpleasant time because he was certainly not going to take this quietly, whenever he had the chance he was going to make things difficult for his jailors.

“And here I was hoping this was going to be like a Captain America thing.” Luke whispered as he quickly swallowed the food still in his mouth. He pushed his plate aside, no longer having an appetite for anything this creep had to offer. “If that’s not the face of the devil, then I don’t know what is.” He added as Vlad’s soulless eyes sent a shiver of dread down his spine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Just after learning the boy's name a new person walked in, but it didn't suprise Noelle as she heard the footsteps ahead of time. I wish there was a way to get my hearing to go back to human levels...but I don't think that is possible now. She turned to watch the show Vlad put on. I wouldn't call him the devil....mad and crazy but not the devil. Noelle brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them. "Well Luke, it looks like escape may be out of the question for now," she whispered again, "Eventually we could possibly get out but we need to wait until we are strong enough to." I did sign up for this though...I didn't ask much into it. At least it had better security than my old foster home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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medalliah Magical

Member Seen 12 days ago

Becca decided to dare and look up at those already seated, and she paled slightly; they all looked so different! She looked down at her hands, so unchanged unless you really inspected them. I really was quite lucky she thought to herself as she eyed up the food. Unsure if she could trust it.

And yet, others were eating. She sighed, and gave in, putting a little of the food on the plate. She was starving, but worried that it might be drugged, and so she watched the others to see if there was any reaction before she started eating.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Outside of Jakobe's cell, about 8 guards gathered up dressed as if they were a swat team ready to rush in. One of the guards looked in the window to see Jakobe still sleep. The guard turned "Alright, that big bastard is still sleep. Regardless....be careful. I hear that he could be very strong and because of the animal he has in his blood...he could wake up in a musth like a male elephant bull. Use caution and be ready to put him down with the tranq rifle and I mean you light his ass up until he falls over drooling like a he got brain damaged.."

The guard went to open the door and 3 men walked in to look at the snoring teen. It was said that the experiment done on his along with the animal's DNA took it's toll on the boy's body and he's been sleeping since. Even tho this point, he was still in a deep sleep. The guard smirked "Hehe...look at him." The guard took out his baton and poked at Jakobe "Hey big boy, get up. It's time to eat." Jakobe didn't respond.

The guard spoke once more. "Hey! Get up!" this time jabbing the baton on Jakobe's side. Still, no response. The guard then went to smack on his face a little "Hey do you hear me, boy!!?" Still, Jakobe snored as if nothing was happening. With a bit of irritation, the guard then took his baton and swung down to hit Jakobe in the chest once and still no response. "The boy's skin is thick" Hitting him about 3 more times before Jakobe grabbed the arm of the Guard with a grip the caused the guard yell in pain while Jakobe spoke "Stop tickling me..." he said before he heard the Guard speak get this bastard off me!!"

Jakobe opened his eyes to see he had the guard's arm in a vice grip and noticed all the tranqs pointing at his face, causing him to let go and stare at the group. "Hey...." he said lazily as the second guard spoke "Bronson...you okay?" he asked the guard who nearly got his arm broken. "Kid...it's time to get some chow. Get up now and put on these.." bringing specially made cuffs for him that could hold his strength. Jakobe stood with a growling stomach, standing 6'6 getting shackled. He was a little woosy but sore all over as well as his muscles were still finishing it's development and was escorted out of his cell slowly and taken into the dining hall where the large teen walked in to meet up with the others while hearing Vlad speak.

Joining the other late, Jakobe simply stood up at the entrance listening before being escorted to the seat to listen first while his special shackles were being removed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@medalliah@Kit DewStein@Helo@King Tai

Roxy studied the teens. The first group of volunteers. Vlad clearly hadn't been going for strength when he was been recruiting. He had probably been looking for people that no one would miss just in case they didn't survive. She had heard rumors of failed experiments. Part of her was glad that those teens survived. Not that she wanted to care. They had made a bad choice. They had to live with it.

She turned her head a little when the opened to let in a big teen. Well maybe Vlad had a few good ones. This guy was a fighter. She tell by the way he moved. She would have to watch him. He was the only real threat she saw in the group. He has the size and knowledge to be a threat to her. She moved as far from Vlad as she could. She leaned against the wall and glared at the guards. She hated that they kept her trapped.

"You have an hour before we start your schedule. Monday, Wednesday, Friday we will have regular education to get you all to college level. Tuesday, Thursday and Say we will focus on your military training. You will learn to work as a unit. Eventually you will perform missions. But you have alot to learn before than." Vlad told them as he headed out of the room and down the hall.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Kit DewStein

Luke gave Noelle a nod, their jailors were going to be on high alert right now, escaping right off the bat would be almost impossible. His best bet would be to wait for them to lower their guard some, to stay out of trouble and keep his head down so as not to draw too much attention to himself. Unfortunately, patience and staying out of trouble were not in his wheel house. He could manage the waiting though, it wasn’t as if he had anything better to do anyhow, but lying low would be a challenge. Luke didn’t like the idea of not having his freedom, and this place, as big as it was, was still just a cage, he didn’t like being told what to do, and being treated like less than human was going to set off his angry and impulsive tendencies. If he could keep himself in only a minimal amount of trouble he’d probably still fly under their radar, he was sure the staff here would underestimate him; just another young, dumb, street punk, but Luke was a survivor and he wasn’t half as dumb as he looked.

He sized up the new guy who walked into the dining hall. He was tall, taller than Luke who at 6’3 was used to being the tallest guy in the room Unlike Luke, this guy was built like wall and looked like he could be a super solider without genetic enhancement. “We may have to wait for our moment, but if the rest of the group here is down I’d say we could be pretty unstoppable. Either way I’m getting out of here one way or another.” He said after Vlad finished talking. Luke was not looking forward to attending “classes,” he hadn’t seen the inside of a classroom in at least five years and rarely showed up before that. He was barely literate, he never had any interest in putting effort into something that wasn’t directly related to his survival. “Great, as if keeping as all here against our will wasn’t bad enough, they’re gonna torture us with school.” He said rolling his eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noelle lifted her head to study the girl Vlad introduced. She realized the the "huntress" was sizing them up and smirked a little. Well at least the wimp show is somewhat working...though the boy beside me does seem more of an ally than a threat. I may let him on later. When the new guy walked in her smirk disappeared and her wimp face was back. Well I know who not to fight yet. He is a quiet walker but he doesn't get past my hearing either. She giggled at Luke's comment on school, "Oh yeah, school is worse than being a genetic freak any day."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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medalliah Magical

Member Seen 12 days ago

Becca looked shocked as the large man entered - she'd never met anyone quite that tall before. He stood at least a foot taller than her! There was a small frown as well when she saw the shackles. That seemed a rather mean way to keep someone...

What missions? she thought as Vlad walked away. She wanted to shout after him and ask, but didn't have the courage. Instead, she turned to the new guy (@King Tai) and said "hey, are you ok? That seems a bit mean, cuffing you like that."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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After getting the shackles off and looking towards Vlad who was speaking to them about the schedule they will follow for education, training, and eventual missions, Jakobe gave a sigh while looking around at the fellow subjects like himself. The first person Jakobe recognized was the girl that wore a leather jacket with a collar. The way she looked, she seemed troublesome. He then looked at the boy with wild hair and tattoos who was talking to another female with red looking hair. They seemed pretty buddy buddy.

When Vlad left, Jakobe looked at the table full if food and before he could get up, he heard someone speaking to him. Turning slightly to see a dark haired young female who looked younger than him and innocent looking @medalliah when she asked him a question. Was she not afraid of him. This cute female starting the conversation so casually to ask how he was? He simply responded..

"That's what scared people do...they think Im too dangerous to walk without some sort of restraint. All I did was grab one of them and I had rifles pointed at my face when they woke me up." He said. "Who are you?" He asked "and I thought I joined a program that would make me a hero or something. Not be a prisoner freak.."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As soon as the "huntress" came out, Gavin felt immediately and incredibly uncomfortable. Something about her just...set all of his genetic alarms off. His mandibles expanded and contracted of their own will and he stifled a scream of pain as the cheek skin stretched almost to the point of tearing. He shrank further back into the corner, feeling withdrawn and vaguely horrified. Especially once what appeared to be the headman started speaking.

Gavin hadn't paid a whole lot of attention when he was signing up for this...procedure. He'd barely even listened at all. Consequently, he'd had no idea about the whole "military" thing, and he began to grow ever more agitated. The room was filling up with more people, and as the final one strode in—a man who could probably crush Gavin without even looking—he nearly screamed.

Once again, his mandibles snapped. Suddenly understanding the implicit message his brain was sending him, he made his careful way over to the breakfast table, picking up a large fruit that he couldn't quite recognize. Reaching up to his mouth, he nearly choked. His mandibles had snapped forward and shut of nearly their own volition, neatly bisecting and grabbing the fruit and forcing him to swallow it nearly whole. He gagged, pitching forward and putting his hands on the table to support himself.

His eyes, forever wary, flicked side to side. They settled on the first girl he'd seen, talking to someone who was also much larger than he. He tentatively began picking his way over to her and her companion.

@Kit DewStein@Helo
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Luke’s attention quickly shifted to the guy with snapping mandibles. He thought that was pretty cool, sure it was probably uncomfortable but a cool sight to see none the less. The guy also happened to be standing near the buffet of food which grabbed Luke’s attention again. He felt his appetite quickly returning. This was a luxury he rarely had after all, he was primarily used to eating what he could steal or forage from a dumpster, this food was like something people got at restaurant and he couldn’t even remember the last time he ate something this good. He finished the small bit that was left on his plate before getting up. “Well, I’m hungry again.” He said hopping up and heading for the food. This time it was waffles and fruit, some of the fruits he’d never even seen before.

He headed back to where Noelle was and noticed the guy with the mandibles approaching. "Cool mutation, you know what they crossed you with? Me, I'm guessing snake which works out pretty well for me, kind of a big fan." He said gesturing, with his fork, to the snake tattoo on his neck. "Names, Luke." He added.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Gavin jumped as he heard somebody addressing him. After listening a moment, shuddering a bit at the "cool mutation" piece, he began to tentatively speak, quailing before the large and (to him) aggressive-looking man. He was unable to make eye contact, instead looking down and speaking in a low mumble. It came out garbled, the mandibles mangling his speech just like they did the fruit. His heavy Scottish accent did nothing to help matters, only making it less intelligible until it sounded more like Italian than English.

"I—I'm Gavin. Gavin MacAllistair. I...they crossed me with an insect of some sort. Maybe...dragonfly? I mean, most bugs don't have four wings."

As he spoke, a snapping, rustling sound emanated from his back and his sweatshirt stretched out. He winced. If I'd known it was going to be anywhere near this painful, I never would've agreed to it. Taking a deep breath, pained breath, he slipped the hoodie off, letting his insectoid wings fan out through the long, crude slits cut by a guard—whether as a kindness or a mocking joke, he didn't know. While the pain didn't fade entirely, it did recede, and the four wings hung there, occasionally sliding over themselves to create the clicking noise.

He looked down again immediately. "I guess it would be nice if it didn't hurt so much. The jaws hurt my cheeks, and the wings kill my shoulders and back." He rubbed the bulges in his cheeks tenderly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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medalliah Magical

Member Seen 12 days ago

@King Tai

Compared to the quite huge size of the now unrestrained man, the little scruffy black-haired female looked like she would fall over if Jakobe blew on her too hard. She also had no signs of actual change - no extra limbs, or changed features. She looked...normal.

She nodded as he spoke, and gave him a small smile. "I don't think you're dangerous...or really, any more dangerous than anyone else here. They sounded the alarm when I was just hiding behind a door thinking I'd escaped" she said with a small laugh, trying to ease tension "I'm Rebecca, or Becca for short." When he called himself a freak, she put her hand on his, and said quietly "you're not a freak. Not at all. Don't let them get you down."

That was the first sign of some kind of change - her hands felt different. Almost...scaly.
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