Robotech: The Macross War
Classic Robotech Music
The year is 2009 (yes, the past, I know). 10 Years ago, a mysterious ship space crashed down onto Macross Island in the South Pacific. Leaving, it left tremendous destruction in its wake, this ship from space destroyed at least one city and wiped out an entire US Navy carrier battle group near Macross Island as it crashed. This would eventually come to be known as the Macross Incident.
In the aftermath of this disaster, various nations around the world declared a ceasefire in the Global War being fought and worked towards a more united Earth. Unknown to the public, the object that crashed into Macross Island was in fact an alien spaceship. This discovery along with the revelation that the ship was manned by giant aliens resulted in fear among political and military leaders about the threat of an alien invasion.
Over the course of several years, Earth was united under one banner, and humanity made great technological strides forwards thanks to the amazing technology found in the alien vessel, which was rebuilt to serve humanity. In 2009, the Earth finally faced their mysterious alien foes.
Striking in massive force and number, the Zentradi struck at Earth and their prized battleship- the SDF-1. In a desperate effort to draw the Zentradi away from Earth, the SDF-1 prepares to depart.

More Robotech nostalgia
"Fox Squadron! On your fucking feet! Flight deck, now! Walk and talk! We've got a fuck ton of aliens incoming and a lot of civies to keep safe. We're putting rooks in the air as fast as we can get flightsuits, and we've got got more waves of alien signatures moving in fast on sensors. Remember, we don't know what these aliens can do yet, so watch out for your wingman and keep an eye on your ammo counters. Fox Squadron is also one of the only RDF-SOC Squadrons on Macross at the moment, so put on your big-boy pants. We'll be splitting into wings to be tasked as necessary- expect a lot of hot zones, tough fights, and a long sortie.
Remember, when it comes to these aliens, we're all rookies. But we're the best rookies. Hit 'em hard, and come back home. We launch in 10, review the VF-1 schematics and finalize your last wills. FAST packs and re-armament will be available as requested. Get it done. Fall out."
Hello everyone! Welcome to the OOC for "Robotech: The Macross War"! If you haven't already picked up on it, this RP will be about Robotech- the westernized version of Macross. Yes, I am well aware Robotech is a weird bastardization of a bunch of different anime series's into one, but I grew up on this bastardized shit and I loved it. I generally avoid fandoms, but I've been itching for a mech/space RP, and I hope to grab a small group of dedicated players to experience this with me.
This particular RP will follow the adventures of a group of men and women from the Robotech Defense Force’s Fox Squadron. We will not be following the storyline of the main anime, some generous changes are being made to make it a bit grittier and wide in scope than just the mis/adventures of a single ship, and more fitting for our needs. Some timelines will be fudged around, including technologies and craft, as well as RDF military size and fleet forces. Expect space combat, melodrama, some slice of life, romance, a sprinkling of political intrigue, and gray morality as we try and save the galaxy- or at least part of it.
SDF-1 Flight Roster & Equipment Database
- All standard guild/rp rules - Don't be a dick, powergame, godmod, stuff like that.
- Keep things civil. If you ever catch yourself thinking "Huh, that might be an excessively mean/rude/confrontational thing to say/do." Maybe don't do that. I'm not expecting everyone to behave like angels and get along with one another constantly, but I don't want the OOC to become a warzone. Ironic for a war based RP, but you get what I mean.
- I always emphasize that Real life is more important than the Guild. If you feel life is smacking you down hard, and you need a break or time off, please try to let me know and I'll do my best to accommodate you. This may include controlling your character for you for a round, putting them in a reserve slot or something similar.
- If you are going to need some time off or are going to be away from the guild for an extended period of time, please let me know ahead of time instead of just disappearing on us.
- One character per player.
- GM decisions are final.
Character Sheets:
All character sheets should be posted in the OOC tab for approval before being moved to the Char section.
Fox Squadron is one of the RDF's Special Operations Capable Units. Members of Fox Squadron are hand picked by Squadron Leader Rae Simms. Fox Squadron members have a varying level of veterancy, many are pulled from various high performing air force units, though particularly talented recruits may be pulled straight out of flight school. Most members of Fox Squadron should have been part of the squadron for at least a small amount of time- enough that the characters know each other, though I am looking for one or two fresh rookies.
Also keep in mind that our characters have never encountered these aliens before- and are not aware that the Zentradi are actually giants, at least not yet.
A note on Callsigns: A callsign is a name given to you by the rest of the squadron (whether you want it or not). There are very few people that will be willing to unironically call you "Archangel" or "Kingslayer". Nicknames and Callsigns should be short, sweet, easy to call out, and referencing either tendencies people observe you doing or quick shortening of your names: IE "Brit" because you have a strong english accent, "Twitch" because you tend to look around a lot/rapidly, "Kanga" because your last name is Roo, etc. If you're a brand new pilot, or haven't been around long enough- or notable enough- to have an established callsign, you won't have one- or in the case of the newbie: "Noob", "Rook", "Rookie", "FNG", etc.