<Snipped quote by Leaves>
This is the kind of poaching that could help us carry on. I'll make sure to slap Drew.
I had this archived since I wasn’t sure where this going. I sill love BnHA so I would stick around if you want to keep trying.
@Inkarnate I've been trying to secure a steady job and get a day-to-day routine going where I would have enough time to give you some quality posts and spend time with my kids. There's been a lot of juggling and I'm not done yet. I still have a full plate, so it may be hard for me to get back into the groove and jive of posting. However, I'll give it a shot. I'm really sorry; months on months of not posting is just disrespecting you guys. I'll put in an effort to communicate more.
I just think we should have more OOC chatter in here to keep us reminded we’re committed as a group. Even if the IC goes through cold breaks, we should still be like talking or something, ye?