M O D E R N F A N T A S Y - S U P E R H E R O - S C H O O L
6 - 8 P L A Y E R S
p r e m i s e
“A hero is someone who smashes through every obstacle life puts in his way!”
This is a conceptual roleplay set in the My Hero Academia universe, set before the events of the manga.
Basically, this means that for this collaboration the canonical characters and events are non-essential and allows us the freedom to explore the world freely without consequence of major plot events unless we see the need to have them affect us in the future. The story takes place in the Hokkaido region of Japan, in the city of Sapporo instead of at UA High School in Tokyo. Famous heroes such as All Might, Endeavor, Best Jeanist and Eraser do exist in this world, but they will likely not be appearing in this roleplay; or at least not as central characters or mentors.
Players will begin as first year students entering Ishin Academy, a prestigious High School in Sapporo Hokkaido. While the school is not as prestigious as UA, it is still regarded as one of the finest hero training courses in Japan, due to the cold and mountainous region of Hokkaido allowing for intensive training for the students. All CSs should be created as a first year high schooler in mind, as should their control over their quirks. Keep in mind that the MHA Universe is about students learning how to better their quirks and skills over simply being “the best”. With that said, the RP itself will be as equally plot and narrative-driven as it will be character-driven. Character development is central to a good story and at the root of it this is just another collaborative story loosely based within the My Hero Academia setting.
If you have questions, concerns, threats, or thoughts it would be apt to voice them!
o v e r v i e w
Since the birth of a newborn baby in the city of Quig Quig China, people around the world have manifested Quirks: strange superhuman mutations and abilities. The sudden paradigm shift of humanity led to years of ensuing chaos, then to the age we exist in now: The Age of Heroes. Due to Police Forces around the world not using quirks, the gap of using quirks to deal with superpowered villains has fallen to those who would act as Heroes, those brave individuals who put their lives on their line, using their quirks to battle evil and protect the innocent.
In this brave new age, the need for educating the next generation of heroes has led to the establishment of prestigious schools such as the top hero academy in the world: U.A. High School. This story does not take place there.
Ishin Academy, ranked as the #2 overall hero preparation program in Japan, and continually ranking in the top 10 hero academies in the world is a very different school. Located in the Hokkaido region of Japan, this school is prone to harsh winters, rigorous training exercises and some of the harshest hero instructors; partially due to their rivalry with U.A. High. The demand for excellency, strength and honor is tantamount to the school, and their motto of Assurgo Contra Coelum: to Soar Skyward, shows their demand for their graduates to be among the best of the best.
Unlike U.A. High, Ishin Academy does not have a nationally viewed sports festival. In fact, much of what goes on at Ishin Academy is kept secretive. What is well known among the public is that the school is rigorous, difficult and that those who graduate the program become well known heroes and sidekicks in the public eye. Also unlike U.A. High, Ishin Academy makes all of its students live on site in their dormitories, making the school an excellent choice for students across Japan and the world to choose if they live too far away to commute to schools like U.A.
In this brave new age, the need for educating the next generation of heroes has led to the establishment of prestigious schools such as the top hero academy in the world: U.A. High School. This story does not take place there.
Ishin Academy, ranked as the #2 overall hero preparation program in Japan, and continually ranking in the top 10 hero academies in the world is a very different school. Located in the Hokkaido region of Japan, this school is prone to harsh winters, rigorous training exercises and some of the harshest hero instructors; partially due to their rivalry with U.A. High. The demand for excellency, strength and honor is tantamount to the school, and their motto of Assurgo Contra Coelum: to Soar Skyward, shows their demand for their graduates to be among the best of the best.
Unlike U.A. High, Ishin Academy does not have a nationally viewed sports festival. In fact, much of what goes on at Ishin Academy is kept secretive. What is well known among the public is that the school is rigorous, difficult and that those who graduate the program become well known heroes and sidekicks in the public eye. Also unlike U.A. High, Ishin Academy makes all of its students live on site in their dormitories, making the school an excellent choice for students across Japan and the world to choose if they live too far away to commute to schools like U.A.
e x p e c t a t i o n s
Writing Ability
- Activity will be left vague as social obligations such as employment, academics, and so forth take precedent over a shared hobby. But we should try to post with some regularity. Obligations will be reminded if needed, but this is a low stress endeavor so we shouldn't feel the need to make extreme demands regarding this. Just communicate your schedule when there are issues and keep me informed is the bulk of it.
Writing Ability
- The writing level I expect is somewhere around medium expectations (high school-level equivalent). This means comprehensive understanding of basic grammar and spelling is expected, characterization is important, narrative is important, and detail behind those are appreciated. I’d like to see a few paragraphs, though if it fits a post that there is enough to respond to and react to within one paragraph than that’s fine, but one-liner’s will definitely be off-base. Keep with the fluidity and enjoy yourself; though quality posts don’t have to be textbooks. Quality over Quantity, yet have fun and make engaging moments of introspection and interaction.
- With that said, I will not be putting posts under extreme analysis nor will I be inciting a “word count”. So just use your personal judgment of quality and we’ll be awesome.
- Rule number zero of my perspective is pretty simple; don’t test my patience or be a irredeemable jerk.
- Generally, the idea here is a simplified version of any sort of rules since we are all adults and we pretty much know the big rules—follow the host site’s rules, communicate, collaborate, and don’t be antagonistic towards others or at the very least keep the toxicity to a bare minimum. Playful banter and crass jokes are one thing; but actively making somebody feel unwelcome is another one entirely. There is a difference between being blunt and being tactless.
- Characters should be aged 15 - 16 years of age, exceptions can be made for younger character due to intellect but acceptance of such a character would be narrowed down to one application.
- I will be reviewing six sheets for participating. This means if I have more than six people applying I will give it 2-3 weeks before I start reviewing them and deciding which seven I like the most. Applications should be posted in the OOC, particularly in the hider.