Full Name: RE1 T1-1, better known as RE1, sometimes changed to Rei.
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Description: RE1, at a glance would not really give the impression of a powerful creature. In fact, she looks quite weak and sickly on first impression. She's on the short side, and very skinny and pallid looking, with dark rings around her eyes. She lacks a lot in the way of feminine curves, though it's hard to tell as she tends to wear loose-fitting clothing. The only thing she's particularly vain about is her hair, which grows in silver and is long and thick. She has green eyes with big irises and slit-like pupils. It makes her non-human nature rather clear.
Personality: RE1 has been greatly shaped by her surroundings. A synthesised creation, RE1 did not have the good fortune of being treated as a person in the earliest years of her life. In that way there's something pretty obviously off about her behaviour and perspective on life that makes her poorly suited to normal interaction.
RE1 is a nervous, twitchy, often animalistic individual. She's quickly driven to hysterical reactions over things not working out how she wants them too, and is often filled with nervous energy.
She has a fairly low opinion of herself, having something of a inferiority complex, but at the same time tends to project this outward in the form of pathological jealousy towards others. She develops intense resentment towards people who have easier lives than her own, and often expresses a childish spite in wishing to ruin that in order to somehow make herself feel better.
There is almost a sense with Rei that her human persona is a bit of a veneer on something altogether more monstrous. Any considerable stress sees Rei's higher functions overwhelmed and sees her default to far less human behaviour. Hunting, hiding, mauling opponents in the most horrific ways, and, perhaps the most unpleasant to a civilized person, the drive to consume prey, and even enemies, raw in order to fuel her abilities.
Skills: -Rei's abilities make her incredibly hard to kill, allowing her to reconstruct her own tissue even when she's received extremely heavy damage.
Weaknesses: -Rei's powers depend on having enough stored biomass to create new parts and/or regenerate herself. In order to accrue this she has to consume raw animal matter. She cannot digest normal food. Her natural instincts to do so tend to kick in when she is hurt or threatened. As a result Rei feels a compulsion to consume small animals, dead things, and even, in extreme cases, people.
Brief History:
Other: -Her blood is green, due to presence of a bile pigment, biliverdin.

Title: (All contestants have a title, or stage name.)
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Alterations: Even as she stands normally, it's pretty clear that Red is not human. She stands at nearly seven foot tall, intimidating in stature, and is unnaturally strong. Her canine teeth are pointed, and her nails grow in as short, curved claws.

Description: (What do they look like? Even if you've got a picture, a bit of writing would be nice. Include their usual attire, any notable scarring or markings, etc.)
Personality:(A brief outline of their demeanour.)
Skills: (Combat abilities or otherwise.)
Weaknesses: (Achilles' Heels that can be exploited by enemies.)
Brief History: (Any notable events in their background that might have shaped them. If you don't want to reveal too much, that's fine.)
Other:(Anything else you think everyone needs to know about your character.)