Nation sheets go here. Please acquire approval from a a GM before posting here.
(Civilization/Faction name goes here!)
General Information
(Introduce your civilization here in brief, preferably one or a few paragraphs. You can also have an info sheet here about your basic stats like population, government type and so on.)
You don't outright require to make these but they are fun so here's a good example.
Official Name: (The full and official name of your civilization) Common Name: (How should we generally call your civ?) Government: (Categorize the type of your government, Empire, Constitutional Monarchy, Parliamentary Democracy, etc) Dominant Species: (What is your majority or at least ruling species in your civ?) Capital: (Your homeworld or place of your ruling government, say: Earth, Solar System) Systems Owned: (Optional, mostly there for smaller multi-stellar civs to give us an impression of their size) Planets Owned: (Optional, has a similar role as the one above. Again, meaningless after a certain size.) Population: (Kinda optional if you don't wish to think on big numbers, otherwise go ahead!)
(This is where you can tell us the tale of your glorious empire! History sections are neat to offer plot bunnies for other players to incorporate about your civ. On the other hand we aren't forcing anyone to make this extra detailed. Just write down what you find necessary here. Oh, and if you happen to write mini novels please put it inside hider tags to not bloat up the entire page. Thank you!)
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
(This is for the galaxy map with your location highlighted somehow. The galaxy is gigantic so even a small dot can mean a lot. Don't be discouraged by your size!)
Major Holdings
(This is kind of optional, you are given a chance to describe various places of interest. This can be a planet, star system or even entire star sector. Or even something else. Feel free to list them!)
Social Information
(This is where you can describe the one or myriad of races inhabiting your glorious civilization. With multiple races you can also talk about demographics for real. What are your major races? Where do they live? And so on.)
(Your unique civilization has unique society. What are the lives of your people be like? How are they thinking? Are there any social classes? Etc.)
(Describe your government here in detail. If you use something generic or just feel like there isn't enough to say you can merge this with the Society section under "Government/Society" and describe both here.)
Technological Information
Technology Overview
(Describe your civilization's technology in general)
Major Techs
(Kinda optional section to describe your most important pieces of technology. If you think a simple overview above is enough, skip this.)
(Again, kinda optional. Do you wish to share with us how amazing your industry can be? This is the section for it! Major industrial methods, complexes and such can be also mentioned here.)
Military Information
Military Overview
(Describe your military in general. For a select few types of civs this might be alone enough.)
Space Forces
(Describe your space fleets in more detail. You can also list your important ship and other unit types but nobody is forcing you. But keep in mind, no Death Stars!) Navy Doctrine: How does your navy operate in a general sense? What are the strategies and tactics commonly employed? What design philosophies are used and how are the affected by your country’s strategies. In short: what can we expect to see from your country’s navy? Bonus points if you give your doctrine a real name such as fleet-in-being.
Ground Forces
(Describe your ground forces, too. This is especially important in this RP since ground/planetary combat will enjoy a spotlight. So we do suggest you to take extra attention to this section.)
Ground Doctrine: How do your ground forces operate in a general sense? What are the strategies and tactics commonly employed? What design philosophies are used and how are the affected by your country’s strategies. In short: what can we expect to see from your country’s ground forces? Bonus points if you give your doctrine a real name such as human wave.
Credit goes to Willy for actually making the sheet outline for us, and for those of you who don't know, click raw and copy paste the bbcode into docs and type it in that way so it's already formatted when you post it in guild! Thank you.
The Humankind Empire of Astrana is a human-centric country that, while legally ruled by an emperor, is controlled by a fascist political party called Humanity United. This led to the outbreak of a civil war between the fascists and a coalition of constitutionalists, democrats, and alien nationalists.
Official Name: Humankind Empire of Astrana Common Names: Astrana, the Empire, the Astranan Empire De Jure Government: Constitutional Monarchy De Facto Government: Fascist Dictatorship Dominant Species: Humans Capital: Truica, Floyn Thal System Controlled Systems: 317 Total Population: 5.4 Trillion
Humanity United: Humanity United is a fascist pro-human supremacy group that currently controls the Imperial parliament. Their power is greatest in the Empire’s core systems and northern territories with the southern territories having widely resisted its attempts to exert control to this point.
The Coalition for Imperial Constitutionalism: Commonly shortened to the Constitutionalists, this group was the first of the rebellious groups to rise up and is also the strongest. The Constitutionalists are made up of planetary governments, viceroyalties, and military officers who wish to have the monarch’s power brought back and the Constitutional rights of the citizenry upheld by the rightful and legal government.
The Alliance for Liberty: Made up of the remnants of the Liberty Party, the political party in power before Humanity United, the Alliance for Liberty is now considered a fringe group in the Coalition for Imperial Constitutionalism. The Alliance for Liberty is significant in that it wishes to not only defeat the Fascists, but also replace the monarchy with a fully democratic power, or at the very least see the parliament empowered after Humanity United is defeated.
The Nerkin Nationalist Front: While fighting alongside the Constitutionalists, the Nerkin Nationalist Front has the end goal of either achieving independence or at the very least being recognized as a semi-autonomous state within the Empire. While comparably weak now, and operating with little to no supplies, the Nerkin Nationalist Front has the potential to become fairly powerful should they receive supplies and training.
The Viceroyalty of Cormyral: A powerful viceroyalty and home to the Nalloth species, the Viceroyalty of Cormyral has thus far remained officially neutral in the conflict while providing material, logistical, and intelligence support to the Coalition for Imperial Constitutionalism. Home to a large industrial base, not to mention one of the largest shipyards in the Empire, the Viceroyalty of Cormyral has the potential to tip the balance of power in the Constitutionalists’ favor given enough time and should it enter the conflict in full. Unfortunately the native Nalloth species fears the Nerkin Nationalist Front enough that, should they grow in power, the viceroyalty may withdraw its support for the Constitutionalists and attempt to achieve independence for itself.
The Imperial Guard: Another faction that could make a difference in the outcome of the conflict is the Imperial Guard. While comparably small in size, the Imperial Guard is well trained and equipped, even possessing a small fleet of its own that contains a few battleships. The Imperial Guards answer only to the Imperial family, thus are not required to aid Humanity United. Only time will tell if the Imperial Guard will cave in to pressure from Humanity United, aid the Constitutionalists, or continue to watch from the sidelines.
Order of the Magi: Once under the control of the Emperor, this military order of psionic warriors have become a semi-autonomous group of human supremacists. While generally supportive of Humanity United, the Order of the Magi have somewhat distanced themselves from the political party after a large number of human protesters were gunned down. Currently the Order of the Magi focus the bulk of their energy in the north fighting against the Daisan.
The Paladins of the Holy River: A religious military order, the Paladins of the Holy River view it as their duty to spread life to new worlds and to defend “living worlds”. While some of their activities involve terraforming barren worlds, for the most part the paladins have been concentrating on aiding the Federation in their fight against the Daisan.
(Imma do this later cause I'm a lazy fuck)
Starmap Information
Major Holdings
Truica, Floyn Thal System: The heart and sole of the Empire, Truica serves as the Imperial capital. It is host to a number of important institutions include the Imperial Palace, the Imperial Navy Academy, Imperial Intelligence, and the Imperial Center for Scientific Pursuit. On top of all this Truica’s planetary ring station hosts the third largest shipyard in the Empire and the system itself is the center of all trade in the Empire. Within the Empire, it can be said that all roads lead to Truica.
Atrar, Cormyral System: Homeworld of the Nalloth species, Atrar is a major industrial center in the Empire and home to its second largest shipyard. Atrar has long been considered as a lynchpin in the Empire’s defensive position towards the Federation and thus serves as an important logistical point for military operations in the region.
Odrela, Voflain System: Home to the Empire’s third largest shipyard, Odrela is considered to be, in many ways, the Imperial capital in the south. It is an economic and logistical hub in the region and has long served as a major naval base. Odrela itself is home to the Imperial family’s vacation palace, which has historically served as a place to host members of the Imperial family during times of crisis to ensure the continuation of the bloodline. It currently serves as the de facto capital of the rebellion.
Social Information
Nalloth: The nalloth are the natural inhabitants of the Cormyral System. They have six legs, each of end in what can serve equally as both foot and hand. They exhibit characteristics of both mammals and reptiles: they have scaly skin that they regularly shed, but are warmblooded and give live birth. They have four small eyes and a mouth that is literally filled with razor sharp teeth.
Nalloth commonly partake in various drugs for both recreational and ritualistic purposes. Their language consists of a series of shrill whistles, whines, and grunts with small differences in pitch and tone having a small effect on the meaning of a 'word'. While a human is capable of understanding a majority of the native Nalloth language they cannot hope to speak it and Nalloth can, at best, imitate some of the same words as humans use. Commonly nalloth make use of a form of sign language to communicate with those who can't speak their language.
Nerkin: An insect-like race, nerkins are carnivores with a voracious appetite. They have six limbs, four of which are traditionally used as arms, although they can run on all six with incredible ease and speed. Surprisingly they are natural linguists, able to speak and comprehend most languages very easily, although their mandibles make a very distinct clicking noise whenever they speak. Nerkin are known for their somewhat violent tendencies, which are caused by their stronger fight-or-flight instincts; nerkin rarely attack creatures the same size as them unless threatened, although it is very easy to make them feel threatened.
Nerkin are commonly viewed as being dull and slow, although this isn’t entirely fair, the sentiment is not without merit. They struggle with rapid change and are slow to make decisions. Despite this they are remarkable craftsmen, able to finish just about any large construction project far quicker than most other sentients.
There are three generally accepted classes in Astranan society: the royal family, the nobility, and the commoners. As the name indicates, the royal family is the ruling class in the empire. The nobility is made up of viceroys, military officers, and those given a permanent title by the monarch. While technically anyone can become a noble, more often than not positions held by the nobility remain in nobility. The commoners are a bit different from the other classes as they are easily subdivided into other classes that include indentured servants, business entrepreneurs, and high level politicians.
Constitutionally xenos are to be treated the same as humans, and in most places in the empire this is true. However with the rise of Humanity United prejudices against xenos has risen in the imperial capital and northern territories.
The government is ruled by the reigning monarch, whose powers are limited by a constitution. A parliamentary body, elected by individual planetary populations, helps with the administration of the government while ensuring that the needs of the citizens are met without infringing upon their constitutional rights. The reigning monarch assigns viceroys to govern over star systems and individual planets; these viceroys in turn have a counterpart parliamentary body that deals with the system or planet’s laws and taxation. These viceroy assignments are held until the viceroy either dies, retires, or is recalled by the monarch.
That is, of course, according to the constitution. In reality a fascist pro-humanity political party known as Humanity United has control over the Imperial parliament and has used its immense influence to essential usurp power from the Emperor, while keeping him on the throne as a figurehead. Parliamentary elections at every level has been suspended until the “xeno menace” has been handled, leading to a civil war.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
The technology of the Empire is much what one would expect from a major power in the region. They possess fairly advanced energy weapon in the form of particle beams which can even be used in strike craft and armored vehicles. Shielding for spacecraft is commonplace and even some infantry possess personal shields.
Major Techs
Cyberware: A broad term, cyberware refers to essentially any machine or hardware that is implanted into an animal. Cyberware can be divided into two categories: interfaces and prosthetics. Interfaces are implants that are used to interact with other machines, usually wirelessly, or store information. Specialized interfaces are used by the military to allow soldiers to link with their hardware to achieve better control or gather more information quicker. Interfaces are also used to accelerate the learning process. Prosthetics are hardware used to replace limbs or re-enable their use should they or the nervous system be damaged. A darker side to this technology involves replacing limbs with prosthetics to increase a soldier’s physical capabilities or use interfaces as a means of surveillance and control.
Defensive Smoke: By placing a charge on the particles created by a zero point generator and then dispersing those particles in an area a magnetic field can be generated. These particles essentially form a “cloud” of plasma that can vaporize projectiles and cause intense diffusion and blooming in energy weapons that go through it. It is important to note, however, that defensive smoke isn’t as effective of a defense as shields generally are and that multiple attacks will cause it to disperse. It is also important to note that a sufficiently powerful attack can punch through defensive smoke, although it will lose some of its strength in doing so. A ship technically has an unlimited amount of defensive smoke to employ, however using defensive smoke means there are less particles available for other applications such as propulsion or weapons. There have been instances of defensive smoke being used offensively as well in a sort of “shotgun” attack against strike craft or larger ships that got too close, although this is comparable rare.
FTL Catapult: Essentially the way a FTL catapult works is that it “hurls” a smaller craft into hyperspace. The craft requires only the most basic of functions, as all it has to do is “drop” out of hyperspace at the correct time to reach its destination. FTL catapults are typically viewed as highly efficient systems, as the craft expends none of its own energy to enter hyperspace and very little to exit. Most commonly FTL catapults take the form of massive space stations that are used to launch civilian and even military craft into hyperspace; however, carriers and even smaller specialized ships are equipped with FTL catapults and can launch smaller craft than themselves. Fighters are commonly deployed by FTL catapults and research has even allowed specialized “FTL torpedoes” to be developed.
Imperial Swords: Soldiers in the Imperial military have access to a variety of melee weapons called swords. While named after an archaic weapon, these swords have been updated for use in the modern battlefield and range from having plasma based blades to monomolecular blades.
Particle Beam Weaponry: These weapons function by taking the particles produced by a zero point generator, giving it a charge, and then accelerating these particles with a circular accelerator to produce a beam. These weapons are useful as they have more impact damage than lasers and possess greater penetration. On the flip side they have far less range, about one light second for the largest and most advanced models. Advancements in the miniaturization of the circular accelerator have resulted in even fighter craft being equipped with these weapons, although they are much weaker and have far less range than the models found on larger ships. Particle beam weaponry effectively have unlimited ammunition due to how the zero point generator functions, but this means that there are fewer particles available for other applications. Continual use can also overheat the weapon, decreasing its effectiveness.
Personal Energy Shield: Some of the more expensive suits of infantry armor used by the Empire, usually those used by elite forces, are equipped with energy shields capable of protecting the user from a variety of attacks. While effectively useless against large calibre/power attacks, these do provide some additional protection from small arms fire and shrapnel.
Q-thruster: Short for quantum vacuum plasma thruster, Q-thrusters are a type of drive used to propel almost all of the ships used by the Empire. Q-thrusters make use of the virtual particles produced by a zero point generator by charging the particles, effectively turning the particles into plasma. The particles are then exposed to a crossed electric and magnetic field which induces a force on the particles. As the particles are expelled in one direction an equal force is applied on the rest of the ship, thus propelling it in the opposite direction. Because of the way they function Q-thrusters do not require fuel, thus saving space in the ship and eliminating the risks inherent with many conventional fuels.
Squire AI: Squire AI are specialized AI designed to push human capabilities beyond their natural limit. Usually these AI are integrated into a piece of equipment such as a strike craft, warship, or armor and interact with its user via their implant. Squire’s are set up in a way that they are intended to make it as if the equipment they are installed in is a part of the user’s body; but it does more than that. The AI helps process large amounts of data for its user and supplements its user in a way that greatly increases their decision making abilities and reflexes. Some high ranking officials even have these AI permanently installed in their cyberware, although this is somewhat rare. Commonly Squire AI are simply referred to as ‘Squire’, however some users decide to give them a real name.The use of limited purview and sophisticated moral and reinforcement coding ensures that Squires do not become a threat to those who made and use them.
Zero Point Generator: Using the dynamic Casimir effect, two reflective flat plates are placed a few nanometers apart. These plates are then manipulated in such a way that they osculate, producing particles and energy in the process. The zero point generator first saw use in space craft, which they were used to power and propel without fuel. Later developments allowed for the construction of massive zero point power plants that provide power for entire cities. While the virtual particles produced by a zero point generator are inherently useless, due to ceasing to exist after a short amount of time, by charging these particles they can be made usable for a wide variety of applications. It wouldn't be an understatement to declare the zero point generator as the foundation of modern Imperial technology.
Fueled by an unimaginably large stockpile of resources locked in asteroids and a truly massive workforce, the Empire is an industrial machine always churning out massive amounts of goods. Ship building is a particular emphasis of Imperial industrial might, with the output of entire planets dedicated to the construction of ships, both civilian and military. While, by Imperial decree, all inhabited planets are required to be able to produce their own basic necessities, massive shipments of raw resources and finished products are still continually moved from planet to planet to ensure the production of less basic goods can be produced efficiently.
Military Information
Military Overview
The Imperial military is a well trained and equipped force that prefers firepower and mobility over defense. As a rule of thumb both the ground forces and navy prefer close-in engagements.
Space Forces
Command of the Stars Doctrine: The Imperial navy’s doctrine revolves around maintaining complete dominance wherever it operates. This is achieved by either finding and crushing hostile forces in traditional battle or attacking and destroying their logistical base. Towards these ends Imperial ships are made to be both fast and powerful.
Tribal-class Corvette Length: 159 meters Role: Planetary patrol craft, Ground support craft Description: The Tribal-class corvette is a low endurance ship designed primarily to patrol the area around inhabited worlds and star bases. Although small and comparable weak, the Tribal-class’s primary armaments are very accurate. Mix this with the craft’s ability to enter a planetary atmosphere and the Tribal-class is more than capable of supporting troops on the ground. Later modifications allowed the Tribal-class to be refueled and armed by larger ships, allowing it to operate as part of battlegroups and to partake in planetary invasions. Although small in size, the Tribal-class has been used as a troop transport and can ferry supplies to ground forces. Tribal-class corvettes are also designed to carry a single fighter craft, on the outside of its hull, to aid it in its duties, although the corvette lacks the ability to rearm and properly service these fighters.
Leopard-class Frigate Length: 213 meters Role: Anti-fighter/torpedo screen, Scout ship Description: Originally designed to replace the Tribal-class as a patrol ship, the Leopard-class frigate’s design was quickly altered after the outbreak of conflict with the mysterious Daisan Order. It possesses far greater endurance than the Tribal-class, allowing it to easily support battlegroups. Oversized engines makes it one of the fastest combat ships around, although this has resulted in them being fairly exposed and prone to damage. Despite this potential weakness, Leopard-class frigates have shown themselves to be excellent scout craft. While generally lacking in offensive weaponry, its surplus of close-in-weapons systems allows it to fairly easily swat fighters and torpedoes out of the sky. Like the Tribal-class, Leopard-class frigates are designed to carry two fighters on the outside of its hull, although like the Tribal-class it is unable to rearm its fighters.
Huntress-class Destroyer Length: 248 meters Role: Torpedo ship, convoy raider, capital ship hunter Description: The Huntress-class destroyer was designed to be a true ship killer. It packs heavier weaponry and greater mobility than ships of similar size, although its defenses are generally weaker, especially its armor. This ship is not to be underestimated; although its torpedoes can, and often are, destroyed before reaching their target, they have been known to instantly destroy battlecruisers. Some of the more recent variations of the Huntress-class also come with FTL catapults for launching their torpedoes into FTL. Besides their torpedoes, Huntress-class destroyers have four particle beam cannons that can be used to great effect against frigates, cruisers, and even capital ships. Unfortunately these ships are comparably fragile, with few point defenses and comparably weak armor, although their shields are fairly decent. Like Leopard-class frigates, the Huntress-class is designed to carry two fighters on the outside of its hull, although like the Leopard-class it is unable to rearm its fighters.
Tiger-class Light Cruiser Length: 312 meters Role: Gunboat, Flotilla flagship Description: Tiger-class light cruisers are designed to destroy any frigates or destroyers that come too close to the fleet. These warships are armed with an array of particle beam cannons that can seriously damage smaller ships in a single volley. As for most Imperial ships, the Tiger-class is quite fast for its size and can keep up with the Huntress-class destroyer fairly well, resulting in it commonly being the flagship for destroyer flotillas. These ships carry a complement of four fighters and, unlike smaller ships, can rearm their missiles, although their hangers have room for only a single fighter at a time. Unfortunately the Tiger-class is quite a fragile ship. Its point defense are lackluster at best and it's armor is no thicker than that of the Huntress-class.
Warden-class Shielded Cruiser Length: 320 meters Role: Capital ship escort, Anti-fighter/torpedo Description: Rushed into service after the outbreak of hostilities with the mysterious Daisan, the Warden-class shielded cruiser was designed to fix some of the shortcomings of the Empire’s capitals: namely their comparably weak defenses and inability to handle swarms of Daisan fighters. These cruisers are bristling with close in weapons systems and point defenses and have proven themselves even better at swatting fighters and torpedoes out of the sky than the Leopard-class frigate. On top of this the Warden-class possesses capital ship class shield generators which can over an area roughly three times its size around it. These ships are intended to act as physical shields for the fleet’s capital ships and they are well suited for this task. Despite these strengths, the Warden-class has been criticized for its lack of large calibre armaments, fighter carrying capability, and general difficulty to produce. On top of this the only shipyards that produce these cruisers are those of the Cormyrean Viceroyalty.
Hawkins-class Heavy Cruiser Length: 380 meters Description: The Hawkins-class was designed to fit the roles of convoy protection and ground forces fire support, all while still retaining the ability to act as a capital ship in combat; this all required a solid combination of good cruising range and speed as well as independent fighting capabilities.The Hawkins-class is notable for being a generally well rounded ship and a go to for just about any task. Eight torpedo launchers, mixed with its variety of railguns and particle beam cannons ensured that the Hawkins-class was a threat to any ship it came across. It was also designed with two small hangar bays with a combined capacity of eight fighter craft. Unfortunately the Hawkins-class did have its fair share of issues. The largest issue of which was its needless complicated particle beam turrets which were originally designed with the requirement to be able to provide anti-aircraft/torpedo fire, despite the end result having the inability to train and elevate quickly enough to track such targets. However this does not mean the the Hawkins-class is unable to engage torpedoes and fighters: it has a fairly sizeable battery of point defenses at its disposal. The Hawkins-class has proven especially valuable in battle against the Daisan, as it has proven to be just small enough to slip through their shield systems while possessing enough firepower to cause serious damage once inside.
Revenge-class Assault Cruiser Length: 400 meters Role: Heavy gunship, boarding ship Description: Originally a modified class of civilian ships used by the rebellion, the Revenge-class assault cruiser was so successful during the civil war that the Imperial rebels defined the design and tasked the majority of their shipbuilding capabilities to producing them. Heavily armed and armored, these ships were intended to get close to enemy ships and either blast them into oblivion with their particle beam cannons or conduct a boarding action in order to capture the enemy ship. These ships could carry up to a battalion of soldiers, as well as possessed hanger capacity for several transports, and two fighter squadrons.
Illustrious-class Escort Carrier Length: 452 meters Role: Carrier Description: A comparatively small class of carrier, Illustrious-class escort carriers were initially intended to escort convoys or act as the flagships of patrol squadrons. This all changed when the Daisan appeared. Suddenly there was a massive demand by battle groups for these carriers and the fighters they came with. The Illustrious-class was up armed to deal with the Daisan threat, sporting six torpedo launchers and an absolutely obscene amount of point defenses. While it is able to launch its fighters conventionally, it also has a single FTL catapult for deploying its fighters further out for scouting purposes. Due to its cheap cost and ease to produce, Illustrious-class escort carriers have been built in massive numbers to help combat the Daisan threat and later fight in the Imperial civil war. It has a total carrying capacity of 112 fighters. It can also act as a sort of assault carrier, aiding in the transportation and deployment of ground forces for planetary invasions, in which case it would only carry half or even a quarter of its capacity in fighters.
Courageous-class Battlecruiser Length: 468 meters Description: Designed to serve as “enhanced” heavy cruisers, the Courageous-class battlecruiser was originally outfitted with comparably weak armaments for a ship of its size. After the outbreak of hostilities with the Daisan it was refitted with some of the largest armaments ever used by the Imperial navy excluding spinal mounted weapons. More recent retrofits further enhanced the Courageous-class’s power source. These ships were fast, even for a battlecruiser, but possessed only a few heavy armaments in the form of particle beam cannons. A small hangar allows the Courageous-class to carry and service four fighters.
Invincible-class Battleship Length: 602 meters Description: The Invincible-class battleship is something of an oddity in the Imperial navy as it tries to more evenly balance speed, armaments, and armor, even putting a slight emphasis on defensive capabilities. The Invincible-class’s spinal particle beam cannon has become somewhat iconic of its class and has proven to be invaluable in the few naval engagements that these battleships have participated in. Numerous other particle beam cannons and close-in-weapons systems makes this a very powerful warship. It was once said that the Invincible-class was the “most successful class of capital ship ever designed.” At first glance this may seem to be an accurate statement as no Invincible-class has been destroyed in battle; however all ships of this class that has participated in battle have been significantly damaged, especially in battles against the Daisan. There has also been complaints about the Invincible-class’s slow speed, in comparison to other Imperial warships, as well as its complete lack of fighter carrying capacity.
Audacious-class Carrier Length: 732 meters Role: Fleet Carrier Description: In what some may say was a sign of desperation and others a stroke of genius, Imperial rebels repurposed several large cargo ships into fleet carriers. These ships are fragile, relying almost exclusively on shields and point defenses for protection, but carry an astounding amount of fighters. These ships can carry up to 300 fighters, although they can struggle to launch all of them quickly, and possess all the facilities needed to maintain those fighters.
Albion-class Interdictor Length: 800 meters Role: Mobile FTL Inhibitor Description: A wise Imperial Admiral once asked the questions “What will stop my opponent from simply flying past me and once I’ve caught him, how do I prevent him from scurrying away into Hyperspace?” The Albion-class was the Empire’s answers to those questions. The Albion-class is a large ship, but while sporting fairly substantial armor, lacks in offensive armaments. All of its power capabilities expended giving it a large field through which it can detect and identify ships in FTL and deploy an FTL inhib field. The inhib field itself is not intended to pull ships out of FTL, although if an Albion-class is positioned correctly it can do that. Instead the field is intended to prevent enemies from fleeing and protect the fleet from incoming FTL weapons. Instead the Albion-class is equipped with specialized missiles that, upon explosion, release a very brief FTL inhib field that will pull any ship in either Hyperspace or slipspace back into plain space. The Albion-class is equipped with a specialized missile launch tube for launching these missiles as well as six torpedo launch tubes all of which are equipped with an FTL catapult.
Ground Forces
Manuever-Firepower Doctrine: The combat doctrine of the Imperial ground forces revolves around incapacitating the enemy’s decision making ability through shock and disruption. This doctrine revolves around punching through enemy lines, or outmaneuvering the enemy, in order to strike their command structures and logistical bases.
Black Shirts Originally a paramilitary group, the black shirts aided Humanity United in its rise to power and is loyal only to the party. The black shirts are comparatively poorly trained and equipped, but make for it in having high morale. They are usually employed only in cities and act as police, military police, and, at times, basic infantry.
Imperial Infantry The bread and butter of the IGF, Imperial infantry are well trained and decently well equipped soldiers. They are notable for being great marksmen. These soldiers are equipped with railguns, usually a semi-auto variant, and a monomolecular blade. Imperial Infantry are organized into sections of eight soldiers, which can be further divided into fire teams of four. Each fire team has one soldier equipped with a heavy weapon that can be anything from an LMG to an anti-armor rocket launcher.
Imperial Knights These heavily armored soldiers serve as elite shock troops, focusing on breaking through enemy lines and destroying vital targets. Imperial knights are equipped with powered armor that are further enhanced by a personal energy shield and squire AI. These soldiers are stereotyped as using beam swords, but also make use of grenades, rockets, high rate of fire railguns, and just about anything else that will help them complete their missions.
Praetorian Guard: Originally established as an organization tasked with protecting the Imperial parliament, the Praetorian guard’s role has expanded to protecting all high level government officials and the Imperial capital of Truica. They excel on the defense, but aren’t equipped or trained for offensive operations. While it is common for them to work alongside the Imperial Guard, the Praetorian Guard are neither part of the Imperial Guard nor required to follow the Imperial Guard’s orders.
Order of the Seraphim Knights Known commonly as seraphim knights or simply the seraphim, the Knights of the Seraphim Order are effectively a special forces unit made iconic by their armor capable of sustained independent flight. They are trained to operate in any environment, be that in atmosphere or the void of space, but excel in supporting ground forces. They are commonly equipped with a plasma sword, long range railgun rifle, and array of support equipment depending on what their mission is.
Order of the Magi The Order of the Magi was initially formed by the Emperor to serve as a proof of concept unit for the creation of psionic capable troops and to develop tactics to employ these troops. One hundred years later, after Humanity United seized power, the Order of Magi broke ties with the Imperial throne and declared itself a semi-autonomous order. The order now pursues a generally nationalistic, pro-humanity agenda.
Paladins of the Holy River The Paladins of the Holy River are a religious military order dedicated to the spreading of life and the protection of living worlds. These soldiers are well equipped and trained, and considered some of the most experienced Imperial soldiers at combating the Daisan. Paladins are outfitted with powered armor equipped with a personal shield generator for defense. While armaments change between individual knights, each paladin can be expected to carry some kind of melee weapon, a sidearm, and a railgun into battle.
Imperial Guard Tasked with protecting the Imperial family and Imperial Capital, Imperial guards are well trained and equipped, but typically serve a ceremonial role more than anything. They take orders from the Imperial family alone and are not technically even part of the IGF. Imperial guards are equipped with the highest quality infantry armor outside of powered armor, and even have personal shield generators. They possess large shields capable of emitting a directional shield as well for added protection.
Heavy Knight Standing at four meters tall, Heavy knights act as both infantry and armor. Their heavy armor, equipped with shield generators, grants them the durability of conventional armor, while allowing them to retain much of the flexibility of conventional infantry. Most of the time heavy knights will be equipped with a particle beam cannon, although heavy anti-armor railguns are also common.
Heavy Imperial Guard Imperial Guards outfitted with mechanized armor that stand at six meters tall, Heavy Imperial Guards are a more combat oriented version of the Imperial Guards. Like their infantry comrades, Heavy Imperial Guards are tasked with the protection of the Imperial family and Imperial capital world. Historically they have been tasked by the Emperor to oversee battles and act as elite soldiers on the battlefield, although this has fallen out of practice recently. The mechanized armor of Heavy Imperial Guards are equipped with a shield general, is capable of prolonged independent flight, and there are even some variants made specifically for use in the void of space. Like their lesser armored brothers, the shields these soldiers carry are capable of producing a direction shield for added protection. These soldiers are commonly equipped with a plasma sword and heavy particle beam rifle.
Tetrarch Tankette The Tetrarch tankette is a tiny tank with a single person crew. Strictly speaking it is a tank-walker hybrid vehicle, capable of switching between the two modes during battle. It was designed to support infantry in combat and serve as a reconnaissance vehicle. Towards this end the Tetrarch tankette has good top speeds, acceleration, and agility. Its main cannon is capable of loading a variety of different types of rounds ranging from high explosive and armor piercing to shrapnel and EMP; it is important to note that even with armor piercing rounds the Tetrarch tankette struggles to pierce the armor of any vehicle larger than a light tank. On top of this the Tetrarch tankette’s armor is very thin, so much so that some of the larger infantry based rifles can pierce it given the right circumstances. The Tetrarch tankette is capable of being dropped into combat both from the air and orbit. Because of its drawbacks the Tetrarch tankette sees a lot of use in an auxiliary and logistics capacity instead of actual combat. Even so these vehicles excel in rough terrain and urban environments and should not be underestimated as they are a potent tool when used correctly.
Scorpion Light Hover Tank The Scorpion light hover tank is small sized, thinly armored hover tank intended to serve as an armored reconnaissance vehicle, artillery observer, and skirmisher. Its main cannon is almost identical to the Tetrarch tankette’s and is capable of loading a variety of different types of rounds ranging from high explosive and armor piercing to shrapnel and EMP. Although the Scorpion possess superior armor to the Tetrarch, the Scorpion is also a much larger target. In addition to its main cannon the Scorpion has one anti-air missile and two anti-armor missiles.
Striker Anti-Air Artillery The Striker is an old, almost ancient design, even so it has more than proven to be a highly reliable piece of equipment. Originally outfitted with ballistic flak guns, most modern Strikers have either railguns or particle beam cannons. The Striker excels at destroy hostile aircraft. More importantly some of the particle beam variants, when equipped to an outside power source and extra cooling systems, have been able to hit objects in low orbit, including both satellites and starships. In addition to destroying aircraft, the Striker is quite good at engaging infantry and can even fight head to head with light armor.
Chariot APC The Chariot APC is a hover transport designed to carry two full squads into combat. These combat transports possess decent armor and speed. Their only armament is a heavy machine gun, meaning they can not engage other armor. Chariots also serve as logistics vehicles, carrying ammo or serving as a combat medical vehicle.
Crusader IFV The Crusader IFV was designed to replace the Chariot as the Empire’s primary ground combat transport. While this certainly hasn’t occurred, due to a variety of issues, the Crusader is still a widely used vehicle in the army. The Crusader has two different variants: the Crusader IFV and the Crusader Tank Destroyer (picture above). The IFV variant is equipped with a railgun and can carry a squad of soldiers into combat. The tank destroyer variant sacrifices its ability to carry troops in exchange for a heavy particle beam cannon capable of destroying even the most heavily of armored vehicles. While reliable, the Crusader doesn’t handle rough terrain as well as the Chariot and, due to having wheels, is prone to be knocked out when moving out rough terrain.
Warrior Hover Tank The Warrior tank serves as the Empire’s main battle tank. It is noted as possessing phenomenal mobility and firepower, but at the cost of armor. Typically, the Warrior is outfitted with a railgun for its main armament, however particle beam cannons are not uncommon. Because of its comparably light armor, the Warrior suffers in engagements where it is close to its foes. There have been known instances of light tanks or IFVs disabling or destroying a Warrior at close range. Despite this the Warrior excels at long range battles, where its superior cannon often times outranges those of contemporary main battle tanks and its comparably superior mobility allows it to better dodge incoming fire. Even with these comparative advantages the Warrior struggles against contemporary main battle tanks, especially in defensive engagements.
Conqueror Heavy Tank The Conqueror is an old but reliable tank. The use of treads allows the Conqueror to keep a low profile, especially for a vehicle of its class, increasing survivability. These tanks possess one of the largest particle beam cannons in use by a ground vehicle and are more than capable of fighting one on one with any other tank currently in use; in fact battlefield experience has shown that in many situations fighting the Conqueror head on is suicide. Despite these strengths, or perhaps because of them, the Conqueror is extremely slow and vulnerable in the rear, making it easy for lighter tanks to swarm it. A high cost to produce also ensures that Conquerer numbers will also remain low.
Titan-class Planetary Assault Ship The Titan-class planetary assault ship is a specialized warship designed to operate in any environment. Titan-class ships are roughly the size of the average corvette and can operate in space; however, they are designed primarily to function within a planet’s atmosphere. Their primary purpose is to transport troops and equipment to planetary battlegrounds and support those troops in battle. Titan-class ships possess a single heavy particle beam cannon, missile launchers, railguns, and a variety of point defense systems. In many ways Titans act simply as a premade bases or airfields, however they can also serve as a large scale transport or supply depot.
Aerospace Forces
There is no official aerospace branch of the Imperial military, instead the strike craft that would make up such a branch operate under the control of the Imperial Navy and Imperial Ground Forces.
TSF-6 Tempest Role: Aerospace Interceptor Description: Originally designed to counter the Federation’s Phoenix fighter, the TSF-6 Tempest is a small fighter notable for its high agility and ability to perform well in both atmosphere and void. While decent in a dogfight, the Tempest distinctly lacked durability and firepower, thus wasn’t useful against full ships or even larger strike craft. Its original design called for it to help screen the fleet or ground forces from strike craft assault, which it did a decent job at. It possessed a single anti-fighter particle beam cannon and a single hardpoint that could be used to store either fuel or an anti-fighter missile. After the arrival of the Daisan it was quickly replaced and regulated to a role as an interceptor.
TSF-7 Hurricane Role: Navy Multirole Fighter Description: Designed to replace the Tempest, the Hurricane is more durable and possesses more firepower while retaining much of the Tempest’s agility. It is outfitted with two anti-fighter particle beam cannons and three hardpoints. Two of the hardpoints can carry anti-fighter missiles or small bombs, while the center one is designed to carry an anti-ship torpedo or bomb.The Hurricane is capable of entering and exiting a planet’s atmosphere and providing close air support to troops on the ground.
TSF-8 Sabre Role: Aerospace Multirole Fighter Description: Designed alongside the TSF-7 Hurricane, the Sabre was designed to ensure that the Empire maintained air and space supremacy around a planet. Its agility, speed, and reliability have made it a mainstay of the IGF and widely sought after by the Imperial planetary defense forces that have to deal with the threat of the Daisan. While intended primarily to operate within a planet’s atmosphere, the Sabre does have the capability to exit the atmosphere and operate in the void of space, although it lacks the endurance to go very far. Its armaments include two railguns and six missile hardpoints.
TSF-9 Swordbreaker Role: Aerospace supremacy fighter Description: Designed from the ground up to utilize Squire AIs to their fullest extent, the TSF-9 Swordbreaker is considered a far superior fighter to the Hurricane and Sabre. First and foremost the Swordbreaker has far superior processing power than the Hurricane or Sabre, allowing for a much more powerful Squire. This greatly enhanced Squire grants its pilot even greater reflexes and battlespace awareness. The Swordbreaker also comes with modular internal bays that allow for easy upgrading and the installation of processing and Ewar modules to name a few. While not a durable fighter, it does come with a fairly weak shield generator. However it relies on its phenomenal agility which is so great that a limiter had to be placed on it so the fighter didn’t snap itself in half while operating in an atmosphere. The Swordbreaker has two forward facing particle beam cannons and two weaker rear facing particle beam cannons, all of which are gimbaled. It also has an interior bay that can hold four missiles. Each wing has two hardpoints that can carry a number of objects including anti-air missiles, bombs, fuel tanks, and particle beam cannons, and even extra zero point generators. A single reinforced hardpoint on the underside of the fuselage can carry a torpedo, heavy anti-ship particle beam cannon or two missiles. All of this comes at an incredibly high price, making the Swordbreaker a fighter reserved for the most elite of pilots. Interestingly the vast majority of those produced find themselves in the hands of Imperial rebels.
TRF-2A/V Stiletto Role: Reconnaissance Fighter Description: The Stiletto is a specialized reconnaissance craft is packed with sophisticated sensors and can carry specialized reconnaissance missiles and sensor suites on its hardpoints. Not intended to partake in actual combat, it is lightly armed and armored. It has two variants: one of use in the void of space and one for planetary environments. The void variant is noted for being very fast, whereas the planetary variant is highly agile, but comparatively slow. Both variants have four hardpoints that are intended for recon missiles, but can be loaded with anti-fighter missiles or even unguided bombs if necessary. The void variant possesses a single anti-fighter particle beam cannon while the planetary variant has two anti-fighter railgun cannons.
TSA-3 Strike Sabre Role: Close air support, Forward air controller, Bomber Description: Designed exclusively for use within an atmosphere, the Strike Sabre fighter is a close air support craft capable of attacking armored vehicles and tanks, and providing quick-action support against enemy ground forces. It can also direct other aircraft to provide air support to ground forces with a degree of accuracy they would be incapable of achieving on their own. The strike sabre is a very durable aircraft, capable of shrugging off blows that would down most other fighters. Its equipped with two railgun cannons and eight missile hardpoints.
TSA-4 Tornado Role: Torpedo bomber, Strike Fighter, Close air support Description: The naval cousin of the Strike Sabre, the TSA-4 Tornado was designed first and foremost as a torpedo bomber. Its primary purpose is to close with the enemy fleet, launch its torpedoes, and then return to the fleet. Towards this end the Tornado was made with speed, above all else, in mind. Its four large engines ensures that it's one of the fastest craft in a fight. The Tornado is also capable of entering and exiting a planet’s atmosphere and, it's been noted to the surprise of many, its agility in an atmosphere approaches that of a dedicated fighter when it's hardpoints are empty. This has resulted in the Tornado being used in CAS missions when Strike Sabres are unavailable. The Tornado also has some ability to act as a fighter, although this is mostly in atmosphere and more of an act of last resort than anything else. The Tornado is armed with two particle beam cannons and four hardpoints, each capable of holding either a torpedo or two missiles/bombs.
TST-3 Kukri Role: Gunship/Transport Description: The TST-3 Kukri is the workhorse of the Imperial military. It's the Empire’s main gunship and transport for all environments.There are two main variants of the Kurki, the gunship and transport. Both variants quite durable, although the gunship variant is certainly more so. The transport variant can carry up to three squads of soldiers into battle.
A political amalgamation with grand pretenses of freedom and democracy, the Commonwealth is in truth a sprawling monarchical imperium dominated by a species of feline humanoids called the Vit'azny. The Commonwealth owes its existence to the fact that 500 years ago the then Vit'azny Empire realized assimilation was vastly easier than maintaining overlordship over their rebellious subjects. The resulting organization has since exploded into a major galactic power and an economic juggernaut.
Official Name: The Imperial Systems Commonwealth Common Name: The Commonwealth Government: Constitutional Imperium Dominant Species: Vit’azny Capital (Seat of Government): Corinthene Capital (Seat of the Crown):Praetoria
As the name implies, the Commonwealth is a large aggregation of “independent” nations united under a single “democratic” government in a “free” and “egalitarian” society. While the name may imply such grandeur, the reality of the Commonwealth is a far cry from independent, democratic, or free. In truth, the Commonwealth is a vast monarchical imperium, dominated by a species of long lived feline humanoids called the Vit’azny, and ruled absolutely by Catherine, the Imperial Queen.
The Commonwealth is a younger nation, at least compared to some of the antiquated species clinging to the scraps of their former glory around the galaxy. The Vit’azny are also a young species full of pride and ambition. Other members of the Commonwealth vary in age; some species were pre-FTL when they joined, others were the remnants of once great empires. Regardless of age or stature, they now bend knee to Her Imperial Majesty, Catherine.
The Vit’azny have been a spacefaring civilization for a little less than 700 years. They set out from their homeworld of Praetoria and began rapidly expanding to accommodate their swelling population. Historically, they have never shied away from warfare, though they are pragmatic above all else and understand the usefulness of diplomacy. First contact with another alien race, the snake-like Yanissans, quickly devolved into war. Seeing how one sided the conflict would be the Yanissans promptly surrendered were annexed as subjects.This happened again with another race, the brutish Szitzu. Neither species were happy as subjects, and rebellions rapidly become a problem for the Vit’azny overlords. 499 years ago (1396 I.C.), they developed a solution: the Imperial Systems Commonwealth. The governments of the Szitzu and Yanissans were restored, and they agreed to the formation of the Parliament of the Sovereign Reich and the other institutions of the Commonwealth.
Today, the Commonwealth exists as a major economic and military powerhouse in the galaxy, always looking to expand its borders.
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
Major Holdings
Corinthene: The Commonwealth’s capital, seat of the Parliament of the Sovereign Reich, ancestral homeworld of the Rhodesians. Modern day Corinthene is a planet of gleaming cities full of towering glass skyscrapers. Everything is shiny and new; anything old tends to be torn down to make way for something bigger and better. Corinthene is a bright and orderly place, with extremely low crime rates and very little poverty. It’s a little boring to be perfectly honest.
Praetoria: Seat of the Imperial Crown, so called “Shadow Capital”, homeworld of the Vit’azny. In sharp contrast to Corinthene, Praetoria is full of ancient buildings, most predating the Commonwealth itself, many predating spaceflight, and some are even older than that. Praetoria is rife with political plots and intrigue, lavish parties, and hints of well concealed debauchery. Poverty is virtually non-existent; the poor were long ago...encouraged to make new lives in the colonies. As a result, the most expensive thing on Praetoria is manual labour; the fantastically wealthy employ actual butlers and maids as a display of affluence, while the moderately prosperous make do with robotic servants.
Sthis Tor: Yanissan homeworld, a place of intrigue, hedonism, and debauchery. Average temperature and humidity are just on the high side of comfortable for most people. The local flora and fauna have a tendency to be brightly coloured and very poisonous. The local citizens have the same tendencies, and they tend to be far more deadly. If you’re looking to have a good time, Sthis Tor is the place to go; if you’re looking to get murdered, Sthis Tor is also the place to go. The difference between the two can be a few steps into the wrong part of town. Over it all, the scheming Lord Captain Commanders vie for personal power and the favour of Salmissra, the Arch-Duchess of the Yanissan Principalities. On a side note, Sthis Tor leads the Commonwealth in high fashion.
Ursuli: Szitzu homeworld, a major military stronghold and training centre. Admiralty House may be on Corinthene, the Imperial War College may be on Praetoria, but as home to United Forces Command, Ursuli is the beating heart of the Commmonwealth military. A successful attack on Ursuli would decapitate the Commonwealth’s military hierarchy, but such an attack would be virtually impossible, as Ursuli is a more or less impenetrable fortress.
The Commonwealth is a sprawling domain covering dozens of solar systems. The per species population breakdown is as follows.
Vit'azny: The reigning elite of the Commonwealth and one of its founding members. The Vit'azny are long lived bipedal felines with prehensile tails, with a number of subspecies. Males tend to be larger than females, and the average lifespan can reach up to 300 years. The Vit’azny dominate the upper echelons of the Commonwealth’s government, military, and corporations. Indeed, their monarch is the Commonwealth’s head of state: a figurehead on paper, but something quite different in practice. As a whole, the Vit’azny are a proud people, but are pragmatic more than anything.
Szitzu: A race of large, sentient bearlike creatures that form the backbone of the Commonwealth’s military might. As a whole, Szitzu society is heavily patriarchal and heavily based on tradition and an intricate clan system. While this society has produced excellent warriors for generations, it has a tendency to relegate thinkers to the sidelines. The Szitzu were originally conquered by the Vit’azny empire almost a 700 years ago, after a long and bloody conflict which only ended when Vit’azny technology overcame Szitzu ferocity. Under the Empire, the Szitzu were rebellious and problematic, but as one of the original founding members of the Commonwealth, they have become it’s most loyal supporters.
Yanissans: Originally a small star nation of 3 systems, the reptillian humanoids known as the Yanissans were quick to surrender when the Vit’azny war machine came knocking. However, they proved to be more dangerous as subjects than they did as enemies. While Szitzu resentment against the old empire usually took the shape of riots and bar fights, a plot by Yanissan rebels managed to kill the entire Vit’azny Royal Advisory Council. The King was spared only by coincidence; his personal limousine suffered a breakdown on the way to the meeting. Yanissan society is dominated by plots, intrigue, secrets, and rampant hedonism. They are the third and final founding species of the Commonwealth, which from their point of view, keeps them a healthy distance from any fighting. Of the founding members, only the Yanissans have anything resembling a useful amount of psintegrae, most of which are swept up by Toolbox and trained to use their telepathic and telekinetic abilities to lethal effect.
Rhodesians: The dimunitive Rhodesians were one of the first species conquered by the old Vit’azny Empire. Small, furry hexapods, they are quick thinking, short lived, numerous, and obsessed with efficiency; they are the ones who attend to the business of actually getting things done. They are technically subjects of the Commonwealth, not full members, but this is more of an oversight than an act of malice. Long before the Commonwealth was ever founded, the Rhodesians thoroughly integrated themselves into Vit’azny society, eventually making themselves indispensable. This trend has carried on with the Commonwealth as a whole, to the point where the Commonwealth’s official capital is actually their homeworld, Corinthene, though all the real power is concentrated on Praetoria, the Vit’azny homeworld. The vast majority of bureaucrats are Rhodesians; most military staffers are Rhodesians; personal aides, diplomatic attaches, economic analysts, technicians, administrators: they are the people who keep the Commonwealth running. The general sentiment towards them is one of distant gratitude: they are underlings, but well appreciated underlings.
Valerians: Valerians are descended from an avian lineage, and retain vestigial wings in addition to a more conventional tetrapod limb configuration. The Valerian Republic is the newest member of the Commonwealth, and the conditions for their joining were highly unusual. Unlike most new members, the Valerian worlds were fully integrated as constituents of the Commonwealth, not colonial holdings. There are a number of factors that prompted this decision - notably the abundance of Valerian psintegrae - but it has caused a great deal of tension across older Commonwealth worlds that are still waiting to be granted constituency. It remains to be seen if the advantages the Valerians bring with them will offset the social unrest their integration has caused.
Life in the Commonwealth is actually quite pleasant for Vit’azny and other species alike. The Imperial Government maintains a large number of social programs to foster growth and development. Citizens of member species enjoy access to free universal healthcare, free secondary education, heavily subsidized post-secondary education, a decent amount of personal rights and freedoms, unemployment insurance, fair taxation, a fair minimum wage, democratic representation in government, a degree of self governance and independence, and imperial funding for a number of industries. These benefits are something of a trap; they encourage many species to join the Commonwealth, not realizing they will be neither full members nor citizens immediately upon joining. In war, the Commonwealth maintains a policy of always offering membership to their enemies. Many species over the years have decided to join rather than be exterminated. Even some species who could have won the conflict sought a quicker diplomatic end to war and accepted the offer, a decision most have come to regret.
Citizenship is a very important part of Commonwealth society. Being a citizen grants an individual access to all the Commonwealth’s benefits, as well as all its rights and freedoms. Citizens can also move freely from world to world, vote in elections, and apply to present a petition in the Royal Court. Non-citizens have none of these privileges; for them, life can be very hard. There are two ways to gain citizenship: money, or service. An applicant for citizenship must take three different tests: a generalized aptitude test, a specialized IQ test, and finally a citizenship test. While citizenship itself is free and the tests are not particularly difficult, the fees for taking each of the three tests are enormous. This means only wealthy non-citizens can take this route. Children of citizens gain access to citizen privileges via their parents until the reach the age of majority for their species, at which point they must obtain citizenship for themselves. It is common for parents to pay the fees for their children; many banks in the Commonwealth offer services to help citizens with children save up for the admission process, much like a college fund.
The other way to gain citizenship is through service; either to the Imperial Armed Forces of the Commonwealth, or to the Imperial Directorate. Both routes skip the usual testing procedures entirely; simply serve for the allotted time, and be granted citizenship. The IAFC will take almost anyone, but it is a dangerous life. The Imperial Directorate, in its never-ending quest to find intelligent individuals to help run the Commonwealth, has its own application process, which involves difficult aptitude tests and a number of exams and interviews. However, the Imperial Directorate is not just a quick way to gain citizenship, but also an extremely prestigious career that an individual could happily remain in for life. A third option is sometimes available; the Commonwealth sometimes has colonization drives to settle new colonies or Verge worlds, and offer citizenship to anyone who volunteers after they have lived on the target planet for a set number of years.
Vit’azny culture is strongly embedded with honour and military tradition. While not precisely a militaristic people, the Vit’azny don’t have any particular qualms about getting involved in conflicts, when it is necessary. War, of course, brings honour and glory to those with enough guts to seize them. Anything other than steadfast and heartfelt support of the military during wartime is considered borderline sedition. The culture of the Commonwealth in a larger sense is fairly difficult to pin down. Each member species brings elements of their own culture with them, so where a given species if more concentrated, their culture is more prevalent.
The Commonwealth does have a state religion, which the Vit’azny are quite fervent about. The enthusiasm of the rest of the Commonwealth varies widely. Their faith revolves around a pantheon of 7 gods: chief among them is Llyena, Goddess of Victory and Justice, from whom the Imperial Queen takes her authority. The others are Ichael, God of Life and Death; Arctus, God of Chaos and Destruction; Nezia, Goddess of Thought and Reason; Lexus, God of Order and Industry; Cyris, Goddess of Sight and Time; and Shakras the Lost, God of Secrets, the Unknown, and the Void. While Llyena is chief among the deities, different species in the Commonwealth honour others above her. The sly, snakelike Yanissans, for example, tend to favor Shakras the Lost, while the brutish Szitzu favor Arctus. Different planets, or even individuals of specific occupations will favor some gods over others; doctors might prey for Ichael’s left hand to guide them; the mandates of the Imperial Directorate are stamped with Lexus’s seal; some soldiers might pray to Llyena for victory, while others might pray to Arctus to grant them his battle fury. It is a faith as diverse as the Commonwealth itself.
There are four main bodies to the Commonwealth’s government: The Parliament of the Sovereign Reich, The Diet of Lords, the Imperial Directorate of the Commonwealth, and The Imperial Crown.
The Parliament of the Sovereign Reich is the lower legislative house of the Commonwealth. It is composed of 1021 elected representatives who are affiliated with assorted political parties. The party with the most seats after an election composes Her Imperial Majesty’s Government, and the leader of that party becomes Lord Chancellor. He in turn appoints assorted ministers to compose the cabinet. The parliament functions as most parliaments do: bills are presented, voted on, debated, voted on again, and so forth. The Parliament of the Sovereign Reich is responsible for issues affecting the whole of the Commonwealth, with regional authority being granted to smaller legislative assemblies, or the existing governments of member species. The Imperial Queen is not directly involved in its functioning --she is not permitted to enter the chamber in fact-- though she may appoint heads of committees and task forces. There is an exception, however: Royal Mandates. The Imperial Queen may issue a Royal Mandate at any time, on any subject she deems suitable. A Royal Mandate skips all the debate and voting; in this, the Imperial Queen’s word is law. The idea is to have a mechanism in place for rapid resolutions to be passed in times of crisis. However, Royal Mandates are a touchy subject: a ruler that uses them too freely to abuse their authority over parliament often finds that their Mandates take a very long time to be implemented, often poorly. Additionally, they risk a constitutional crisis, or even open rebellion. On the flipside, Prime Ministers who steadfastly refuse to bow to the ruler’s authority often find themselves in front of committees on charges of Contempt of Parliament.
The Diet of Lords is the higher legislative house of the Commonwealth, composed of just 300 members. It is ostensibly there to serve as a source of 'sober second thought'. Technically, members of the Diet must be members of the Vit'azny peerage, but by long precedent anyone who is scheduled to be appointed to the Diet is granted a peerage if they don't already have. Lords of the Diet are elected by popular vote to serve lifetime terms. However, their actual appointment is contingent on the Queen's approval. Generally, the Queen approves the appointments, but she may reject them for any reason whatsoever. Doing so is politically risky, but sometimes necessary. Political parties technically stop at the doors of the Diet, but the members tend to organize themselves into voting blocks with similar mindsets.
The Imperial Directorate of the Commonwealth is the vast bureaucracy that keeps the trains running on time. From the wealthiest Core world to the most desolate colony, the Imperial Directorate’s deft touch can be seen at work. It consists of a large number of ministries, departments, bureau’s, agencies and crown corporations, all arranged into a maze of regulations and red tape. Entities of the Directorate cover a variety of areas, everything from defense and procurement to citizen health and wellbeing. Some entities only operate in certain areas of the Commonwealth; the Ministry of Environment, for example, has absolutely no use in the colonies, but is enormously important in the Core worlds. Similarly, the Commonwealth Civil Order Agency is unnecessary in the Core, but plays an important role in suppressing the rebellious colonies. There are also a vast number of agencies that do everything from maintain slipspace beacons to collect taxes. The Directorate can also be used as something of a political scapegoat if necessary. Ministers, the Lord Chancellor, even the Imperial Queen have been known to redirect blame into the faceless mass of the Directorate on occasion.
This brings us to the final entity of the Commonwealth’s government: the Imperial Crown. The exact limits of the Crown’s authority are vaguely defined and poorly understood. The Crown is an old, old institution, dating back thousands of years to one of Praetoria’s great empires, long before the Vit’azny began venturing into space. The Imperial Crown began with the establishment of the Breshelin Empire, under Catherine’s distant ancestor, Petyr Dragunov. Originally, the King’s power was absolute, but this power was limited by the first constitution of the Breshelin Empire, which came about after the Wurtenstein Uprising when the first ever parliament was established. Some 900 odd years ago, the Breshelin Empire managed to unite the entire planet of Praetoria under a single government after evidence of intelligent alien life was discovered, and a new parliamentary system was formed and a new constitution was written. The Imperial Crown continued on, but it’s powers were defined under the new constitution as being “similar in nature and spirit to those established under the Wurtenstein Constitution” (due to the Vit’azny legal system being largely based on historical precedent rather than written law). 499 years ago, when the Commonwealth was formed, much of the Crown’s power was again defined as “similar in nature and spirit to those established under the Planetary Constitution.” Considering all this, the problem becomes apparent: the exact limits of the Crown’s power are based on a poorly written 2000 year old document. The accepted conventions are as follows: the Crown will ask the majority leader of Parliament to form the official government, and will agree to dissolve parliament and open elections at the request of the majority leader. The Crown is entitled to appoint appropriate individuals to chair parliamentary committees, in consultation with the Lord Chancellor. The Crown is entitled to use Royal Mandates to address matters of urgency for the benefit of the Commonwealth. As of the Colonization Act of 22 AU, the Crown has jurisdiction over Colonial Territories, while the Ministry of the Interior is responsible for their administration and answers to the Crown in this regard. Even these conventions are not ironclad, though ignoring them risks a Constitutional Crisis. For the Commonwealth to run smoothly, it is essential for the Crown and the Lord Chancellor to have a good working relationship. If they do, they can combine their efforts to make good use of both of their respective authorities.
Full titles omitted for brevity
Catherine, the Imperial Queen: a young vit’azny woman of the Romanov dynasty, head of state, Queen of the Vit’azny and Empress of the Commonwealth
Lord Edwin Wenzel Metternich, Lord Chancellor of the Commonwealth: Head of the Crown Loyalists party, head of government, political leader of the Commonwealth
Sir Cato Telemachus, Minister of the Interior: A Rhodesian who has done well for himself. Has a penchant for nefarious schemes to keep the Commonwealth stable.
Lord Robert Castlereagh, Minister of Foreign Affairs: A vit’azny and peer of the realm, previously one of the Commonwealth’s foremost diplomats.
Lord Otto Stroyezhev Bismarck, Minister of War: A vit’azny and peer of the realm with an illustrious military career.
Admiral Adison Volkov, CO 5th Fleet: Commander of the Commonwealth’s primary offensive fleet.
General Kyarguin, Head of the Foreign Legions: A szitzu general commanding the majority of the Commonwealth’s ground forces.
Lord Captain Commander Martuf: A well connected and somewhat mysterious Yanissan
Office of Naval Intelligence: A notoriously inept branch of the RCN, tasked with intelligence relating to warfare.
Commonwealth Intelligence Service: A civilian intelligence organization reporting to the Minister of the Interior, supposed to concern itself with security threats internal and external. Ends up sharing ONI’s responsibilities and does a much better job of it.
Oresteia: The King is dead, the crowds despair, the heavy crown is ours to bear. A little known organization with vaguely defined responsibilities and sweeping powers.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
The Commonwealth’s general tech level is comparable to that of other major galactic powers. The multi-national nature of the Commonwealth has brought together a myriad of technologies and ideas and combined them in innovative new ways. For example, the primitive brute force firepower of Szitzu mass drivers was combined with Vit’azny gravity expertise to develop a much more deadly weapon, while Yanissan missile systems and Rhodesian miniaturization have given the Commonwealth incredible versatility in their long range firepower.
Major Techs
GDC: The most remarkable Commonwealth technology is without a doubt their engine systems. The Graviton Drive Chain is a massive engine system that takes up a good portion of a ship’s mass. In the main reactor core, a self perpetuating Wronski-Birks reaction creates huge amounts of energy, gravitons, and anti-gravitons. The particles are directed around the ship to form a gravitational envelope around the ship, which simultaneously pulls the ship from the front and pushes at the rear. When reinforced by generators along the surface of the ship, this envelope doubles as a very effective shielding system. Having the ship enclosed in its own gravitational field grants a number advantages, most notably extremely good acceleration, if somewhat poor maneuverability. Most GDCs have slipspace drives built in, though strictly intra-system vessels have no need for FTL.
Hyperspace Gravboats: The Commonwealth has only relatively recently developed successful hyperspace drives, having preferred to use slipspace for centuries. The Royal Commonwealth Navy considered mounting both forms of FTL on their ships, but the projected costs and mass increases were untenable, so the RCN stuck with its more reliable and strategically flexible slipspace. However, the speed of hyperspace was appealing to civilian shipping companies. Again, the cost of retrofitting their fleets seemed prohibitive, so instead they built dedicated hyperspace vessels that were capable of pulling other vessels into hyperpsace with them. The ensuing ships were called gravboats. They were fantastically profitable for the civilian companies who built them, drastically cutting down on shipping times. The military was quick to see the potential, and begun constructing their own gravboats. Gravboats are capable of bringing Commonwealth fleets quickly to theatres of operations, where they can then proceed to specific areas of conflict under their own FTL. Gravboats are valuable strategic assets, but they are not designed for combat, and should instead be left safely in deep space or at secure bases.
MCM: Multiple Configuration Missiles are another mainstay of Commonwealth military power. Commonwealth missiles are highly modulated, with a number of interchangeable components that allows ships to rapidly assemble whatever type of munition is needed. Warhead features range from standoff range ion beams to direct contact anti armor plasma charges. Fuselage features include additional drive sections for high speed missiles, extra fuel for extreme range engagements, and extra EW capability, among others. The drive section can be configured for long range bombardment, short range slipspace transits, or high speed evasive maneuvers. A kinetic warhead, enhanced targeting fuselage, and short range high speed drive combined make an excellent defensive missile, while an ion warhead with a stealth fuselage and a mircro slipspace drive can make a nasty surprise for enemy shields.
Axial Weapons: Though Commonwealth ships are designed to engage with broadsides, their long narrow profiles presented an opportunity that was too good to pass on. As a result, all Commonwealth ships mount high calibre axial weapons that fire from the bow. In older vessels, these weapons take the form of large graviton railguns, while newer vessels tend to have high intensity superlasers. Battleships and Dreadnoughts mount two axial weapons, while smaller ships mount only one. Powerful as they may be, these weapons are not the ship’s primary armament, so they are not as effective or mass intensive as a full sized spinal weapon would be.
Graviton railguns: The primary weapon of the RCN. The principle of magnetic rails accelerating a metallic slug is an old and quite simple one. The only modification the RCN has made is that, instead of magnetism, their railguns use artificial gravity systems to massively increase the size and speed of projectiles, and have multiple munitions types to accommodate different situations, such as good old fashioned ultra-dense slugs, shield-breaker rounds, and flak shells. Graviton railguns are configured in huge numbers of double mounts on the broadsides of Commonwealth ships.
Positron Beam Cannons: The pinnacle of Commonwealth energy weapons tech, positron cannons are devastatingly effective. They are mounted in massive turrets on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of Commonwealth ships and configured to deliver optimum firepower both forwards and to either side.
The Commonwealth is an industrial juggernaut, with massive production capabilities. This industry is driven by an extensive trade network and a skilled workforce, but the real power of the Commonwealth comes from an immensely wealthy tax base and an abundance of cheap manual labour and raw materials. The disparity between the wealthy and the poor is truly astonishing, and a direct result of how the Commonwealth is organized. The worlds of the Commonwealth are classified into one of four categories: Core worlds, Constituent worlds, Colonial worlds, and Verge worlds.
The Core worlds are the original Vit’azny colonies and a small number of worlds of some of the Commonwealth’s oldest members. The vast majority of the Commonwealth’s wealth is concentrated on these worlds. In fact, money is the only real industry of the Core worlds. Almost all food and manufactured goods are imported from the Constituents and the Colonies, with the exception of some ultra-high end luxury goods. Any respectable company maintains its corporate headquarters on one of the Core worlds, with some exceptions. Money is the biggest industry of the Core worlds, with countless financial service providers and stock exchanges dominating the economy. Core worlds tend to be heavily populated; on average, about 70% of a Core world’s landmass is covered by gleaming cities. The majority of the population is inevitably Vit’azny, and poverty is virtually nonexistent on these worlds. While one would expect a society as lopsided as the Commonwealth’s would pass off the burden of taxation to its helpless colonies and let the Core Worlds amass their fortunes, this is not the case.The Commonwealth in fact maintains a sophisticated taxation system with multiple income brackets where the highest bracket pays the most taxes. Through this system, the Core worlds actually provide the majority of the Commonwealth’s tax income. Aspects of the Commonwealth such as the taxation system and the Parliament of the Sovereign Reich have convinced many species to join the Commonwealth over the years. By the time they discover some of the ‘conditions’ attached to membership, it is too late.
The Constituent worlds are the backbone of the Commonwealth. They include newer Vit’azny colonies, a large number of Commonwealth colonies, and the worlds of moderately respected member nations. The Constituent worlds are much less homogeneous than the Core worlds: some are richer, some less so, and even on a given planet there is a wide margin between the wealthy and the poor. A given planet, or even a given city on that planet, will have affluent communities and slums alike. Like the Commonwealth as a whole, the Vit’azny and a number of the older member species form the elite, with a healthy spattering of individuals from all kinds of species who happened to do very well for themselves. Constituent worlds are ruled by either Imperial Legislatures of the Commonwealth (in the case of colonies founded by the Commonwealth as a whole) or by existing governments (in the case of colonies established by individual members). Constituent worlds have full member status in the Commonwealth; the world has high degree of self governance, can apply for subsidies from the Imperial Treasury, and has a number of other advantages. Constituent status is essentially citizenship for a planet, though individuals on the planet still have to adhere to normal citizenship procedures. The Constituent worlds are the primary manufacturing and processing centres of the Commonwealth. While the Core worlds’ only industry is money and the Colonies tend to only provide raw materials and cheap labour, Constituent industry does a bit of everything; large scale mining, agriculture, the production of consumer goods, starship construction, and all the financial and legal services that such industries need. It is all jumbled together in a free market economy that powers the massive industrial capabilities of the Commonwealth.
Colonial worlds (a deliberate misnomer) are tragic monuments to the lies, oppression, and broken promises of the Commonwealth. They are the worlds of new or reluctant member species, and by the strictures of the Colonization act, these worlds are not technically members of the Commonwealth, but are instead subjects. Most Colonial worlds are desperately poor and underdeveloped, even if they were originally quite advanced. Many species join the Commonwealth with the understanding that they will enjoy all its benefits; citizenship, representation in Parliament, a degree of self-government, fair taxation, security, universal healthcare, subsidization, free education etc. Unfortunately, the Colonization act decrees that all newly added worlds are considered colonial holdings, and are under the authority of the Ministry of the Interior and her Imperial Majesty, not the Parliament of the Sovereign Reich. This means they are not eligible for any of the Commonwealth’s social programs, nor do they have any representation in Parliament. They are not ruled by legislative assemblies, but instead by Colonial Governors, who are appointed by the Imperial Queen at the recommendation of the Minister of the Interior. Few people are citizens on Colonial Worlds; only the Vit’azny dominated elite, who take ownership of any industry or natural resources on the planet and employ the locals as ultra-cheap labour. Slavery is technically illegal throughout the Commonwealth, but with no minimum wage or labour rights for non-citizens, colonial labourers can be paid almost nothing. Some landowners elect to provide food, clothing, and shelter for their employees and then pay them nothing at all, reasoning that room and board are taken from their pay, and the rest goes to taxes. Colonial Worlds are subject to the same fair taxation system as the rest of the Commonwealth, but it is not taxes that leave them in poverty. A clause of the Colonization act permits the Commonwealth to seize any assets it deems necessary from Colonial worlds and their inhabitants. Money, goods, resources, land, businesses, even people; all can be seized and repossessed by the crown, or given to a favored citizen. The exploitation and lack of support causes technological regression on many worlds; it is not uncommon to see vehicles with internal combustion engines on Colonial worlds, and even horses in extreme cases. Colonial worlds are often quite rebellious during the early years of their integration, but the Commonwealth is always quick to brutally repress such uprisings. The brutality they employ deters further uprisings, but it is the hope of citizenship, or even becoming a Constituent world, that ultimately keeps the colonies in line. Unlike citizenship, there is no specific criteria for a Colonial world to gain Constituent status and full membership; it is simply granted at the discretion of the governor and the Imperial Queen, again with the advice of the Minister of the Interior. This means a world might easily wait 15 years or 50, or even 500. The Imperial Queen usually tries to grant Constituent status to at least one colony every few years, in order to keep other colonies hopeful and obedient. This process is always accompanied by a grand ceremony where the Imperial Queen herself visits the new Constituent world, relieves the planetary governor, and validates its new government, while the Commonwealth holds a colonization drive to boost the world’s population and showers it with money and resources. A three-day festival is held to celebrate the change in status, and the day of the ceremony becomes a statutory holiday for that world. Some Colonial worlds, however, are so remote, poor, or useless that they will likely never be granted Constituent status. A few of the extreme cases have even been largely forgotten by the Commonwealth and the Crown, and the inhabitants have in turn forgotten the Commonwealth.
Verge worlds are planets on the very edge of Commonwealth space. Their categorization has more to do with their location than their membership status. They are not grossly exploited like colonial worlds, nor are they pampered like Core worlds. They are ruled by military governors, and all have a heavy military presence due to their location on the borders of Commonwealth space. Some few are actually quite wealthy and heavily populated, almost as much as a core world. Most others are significantly less so. They’re populated by a wide array of people: military personnel, hopeless colonials seeking citizenship, prospectors seeking riches, wealthy citizens with a taste for adventure, convicts in forced relocation programs, and so on. Their purpose is to guard the borders of the Commonwealth, anything else is secondary. Verge worlds usually have extremely diverse populations and much more relaxed culture, and social status is not considered as important. The military often provides some of the benefits that the imperial government would elsewhere, so the populace is not as desperate for citizenship as on other worlds. This much freer society makes them places of opportunity. Historically, some of the Commonwealth’s most successful corporations were started on Verge worlds, though some say that’s only propaganda. Regardless, Verge worlds are better places to live than many Colonial worlds, and even the slums on poorer Constituent worlds.
Military Information
Military Overview
The Imperial Armed Forces of the Commonwealth have two primary entities: the Imperial Army, and the Royal Commonwealth Navy
Space Forces
Doctrine: The Wall of Battle The RCN is an old institute that dates back to when ships sailed the seas instead of the stars. The Vit’azny saw no need to create a separate organization when space flight began, and the RCN simply assumed responsibility of military endeavours in space. The RCN remains convinced that the good old fashioned broadside is the best way to win any fight.
As a result, Commonwealth ships tend to be tall and thin, with positron beam turrets on their dorsal and ventral surfaces. The sides of the ships carry the majority of the broadside armament, which consists of multiple missile tubes and medium-calibre railgun batteries. Flak systems and point defence lasers are scattered across the ship. Shields are designed to be highly redundant, with even the smallest ships having multiple shield generators. Additionally, most Commonwealth ships are equipped with axial mounted weapons: older ships use supersized graviton railguns, while many newer designs use massive superlasers. This configuration reflects the RCN’s current tactical doctrine. A given RCN ship is designed to be able to approach an enemy ship, firing with their positron turrets, axial weapons, and missile batteries at a target in front of them. Once the opening salvo has been fired, the ship turns to present its broadside, allowing all its positron turrets and broadside weapons to open fire. For fleet engagements, the RCN’s most common tactic is to have ships form into a wall formation, each ship presenting their broadside to the enemy for devastating effect. The wall formation often ends up being adjusted to a sort of semi-spherical formation, which ships altering their broadside angles slightly to fire on targets approaching from any vector. This formation is often deployed to form a defensive screen for Commonwealth Star Carriers as they unleash their hordes of strike craft from the safety of the centre of the formation.
Tactical slipspace transits are also extremely popular in the RCN, used to reposition the Wall to more favourable locations. Given the complexity of calculating a transit for an entire fleet, a poorly executed transit will be disastrous, though a well planned one can be the key to victory.
Praetoria-class Commonwealth Star Carrier The Praetoria-class Commonwealth Star Carrier is the pinnacle of Commonwealth technology and engineering. Commonwealth Star Carriers serve as flagships and centerpieces to the Commonwealth fleets, and have a number of variations compared to most Commonwealth ships. While the Praetoria class has a massive broadside, countless missiles, and 12 quad-barrelled ultra-heavy positron turrets, it is not designed to operate independently. CSC’s in general are designed without axial weapons, since they are usually too deeply placed in the fleet to make use of such weapons. Instead of axial weapons, the Praetoria-class has extensive hangar facilities, permitting it to launch a massive number of fighter craft onto the the battlefield.
Victory-class Dreadnought A large ship armed to the teeth, with 5 quad barreled ultra heavy positron turrets, and as many missiles and railguns as the designers could possibly mount. Increased automation means a reduced crew complement versus older ships, granting additional space for weapons. A minimal fighter loadout also freed up space for more weapons emplacements. Despite it's size, the Victory is remarkably fast, and represents the new direction of RCN doctrine.
Valiant-class Battleship Slow, heavily armored and shielded, and packing a punch, the Valiant is a rapidly aging but extremely dependable class of ship. The Valiant is designed in accordance with older RCN doctrine and is equipped with 6 quad-barreled super heavy positron beam turrets. Its age means that it is equipped with a massive axial mounted railgun rather than an axial superlaser. Compared to newer designs, the Valiant has fewer broadside railgun batteries and missile racks, but carries a large number of fighter craft into battle and possesses extensive command and control facilities. Combined with their extreme survivability, the Valiant is often the command ship of choice in a fleet.
Magnificent-class Battleship The Magnificent is part of a new line of warships being introduced into the RCN fleets, and its design is reflective of that. While smaller and faster than the Valiant class, it is not as well defended. The Magnificent mounts an axial superlaser, and 3 triple barreled ultra heavy positron beam turrets. It has a denser array of broadside weaponry, including a higher than average number of heavy missile tubes, at the expense of reduced hangar space. The Magnificent is something of a miniature Victory-class dreadnought: all firepower, with only a token force of interceptors for its own protection. In battle, the Magnificent relies on its superior speed to avoid the firepower of heavier weapons.
Reliant-Class Battlecruiser Truly a jack of all trades, the Reliant forms the backbone of RCN operations. The smaller sister-ship to the Valiant class, the Reliant packs 4 quad-barreled heavy positron beam turrets, a respectable broadside, sizeable hangars, and as of its most recent retrofit, an axial superlaser. The Reliant also has excellent C&C capabilities, sophisticated scientific labs, spacious quarters for diplomats and foreign dignitaries, and advanced sensor arrays. Basically, the Reliant is the Commonwealth’s go-to multi-role ship, and is well suited to a wide array of missions as well as being formidable in combat. It’s extensive use and versatility have made it an icon of Commonwealth naval power.
Imperial-class Heavy Cruiser The Imperial class is another new innovation from the RCN., slowly replacing the aging Resolutes in active service. Heavy firepower on a small frame; the Imperial takes this philosophy to the extreme, doing away with fighter craft entirely and maintaining only the minimum hangar facilities necessary for personnel transfer and cargo loading. The Imperial brings 3 triple-barreled heavy positron turrets and a formidable broadside to battle, and can easily dispatch of cruisers on its own or group with other heavy cruisers to attack larger targets.
Resolute-class Heavy Cruiser The oldest class of ship currently in service, the Resolute class is pretty standard as Commonwealth ships go. Essentially a larger, better defended and older Vigilance-class, the Resolute posesses greater broadside firepower and larger hangars. It is equipped with 3 quad-barreled medium positron turrets and an axial railgun.
Vigilance-class Cruiser The Vigilance-class is the workhorse of the Commonwealth fleets. In any given situation, a Vigilance class cruiser will likely be the first ship on the scene. It is heavily armed, well defended, and fast enough to be useful for long range scouting, dangerous patrols, escort duty, and exploration, all while being able to take its place in the wall of battle. The Vigilance carries 3 quad-barreled medium positron turrets and an axial superlaser, though its broadside is less formidable than that of the Resolute. The Vigilance is also the smallest Commonwealth vessel to carry a fighter craft, and only supports a few of them.
Endeavour-class Destroyer A fairly typical class of ship, the Endeavour wields 2 tripe-barreled medium positron turrets and the smallest axial superlaser in the Commonwealth, with a fairly typical broadside. In the line of battle, the Endeavour generally serves as an escort for larger vessels.
Warrior-class Frigate The Warrior class is a little more versatile than the larger Endeavour class, and sees heavy use all across the Commonwealth, performing surveys, patrolling shipping lanes, chasing down pirates and escorting low-importance targets. The Warrior carries 3 quad-barreled light positron turrets, a small axial railgun, and a light broadside loadout, and is used all across the Known Worlds for a variety of purposes. In battle, it joins the Endeavour in supporting larger ships.
Striker-class Corvette Corvettes are a newer concept for the RCN, and the Striker class is only the second vessel to be designed and implemented in that role. The Striker is a brand new design, only just fully integrated into the RCN. The only Commonwealth ship designed to have its firepower aligned towards the bow, the Striker is meant to race around the battlefield wreaking havoc with its 3 double-barreled ultra-light positron cannons, light missile tubes, and axial mounted medium positron cannon. It has no broadside railguns to speak of, and can reach astonishingly high speeds. Strikers operate well in groups, and underestimating these small ships would be a foolish mistake.
Ground Forces
Doctrine: Strength in Diversity The Imperial Army is a far younger institution than the RCN, and has evidently not accrued enough battle honours to earn the 'royal' prefix. Nevertheless, the Imperial Army has spent almost 500 years cracking heads across all kinds of worlds. As the Commonwealth has grown, so too has the IA's technological and strategic diversity. The IA favours a relatively straightforward combined arms approach. Expect any IA theatre of operations to feature infantry, armor, artillery, and air forces working closely together, all backed by orbital support from the RCN.
Mixed regulars The varied population of the Commonwealth mean that their regular infantry is composed of multiple species. Well trained, equipped with power armour and a variety of graviton-acceleration based projectile weapons, the Commonwealth’s infantry can hold their own on any battlefield in the Galaxy.
Szitzu Shock Troopers The natural size and strength of the Szitzu makes them uniquely well suited to ground combat. Combined with power armor, personal shields, and man-portable positron cannons, the Szitzu are a devastating addition to any conflict.
Valerian Skyjacks A new addition to the Commonwealth's armies, Valerian Skyjacks have cybernetically enhanced their otherwise useless wings into functional flight appendages. Their power armor is lighter than other models, sacrificing protection for speed and mobility with built in thrusters. Skyjacks are optimally suited for ambush tactics; flying at high altitude and dropping from the sky directly on top of unsuspecting enemy infantry.
Yanissan Su'urtugal The end result of Yanissan efforts to weaponize psionics, the pinnacle of their genetic splicing programs, the most deadly and unquestioningly loyal soldiers in the Commonwealth: Su'urtugal. The enigmatic organization known as Toolbox tracks down and requisitions all Yanissan psintegrae shortly after birth, then spirits them away to locations unknown to begin a lifetime of training and genetic tampering. The resulting individuals are stronger, faster, smarter, brimming with psionic power, and machinelike in their efficiency. Deployed as spies, elite bodyguards, and elite special operatives in combat, Su'urtugal are constantly in high demand.
IH870 'Piper' Infantry Support Walker A small bipedal walker with minimal armour and moderate shielding, designed to be able to follow infantry more or less anywhere they can go. The Piper is armed with dual gravitic gattling guns and a low yield positron beam emitter. The emitter is meant to sweep fire across enemy personnel, but it can be used in an anti-armor capacity in a pinch.
MT330 'Instigator' Main Battle Tank The workhorse of the Imperial Army, the Instigator is heavily armed, armoured, and shielded. A variant on the Commonwealth's GDC propulsion technology moves the Instigator across the battlefield at impressive speeds. As a hovertank, the Instigator has trouble controlling weapon recoil, so it mounts exclusively energy weapons. Low yield positron beam emitters serve in an anti-personnel role, much like on the Piper, while the Instigator's main gun is a heavier positron cannon, well suited to obliterating hardened targets. A few laser emitters serve as point defence against most self propelled projectile threats.
CA425 'Kestrel' Multi-role gunship Any infantryman's best friend, the Kestrel does a little bit of everything. It can carry a squad of infantry quickly and quietly across the battlefield thanks to its GDC propulsion. Heavy shielding keeps it safe, and an array of missiles, positron weapons, and gravitic railguns give it a lot of hurting power. Like most gunships, it doesn't fare so well against air superiority fighter craft, but it has the tools to fight and win against most other threats.
The Itharian Harmony is an ancient nation, noted for its pacifist nature and advanced sciences and cultural practices. Long since stabilised in its territorial extent, the Itharian stewards maintain most of the worlds in its immediate vicinity - and it is not uncommon for their work to conflict, albeit mildly, with up and coming nascent star nations. Some reflect that if it were not for the dynamic nature of the Ithari, the Itharian civilization would of stagnated into a dying empire perhaps millenia previously.
Official Name: The Harmony of Ithari Pods. Common Name: Harmony, Itharian Harmony. Government: A "commonwealth" of "States" organised under a Federal system. Dominant Species: Ithari. Capital: Tua'lon Station, Arillia Orbit, Vantara System. Systems Owned: 30~ Major Inhabited Systems, numerous outlying colonies and vested interests. Planets Owned: ~. Population: N/A
The development of Itharian civilization on Aprathia was a story often told amongst the multiple emergent civilizations of the galaxy. Tools, writing, husbandry, agriculture, taxes - civilization. That the nascent Itharian civilization did most of its developmental feats in the sparkling azure oceans of Aprathia was less common, but by no means unheard of in the grand history of all that was and will be.
For Millenia, the Itharian species developed a society that, despite technological limitations and the vastness of the depths, was global, thanks to the far reaching thoughts of the elders, and near entirely pacifistic - at least when it came to the pods of early Ithari. The threats came from outside - the large, lurking monsters of the deep, and the reef colonies and deep sanctuaries worked together against such threats until such a time came where all but the smartest predators had succumbed to their prey.
From such beginnings the Ithari came, but were not limited. In time, they came to evolve further, and in doing so dominate the few small continents of Aprathia - home to only a few creatures that had developed in their isolation. It would take many more centuries of idyllic peace before the Ithari turnt to the stars - and then they did so with wanton abandon.
The Itharian people took to their first true starships decades after that - traversing a new deep to the worlds of the home star, Danae. New oceans were found under the light of Danae, and they too were brought to order and soon enough, peace, as new pods of Ithari took to their currents and mastered new frontiers.
It did not take long from this, in the grand terms of our civilization, to break the barriers that prevented our access to the various isolated shoals of interstellar space. However, with mastery of FTL travel - the ability to jump, dependant on our ability to calculate such feats of dimensional transport to far away stars - we repeated what we had found to be our calling. We found worlds upon which life different from what we knew had developed, upon some, the Itharian people found life with true inklings of sentience, different, but evident. From here, our stewards began their work - protecting those who did not know of the stars until the time was right.
However, as the pods became separated by such vast distances, we made a mistake - we stopped listening to each other, to our revered elders, for their voices could not reach so far, and we grew fractious. It took many centuries, but from such mistakes only misery could result.
We, as a species, knew murder, and with our minds so attuned to the essence of our people, we punished it severely, but we did not know war, and war we could only abhor in the most strongest terms. The losses of our first, and only, "civil" war, were vast in their material cost, but more than that they were a mark upon our very collective psyche. Such things could only continue until we descended into madness, and so from the brink of that abyss, we turned back. From this, the Void Swimmers came, and for their sacrifice we must all be honoured.
We formed a new greater pod, to which all others could belong, and where we could hear, if not truly feel, all voices, and especially our elders, whilst maintaining the new and diverse cultures and ways that we had developed. And so we returned to our order, and our peace, and for countless millenia we have defended such peace from those we have encountered along the way with a passion - and a fear. For when Ithari kill, there is now a note missing from the song, and for that, we are all guilty.
-Revered Elder La'alei of Tu'at. "The Song as I Remember It".
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
N/A ?
Major Holdings
-Aprathia, Danae System
Aprathia is the homeworld and birthplace of Itharian civilization. Its well tended and largely unspoilt, if small, continents leave one to thing that only a small Itharian presence is immediately obvious upon the world - though the immense amount of orbital traffic would leave one perplexed if they did not know better. Its lustrous deep oceans are a hive of activity - long since pacified and turned into the shining heart of the Itharian culture. Though governance has long since moved away, the economic importance of Aprathia and the colonies of the home system cannot be understated, and billions of Ithari - including some of the most ancient, are found here.
-Arillia, Vantara System Arillia is one of the younger "core" worlds, and has a much larger landmass than the homeworld of Aprathia - with a much heftier Itharian presence. Though the Itharian government holds its seat in a station above the world, its shallower, purple oceans are still home to the most cosmopolitan melding of Ithari pods found in the entire Harmony. Its status as a world open to such things and its reputation as a centre of learning, especially for foreign visitors and emigrés, has secured its status as the de facto capital and a new beacon of culture in the Harmony.
Social Information
The Harmony is largely, though not necessarily by intent, homogenous. While there is diversity in the Ithari genome particularly with the advancement of technology and the settling of diverse worlds, the Ithari overwhelmingly make up the bulk of the populace in the Harmony. As such, most notable concentrations of non Ithari are either races under stewardship - and largely unaware of the Ithari at all, or concentrations of foreign students or ex-pats that have been granted leave to remain by the Ithari.
The Ithari, are however an unusual species in more ways than one. Their bodies are sleek and dynamic, allowing for fast movement in water. Although they appear completely smooth, their skins are in fact coated with a layer of dense, fine fur. Fur patterns and colors will vary with the individual. They, like mammals, bear live young. Yet all members of the species are hermaphroditic, possessing both male and female sex organs. The majority of Ithari are capable of both fertilizing as a male or bearing young as a female, but only the very oldest Ithari can do both at once; it is normally impossible for a Ithari to impregnate as a male while carrying an offspring itself.
Ithari take on gender pronouns to indicate the dominant pursuits of the phase of existence through which they are passing. A Ithari who is gestating, birthing and nursing young, for example, considers herself a "she" since her existence is devoted to her feminine side. An Elder who has ceased to function as a female is most definitely a "he." Since Void Swimmers have cut themselves off psychologically from the aspects of their character which create and nurture life, a death-dealing Void Swimmer's feminine side, although still present, is not in ascendance. Void Swimmers as such are referred to as male.
A newborn Ithari is very small, less than half a meter in length and weighing only 8 to 10 kilograms. By the time they reach the age of majority, a period of roughly fifty years, a typical Ithari will be around 3 meters long and weigh approximately 120 kilograms.
There seems to be no natural end to the potential life span of any given Ithari. Throughout their lives, they never stop growing. Some records have notes of Elder Ithari over 60 meters long, massing many tons, though no such Elder is known to exist today. If size is not deftly controlled, the end of an Ithari life is typically the point where cell revitalisation requires more energy than the individual can provide through their intake. Largely painless, an individual will simply began to become more lethargic over the course of years until the point where vital organs begin to fail.
The most unusual feature of the Ithari race is not the shape of their bodies however, but the power of their minds. Ithari do not have opposable digits, tentacles or any other physical means of manipulating objects; they employ a limited form of telekinesis instead. A deft Ithari can use several tools at once, and can often operate many simple machines simultaneously. With some concentration they can also hurl objects with astonishing force and the spear was a traditional hunting weapon among the Ithari for many centuries.
Although they have large, light-sensitive eyes, the frequency range of Ithari vision is limited. They have a very refined sense of taste and a sophisticated array of sound-producing and sound-receiving equipment however, which more than compensate for the lack of sight. Ithari echo-location is good enough to allow Ithari to draw very sophisticated schematics of any machine or device simply by “singing” to it and reading the sound waves that bounce back.
The Ithari, as noted, communicate largely by telepathic means, although they do have some very rudimentary sound-signals that convey strong but simple emotions—being startled, amused, frightened, angry, etc.
Ithari are conscious breathers, like earthly cetaceans humans would be familiar with. They can never be fully unconscious, or they die. They fulfill their need for sleep by allowing one lobe of the brain to doze at a time, in three hour cycles, while the other two lobes remain awake and active.
While Ithari are more than physiologically capable of violence and their harmonious society certainly has never extended to all other species, They have never been "Buddhist" in their dietary habits, for example—they are omnivores who are known to raise and herd aquatic life forms for their own sustenance without guilt or shame. However, their nature as a telepathic minded and decidedly empathic species makes the taking of sentient life incredibly traumatic to the unprepared.
Ithari Society has stratified itself into two noticeable classes since the ascent of the Ithari into space for a number of reasons, primarily, however, the one that is tied into the Ithari view on living things. Until the civil war, the Ithari understood but barely endured the concept of Murder - let alone War, and were deeply affected by it and its connotations. The schism in the way the Ithari think and behave, in terms of what other races would see rational has many striking examples. A lesser example of this would be the Ithari's technological prowess in bio-technology. The Ithari, while having a great knowledge in the field that could be employed to great effect, rarely, if at all, modify themselves either through enhancements or genetic tampering.
Overall, however, As a society, the Ithari are now made up of those who know nothing of war and those who sacrifice all that they are to protect those who remain blissfully serene and untarnished. The "Void Swimmers" - those who take to the stars to defend the Ithari worlds, form a consequent parallel class to the main element of civilian society, though not regarded as lesser or elevated. These "Void Swimmers" effectively die, in a social sense, and are reborn as instruments of death rather than life. Few are ever likely to be reintegrated. As such, these classes of society vary, but essentially denote the civilian and the military.
It is, in most aspects, their becoming space faring and subsequent civil war that has made its mark on Ithari Society. The Ithari certainly have mixed feelings about the "Fracture" and all events that have followed since their traumatic first true war. There is definitely a schism between the civilian struggle to cope with this aspect of their history–which, due to their tendency to live long lives and a telepathic story telling tradition, is very much a "Holocaust survivor" syndrome among them—and the military response.
Becoming a Void Swimmer, for some Ithari, was very much like becoming a hunter of those who caused such pain. For others it is plain and simple fear for their homeworlds and loved ones that drives them into the Void Sea. Thanks to their oral-telepathic traditions it is literally impossible for the Ithari as a species to ever forget the way death can come from above...and the humiliation, pain and loss of life that they suffered under their own madness has become a very dark and ugly scar.
There is a certain amount of tragedy in military service for the Ithari. The Ithari are aware of that they may involved in genocidal wars against other sentients, and could be forced to kill the entire civilian population of an enemy world. The Ithari, from their experience, know what sort of affect it can have on individual Ithari and their society overall. Often the answer for how its people cope is "not well". The truth is that, in some cases, a Void Swimmer crew who have seen too much of the wrong kind of action will never return home. When they are no longer needed by their people, they may well choose to "decommission" their own vessel by piloting it into the corona of the nearest star. They understand that they will never be able to become Ithari again. In this way, they are still protecting their home from the horrors of war.
Because of their empathic and telepathic abilities the Ithari are always keenly aware of the sufferings of others and they take no joy in causing pain, fear or anger. They revere life and harmony and abhor needless death or destruction. Nonetheless, they also value their own lives and over their ancient history they have come to embrace survival as a necessary virtue. The Ithari value of life is not to be misunderstood however, as they separate life, sapient life and sentient life. While, as they understand, all life is sacred - particularly sentient and to some extent, sapient life, this has not precluded them from animal husbandry and consuming such reared animals as a food source. To them, this is part of life and not necessarily abhorrent. It is from such a thing that has also lead to the separation of the Ithari military from the civilian population.
Other Information:
For perhaps obvious reasons, the Ithari place an intense value on music. Ithari music is all choral, as one would rightly expect. For many, It is inexpressibly beautiful and powerful, even as a recording, but of course the full effect could never be achieved outside of live performance. When you are close enough to receive the telepathic stream that goes with the song—to hear the lyrics as well as the melody—the experience is magnified a hundred-fold. And this is to say nothing of the frequencies of sound which humanoids can more easily feel than hear.
In terms of religious values, The Ithari spiritual worldview is both simple and profound. They have no separate sense of the divine as is commonly understood. They believe that all things are equally divine and sacred; the universe itself is, in a manner of speaking, in essence their "god". Theologically, they make no philosophical or hierarchical separation between themselves and other living things, or even between themselves and non-living bodies like stars and planets.
The Ithari conceive the Universe as one great Song—a vast tapestry of harmonious music. To a Ithari, every physical object and living thing in the universe is another trembling chord, a pattern of vibrations, a sequence of notes. Everything is part of the Song. Everything that exists, in their eyes, is beautiful and necessary; if one cannot see that beauty, the fault lies within.
If the Ithari perceive themselves as special in some way or separated in some way from the rest of the Song, it is only because they recognize the unique ability of all sentient beings to marvel at the music and to shape the world around them—to change the Song, even in a small way.
Whether the Ithari conception of the Song implies the existence of a divine singer is a subject open to debate. When asked whether there is or was a singe, a "Creator" who was the author or instigator of the divine Song - most Ithari simply create bubbles. If pressed, they all reply with the same question: "Are you not singing yourself?"
When it comes to their young, Ithari parenting is communal. An infant can nurse from any other "female" Ithari in its community. They have several variations on the word "mother" which, depending on mental inflection, can mean: "a female Ithari," "she who birthed my body," "she who nourishes me physically (or spiritually)," etc. Pair bonding among the Ithari is not common, but neither is it uncommon. Courtship is an interplay of minds and bodies which is impossible to unwind and separate from other interactions.
Entertainment is a telling part of a society, and how, for some, they work, and perhaps how they think and hold themselves, all as a form of playful expression. In the case of the Ithari - they express themselves almost entirely through music and thought. They never stop "dancing" from the moment they are born until the moment they die — because they can always hear the music. Most of their art is difficult to describe in average humanoid terms; it consists of tapestries of sound, memory, motion and emotion. For fun, they tend to engage in various athletic contests or play a game called "hide the idea".
"Hide the idea" is a game which Ithari children begin to play soon after birth, much as human babies first learn to play "peek-a-boo" and then "guess which hand the penny is in"? But as the Ithari grow older and stronger "hide the idea" becomes a much more aggressive, passionate, fascinating contest of wills. It is a common exercise for hundreds of younger Ithari to wrestle the mind of one elder, trying to prize the thought from beneath his layers of defenses. When they finally "find the idea", it sometimes changes their lives forever.
There are other games which would be analogous to water polo, although among Ithari this sport is a little more like underwater hurling. Of other interest is the Ithari equivalent of "toys" - items that came about as steelsingers created objects which were meant to teach reading to other Ithari. Essentially, the standard Ithari object of this nature is a puzzlebox with various characters inscribed on its surfaces; as the different parts of the puzzle are moved by telekinetic fine motor manipulation, the player is able to "read" simple vocabulary words. The word changes with each movement of the box's pieces, transforming from one concept to another in an aesthetically pleasing or humorous manner: the classic is a box that begins with the word "steel", which becomes "reflective", which becomes "bright", which becomes "beautiful", which becomes "song".
Any sentient which nurtures its own young and practice any form of animal husbandry will keep pets of some kind. In the case of the Ithari, their relationship with biological mechanisms is so intimate that half the natural world is a "pet" to them--i.e., something which they care for, nurture, train, control, and love to the extent that one can love a lesser creature. As such, The Ithari have a fairly common practice of "Tattooing" themselves. Tattoos for a Ithari involve painting their bodies with colorful microorganisms, usually fluorescent. Watching an underwater "dance" featuring multicolored/fluorescent Ithari can be quite a visual spectacle.
Old Age
Ithari achieve “Elder” status after having lived for more than three hundred years. At this point they are over typically over 5 meters in length and usually weigh well over 200 kilograms. Ithari who have reached this venerable age generally retire from any profession which might put them personally at risk and adopt a monastic lifestyle. The older a Ithari becomes, the less likely it is to reproduce. Although Ithari elders can both birth and father children simultaneously, they are far less likely to do either than younger Ithari. Infant Ithari only come in one size, and it becomes increasingly difficult for an increasingly massive Ithari to tend to its own infants as it grows beyond the size of an adult blue whale - At a certain point elder Ithari simply become far more interested in educating and nurturing children than in producing them.
In general, their days are spent contemplating the mysteries of the universe, composing songs and poems, maintaining the timeless oral tradition of the species and instructing the young in matters of ethics, morality and proper conduct as a sentient being. No Itharian philosopher is taken seriously before the age of 400.
Any given Elder will usually be surrounded by a cloud of younger Ithari, who listen to the songs, ask questions and telepathically explore the complexities and subtleties of the Elder’s mind. This period of “swimming alongside” is considered a vitally necessary part of any young person’s education. The aged are highly revered in all Itharian subcultures and younger Ithari will gladly sacrifice their own lives or embrace great personal risk to protect an Elder from any possible harm. Their ancestors are living treasures in their eyes. A sizable number of Ithari spacers regard their service as a duty to the species and volunteer to “scout the empty sea” in order to protect the Elders who must, most often, remain behind on Aprathia or the other colonies.
The Itharian Harmony operates three primary elements of guidance in order to facilitate the smooth running of the state, while the Ithari recognize the establishment of their nation as being the moment they became aware, the first true state was established by the formation of the Council as was necessary in the space age, and subsequently the Harmony itself after the Fracture. The Harmony has come to encompass numerous star systems, with some densely inhabited, with vested interests throughout many others.
The Eldest
The Eldest, though also referred to by Ithari as "The First Voice of Aprathia" is, as the name would imply, the eldest Ithari currently in existence, thus judged to the be wisest and greatest amongst them as both a guardian and a teacher, but the strongest telepath, the deepest of voice and accomplished as a singer in the great universal song. While the First Voice of Aprathia has traditionally guided the Ithari, the advent of the space age and the creation of a form of interstellar government to guide the pods necessitated a formalization of the position. Such a position is only locked to the Eldest of Ithari age - not to a particular planet, and such it is likely in many years to come a Ithari from one of the many colonial pods could lead the state.
The Ithari handle government differently, of course. The Eldest serves only to make decisions where the Council cannot - and their main role remains, as throughout the Elder portion of a Ithari's life, to teach and to guide, but the Eldest is rarely prone to give orders - that is for those elevated to such specific positions and the agreement of a Council. As such, the Eldest is largely a figurehead, though the Eldest's importance, not only on a cultural and social level, but in the Harmony itself is not to be understated.
The Council of Elders
The Council of Elders consists of the First Voices of the colony worlds. While the Eldest is elevated to a slightly higher position, he is but one among near equals. These many near equals form the main form of interstellar governance needed by a state that spans more than one ocean. These First Voices meet only when situations require, as each guides their own world or worlds individually as they desire. For the most part, decisions are spoken about and considered, a consensus reached and guiding principles decided without the Council ever being convened in person.
The difficulty in transporting the largest of the Elders means that when such a council is convened, something of dire import has surely occured.
The Pods
The Pods are the Ithari themselves. Each world is considered such, and with the open hearts and minds, and few guarded thoughts of the Ithari there is always open discourse among the pods. While the First Voices of each pod guide and enforce the will of the pod, it is the greater pods themselves throughout the day that reach decisions and debate the merits of actions at all possible times. The pods effectively govern their own worlds in a form of direct democracy, though the pod's trust in each of their Elders, and the First Among each group of Elders, to make their decisions reality - and to work with the Void Swimmers - themselves an independent pod, to ensure the safety of their oceans.
The Pods in function:
The pods are known by the name of each of their worlds or hub world, but each holds equal importance to the harmony of the Harmony. Each effectively functions as their own state but unified as a people and as part of the Universal Song. The Void Swimmers, that is, the Ithari military, by necessity functions as its own separate choir with its own First Voice, though it is beholden to the will of the choir's it has been created to protect. Traditionally, the First Voice will assume the name "Ocean" - as the Ithari spread to other worlds, these First Voices would sometimes assume the name of the Ocean they now guided.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
The Ithari have been spacefaring for countless millenia, and have long since refined elements of bio-science, energy and gravity manipulation, construction, and many things from simple agriculture to advanced particle physics - much of which, however, remains theory. However, the Ithari application of many of these fields in regards to the making of war is lacking, though largely by intent.
In simplistic terms regarding its ability to produce and resources available, Ithari society has long since entered the realms of post-scarcity. Nearly all non-unique or non-mass construction or production is "state" ran, co-ordinated from Steelsinger directed "nanite" foundries both on planetary surfaces and in stellar space. The majority of economic dynamism is thus in special projects, unique items and architectural experimentation and small-scale "cottage" industries varying wildly from world to world.
Military Information
Military Overview
Because of their empathic and telepathic abilities the Ithari are always keenly aware of the sufferings of others and they take no joy in causing pain, fear or anger. They revere life and harmony and abhor needless death or destruction. Nonetheless, they also value their own lives and over the past several centuries they have come to embrace survival as a necessary virtue. It is also a sad circumstance that even a single soldier who has seen such needless death and destruction can poison an entire pod with his burdens, his unrestrained thoughts. This is what lead to the creation of the Void Swimmers.
There is a great deal of debate, angst and soul-searching among the Ithari general population over the actions of their military. There are many Ithari who have never embraced the changes that came with their creation and genuinely would have preferred to find some peaceful way of resisting the wanton destruction inherent in war. They argue that mass suicide would have been a better answer than embracing the ways of those who commit such atrocities.
The Void Swimmers Ithari who join the navy often do so against the express wishes of their families, friends and elders. Sometimes they are disowned and ostracized entirely. More often, a Ithari who decides to become a "swimmer in the void" goes through a death ritual before he enters the service. He lies very still in the water; his loved ones circle him, sometimes for hours, singing mournful songs and touching him one last time, as is their habit when a Ithari dies. Then the funeral procession carries his unresisting body to the Naval base and he is remanded to the custody of the Void Swimmers.
It is universally understood that he is no longer Ithari from that point onward. He will not behave as a Ithari would; he will learn the ways of the void sea and carry out missions which no living Ithari could countenance. These Ithari retain their old name, although it is likely to have a bittersweet irony. A new name would come if they were ever able to leave the service--such an event is considered rebirth, and would involve a new name to commemorate the occasion, and allow the past to be left behind.
If he ever returns, and wishes to become a Ithari again, he must go through a re-birthing ceremony and he will slowly to be re-integrated into Ithari society by use of a long process of purification. The horrors he has seen and done must be cleansed from his body and soul; he must learn to swim and sing again as a Ithari. The elders will help him in this process. They are considered strong enough to bear his burdens and each of them will hear one of his battlesongs as a confession and keep the sin of it for him. The heart of an elder is so massive, the long ages of beauty and joy it has lived are so powerful, that one Ithari's grief, guilt and rage cannot overshadow it.
This is however not always a possibility, If the Swimmer is relatively young, neither too old nor too far gone to heal his war wounds and go on with his life. Such a thing is expected, for many, it is not.
Most of the cleansing rituals have to do with being physically close enough to your victims to absorb their death agonies. For a Ithari, being within "shouting" distance of a kill is incredibly visceral and devastating. It's hard to put this in human terms without sounding almost deranged--but taking the life of a thinking, feeling sapient being for a Ithari is as intimate and terrible as it would be for a human being to drive a short sword into the belly of a close relative, feel that person's fluids rain onto your skin, and stare intimately into the victim's face as life left the body. They not only have to empathize with the death, but taste every shade of pain and rage and despair and fear as that experience devours someone's consciousness. Not only this - they go through this knowing that they've caused it. Sadly, They may even have to face the fact that some part of them enjoyed it.
A swimmer is brutal not out of efficiency but out of fear. Ithari do not breed like flies, nor do they have the ability to marshal their entire population as soldiers - Most Ithari go to their drowning day out of concern for their race A void swimmer does not destroy an enemy world as his opening gambit. It is done as a last resort. It is no condolence to those who perish, but it is as it is
Unfortunately, not every Void Swimmer is able to reintegrate back into society. The truth is that, in some cases, a Void Swimmer crew who have seen too much of the wrong kind of action will never return home. When they are no longer needed by their people, they may well choose to "decommission" their own vessel by piloting it into the corona of the nearest star. They understand that they will never be able to become Ithari again. In this way, they are still protecting their home from the horrors of war. New events have lead to the possibility of giving oceans to those who would guard them - but they could never be open to Ithari who have not lived a soldiers life.
The Void Swimmers as such have sacrificed nearly everything to protect all they hold dear. They are not the Ithari people expect, and perhaps, in that, they find an even greater advantage.
Seers of the Song Intelligence is paramount in any operation, and the Ithari would be foolish to not take this idea to the fore. The Ithari Intelligence Service is known simply as Seers of the Song, they are few and largely untested, for the Ithari have made no notable enemies nor is it largely possible to infiltrate other states. Their diplomatic counterparts, the "Singers to the Deaf", do some work in this regard, though not much. The Seer's of the Song are however trained to do what many Ithari themselves do as a game - ferret out thoughts, irrespective of the mind that holds it, and bring the note of the song to the fore, so that the harmony of the song can be preserved.
Space Forces
The Void Swimmers maintain a diverse force of military space craft, centred upon core units such as carriers and "battleships", but overwhelmingly prefer to dispatch lighter forces for harassing and hit and run manoeuvres. Ithari ships are surprisingly agile due to their use of gravity manipulation (once a necessity, due to the liquid water contents often required) and given Ithari energy generation techniques, able to power more than reasonable banks of energy weaponry.
Navy Doctrine: Void-Pod Hunt.
The Void-Pod Hunt typically employs squadrons to harass, surround, and bring down "predators" - either squadrons of lighter ships or the many smaller void craft typically referred to as strike craft by other species. In situations of overwhelming numerical superiority, the Ithari will even employ their nimble capital ships in such a fashion, rotating through their banks of energy and particle weapons in a broadside fashion. Where such tactics are not possible, the fleet will form a "greater pod" and hunt as one, large, all encompassing force - smashing the opponent with a wall of battle if no other options are presented.
Ground Forces
The Ithari, understandably, rarely take to the field of combat personally. While the dramatic image of an enraged Ithari, utilizing the combination of kinetics and technology to hover over the battlefield unleashing its own minds power upon the enemy has been popularized in some Void Swimmer circles, it is far from the norm.
While the Ithari will do such things, potentially with devastating effects, the lions share of ground facing weaponry and tactics have been outsourced to modular, adaptable technological constructs - and in some rare cases, willing mercenary forces. Nearly all matters military are left in the hands of the Void Swimmers, and a select few are trained for ground combat every recruitment cycle.
Ground Doctrine: Mind & Matter.
Despite being dangerous telekinetic combatants, Ithari typically eschew personal frontline combat both as a philosophical and practical concern. As a rule, ground combat on a planetary surface is often to a territorial disadvantage, particularly given the necessary mental strength and/or technological adaptations required to engage an enemy out of the water. However, it is an inevitable necessity that Ithari will, if not personally attend to bloodletting on the front line, not be far from the action.
Ithari ground military forces are thus almost exclusively modular constructs, typically made up of billions of, effectively, nanites. While the Ithari maintain certain pre-planned or melded semi-intelligent constructs which can be called upon - Itharians are typically intimately involved in their constructs - multiple ones can be brought together and bonded by a single Ithari utilizing their telekinetic abilities - with the innate technological nature of the "matter" guided by the "mind" forming nanomolecular bonds as appropriate, shaped and guided by an active mind and not reliant on Artificial Intelligence unless the Itharian "controller" disengages from a particular constructs "intelligence web".
However, the necessity of a certain degree of proximity does not insulate the Ithari from danger, and it certainly does not form a sufficient barrier from the effects of taking life, particularly given the near intimate bond necessary with the constructs empty mind (For the Ithari do not utilize true artificial sentience). As such, Void Swimmers destined to become "controllers" receive some of the most intense preparation possible.
Strike Craft
The Da'ran Interceptor is the oldest strike craft currently in service in the Ithari roster.
Dating from just after the conclusion of the Fracture - the Da'ran is an effective construct still employed by the Void Swimmers in the role of reconnaissance and interception, and is noted for its significant array of sensors.
Utilizing a single Ithari pilot, the Da'ran uses a simplistic gravitic drive to power its movement, basic gravitic shielding and singular, under-slung variant of an Ithari particle lance. Firing in rapid short bursts, the Da'ran's lance is more than capable for its role of interception and general "dog-fighting" duties - as well as sufficient in numbers to cause issues for larger craft.
The Cahlai is the primary ordinance delivery platform for the Void Swimmers.
The Cahlai was created as a means to deliver heavier ordinance against targets that could not be overwhelmed by the Da'ran without loss - or by lighter warships employed by the Ithari. Similar to the Da'ran, the Cahlai utilizes a gravitic core to power its systems, though the Cahlai's own core is much more significant in output.
Requiring two Ithari pilots, the Cahlai features a tried and tested, but older pair of Ion based "blasters" as its primary armament potential outside of its ordinance delivery. However, the true purpose of the Cahlai is to fire intentionally created and focused overloads of its gravitic drive in the form of a projectile. Utilizing a mix of kinetic matrices which encase the projectile and careful psionic manipulation by the secondary Ithari pilot, the Cahlai is capable of creating devastatingly unstable ordinance to be employed against the enemy.
The Shalaeth is the newest entry to the Ithari Strike Craft roster, and is appropriately advanced.
The Shalaeth is a surprisingly recent entry to the Void Swimmer's arsenal. Like its predecessors, it employs the same variant of a gravitic drive - but far more capable and specifically designed for the Shalaeth's envisioned purpose as a multi-role craft. As such, the Shalaeth, whilst being a larger, more durable craft than either, is still incredibly agile.
Like the Cahlai, the Shalaeth requires two Ithari pilots - and like the Cahlai, features a similar method of ordinance delivery, though its psionic discharge web in its wings and its matrices are far more finely tuned - and consequently its projectiles are far less unstable - it does grant a much greater range from which its projectiles can be fired.
In addition, the same discharge web compliments its gravitic shielding and two heavier particle lance weapons, contingent on the psionic strength of its pilots. As such, the Shalaeth is being phased into widespread use on the newer carriers and steward ships employed by the Harmony.
Light Vessels
The Shorath is essentially a much larger, adapted version of the ideas at the heart of the Shalaeth
Created to fill a role similar to a frigate or destroyer in the Void Swimmer's fleets. The Shorath was born out of the ideas that created the Shalaeth, and employs similar means of offense and defense - though its psionic discharge web is much more focused and of a newer design than the Shalaeth's.
Requiring a crew of 25, the Shorath is essentially a multi-role vessel capable of performing the lighter duties normally assigned, in other fleets, to basic strike roles, patrol, and tasks as varied as picketing or recon in force. Shorath's typically operate in squadrons of three or more.
As a testbed design, the Shorath currently utilizes a new variant of Ithari gravitic drives, as well as a new core system based upon those subspace taps employed by heavier vessels.
The Torae is the catch-all light cruiser design employed the Ithari.
While the Torae would be unrecognizable in its interior makeup to its original designers, the Torae's initial conception was during the Fracture itself. Employed by those who would come to create the core of the Harmony, the Torae is an ancient, favoured design that can be credited with outclassing its contemporaries - and through countless millenia of continued upkeep and refit, remains a stalwart vessel in service today.
The Torae, as such, requires a hundred Ithari crew and employs the traditional tried and tested gravitic drive and core design employed by lighter Ithari vessels - though it boasts four such generators to power its shields and weaponry - arrayed in a not inconsiderable array of nine banks of particle lances. However, the Torae's psionic web is very limited, and as such the psionic potential of its crew to support systems is correspondingly limited.
The Torae, nevertheless, served as the main force multiplier traditionally employed by the Ithari, or at least was until the development of the Shorath.
The Balaros is the heavier cousin to the Torae, though a far newer design.
Requiring a crew of two hundred Ithari, the Balaros is the heavy cruiser variant employed by the Ithari. The Balaros, like other lighter Ithari vessels, employs the traditional gravitic drives and cores to power its defenses and armament. It boasts a crew of two hundred.
Like the Torae, the Balaros employs multiple banks of particle lances - though it only possesses five. Its other primary armament lies in four Focused Energy Discharge launchers - effectively a heavy and more precise variant of the ordinance deployment employed by the Shalaeth and Shorath. The Balaros also features a sophisticated Psionic discharge web, allowing members of its crew to finesse and improve systems psionically where required.
As such, the Balaros is a compliment to the Torae, providing heavier means of offensive force where the Torae is inadequate.
The Ank'athros is essentially a artillery deployment platform developed to deal with long range combatants and for bombardment purposes.
If an outsider had actually ever seen one, the Ank'athros's genesis would probably seem an antithesis to the proclaimed Ithari ideologies and philosophy. If they had known the battles the Ank'athros had been developed to win, it would not seem as so - for the Ank'athros's was a true warship developed purely to counter an enemy - one that no longer exists.
The Ank'athros as such masses much heavier than its contemporary light cousins, but employs a gravitic drive and series of cores much more specifically designed and with a psionic web designed to compliment the ship much more intimately than others. The Ank'athros as such possesses a very small crew of five Ithari, but all are accomplished psionics.
The sweeping design of the Ank'athros serves one purpose - to provide as many kinetic matrices as possible. While the Ank'athros has sophisticated defenses, it only has one weapon, one singular focused discharge platform. Coalescing a massive, if slow, projectile, the Ank'athros is capable of untold destruction from far outside the normal range of engagement for such weapons. This feat is only accomplished by the potential of its crew - and it possesses no other means of combat except through its variants of point defence and the gifts of its crew.
The Urand was once the premier carrier platform for the Void Swimmers, unable to hold notable numbers of the new Shalaeth, the Urand has been downgraded to a "light" carrier - though it is in truth a capital ship.
The Urand was once the pinnacle of Ithari technology. It is no longer, though it still possesses much of the terrible grace one would expect from such an ancient class of ship. Holding six Da'ran squadrons and three squadrons of the Calaeth, the Urand's primary role is to bear these vessels into combat - and to use its onboard fabrication systems to produce replacement parts of entire craft if necessary.
The Urand, as a former capital ship with sometimes varying flight crew, typically boasts three to four hundred Ithari onboard at any one time - and as such possesses a corresponding psionic discharge web. While possessing gravitic drives, the Urand is powered by Ithari subspace tap technology and possesses far greater energy reserves than other ships the Ithari have classed as "light". As such, its defense systems are far in excess of even the Balaros.
The Urand possesses a number of point defense systems, but as a strike craft delivery platform, it possesses only one primary offensive weapon - in truth, the core of the ship itself serves as that weapon - one immense, spinal particle lance far more powerful than those found on lighter Ithari vessels.
As such, not only is the Urand a danger for its ability to keep strike craft in the battle - it is doubly so for the "grand weapon" it possesses. A few Urand are more than capable of scouring a world of life, if left unmolested - and it can be said that it is a good thing the Ithari are seldom called upon to display such an ability.
Capital Vessels
The Hashan is the primary capital ship in service with the Ithari
The Hashan, with a crew of three hundred fifty, is a newer design that phased out the ancient gravitic powered Tylanthor. Like all Ithari Capital ships with the decomissioning of the Tylanthor, the Hashan employs subspace taps to power its systems - with complimentary psionic discharge webs and employing the traditional gravitic manipulation drives of all Ithari ships.
The Hashan was devised as a frontal combatant - with limited defensive systems meant to be complimented by other vessels assigned to escort it, the Hashan possesses twenty four of the traditional particle lance banks employed as standard armament on Ithari vessels, however, its true strength lies in its Primary Phased Beam Array.
As such, the Hashan is designed to discharge its power core through a focusing emitter into a continuous beam fired at the enemy. Due to the nature of the beam - continued fire will entail increased beam coherence - and supplied by the near infinite nature of a subspace tap, results in a beam that becomes deadlier the longer the target cannot avoid or interrupt its firing.
As such, a Hashan given free reign against a slow target is a devastating opponent.
The Taloris replaced the Urand as the premier carrier of the Ithari fleet.
The Taloris was envisioned as a platform for the delivery of the Shalaeth - and is consequently much newer than the Urand it replaced. The Taloris is also a competent, non-spinal combatant. With a crew of six hundred Ithari, it possesses similar capabilities - that of fabrication and delivery. The Taloris holds twelve squadrons of Shalaeth, with varying numbers of squadrons of Da'ran and Calaeth, though never exceeding eight further squadrons total.
The Taloris employs the traditional subspace tap power generation means of Ithari capital ships, as well as a notable psionic discharge web and one of the newest specifically designed gravitic drives - allowing the Taloris considerable mobility for her size.
The Taloris as such possesses notable defensive shielding, armour, point defense systems and fourteen conventional particle lance weapon banks in addition to her strike craft. The Taloris also possesses two energetics cannons - similar in concept to ordinance delivery used on the Calaeth up to the Ank'athros, but far more focused and arguably conventional in their approach, given the stable energy they can draw upon.
The Apranya serves primarily with the Stewards, but is also a competent military command ship.
The Apranya was designed initially as a vessel to serve the needs of the stewards - a veritable city in space capable of providing them with the fabrication, research facilities, housing and long ranging self supply required when watching over nascent worlds. The Void Swimmer's also saw the potential in a ship capable of providing transport for constructs and controllers - as well as a platform from which fleet command could be designed for from the inception of a design.
The Apranya was the result. Utilizing the most advanced gravitics drives available at the time (and consequently, due to refit, of the current as well) and the first employment of subspace tap technology, the Apranya is a vessel capable of many feats. While it is capable of being piloted by a single Ithari, the Apranya will often have a crew of thousands, though many will be support staff.
The Apranya as such was heavily armed. While possessing eighteen particle lance weapons banks - the Apranya is the only Ithari vessel that employs psionically enhanced phased beam weaponry, capable of far greater destruction than typical Ithari energy weapons. As such, this, along with the fleet command systems asked for, called for the employment of a far greater "focus" than the Apranya's limited inbuilt psionic discharge web - and as such the entire vessel was built around the extremely rare and impossible to synthesise Rillion crystal. The fact that so many crystals of such perfect quality in such a dense arrangement is present on the Apranya, is, despite its size, the real reason only a limited number of the Apranya exist. A single, massive beam of energy can be channeled through the Rillion crystal cluster - though at the expense of other offensive systems - but serves as a potent planetary assault weapon, long range bombardment option, or destructive choice against other slower targets.
As such a large construct, the Apranya can be argued to be two vessels both constructed separately and then bonded together - its core and constituent "city" and its "wings". This "winged" hull, comprised of three slowly rotating wings, projects a tightly woven energy dome which allows for a life-sustaining atmosphere within the confines of the city itself, and turns harmful deep-space radiation into surplus energy for basic gravitic shields and other primary systems. The Apranya's core itself has a similar barrier whose sole function is to keep the crew on the rest of the ship safe from the powerful energies it generates.
The Apranya, given its size, is capable of hosting even the Taloris in its cavernous bays, and will be home to any combination of strike craft squadrons in addition to its escorts, berthed or otherwise. Though this is never in excess of fourty total squadrons.
The Apranya is, also, with the Kuara, one of the few vessels actually encountered with some frequency by non-Ithari entities.
The Illion was designed more practical alternative to the Apranya, though this did not go to plan.
The Illion was initially devised as an alternative to the Apranya, given its specific construction requirements. However, by the time plans had been finalized on the Illion its construction was not only more substantial - but it required nearly as many Rillion crystals as an Apranya - resulting in a rethink as to its purpose.
The Illion was thus redrawn as a dreadnaught - and its power systems were re-examined. While the Illion would be made mobile by the tried and tested design of gravitics, its size and the inherent power demands could potentially tax even a dedicated subspace tap - and so the Ithari turned to the stars. The Solar Core was the result - and the Illion would be powered by a minature replica of a star.
With such power available, the idea of a simple dreadnaught was once again examined. The Void Swimmers and the Stewards both collaborated and many elders put forward their thoughts - and without much debate the Illion was envisioned not just simply as an offensive asset, but as an arkship of sorts. A final answer to a war, but also the final retreat if such a thing ever became necessary. The Illion would be the ender of civilizations, but would also be the salvation of the Ithari if it was ever necessary. Only Six would ever be produced.
The Illion is armed almost identically to the Apranya, though it possesses several Phased Beam Arrays present on the Hashan, as well as a dozen focused energy discharge launchers. Its immense size means it is home to everything the Ithari would require if their civilization were ever in dire threat - full scale nano foundries, housing, limited agriculture and aquaculture, digital archives and numerous research and botanical areas amongst things as diverse as a hospital wing and a full stasis section for colonists and troops. As such, the Illion's crew "requirements" vary - but for essential operations it requires at least eight hundred Ithari, and to run at full efficiency - ignoring any support staff or other sections such as stasis pods - at least two thousand. It is commonly believed an Illion can hold tens of thousands of Ithari in comfort - and more if comfort is disregarded. In addition, it is more than capable of hosting and supplying a complete fleet of its own, though the Illion has limited strike craft bays of its own. As such, it relies on the Taloris, Urand or even any Apranya that may be berthed within it.
The Illion as such is purely a myth, even among some Ithari circles - however, the fact that six elders are chosen on occasion to guide the resident pods aboard each of them means that their existence is more than on the public record.
Utility Vessels
The Kuara serves one role - to observe
The Kuara is one of the few Ithari ship classes seen outside of Ithari space. A small vessel with only a handful of Ithari aboard - typically scientists and any associated Void Swimmers required - the Kuara is a mobile sensor platform capable of taking in immense amounts of data and then processing it.
The Kuara utilizes traditional Ithari gravitic power systems, drives, and defenses - and possesses a limited capital grade particle lance bank to defend itself with if the need arises - but the Kuaras only true purpose is to see what the Ithari wish it to see - and to bear any samples back home.
They call themselves the Ninth Amaranthine Circuit, whatever that means. They can put on a neat, antiseptic diplomatic facade when they feel like it - don't let them fool you. They are just some shady, cult-like corporate cabal. Using their 'official' name just helps to legitimize them. Call them The Printers. Everyone else does.
Official Name: The Ninth Amaranthine Circuit Common Name: The Printers Government: Corporate Stratocracy Capital: Point Phokashra
Divergent Plasmodium Replicant (Typis Mucor)
Otherwise known as 'Printed People,' Plasmodium Replicants posses, as its name implies, an internally naked mass of cytoplasm and interstitial fluids with an even dispersion of microscopic organic structures. The Plasmodium frame is adhered to a predetermined framework of material not dissimilar to cartilage, which also forms in a thin layer across the surface of the Plasmodium's exterior. Plasmodiums are universally printed to resemble other species in external appearance, and so have drastically diverse anatomies, though their physiologies are largely identical overall. Although their external facades are convincing enough, their internal anatomy, their scent, and their behavior are starkly different to natives of that species, and they make very inept infiltrators. Additionally, while they may retain the appearance of a species they rarely if ever possess their natural abilities. They are typically never venomous, lack psionic abilities, etcetera. As an extension of this, while they have facsimiles of reproductive organs they are largely incapable of intercourse and cannot reproduce naturally, even with their own kind.
Plasmodiums are radiotrophic by design, using trace amounts of nuclear isomers as biocatalysts and to produce metabolic energy. This factor is what permits Plasmodiums to support their own body weight despite having a cartilage-like skeleton, as their muscles and connective tissues exert several times more force than mundane muscular tissue while also being analagous to hydrostatic tissue systems - affording Plasmodiums tremendous physical strength and flexibility for their size. Plasmodium's are usually as strong if not stronger than the species they are made to resemble, while also being faster, healing much more rapidly, and capable of healing body-parts that would not otherwise grow back. Due to their physiology being so immensely distributed amongst their body, they are much harder to kill than normal, and can survive dismemberment, decapitation, and being torn and then shredded into several dozen pieces. Each Plasmodium possess a particular nucleus near their center of mass, surrounded by a thick barrier if denser bone-like protective material, which if damaged or destroyed will kill them, and also determines which severed pieces of their body die and live.
For all of their advantages, Plasmodiums have two significant drawbacks. Due to the decentralized nature of their immune system and their higher metabolism plus increase cellular regeneration rates, Plasmodium organisms have much weaker immune systems and short life spans, rarely living past twelve galactic standard years before their bodies give out and fail due to the emergence of uncontrolled malevolent tumors in addition to the body's own metabolic functions starting to cannibalize itself.
The Ninth Amaranthine Circuit describes itself as a largely self-contained corporate economic macrosystem, having arisen from the holdings of a large if obscure Megacorporation specializing in industrial fabrication. Having grown large and affluent enough to surpass the base purpose of the original corporate agenda, the Ninth Amaranthine Circuit has aligned itself with the pursuit of internal economic stability along with the endorsement of individual liberties and welfare.
All individuals registered within the Circuit are citizens who effectuate a contract upon willing joinder or emergence within the Circuit's territory, subject to particular regulatory rulings. In effect, the contract is essentially a corporate employment agreement and charter, guaranteeing citizens an agreed-upon standard of living in exchange for services rendered while also setting out the Circuit's basis of authority and the signing party's obligation to adhere to that authority. Participation in the system is voluntary and may be revoked by either party at-will for a number of reasons, either with or without consequence contingent upon the circumstances. It is entirely possible to live within the Circuit without being a citizen, but reduces one's options to direct negotiation with individual lower-management authorities - who have broad and liberal discretion to exploit and tread on the unwary non-citizens where able.
Citizens are mandated to work a certain number of hours every year, while being free to choose or otherwise independently arrange a leisure schedule with their corresponding civil manager. All laws are stipulated and enforced via the authority of the corporate charter, which is amended bi-annually. Demand for goods and services is measured by public forum and census, evaluated by economic speculators and consultants, and supply is mandated by the corporate state across particular layers of the Circuit Industrial Complex. The first priority of the Circuit is to adequately fulfill the needs and desires of its citizens, and then the pursuit of an established economic agenda to stabilize or reinforce the way of life within the Circuit, such as diplomacy and negotiation with sovereign powers, the establishment of a strong military, and the gathering of intelligence.
The Circuit allegedly has multiple boards of directors who mandate agenda, establish economic goals, dictate military activities and budget, amend the corporate charter, and more. However, to date these directors have had little if any form of official contact with foreign parties and everything known about how they operate is drawn from inspection of the the public copy of the corporate charter and related speculation.
Although the NAC claims to have been a merely obscure Megacorporation operating around and within the Southern rim of the galaxy, little to no trace of their presence - anywhere - prior to five galactic standard years ago has yet been obtained. They themselves have been remarkably coy and evasive in answering questions as to their precise origins, as well as recalcitrant to any and all demands to produce any kind of documentation or evidence as to their alleged corporate history. As far as anybody has been able to discern, the NAC seemingly erupted from nothingness within the Akkamarid system five years ago. Since then, they have been steadily growing and consolidating power at an alarming rate while establishing their easily discerned facade of civil order. The NAC now stands poised to rapidly expand and start asserting influence in the galactic scene, but what exactly they intend or even what kind of political entity they truly are remains a relative mystery.
The first thing that most people see when examining society within the NAC is the by-and-large absence of traditional organic and synthetic lifestyles. More than 97% of the citizens in the NAC are printed Plasmodium template organisms whose motives and ways of thinking are largely oriented according to the preferences of the NAC's boards. As such, inspection by a skeptical mind usually finds that there is little of anything resembling culture within the NAC beyond ironclad terms of employment, working relationships and poor facades of trivial amusement for the purposes of leisure. The Pladmodium template populace are reclusive, keeping to themselves and retaining a secretive air in the presence of outsiders. Defectors and prisoners indicate that as individuals and groups, Pladmodium are not by nature hard to please and keep entertained, and that a widespread availability of subsidized dietary stimulants is typically sufficient to keep the entire population focused and enthusiastic. Although there are variations and exceptions by individuals, by and large Plasmodium templates regard most traditional mediums of entertainment for organics to be boring and trite.
This is further reflected by the state of various entertainment industries within the NAC, all of which are almost exclusively oriented towards entertaining alien species from foreign powers, almost all of which being subsidized and non-profit. In essence, it would seem the corporate charter's indicated goal of endorsing individual liberties and the welfare of the people has been phased out in practice. Plasmodium templates largely pursue their own welfare by working, and are generally at their best when pursuing a goal or objective. Left to their own devices, Plasmodiums very quickly become listless and anxious, being hard-pressed to arrange their own lives in the absence of explicit instructions or orders. What little culture they and the NAC at large pretend to maintain would seem to be for the benefit of appearances with other species.
As of this reading, the NAC control only a single star system - although as Star Systems go, they certainly could have done worse.
The Akkamarid system is host to a quaternary star arrangement featuring three orbital barycenters. Tramitet, a superluminous class O star of indigo coloration, forms the first binary with Levanbent, a white class A star. The binary is referred to as the Greganev Binary. Estre, a blue class B star, forms the second binary with Ponekte, a yellow class G star. The binary is referred to as the Librens binary. The first and second binaries orbit a tertiary center of mass between them, which is designated as Point Phakashra. Two planets orbit Tamitet in the Greganev binary, while three respectively orbit both stars in the Librens binary.
Tunkret, the first planet closest in the Librens binary, is a barren world which contains several seas of molten rock and minerals. Due to concentrated pockets of volcanic gasses forming within older oceans now located within the planet's crust, the planet is host to several massive subterranean caverns and tunnel networks which are significantly cooler than the planet's surface. The NAC maintains several colonies and urban centers is here, within caverns beneath the planet's northern and southern poles and accessible only via artificial boreshafts.
Karthans, the second planet in the Librens binary, is similarly barren but possesses a cooler surface and an inert core. The planet's overall structure has remained stable for millions of years. Karthans is a base for a number of mining operations and serves as a waypoint between Tunkret and Trinnet. As such, Karthans is home to the largest terrestrial and subterranean urban complexes in the NAC, boasting the largest population and the most developed infrastructure.
Trinnet, the third plane in the Librens binary, is a barely habitable, sweltering greenhouse world with an atmosphere composed largely of Helium and Nitrogen, with moderate concentrations of Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide. Trinnet is host to most of the NAC's agricultural operations and industrial centers, which produce and organize shipments of foodstuffs and edible goods. While a number of Human plants can grow without trouble on Trinnet's surface, most livestock and cattle asphyxiate within the planet's atmosphere. Only particular cultures of engineered, meat-like crops are permitted to grow unabated on the surface.
Rannktom, the first planet in the Greganev binary, is a blasted, utterly inhospital ball of boiling, molten metal through and through. It has no noteworthy stable landmasses, and its surface features are in perpetual flux and turmoil. Due to the planet's speculated formative history combined with its close proximity to Tramitet, the planet's seas are suffused with a very high concentration of nuclear isomers. The NAC has gone to great trouble and length to establish massive, floating cities on Rannktom for the purposes of harvesting nuclear materials for industrial and civil applications. Rannktom is also home to a large number of prominent military installations and bases, which make use of the unforgiving 'terrain' as the ultimate proving ground and test-bed for their innovations and designs.
Paroh, the second planet in the Greganev binary, is thought to have once been a gas giant predating the formation of the binary itself. Its surface is an unnatural smooth, highly compressed composite material containing large amounts of cobalt, nickel, and chrome, with less than a thousand known craters and meteor impact sites. The large and diffuse arrangements of chromium compounds across the surface create a spectacular sea of metallic coloration. Although the NAC maintains a large number of starbases in orbit of the planet, there are no permanent installations on its surface and teams sent down to collect mineral samples and perform research are strictly relegated to very small select sites. Paroh is marked as a natural site by the NAC, and offers tours and vacation outings on its surface while staying in one of its stunningly accommodating luxury atmospheric habitats. Coincidentally, Paroh is also home to the NAC's official station of Embassies as well as their Diplomatic Forum.
Point Phokashra, located directly atop the tertiary Akkamarid binary, is a massive, sprawling starbase continuously expanding in every direction, being several times larger than most megacities and not looking to stop getting larger anytime soon. It has a network of supporting stations and starbases orbiting around the tertiary binary to match the orbits of other notable locations within the system, and it serves as both an activity hub and staging ground for most NAC operations. A large number of administrative centers and services are located here as a result.
Long-Hold Superpositioned Neutrino Scanning is a method developed by the NAC to scan any given target object down to the subatomic level and create a perfect, static data copy of that target's entire actual structure. This is not limited to merely mechanical or electronic devices, but can also be used to scan organic and synthetic beings, high-energy phenomena, invisible force interactions and waves, and more. LHSP Neutrino Scanning is infamous for being very nearly impossible to shield against. One of the only known limitations to LHSP Neutrino Scanning is its inability to detect or measure gravity meaningfully, with the scanning 'beam' also being susceptible to artificially bent or otherwise distorted spacetime curvature.
The scanner works by firing a compact ray of over a hundred quadrillion neutrinos at a target, which pass through an eigenstate trap before leaving the apparatus' emitter. Using telemetry and observation of the target, the eigenstate trap can stimulate select neutrino eigenstates to force a neutrino interaction while it passes through the target, which due to its captured eigenstate within the emitter can then be recorded. If the target's location is known, the eigenstate trap can stimulate the neutrino eigenstates in the ray until every part of the target structure has been observed. In the unlikely event that a high percentage of neutrinos are blocked or obscured, either by a mass of neutronium or else by a second eigenstate trap, the emitter's own eigenstate trap can force a corresponding neutrino to superposition across the barrier without interacting with it, allowing for it to continue.
LHSP Neutrino Scanners require large amounts of energy in order to produce upwards of quintillions of neutrinos at a time per use, and tend to be extremely large, dedicated assemblies with their own accompanying reactors and data storage systems. Additionally, Scanners are often specialized for specific kinds of targets for the sake of efficiency. Some are specialized to scan organic matter, others for hardware, or high-energy phenomena. General-use, universal scanners exist but tend to be designed using very conservative estimates, meaning they are typically the largest and most relatively inefficient scanners of their kind.
Working using similar principles to the NAC's Neutrino scanners, Mind Rippers range from backpack-mounted assemblies to larger medical equipment, specialized for the express purposes of scanning and storing the memory patterns of organic beings. The emitter used fires electrons rather than neutrinos, requiring much less energy overall to power and much less space to contain, especially in the absence of the need to fire quintillions of neutrinos at once. A Mind Ripper simply shoots electrons through an organic being's body, recording any identifiable instances of genetic sequences or other chemical structures used in the storage and retrieval of memory.
Typically, mind ripping is a nearly harmless procedure known to cause mild disorientation, as the electron stream used is normally does not fire enough electrons to seriously hurt a target. If the target has significant cybernetic augmentation or surgically implanted metal, the process is known to be more dangerous, being occasionally debilitating or lethal. Additionally, the larger and more powerful a mind ripper is in order to facilitate the firing of a denser electron stream, the more dangerous the process becomes for the target. Saturation of the bloodstream or other pathways in the body with particular compounds or materials that deter electron passage can shield against mind ripping, and it is entirely possible to develop serums affording short-term relative immunity. The counterpoint being that if an angry NAC agent with a mind ripper thinks you are using a serum, they can elect to use a larger mind ripper that fires many many many more electrons with a near 100% of killing you in the process of stealing all your hopes and dreams.
The very technology for which the populace of the NAC have earned the nickname of 'The Printers' from the galactic layman, Static-Form Printers are variable-sized chambers which use a number of arcane processes to create a near-QED Vacuum within their interior, and then use a provided supply of highly purified elemental fuels in order to create a perfect, printed copy of any object down to the subatomic level using information derived from Neutrino scanning.
Even for the smallest printers printing the smallest of objects, the printing process can take upwards of an hour to complete due to the mechanisms used in order to ensure the printed object is a whole, stable structure. Once an object starts printing, the process cannot be stopped or interrupted, and the sealed printing chamber cannot be opened. If the process should be stopped or the chamber forced open for any reason, the printed matter can fall apart and degenerate, sometimes spectacularly. As long as the process is allowed to proceed however, normally hazardous or unstable matter (or antimatter) can be preserved up until the moment the printing process is complete. Only once the printing process is complete are potentially hazardous or unstable objects and structures permitted to explode or melt through the floor. For this very same reason, safeguard programs exist in every printer that warn the user of the potential for unsafe materials to be printed.
Although generally limited by the volume and dimensions of the printing chamber, assuming it is larger enough a printer can recreate nearly any object with perfect fidelity, and is not limited to hardware. Printers can reliably recreate computing equipment and every program, piece of software, and line of code stored in the equipment's scan data. They can print synthetics, organic matter, and even perfect copies of living, sentient beings complete with intact memory. Imperfections and flaws are possible, but generally so insignificant as to be negligible, since defects in printed matter are generally only caused by vacuum fluctuations within the printing chamber or by impurities in the elemental fuel any given printer might use.
In addition to registering and tracking every single printer ever made, the NAC has a large array of security and safeguards programmed into each one. In particular, non-Plasmodium species cannot use printers, nor can any Plasmodium unless its genome is on record with the NAC. However, although printers are sophisticated and elaborate pieces of technology, they are not beyond the means of other opportunistic powers to duplicate with sufficient study and analysis. The science behind its operation is not particularly arcane, and the simple act of creating the near-QED vacuum within the printing chamber is the most complex part of the actual printing process itself. Once the technology behind printing gets out, the only real advantages the NAC will have will be the relatively better efficiency and sophistication of their own printers.
Although the NAC has developed a number of model designer organisms for its own purposes, by and large they do not specialize in genetic design or manipulation, and the few organisms they have made from scratch took decades of time to develop. However, there are a few key areas where the NAC excels due to their express interests, in particular, the ability to change and manipulate biogenic information in the form of memory. After having studied a particular organic species sufficiently, the NAC can print perfect copies of scanned members of their species with erased, altered, or completely fabricated memories and corresponding personalities.
Certain ships amongst the NAC's navy and a number of their starbases and space stations are equipped with a weapons array that allows for the use of FTL energy munitions. Despite the system's designation as an FTL weapon, its ultimate range is strictly limited within the same system, and is most effectively employed at relatively close ranges. This is because the targeting mechanism for the weapon is, in and of itself, a subluminal targeting maser that travels near but not quite at the speed of light. This same maser is calibrated so that it is fired as a hollow, cylindrical beam as opposed to a solid stream. The hollow interior of the maser is both rendered into a full vacuum, while the specialized properties of the maser create a Casimir effect corridor along the length of the beam.
Once the maser itself hits and 'paints' a target, the FTL munition can then be employed by firing it down the vacuum within the targeting maser, accelerated past lightspeed by the casimir corridor to the point where any target being painted by the targeting maser will be hit instantaneously, turning what would otherwise be a mundane near-C energy munition into a technical FTL weapon. The targeting maser itself being subluminal still tremendously limits the effective range of the system, and presents a number of other drawbacks. For one,if the laser loses target acquisition, then the energy stream fired through it will also miss. If the targeting maser should be broken or interrupted - by space debris or certain kinds of interrupting fields for example - the energy stream fired through it will likewise be interrupted at that point. The upside to the weapon is that once a target is painting, no matter what range it happens to be at, the firing system will have perfect down-to-the-microsecond telemetry data on its position and will be able to apply a continuous, hitscan stream of fire.
NAC vessels use a powerful superfluid magnetohydrodynamic power system to generate a highly energetic halbach magnetosphere around themselves, mimicking the natural magnetospheres generated by planets with fluid mantles (such as Earth, by way of example) or the heliospheres of stars. Each vessel features a dynamo containing a rapidly circulating supercharged and superfluid matter, which generates a dipolar magnetic field several hundreds of times the size of the vessel generating the field. The dynamo system also spins perpendicular to its axis, and so the dipolar field behaves as though it were singular and fluid rather than dipolar.
When any object (not merely objects that are strongly magnetic) enters the magnetofield of a planet like Earth, its own trajectory is influenced by the relatively velocity at which the field spins in proportion to how energetic the field is. Earth’s magnetosphere is just powerful enough to deflect radiation and other energetic particles projected for the sun, which relative to large space objects or highly-energetic cosmic particles, may as well be lazily buzzing gnats. Hence, when a large object or an extremely energetic particle enters Earth’s magnetosphere, they tend to be only negligibly affected by the field.
NAC vessels generate magnetoshields which, relative to the Earth’s magnetofield, are almost literally millions of times more energetic and rapid. When an object enters an NAC magnetoshield, it is likely to be immediately torn apart due to the extreme spin of the superfluid matter near the corresponding vessel’s core. Objects that are not torn apart, but lack sufficient kinetic force to maintain their own trajectory are yanked from their trajectory to be flung away from the magnetoshield at a reciprocal vector.
Missiles, accelerated particle streams, slugs, and most beam/projectile based weapons are susceptible to interception by NAC magnetoshields, and the magnetoshields in question do not lose energy from sustained fire or from being pierced. Very simply, the only way to pierce through the magnetoshield is to use a weapon or form of attack that is powerful enough to pierce through it. Using weapons or attacks too weak to pierce through the magnetoshield initially will never pierce through it at all, no matter how many times they are used or in what concentration they are utilized. If an enemy attacks an NAC vessel of the same or equivalent ship classification and only has light armaments, there is a distinct possibility that none of its weapons will be capable of piercing the magnetoshield.
The silver lining for attacking forces, of course, is that if an attack pierces the magnetoshield, it always will, and will never fail in doing so (though they had best be wary that even such attacks are not disturbed or deflected enough to miss the target vessel anyway). Since the magnetoshield’s power is always constant, the NAC cannot suddenly decide to ‘divert more power to the shields!’ The same features which make magnetoshields effective against weak attacks makes them weak against sufficiently strong attacks.
Finally, by necessity of their design, each magnetoshield has two weak points. The dynamo containing the circulating matter necessarily generates a dipolar magnetoshield along its axis. At both poles, there is a steep depression in the magnetoshield which makes the area of space covered by the shield much ‘shallower’ than any other space, making it easier for attacks to penetrate those points. In order to circumvent this weakness, the NAC have each shield dynamo spun perpendicular to their axis (akin to the motion of a gyroscope), causing the axial poles to constantly shift and change position. This prevents enemies from effectively targeting either weak point. However, highly sophisticated tracking systems or targeting suites, if they knew what to look for, could probably time and predict the movements of the poles and time firing solutions to pierce through the magnetoshield the next time one or the other comes around.
Having observed all of this, one might ask how the NAC manage to fire any of their own weapons through the magnetoshield surrounding each vessel. The answer being that each shielding dynamo, in addition to rapidly circulating supercharged, superfluid matter, circulates it through rotating chambered systems designed to change the interaction of the magnetic field generated by the fluid circulating through each chamber in order to create a dynamic halbach array. This cancels out the influence of the magnetic field on the inside of the magnetoshield to near zero which proportionally augmenting the strength of the magnetoshield on its outside. In this way, each magnetoshield only destroys or repels attacks or objects that approach it from the outside; attacks directed from the inside, out, simply pass through.
tl;dr, attacks that are too weak to pass through it, don’t. Attacks that are, do. The shield doesn’t lose strength when it deflects an attack, and it doesn’t break when it gets pierced. It always works, and never drops or fails. The NAC can fire their own weapons out of the shield without them being affected.
Using internally seated wedge-shaped chambers containing stabilized matrices of exotic matter with negative mass, each NAC vessel bends spacetime to a given side of itself in order to attain a relative higher top speed, as well as better changes in acceleration. This allows each ship to attain respectably high sublight speed and acceleration without endangering the the organic crew or less durable objects aboard each vessel.
The NAC, by and large, is not interested in waging widescale insterstellar warfare or in making a habit of pursuing unnecessary naval engagements. In the eventuality they must, they would prefer that they win, even if the results are not achieved by tidy means. The NAC also prefers to pick and choose its battles, aiming to only engage when it is apparent that their forces can win decisively. The NAC implements this particular policy out of a stark awareness of the limitations of their available resources and relatively small number of their available forces. In this way, the NAC is like a snake. Generally, it will not fight unless cornered, and it prefers to strike from ambush with a focused, overwhelming, and crippling assault.
As far the NAC's navy itself goes, the military organization overseen by the third board of directors has broad and liberal discretion to dictate and implement its own strategic and tactical agenda. Its exact goals are usually fluid, malleable, and flexible in nature, and the strategies used by other extensions of the NAC's formal government adapts to service the military agenda rather than the other way around. The NAC's overarching galactic agenda might conceivably take centuries and will not be made or lost in the course of a single battle, so it is pointless to needlessly fight battles that cannot be won. For this very reason, it is not out-of-character to find NAC installations abandoned or evacuated upon attack.
It is also unusual for the military or for the third board to pursue a conflict not endorsed by the first board, and the third board and military typically decline to humor the requests of other formal agencies of the NAC - relegating most field operations to allotted resources only. Even those few military craft and personnel assigned to a particular duty with the expectation of fighting adhere to a strict series of contingencies, the punchline being NAC naval forces will only commit if they reasonably think they can win and if they think the fight is worth winning.
The NAC military and by extension the third board of directors only answer to the first board, meaning most if not all conflicts where the NAC navy is involved are formally sanctioned - contrary to what the NAC's diplomatic envoys would have many believe.
In regards to tactics, the navy prefers to go into most engagements using scan data in order to exploit specific vulnerabilities and weaknesses in hostile craft and infrastructure. In addition, they prefer to stay at range, exploiting the relatively long reach of their armaments to the utmost. They also commonly use celestial bodies to modify the rules of engagement, particular in engagements not in their own favor. A favored tactic is to hide within the corona of a star or inside the atmospheres of gas giants, using their superior sensor technology to launch on-and-off surprise attacks against distant targets. Their vessels are generally only as large as necessary in order to field the most effective weapons they have access to; the navy prefers very heavily armed cruisers supplemented by destroyers specialized for screening and anti-corvette and frigate roles while their larger brethren handle the hard work.
Naval formations are very loose and spread out over a relatively large area of space in order to minimize the effectiveness of corresponding enemy formations. They prefer conical and cylindrical walls of battle that can fold in or away from a center or a particular point rapidly. Cruisers are often attended by pairs of destroyers that provide personal support. Most ships employ high-energy munitions, usually defaulting to grasers, with but a few notable exceptions. Larger ships such as dreadnoughts and superdreadnoughts are only typically employed in relatively large numbers to fulfill specialized roles, and the navy as a whole disapproves of using small numbers of make-or-break spacecraft. Most NAC fleets utilize large numbers of small ship classes, but when they do use the larger classes, they use them in large numbers as well.
A design for a heavy atmospheric gunship gone terribly overboard that transformed into a design for a heavy dual-role strike craft that then also got decidedly out of hand, the Proxima is a Heavy Corvette and easily one of the single most over-designed vessels in the NAC's arsenal. Designed for atmospheric superiority and domination, the Proxima also proved exceptionally suited to bullying frigates and destroyers in naval engagements.
The Proxima is small and fast enough to be able to join transports during invasions of shielded planets, capable of shifting between space and atmospheres without issue, and can get into high-velocity dogfights with atmospheric fighters and interceptor strike-craft. It is heavily armored with reinforced, double-layered triple-composite alloy armor that allows it to take artillery shells to the side, careen headlong into a mountain, bounce down the side, carve a large gouge out of the terrain, and then drift right back up and get back to work. It is heavily armed with armor-penetrating plasma weaponry, shield and organic frying ion arrays, and a dreaded, maser-contained antimatter lance. Proximas are high-priority strategic-grade targets in terrestrial theaters, and in space are dangerous enough to be very risky for frigates to engage and a notable threat to destroyers.
The only true downside to the Proxima corvette is the degree to which it is over-designed. For a corvette it is unconscionably expensive and difficult to produce. While capable of bullying frigates and destroyers, in straight fights with them it tends to fare poorly, being praised for its ability to cripple such ships as opposed to its ability to actually survive encounters with them. Critiques of its design indicate that it is ill-suited to the purposes and needs of the infrequently engaged navy and army, and that producing such expensive craft only to never use them is a tremendous waste.
Proxima are typically encountered only in two scenarios. Either independently and alone during atmospheric operations by remote agents who have been accommodated a single Proxima for mission support - one Proxima being far and more than enough for most support purposes - or else in very large amassed numbers during planetary assaults. They are disgustingly terrible opponents to fight in any given situation.
The NAC's primary transport design is a highly specialized defense-oriented vessel with little in the way of armaments, made for the purpose of punching through planetary shielding while evading or overwhelming StS battery fire. In addition to its standard magnetoshield, the Urbane's bow is a dedicated emitter that generates a sheathe of plasma around the vessel, shaped around its shielding in order to enhance its defensive capabilities and also allowing it to legitimately use near-hit drive-by ramming tactics as an offensive measure. Upon touching down on the ground, the frigate is capable of unfolding itself and deploying into a small, highly modular defensive fortification that can then link and join up with the deployment of other frigates to create a larger defensive line, or else use preselected apparatus to move across battlefields, albeit slowly. Each Urbane can carry a predetermined loadout of soldiers, vehicles, munitions, or specialized equipment for the purposes of surgical terrestrial invasions.
The Bounty was made for the express purpose of supporting the NAC's line of Obelisk heavy cruisers, and to that extent it is a screening craft dedicated towards mitigating and destroying strike craft, corvettes, and frigates. It is so specialized for this purpose in fact, that it underperforms in matchups with other Destroyer classes. This is because it is assumed that each Bounty will have at least one Obelisk backing it up, which would be expected to do the true heavy lifting in regards to larger classes of ships. For its designated purpose though, the Bounty excels. Its primary armaments are eight light gyroscopic graser mounts, specially modified to allow for longer bursts of continuous tracking fire. Each graser mount is smaller than ordinary relative to the Bounty's ship classification, the graser stream each one fires being thinner. These weapons are optimized for tracking and destroy strike craft and bombers, while also being able to pick off and intercept torpedoes and other missile-based munitions. This function is supported by a dedicated sensor suite optimized to pick out and track small craft and munitions from amongst a sea of ECM, decoys, and rampant weapons fire. Additionally, the craft possesses six plasma-breacher projectors that allow it to ruin the day of any corvette or frigate it encounters.
The Obelisk is designed in order to mount the heaviest, most powerful weapons platforms as possible on as small, light, and fast of a craft as possible. Keenly aware of the relative resource shortage they must deal with, the NAC prefers that its heaviest hitters have high overall redundancy while being relatively inexpensive as far as reprint values rate. The Obelisk has the shape of an oblong needle with three spires jutting away from its center of mass just behind the ship's Y-axis. Mounted at the front, end, and atop each spire is an ultra-heavy graser mount normally reserved for battleships. Depending upon its orientation, the Obelisk can fire all five of its grasers at a single target at once, and can always fire at least four in any given direction. For secondary armaments the Obelisk is equipped with nine plasma-breacher projectors, intended largely to swat smaller craft into oblivion.
While the Obelisk fields a ridiculous amount of firepower, the nature of its weapons means it is poorly suited to battling smaller craft cruisers might otherwise be expected to handle. Its personal sensor suite is dedicated to identifying vulnerabilities in the shielding and hulls of battleships and dreadnoughts, and is poorly suited for interception purposes. It struggles in particular against frigates, corvettes, and strike-craft, against which none of its munitions are particularly suited to tracking.
Although officially rated as a battleship, the Scion is truthfully less heavily armed than the Obelisk heavy cruiser and is a highly specialized craft ill-suited to pitched, close-quarters engagements and skirmishes. A large bulk of the Scion's mass is taken up by a massive LHSP Neutrino Scanner as well as an FTL sensor suite, while most of the remainder is taken up by a single ultra-heavy subluminal-targeted FTL graser mount. The Scion earns its keep by detecting and tracking distant targets and picking them to pieces with its primary weapon from far, far afield and out of the enemy's effective range. As a deterrent against strike-craft and corvettes, the Scion also possesses twelve light tracking graser mounts optimized in the same manner as those of the Bounty's. All in all however, the Scion is ill-suited to any kind of fair fight even against smaller craft at relatively close distances.
The Mesektet is a craft designed for planetary invasions. While it cannot enter atmospheres under normal circumstances and is far too large and slow of a target to slip past planetary shielding or StS batteries, a single Mesektet can make or break a planetary invasion solely through its role as a mobile tactical HQ for the second board.
The Mesektet boasts an exceptionally powerful LHSP Neutrino scanner suite with accompanying information storage, capable of scanning massive bodies or innumerable large craft and storing the information. It is also host to a massive heavy-industrial Printing array and serves as a mobile depot for the refined elemental fuel used by the NAC's static printers, as well as harvesting and purification centers for the production of more. The Mesektet can print and reprint any number of army units on-demand, as well as print smaller naval units such as the Proxima and Urbane. When joined up with other supercarriers of its kind, multiple Mesektets can between them print and assemble larger vessels in relatively short periods of time. Due to the high concentration of high-priority equipment aboard Mesektets as well as due to their ability to turn the tide of any conflict through their support role, they are strategic-grade targets and are afforded appropriate protection as a result.
As supercarriers, Mesektets are only lightly armed with graser-based point defense and a large array of plasma breachers, but all in all they are not intended to directly partake in any kind of naval engagement. In an actual conflict, a Mesektet will usually evade and run rather than engage.
The Pyrulen is to dreadnought designs what the Obelisk is to cruiser designs, and this is seen in their largely identical hull configurations, allowing for the Pyrulen's much, much larger volume. It fields four ultra-heavy subluminal-targeted FTL graser mounts at its rear and atop its three spires. Its front weapon mount is also a subluminal-targeted FTL weapon mount configured for graser fire, but is also a recently-developed experimental design permitting for the emission of a thin stream of phosphorescent corium along the length of the targeting maser. These prototype weapons are somewhat temperamental and have not been fully tested in live-fire conditions, but are hypothesized to be magnitudes more powerful than any other weapon in the NAC's arsenal, theoretically capable of destroying even starbases using only few seconds of sustained fire.
The Pyrulen is otherwise equipped with twelve heavy graser mounts, an array of light graser point-defense, and thirty-six heavy plasma-breacher emitters.
The NAC's army and terrestrial forces are known for their high overall mobility and their emphasis on atmospheric superiority. They prefer to field smaller numbers of high-quality elite infantry supported by gunships and rapid artillery. NAC armies move quickly and are hard to keep pinned down in one spot. Thanks to the design of the Urbane frigate and transport vessel, even their entrenchments and fortifications are mobile and notoriously difficult to zero in on.
These same qualities are what make the armed terrestrial forces of the NAC well-suited for covert operations. Although trained and fully intended to be used for the purposes of planetary invasions, they are most often employed in subversive missions against and within foreign powers. This Carte blanche deployment of the NAC's armed forces drives home the truth that the NAC itself is more a stratified military junta than any true kind of corporate power, as these military forces serve as basic security on top of handling other matters. Which is to say, the involvement of terrestrial armed forces is the minimum of investiture in any given operation.
Unlike the naval forces of the NAC, the army is much more willing and quick to resort to force, and are very willing to take risks and gambles in order to achieve their goals. Soldiers and equipment are much easier to reprint than spacecraft, after all. Thus, in foreign operations, while one is unlikely to ever see an NAC craft unless they have stumbled upon something big, even with the most low-key operations a wary investigator can expect to eventually find a two-meter tall armored military agent pointing an MTG Carbine at their head.
Hail Drones are small, spherical weapons platforms no bigger than a Humanoid's head, with eight gyroscopic ion thrusters for propulsion and a maser-emitter mounted on the front. Every aspect of the Hail Drone's design is highly economical, streamlined, and low cost. The designers scrimped at every angle and pulled every single trick they knew to save on space and materials when making it, especially when it came to the power supply. Although Hail Drones have a capacitor near their cores, dissection of them has shown an absence of any kind of power generation mechanism. The only clue as to how they are powered is a minuscule, hollow containment chamber just behind their center of mass connected directly to their capacitors. A few far-fling theories suggest they are powered through induction, beaming, or some other form of remote power relay.
Because of how small and economical Hail Drones are, they can be very quickly printed in very large batches all at once on the cheap, and are often deployed in large swarms. They are so prevalent they can even often be found supporting individual infantry in sextets. Hail Drones are, individually, not a great threat - but when supporting infantry with additional telemetry, acting as scouts in urban environments, and when deployed in very large numbers, they can stack the deck against the forces dealing with them.
By far though, the greatest utility of Hail Drones is their ability to self-destruct, creating a small explosion equivocal to a grenade detonation. This may be done either autonomous or by-order of infantry they are accompanying, and so Hail Drones also function as tactical, explosive smart-munitions.
Military Plasmodiums are usually printed standing two meters tall, with two legs and four arms. With multiple surgically installed implants of nuclear material for metabolic purposes and cybernetic augmentations, they are universally almost always stronger, faster, nimbler, and more durable than ordinary organics - before factoring in the powered exoskeleton they wear. The exoskeleton itself was designed to synergize with the Plasmodium's vastly increased physical strength and durable body, allowing them to rapidly propel themselves across battlefields using ion-emitters to produce small amounts of thrust.
The armor plating usually patched onto the exoskeleton is nothing spectacular, essentially a disposable and recyclable ceramic with excellent durability particularly against ballistics, but which is known to disintegrate and crack when superheated. This armor reliably protects infantry from ballistics over time and could usually sustain one to two exposures from high-energy weapons before falling apart, greatly increasing the longevity of the Plasmodium soldiers while still being inexpensive to produce and replace.
Plasmodium infantry are most often equipped with MSG Carbines. These sophisticated weapons are easily the single most complex and expensive piece of equipment a Plasmodium is typically outfitted with. An emitter built into the weapon's barrel fires a relatively weak maser at a target, which by itself is not particularly powerful and only capable of causing small burns, even on unarmored targets. Its primary function is to instead create a vacuum corridor in the atmosphere it passes through while applying light ablative shock to armored surfaces, so that a high-powered graser can then subsequently be fired from a fuel chamber built into the body of the carbine at the target through the momentary vacuum and do unpleasant things to them. The weapon is so effective it serves as a small-arms, armor-piercing, anti-electronic, and anti-organic weapon.
Plasmodium infantry are typically assisted in combat by attending Hail Drones, and a single soldier may be allotted up to a total of six at once. In addition to providing infantry with additional telemetry data and firepower, these drones can scout ahead and inform infantry of potential ambushes or enemy fortifications. Due to the relative omnipresence of Hail Drones, they are also commonly employed as smart explosives equivalent to grenades.
Field Printers are precisely what they are named - Static Printers provided with mobile housing and armor. Field Printers are mobile tactical depots that can resupply infantry, print Hail Drones, exoskeletons, ceramic armor, and carbines on the fly. It is also equipped with a sophisticated sensor array and relay antennae, allowing it to act as a local communications hub. Field Printers have no overt built-in armaments, but due to their frequent printing of large numbers of Hail Drones are often guarded by massive swarms of the insidious devices, making approach on foot difficult if not suicidal. This is further complicated by the Field Printer being able to see through various forms of camouflage and stealth, and share its telemetry data with all drones and infantry linked up with it.
By far though, the Field Printer's greatest utility is its ability to recycle equipment and matter into elemental fuel, allowing it to easily and quickly resupply while deployed.
The Totem is named for its shape - a largely vertical column of armor plating surrounding a single Impetus-Drive wedge along the top of the vehicle that allows it to fly through the air. Hanging directly below the wedge is a single dual-weapon turret with independently tracking plasma-breacher projectors and a heavy graser. Totems are fairly small in size, barely taller than a standing Plasmodium soldier and notably thinner. Despite being very swift and mobile, capable of going most places a soldier can, its single Impetus wedge is known to not grant it great stability. The totem can be sent wildly careening uncontrollably through the air with a well placed shot or series of shots, and its armor is similar in nature to the ceramic plating most Plasmodium soldiers use with their exoskeletons. In this manner, Totems are similar in nature to Hail Drones in that they are economical, easy to print, highly mobile and field large amounts of firepower.
The Horizon is an actual triangular platform with three Impetus wedges at each corner, and four gyroscopic weapon mounts. The single large top mount is an artillery piece with a specially modified emitter, capable of firing plasma-breachers with carefully configured magnetic containment that allows it to be fired with a parabolic trajectory. The weapon's range is ultimately still limited by the plasma-breacher's high overall speed and the limited capability of the magnetic field containing it to alter its trajectory, meaning at relatively closer ranges within several kilometers, the projectile itself will only possess a faint arc and will effectively still be moving in a nearly straight line. At longer ranges over the horizon line, the weapon's range is limited by the limited effect of gravity on its movement, actually restricting the upper limits of the vehicle's range.
The three weapon mounts on the underside are largely identical to those sported by the Totem tank, intended to deter hostile infantry and armor while the Horizon zeros in on more important targets elsewhere.
The Tomegathericon is the pinnacle of the NAC's terrestrial military doctrine personified. It is swift. heavily armed and armored, and although notably expensive to manufacture is notably cost-effective. Shaped as armored slopes around a large Impetus drive at the craft's nose with a smaller guiding drive at the rear, the Tomegathericon is noteworthy for its extreme maneuverability even in tight spaces and urban environments as well as for its high overall linear acceleration. It is armed with four heavy graser and plasma-breacher mounts apiece, with a graser on the front, rear, and sides, with all four plasma-breacher weapons mounted on the sides. It can fire a minimum of two of its plasma mounts in any direction at once, including ahead, beneath, over, and behind itself. It possess an Impetus clamp along its underside, allowing it to pick up and tow large vehicles or objects on demand, as well as two small cargo compartments on either of its sides just below its weapon mounts.
The Kingdom of Amucia is notorious for strong ethno-nationalism, rapid breeding, vast cities and even more vast farmland. Their borders tightly controlled to make sure nothing gets through without permission, with Amucians rarely knowing much of what happens beyond their nation unless it spins the Kingdom in a positive light. Colonization is heavily supported due to the overpopulated and densely packed nature of Amucian cities, as well as how quickly them become so thanks to the swift population growth. Almost all colonies are located on cold, vegetated planets, minus a few mining colonies in a distant asteroid or on a desert world. Colonies also receive much more freedom from the government's control and gives farmers the right to make or buy guns and ammo.
Official Name: The Kingdom of Amucia Common Name: Amucian Kingdom, Amucia Government: Monarchy Dominant Species: Amucians Capital: Amucia Systems Owned: The Important ones are; Amucia, Habda, Bersdun, The Stretch and Grasslands. Planets Owned: Important ones: Amucia & Dresel (Amucia), Habda, Bersdun, Ursa 1 and Ursa 2 (Grasslands) Population: Estimates are around 30 Billion and increasing.
The Kingdom's founding was not a convetional political victory.
A ceaseless war. After a forever of being confronted by numerous foes, the remains of a great nation had been burned to the ground. In these times a nobleman had risen with an idea not too uncommon with history, one he met with great success. A ethno-nationalist society built around the Amucian people was presented, at the time it was nothing more than another rabble of terrorists who sought to subvert the norm. Little was it known by both these fighters and the remaining citizens that this ideology would catch on with ease, with the mere wars over territory evolving into the survival of a species, or so was claimed.
In the end, they had won over the majority of the Amucian population, especially as every territory claimed would offer a unusually optimistic fervor about the future. Once victory had been achieved and control of the territories wrangled over, those considered unfit for survival in the new age were executed en mass or forced into distant mountains or thick swampland. The nobleman who had been commanding these forces swiftly crowning himself as king, finding his old mansion on his homeworld fit to be refitted into a palace. A century on, past a population boom, rewriting of history, two other kings and a leap in technology, the Amucian Kingdom sits in silence, watching the borders with a long standing hatred for those beyond.
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
N/A, map in OOC.
Major Holdings
Amucia & Dresel
A place of cities so densely packed and active that it is increasingly rare to find a empty street. Both planets share their rarity in wildlife or natural environments, nearly everything having been touched by the Amucians at one point or replaced by buildings entirely. They are the beating heart of the Kingdom, bustling with activity as ships never cease in their deliveries from the furthest colonies to the closest continents. It is truly a place of awe, especially with the structures dating back thousands of years still standing tall, as if time itself wouldn't dare touch them.
While seeming nothing more than a farm world with a minimal population, the reality is always more important. Science facilities built deep into the ice cold mountains have personnel working consistently to bring about something new to support the kingdom's efforts in expansion and colonization. While their efforts are done with much dedication and plenty of seeming unsolvable challenges being prodded, results are more often noting more then a too small of a solution to a gigantic problem. Nonetheless, research continues...
The Grasslands
Ursa 1 and Ursa 2
The planets weren't named or originally colonized by the Amucians- but after removing the previous populace, they treat it as if it were their own. With a eagerness to utilize nature to their advantage, the untamed lands of both planets are utilized to produce much of the food needed to keep the Kingdom alive. The Grasslands are the second most important system in the entire territory, the navy having a strong presence with constant patrols. If both worlds were to fall, it'd have nearly apocalyptic consequences instantly for the entire Kingdom itself, never mind a year into the future.
Social Information
Amucians are humanoid- two ears, eyes, legs, feet, arms and hands.
The average Amucian is around 6'0ft, with a snout and two pointy ears as well as a thin layer of fur covering their flesh. The color of their eyes are a blue or brown, with any human-like hair being either blonde or brown and fur being largely lightish-tan, brown, a mix of both or pure white. These colors can darken over time if Amucians are exposed to the sun long enough, much like humans tanning. Those genetically modified have access to red, purple and green eyes, as well as a slightly different lighter/darker tone in fur. Females and males are both similar to humans as well, including internal organs. Despite what could be implied from appearance, they do not seem harbor little or zero relation to animals.
The demographics ethno-state is majority Amucian, near one-hundred percent. The only aliens holding back that 100% are those who either had ancestors originally live on the planet and by Amucian law, have the right to remain settled without citizenship, or those who are enslaved and work in prisons, mines, farms and factories.
The Amucians are a very species-focused society, finding unity and beauty in their physical similarities to each other. This focus on looks is incorporated into their relations with other races, Amucian hostility assuredly apart of their stereotype. Though aliens do exist to a degree, they are either forced to work or kept in tiny reservations that are purposefully constricting them of resources and then naturally, forcing them to leave. It isn't uncommon in the Kingdom to have a paranoia for potential "intruders" who have bypassed the border. If the navy have been watching out for anything these past decades, it has indeed been these alien intruders.
For the average Amucian life is nothing more then work towards a greater goal in mind. In this case, united, they all work towards a bigger, stronger, safer and better Amucia, but individually they're quite the people with ulterior motives in mind. From the lowest menial workers to the noblemen, all suffer from their obsessive need to climb the ladder of progress by any means. Accusations of sabotage are common the higher you find yourself, a few deaths abound eventually. Despite these actions there is very little issues between Amucians, the acts of sabotage having been merged too well with culture itself.
Though this group-minded culture has even made situations in the military dire. The navy is treated as a distant cousin in contrast with ground forces, where all the naval personnel must rely on themselves first to get anywhere alive. Meanwhile the generals keep their bloated army budget, unwilling to cooperate with admirals on the merest of things while extra resources get dumped to the ground forces, who will continue to stockpile endlessly.
Militarism is rampant as one could imagine, with soldiers taking a regular place among civilians in day-to-day life. The military itself is unsurprisingly worshiped and seen as a viable long term job opportunity for males. Women are regulated to a housewife role, though they undoubtedly take place as workers in both urban and rural life if beneficial. Rural life is a whole other category- to be living on a farm to deal with alien wildlife running amok and possibly killing family, or deadly unknown diseases coming by wind. Those who have lived outside of major cities are almost considered a whole ethnicity in of themselves with how generations have passed, adapting to the wilderness over time and easing into the dangerous lifestyle.
The entire nation's fate is decided by a king, what they decree being the most important in all of the Amucian society. Being given the status of King is no mere act of nepotism either- there is an entire complex bloodline dedicated to maintaining a heir to the throne once the leader dies. In cases of peace (as it has been) these relatives- no matter how distant or close -will fight in a multitude of ways to make their claim to be the closest to the throne. Once the King falls, those with the most influence and ties to the recently deceased leader will make their claim to the title of King. This system is purely patriarchal, the title confined to a male only.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
In comparison to civilizations with shields, lasers, cloning technology and advanced robotics, Amucia is very primitive indeed.
If anything, Amucia represents a mid-1900s with the ability to utilize exoskeletons, a slight amount of genetic engineering and obviously, spaceships. Certainly their civilian technology has upgraded as well, but people still follow a very specific routine relating to outside work, with little artificial help and still reliant on factories being manned by people over being controlled by robots. Almost all vehicles are still pinned to the ground, using tracks and wheels in order to get around environments. A odd combination of old and new, with a lot of the new stuck with the military.
Genetic engineering and exoskeletons are perhaps the most advanced technology, with genetic engineering being a (mostly) civilian appliance. Even then, it is confined by laws- the best one could do is modify certain colors of their body to a slight degree. Exoskeletons meanwhile are the embodiment of the military might, with soldiers in the Army equipped with exoskeletons with metal plating attached, bulky, but able to handle any spare weight added.
Then, there is the borderline technological apartheid with the those below the middle class and the Militia. Those too poor to afford genetic engineering can be seen with inferiority, unable to "Perfect the Amucian form." as some nobles have put it. Hatred against other Amucians over purity is a taboo- but like all taboos, there are those who embrace it with an unwavering mind. And then there is the Militia who unlike most of the military, don't get exoskeletons or advanced weapons. Instead, they wear mere flak jackets and run about with conventional guns that have little worth to a armored target.
Products are primarily man-made, with factories lacking the help of robot workers. Instead, entire city blocks can be placed under the employ of a single factory owner, who'll have vast complexes dedicated to the production of products that the workers themselves will buy or use in their lives. It isn't a perfect system, but with the propaganda constantly fed through the system to tell people to work for their race first, their individual lives second, the factory workers have been able to work at a decent enough rate with total obedience. And as the population grows, more factories are made with more exploration into the wilderness, utilizing fresh resources to make something new for the next generation. Production has remained high with issues few in number, despite the reliance on maintaining a growing and youthful population.
Military Information
Space Forces
Ships can be placed in three categories:
Escorts Thin hulls, large cannons, nothing more than a mere frigate in size.
To be a crewman of an escort is to embrace the title of cannon fodder and understand expendability. This doesn't just apply to how the ships are utilized in combat- serving aboard one of these vessels isn't an experience worth having, with the pay being absolutely low, numerous hazards that threaten to kill, a constant lack of the intelligent or skilled and having to learn how to be resourceful with your own supplies. Many find themselves often stuck with this job forever, unable to garner enough money to truly retire as much of their income must be spent on repairing their own ship in any drydock, civilian or military. Those old enough to be considered unfit for service often aren't let go by a crew if they wish to stay around, despite any disadvantages it may bring, for those who know the ship like home often know much more then any designer of this class of vessel.
It isn't without benefit however, those who serve aboard these ships- be it the marines stationed aboard, crewmen doing the day-to-day jobs or officers trying to deal with logistics, they all have a brotherly bond due to the demanding nature of being the cannon fodder of the navy. If anything holds true to the Amucian military as a whole, the most experienced will often be found in the worst positions.
Dreadnoughts Bizzarely, frigates armed with large cannons is all there really is combat-wise, aside from these glass cannons.
There are only a total of 5 dreadnoughts in service. Amucia's Hand The Flawless Thunderstrike Destroyer G-013 (Gamma)
Even with their limited number, only two have every been active at the same time. The expenses of keeping even one of these ships hovering doesn't make the taxed populous any happier, so most of the time all of these ships are sitting in a drydock waiting to be cleaned up and used for war.
When one of these monsters end up floating (if they ever do) they're a disturbing sight. Gigantic enough to be a nightmarish logistical mess, but with enough firepower to make up for it when a threat comes knocking. These ships are armed with three mighty frontal cannons, rows of turrets on left and right side of the hull, as well as a hangar and numerous missiles. It doesn't lack in the electronic warfare department either, with even the most abandoned and inactive ships being regularly updated and given upgrades to their technology. They also serve as transport, capable of carrying a small unit of soldiers with enough supplies to keep a moderate skirmish going for a week. Their hulls are thicker then a frigate for sure, but they barely keep a hull breach away.
The most important class out of the entire navy and what the entire doctrine revolves around. Due to the navy lacking any variety or actual chance of winning, victory seems only achievable by ground.
Transports are the blood of the navy, there is no purpose of a war without transports doing something. Either carrying troops for an invasion, critical supplies for a world under siege or providing room for scavenged material post-battle. Without these large boxy ships, there'd be no point for the Amucians to have a navy in the first place. They're the only vessels with a hull worthy of holding itself up against a few rounds, but their only useful weapon is the large crew. Boarding enemy vessels is the most common form of counter attack.
Navy Doctrine: Due to the lack of experience and how horribly unorganized most of the navy is, a doctrine is non-existent. The most common form of attack is just sheer unfocused brute force, unloading all the ammunition they can into an enemy before their ship blows up. It isn't smart, but it has worked against the stray ship drifting in space.
Ground Forces
There are a variety of units and branches that can be described in thorough detail. Due to the bloated budget of the ground forces, they have more then ample supply of both manpower and equipment.
Conventional The standard military is what could be expected out of any. Armored personnel carriers, heavy tanks, bombers, fighters, footsoldiers, etc. It isn't a very outlandish, or unique aside from the infantry utilizing exoskeletons. There are a diverse range of powerful weapons for infantry as well, though their power comes out of their capabilities to eliminate targets through sheer force. When compared to lasers, shielding and the alike, a lot of Amucian technology can seem primitive. Training is quite the same- it spans years, but compared to those with the experience of fighting many empires or rebellions, the military is lacks the ability to keep up. Perhaps the only benefit is the average soldiers' obedience and loyalty to Amucia, which is only instilled through the culture's prioritization of species first.
The planetary garrisons do make a standout however- not in a good way. The Militia as they're known are the planetary garrison of each world. They're armed with mere flak jackets, primitive (to Amucian standards) weapons and have incredibly bad organization, their large numbers not helping. Despite all that can happen and the specialized responses that are needed against such happenings, the Militia always find themselves to be the first to go in if its an option. Their purpose is merely to keep planets under control, nothing more.
Government Organizations, Special Agents, Honor Guard Secrets are plentiful and dangerous, so there must be those that are quite the same. The unconventional and mysterious, these are as expected as well. Clad in black uniforms or dressed in heavy armor that hides their identities behind a layer of thick protective metal. It is not common for them to be deployed, though when they are it is entirely normal to assume something has gone awry.
Ground Doctrine: Mass infantry and guerrilla warfare, making the enemy lose through attrition and striking at key targets. There is a degree of combined arms- such as a reliance on heavily armored vehicles to escort convoys, or spacecraft to clear the skies of threats -but almost all work is expected to be started and finished by infantry.
The Aurolian Federation, once a defensive pact between A loose collection of colonies, now is among the Great Powers in the known Galaxy. The Federation is home to numerous species both native and migrated from afar, lending it's strength in such a strong brotherhood and those who wish to join it.
You don't outright require to make these but they are fun so here's a good example.
Official Name: Federation of the Aurolian Stars Common Name: Aurolian Federation, the Federation Government: Federal Republic Dominant Species: Humans Capital: Aurolia Prime, Aurilus System.
The Federation's beginnings can be traced over three centuries ago, in the early 23rd Aurolian Century. Upon the day of Gulsin 15th of the year 2317, the humans of the former colony of Aurolia had finally accomplished a great deed, the creation of their own FTL drives. Within several weeks of hyperspace travel, a Multi-National Exploration Team had touched down on the surface of one of Aurolia's sister worlds of Murani for the first time, and with this monumental event for the Aurolians, so began a new Golden Age of Exploration. For eons, theses colonists had prospered on their lost paradise, but have dreamed of once again traversing the stars just as their Predecessors once did.
From 2320 to 2360, the Nations of Aurolia embarked on a Space Race unlike any other, fleets of cargo and colony ships moving in droves to the barren world of Murani as domed cities were erected on the once dead and quiet landscape. By 2382, over 2 Million humans now called Murani home. And as the years pass by, even more projects were in the works, Mining Companies had begun to lay claim to the Asteroid Fields surrounding the system, the various moons, and many more as now untapped resources once out of reach of the Aurolians were now all theirs for the taking. Dozens of independent parties had constructed Sleeper Ships to set out far beyond the Aurilus System, and explore and colonize alien worlds, and decades later, reestablished contact with Aurolia.
The 24th Century would prove to be the Century of Discovery, Change and War. It all begun in 2400, an Aurolian scout vessel had made first contact with the Hammerheaded Aldzir of Nasj, a Garden Moon that orbits a Gas Giant, communication was shaky with the tribal natives, the colonists having a difficult time to decipher their language, but the two groups lived a relativity peaceful co-existence, but were mostly left to their own devices, the two groups often trading in knowledge or in technology.
By 2424, Humanity would be the ones visited as they came into contact with the Ishkaan, a repto-avian species that had recently reached their own space age, like the Aldzir, the two groups kept into contact, but also kept to themselves, human and ishkaan colonies even traded in what technology was need for their respective worlds to prosper. Despite the occasional border dispute and skirmish between colonies, the general region now dubbed the Aurolian Star Cluster, was functioning with little large scale conflict.
However, this would change for better or for worse in the year 2450, the three interconnected species of the star cluster would come into contact with the Nerkin, an aggressive insectoid species that saw little value in any talks of diplomacy, and caught the scattered colonies off guard as the Nerkin Empire launched a full scale assault on the star cluster, the initial stages of the war were devastating. By the fourth year of the war, the colonies and homeworlds properly organized themselves to form a united front against the Nerkin Empire, whatever differences the Ishkaan or Humans had were put aside to defeat this dire threat.
The war would continue on for another six years before the Nerkin were finally driven off the last occupied colony world. No treaty was signed, the Nerkin did not make any offers of peace nor had their ships returned for a good year after the battle, the war seemed to be over.
Although the war itself was devastating, the reconstruction efforts estimated to take some decades, the Humans, the Aldzir and Ishkaan grew more close, a sense of brotherhood growing among the three, as such, something was to be done in order to become better prepared for the next interstellar conflict.
On the moon of Nasj, Representatives of Aurolia, the native Aldzir tribes and the Ishkaan of Janar, gathered. It was on the Moon of Nasj, in the year 2463 A.C. that the Articles of Federation were drawn, leading to the creation of the Federation of the Aurolian Stars. The nations and colonies soon merged under the sovereign banner of this new Federation, guaranteeing safety and unity against all threats from beyond their borders.
The following decades, before the next war, would be deemed the Century of Restoration. Over the course of said century, the federation would slowly rebuild from the damages brought by the Nerkin, and
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
(This is for the galaxy map with your location highlighted somehow. The galaxy is gigantic so even a small dot can mean a lot. Don't be discouraged by your size!)
Major Holdings
(This is kind of optional, you are given a chance to describe various places of interest. This can be a planet, star system or even entire star sector. Or even something else. Feel free to list them!)
Social Information
Native Species Aldzir: A mammalian species native to the garden moon of Nasj. The Aldzir are among the more bizarre species in known space, possessing a vaguely humanoid shape, with the exception of their upper bodies, with long curved necks and T-shaped heads. On both sides of an Aldzir's neck is two silts, these silts both function as two separate, if interconnected mouths. As noted, despite being separate, when a Aldzir speaks, vocals from both orifices resonate in stereo. Regarding gender, it can be quite difficult distinguishing between a male and female Aldzir, sharing little differences besides the tone of their voice, Females having a higher pitch tone.
Aldzir language has traces of a semi-aquatic origin, "singing" similarly to various whale-like animals of various worlds. The language barrier, for the most part, is quite difficult to breach, few Aldzir are capable of speaking the common human tongue, and most often are forced to rely upon translation implants or devices.
Ishkaan: Native to the Arid World of Janar, the Ishkaan are a hardy Avian species of a vague humanoid shape, their bodies covered in a hardened carapace, and most notable for their horned crests and mandibles. Ishkaan, like the Nalloth, uncharacteristic of avians, can give live birth to young. Similar to the Aldzir, male and female Ishkaan do not differ greatly in physical appearance, with the small exception of tone of voice and females lacking horn crests.
Ysh: Nerkin: Nalloth: Alarician:
Culture in the Federation is rather complicated, and differs greatly from planet to planet, each contain a unique culture and society born from it's people and surroundings. However, the Worlds of the Federation share quite a few common values, one of individualism, self-determination and liberty for the various peoples of different creeds and species. Such Human ideals had slowly, but surely spread to the non-human citizens of the Federation, both local and migrant alike, and many had grown to adopt such ideals as their own.
The Federation Military is held to a high standard and respect in the Federation, seen as the ever watchful defenders of a fragile civilization against far off Powers that seek its total submission and destruction.
Freedom of Religion in the Federation is also a scared right, and just as diverse, many Human and Alien Religions begun spreading the word of their respective Gods once missionaries left offworld, and to the surprise of most, have acquired many converts not of their own species.
A Federal Republic, the Aurolian Government is split between Three Branches, the Executive Branch, that being the Office of the Federation President who is both the Head of the Senate and the Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Armed Forces. One of the many tasks of a President consist of the creation of Laws, the signing of articles of diplomatic importance such as treaties, to appoint judges for the Interstellar Court and so on.
The Legislative Branch, that of which being the Senate. The Senate's main tasks consist of the passing of laws brought forward by the President, passing or vetoing Legislation by the President, and are to give consent to enact a Declaration of War. And finally there is the Interstellar Court, who are responsible for the enforcement of the Laws created by the President and passed then enacted by the Senate. IC Judges are appointed by the President.
Star Systems within the Federation are partially autonomous entities who are responsible for both maintaining worlds and installations within, and to maintain its own defense with their local System Defense Force to act as its shield.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
(Describe your civilization's technology in general)
Shadow-class Stealth Corvette Length: 163 Meters Role: Deep Space Reconnaissance Developed a few years before the Daisan War, the Shadow Stealth Corvette was something of a personal project, far removed from the Military. The Shadow-class was instead, commissioned and designed by Federation Intelligence for use in any Black Ops by their agents or their Psi Operatives. The Shadow's creation came at the right moment as the war begun, it's limited stealth capabilities perfect to function as a deep space reconnaissance craft, this ships often sent into Daisan Held territory prior to any counteroffensive.
Ranger-class Corvette Length: 160 Meters Role: Patrol Ship, Scout, Anti-Fighter/Torpedo Screen Originally employed by the various System Defense Forces as police ships, the Ranger-class Corvettes in their pre-war careers were under-equipped, armed enough to fend off any small time raiders or criminal elements within the federation. In the Outbreak of the Dasian War, the Ranger Corvettes found their new calling, as thousands of Rangers were recalled by High Command for refits. Now the Ranger functions as an integral part of any Federation Warfleet, with their new refits, serving as excellent, if vulnerable, Anti-Starfighter Platforms.
TAB-4 Falcon Role: Torpedo bomber, Strike Fighter, Close air support Description:
TSF-4 Raptor Role: Interceptor Description:
TDH-1 Dragon Role: Anti-Dasian Missile Boat Description: A recent addition to the Federation Navy, introduced four years after the outbreak of the Dasian War. With years of repeated engagements against the Daisan Fleets, the Federation became all too familiar with the Dasian's most preferred tactic, making an abundant use of it's endless swarms of fighter drones. It was quite clear the Navy's present roster of strike craft were inadequate in confront such daunting swarms, and so the Dragon came to be. The Dragon Missile Boat carries 42 missile pods, and can single handily wipe out hundreds of clustered drones in one volley, however, despite the Dragon's destructive power, it is only armed with on particle beam cannon and is lightly armored, making it a vulnerable target as well as a useful asset. TDF-3 Gnashu Role: Description:
TSF-1 Phoenix Role: Multi-Role Fighter Description: The Federation's first attempt to develop a truly all-purpose aircraft. The TSF-1 Phoenix served a multitude of roles throughout its golden years of service in the Navy. The Phoenix was the first federation strike craft to be able to operate both in atmosphere and in space, quickly phasing out previous Federation ground based aircraft at the time(Must of which now serve in the SDF). The Phoenix was deigned in mind to be durable and adequate in speed, it's modular nature prevent certain, heavier variants of the Phoenix from matching the speed of it's Imperial Counterpart, the Tempest. However, if stripped down to it's barest form, the Phoenix would prove to be a good match of the Tempest. Many years after, the Phoenix has long since been retired from Naval service, now serving the primary strike craft of the many System Defense Forces.
The Phoenix is armed with four linked Particle Cannons and an easily modular munitions bay, allowing the Phoenix to carry either carry anti-fighter missiles or Torpedoes.
Navy Doctrine: Like the ground forces, the Federation has developed a sort of Combined Arms strategy concerning spaceborne threats. Federation Battlegroups tend to be clustered together, heavy capital ships forming the necessary center, and the escort screens forming the outer defensive layer, shielding the capital vessels and taking most of the enemy's fire.
Ground Forces
The Federation Army are one of four branches of the Armed Forces, they're main expertise being land-based military operations, and often are found working alongside with the Marine Corps and ground elements of the Systems Defense Forces. The Federation Army is most often primarily tasked with garrison duties, the Marine Corps typically deployed in expeditionary operations across known space in conjunction with the Federation Navy. However, there are a few occasions in which the Army are deployed alongside the marines in expeditionary operations, such as planetary invasions.
Iskhaan Trooper Armor
Snow Camo Trooper with Helmet
Alszir Trooper Armor
Humanoid Trooper Armor
The System Defense Forces are responsible for both the defense and policing of the Federation's territories and holdings. Each Star System within the Federation possess an SDF, each SDF are tasked with defending and keeping the civilian population under control from threats both internal and external. Whilst they're less heavily armed and equipped then their Army, Marine and Navy counterparts, the men and women of the local SDF are more then capable to respond to any incident and threat with vigilance and are not a force to be taken very lightly. SDF Militiamen
Alternate SDF Militiamen
The Aurolian Federation Marine Corps, like its many now defunct predecessors, is an Elite branch of the Federation Armed Forces responsible for conducting land-based expeditionary operations, using the mobility provided by the Federation Navy to rapidly deliver ground troops in conjunction with the Army. Marines are primarily charged with the defense of Federation Navy vessels and installations from hostile forces, the Marines may occasionally be given command of their own vessels within any Expeditionary Fleet. Ishkaan Marine Armor
Aldzir Marine Armor
Humanoid Marine Armor
Commando Within Federation Intelligence exists the Psi-Ops, a division within the Agency that is primarily responsible with the recruitment, training and if necessary, cybernetic augmentation of the psionicly gifted, such individual is trained to become the Elite of the Federation. The Commandos using a deadly combination of their martial training, psioncs and for some, their cybernetic implants to become silent killing machines, dispatching Enemies of the Federation with cold efficiency.
Aurolian Guard Aurolia, or Aurolia Prime as some call it, is the beating heart of the federation, and is forever on the defense against any who would tarnish her serene beauty. The Aurolian Guard is an Elite Corp of soldiers, each member personally selected to be among the ranks of the Guard for their long service and display of true loyalty. The Guard are trained to best fight in urban environments, their units stationed in major cities throughout the planet, more so for the Capital City, forming the last line of defense.
TAI-200 Autonomous Infantry Unit A product of Tarin Armored Industries, the TAI-200 Autonomous Infantry Unit begun development a year after the Daisan War begun, the Federation was in need of its own Droid Army to counter the near endless droid swarms of the Daisan Order, Tarin Armored Industries would provide the Federation a solution. After several successful test ops for the prototypes, Federation High Command put an immediate order of two legions worth of the AIU and it's sister projects.
Gazai-series Modular Armored Vehicles The Heart and soul of the Federation Army's armored units, the Gazai is are well-armored modular vehicles designed to serve almost any role that the ground forces require of it. From troop and logistic transports, to light tanks, anti-air and artillery. The Gazai's introduction into the armored forces had quickly phased out a great number of existing vehicles that had similar roles.
Farov Utility/Strike Vehicle A Lightly armored, yet fast vehicle. In wartime, the Farov serves as the Federation's primary scout and light attack vehicles, standard military models armed with an anti-infantry Gatling gun and a light particle bean gun.
Yazdu Main Battle Tank
Robotic Armored Labor and Ground Operations System Models Alpha, Delta, and Beta A rather experimental concept that saw interesting beginnings. In Aurolia's and later on, the Federation's colonization phases, heavy equipment would of of course be necessary to assist in establishing colonial infrastructure in a quicker pace, thus the ancestors of the RAGLOS came to be. Prior to the Daisan War, the RAGLOS machines were used as Heavy Loaders, proving as an equally effective means to standard construction equipment.
A year after the outbreak of the Dasian War, in the Battle of Agnois Minor, a group of rather desperate army regulars had made use of several RAGLOS loaders as makeshift war machines, holding off against a battalions worth of Battle Droids before evac shuttles arrived. Footage of the engagement was saved and presented to several Military and Government Officials for potential military applications of the RAGLOS machines. Several months later, the Senate approved of the mass military refit of the RAGLOS.
The RAGLOS now serve as a vital component of the federation ground forces, acting as fast attack armored infantry, some time later, many RAGLOS mechs had been upgraded to store a personal AI to allow for more tactical flexibility, allowing the mechs to become Semi-Autonomous if need be.
Taysh Gunship
Rish Dropship
Ground Doctrine: The Nerkin War and the current Daisan War have taught the Federation one thing, to meet an enemy head on with all assets. Federation ground troops train for combined arms tactics, in that no matter what, the branches and units within will support each other. Infantry will always be under the guidance of close by armored and aerial support units and vise versa.
A relatively new contender to the galactic field, the United Artanin Governments have been observed to be a rudimentary space faring nation. Their ships are unshielded and lack basic technologies other nations consider as commonplace. Their ground forces are unremarkable, relying heavily on underpowered and outmatched weaponry, their colonies are underdeveloped and lack proper funding to grow, and their "United" government seem to be constantly at odds with one another and manage to seldom get anything worth noting done.
Official Name: United Artanin Governments Common Name: The UAG Government: Parliamentary Republic Dominant Species: Artanese Capital: Vesta Systems Owned: 22 Planets Owned: 15: Salus, Vesta, Minerva, Fides, Tellus, Flora, Janus, Pales, Lucina, Fons, Quirinus, Terminus, Salus, Cybele, and Ceres Population: 171 Billion
It's not all that big but just so it looks nicer I've put it in a hider.
Originating on the Apline world of Salus, much of the early history of Artanin civilization is pock marked in wars over lands that in present day are barely inhabited or over crowns that no longer hold any meaning other than in museums and history books.
The interesting parts of Artanin history begin with the successful first attempt at settling a suitable alpine world which would come to be known as Fides nearly six hundred years ago by the then government of Salus the Artanin People's Republic. Following the successful colonization the Artanin people began to turn their eyes toward the other stars around them and quickly colonozed five more systems in the span of one hundred years (Tellus, Minerva, Fons, Juno, and Pales). For nearly two hundred years following the initial rush of colonizing alien worlds, the government on Salus put a freeze on all colonizing of alien worlds as it attempted to stabilize it and its colonies.
After a one hundred year period of relative peace and stability on the Artanin worlds three colonies of Salus would break off and form what would become known as "The Artanin People's Liberation Front", these colonies being Fons, Juno, and Tellus. These rebelling systems would immediately cut all communication from the Artanin People's Republic and all Artanin ships that attempted to enter their systems were pulled from slipspace long before entering the systems gravity wells and threatened with destruction if they did not immediately turn back. As the Artanin People's Republic began to spiral into disarray and infighting over what to do about the rebelling colonies, the two colonies of Pales and Fides would also declare independence from the Artanin People's Republic and form the "Artanin League of Planets". Almost all faith in the ability of the Artanin People's Republic current administration to carry out their job they would be replaced and their efforts to keep the only remaining colony of Minerva in line were doubled.
After brutally putting down an attempted military coup on Minerva by trying all officers involved in televised show trials and publicly executing them all after "proving" them guilty, the Artanin People's Republic core world of Salus would move into seclusion along with Minerva. For another fifty years the three separate Artanin governments exchanged no communications and rarely strayed into the others borders until the Artanin People's Republic launched a massive two front invasion of its former colonies that would spark the war known as "The War of Unification". The war that ensued would see all three Artanin governments fighting against the other for domination, over 12.7 billion total dead, and the signing of the Articles of Unification which were proposed by Fides following the loss of half of its population by a widespread orbital nuclear strike carried out by the Artanin People's Liberation Front. The Articles of Unification promised each planet a specific benefit and an end to the war by creating a once again united Artanin government with equal representation for all planets that signed as well as ensuring the destruction of those that refused by the new Artanin government. All planets signed the Articles of Unification except for Pales who after a year long blockade of the planet by the now unified Artanin government woudl crumble under pressure by from its people and sign the Articles.
The period following the signing of the Articles is known as the Long Peace. Technology has advanced considerably, eight more planets have been completely colonized, and the conditions of living in the UAG following the brutal war of unification have long since been forgotten. There are still hard-line groups of Artanin of Pales and a few of the newer colonies that believe they should be once again independent, a few of these groups carry out terrorist bombings and attacks and are currently the primary concern of the Artanin military.
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
Waiting on the officially completed star map.
Major Holdings
Planets below are deemed of high strategic importance to the UAG and tend to have large Artanin military presences both on the planet and in the space above. All planets below have orbital defense grids of Orbital Super MAC stations coupled with ground based MAC emplacements and Surface-to-Orbit missile systems.
Salus, Antervorta System Designated as the Capital World of the United Artanin Governments. Salus is the fourth planet in the Antervorta system and it is for the most part an alpine world with a large sprawling desert covering the entirety of the equatorial region flanked by an ocean on the Southern half of the desert. Salus is the richest of the fifteen planets that make up the UAG and the most populated of all the fifteen planets, Salus was given the opportunity to become the center of Government for the UAG in exchange for signing the Articles of Unification of which the then independent Salus government quickly accepted. Massive cities dominate large portions of Salus, the most important being the capital of the UAG, Postverta. Postverta is a sprawling city nestled on the edge of a great lake known as "Futuro", Postverta houses the many governmental institutions of the UAG and is home to a population of over 28 million.
Minerva, Metis System The military center of the UAG, Minerva is an alpine world nearly three times the size of Salus, fourth planet in the Metis system, and the fifth planet to sign the Articles of Unification. It serves as the central planet for all military branch Headquarters, a central staging ground for the Artanin Marines and it serves as the only planet that all military recruits are shipped to in order to undergo basic training. Large swathes of Minerva are claimed as Federal property and used extensively by the military for everything from basic training to military focused research and development. On top of the large population of Artanin Military forces on Minerva there is a civilian population of over twenty three billion.
Juno, Cicero System The planet of Juno was the second planet to sign the Articles of Unification and is the second richest planet in the UAG due in large part to its massive industrial presence. Juno is the heavy industry heart of the UAG. The third planet in the Cicero System, it is flanked on both sides by two massive and ore rich asteroid fields which it owes for most of its success. Juno has heavily settled the asteroid belts of the Cicero system, turning them into massive essentially unending sources of metals used in the industry on Juno itself. Due to the abundance of metal ores in the relatively near space around Juno it is also the center for most shipbuilding in the UAG. This is not to say that other planets of the UAG do not have shipyards, as many do with the second most amount of shipyards being around Minerva, but Juno has the most orbital and ground based shipyards in the UAG.
Social Information
The United Artanin Government worlds have a demographic made up entirely of Artanese. This is due to the fact that that Artanin have not been players in the galactic stage long enough to gain sizable populations of alien citizens and most importantly the Artanin are largely still against the idea of allowing other races to join the UAG for the time being.
The society of the UAG is very much the same across almost every planet that is part of the UAG, with three clearly defined societal classes; Upper, Middle, and Lower class.
The UpperClass are the wealthy corporation owners, those in advanced fields such as medicine or law, and more than a handful of politicians. These are the Artanin that for the most part run the country. They employ the masses, provide services to those incapable of providing for themselves, set laws and regulations that keep the lesser classes safe and functioning.
The MiddleClass are the average workers of the UAG. Most members of the military are considered to be grouped into the Middle Class. As the bulk of the UAG, the Middle Class have the largest voice when it comes to the direction that the Council is heading in terms of running the UAG, whether having the largest voice counts or not is not very hard to figure out when you wonder just how those politicians have made their way to the Upper Class.
The Lower Class is relatively small in the UAG. With vast employment opportunities stemming from the still ongoing colonization of Lucina and Quirinus, most who were once Lower Class have been able to pick up and go on the federal dime in programs that source laborers and other specialized professionals to the colonies in order to help them grow. Those that are still stuck in the Lower Class are either stuck their due to unfortunate circumstances, or crippling debts.
Unicameral Parliamentary Republic The UAG is broken up into two separate larger branches, that being the Legislative/Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch.
The Council of Ministers is both the Legislative and Executive branch of Government. Consisting of fifteen pairs of elected officials and one elected Prime Minister, with each pair representing one of the fifteen worlds that make up the UAG and elected by said planets population, they serve for two years with a maximum of allowed amount of four years. This body makes legislative debate and carries out action in the name of the United Artanin Governments fifteen planets on anything from enacting laws to declaring war. Notorious for the constant squabbles of the Council members, many of which seem set on advancing their own planets instead of the nation as a shole.
The Prime Minister of the UAG is in fact just a ceremonial position, and is usually elected from within the Council itself out of a group of influential but soon to be no longer eligible to be on the Council members, elected more as a show of faith by their fellow members of the Parliament, the Prime Minister carries out diplomatic visits on member planets and is the public figure of the UAG for their one year term as such.
The Judicial Branch, or High Court of Artana as it is known, consists of fifteen appointed judges. Each judge is appointed by their planets pair of parliamentary members and serve a life commitment on the Court until they either retire or pass away. This court upholds the laws of the UAG and settles disputes that lesser courts are unable to tackle.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
Still a fledgling space faring nation, the Artanin have only mastered slipspace technology in the past ~600 hundred years. With a rudimentary understanding of Gravity generation, the Artanin have been able to create and place gravity generators in ships starting one hundred and seventy years ago, which was heralded by a radical shift in their space vessel designs that saw a move from that of designs resembling a skyscraper and utilizing thrust gravity to a more standard seafaring vessel with a constant down.
The UAG still relies heavily upon kinetic weaponry and missile technologies although it has recently begun to branch out into the fields of energy and particle application in warfare which has resulted in the comparatively crude although groundbreaking Energy Lance.
Major Techs
Slipspace Drive - WIP Gravity Generators - WIP Energy Lance - WIP Orbital Super MAC Stations - WIP
Will do eventually as I build it IC.
Military Information
Military Overview
The UAG consists of two forces that can be further broken up into more specific entities, the United Artanin Ground Forces or AGF for short, and the United Artanin Naval Forces or ANF. The AGF can be split into the AGF Army and the AGF Marines, while the ANF can be split into the ANF Navy and the ANF Merchant Marine.
Space Forces
Official Designation: Pious Class Battleship A true Capital Ship, the Pious Class Battleships are the "newest" battleships of the Artanin Navy. First commissioned twenty two years ago, the Pious Class Battleships are few and far between in the Artanin Navy due to their high construction costs and similarly high maintenance demands. Pious Class Battleships tend to be kept in Inner-Colony fleets as Flagships or in Defense Fleets of highly valuable worlds of the UAG. Armed to the teeth to take on other larger ships, the Pious Class Battleships lack in point defense and are heavily reliant on the smaller ships of the fleet to provide close-in defense for it.
Weapons & Defense:
1x keel mounted Heavy Energy Lance
2x centrally mounted Heavy Magnetic Accelerator Cannons
Official Designation: Omniscient Class Fleet Carrier The fourth generation of Artanin Fleet Carriers, the Omniscient Fleet Class has thicker armor, a higher ordinance capacity, more defense systems, and is capable of housing 37% more strike craft than its predecessor. The Omniscient Class Fleet Carriers are considered a true Capital ship of the Artanin Navy although they lack the standard offensive capabilities of other Capital ships.
8x Triple-Mount Point Defense Cannons
40x Twin-Mount Heavy Flak Cannons
The Twin-Mount heavy Flak Cannons are capable of laying down a flak "cone" around the Carrier, effectively shielding the carrier from small craft and missile attacks from above, below, and to both sides but it does not cover the bow or stern of the ship leaving an open area for attack. The cone is much like a soda can with the top and bottom cut off.
3x Sinbad Anti-Ship Missile Interception Systems
Sinbad Anti-Ship Interception Systems are missiles specifically designed to intercept incoming Torpedoes. Equipped with a rather impressive array of sensors and computing equipment, each missile has as much processing power as a standard Artanin Corvette and is capable of intercepting Torpedoes traveling at immense speeds.
Official Designation: Minor Class Heavy Cruiser Considered the start of the Capital Ship designation of warships within the Artanin Navy. The Minor Class Heavy Cruisers boast a surprisingly high amount of defensive and offensive capabilities for it's size. Striking a sweet-spot between the Artanin line of Cruisers and Battleships, the Minor Class Heavy Cruisers are capable of going toe-to-toe with small patrol fleets on their own, but are no match in the presence of any size fleet containing a true Capital Ship or an overwhelming number of smaller vessels. Best utilized in combined groups, the Minor Class Heavy Cruiser is a tool for the Admiral in need of both firepower and survivability rivaling that of the heavier Capital Ships. Minor Class Heavy Cruisers are very often found in use as Flagships whenever found within a fleet within the Artanin Navy
Weapons & Defense:
2x centrally mounted Heavy Magnetic Accelerator Cannons
1x keel mounted Energy Lance
The Artanin Energy Lance is a weapon normally found on Battleships and Capitol Ships, but is mounted on the Minor Class Heavy Cruiser due to the ships power output. The output of the Energy Lance is far less than that of an Artanin Battleships Energy Lance but still a formidable weapon system nonetheless. It is able to sustain fire from the lance every seven minutes with a required cooling period after every three uses of up to thirty four minutes depending on the proximity to the nearest star.
Official Designation: Rapid Class Light Cruiser Only slightly smaller than the Minor Class Heavy Cruisers, the rapid Class packs less punch than the Minor Class and with less survivability and yet it is the most numerous ship of the Artanin Navy second only to the Ardent Class Frigates. Rapid Class Light Cruisers are the most numerous of Fleet Flagships in the Artanin Navy due to their higher numbers when compared to the larger Capital Ships. Able to carry out a large amount of roles, from Fleet Screening and Fleet Engagement to Troop Tranpsort, the Rapid Class of Light Cruisers is well liked by their crews and even better received by any Artanin Marines that get to call her home for a deployment after spending time on an Ardent Frigate.
Weapons & Defense:
1x centrally mounted Heavy Magnetic Accelerator Cannon
Official Designation: Respite Class Escort Carrier A standout in the ANF, the Respite Class Escort Carriers fulfill the role of bolstering fighter and bomber numbers in a naval engagement and are capable of acting as dedicated Electronic Warfare vessels for a fleet. The Respite's odd position as an Escort Carrier has left it relatively lacking in offensive weapons and armor while containing a large amount of volume in order to store and refit and rearm escort craft. Taking advantage of its voluptuous design parameters, the ANF has managed to squeeze in quite a bit of extra systems and even a few offensive capabilities to add to it's limited bag of tricks. The three dishes on the Respite give the ship excellent battlefield awareness and are able to work in tandem with other Respite class vessels systems in order to better execute and calculate attack trajectories, firing solutions, and fleet maneuvers. As an added bonus the design team even managed to fit in two rows of nuclear missile tubes, making the Respite carrier one of the only ships in the ANF capable of delivering a nuclear payload. However the Respite is not suited for direct combat and instead remains in the back of the fleet. The Respite classes are hailed as excellent Command and Control platforms by any Naval officer worth their weight in salt, although most tend to stick to ships with a bit more survivability than a Respite they still tend to rely heavily on it's sensor abilities to help coordinate a battle.
Weapons & Defense:
10x Manta Class Bombers
80x Lion Class Fighters
8x Point Defense Cannons
15x Harpoon Torpedo Pods
12x Nuclear Tipped Warheads
3x Grendal Class Dropships
0.9 meters Grade-A Titanium Armor
Helios Advanced Combat Suite
The three large search and navigational RADAR/LIDAR systems on the hull of the Respite are high powered and capable of tracking, plotting, and combating countless objects at once. The key to the Respites ability to coordinate efforts, the Helios ACS is capable of working in tandem with other ships equipped with the Helios ACS system and is capable of slaving ships that are not equipped with the Helios ACS and using their less effective systems as extra computing power although with less efficieny.
0.5 meters Ablative Outer Layer
Length & Width: 650 meters Crew Compliment (Navy Personnel Only): 2,477 including pilots Other: None
Official Designation: Devotion Class Destroyer One of the first ship designs to grace the modern Artanin Navy, the Devotion class Destroyers are what one would classify as a brute of a warship. Capable of both dealing and receiving huge amounts of punishment, many Devotion Class Destroyers have proven themselves in engagements during the outer-colony Rebellion against Rebel forces far outnumbering their own.
1x centrally mounted Medium Magnetic Accelerator Cannon
8x Heavy Railguns
15x Twin-Mounted Point Defense Cannons
28x Harpoon Torpedo Pods
4x Grendal Class Dropships
1.0 meters Grade-A Titanium Armor
0.9 meters Ablative Outer-Layer
Length & Width: 608 meters Crew Compliment (Navy Personnel Only): 1,232 Other: The Rapid Class Destroyer is the second and last atmospheric capable warship of the Artanin Navy, capable of reaching speeds in excess of +1200 kph in atmosphere.
Official Designation: Ardent Class Frigate
Born out of the Artanin Navies necessity for a maneuverable and capable ship to fill in the anti-aircraft and torpedo role, the Ardent Frigate is one of the most numerous and versatile of ships among the Artanin. Capable of being outfitted for Ship-to-Ship combat, Force Deployment, Special Mission Packages, and Interdiction Load-outs, the Ardent Class is undoubtedly the workhorse of the PMN.
Weapons and Equipment Configurations:
1x centrally mounted Light Magnetic Accelerator Cannon
4x Medium Rail Guns
34x Twin-Mounted Point Defense Cannons (25mm tungsten alloy rounds)
8x Harpoon Torpedo Pods each pod contains 30 missiles.
Harpoon Torpedoes are high yield plasma torpedoes capable of engaging and destroying ships up to and including Destroyers and Light Cruisers with an average of four hits.
Harpoon Torpedoes are self guided and capable of plotting new intercept trajectories during flight.
4x Sinbad Anti-Ship Missile Systems
2x Grendal Class Dropship
0.6 meters Grade-A Titanium Armor
0.22 meters Ablative Outer-Layer
Force Deployment
Most of the Ardents Harpoon Torpedo Pods are removed leaving a massive amount of space within the Frigate due to removal which allows for the Ardent class to function as a transport still capable of offensive space combat as well as having the ability to transport one Marine Company.
4x Medium Rail Guns
34x Twin-Mounted Point Defense Cannons (25mm tungsten alloy rounds)
3x Harpoon Torpedo Pods each pod contains 30 missiles.
4x Sinbad Anti-Ship Missile Systems
8x Grendal Class Dropship
4x ZT-104 "Firefly" Heavy Transport
8x M9A5 "Goliath" Standard Tank
Assortment of SAFU and Mobile Armor Units
Artanin Marines (Not including tank crew or dropship crew)
Length & Width: 433 meters Crew Compliment (Navy Personnel Only): 714 Other: Ardent Class Frigates are one of only two combat oriented ship types of the Artanin Navy capable of atmospheric flight with a top speed of +1300 kph at sea level.
Official Designation: Solemn Class Assault Ship The standard Assault Carrier of the ANF, they have the capability to carry with them a AGF Marine Expeditionary Unit and all of their goodies. Very lightly armored when compared to other ships in the ANF it is not a combat ship and is meant to be brought in following an initial battle to gain control of local space or blockade to establish a heavier presence on the ground.
4x Quad-Mount Medium Railguns
20x Twin-Mount Point Defense Cannons Cargo Capability:
2,500 Marines
20x M9A5 "Goliath" Tanks
34x M4 "Ample" IFVs
4x ZT-107 "Firefly" Heavy Transports
100+ SAFU Variants
Equipment and Supplies to sustain all of the above for 2 months
Length & Width: 450 meters Other: Capable of atmospheric flight at +800kmh
Official Designation: Grendal Heavy Dropship The Grendal Heavy Dropship is the premier dropship of the Artanin Military. In use by the Artanin Marines, Army, and Navy the Grendal is able to fill the role of an able Tactical Dropship and general duty cargo transport effectively reducing the requirement for two separate air frames. In service for the last eight years, the Grendal is loved by it's pilots for it's reliability and hefty survivability and hated by its passengers for the shit ride and is destined to remain in service for the foreseeable future.
3 Crew - Pilot, Co-Pilot, Crew Chief
Seating for 8 Fully-Loaded Marines
1x Nose Mounted 25mm Autocannon
Nose Mounted Optical Suite
Heat and Radiation Shielding Protects Occupants as well as allows orbital entry and exit
Official Designation: Firefly Heavy Lift Transport The ugly cousin of the Grendal, the Firefly is the Heavy Lift Transport of the Artanin Military. Capable of transporting double the amount of troops of a Grendal or one of any number of military ground vehicles, the Firefly gets a bad rep for being comparatively slow, unarmed, and more lightly armored then the Grendal, but even the ugly ducklings have their moments to shine.
3 Crew - Pilot, Co-Pilot, Crew Chief
Seating for 16 Fully-Loaded Marines when Passenger Pod is attached
Nose Mounted Optical and Electronic Suite
Heat and Radiation Shielding Protects Occupants as well as allows orbital entry and exit
Carry Capacity for x1 Heavy Armored Vehicle if passenger pod is removed
Official Designation: Mk V Lion Space Superiority Fighter The standard space superiority fighter of the Artanin Navy and Marines. The Lion is a reliable and elegant piece of engineering capable of both in atmosphere flight and flight in space. A two-seater design allows for one pilot who controls the craft while the Electronic Systems Operator manages its assortment of countermeasures and electronic warfare equipment as well as providing valuable situational awareness to the pilot at all times. The Lion is currently in its fifth iteration, having undergone considerable changes since its introduction to the fleet, most notable being the addition of newer and more powerful power plants and more responsive maneuvering thrusters. The Mk III and IV Lion fighters still make up the majority of the fighter compliments on most ships but are schedule to be phased out within the next two years.
2 Crew - Pilot, ESO
2x Forward Mounted 30mm Mass Drivers with 800 rounds each and a fire rate of 15 rounds per second.
Internal rotary hard point for six missiles
Body Mounted Optical and Electronic Suite
Heat and Radiation Shielding Protects Occupants as well as allows orbital entry and exit
4x rear mounted engines
Capable of reaching 9,000 kph in vacuum, 1,803 kph in atmosphere
Official Designation: Manta Long Range Bomber The bomber of the Artanin Navy, the Manta has been in service for just over ten years. A reliable air frame coupled with its ability to be upgraded with little effort have kept the tried and true bomber in production and on the forefront of Artanin combat since its inception wtih no end in sight.
1 Crew - Pilot
2x Forward wing-tip mounted 35mm Mass Drivers with 400 rounds each and a fire rate of 3 rounds per second. Most pilots opt for HE or APHE rounds although mroe combinations exist
10 external, wing mounted hard points allow for mounting of large munitions for anti-ship warfare
Body Mounted Optical and Electronic Suite
Heat and Radiation Shielding Protects Occupants as well as allows orbital entry and exit
1x rear mounted engines
Capable of reaching 8,500 kph in vacuum, 1,200 kph in atmosphere
Length & Width: 8 meters in length with a 16 meter wingspan Crew Complement: 1 Other: None
Navy Doctrine: The ANF Navy, not yet adapted to the technologies of the other races around them, rely heavily on their now outdated strategies. Their ships are designed to engage at ranges that far outstrip their own kinetic weapons and instead rely heavily on a large missile volley to overwhelm and destroy as many ships as possible while relying on their own point defense and countermeasures to evade or destroy as many incoming missiles as possible. Following the initial missile volleys the remaining ships of the fleet would then continue to close the distance with the enemy fleet and engage them in close combat where they would be able to use their large compliments of kinetic weapons with devastating results.
Capable of protecting user from small arms fire and shrapnel
Suit enhances strength to twice that of a normal Artanin
Capable of use in vacuum albeit with limited oxygen supply (20-30 minutes depending on user)
Capable of sealing in harsh and hazardous environments
Face plate moves up over head to allow user to not use it if necessary
Artanin Marine Corps Semi-Autonomous Fighting Unit IFRIT (IFRIT SAFU)
Coming in at just over double the height of an average height Artanese male, the IFRIT SAFU possess a rudimentary AI capable of carrying out less complicated tasks in combat without user input. Normally one Artanin Handler is in at least indirect control of two IFRIT SAFUs.
3.4 meters tall
Semi-Autonomous, can carry out decision making on its own but requires user input for more complex situations
Lighter loadout than larger Semi-Autonomous Fighting Units. Two main guns with a standard caliber of 12.7mm, can be fitted with one anti-armor rocket (shoulder mounted)
Artanin Marine Corps Semi-Autonomous Fighting Unit MARID (MARID SAFU)
The slightly larger counterpart to the IFRIT SAFU, the MARID SAFU is considered the heavy variant of SAFU in use by the Artanin Marines. With the ability to lay down far more fire than the IFRIT and receive more damage in turn the MARID is an invaluable asset in situations requiring a larger presence than the IFRIT or a standard infantry unit can emulate.
3.9 meters tall
Semi-Autonomous, can carry out decision making on its own but requires user input for more complex situations
Heavier load-out than lighter Semi-Autonomous Fighting Units.
Arm-Mounted 25mm Gauss Cannon (600 Rounds Total)
Belly-Mounted 12.7mm machine gun (1100 rounds)
12x Smoke Grenade Launchers
2x Wire Guided Anti-Armor Missiles
6x Anti-personnel Cluster Munition Launchers (Effective range of 800 meters area target)
Ceramic Composite Shield
Artanin Marine Corps Mobile Armor AZAZEL (AZAZEL)
The largest and newest edition to the line of bipedal walkers in use by the Artanin Marines and the only one to possess a pilot instead of a Semi-Autonomous Combat AI, the AZAZEL is loved by its pilots and looked up to by the Marines it walks alongside. Coming in at 5.0 metes tall the AZAZEL is a sizable presence on the battlefield. Well armored and armed to the teeth the AZAZEL has the ability to change the tide of battle when deployed in sufficient enough numbers but as of yet is still being distributed to the Artanin Ground Forces.
5.0 meters tall
One Pilot
1x Head mounted 12.7mm Gauss Cannon
1x Standard Gauss Rifle
Ability to carry an assortment of larger weapons ranging from a Gauss Cannon, Magnetic Accelerator Cannon, Missile System, and a still experimental miniaturized Energy Lance (Zero Successful Tests, all have resulted in loss AZAZEL Unit and Test Pilot)
1x Multipurpose Vertical Missile Launching system (6 Missiles)
6x Smoke Grenade Launchers
Ceramic Composite Armor
1x Railgun Main Cannon
The main gun of the Goliath is essentially a close-in defense railgun found on the Ardent Class Frigates, and is capable of punching through most ground based armor.
Ground Doctrine: The Artanin Ground Forces, or AGF, are made up of two separate parts. The first being the AGF Marines.
The Artanin Marines are, for all intents and purposes, the real heavy lifters of the ground forces. Ferried in by the Artanin Naval Forces, the Marines are the ones to assault planets and lay siege to fortresses. Using a combination of conventional vehicles (tanks, IFVs etc) and bipedal mechs that are present in every squad and controlled either by a pilot or an Artanin Handler. With these assets the Marines use a combination of combined arms warfare and superior firepower to first soften enemy positions before advancing with highly mobile combat units and support elements to strike hard, fast, and continuing on moving once all is said and done. AGF Marines also play pivotal roles onboard every ship of the ANF, acting as shipboard security as well as both anti-boarding and boarding parties.
The AGF Army, the far more paranoid and less attractive brother to the AGF Marines, arrive second to the fight, if they're even required. With far less of the high-tech goodies of the Marines, the AGF Army; normally if called upon; act as the occupying force following a successful Marine invasion or as a backup force to assist Marines that are being held up as the Army is notorious for bringing with them an immense amount of firepower no sane Artanin would ever deem necessary. Focusing on the idea that bullets are far cheaper than a soldier, the Army tends to be the slower and far more logistically intensive portion of the AGF as they bring with them tens of thousands of artillery pieces and enough mobile rocket systems to put Macross to shame. When not backing up the Artanin Marines by blotting out the sun with 155mm shells, the AGF Army is normally found on Artanin Colony worlds and fully developed worlds as peacekeepers and planetary defense groups, which is the actual primary job of the AGF Army. On every Artanin world the AGF Army tends to have anywhere from 3-30 major base complexes (depending on the world and its importance/how new of a world settled world it is) that are mainly subterranean with relatively small surface footprints compared to their underground complex. As the Chief of Staff of the Artanin Army once put it, "No shell can reach you if you are beneath two hundred and fifty meters of good, solid bedrock". The AGF Army on colonial planets spend most of their time dialing in large fields of fire for their artillery or building more entrenched bunkers, base complexes, and emplacements scattered across the planet "just in case".
Special Forces Groups do exist within the Artanin Military and will be expanded upon as they make their appearances.
Official Name: The Chronological Foundation Common Name: Chromatists Government: Associative Theocracy Dominant Species: The Glinnvyr, the ideological founders of the Chronological Foundation Capital: The Cyan Soul, a bright star whose blue hue is accentuated by a reflection nebula is where the pChromatists convene ritually and so is treated as a de-facto system. Systems Owned: They don’t officially own any star systems, instead they exert hegemonic rule over a multitude of smaller world states. Planets Owned: Same as above. Population: 1:3 ratio to the average population this setting has as standard.
The Chronological Foundation is a solipsistic society which has a deeply idealistic worldview of the universe which has shaped its every move, more like a sprawling cult than a political entity, the Chromatists seek to upend existence itself and shed the illusory fabric to which we exist in before it all melts away. Their motives are based on the dogmatic belief that a synchronicity between all life in the universe must be attained, because if such unison thought is not attained all will melt. Melt away into nothingness. This is not the same as entropy, for they are of the belief this melting will be exponential in nature and people will literally melt away.
Much of these beliefs are said to have come from a living star which is referred to by the Chromatists as the Cyan Soul, a bright star which is notably anomalous and well known to astronomers for its peculiarities, though studying the Cyan Soul hasn’t really shown much at all on the star itself being alive.
That hasn’t stopped the Chromatists, of course, who know firsthand that the star isn’t literally alive. That would just be superstition. The Cyan Star is living in a more alien sense, it is the congregation of plasma life within the star they speak to!
The history of the Glinnvyr is a messy, convoluted affair spanning multiple time periods of differing dominant belief systems, but the smaller political units which they exist in has been a constant due to the Glinnvyr usually preferring smaller political structures with confederate associations to act as common defense against outside forces. This cyclic will not be elaborated upon for the time being, instead what shall be elaborated on is the birth of the Chronological Foundation.
Once upon a time there was a Glinnvyr known as the Brightest One, the Brightest One was a escapee from the rotting world-state of Xipani who in the stellar abyss came across the Cyan Soul, at the time uninhabited due to being too far from the common ecumene of galactic civilization. The Brightest one, banished to this burning star system with its radiation, fluctuations and unpleasant lack of any world habitable for any life (there wasn’t even a terrestrial body- it was all asteroids and gas giants) would eek a menial existence among the asteroids surviving off the icy deposits.
Using the young system’s resources to make a small home for itself, The Brightest One unwittingly stumbled across a revelation- the burning star was alive and the Cyan Soul had managed to speak to it. The Cyan Soul claimed to have been an aggregation of beings who had seen the thousand years and saw the universe melting away. Everything would melt away, unless a unity could be made to break free of reality itself. The Cyan Soul claimed itself a conduit from another universe, seeking to get out of their universe and into ours so that we may cooperate on breaking out of our universe to break into a better one that won’t melt. This message would be spread by the Brightest One to other world states, the message directly so that all would see it and thus a new faith was born.
The Brightest One never regained the fame it had sought, but the inhabitants of the rotting world state of Xipani had forgiven the Brightest One for bringing to light this new truth and the Brightest One in death had gained the greatest legacy- being the de facto founder of the Chronological Foundation. The Chonological Foundation’s origins came from a military cult which distorted the original message- a call for help made into belief that the universe could be kept from melting away by decreasing the cosmic complexity and ensuring everyone believed the universe was about to melt. It had to be done, or else all galactic civilization would become a slushy liquid to be slurped away by some sentient clouds.
The Chronological Foundation’s early military period quickly developed into a more civilian organization whose chapters grew in numerous parts of the galaxy, with ebbs and flows as to the progress on dealing with the galaxy about to melt. The melting was seen everywhere by the Chromatists, who depicted the melting as a slurry, fluid rainbow flooding the cosmos imploding star after star, eating away at all the worlds of the galaxy littered in the metallic remains of von neumann probes and the military machines of the last wars, from which the devouring clouds would come to existence from the fumes.
((And from there, I’ll need collaboration))
Starmap Information
A bluish color please, with a small circle denoting the location of the cyan soul (randomize it).
Galactic Location The left part of the galaxy between the UAC and the Amucians.
Major Holdings
The System of Deterrence
A multiple star system which has a multitude of habitable, titan-like worlds notorious for the fact every world state here has stock piled numerous missile systems they aim at each other at all times, each world state is self-isolating and believes the others seek to expand while also believing they should expand. Tensions in this system has been going on for a century, but could escalate into a system-wide conflict at any moment according to the locals. This system of Deterrence is most notable for having the largest amount of military in any single star system, the cold war here having only been made worse with Foundation meddling in the region.
The Vibrancy
The Vibrancy is a swarm of orbital habitats made by the Modulus in Coalition territory, notable for being harassed regularly by the others in this region of space. The Orbital habitats are synced to make a multitude of patterns reprenting the flow of labor in all forms of green and, sapphire blue and crimson. The Vibrancy is a melting pot with the descendants of Nerkin recruits having taken up the foam themselves to labor to the vision of the Architects Council. The Nerkin have even manage to get a couple of their own as part of the Council. The Vibrancy, while in many regards an art project, has also come to double as shelter and a defense system for those who live there over the multiple generations (120 years) the structure has been under construction.
The Cyan System
A multiple star system, with an O-class star as the dominant star with distant A-class co-orbiting stars in the distance. This system has very few planets, due to being so cosmically young that there's only the dust and a couple rapidly formed gas giants. Still, this was enough for the Chronological Foundation to make its base around one of the grey-white gas giants as the site which they listen the Cyan Soul and have votes on how to proceed in basically every policy- be it the color that should be used at the next ritual or whether or not to go fund terrorist organizations in other parts of the galaxy.
The Locus
The Locus acts as a center of many hyperspace tunnels between multiple societies and is the main control factor the Chronological Foundation has over Glinnvyr space and whatnot. It is also a pathetic, loose and often mocked symbol of suppossed "glinnvyr unity"- a concept very few take seriously anymore, but is cynically expressed in hopes of getting enough dupes to whatever imperialistic forces of the time want. This Locus is a terminus of Glinnvyr Activity and has seen its fair share of conflicts and wars, much to the disdain of the Modulus contractors the Empire of Foam had contracted.
The Foamiest World
The Foamiest World is where the five autocrats live, on a icy world with five continents which host huge installations for bureacracy and filled with foam and foam contorlled automata to the brim, of which only the autocrats can manipulate. The Foamiest World is protected by various Glinnvyr renter-protectors as well, basically a volunteer Guard who help the Autocrats with their agenda and act as a personal guard since they bought into the ideal of Foam Supremacy or are trying to vye for one of the Autocrat's positions.
Social Information
The Glinnvyr The premier species of the Chromatists, made by the Glinnvyr who run practically everything, the minority species being there but not running anything- the Glinnvyr are not ones to trust other species with running things seeing how they ran their own societies in other parts of the galaxy.
The Glinnvyr are icy tetrapods with fractal limbs who like bathing in hydrocarbons, hate high gravity and tend to alternate between being completely still and moving because they can't think and move at the same time. They're quite big in size (they could climb onto the roof of a single-story house if it wasn't for terrible terran gravity), but highly brittle due to coming from a very small, icy planet in ancient times. Glinnvyr psychology has affected their general life style greatly, as their timing of movements dominates their thinking and military doctrines, with organizing in small pack units being the norm for them (for their niche in nature was that of a pack predator).
The Pasis are silicon based beings who are known primarily for their mega cellular body make up and being like specialized, advanced slime forms with highly protective exteriors and gooey innards. They are generally viewed as being made of rock and paste, with various specialized sensory cells to get the attention of those around them. The Pasis are a common sight primarily due to their tolerance to lower gravity environments and being a huge core of labor for the Glinnvyr. The Pasis take on a multitude of forms, included bipeds and radial spiders with long, thin prod-like legs made from cone shaped cellular units lined in a mweb of interlocking cells with hardened membranes which act basically like bones. They are most often found dwelling about the Modulus in super structures and notably do take something of a leadership role. Elsewhere they do the work the Glinnvyr won’t. The Pasis are generally considered more collectivistic than the Glinnvyr.
The Whandl are tall, aggressive many limbed somewhat insectoid beings with numerous limbs which bind and separate at will from their cylindrical body who tend to live on cold, mars-like worlds. They are a radially symmetrical species who cohabitate and tend to keep to themselves. They are the third major species of the Modulus and have been profoundly affected by the Cyan Soul’s messages to a degree not even the Glinnvyr are, though unlike the Glinnvyr they have a seemingly obsessive embrace of the melting. Like the Pasis, the Whandl are more collectivist than the Glinnvyr, but are not as collectivist as the Whandl who have more a concept of individuality that gives them a psychology which is shockingly human-like despite how different their form is.
The Whandl are very exploratory by nature and have diasporas in other parts of the galaxy, mainly due to a fair share of them having great contempt for the Glinnvyr and wanting to go elsewhere. Have you seen what the Glinnvyr think?
Society The Foundation as an organization is known primarily for a wide range of rituals which they carry out in the belief that it delays the melting, often to great mockery, but still a significant amount of Glinnvyr have come to believe in the melting on their own terms making life harder for the many polities of the Realm, especially the two major powers. The Foundation, while the dominant force must deal with the interplay between two other rival powers which have emerged since, mainly the Modulus and the Empire of Foam who have significant influence form the Foundation, but generally behave as wholly independent actors in their own petty conflicts with other Glinnvyr of the realm or with other species in other parts of the galaxy.
The Modulus is a coalition of many worlds who share common resources and are in general, a deeply socialistic multi-species cooperative unified by the various projects the Architects Council push forward. The Modulus has a widespread influence and has gone out of its way to build its structures really wherever they believe would be best, to the expense of whoever’s territory they are building in. They’re not actual expansionists, but their colonization pattern is notoriously spread out far beyond the realm with hyperspace conduits linking around to various structures they have built.
They don’t have many systems, just seven total, but each of their systems are very heavily developed or still being built on. The Foundation has used this to their advantage in trying to spread the fundamental truth of the melting much to the dismay of the Architects. Their projects often become living spaces and military installations simply because it takes so long to make them that the workers come to live in the structures, have kids and over a several generations start calling the bizarre structures home. This happened every time. The Modulus has a considerably higher population density than most of the general realm.
The Empire of Foam meanwhile is an empire ran by a pentarchy of rulers who control the different aspects of society and would rather everyone be ruled by them, though they are checked by multiple military alliances and so never really make much ground. The Empire of Foam is explicitly imperialist and is called such due to the nanofoam which they liberally use in everything. It is like wearing tons of tiny little computers in an almost utility fog-like niche.
The Foundation holds a considerable degree of influence in both societies, with many regional leaders in the Empire of Foam deferring to the tribune more than the pentarchy at times and the exploitation of the infrastructure the Modulus spent over a thousand years building up.
The world states tend to be federal societies with low stratification and low populations- the Glinnvyr like their personal space and tend to own large amounts of personal land on a world-state. The Glinnvyr tend to have intersecting land claims, but they usually don’t dispute them and often may just give intersecting land to a larval Glinnvyr. The Glinnvyr culturally are very tacit by nature and usually view movements as much more important than speech. They have copious amounts of archived information and such, along with media systems based more around physical sensation than on visual sensation. The Glinnvyr tend to live in their own little worlds, each Glinnvyr an island is the general attitude, even if in practice they act as groups on a regular basis and did so even more so before they could have machines do all the shit work for them.
The Glinnvyr tend to colonize icy worlds, which are in the vogue in the universe and terraforming an icy world to be more like their home world is not terribly difficult, just a matter of nudging and patience. Hotter parts of star systems they are usually fine with other aliens having, but do often like to mine for materials lacking in the outer system.
The Pasis colonize similar worlds to the Glinnvyr while the Whandl colonize small desert worlds closer to the center of the star system. They often will share star systems and one of the reasons for this is because it was commonly agreed upon that you can’t claim ownership on a star system, only planets and moons. Thus, you end up with many star systems with guns aimed at each other all the time which only occasionally end up in interplanetary skirmishes. The Modulus is a huge exception to this as is the Empire of Foam, of whom tend to try integrating the species to varied levels of success.
The Chronological Foundation, the leviathan in the room tends to exert its presence through cult chapters who are notorious for flooding the media with their messages from the Cyan Soul and carrying out coups in places they view as making the universe melt faster (which has no consistent definition, you just are expected to know that. This tends to translate to being whatever the tribune or cyan soul does not like).
The Cyan Soul itself has no ability to influence anything beyond the star itself, speaking to whoever can hear it. Whatever the hell is in it, no one has a clue. How to get it out, no one has a clue. If anything, some Glinnvyr seem to want in the star and lots of life has been sent to the better place as reward for their services, which translates to a trip to the Cyan Soul’s conduit star.
Government The association that makes up the Chronological Foundation consists of a loose, informal representative tribune which makes decisions by plurality and deals with potential conflict through a corpus of ancient laws from various world states, which is important as different world states have different means of resolution and keeping track of all this is one of the major elements of Foundation bureaucracy and why they are so tolerated by various world states despite their theocratic nature.
Communicating with the Cyan Soul itself is a long process, though messages from the Cyan Soul are common enough that they can be verified and sent out to all the chapters of the Foundation. There is no formal ruler as they see these as a common initiative and generally try deferring to the Cyan Soul for what their agenda should be. In effect the Cyan Soul’s interpreters in practice hold the keys to power as they come to a census of what the Cyan Soul is saying- other listeners have translated the Cyan Soul as well, but their interpretations are usually considered less valid. Usually, much to the horror of the tribunes who do not want disunity on a mission to save the universe.
Ritual action is common whenever the tribunes and interpreters convene, usually in the form of sending a primitive alien specie’s members to the better universe as per the Cyan Soul’s demands and through various silent dances.
The lower levels of the Chronological Foundation are a mish mash of political entities and cults who act like they work together when they really do not and active effects expanding chapters to other societies has hit many snags. Even when the messages are displayed many individuals or collectives from other civilizations of a similar degree of advancement are unconvinced. So often they opt to find more primitive alien societies to influence who are more apt to believe them as unlike the others, they are clear minded enough to understand the universe is about to melt.
Still, targeting the poor of other societies with their cults has produced one positive result- the destabilizing of the target society. Such destabilizing is viewed as useful by quite a few in the Tribute, cynically to weaken potential rivals and more optimistically to slow down the universe from melting by funding terrorist groups who will reduce the complexity of interstellar civilization across the board.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
This tech overview will concern itself with the general set of technology one can expect from the Glinnvyr and everything within the general realm of the Glinnvyr.
Much of the technology the Glinnvyr are made from the combined product of the various world-states and societies which have come and gone in the times past. Over time, progressively more exotic technologies began to appear as energy transfer became an art for the engineers of this realm. Being able to transmute, sap, project and extract energy using all matter of methods is a critical skill set many Glinnvyr technicians learn of.
Major Techs
Chromatic Energy essentially means the rainbow of energy which the Glinnvyr use, these colors are used to represent emotional states.
Quantum tunneling energy transfer has allowed the Glinnvyr to basically be able to have no wires in their tech, using instead quantum tunneling based transmitters to get around the issue of using lasers for energy transfer- you just project the laser through tiny hyperspace tunnels instead. This took ages to get practical, but once it did it caused a huge energy revolution within the realm. Energy networks are essentially networks of energy transferred about using quantum tunneling about to whatever devices are needed.
These energy networks have become so miniaturized that it is used in their nanotechnology, with the many colors and wave lengths being used for different applications.
As a disclaimer, quantum tunneling only works at the speed of light. It cannot be used with or at FTL velocities. Hyperspace is used for that instead, which requires being far from gravity wells as per usual.
The Glinnvyr use both Slipspace and hyperspace. Hyperspace conduits are usually placed in places hard to reach for outsiders and often protected with codes local worlds have at hand, these key masters controlling passage to far off places. The Modulus is very notoriously strict with their hyperspace network due to a well founded fear of subterfuge.
A more ancient Glinnvyr tech that has ironically become more relevant in the age of quantum energy transfer, for these diamond composite alloy systems are well known for being able to absorb tons of energy without melting (you can overwhelm them in sheer amounts of energy, usually done using kinetic weapons such as railguns or mass drivers). It is used frequently as a building material in mega structures (usually in the inner layers, with the outer layers using scale based alloys instead) by the Modulus and in military space craft for its resilience to energy weaponry.
Molten Sulfur is a common chemical material used by the Glinnvyr and Whandl, primarily for its colorful nature and also can be used to make sulfuric acid on the fly. Molten Sulfur is the material of choice in antique handheld weaponry due to its scalding, odious properties and in art for its many colors. Sulfuric acid is used regularly as a corroding agent in making spaceship interiors and in testing alloy systems along with dissolving all matter of unwanted waste.
Another major medium is that of the Foam, which is basically a exotic form of nanotechnology which is a cloud intelligence that acts with the will of the user. This foam acts as the building blocks for much of the automata the Glinnvyr use and is why the Modulus has builders- the Builders have to be there to think the foam into performing correctly. This foam is unlike circuitry due to being entirely wireless, instead being basically many, many cellular conduits with various specialized functions. The Foam's waste heat is transferred to objects known as heat boxes. The Foam is a major cultural technology as well, mainly due to being used for touch based media and is worn regularly as clothing by the Glinnvyr, especially in the Empire of Foam which is well known for having an elite pathologically obsessed with the technology.
The Foam is capable of being used as a weapon due to being able to bloat itself to obstruct passage ways and become very, very sticky. The Foam also is regularly used in missile systems as a the targeting AID, aiming the missile where the user wants the missile to go.
And the Glinnvyr have tons of foam.
Heat boxes are dispensaries for waste heat transmuted using quantum tunneling from whatever energy source needed. These heat boxes tend to be stored in places where their energy can be recycled for later use. They are not 100% efficient, however, as the heat boxes themselves radiate heat on a regular basis and can be overloaded in waste heat, a problem which has lead to all matter of heat box industries flooding the markets. Heat boxes sometimes are stored in missiles as heat boxes tend to contain tons of pent up energy, to the point where they may cause nuclear explosions (nuclear accidents with heat boxes has been a frequent issue).
Polymorphic augmentation basically is a way of accelerating one's metamorphic chances and form changes. It is a worn plastic modifies the basic form of the wearer to better fit whatever environment they are in. It's basically a smart suit and has built in settings to contend with high gravity, heat and the vacuum of space. These forms are preset changes which take time to have happen, usually a minute, but are incredible life savers.
Petrifiers are a very elaborate form of anti-radiation which basically sap away the energy from molecules. These petrify their targets by basically sucking all the heat out of them. Petrifiers require a physical conduit on the target however, and so cannot be used as a energy ray, instead they must somehow be latched onto the target to suck its energy out. Petrifiers are used regularly as a sabotage mechanism or to subvert CENs by rival Glinnvyr factions. They can be deployed by the foam as well in some cases, though the foam being what it is means it is not sapping at the rates a larger Petrifier can. And size does matter with Petrifiers, bigger Petrifiers means faster energy sapping! The Glinnvyr have rifles which penetrate their targets with many Petrifiers to saps away all their energy, usually leaving the target in a stone-like state.
Petrifiers have medical functions as well, in situations where someone has too much energy inside of them they can be used to transfer that energy to a heat box or transfer energy from one heat box to another heat box.
(Again, kinda optional. Do you wish to share with us how amazing your industry can be? This is the section for it! Major industrial methods, complexes and such can be also mentioned here.)
Military Information
Military Overview (Describe your military in general. For a select few types of civs this might be alone enough.)
Space Forces
(Describe your space fleets in more detail. You can also list your important ship and other unit types but nobody is forcing you. But keep in mind, no Death Stars!) Navy Doctrine: How does your navy operate in a general sense? What are the strategies and tactics commonly employed? What design philosophies are used and how are the affected by your country’s strategies. In short: what can we expect to see from your country’s navy? Bonus points if you give your doctrine a real name such as fleet-in-being. Ground Forces (Describe your ground forces, too. This is especially important in this RP since ground/planetary combat will enjoy a spotlight. So we do suggest you to take extra attention to this section.)
Ground Doctrine: How do your ground forces operate in a general sense? What are the strategies and tactics commonly employed? What design philosophies are used and how are the affected by your country’s strategies. In short: what can we expect to see from your country’s ground forces? Bonus points if you give your doctrine a real name such as human wave.
Credit goes to Willy for actually making the sheet outline for us, and for those of you who don't know, click raw and copy paste the bbcode into docs and type it in that way so it's already formatted when you post it in guild! Thank you.
As it is made obvious even by its name (in the Ekhrlithur language, used as an official lingua franca, “Yrrkeltharl” is a locative meaning “of [the sector/region of] Yrrkelthar), the Coalition is best defined as not so much a nation as a loose confederation of the inhabitants of the section of space it occupies. While there once existed a central government which presided over what was then a super-state formed by the fusion of the three local powers, its planets and systems are now the laboratories and playgrounds of its most outstanding scientific minds, who, aside from a few general guidelines and an obligation to support the collective military forces with tributes, enjoy access to vast resources and free rein in working with them.
With such a system in place, it should not be surprising that Coalition space should be a chaotic and almost frighteningly surreal place. The husks of consumed worlds can be found orbiting stars encased in energy absorption frameworks, near planets blighted by experimental weapons or razed by the formidable drone armies stationed there. Worse yet, whoever finds themselves dealing with it will have to endure the eccentric nature and usually poor coordination of its inhabitants, which might lead to strange situations involving guarantees of non-aggression being immediately followed by planetary invasion.
Official Name: Sovereign Coalition of the Yrrkeltharl Systems and Fleets. Common Name: Coalition, Yrrkelthar, Yrrkeltharl Coalition. Government: Decentralised Feudal Technocracy. Dominant Species: Ekhrilthur, though not significantly so. Capital: Erelvath, Ulvarith System (de jure; de facto, there is no single effective capital). Systems Owned: Numerous. Planets Owned: Uncertain. There is an official register somewhere, but the number often fluctuates anyway. Population: Uncertain. The unified census records have not been checked by anyone besides automated systems in decades.
Centuries ago, what would become known as the Yrrkelthar region only knew a single spacefaring species. The Ekhrilthur fungoids, having, after a period of internecine conflicts inevitable in creatures so inclined to individualism, consolidated into a single planetary state known as the Erelvath Conglomerate, began to expand outwards from their homeworld, taking advantage of the recently discovered slipspace drive. Their native Ulvarith system was the first to feel their thirst for energy and resources, with virtually all its noteworthy celestial bodies being mined dry and its star being surrounded with a network of collector panels, laying the foundation of more ambitious constructions yet to come.
As faster-than-light travel technologies improved, the Conglomerate reached to absorb more and more systems. Worlds were colonised, and more yet were consumed. It is to that time that the first records of the Ekhrilthur encountering other sapient life forms can be dated. According to those chronicles, one of the planets approached during their conquest was inhabited by a comparatively primitive civilisation, still fragmented and not yet having reached the space age, which, upon the arrival of the Conglomerate, proved hostile and put up a violent, if futile resistance, and was fully eliminated by the invaders’ robotic forces.
It was not much later that the second of such encounters occurred, though its resolution was by no means as fast as that of the first. On a world whose conditions, favourable to the development of life, had given rise to the formation and evolution of an enormous number of bizarre creatures, the Ekhrilthur vanguard came upon a remarkably developed invertebrate species. The Skirol, as they named themselves, were extremely proficient in the manipulation of genes and biomatter, having built their Global Union upon these arts, but had until then been unable to master space travel. Upon being informed of the Conglomerate’s intention to subjugate the planet and reduce them to second-class citizens at best on their own world (though nowadays many suppose that Skirol aggression also played its part), they rapidly, much to the Ekhrilthur’s surprise, beat back the occupying armies and seized their vessels.
Angered at this successful defense, the Conglomerate sent the bulk of its military fleet to devastate Skereth, as the offending species called their homeworld. Yet once again the crafty invertebrates proved themselves capable of exceptional feats: in an incredibly brief time they reverse-engineered the Ekhrilthur craft designs and began to produce monstrous semi-biological ships to rival those of their foes. After some years of pitched battles around Skereth, the Global Union fielded the first Leviathans, scoring a string of decisive victories and breaking the siege once and for all. Much to the Conglomerate’s horror, the Skirol spilled outwards from their planet like a black plague, infesting system after system.
For decades afterwards the two nations warred with each other over Yrrkelthar, leaving more systems ravaged in the wake of their clashes than the expansion of the Ekhrilthur could have ever accounted for. As hostilities progressively escalated, the two sides continued to build newer and more destructive weapons, yet neither could gain a lasting advantage over the other. It is worth noting, however, that the death toll was surprisingly low for a conflict of this magnitude, since both sides favoured indirect confrontations and the employment of mechanical or biological constructs in battle.
A temporary truce was reached between the Conglomerate and the Global Union only when, out of unfathomable distant reaches of the galaxy, a third force appeared to lay claim to the region. The N’vall, a cryptic and vastly technologically advanced species of semi-artificial beings that had been wandering the galaxy as nomads for an unknown time, forcefully entered Yrrkelthar with their fleets and armies of enslaved soldiers, seeking to establish their complete dominion over it. Due to the significant superiority of the newcomers’ weaponry over their own, Ekhrilthur and Skirol were forced to set aside their differences and form an uneasy alliance to resist their advance. However, even this necessary union proved unstable, and eventually fragmented, with the region descending into such chaos that the invaders were unable to fully commit their forces to securing a complete victory.
At length, as the war ran its course, the strength of the three species was depleted. The constant effort and resource drain that were battles and armament races had left the economies of the Conglomerate and Global Union in shambles, and even the seemingly all-powerful N’vall had seen their already low population dwindle dangerously. A peace treaty was drawn, ensuring a more or less equitable division of intact and devastated territories alike between the Ekhrilthur and Skirol, and relative freedom of action for the N’vall. Upon this foundation were successively built numerous trade deals, then large-scale partnerships, then state accords, until, over the centuries, international organisations sprang up that all but engulfed the respective governments’ authorities. Former tensions were forgotten, and eventually Yrrkelthar’s inhabitants were subsumed into one vast super-entity, directed by an enormously influential Nucleus.
Under the guidance of the Nucleus and its subsidiaries, the Coalition, as the new state had been named, expanded further outwards. The increase in the number of territories to manage put an increasing strain over the centralised system, which found itself constrained to set up more and more local authorities with more and more sweeping powers. Finally, the influence of these minor organs eclipsed that of the Nucleus itself, which, lost amid the network it had itself created, retained little more than vestigial status.
While these events took place, the Coalition’s wide and diverse scientific community, which had been becoming more important as the demand for new technologies grew over time, had, abetted by the military controllers, been edging its way into the administrative organs, conveniently rendering several functions dependent on advanced technical knowledge. Since the local nodes were most accessible, it was there that it held greater sway; and thus the spontaneous decentralisation helped bring about the new technocratic order, which has since then remained in place to this day.
It was not long after the new system had consolidated itself - and reaped its first share of planetary victims - that the Coalition had its first contact with an outside force since the time of the coming of the N’vall. Scouts from the nearby Empire of Astrana penetrated the dead space between it and the Yrrkelthar core, reaching the inhabited zone. Curious at the sight of the unknown human species, the locals promptly performed a series of forceful experiments upon them, often with lethal results. The tales of those few that returned to the Empire triggered a retaliatory strike, whereupon the Coalition, seeing its neighbour’s military power, did not further meddle in its affairs.
About a century later, the population of Yrrkelthar was further surprised by a third intrusion, this one far less benign than the previous one. The armies of the Daisan Order descended upon its rimward-facing border, destroying and plundering all in their way. At first, the Coalition, unaccustomed to defensive warfare, attempted to turn its normally aggressive scorched earth tactics against the invaders; however, this only led to further losses, as the mechanical hordes marched on, undeterred. Thereupon, it mustered its war fleets and met the Daisans head-on, successfully halting, or at least slowing, their advance. Yet their victories were costly and by no means final, and the threat from the mysterious distant rim looms still over Coalition space.
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
Major Holdings
- The Ulvarith System: Home system of the Ekhrilthur, and the official capital of the Coalition. While once it was the seat of the highest power in the region, nowadays it maintains its former superiority only in one field - that of industrial production. Ever since the Ekhrilthur first crossed space, they began laying the foundations for the great Ulvarith machine. It grew bit by bit, component by component, secondary megastructure by megastructure, until it reached its current condition: almost a single, immeasurably vast complex, uniting the function of material gathering, elaboration and construction. Ulvarith is the heart and pride of the Coalition, and the primary source of its vast drone armies.
- Skereth: Homeworld of the Skirol and, to this day, holder of the record for the greatest natural biodiversity in Yrrkeltharl space. Skirol Cycle-Weavers are to this day uncertain of whether they have encountered and catalogued every single species living on the planet, and there is scarce an inch of its surface that is not teeming with pluricellular as well as simple creatures, to say nothing of the lakes and oceans. Something all the seekers of Equilibrium agree on is that Skereth is virtually sacred, and thus none but a select few Trezklin, formed of the most illustrious Skirol to be found in the Coalition, are allowed to reside on its surface. Any who so much as visit it, drawn by the fame of its bio-pod laboratories and spawning pits, must undergo preemptive sterilization procedures, and, of course, never stray from the designated paths, lest they be seized by one of the planet’s many strange predators.
- Iurthelath: While typical Plasmators never remain in office for more than, at the very utmost, fifty standard years, not in the least because of lifespan limitations, the rulers of Iurthelath are a very notable exception. It is the only recorded case in Coalition history in which the title of Plasmator has been officially claimed not by an individual, but a group of researchers. The Iurthelathl Combine, as they are known, have remained in their position almost since it first appeared, and some suspect they simply found a loophole in the newly established rules. However this may stand, the Combine is an exceptionally diverse group, even including some N’vall, and its ever-evolving military designs are highly prized by Nodule controllers and fabricators alike. Less so by the inhabitants of the system, who, despite the official rules, constantly fear lest they be accidentally obliterated by the latest prototype.
- Nodule Nl-03: While political and military power alike is mostly more or less evenly distributed among the Nodules, with some variations due to the population and resource yield of given sectors, Nl-03 greatly outclasses it fellows. The reason for this is that it is perhaps the closest the modern Coalition has to a true Nucleus; a staging point for the forces of several outer sectors, and a few of the core ones as well. This degree of centralisation, previously unheard of in Yrrkelthar, has been forced upon it by the onslaught of the Daisan, and the speed with which it was put into practice is laudable by any standards. In less than three years, the previously scattered armies of the northern systems have been assembled here, ready to be deployed wherever the invaders might show themselves - though the strategic closeness of Nl-03 to the Imperial border has been a source of some perplexity.
- Mlan’entel E’thuur (lit. “The Fleet Lastborn”): N’vall wandering fleets are an impressive sight, hundreds, if not thousands, of large vessels of alien design glimmering through the void with the manifold eyes of their incomprehensible lights. Few of them, however, can rival the Mlan’entel E’thuur, “last” (which, in N’vall culture, is the most honourable position) of all. Its size is such that, were it not for the distinctly green light it radiates, it would often be mistaken for a nebula, and the power wielded by its outlandish armaments is such to have given pause even to the united fleet that stopped the Daisan advance. It is said that the mightiest of the I’nler reside on it, and that it occasionally seeks out the other N’vall congregations to conduct unnamed transactions; and none may guess where it is at any given moment.
- Vollnetlleayrrkeltharl (lit. “Dead space of Yrrkelthar”): While any starmap will make the Coalition appear rather impressive in terms of controlled territory, the truth is that very little of it beyond the core regions is inhabited. Most of it is vollnetlle - empty and lifeless. Graveyards of desolate planets float dimly between uncharted nebulae, and nameless stars burn out their course without having ever been perceived by living organs. Yet this does not mean that this space is quiet, and, worst of all, not put to use. Fleets of drone ships patrol it without cease, and uncountable myriads of machines restlessly work to strip the uninhabited worlds of as many resources as possible. The fate that befalls others is worse yet: failed experiments are left on them and left to rot, or, which is worse, multiply; they are transformed into vile, infernal “death worlds” by the destructive mechanical armies stationed there; or, most fearsome of all, are used as testing targets for new methods of planetary destruction and hostile terraforming. The expanses within and between systems are clogged by debris or exhausted weapons, and so much as venturing into these regions is a deadly risk.
Social Information
Species and Demographics
Ekhrilthur - 31% Skirol - 46% N’vall - 23%
These fungal creatures, hailing from a largely barren and inhospitable, but mineral-rich planet, have a long history of struggling with hostile environments, which, combined with their lengthy gestation period, frequently threatened to thin their numbers almost to the point of extinction. Consequently, there remains in them an atavistic aversion to being exposed to physical danger, and a proportional willingness to decrease the chance of such an occurrence as far as possible. As their soft, malleable pseudopods, which can, in various circumstances, exert a firm grip or perform fine manipulations, render them naturally suited for occupations wherein such flexibility can be vital, Ekhrilthur industry is the Coalition’s finest in terms of mechanical implements and technological advancement, its wares widely available on any inhabited world. Despite this, the Ekhrilthur themselves are seldom seen outside the core regions, preferring to remain in the safety of their territories, despite the latter often amounting to little more than planet-spanning factories and mining facilities.
Their homeworld is especially notable for the vast, continent-spanning subterranean cavernous formations, wherein most of its life-form population evolved. As a consequence of developing in an atypically dark and humid environment, the Ekhrilthur are particularly susceptible to light and dry climates, causing them to be seldom seen in the open, or indeed at all, on worlds close to a their orbital star; conversely, they appear to thrive on those near a system's rim. These beings appear as rough spheroids composed of grey gelatinous matter, moving and manipulating objects by the means of a variable number of malleable pseudopods which can, when necessary, exude a viscous substance.
The inquisitive Skirol developed in a rich and complex ecosystem, the entirety of which they still suspect they have not yet quite understood. Such a wealth of life never ceased to fascinate a great many of them, and, ever since the dawn of their civilisation, lead them to wonder how marvellous the world of organic forms might be if it were guided by a wise, calculating intellect - such as their own. Since the Skirol seldom hesitate before passing from words to action, there scarce can be found a life-form in Coalition space which they have not experimented upon, and the products of their biological engineering are slowly yet steadily making their way toward wholesale employment in the civilian sector as well as the military. Skirol are a rather common sight throughout the Coalition, especially about the fringe, where exploration expeditions are occasionally undertaken.
The Skirol are odd creatures exhibiting both arthropodal and molluscoid physiological traits, as well as certain others whose analogues have not been encountered in any other known animal. They visually resemble some form of arachnid or crustacean, encased in black segmented exoskeletons and possessing tentacular appendages extending from the frontal section of their heads.
Cryptic beings that appeared from unknown recesses of the galaxy during the Yrrkeltharl War, and have since become a constituent member of the Coalition, despite refusing to settle on any planet or stationary superstructure and living exclusively on their ships. Comparatively little is known about the N’vall, but something that is certain is that they are members, perhaps the last, of a species that sought to attain physical perfection. Having long abandoned natural procreation in favour of the precisely controlled artificial procedures enabled by their significant level of technological advancement, N’vall are “born” from a genetic fusion encoded into biomass growing around a metallic endoskeleton. Some of them possess strong psionic abilities, but it has not yet been determined what factors cause their development.
If seen in their customary garments, the N’vall might appear to a casual observer to be almost humanoid. However, their true anatomy is neither such nor even bipedal. They possess four arms, two of which usually remain folded under their cloaks, and lack any sort of hind limbs, instead relying on magnetic propulsors and somewhat arthropod-like mechanical prosthetics, and, should those fail, their own robust muscles, to move in a hovering or crawling fashion. N’vall hands have four digits, one of which appear opposable, but can be bent or rotated sideways with ease to provide a grip upon objects.
Despite centuries of cohabitation, the three species of the Coalition have, over time, remained rather distinct in their social and cultural domains. Mingling has, to this day, remained limited to a macroscopic scale, since even when Ekhrilthur and Skirol share a planet, their environmental requirements and preferences drive them to settle separate locations. Nonetheless, time and regular trade have smoothed out any hostilities between them (a factor contributing to a comparatively rapid construction of peaceful relations was that, due to their biology and consequent social structures, none of the Yrrkeltharl inhabitants are familiar with the concept of trans-generational guilt). Overall, the Coalition’s society is, though as diverse as its geography, rather firmly unified, even though a casual observer might not see any immediate traces of unity proper in it.
The Ekhrilthur, being strongly inclined towards individualistic and materialistic attitudes, as well as possessing almost irrationally strong latent self-preservation instincts, mostly live in utilitarian, unsightly yet functional urban centers, large parts of which reach deep underground. Roads, streetways and passages between buildings take on the form of enclosed tunnels, making the cities fully self-contained pockets of space with only a scarce few entryways and aeration openings connecting them to the outside. Personal dwellings are typically small, narrow insulated capsules, with little, if any, decorations - indeed, in contemporary times ornaments are considered distasteful, and how pristine a home is is a clear sign of the owner’s status - and few visible furnishings. Common pastimes include electronic sensory stimulation, with chemical or biological drugs being rare, and mechanical design aided by small personal assembling devices.
Ekhrilthur society is the basis for the Coalition’s own technocratic system. With the all-pervasiveness of safety system in everyday life, technicians and engineers are the ones who hold the effectively greatest responsibilities, and consequently authority, among them, their influence rivalled only by that of the military (which, being entirely automated, is controlled by technicians itself). Ranks and standing are determined by skill and merit, with examinations and probation periods being required to pass from one of the standardised “levels” to the other. Egoism is not only sanctioned, but indirectly encouraged in these meritocratic communities. While small-scale corruption is not uncommon, nepotism is not practiced by the Ekhrilthur, as they reproduce by sporogenesis and do not entertain family ties.
It might be odd to hear that the notoriously materialistic Ekhrilthur are not only open to religion, but have even produced a faith of their own. In fact, the Creed of the Ultimate Truth is not so much a religious confession as a philosophical stance. In simple terms, those who subscribe to it believe that there is, concealed somewhere in the cosmos, a notion that, if discovered, would explain all uncertainties there exist on the nature and origin of the universe. The innumerable interpretations of this basic axiom have birthed almost as many schools of thought within the Creed, which incessantly contend themselves through discussions and debates.
Skirol, on the other hand, are strongly communal. They congregate in groups known as Trezklin, which can be loosely translated as “Swarm” or “Blight”, numbering anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand individuals, and only a rare few eccentrics are known to live in comparative isolation. The Trezklin is the foundation of the average Skirol’s life, providing at once a family, working environment and circle of friends, or “hunting-mates”. The internal hierarchy of these communities is, while mostly similar across the general Coalition-wide population, so bizarre and intricate as to be largely incomprehensible to outsiders. As far as anyone can tell, one’s authority is accrued proportionally with age, but even then it is in no way uncommon to have younger members significantly outrank older ones.
Trezklin are, as a rule, stationed in the wild, be it flatlands countryside, forests and jungles, swamps, mountain ranges, archipelagos or even shallow bodies of water if their members are augmented to survive in it. Some are nomadic, but the majority remain in the territories where they were originally founded. Skirol habitations, commonly named bio-pods, are semi-organic constructions incorporating one or more non-sentient living membranes draped over a synthetic structure, providing the advantage of a heat-preserving barrier that can be regulated in its various aspects. The standard bio-pod is a large, if sleek, edifice, either housing numerous inhabitants or containing some facility or the other; individual ones are uncommon and reserved for notable persons.
Similarly to the Ekhrilthur, Skirol do not have true religions, but rather philosophical ideologies. The overwhelmingly prevalent one is that of the Cyclic Equilibrium, whose broadly-worded mandate is to find and spread balance to all life. The interrogative of what exactly this balance is has perhaps as many answers as there are planets inhabited by Skirol. Some believe that this means all life-forms should be equal, and modify themselves in entire Trezklin to fit an “universal” biological template; others, on the contrary, see it as an exhortation to increase diversity, and surround themselves with all sorts of strange creatures; others yet think that only some select life-forms should be allowed to exist, and the others be either altered or eliminated. Whatever interpretation they may follow, the Skirol are usually drawn to active experimentation, and do not waste time before putting their views into practice.
Of the N’vall, not much is known. Without exception, they keep to their ships, never setting foot (even figuratively, given their ability to move by hovering above the ground) on any planet or structure not built by themselves and refusing entry aboard their vessels to all but high-standing Coalition officials and scientists. Communications with them are usually carried out by transmitter, or through their slave proxies. What little has filtered down indicates that the entirety of their fleets is ruled by a hierarchy of the psionically endowed, known as I’nler’attul, or I’nler (roughly translatable as “they who dominate/shape” and “dominating/shaping [ones]”), and that they have not relinquished their forebears’ quest of attaining perfection. Though they themselves acknowledge they have not yet reached that stage, they nonetheless see themselves as superior to other beings, and make no effort to conceal it.
With the decline of the power of the Nucleus, two main influences swiftly rose to replace the mighty central authority, as they had been preparing to do for a rather long time - the scientific community network and the military controllers, which is little more than a formal subsection of the former. With defense and ease of force deployment being one of the local authorities’ main tasks, the military immediately established a strong hold on them, eventually growing to fill them altogether. While the Nucleus still participates in the administration of the core regions, it is now quite clearly of secondary importance.
That said, despite controlling the highly strategically important local centers of governance, known as Nodules, the armed forces to not take active part in the governance of systems and sectors. Instead, they limit themselves to enforcing peace, watching the borders and appointing planetary or system governors, called Plasmators. Tying back to the original extremity of the influence shift, Plasmators are chosen from noteworthy scientists and researchers. Their administrative duties are purely nominal, as planets have their own organs of government, the selection and maintenance of which, while vaguely following a standard structure (designed prevalently with the objective of making them as unobtrusive into the Plasmators’ work as possible) is mostly left to the populace. Rather, what their appointment means is that they and their supporting staff have free rein to employ their territory’s space and resources as their work and experiments require it. There are but a few major rules they must abide by lest the Nodules intervene, and the period of allotment is flexible enough.
While the N’vall are technically subject to the global laws of the Coalition, the fact that the latter are so few and loose leaves them significant freedom of action. Their fleets are free to wander about as they please, any empty system, as long as it is not hosting some Plasmator’s experiments, is open for them to exploit as necessary, and the Nodules do not interfere with the rule of the I’nler. Nonetheless, in times of war with an external enemy, they, as well as the rest of the Coalition, are bound to contribute a share of their forces for the common effort - something which they have thus far never disagreed with.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
It might at first appear that, much like its society, the Coalition’s work and accomplishments in the technological field are divided following the species of those who work on them - after all, many practices are to this day still exclusive to their respective inventors. However, upon a somewhat closer examination, it becomes clear that technology has intermingled far more than its creators. Hybrid designs are perfectly commonplace, and Skirol and N’vall energy sources have long since supplanted anything else in use. An explanation for this can be found in the nature of the contact between the Coalition’s members: while trade and commerce are slow in conducting cultural exchanges, scientific and technological ones flow much faster.
Nevertheless, a noticeable degree of historical specialisation does remain. Ekhrilthur technology is chiefly oriented towards mechanics and engineering, and about two hundred years ago has begun foraying into nanotechnology. It is notable, though, that virtual programming has never been their strong point: while they have been able to create some highly complex virtual constructs, the latter are mostly linear in their concept and functioning and lack much potential beyond the minimal necessary versatility. Ekhrilthur components are widely used in Skirol semi-organic constructs, and are occasionally sought after as mechanical prosthetics.
The Skirol are best known for their biological and genetic manipulations. Over the centuries, the number of species created by them through selection, hybridisation, genetic fusion or simply direct grafting has likely grown to exceed that of life-forms naturally found in Yrrkelthar. Ghastly though their amalgams might appear, it is undisputed that they are immensely useful in sectors ranging from medicine and agriculture to spacefaring and, of course, the armed forces. Among other things, the Skirol are responsible for the invention of two of the tools most famed within the Coalition and infamous without - bacterial tubes and engineered plagues. Body augmentations, practical or merely cosmetic, are likewise a common application of their arts.
Most arcane and relatively advanced of all, N’vall technology could appear to hail from another galaxy altogether. The principles it operates upon are either new but irrefutable, or known but having long been deemed unsuited for practical application. Theirs are the traction-core system, used either for highly efficient energy production or the construction of such fearsome weapons as vacuum rippers or gravity mauls, the secrets of neural melding, which subjugates those subjected to it to the will of the I’nler, magnetic levitation and the cloning of vat-grown biomass. The N’vall are likewise responsible for introducing the hyperspace drive into Yrrkelthar.
Major Techs
First brought into Yrrkeltharl space by the N’vall fleets, the vacuum-core principle has been a fundamental pillar of Coalition energy production for centuries. Its main application consists in the generators, large apparati from which obstruents are removed in order to create a partial vacuum. At the center of these structures, usually shaped like cylindrical vats, although spherical variants exist, there is placed a compressed cluster of superheavy matter, typically of the heftier metals, which is then made to spin and generate centripetal traction. The latter is collected by a system of pistons in the form of kinetic energy, which is then converted, through secondary additions to the generators, into the required forms. While the production of traction-core generators is significant, they are physically large and bulky, and are thus typically only used in industrial complexes, urban energy plants and aboard large ships.
A weaponised application of the traction-core principle, vacuum rippers are among the most redoubtable armaments wielded by Coalition fleets. They operate by releasing powerful radiation discharges at their center, then modulating the resulting fallout in such a manner that it initiates something akin to a sub-molecular chain reaction. Particles congregate in aberrant pseudo-nuclei which grow to monstrous proportions, the motion of displaced space propelling some of them forwards, where they will form other conglomerations, and so on. When the chain reaches a dense object - such as an enemy ship - the combined force of uncountable trillions of pseudo-nuclei triggers the formation of an unstable “core”, causing a tremendous implosion which, depending on the size of the vessel struck, can easily engulf a good part of a fleet. Since the radiation itself is only necessary in the first phase of the process, shields and protective fields will not defend against vacuum rippers, but highly robust or insulated ship armour can limit the size of the implosion. Furthermore, their significant size and weight mean they can only be mounted on tremendously large ships.
While traction-core generators are employed for heavy-duty purposes, the more versatile bacterial tubes provide accessible energy at virtually any scale. Developed by Skirol gene-weavers in conjunction with Ekhrilthur nanoengineers, the tubes, as they are known due to their cylindrical form, contain a liquid solution of highly conductive chemicals, in which there swim myriads of genetically modified bacteria. The microorganisms ceaselessly multiply, feed on each other, multiply and so forth, their activity producing energy which, greatly magnified by their environment, is gathered by outwards-reaching nanite networks. Available in a variety of sizes, tube sockets can be found on virtually any Coalition-made device, and every household, be it locule or bio-pod, has a cryogenic drawer with a supply of the batteries, though they seldom have to be changed.
As many an implement in Yrrkelthar space, bacterial tubes have found a specialised role of employment in warfare. Aside from powering the vast mechanical armies of the Coalition, military-issue tubes serve themselves as weapons, thanks to certain modifications. The bacteria contained in these models produce toxic waste as a side effect of their activity; while this has the disadvantage of requiring them to be changed somewhat more frequently, it also allows the devices containing them to eject the waste outwards, usually in a pulverised form, creating the tell-tale sickly yellow-green clouds that cover Coalition forces as they advance. The name “bio-laser” comes from the fact that, originally, it was chiefly energy beam weapons that used such a system; nowadays, though its practice has extended to particle and plasma weapons, as well as the drones themselves, the term remains as a broad catch-all term for Coalition planetary invasion weapons. It is little wonder that after the passage of such an army the ground should remain barren and infertile for decades on end.
While some may see the vollnetlle as wasted potential for so many thriving worlds and colonies, not to mention a dangerous regions that ought better to be cleared, the Coalition is perfectly satisfied with how things are there, and, if anything, would even wish for more of it were there any scarcity. The abundance of barren planets has enabled its engineers to design an efficient, rapid process of stripping a world of all resources with but a few practiced motions. The exact method slightly varies according to the composition of the planet, but the basic process is always the same: swarms of harvester craft descend upon it like hungry rahkal, bombarding the crust with burrowing charges, vaporising any liquid bodies and releasing fumes and radiation that leave any atmosphere there might be in shreds. Hordes of drones are then disgorged upon the battered surface, and collector modules descend upon it to devour and process the ores laid bare by the ravaging volleys. Finally, the planetary core, laid bare by continuous hammering, is solidified through exposure to the vacuum, and absorbed by the machines. The presence of organic life on the surface of a planet does but add an additional stage to the harvest, though to many it might appear to be the most gruesome one.
Somewhat akin to planetary harvesting, albeit by far less thorough, the Coalition’s hostile terraforming techniques are nonetheless much more varied. These invasive planetary alteration methods are deployed upon enemy worlds in support of invading armies, which, though they might be at a disadvantage on unfamiliar ground, are entirely optimised for combat in the pestilential conditions brought about by terraformation attacks. The latter may involve anything from engineered plagues designed to wipe out native life, through saturating the soil, air and water with toxins, mutagenic substances or corrosive acid, to seeding the surface with genetically modified parasitic organisms or deploying swarms of devouring self-replicating nanites. While any of these, used alone or in conjunction with others, is devastating to most life-forms in known space, the process is gradual and, though incredibly fast by terraforming standards, leaves defenders enough time to react should they be able to. Hostile terraforming is conducted through ground and orbital emplacements assembled by Coalition armies and fleets, and eliminating them, as well as any Ruinator ships stationed over the planet, is the key to stopping it while it is reversible.
Prior to the integration of N’vall technology into Yrrkeltharl designs, the most common form of plasma weapon were the stream projectors used by the Ekhrilthur. However, once the expertise in magnetic fields of the vat-born species had been assimilated into the technical knowledge of what had by then become the Coalition, its applications in the bellic employment of plasma, already known to the N’vall but new for the rest of the region, were greatly acclaimed. The final result of numerous trials and experiments was the unmaker, a weapon of variable size used nowadays by warships and heavy drones alike. These devices fire a double-layered sphere of plasma maintained compact by a magnetic field, resulting in a double shockwave, outward and inward, which weakens struck matter before drawing it into a destructive implosion.
The power of the Coalition, scientific and military alike, is entirely founded on the strength of its industry. Planets and asteroids are torn open every day to feed the insatiable metallic monster, and many thousands of varyingly automated factories regurgitate tools, wares, instruments, equipment, but most of all ships, drones and frames for semi-organic constructs. The vollnetlle is littered with their hideous forms, but they likewise abound in the core regions, and Ekhrilthur space in particular. Indeed, the Ulvarith system-complex, a mass of interconnected megastructures fully dedicated to pounding metal into uniform shapes, is the species’s pride, and many worlds inhabited by the fungi show signs of efforts to emulate this great work on great and small scales alike.
Military Information
Military Overview
The most notable feature of the Coalition military is that no member of the three constituent species ever takes to the field in person. All of its forces are composed of remotely controlled constructs, with the sole exception of Skirol and N’vall ships, which, however, are rather rare. No creature, be it living or mechanical, in its ranks is fully autonomous, since the Yrrkeltharl species are as distrustful of anything they cannot directly command as they are unwilling to descend into battle. This reliance on its creations rather than its population itself, and thus industry rather than reproduction, often grants the Coalition an immense numerical advantage. While its troops might be unwieldy and slow on the move, they are so many that enemy armies, whatever they might be, may easily find themselves dwarfed, and the foul contamination they spread as they advance further tips the scales of attrition in their favour.
Space Forces
Navy Doctrine: Sometimes called “pillar drill” after an ancient Ekhrilthur siege engine, the Coalition war fleets’ typical approach to battle seeks to make best use of the strengths of each of its vessel types. The innumerable lesser and medium Ekhrilthur drone craft seek to pin enemy fleets in place by surrounding them from all sides, hurling themselves forward with weapons blazing regardless of any damage or losses they might suffer. Once the foe is thus encircled, the “drill” proper, formed by heavy drone ships alongside the titanic Skirol semi-organic vessels and the powerful N’vall auxiliaries, advance upon it, releasing new waves of strikecraft and firing fearsome weapons such as vacuum rippers, giant unmakers and spinal beam projectors. With nowhere to turn, the enemy would ideally be at the mercy of this unstoppable force.
Avmal Thorn
The drone counterpart to corvettes. The Thorn strikes a balance between defense and offense, being moderately well-armoured for something of its size and armed with a complement of light beam weapons and unmakers. Most of all, however, its design emphasizes mobility, its traction-core-powered reactors allowing it to reach tremendous linear speeds - something that can prove deadly should it hurl itself against an enemy in a suicidal attack, triggering a destructive reaction from its inner generators. Given their numbers and apparent recklessness in charging forward regardless of losses, this tactic is to be expected whenever facing Thorns, though it should never be forgotten that its weapons alone can prove to be more than deadly for the unwary.
Nhuul Parasite
A larger type of drone ship, somewhat exceeding a large destroyer, the Parasite usually moves slower than the Thorn, but is far more dangerous. Better armoured, fitted with shields (which, like most protective fields of Coalition make, are not difficult to pierce, but rapidly reform if not taxed for a moment) and armed with larger beam and plasma emplacements, it is not only more durable and capable of inflicting damage, but can likewise latch on to larger foes after approaching them with a short acceleration burst, bury into their hulls and fire its unmaker into their interior. The results can be worse than crippling, and it is thus for the best to keep Parasites at a safe distance.
Tlaelon Scavenger
Similar in size to a light cruiser, Scavengers are the largest of the drone vessels employed in the encircling part of the “pillar drill”. Surprisingly resilient for something supposedly designed to be expendable, they are armed with a (relatively) small axial energy projector, as well as lesser secondary weapons, including unmakers. Their greatest danger, however, comes from the fact that they carry a complement of boarding pods loaded with assault and observer drones, and set to release poisonous gas or other debilitating agents once they cling onto a ship. Unlike their lesser counterparts, Scavengers are typically more cautious in battle, blasting foes from afar and only swooping in to deploy their pods when they detect a suitable opportunity.
Nfaal Devastator
The largest drone war vessels built by the Coalition, Devastators are under no aspect inferior to battleships. Heavily armoured, shielded and armed with a large spinal energy cannon alongside batteries of unmakers and heavy beam weapons, these juggernauts can wreak incredible devastation on a cornered enemy. They are, however, ponderous and of limited manoeuvrability, and can only effectively engage opponents frontally. While not defenceless on its other sides, a Devastator would be hard-pressed to eliminate smaller, elusive targets with freedom of movement, which is why they are mainly employed in the second phase of the drill manoeuver.
Uvnall World Eater
Not so much ships as immense mobile operation platforms, World Eaters are not designed for combat, being equipped with a mere few turret-mounted weapons. Their purpose is instead to complete planetary surface invasions and lay the foundations for the subsequent assimilation of a world. Each World Eater houses several miniature factories and spawning pits, and carries within itself a small army of troops and worker drones, enabling it to gather raw materials from its surroundings and churn out waves of reinforcements to bolster the ranks of the Invasion Forces. As someone once remarked, their function is rather similar to that of the Daisan landing spikes.
Klazk Swarmer
The mainstay strikecraft of the Coalition war fleets, Swarmers are in truth semi-autonomous living organisms, controlled via neural melding and augmented with mechanical devices, engines and weapons upon being spawned. Due to them usually being produced in pits carried by Skirol ships, there never is a scarcity of them on a battlefield, and they will be certain to make their way into the tightest of formations. Depending on their configuration, which can be changed during flight, they can act either as fighters, engaging other strike craft with their light frontal weapons, or bombers, opening their fore to reveal unmakers with which they target larger ships.
Zavruul Scourge
Fairly large and encased in a protective carapace allowing it to enter and exit atmospheres, Scourges are the primary dropships used by Coalition forces, and their main means of landing armies on a planet’s surface aside from World Eaters. Deployed by Ruinators or other such large ships orbiting a besieged planet, they descend on the surface in vast numbers, each bearing a strong cargo of drones, soldiers or monstrous creatures, and often strafe over settlements and fortified spots before landing, bombarding them with foul ammunition. They are, however, too large and unwieldy to be suited for atmospheric combat.
Ravreth Behemoth
Along with the Leviathans and Ruinators, Behemoths are the largest warships fielded by the Coalition, dwarfing even the proudest dreadnoughts and space stations and rivalling the World Eaters themselves in size. They are formed by a gargantuan metallic skeleton covered by tonnes of biomass akin to that used in building bio-pods, only in immeasurably larger amounts and of a rather more resilient variety. The “flesh” pervades the entire vessel, ready to, among other things, digest any who attempt to board it without proper pheromone and genetic identification and regenerate upon being damaged. The Ravreth is designed to serve as a carrier, being only lightly armed (for something its size) but housing several spawning pits which ceaselessly disgorge waves of Swarmers. As all ships of such size, Behemoths are each manned by a dedicated Trezklin, residing on board and effectively calling the vessel its home.
Voltharil Leviathan
Similar to Behemoths under many aspects, Leviathans are, however, geared more for direct combat than further bolstering fleets. They do not carry spawning pits, but instead are armed to the barely-metaphorical teeth, wielding such tremendous weapons as vacuum rippers, colossal unmakers and several axial-mounted energy and particle cannons. Since they often spearhead charging groups, with the less battle-suited Behemoths remaining behind, they are likewise better equipped to deal with enemy countermeasures, being capable of tearing through attacking fighters with ease and eliminating flak barrages fired to hold back the Swarmers.
Ulkor Ruinator
While Behemoths support fleets and Leviathans batter the enemy, Ruinators are built with the purpose of besieging attacked planets. Though they are not significantly armed, they contain all that is needed to begin hostile terraforming of an enemy world, along with a small fleet of Scourges ready to deploy Coalition troops on the surface. As long as one of these ships remains in orbit, it will continue to produce and deploy stations and devices that taint the soil and atmosphere. Due to how crucial their role is in planetary invasions, Ruinators are heavily guarded by more battle-ready craft; yet eliminating them is likely the most reliable way of disrupting an invasion.
(Images not to scale.)
As strange and mysterious as their inhabitants, the N’vall ships defy even such loose classification standards as those of the Coalition. As far as anyone knows, they are divided into A’thaur Unaal (lesser homes), A’thaur I’entil (homes of the many) and A’thaur E’neval (homes of dawn), which are broad designations the I’nler use when communicating with Nodule authorities. The Unaal are the smallest vessels, ranging in size from about the equivalent of a small cruiser to a carrier; I’entil are as large as the typical capital ship; E’neval, which are nothing short of mobile cities, matching or even exceeding World Eaters in magnitude. Such proportions are chiefly due to the fact that virtually all N’vall vessels serve as habitats for the species, and thus contain dwelling quarters and various other necessary systems and implements. This, however, does not prevent them from being the most potent combat vessels at the Coalition’s disposal. Between unusual shields and arsenals of outlandish weaponry, the few Unaal and I’entil the N’vall may dispatch at the Nodules’ request make up as much as, if not more than, a fourth of an entire united fleet’s power. The E’neval are practically never seen in battle; however, the vague scraps of tales from the Yrrkelthar War paint an extremely grim picture of their destructive potential.
Ground Forces
Ground Doctrine: While fleet tactics, distinctive though they might be of the Coalition, do not bear much of a mark in the way of its, so to say, flavour, the doctrine followed by its Planetary Invasion Forces appears to take pride in displaying the worst of its destructive and corrupting tendencies. Officially named “Transformative Assimilation”, it consists in radically altering the terrain and environment around its immense armies of metal and biomass via the use of hostile terraforming. In addition to being necessary for the troops to operate at full effectiveness, as they are expressly built to do battle in such hellish conditions, it corrodes and weakens any resistance the enemy might offer, so that it might easily be swept away by the unwavering advance of the soulless tide.
The bulk and backbone of any Coalition planetary invasion, infantry drones are so numerous that they alone might well exceed the populations of some lesser nations. While it is inevitable that in such a multitude there should exist hundreds of different types distinguished by the weapons and armour they carry, and consequently their specific role on the battlefield, all of them remain divided into four base models by their general shape. These models are, clockwise from top left:
- Assault Drones: The largest of the four types, assault drones are the shock troops of the Coalition’s robotic armies, hurling themselves at massed enemies to make way for the rest of the army or delivering rapid and hefty tactical strikes. They are encased in moderately heavy armour and carry powerful bio-laser variants, as well as being quite mobile and fast upon their feet. Of all types, they are the least numerous. - Bulwark Drones: Second in size to the assault variant, bulwark drones are much more thickly armoured, but relatively lightly armed. Their purpose is to hold back foes where they should attempt a counterattack, and wear down advancing forces by continuous fire while limiting their own losses. Being the bulkiest of the four models, they are likewise the least mobile. - Skirmisher Drones: Lightly armoured and moderately armed, skirmisher drones are the smallest type, but not, for that matter, the least dangerous. Where enemy ranks reveal a weakness but the use of assault drones would be excessive, they dart into the fray, striking and immediately withdrawing out of reach; or else they ambush scouts, disrupt convoy lines or launch raids upon momentarily defenceless targets. To best suit their function, they are faster even than the assault model. - Combatant Drones: Not exceeding in either offense or defense, combatant drones balance their complements of armour and weapons in a mostly even manner. Lacking a dedicated role, they make up the bulk of drone armies, their unspecialised nature granting them greater versatility than the other models in various situations. Or, at worst, making them suitable for the role of nondescript expendable troops.
Most often employed as pacifiers and law enforcers on inhabited worlds, Observers are likewise not an uncommon sight in war zones. Their agility and aptitude in blending with their surroundings and moving silently makes them good reconnaissance and scouting units, and their weapons can incapacitate or kill a target inconspicuously. Observers are most dangerous in urban environments or when boarding ships, where they might be hiding behind any corner and in any nook, ready to pounce on their inadvertent prey.
Towering above the ranks of drone armies, Colossi are to the Coalition forces what heavy tanks are to most conventional militaries. Large, so thickly bound in metallic armour as to be impervious to any weapon below a certain power threshold, and bringing the full might of an artillery platform to bear, these drones excel at breaking sieges as much as they do in field battles. Their wide array of armaments additionally allows them to function as walking anti-air batteries, as well as making short work of threats on the ground at virtually any distance. However, as it could be expected of something so great and ponderous, they are slow and unmanoeuvrable, and rather limited as to what terrain they can traverse.
While Colossi might be of redoubtable size on their own, even they pale before the monstrosity that is a Titan. As imposing as sizeable buildings, these machines are nothing short of mobile fortresses, capable of crushing the stoutest defences merely by stepping on them and shrugging off even heavy weapon fire. Their own armaments are comparable to those of a small warship,greatly exceeding in strength, range and versatility those of their lesser counterparts. As though all of this were not enough, they are equipped with superior sensors, and can detect traps, ambushes and other subterfuges that lesser drones might miss. Fortunately, Titans are relatively rare, and suffer from all the disadvantages of a Colossus to an even greater extent.
Rahkal Spitters
The closest the Planetary Invasion Forces have to an atmospheric air-superiority unit, rahkal spitters are sentient predatory molluscoids modified by the Skirol to serve as optimal war beasts. Moving through the air with the aid of multiple gas-inflated bladder-like organs, the rahkal possess robust carapaces and sharp beaks, but they are most dangerous for the corrosive liquid they secrete and spit with surprising strength and accuracy, earning them their name. The skies of a planet under attack by the Coalition will soon be darkened by swarms of rahkal, as they have a tendency to breed rapidly whenever afforded with a sufficient supply of space and prey.
Kvazrul Shredder
The kvazrul, carnivorous arthropods native to Skereth, were historically among the first creatures domesticated by Skirol communities, and thus it is little wonder that they should have been adapted for employment in warfare. Bred and augmented according to a design dating back to the Yrrkeltharl War, shredders are larger, stronger, more cunning and ferocious than normal kvazrul, and are armed with synth-metal claws and mandibles. During invasions, they are deployed to infest less urbanised or ruined areas, where they are adept at stalking and preying upon local life, sapient or not.
Kvazrul Contaminator
Another engineered kvazrul mutant, the contaminator is even more outlandish in its appearance than the shredder. It does not possess as many natural weapons, but instead carries upon its back a non-sentient symbiotic organism. Through neural stimulation, these beasts can trigger within their symbiotes an explosive biochemical reaction that ejects outwards, as a projectile, the lesser bioconstructs it was designed to carry. Those can range from virus bombs and toxic ammunition to seeds, spores or eggs of invasive alien wildlife whose spread quickens the hostile terraforming process.
Fham’nhl Terror
According to some disputable, though otherwise insightful, sources, the Fham’nhl (or however they were once called; now this name, probably invented by their masters, is all that remains of their cultural identity) were the first species to be enslaved by the N’vall to serve as powerful and obedient soldiers. While already fearsome enough upon first entering Yrrkelthar, modern bio-laser technologies have even further increased their destructive potential. Due to their imposing appearance, Terrors are often used as guards, enforcers and, on rare occasions, occupation troops, but their true expertise lies in brutally crushing pockets of resistance along battlefronts.
Var’nhl Champion
The most versatile and flexible in their choice of weapons of N’vall slave soldiers, Champions excel at close-quarters combat. Be it cornering foes in an enclosed space and finishing them off, clashing in the narrow corridors of a ship or meeting enemy melee specialists in an even fight, the design of their armour and motory enhancers has been long refined to optimise them for action in such conditions. The weapons they carry may vary from burst particle emitters, to high-dispersion plasma scorchers, to the dreaded vortex mauls, built to exploit the traction-core principle to potent effect, but what remains unchanged all throughout is their skill and superhuman attributes.
Sre’nhl Purifier
Even more direct in their purpose than Terrors or Champions, Purifiers exist solely to lay waste to everything and anything in front of them. Rumour has it that the bodies of their species are formed by viscous, semi-fluid filaments, forced into roughly humanoid suits of powered armour by the N’vall. The Sre’nhl are nightmarishly resilient and persistent, and equipped with state-of-the-art sensors to ensure that that which they are pointed at can never escape from them - an impulse that becomes fully understandable once one sees their arm cannon in action. While their heavy stomping gait might lead one to surmise they are slow and unwieldy, they seem to have an uncanny ability to always be wherever one least wants to see them in no time.
Despite the impressive power of their ship-mounted industry, the N'vall often find themselves in need of raw materials to fuel their production machines. To fulfil this necessity, they typically drain planets and asteroids of natural resources in a manner that inspired the Coalition's planetary harvest technologies, deploying a number of gatherer machine designs to the surface. While their primary intent is, as their name indicates, to collect the wealth of celestial bodies, these harvester machines are fully capable of dispatching any hostile local life they should encounter, dutifully processing what remains of it into repurposeable biomass. A fearsome combat force in their own right, the harvesters are only employed in a military capacity during the invasion of worlds the Coalition deems forfait, as they are painstakingly thorough in their elimination of all there is on the surface.
The Interstellar Union of Collectives is a relatively new nation, having risen from less fortunate circumstances to become a veritable power in the region. Although a naturally individualistic species they have become collectivist in their political and ideological thought, almost entirely unaccepting of foreign political ideas. The Union is a partially hidden society, although there is no real attempt to close their society to foreign peoples, they are not opening it to them either.
Official Name: The Interstellar Union of Collectives Common Name: The Union or the Ysh Union Government: Syndicated Union of Communes Dominant Species: ‘Ysh’ Capital: Administrative Habitat Panic with Extreme Prejudice, [Variable Star System Location]
Agricultural societies developed on the ‘Ysh’ homeworld roughly thirty thousand years ago, this is a much longer time than most current spacefaring civilizations from such a condensing point to the advent of interstellar travel and interstellar expansion. This is primarily not caused by any significant psychological or resource availability problems but instead was of their own creation. A little more than twenty-two thousand years ago there was a nuclear war, while not on the magnitude necessary to completely destroy life, it did cause significant damage to its ability to recover. Little is known by the current ‘Ysh’ as to what was the cause, or even much about those early ‘Ysh’ however what is known is that those ‘Ysh’ had achieved limited spaceflight, at least into orbit from later analysis of debris.
What would follow for the next fifteen thousand years was a gradual trend towards barbarism and collapse. Initially, after the war there was a large amount of dirt and dust thrown into the atmosphere, causing general crop failure globally, resulting in global famine and population reduction. In combination with a general collapse of operational industrial lines with and lack of food, most industrial processes and abilities were destroyed or damaged. Most if not all of the previously existing civilizations collapsed.
This was not, however, the only legacy of those civilizations. Although any sort of lasting nation had been dissolved by the harsh conditions successor states operating on smaller scales using local resources and what remaining industries were operational and supportable allowed for some semblance of civilization to survive in some areas after a few decades had passed from the war. Generally, these successor states failed at reversing the trend towards barbarism, slowly growing less and less able to meet the needs of their societies.
Two thousand years after the war a new glacial period began to ramp up and eventually met its peak three thousand years after that, gradually wearing back down over the next three thousand years. After the end of this glacial period, there would be another five thousand years before agricultural communities would re-emerge after their destruction. After agricultural civilization was reestablished it would be a little more than six thousand years before the ‘Ysh’ would return to space.
Jumping forward to modern history, six hundred years ago the ‘Ysh’ reached space. Only interplanetary this period was one of relative stability and peace for the ‘Ysh’ primarily united by discovering their past and general global prosperity for most powerful nations. A large amount of nuclear disarmament proceeded during this period and it saw a very large centralization of the populations of many nations on the world. Research colonies on other worlds were established and space-born habitats were constructed. Also during this period was a trend towards individualism, ultimate freedoms and questioning the roles of society and government. Moving slowly towards a merging of the two. This period lasted a century before it ended.
This period is generally considered over by ‘Ysh’ historians by a civil war in one of the primary industrial powers that would break the peace among them. The previous trend of individualism became much more militant and extreme, exemplifying less of individualistic ideals and more of sectarian differences. It would be a Fifty years after that they would unify finally into one complete nation-state. General destabilization of previous nations resulted in either takeover of the state by extremist groups or the radicalization of those States in opposition to extremist groups resulting in the same outcomes. Authoritarian regimes began to dominate their world which began fighting slowly larger and larger conflicts amongst themselves. Eventually, accords were broken and even in cases of nuclear conflict, even if almost all nuclear devices had been disarmed, many were then rearmed and used although this process took time, they were still used, this largely brought down much of the order of the planet.
However, the space habitats managed to remove themselves from this conflict and once warfare had died down, returned to the planet eventually managing to retake portions of the globe from various warlord states and generally begin to restore order into a new union of the ‘Ysh’ species. This union’s society would be based on the collective units used on the space habitats, and their now greatly expanded space-based industry. This union would of course eventually grow to be the Union. It would slowly expand through their solar system consolidating and re-expanding the greatly reduced ‘Ysh’ population, assisted greatly by new methods of population growth and increasing number of offspring. Generally, the largest single work of this period after Unification is the gradual terraforming of their homeworld back to being increasingly habitable for the ‘Ysh’. Other accomplishments are the general cementing of the structure of Union society and the necessary institutions to maintain that.
Over the next fifty years as consolidation continued scientific progress began to take off once more resulting in the end of this period and the beginning of the text with the invention of the ‘Ysh’ slipspace drive. Following this was a period of extensive expansion and consolidation, which ended with their first known contact with an alien species, Humans of the Kre’allar Kingdom. A series of misunderstandings eventually led to their first interstellar war as well. The Kre’allar were not a much for the Union, although they did have roughly equivalent tech bases the Kre’allar were unable to compete on the same scale though they did do significant damage to infrastructure in many systems they generally failed to damage vital infrastructure to the war effort. This conflict was relatively early in Union history taking place several centuries before the present time.
The Kre’allar were defeated and it was attempted to integrate them into the Union, this failed horrendously. A decade of intermittent conflict in attempting to subdue the previous subjects and forced conformation with the Union society largely failed to achieve any lasting integration. After ten years of effort, the council decided to give a region partial autonomy and simply move the Kre’allar population there. This region including the Kre’allar Kingdom’s previous Capital largely settled down after this decision. Although this had been a large sink of resources it did provide the Union with very important technologies notably Hyperdrive and the basics of shielding technologies. After the matter of the Kre’allar had been reasonably settled, the Union began a new period of rapid expansion, primarily through the establishment and spread of Union habitats throughout large areas of space and then the colonization or conquest of inhabitable systems.
This expansion began to slow over the course of time partially due to running into civilizations of comparable or greater power but also due to administrative concerns. This has descended to the current time in which the entire Northern direction is cut off forcing expansion only in other directions.
Today the Union is a power in the region and seeks to expand its power, although now they may be more in line with worries of the Daisan.
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
Major Holdings
Social Information
‘Ysh’: The primary and majority species of the Union, ‘Ysh’ is simply an adaption of an attention-demanding sound that was used during first contact with the Empire of Astrana. When using their lower limbs as other species have legs the average ‘Ysh’ stands at 7’4” although a bell curve can usually match deviation, a standard deviation being roughly 3”. They are a hairless species and are generally lithe of figure in comparison to other similar species. They have four limbs, two at the top of their torso near their head and two on the opposite lower side. Both sets of limbs have degrees of motion and movement in joints and sockets that is sometimes disquieting to other species, as well these limbs both come to prehensile hands with fully opposable digits.
The skin of the ‘Ysh’ is greatly controllable in color, this is particularly present in specialized regions near their eyes which they have excessive control over very minute changes in pigment cells very similar to chromatophores if not classifying as them. This is, in fact, their primary communication medium through a language of color and patterns. However, they do have attention demanding sounds that they have some variance over using their lips over their tongueless mouths or secondary breathy orifice. They have eyes similar to many of species in terms of acuity although they do not have eyelids, they rely upon a thick film that constantly covers their eyes.
One very important piece of information about the ‘Ysh’ is that they are hermaphrodites although they cannot self-fertilize. Another important factor is that they do not bear live young, specifically they lay eggs which hatch into maggots. Ancestors to the ‘Ysh’ and the ‘Ysh’ themselves in more primitive times have laid these into recently deceased animals although now more efficient means of providing protein are used for the maggots. After the maggots reach a certain size, and usually after they have eaten some of the other maggots in a body they will form a cocoon in which they will eventually develop into an ‘adult’ ‘Ysh’. ‘Adult’ because they are not fully grown but are then taken and cared for by ‘Ysh’ in creches, previously in their history with little supervision besides safety and feeding, learning when they are older but more recently there is a large amount effort to begin to integrate young ‘Ysh’ much sooner. This can be unsettling to learn for other species so they often do not speak of it in the presence of foreign species.
Kre’allar: The ‘Ysh’ are not the only species in the Union, but they are by far the most populous, many other species being only very small components of the population. This is in part because the ‘Ysh’ often seek to stabilize the populations of other species while continuing to grow their own. For some of the species at the time of their control by the Union, they may have been almost as populous as the ‘Ysh’ but have since grown very little in comparison. By far the largest of the super minorities are the Kre’allar, a subset of Humans that once had their own interstellar nation before it was overrun by the Union. They were integrated into the Union and although partially successful, resource and time costs have changed the decision on integrated further species in any other form than semi-autonomous functions. Biologically the Kre’allar are not significantly different than other major Human populations although they have some differences that maybe be of cosmetic significance.
The Kre’allar are a super-minority in the Union but they are by far the largest minority species, the Kre’allar make up roughly 3% of total Union population and this percentage is decreasing every year.
Union politics and ideology are mostly focused on core values and obedience to those values. The foremost being duty, not only the state, the species, personal collectives, greater collectives and other material organizations but also duty in terms of applying oneself most effectively to assist others. Indoctrination into this is required to be part of Union society, notably in the form of subsuming will into duty to a greater whole and not the individual.
Union society is focused on the collective unit. While there is no set size for each collective the base unit is roughly in the range of ten individuals with a standard deviation of three individuals. Mostly the collective base unit is a support group for individuals both in terms of helping them to succeed at jobs and tasks, but also emotionally and socially, they can be seen an analogous to families in some cultures. As well when laws are broken the usual reaction is rehabilitation or relocation, direct punish usually comes in as a threat more than a fact besides rehabilitation and relocation.
In part the job one does and the reward for that is much of the time different than in other societies. In Union society there is a certain amount of time required to do a task, that is set forth by governing collectives, and to accomplish that task to a given standard, examples vary from military reserves training to janitorial duties. However, there is also a previously agreed upon tasks that an individual has some discretion in. Besides work individuals, and more specifically base collective units have a certain amount of leisure time to be used and make use of services. Primarily this is focused upon entertainment and some specialty experiences, particularly in food and other things, easily provided in low amounts to high quality. Generally, this work is little different from other societies except in the fact that in the Union there is not a middle ground of payment for task, it is provided but you must provide to standard.
Which is not to say that there is no competition, not just in games in such as those do exist but there is competition just not in a direct economic sphere. Most competition is that of social status, commendations and rank. This competition is mostly restrained to acceptable frameworks particularly because ranks and commendations are separated both from direct economics, indirectly some researchers may gain more grants for research if they are particularly useful, and also actual occupation.
The Union’s governmental structure can be fuzzy at the best of times to outsiders, this is primarily because there usually isn’t a permanent or semi-permanent head of state or legislative body. There is, however, a semi-elected council. Essentially the union has a structure of collectives rising from lowly masses to high commands, however, individuals and collective units are placed primarily according to many tests and reviews over the course of their lives as in addition to their work and partially to the desires of the said individuals and collectives. These tests and reviews are ongoing and designed to be meritocratic although no system is perfect.
Resulting from this is a collective council, usually of several base collective units, which most common task is finding which groups to delegate work and knowledge of necessary changes to and then deciding upon the result in consideration of other concerns. This is similar to other legislative bodies in other nations except that its membership often changes by this delegation. Essentially collectives are split off from the council to work with other collectives on the subject before rejoining the council to decide. This means that the council is constantly fluctuating in current membership to deal with new issues, especially not helped by collectives stepping down from councilship entirely primarily because of strain caused by council work.
This fluctuating structure is mirrored to a much lesser extent in the rest of Union society, largely excluding the military and police forces. The Military because they have their own much more rigid structure that bleeds into greater Union society especially during times of national or societal stress. The Police force because while it does have a much more rigid structure it also has to interact with broad portions of greater Union society in relatively peaceful extent.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
Major Techs
Anti-Psionic technology: Since the ‘Ysh’ do not have any Psionic abilities, and large segments of the population seem to have large amount of weakness and aversion to it, the ‘Ysh’ have put effort into and successfully developed technology to limit and stop Psionic powers, as well as detecting their use. This has sometimes said to be painful for some Psions, however, the ‘Ysh’ are very enthusiastic in its use.
Bomb-Pumped Grasers: Unable to generate gamma ray lasers using more conventional methods a weapon designed for much shorter ranges than other energy weapons Union Bomb-Pumped Grasers are normally mounted either as payloads of torpedoes or in a few specially designed craft utilizing a nuclear device and a chamber to direct gamma rays as a coherent beam towards a target. Significant control issues have limited their range as well as deployment.
Gravitic Sublight Drive: The only mentionable Union sublight drive system, it provides reasonable acceleration and max speed on vessels however it's primary advantage is its ability to allow vessels to quickly change the orientation of their craft.
The Union’s primary focus in heavy industry has generally been in space. Smaller industries such as various goods for planetary populations are generally produced on planet to reduce shipping needs for those goods. In space, most heavy industry has been handled by Union Habitats and their associated construction yards. Generally, habitats are in the business of mining and refining material from asteroids, comets, and other astronomical bodies so as to use those refined materials in construction from either habitat based small crafts or for transfer to larger construction yards and the production of large spaceborne designs.
These Habitats generally are mobile in system and out, even if they are not used generally to transport between systems. These mobile habitats contain a large portion of the Union’s population, a testament to their sheer number. Most habitats are relatively specialized towards mining, refining, research or a multitude of other pursuits. This is mostly allowed by the fact that only rarely are there not a surplus other habitats in the system that either are specialized in other tasks or are more generalist in design.
Military Information
Military Overview
The Union’s military primarily focuses not on numbers at all cost or quality at all cost, but a mix in between. Primarily focusing on relatively high-quality equipment and training to the largest group possible. This has actually separated out into three major groups.
The First is the professional collectives, they are generally in military circles for life or at least as a primary job and task. In times of peace, they are the primary military outfits and they proceed as the only outfits when larger mobilization is not necessary. The Professionals are highly disciplined and have relatively good equipment although it would not stand up to equipment for special forces or other elite groups of other nations.
Second are the reserve collectives, they generally are in military circles occasionally while having non-vital or surplus tasks in addition. They are trained to handle the same equipment as the professional collectives but generally will either be retirees from the professional collectives, volunteers not vitally needed, or they are civilians performing a non-vital task and trained as part of a service duty towards society as a whole. Typically in times of need, they will be temporarily raised to professional levels of workload and be used as such.
Third are the mass mobilization super-collectives, these draw from the able of the civilian population and are not drawn up all at once unless the need is exceedingly great. Instead, they are drawn up slowly or only proportionally to need, common to find these units that receive only very basic familiarity with military equipment used in organized non-combat roles when military units are needed elsewhere. Most commonly drawn are civilians in roles that provide familiarity with military equipment or advanced civilian models.
In truth, there is sometimes little difference between a Union civilian and a soldier not yet called to duty. There are generally known directives, for example, of resistance to occupation where in cases of calling up the whole number of units would simply cause for massacre, it is the majority of those units duties to resist at later times. This is considered a duty transferable by hereditary succession.
Space Forces
It is important to note that the Union, and specifically the ‘Ysh’ do not generally put much weight on names, not they don’t consider them important just that they do not have much a concept of gravitas in reference to naming it would seem. Primarily this is the result in a dichotomy, classes and types of ships are named by administration collectives, specific ships are named by their crews and reported back to the administration collectives.
The Union has had its naval doctrine influenced by a multitude of factors but the most important is its collectivist culture, territorial realities as well as a large degree of contact with the Empire of Astrana. These factors have resulted in a naval doctrine that so far has done them well in their expansion and defense. This doctrine, commonly called “Battlefront-Operations”, calls for large amounts of ships to be able to maintain strategic maneuverability and frontlines against superior forces. This has resulted in production of lesser units rather than heavy front-line combatants and the subsequent complete lack of dreadnought class vessels with their largest current design a battleship that barely exceeds nine hundred meters in diameter.
0-50 meters classified as strike craft or shuttles depending on purpose 50-150 meters in length are Corvettes, primarily for anti-fighter and anti-missile roles, escort roles 100-250 meters in length are Frigates, primarily anti-corvette/small vessel, and escort roles 200-350 meters in length are Destroyers, primarily anti-cruiser and capital ship, heavy use of powerful short range weapons 300-500 meters in length are Cruisers, primarily patrol and chase-craft, not often used in Union Battlegroups, comparatively fast 300-600 in length are Carriers, strike and shuttlecraft carriers, lack of heavy armaments 500-900 in length are Battlecruisers, very fast for their size, heavy weaponry while skimping on lighter weapons and defenses, core of most Attack Groups 600-1000 meters in length are Battleships, slow but heavily armed and defended, the core of most Union fleets, largest current Union warship 800+ meters in length are Union Habitats, which actually are mobile structures that primarily serve as living and refining stations for many mining operations as well as having some construction capabilities, rarely are habitats of this type built larger than 2km
Ground Forces
The Union focuses greatly on generalist forces, to such an extent that specialization of equipment and single purpose craft are not that common. They have craft and equipment that may serve a role, but it is often also designed to serve more than just that one. While this does mean that they have some issue matching other nation’s designs in specific purposes, but this does also mean that they rarely ever don’t have something that can do the job. In addition, the simplification that comes to training operators, and the ease of production for a variety of crafts means that they often field large numbers of craft and relatively well equipped, if un-specialized, troops.
This is part of a doctrine called Mass Warfare Doctrine, focusing like their space forces on maintaining strategic mobility through use of superior force. Often using equalizing forces to hold enemies while reserves can be used to stretch the enemy ability to defend their own territory or lines.
Official Name: Confederation of the Corpis Sector States (CCSS) Common Name: Corpis Confederation Government: Federal Direct Democracy Dominant Species: Humans Capital: Arcem Systems Owned: 24 (11 inhabited) Planets Owned: 13 inhabited Population: 34 billion
Recorded history of the most primitive civilizations of Arcem reach back nearly 4,000 years. Its earliest history follows that of two parallel paths: advancement and warfare. Sometimes intersecting, these paths defined the very being of the Humans on Arcem.
Warfare supplemented advancement, advancement supplemented warfare. It was a vicious cycle that could not end, for fear of wiping out Humanity itself on Arcem forever. And in this necessity, buried deep in a lust for blood, those inhabitants of this insignificant planet, of Arcem, found their salvation.
Hope, but destruction. Scars upon Arcem that would never heal. But, Humanity never stopped looking up. The common trait of Humanity besides war, to expand. Arcem had become far too small for Humans.
Nearly half a century clean, the discovery of slipspace travel and near absence of war. Humans spread farther than ever before. And in doing so, found what astounded all. Aliens, beings that looked farther from anything they had ever seen. But also among them, people who looked just like them, like the primitives that had began as mere dirt-tillers on Arcem and now owned the stars.
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
Major Holdings
The crown jewel of the Confederation, the planet of Arcem. A world essentially consisting of entirely megacities and military installations, Arcem truly is the heart of the entire Confederation. It houses the President, the Federal Parliament, and nearly all of the highest military leadership. Often characterized by non-natives as an expensive planet for fat-cats and top brass.
Social Information
The societal situation of the Confederation is a somewhat complex issue. Much like the Aurolian Federation, the much larger Human state bordering the Confederation, the culture and practices of people often vary between not only worlds, but regions.
But one thing stands above all. The notion known that all are created equal, a utmost belief of egalitarianism and liberty. Individual thought and the dream of something ahead always is what drives the Confederation’s society forward.
The economic situation of the Confederation is extremely sound. With minimal internal dissent, extensive worker’s compensation, and an abundance of agricultural, manufacturing, military, and desk jobs, most civilians are placed in the middle class territory, with an ability to improve their situation by diligence.
The Confederation forms a direct democracy in which every citizen is entitled to a vote for the President, Vice President, and Parliamentary Representatives. While the Confederation was once a Federal Republic, the nuisance that once was the electoral system was abolished due to the sufficient ability to take accurate censuses every few years, the common access to sufficient election information by citizenry, and the ability for the citizenry to annually make it to polling locations.
Composing of the government itself firstly is the branch which is executive. Named as the Cabinet of the President, it is headed by the Head of State & Government, the President, with his deputy, the Vice President. Under them is a long slew of advisors and department heads which micromanage every aspect of Cabinet activities.
Next is the legislative branch, with power vested to draft and pass laws. Formed as a parliament, it is composed of a single house. This house, sometimes called the Senate, is comprised of 39 representatives/senators, with 3 representatives for every established planet in the Confederation. These representatives are voted in by waves, though this only happens once every four years, coinciding with the election of the President and Vice President. On these election years, a representative is elected every four months. Each cycle allows candidates (and the incumbent, provided they haven’t reached their term limit) four months to campaign, and the votes are collected over a two-day period.
Lastly is the Federal Court. Presided by seven justices, each appointed by the President and approved by the Parliament, this body interprets all laws as per the Corpis Sector Charter, which governs all Confederation territory. Under this Federal Court is a series of planetary judicial districts, which are located on each planet under their own branches and divided equally between provinces.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
While neither the most advanced, the Confederation is definitely not the most primitive. While only having been with slipspace travel for 63 years now, the other aspects of technology within the Confederation were quite advanced.
In the military field, mass accelerators have been mastered. Caseless ammunition has been refined and is now the primary ammunition type of most military and security institutions. Medical advances allow for basic cloning and the ability to effectively combat previously terminal illnesses such as cancer. Construction advances allow for ‘supertowers’ which house entire communities in a single building, with entire sections being dedicated to housing, shops, offices, schools, and recreational areas.
Major Techs
A luxury of an active metalworking industry, durasteel is somewhat of the pinnacle of metallurgy in the Confederation. Alloyed of steel, titanium, and some composite filler, this material effectively combines the lightweight qualities of titanium and the strength of steel while negating the brittleness of unalloyed titanium. In doing so, were you to acquire equal weights of both steel and durasteel, one would find durasteel would have twice the thickness and overall resistance of steel. Though, this material is extremely difficult to shape, leaving it all but inaccessible by the regular populace. Despite this, the Confederation Armed Forces use this material as often as possible due to its properties.
The pinnacle of physics research in the Confederation, this new form of shielding has become prevalent in the past decades after its perceived applications on starships and large vehicles. Working off of sensors separate from the ship’s own grid, a full electromagnetic field generator works within. Once a metallic or plasmic projectile of sufficient velocity is detected by the sensors, the generator works to generate high-concentration fields in hopes to slow the projectile enough to nullify significant damage once the object strikes the hull behind.
The industrial capability of the Confederation is quite adequate for its size. While primarily dedicated to civilian applications due to the last two decades of relative peace, the massive presence of manufacturing creates a plethora of jobs for a sizeable portion of the Confederation’s citizens.
Military Information
Military Overview
As a rather sizeable force with the primary objective of defending the Confederation from enemies both foreign and domestic, the Confederation Armed Forces exist as a deterrent. Though small, mainly due to the limited size of the Confederation itself, this force allows a great deal of power projection backed by effective tactics and troops.
Space Forces
Mahanian Theory Command of the Sea While not entirely parallel, the Confederation Navy follows closely what is the Mahanian Theory. By deploying a strong core of battleships and cruisers, you can concentrate firepower to decimate the enemy fleet. With this, more precise maneuvers are performed by smaller vessels in strike groups. Detached cruisers leading destroyers and frigates to close the distance can easily maneuver as a group. In tandem, masses of carrier craft support all operations with a steady stream of supplies, troops, and most importantly, aircraft, which serve to weaken the enemy for the killing blow to be struck.
“The Eagle, born by Freedom won, yet held, in precarious station - set upon defense and steeled his will to guard and protect his new nation. So he resolved, defiant of all who would challenge his right to be free, with a “swift sailing vessel and ten carriage guns” to hunt the world's oceans and seas.. Born to go into harm’s way… come all, ye hell or high waters be damned! No lightning, no thunder, no hurricane gale can stand in the face of his wrath! Be he beneath his enemy’s feet or by cloud where his gaze cannot go… When Leviathan rise, every last man shall shake to the core of his soul.” As the largest vessel ever built by the Confederation, this massive 5,000 meter-long vessel serves as a combination battleship, carrier, missile delivery ship, and command vessel. With four primary mass accelerators and more than 850 missile pods, the Leviathan is well-equipped to slug it out with enemies. Along with this, its CIWS system of nearly 500 individual turrets creates a literal wall of flak. 22 meters of durasteel armor and fully functioning electromagnetic-kinetic shielding are the final line of defense. And in this advancement, only one exists, with none planned for production for years. This single vessel, the CNV Leviathan, serves as the lead vessel of the Confederation’s defense fleet, stationed above Arcem. Designation format FCD-###.
The workhorse of the Navy, these 2,500 meter-long vessels employ as a mainline battleship, constructed specifically to go up against other enemy vessels head-on. With three primary mass accelerators and 630 missile pods, these battleships can hold their own quite easily. Its CIWS consists of 420 turrets, and it has 18 meters of durasteel armor. Electromagnetic-kinetic shielding provide the outer line of defense. While in constant production and commission as per the Naval Reorganization Act, these ships are currently in short supply. Ten exist, with eight of those in full fighting condition, with six more scheduled for production and commission. Designation format BB-###
The backbone of the Navy, these 2,100 meter-long vessels support every action the Navy undertakes. With 400 missile pods, 395 CIWS turrets, and the capacity for an absurd number of craft, troops, and supplies, these ships often are the center of expeditionary groups. 16 meters of durasteel armor and additional electromagnetic-kinetic shielding provide its organic defenses. Ten exist, with all of them in fighting condition. Designation format CV-###.
More of a supplement to battle groups lacking any form of ranged vessels, these 1,200 meter-long vessels are dispersed to engage from afar. With two mass accelerators, 610 missile pods, and 360 CIWS turrets, their prerogative is to swarm the enemy with volleyed fire and missiles. 22 exist, with two more in production. Designation format CG-###.
As a long-endurance warship, this 800 meter-long class serves itself as a dedicated escort and combat support vessel. 230 missile pods and two mass accelerators, supplemented by 120 CIWS turrets, this vessel can more than hold its own. 6 meters of durasteel armor supplemented by electromagnetic-kinetic shielding provide its armor. 26 vessels are currently in operation, with 22 in fighting condition, with four more scheduled for production. Designation format DD-###.
More of a dedicated forward deployment vessel as a part of Expeditionary Strike Groups, these 1,100 meter-long vessels often are deployed as part of invasion forces carrying the troops necessary for an in-close deployment, with maximum coordination. 210 missile pods and 250 CIWS turrets allow for some defense, but often this is not enough for a vessel of its size, being a carrier. For what it lacks in weaponry, it makes up for with 10 meters of durasteel armor and additional electromagnetic-kinetic shielding. Twelve exist, with ten in fighting condition. Designation format LHD-###.
While small, at only 675 meters in length, these escorts are somewhat of a peculiar sort. They don’t necessarily fit into a single role, rather varying wildly in use. Anti-corvette and guided missile vessels among the various kits. One thing remains the same amongst all, being the single primary mass driver and a guarantee of at least 120 missile pods, 60 CIWS turrets, 6 meters of durasteel armor, and electromagnetic-kinetic shielding. 34 vessels are currently in operation, with two more scheduled for production. Anti-Corvette vessels designated FFK-###. Guided Missile vessels designated FFG-###. Standard Escorts designated FF-###. Assault Carrier Supplements designated FFC-###.
The Modular Logistics Vessel (MLV), sometimes unofficially called the ‘Convoy-class’ affectionately by personnel, is the primary supply vessel of the Confederation Navy. Often operating under civilian prefixes such as CNCV (Confederation Navy Contractor Vessel) in peacetime, 45 of these vessels exist, with five of them being in the process of being decommissioned and either scuttled or auctioned off due to the need for so many of them having dropped. Fast Combat Support Ships which carry crucial supplies required for battle are designated MLV(A)-###. General Transport Ships which carry troops and vehicles are designated MLV(B)-###. Ammunition Tender Ships which carry ammunition in bulk are designated MLV(C)-###. Dry Cargo/Freezer Ships which often carry refrigerated supplies such as food are designated MLV(D)-###. Fuel Tanker Ships which carry fuel for anything to warp drives to vehicle engines are designated MLV(F)-###. Finally, Hospital Ships which act as space-bound critical care vessels are designated MLV(H)-###.
At 150 meters long, these vessels are the smallest ships-of-the-line in the Confederation Navy. They possess no primary mass driver(s), relying only on 6 missile pods, 4 CIWS turrets, 1.5 meters of durasteel armor (no shielding), and experimental antimatter warheads containing 700 grams of antimatter and 700 grams of matter, both contained in separate compartments of proper rating until they impact the enemy’s hull, releasing just under 30 megatons of force. Utilized as pseudo-torpedoes once the slim corvettes make it to the flanks or rear of enemies, it makes these corvettes essentially the space-capable version of submarines. Designated SSA-###. Currently 10 in existence, with two deployment packs of 5. Twenty more scheduled, though all will not be equipped with the anti-matter ordnance.
A relatively new type of vessel, these 62 meter-long ‘prowlers’ are not considered ships-of-the-line, but rather as auxiliary vessels. Armed only with four 155mm cannons, two 75mm cannons, and two 50mm cannons for basic self-defense against vessels of similar size and capability, these vessels are meant for stealth and observation. Structured quite sleekly, they have a low profile to somewhat avoid LIDAR and SONAR/RADAR, along with an ability to otherwise cease emission of heat-laden byproducts such as exhaled CO2 and the heat from the fusion reactor for periods of up to 45 minutes, in the best interest of complete stealth. Twelve exist, with none scheduled for production. Designated as GOSs 1-12, not adhering to the normal naming schemes due to their purpose in their designation acronym, as General Observation Ships.
Designed as a ground-deployed orbital superiority fighter, the Tomahawk bears the utmost resemblance to that of a space plane. It deploys as such, first from facilities equidistant from each other by that of a multi-stage solid fuel system, before entering lower orbit and shedding the other stages. From thereon it functions as a normal orbital fighter, only landing on runways on the planet’s surface, being refitted and restocked at their launch sites for an additional use. Armed with a nose-mounted 30mm rotary autocannon and 6 ordnance attachment points. Flown by Army pilots.
Designed as a multi-role craft, the Hellcat is the standard line fighter of the Navy. It is an effective combination of speed, agility and durability and is flown by both Navy and Marine pilots. With two wing-mounted 35mm rotary autocannons and 6 ordnance attachment points, it can hold its own.
Designed as a multi-role craft, the Hellcat is the standard line fighter of the Navy. It is an effective combination of speed, agility and durability and is flown by both Navy and Marine pilots. The ‘Super’ Hellcat adds a top-mounted 35mm rotary autocannon turret that is controlled by the Weapons officer, in addition to the regular armaments.
Designed as a multi-role craft, the EA-44G is the Electronic Warfare version of the F/A-44 family. It is an effective combination of speed, agility and durability and is flown by both Navy and Marine pilots. Has the normal armaments.
Designed as a multi-role craft, the Hellcat is the standard line fighter of the Navy. It is an effective combination of speed, agility and durability and is flown by both Navy and Marine pilots. The Ghost is the stealth variant and somewhat a rarity, designed solely for space and air superiority missions. Has the normal armaments.
Designed as a carrier-based strike craft, the Corsair follows in the footsteps of carrier bombers and carrier-based CAS craft. Heavily armed, its uses range from fast attack against ships outside the atmosphere to entry into the atmosphere for CAS runs. It is flown by both the Navy and Marines, although Naval squadrons typically stick to anti-ship roles whereas Marine squadrons are far more likely to fly CAS missions. Armed with two nose-mounted 40mm rotary autocannons, two wing-mounted 35mm rotary autocannons, and 10 ordnance attachment points.
Designed as a multi-role craft, the Thunderbolt is mostly piloted by Marines. It can serve multiple purposes: gunship, attack craft, patrol vessel, search and rescue craft, or a boarding craft. Carries aboard a plasma-based cutting torch system to cut through debris and enemy ship hulls alike for both rescue and boarding operations. Has a spinal 45mm rotary autocannon and two wing-mounted 35mm rotary autocannons, along with 24 ordnance attachment points.
The UD-97 is a recent production for an extremely light and nimble troop transport for air assaults, search and rescue & CASEVAC. It can comfortably hold eight seated individuals in the back with two door gunners. It is possible to cram more in at the sacrifice of comfort, and individuals can sit on the sides if it is being operated in atmosphere. Armed with a nose 25mm autocannon and two door-mounted 10x35mm machine guns.
A new innovation in dropship tech is the UD-99. It is designed as a heavy troop dropship. While the Cheyenne can carry armor, it is not an efficient design for carrying bulk amounts of troops. The UD-99 has a pilot and co-pilot that sit together in the front cockpit and sixteen seats in the rear cargo compartment with plenty of room for more individuals to stand. It has a rear attachment point underneath the tail for carrying FAVs, ATVs, or resupply pods. An inflatable boat can also fit inside the cargo compartment. It is easily capable of carrying a platoon. Armed with a nose-mounted 40mm rotary autocannon and one door-mounted 10x35mm machine gun.
The Navy Shipboard Working Uniform is a combination set of utility clothing utilized by the Confederation Navy as its standard utility uniform. Made of chino cloth and polyester, the uniforms are entirely flame resistant/retardant, hydrophobic, stain-proof, and extremely resilient to accidental tears. Highly modular, it is issued with an eight-point utility cover and has velcro tapes for every portion, from the name, branch, rank, to even blood type in some special scenarios.
The Type A variant is the embarked variant of the NSWU, colored in the all-known olive drab. The Type As are authorized to be worn both embarked and in port, but only when shipside.
The Navy Shipboard Working Uniform is a combination set of utility clothing utilized by the Confederation Navy as its standard utility uniform. Made of chino cloth and polyester, the uniforms are entirely flame resistant/retardant, hydrophobic, stain-proof, and extremely resilient to accidental tears. Highly modular, it is issued with an eight-point utility cover and has velcro tapes for every portion, from the name, branch, rank, to even blood type in some special scenarios.
The Type B variant is the ashore variant of the NSWU, colored the heritage-laden navy blue. Type Bs are authorized to be worn only when on post ashore or at an orbital facility.
The Navy Shipboard Utility Jumpsuit is the primary manual labor uniform in service with the Confederation Navy. Made of silky material, it is almost completely flame retardant, rip and tear resistant, hydrophobic, and stain resistant. Used often by engineers, flight deck crews, and crew chiefs. Issued with flame retardant gloves able to withstand even the heat of blowtorches and welders, along with an attachable hood made of the silky material that can be pulled over the head to protect the rear of the wearer’s cranium, with the ability to protect the front with a welding hood or other mask.
The Navy Shipboard Utility Jumpsuit is the primary manual labor uniform in service with the Confederation Navy. Made of silky material, it is almost completely flame retardant, rip and tear resistant, hydrophobic, and stain resistant. Used often by engineers, flight deck crews, and crew chiefs. Issued with flame retardant gloves able to withstand even the heat of blowtorches and welders, along with an attachable hood made of the silky material that can be pulled over the head to protect the rear of the wearer’s cranium, with the ability to protect the front with a welding hood or other mask.
The Flight Deck Variant is the specific color-coded modification to the jumpsuit which allows the safe operation of deck crews directing and maintaining craft on-deck.
Orange - Catapult Gear Operators, Cargo Management Red - Ordnance Management, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Fire & Hazard Management Green - Taxi Directors, Deck Tractor Operators, Comms Managers Blue - Aircraft Handling, Maintenance Checks, Stationary Machinery Operators White - Crew Chiefs, Safety Observers, Quality Assurance, Medical Personnel (Situational) Yellow - Shooters, Takeoff Directors
The Naval Formal Dress Uniform, or ‘Dress Whites’, as they are informally called by servicemen, is the primary dress uniform of the Confederation Navy. Made of polyester and cotton, the uniforms are flame resistant/retardant, hydrophobic, stain proof, extremely resistant to accidental tears. The Dress Whites, as opposed to the NSWUs, are not modular and are usually tailored specifically for the wearer with a permanent name tape, interchangeable rank epaulettes and sewn sleeve rings (sleeve rings for officers only). Issued with peaked caps for men and curved dress caps for women, along with white dress belts (with accompanying ceremonial holsters and sheathes), ascots (for men), and bolo ties. For flag officers, aiguillettes, gold piping, and golden ornaments (for caps), are issued.
The Naval Service Dress Uniform, or ‘Navy Blues’, as they are informally called by servicemen, is the primary service uniform of the Confederation Navy. Made of polyester and cotton, the uniforms are flame resistant/retardant, hydrophobic, stain proof, extremely resistant to accidental tears. The Navy Blues, like the Dress Whites, are not modular and are usually tailored specifically for the wearer with a permanent name tape, interchangeable rank epaulettes and sewn sleeve rings (sleeve rings for officers only). Issued with peaked caps for men and curved dress caps for women, along with blue dress belts, ascots (for men), and bolo ties. For flag officers, aiguillettes, gold piping, and golden ornaments (for caps), are issued.
Though it currently remains a mystery as to whether or not the Daisan Order is wholly synthetic behind their Droid armies, they would not be the first non-organic life to inhabit the Galaxy; that honor possibly goes to the Crodvan Unity, a stellar empire of synthetic lifeforms that live off the principles of industrial progress and efficient design. Having abruptly ceased their colonization efforts after a period of rapid expansion outwards from their capital planet of Ratvar, the Crodvan are reclusive isolationists that seek to build an efficient, machine-like state that's coming off the heels of their unknown creators.
Official Name: Crodvan Unity Common Name: The Crodvan, The Unity Government: Totalitarian Oligarchy Dominant Species: Crodvan Capital: Ratvar, Yagrozsch System Systems Owned: ~200 Planets Owned: Unspecified. Population: Also unspecified and meaningless. Could be over 700 billion.
Though the Unity itself has only existed for approximately four hundred years, the story of the Crodvan people is much, much longer. The Crodvan are a mechanical species engineered by an unknown civilization that has, for the lack of a better explanation, vanished. From what can be understood from archeological evidence and the inner-workings of the abandoned technology that makes up the Crodvan themselves, this lost civilization wasn't very prolific. Evidence of their existence was only found in the small region of space that we currently know today as the Unity's core worlds. This made it so that the Crodvan would be the first to investigate the marks left behind by their creators. It is presumed that pre-Unity Crodvan existed as a line of non-sapient service droids that tended to every aspect of their creator's society. Industry, military and infrastructure was almost entirely automated by these unthinking "worker-bots". It is evident that some event caused these creators to abandon their society, but there isn't any clear evidence on that front. What is clear is that Crodvan history began at the moment of the Njnxravat.
The Njnxravat was a period of time in which Crodvan developed true synthetic consciousness. Rather than every unit suddenly becoming thinking, reasoning lifeforms at once, it was a grueling period that saw a bizarre contrast between the Awakened and the Sleeping. Vestiges of the Sleeping programming remained in the Awakened -- instinctual knowledge of a language known as Trne-Gnyx, and knowledge on how to do basic working tasks. The Unity wouldn't be founded for another 200 years, so these early Crodvan at this time would find themselves dealing with a state of nature. The Njnxravat was a period of exploration and enlightenment as it was a period of violence. Awakened formed small groups of like-minded individuals seeking protection from other groups of like-minded individuals. Exploration of Ratvar's surface led to disputes over land among the Awakened 'tribes'. These small conflicts turned into violent warfare. The Sleeping were treated as animals and were oftentimes hunted and deconstructed for spare parts. This eventually extended to captured Awakened as well. With no capability for breeding, the Crodvan as a race would be "extinct" within a decade or two. Three of the biggest societies to survive the Njnxravat were largely unnamed, but would eventually become the three main castes of the Unity. It's notable at Crodvan appeared drastically different in design between the three, and the smaller of the three great societies were known to house Crodvan that were naturally gifted with higher processing power and a greater capacity for reason. It was within this society that three Awakened Crodvan would receive a 'vision'. In literal terms, they would receive a massive packet of data networked directly to their Anima Cores' -- synthetic brains, essentially.
These three Crodvan are Nezbere, Sevtug, and Inath-neq -- founders of the Unity, prophets of the Yretchzan, destroyers of the Njnxravat, the first Primarchs, and the harbingers of the Ratvarrevat.
Nezbere, Sevtug and Inath-neq simultaneously received the same 'vision'. This 'vision' is known as the Tenets of Yretchzan. This packet of data was perceived by the prophets as an exhaustive list of concepts, ideas, and laws that seemed to have come from what the prophets understood as the creators of the Crodvan race. Though the three of them had never communicate or met within the society they lived in, an unseen force drew them together, and commanded them to speak.
And so they spoke. Each spoke with a different spin on what was encoded within the Yretchzan.
Nezbere preached about a concept called the 'Great Clockwork'. The Great Clockwork is the belief that Crodvan are designed to work. A Crodvan unit can only function at it's full potential if it is given a purpose. This purpose, Nezbere states, is to construct a state that would 'stand against Time, and would turn only from a unified Crodvan. The Individual will not run this machine. The Individual is a cog within the Clockwork. The Clockwork will in turn run the Engine, from which this rumbling Unity will run from." The Great Clockwork was almost religious in a sense, and gained many followers across Ratvar as word spread about it -- particularly, it gained much traction with Crodvan that appeared to be designed for working.
Sevtug took to the philosopher society it had already been apart of, and spoke to it's fellow Crodvan about the importance of consensus and the segregation of society. The Yretchzan spoke that "The Anima is the envy of all who remain outside of the Clockwork. It is the greatest gift to the Crodvan. It is also the greatest weakness of the Crodvan. Thought is to be focused, and only through Consensus will the Clockwork run the Engine. The Engine must not blend the strengths of Crodvan despite this."
"The Working and The Fighting will be under The Thinking. The Thinking will oil this Engine. The Working will build and maintain the Engine's components. The Fighting will keep the Engine as a whole, and protect it from those outside the Clockwork."
"This will be the Unity."
Sevtug gained many followers among the reasoning, thinking Crodvan of his society. There was a mutual agreement to sacrifice individuality for the formation of the efficient, rumbling Unity that the Yretchzan spoke of.
Inath-neq took the more militant Crodvan, and spoke of what the Yretchzan called the "Crodvan Imperative". It is said that "To run this Engine that will be our Unity, every action taken by the Working, Thinking and Fighting must be for the exclusive purpose of furthuring the Imperative of the Crodvan. Upon your creation, your ultimate purpose that will stand behind all other directives will be to create the perfect Unity, and to stand as the envy of those beyond the Engine. To disassociate with the Ignorant, and soon spread the gift of the Perfect Unity to all in this galaxy and beyond."
The three ideologies that Nezbere, Sevtug and Inath-neq created would eventually merge. At this point, every Crodvan on Ratvar was sapient, and a significant percentage of that population followed the Tenets of Yretchzan, enough to cease many major conflicts going on at the time. Those who wished to oppose were eventually enticed by the Great Clockwork. This was the end of the Njnxravat.
A conference was organized by the three once their plan was nearing its final stage. Over a period lasting almost a year, the founders constructed the official laws of the Unity that they sought to create. An unnatural force beckoned every Crodvan to obey and wait patiently for their dream to come true.
And, so it did. Nezbere, Sevtug and Inath-neq officially declared themselves Primarchs, and the Guvaxvat Crbcyr, Svtugvat Crbcyr and Jbexvat Crbcyr were founded. These three castes were the Thinking, Fighting and Working. There were no conflicts or disputes. The Crodvans obeyed, and became apart of the Great Clockwork.
The Crodvan Unity was founded.
What followed this point would be known as the Ratvarrevat, a golden age in which the Unity built itself up from Ratvar to where it is today. This began with the institution of further sub-castes within the Jbexvat and the Svtugvat that would be designed to create new population within the Unity and control the population of each caste and each sub-caste, as well as a caste designed to enforce domestic law and ensure every Crodvan is doing as they should. The Unity stabilized itself marvelously after it's birth, with the population booming from mass production of new Crodvan. Technology was derived from Creator ruins and fragments found around Ratvar and the surrounding systems. The discovery of the Replicant Alloy and the Hierophant Network from these ruins allowed for mass industrialization, further advancement of the Crodvan's understanding of themselves, and the ability to rapidly exchange information and data across the entire Unity. Tapping into the secrets of the Anima Core allowed for greater diversity in Crodvan units, allowing for the founding of further sub-castes that then expanded the versatility of the Crodvan workforce, military and government. Exploiting their synthetic nature allowed for the Crodvan to rapidly colonize any solid planet they could find, and rapidly industrialize it, fracking it's core for minerals, minerals to forge Replicant Alloy and Anima Cores, which would then be used to create new Crodvan that would then go off to expand and mine even further.
It is this cycle that gifted the Crodvan the ability to construct a truly perfect state. It has been four-hundred years since the Unity has been founded. It's now in it's fourth generation of Primarchs -- now having a council of at least five Primarchs. Many tiny aspects of the Crodvan hierarchy have been amended and changed over the years but the Yretchzan still stands as the ultimate mandate across all layers of power within the Unity. It's borders have expanded above and beyond the expectations of the founding Primarchs, and the state as a whole is a complex machine that has remained running for four centuries.
Yet, times are ever changing. Alien species and foreign powers have begun to prop up around the Crodvan, and rumors of a deep space menace have reached the attention of the Unity. Try as they might to isolate themselves from the rest of the galaxy, it is uncertain if the Unity will be able to abstain from the coming age of war any longer. The Great Clockwork slows, but will it stop? It is uncertain.
But, by the words of the Yretchzan and the will of the Primarchs, the Crodvan remain adamant in their goal. . .
. . .to construct a truly Perfect Engine.
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
The Unity is situated on the eastern side of the region, resting just underneath the cluster of nations that include the Federation and the Empire. It's worth noting that the Crodvan Unity does not share any official borders with any other political entity on the eastern side. This is because of the significant band of empty space surrounding the Unity and separating itself from the region. Though there hasn't been any indication of this empty space somehow being an extension of the Unity's influence, it is known that the Unity maintains a constant closed-border policy. The eerie patrol fleets of the Ynj Snpgv'ba will pursue unauthorized foreign vessels with extreme prejudice.
Major Holdings
Ratvar is the official capital world of the Crodvan Unity. It is the spiritual "homeworld" of the Crodvan race, seat of the Primarch Consensus, birthplace of the Tenets of Yretchzan, head world of the Government Caste all sub-castes within, location of the Napvrag Archives and the Prime Hierophant Node. . . so on and so forth. It's likely that Ratvar was of equal importance to the Crodvan's creators as it is to the Crodvan themselves, indicated by the abnormal presence of Creator ruins dotted about the planet's surface prior to the expansion of the Unity. These remnants of advanced technologies and structures helped Ratvar to become the most developed planet within the Unity, and the most physically stunning -- despite the presence of forge complexes, the central cities of Ratvar are built to denote regality among the Crodvan. Towering, ornate spires of brass and replicant alloy are a common sight, built to stand above the grungy military/worker complexes below.
Though it seems to go against the Crodvan style of functional architecture, exceptions must be made for those cogs who start the chain of production.
Ratvar is unique within the Unity in that it's the most "diverse" planet in terms of caste demographics, despite being the primary world of the Government Caste. Such a large overlap of castes (forbidden within the modus operandi of the Unity and the Yretchzan) is only because of the planet's significance. Proper military defense and worker maintenance should be expected.
Kremorn is the head world of the Martial Caste and it's many, many sub-castes. It's title is the "Brass Fortress" in galactic common, denoting it's significance to the defense and enforcement of the Unity's will. A military-focused planet within the Crodvan Unity is significantly different to how an organic race would use them, however. Synthetic beings ultimately have no use for training drills or an extensive chain of command powered by the experience and seniority of individual soldiers. Crodvan that are constructed for the Martial Caste come pre-equipped with basic combat knowledge and tactical data, as well as specialized data based on what sub-caste or "division" the soldier will be serving in. The Martial Caste mass-produces equipped, ready-to-deploy soldiers rather than enlisting and training recruits. Thus, Kremorn is designed for the storage and containment of the Martial Caste. Any individual thought a Crodvan has on Kremorn manifests as Crodvan soldiers speaking to one another and verbally exchanging data that stands outside the mandatory combat data all Martial Crodvan are installed with upon creation. This makes it so that a Crodvan soldier is more "experienced" and reasoning in combat situations as opposed to, say, a Daisan droid. The mental strength of an organic coupled with the physical exaltation of a synthetic body.
Kremorn is also home to many military research projects within the Unity. All civilizations have their fair share of doomsday-scale weapons not meant for public eyes, and the Unity is no exception. They just keep them locked away in the vaults of Kremorn.
Kremrumhz is the head world of the Worker Caste and it's sub-castes. It's also the most populated planet in the Unity, and because of that it is also arguably the most valuable planet the Unity has. Kremrumhz is located on the edge of the core-world region of the Unity, and it's frequently used as the stating location of many expansion directives. Almost every colony within the Unity has a supply route linking back to the Anima Forge, forming a complex web of supply lines that all lead back to the Forge. This is because the Anima Forge, as it's name implies, is the industrial heart of the Unity and the greatest producer of the Unity's greatest resource; population.
A developing Crodvan colony requires a steady supply of Crodvan workers and soldiers at every step of development. Mass population is invaluable, as it creates the self-replication cycle of the Crodvan race -- Crodvan mine resources and forge/build copius amounts of Replicant Alloy and Anima Cores. These materials are then used in the production of new Crodvan. These new Crodvan then go off and mine resources to forge and build even more materials, which make even more Crodvan that will do the same thing. To speed up this process, Kremrumhz pumps out loads of fresh Crodvan out into the Unity, which go off and plump up the workforce and military of the Unity.
Should Kremrumhz fall, it's not unreasonable to infer that the entire Unity would follow in due time.
Social Information
The Unity is only populated by a single "race" -- the Crodvan. However, the Crodvan race and it's Unity is structured in such a way that each Caste (and sometimes a sub-caste) has a specific design for the Crodvan working within it. This results in Crodvan coming in many different shapes and sizes, constructed with a specific purpose. One could argue that Worker Crodvan, Martial Crodvan, and Government Crodvan are all different "sub-races" due to the disparity of their appearances and behavior.
The population is split between three major castes -- the Worker, Martial and Government castes. The population within each individual caste is then further divided into a number of unique sub-castes -- Miners, Army, Researchers, ect.
The current caste/sub-caste demographic looks something like this. With how population control in the Unity function, these percentages remain constant as the total population of the Unity shifts.
Jbexvat Crbcyr (Worker Caste) - 50% of total population.
Gu'axvat Crbcyr (Government Caste) - 10% of total population.
- Cynargvat Snpgv'ba (Planetary Sub-Caste) - 60% - Rasbepvat Snpgv'ba (Enforcement Sub-Caste) - 15% - Sevtugvat Snpgv'ba (Diplomatic Sub-Caste) - 5% - Animavat Snpgv'ba (Research Sub-Caste) - A little under 20% - Hygv'zn-gr Pbhapvy (Primarch Consensus) - Under 1%
Crodvan society is, as shown above, dogmatic and mechanical in it's design. They live in a strict caste-based society that is built around purpose. The Crodvan are ruled by the philosophy of the Great Clockwork -- every aspect of themselves and the Unity that they reside in mimics the idea of forming the most orderly state.
Crodvan do not have a traditional sense of family, due to how they reproduce. Instead, the Yretchzan and Great Clockwork imply that all Crodvan are like siblings to one another. Crodvan live their lives knowing that they were created and made to serve a purpose within the Great Clockwork. By looking upon the bigger picture and realizing that they play a role in promoting the common good for all Crodvan, even the most pitiful Crodvan worker will think that they make the difference. This is peculiar, though -- why aren't the lower Crodvan just mindless drones? What sets Crodvan apart from the organic understanding of synthetic society is that the Crodvan preserve some sense of individuality. When a Crodvan is created, it is acknowledged among even the most loyalist of Animavat Crodvan that there is the presence of the "ghost in the machine". A Crodvan will naturally develop their own personality and consciousness -- they will feel emotions, they will have ambitions, dreams and the capacity to think and reason. This is the unique gift that the Crodvan believe was bestowed upon them by the Creators. Though there has been talk in the past of limiting the Anima Core capacity in the Worker and Martial castes in order to promote better cohesiveness, this was deemed a violation of the Tenets of Yretchzan, as they state that Crodvan are to be set above the standards of synthetics made by other organics. The Primarchs believed that self-awareness is a quality that sets the Crodvan above the rest.
To be given the gift of thought and then have it taken away. . . it would be blasphemous.
However, the Yretchzan didn't say anything about tooling the Crodvan into serving the collective through propaganda and dogmatic teachings. This is how the Great Clockwork plays into Crodvan society, and why it is so important to the well-being of the Unity.
The extent of the Crodvan caste system and the caste hierarchy will be elaborated in a separate document.
In a shocking turn of events, the Crodvan government is mandated by the Government Caste, which includes a number of sub-castes that deal with research and development, planetary government, foreign policy, and law enforcement. At the top of the Government Caste, and by extension all individuals within the Unity stands the Primarch Consensus. The Consensus is an oligarchical board of five Primarchs, with the responsibility to make large-scale decisions and ultimately direct the national focus of the Crodvan Unity. A Primarch-type Crodvan is unique in almost every way -- they possess the most individual behavior of all Crodvan and, due to the being the ultimate power among the Crodvan, lack any instinctual obedience. They have no one to answer to besides themselves. Primarchs are not created in the same manner as other Crodvan -- a maximum of five Primarchs can be active in the universe at one time. If one Primarch becomes inactive or incapable of executing their responsibility to communicate and lead with it's fellow Primarchs, then by the agreement of all active Primarchs, a new Primarch will be constructed on Ratvar. The construction of a new Primarch is ceremonious, and will see an audience of all other active Primarchs. The new Primarch will be given some time to adjust and accept their role within Crodvan society, before being officially considered at all gatherings of the Primarchs.
The Consensus as a whole holds all executive, legislative and judicial power within the Unity. They interpret the Yretchzan, inscribe new work orders and directives, and use their superiority to ensure that the Clockwork runs without any errant gears. The Yretchzan facilitates a traditional modus operandi for everything and anything within the Unity, allowing lesser government entities to make basic decisions based on how things were always run, without needing the Primarchs to intervene. Developing an existing colony, maintaining current production flow or any routine diplomatic actions don't require the Primarchs to meet. However, if a significant decision must be made (the colonization of a new world, large-scale direction of the martial caste, large-scale production orders, declarations of war, ect), the Primarch Consensus will convene within the Genesis Hall, where they will discuss and decide on what to do.
Put simply, when all resources the Unity has must be directed towards a national focus, the Primarchs will meet.
There are five positions on the Primarch Consensus -- three mandate the three major castes, one mandates foreign policy, and the other mandates internal enforcement and protection of the Yretchzan. These positions don't lend the Primarchs any power within their respective fields, but rather, they represent their field. Power over the castes only manifests when all Primarchs agree on a decision.
For example, the Martial Primarch does not have any power within the Martial Caste or it's chain of command, but rather, it represents the needs of the Caste and is supposed to report military-related data to the Consensus when a meeting is called. When the Consensus wishes to do something relating to the Martial Caste, like declaring war on another nation, the Martial Primarch will have some added significance to it's words during the meeting, due to having data and information that the other Primarchs may not have.
When all Primarchs agree on a decision, the decision will be passed. If it is a significant order, then the order will be relayed throughout the entire Unity through the Hierphant Network. The message will be first passed to all relevant Crodvan that possess the appropriate Command Number, and then that Crodvan will pass down the order to all relevant inferior Crodvan, moving down the appropriate chain of command.
For example, when the Primarch Consensus has agreed to mobilize the Martial Caste towards a nation, all L3 Martial Crodvan will receive the message, across all sub-castes. In this scenario, the Army Sub-Caste L3 Crodvan will then briefly communicate with one another to confirm, and then relay the data to their respective Legions. L2 Crodvan within the Legions will do the same and pass it down to L1s within their Centuries, so on and so forth.
All Crodvan are functionally immortal, but signs of age do manifest on their Anima cores. A Crodvan can constantly be maintained and retrofitted to ensure that it remains in proper working condition, but if the Anima core burns out after this time, then the Crodvan is lost and a new one must be made. This happens to Primarchs, and it happens more often than your average Worker Crodvan.
It's unknown why this happens to Primarchs more frequently. Is it an internal function that prevents Primarch-type Crodvan from remaining active for too long, or is it just the stresses of leadership that cause a Crodvan to break down? Either way, the Consensus is refreshed over the years due to this.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
At a glance, the Crodvan don't appear to be very advanced at all despite being synthetic lifeforms. Their appearance and aesthetic hide the true nature of their technological prowess. The Crodvan derive much of their technology from ruins and remnants left behind by their creators. Much of what they have can be easily compared to other nations of equal size and age, but these common technologies have a unique spin that separates them from technologies of organic creation.
Major Techs
To understand the synthetic mind, you must be one yourself, right?
The Crodvan have extensively studied themselves since the beginning of the Ratvarrevat, where they wished to perfect a method to create new Crodvan citizens. The modern design of the Anima Core may different slightly from that of the "first generation" cores that some of the earliest Crodvan possessed, but the function is very much the same -- the ability to facilitate synthetic consciousness through mastery of computing and exotic materials. Nano-etching billions upon billions of micro-pathways and conduits on a lump of conductive alloy, essentially creating a hyper-CPU that when given the proper energy, can generate an active consciousness. There is still much to be found behind this technology, but the Crodvan have put Anima creation and modification to great use in the creation of new Crodvan and the engineering of non-sapient "dummy" synthetics such as military drones.
By containing fusion materials in either an extremely powerful magnetic field or a naturally-generated inertia field, the Crodvan can facilitate enormous amounts of energy through thermonuclear fusion, which has become the primary source of power generation within Crodvan ships, warmachines, factories, and the Crodvan themselves. Massive magnetic reactors are usually found in modern Crodvan space vessels, as well as some superheavy warmachines and large factory districts, but the principles of inertia are used to confine volatile fusion energy into small, manageable, and indestructible fusion cells that are used in the production of the Crodvan population.
Derived from the ancient structures scavenged from the Crodvan core worlds, Replicant alloy is a synthesized material that forms the very basis of the Crodvan and their society. It was found in the first generation of Crodvan (the natural descendants of the creators themselves) that much of their internal systems were protected by a chassis made of extremely durable but malleable exotic metal. The true name of this material was never decided on, but upon the formation of the Crodvan Unity, efforts were made to synthesize the perfect replica of this alloy through extensive chemical research and study of Creator structures. Although it may never be perfect as the original thing, the Unity invented what would be known as "replicant alloy" -- their own flavor of durasteel and/or other modern industrial materials. Replicant alloy is used in almost every avenue of Crodvan life -- they're made of it, and everything they create is made from it. It is characterized as being irregularly durable and extremely heat resistant, but also capable of being manipulated into any shape. Derivatives of the alloy include the materials used in the synthesis of Anima cores.
To run the Crodvan Unity like the machine it was meant to be, the Crodvan required some way to rapidly communicate data over long distances. Verbal communication through the Crodvan's language was hardly an option, but the Creators did not intend to leave their creations empty-handed. Ancient subspace transmitters were observed by the early Crodvan -- transmitters capable of sending, receiving and interpreting information through means of subspace, thus at a velocity greater than the speed of light. The technology in that state was infant, but with time and the formation of the Unity, it would be refined into what is known today as the Hierophant Network. The cross-empire network manifests as a complex web of subspace transmission lines that are extended and forged through physical Hierophant stations dotted around Crodvan space, which transmit and receive data from Hierophant Cores located on Crodvan planets, stations and ships. Information packets of any size are transmitted across the network through subspace, and communication between cores is almost instantaneous assuming there is no interference.
Hierophant technology is also utilized on a smaller scale. All Crodvan are capable of receiving Hierophant data, but the ability to transmit data back-and-forth is reserved for commanders and leaders. Hierophant sub-networks allow for individual leader-type Crodvan with upgraded Hierophant ansibles to transmit data across planets and/or systems to any number of individual Crodvan or any Hierophant core/beacon. In practice, this is used extensively in military operations to rapidly communicate orders and tactical data to Crodvan military units.
Digging into the internal programming of the Crodvan race brought more than an understanding of their central processing units. Conceived based on a defunct "kill-switch" found in first-generation Crodvan, the Synth-Plague is a rather terrifying venture into the world of cyberwarfare. However, unlike a computer virus, it does only travel through wireless networks that communicate with one another. The plague is typically transmitted from "quarantined" Hierophant ansibles found on some Crodvan ships. In naval combat, when a Crodvan ship enters in mid-range with an enemy vessel, the plague will be transmitted across physical space into any internal networks the ship may have -- transmitters, communications array, hailing functions, ect. If it "latches on", it will travel to the nearest physical anchor along the network, usually a physical transmitter aboard the ship. It's means of travel seem to change from wireless networks to wired power networks once it finds such an anchor. The plague then begins to simply destroy.
Yes, destroy.
It will destroy, distort and delete processing runtimes and programs within a machine by targeting processors. The machine will not be physically damaged, but it will be functionally destroyed as all internal programming has been anhilliated. Then, it travels along the power network, and multiplies. On a spaceship, this can range from having it's communications silenced to having it's engine/power source self-detonate, to having all life support and gravity generators turned off.
The plague does have a kill-switch of it's alone, allowing for specialized Crodvan units to cease the plague's functions before it can bounce back and begin targeting Crodvan themselves.
It says something about the cruelty of the Crodvan if they are willing to create the synthetic equivalent of a bio-weapon. It is assumed that synthetics cannot feel physical pain, but there is something to be said when a synthetic can feel it's mind being flayed with each passing second, losing scraps of itself and it's sense of reality until all consciousness ceases to exist.
By use of fusion reactors and the accelerated plasma it produces, Crodvan ships can achieve impressive sublight speeds through use of impulse propulsion. These smaller impulse reactors are separate from the thermonuclear reactor that powers a typical Crodvan spacecraft, but power can be diverted from them in the event that the main reactor is non-functional.
A directed energy weapon that functions on a similar principle to Rivet weaponry. Ferro-materials are superheated and wrapped in an electromagnetic "bubble" that allows the fired projectile to maintain cohesion during travel time, as well as maintain energy upon impact. The cannon then launches a bright, iridescent "glob" of thermal energy that, although ineffective against energy shields, can melt clear holes through an entire vessel.
When talking traditional industrial prowess, there are few that can answer to the Crodvan Unity. Over 70% planets in the Unity are "forge worlds" or "deep worlds" -- massive, planet-spanning industrial complexes that add on to the industrial prowess of the Unity, or provide a steady supply of mineral resources to all planets within the Unity. Industrial production within the Unity is owned and entirely mandated by the government, whom direct the Worker Caste (over 50% of the entire population) in the event of a mass production order. Otherwise, the Worker Caste follows tried-and-true standard construction templates and advanced industrial algorithms to automatically determine the most efficient route to follow in order to achieve completion of a template. Crodvan workers are tireless and functionally immortal, and live in a society where money and personal agendas are almost non-existent, and they are instinctual inclined to work. Overpopulation and under-population are forcibly manhandled and a complete non-issue. New workers and positions are filled instantly due to an on-demand population. Mining operations have extended to mass strip mining of asteroids in and around Unity space, and have also led to deep core fracking operations of rare-earth materials located around a planet's core. Standard construction templates and steady supply routes allow for multiple forge worlds and deep world colonies to be founded, developed and functional in under a year. During wartime, a fully-equipped Legion of Infantry Crodvan can be churned out in a few months time -- and an entire naval fleet in a year or so -- provided every Forge World has received the production order.
The Great Clockwork turns endlessly, and with every tick, the Engine roars louder.
The Crodvan Unity are dedicated towards their goal to build the Perfect State. To this end, they will stop at nothing to become the industrial power of the galaxy.
Military Information
Military Overview
Much like their industrial strength, the Crodvan war machine is a terrifying foe to encounter. The Martial Caste stands as the sword, shield, and anti-tank rifle of the Unity, responsible for maintaining tranquility and equilibrium within the Unity's borders and neutralizing any outside forces that may disrupt the Great Clockwork. The Martial Caste is split between two main sub-castes -- the Army and the Navy. These two sub-castes contain the "regular" units of the Crodvan military, representing the Brass Legions and the Brass Armada. The other two sub-castes are the specialist units of the Crodvan military that relate to both planetary war and space warfare -- the Knights and the Marines, respectively. Much of the Crodvan industry is spent towards maintaining a very large, replaceable military that can be easily directed and tempered in the event of war.
Space Forces
Navy Doctrine: Secure and Salvage
Crodvan naval doctrine is heavily based around the concept of ending naval battles as quickly as possible and maintaining the structural integrity of the enemy ship. The goal becomes the hostile capture of enemy vessels rather than destruction, due to the Crodvan neccesity for salvaging resources and fueling the war machine. This doctrine places much emphasis on closing distance and boarding enemy craft. This is accomplished through forcing the enemy fleet into a close range brawl -- thermal cannons are most effective at close range, and cyberwarfare options via the Synth-Plague allow for the rapid disablement of enemy craft, which then lead to the deployment of Crodvan marines. One the marines are in, an empty craft is all that will remain. Defensive tactics are employed on larger Crodvan ship classes in order to maintain integrity as they close distance. Smaller classes are split between defending larger vessels and harassing enemy vessels with the goal to break enemy cohesion and isolate individual ships for boarding.
Ground Forces
Ground Doctrine: The Clockwork March
Fighting a ground-war with a Brass Legion of the Unity is almost comparable to fighting against the Daisan, in that they follow the doctrine of a slow, patient assault. The Brass Legions are highly organized units of Crodvan infantry and armored units, and with the perfection of rapid transmission of data, the Legions don't see many surprises when on the battlefield. Because of this, they incorporate elements of shock and awe in their military tactics. Large shows of force are common in order to intimidate the enemy, and when that doesn't work, the force is then employed mercilessly. Crodvan forces will slowly march on the enemy position, making use of their natural durability and lack of self-preservation to use their long-range Rivet weaponry to safely strike enemy infantry as they make their approach. Crodvan forces are always hybridized between infantry, armor, artillery, cavalry and Knights.
Rivet Weaponry are a class of directed-energy infantry weapons utilized extensively by the Brass Legions and Knights. How a Rivet weapon works is that it is powered by an ammunition cell of super-heated molten ferrous-materials. The heat and energy of the ammunition is kept stable by the properties of replicant alloy within the cells. The ammunition is then wrapped in an electromagnetic foil that molds the thermal energy into aerodynamic "rivets". This rivet is then magnetically accelerated, maintaining it's heat as it travels an impressive distance towards its target. The rivet will typically melt through most common infantry armor, and will collapse it's magnetic bubble upon strong contact with solid matter. If it doesn't punch a hole through an organic outright like a hot knife through butter, the organic may enjoy the sensation of having the searing rivet explode upon contact with flesh, releasing searing molten metal upon their skin, resulting in a screaming, agonizing death as they watch the charred meat slip off their bones.
Official Name: Das Grösses Mortereich aller Todestern (Gothic), Imperium Magni Morte (archaic Mortean) Common Name: Morte Imperium, Mortereich, Morte Empire Government: Elected Centralized Totalitarian Monarchy Dominant Species: Morte (100%) Capital: Mortis, Toderstern System Systems Owned: 7 Planets Owned: 4 (rest are uninhabitable) Population: 85,569,242,144 (according to last year's census)
The Morte Imperium is the most dominant power within the isolated and deadly Stormlosweg Sector, controlling over 70% of it. Stormlosweg is a death world plagued by exotic radiation, antimatter winds and most of its once habitable planets were reduced to wastelands. Yet some of the most resilient civilizations managed to survive, including the Morte. Morteans are grim and pragmatic people whose entire history involved fighting with the environment while fending off other civilizations in their war for survival. They are isolated and extremely militaristic yet for over a century now they experience relative peace. As a result their population boomed and now they struggle with overpopulation to the extreme. In order to alleviate this the Empire intends to explore the stars outside the Stormlosweg Sector to find habitable planets for the Morte to expand.
Due to the chaos of the Kilonova Catastrophe there are no proper records of the Pre-Mortean years and even the early centuries have sparse sources. Some historians support that prior to the catastrophe their homeworld was called Lieberland and it seemed to be lush green planet with a prospering civilization. Everything changed when the Kilonova Catastrophe hit. About 1500 years ago a pair of white dwarves violently collided, producing a massive kilonova right in the center of what is now called the Stormlosweg Sector. The spike in common and exotic forms of radiation accompanied by neutron star fragment impacts changed the fate of this sector forever. [to be continued...]
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
Star Systems: Toderstern, Bekrieger, Heissessen, Brennenweg, Schmelzer, Grossernicht, Saltzricht Green area signifies parts of the Stormlosweg Sector that aren't under Morte control.
Major Holdings
Mortis is the 3rd planet of the Todestern system. Before the Kilonova Disaster it was used to be Lieberland, a lush green planet. That was until VR220 (Vor dem Reich 220 - 220 years before the Empire) when a neutron star fragment impacted with their star Leichtstern and changed the fate of the system forever. The gravity of the star suddenly increased, shifting the planet's orbit thus promoting it to the third planet while the star underwent its slow and ugly transformation into Todestern. The planet is now known as Mortis, an irradiated death world with only minimal habitability yet with the use of domes, underground structures and plenty of resources it's now transformed into a ecunomepolis capable of sustaining billions of people. It's the capital of the Morte Empire for over a thousand years yet living in Mortis for the majority is anything but ideal. Overcrowding is a constant issue.
[to be continued...]
Social Information
Racial Overview
Until just recently the Morte Imperium was an isolated civilization within the Stormlosweg Sector. As such it is unsurprising that the one and only sapient species within the Empire are the Morteans. Morteans are humanoid creatures with blueish skin, red eyes that might glow in the dark, sharp teeth and slightly pointed ears. They are at average shorter in stature (~ 160 cm) due to malnutrition but at times they can grow above 2m in height. Due to the effects of radiation they have an alarmingly high percentage of mutations which is sometimes very visible. Unlike humans the Mortean blood is colored cyan. Morteans have human-like body makeup but there are considerable differences in their chemical system. Mortean bones are made of various bio-steels, enhancing their durability and tolerance to radiation. Though the not so amazing side effect is that Morteans can get stuck to sufficiently strong magnets. Their sharp teeth are capable of chewing through many things and it isn't impossible for a Morteans to chew on rocks and ores (though not the most nutritious choice for sure). Mortean stomachs are versatile and work by different reactions and this generally applies to their entire system. Toxins that could be lethal to humans may be even considered nutrients. In reverse the Morteans have a number of harmful and deadly toxins specific to their physiology. Biologically the Morteans can live for 200 years but in effect the mutations and awful living conditions reduce the average life expectancy to 40 years. Due to their relatively well-adopted physiology to their environment there's a popular theory that the Morteans were actually engineered this way. Though due to the lack of documentation from the Dark Ages and beyond it's currently impossible to determine.Due to the effect of radiation, birth defects and mutations are relatively common and according to statistics 27.4% of the children die at (or before) birth. For every Mortean death is a common experience which swayed their society into an unique direction. Morteans neither fear death nor welcome it. They accept death as a natural element of their lives and strive to serve their community during the short time they're given. Morteans are utilitarians to the extreme, working precisely like cogs in well-oiled machine. In the eyes of others Morteans themselves do appear almost machine-like, having little in the way of personal goals and instead striving to complete their duties to the community as a whole. This unique mindset also makes Morteans numb to the feeling of loss other species experience. Morteans are capable of boundless cruelty without the slightest emotion behind. Compassion in its typical sense is almost completely foreign to them. On the other hand their higher orientation towards logic means Morteans always do things with reason. They have a clear view on risks and benefits which makes negotiations with Morteans surprisingly simple.
Mortean society is all about order and hierarchy. The lines of leadership are clearly defined and Morteans work together like cogs in a well-oiled machine. Questioning the authority of your superiors is unheard of and everyone is under constant supervision of their peers to act like a respectable Morte. On the other hand incompetence is not tolerated and subordinates can and will send in reports about any misdeed of their boss. Advancing through the leadership is possible but difficult and at times certain social groups could be outright class-like. Mortean citizens know and use money with their official currency being the Reichsmark. At the same time a lot of commodities are rationed which means each person only entitled to a limited amount during shortages. Thankfully many of these rations are leased during the hundred years of peace but people are aware these can be reinstated on a moment of notice. The official language of the Mortereich is the Gothic. This effectively splits into two distinct languages. High Gothic is a borderline forgotten language used for ceremonial purposes. It strangely resembles Latin from ancient human civilization but the connection is unlikely. Low Gothic is the common language of Mortean,tt resembles German. There are also 3 other major dialects and even more minority dialects within the population which can range from slight mutation to something that doesn't even sound like the same language.
The Mortean government is imperial, formed under necessity during the early centuries to fend off the Luxans and other crazy invaders. Initially it was a typical monarchic government with the rule of Karl von Metzel and his descendants. However this soon changed and for 800 years now the Kaiser is an elected title which currently only assumed for the length of 2 years. It's possible to get re-elected but no more than 4 times in a row (so a total of 10 years of rule). Since the title is elected technically anyone can become a Kaiser, provided they pass the rigorous selection method for candidates. There are a few days of promotion and campaign and then the candidates get voted on. There are no solid political parties, albeit siding with certain social groups may provide benefits at the election. After appointed as the Kaiser he or she has absolute power to do anything for the good of the Empire. Yet the Kaiser is tightly monitored and after 2 years pass he or she is thoroughly evaluated and potentially punished for any misconduct (sometimes even executed). The Empire also have ministers and other political leaders with their own powers and responsibilities. Their conditions are similar to that of the Kaiser but to a lesser extend. In Morte everyone watches the other and ready to report wrongs straight back to the authorities. This complex relation of hierarchy and keen supervision what defines Morte social structure the most. In terms of foreign politics since every new civilization they've encountered became hostile it's practically non-existent. That being said while the government is paranoiac they don't reject the idea of coexisting with other species, it was generally down to the other party. As such the first ever Mortean expedition outside the Stormlosweg sector is watched with great anticipation.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
After experiencing their paradise rapidly turning into a radioactive hell the Morteans doubled their efforts toward technology. Their first priorities were shielded homes and developing means to grow food in their changed environment. Over the centuries as Mortean society transformed, their affinity towards technology grew further. Advanced medicine, gene engineering for special plants that grow in radioactive environments, robotics, self-improving computers and so on. The achievements of the Morteans were impressive, especially compared to its neighbors within the uncharted regions. On the other hand with no contact with other advanced civilizations, their scientific development could be overall be described as average or even below average compared to the better known factions in the galaxy.
Development wise as being isolated within the Stormlosweg Sector the Mortean technology is of course somewhat unique. Just as Toderstern most stars turned into eccentric green stellar bodies producing winds of antimatter. This is the sector's curse but perhaps also its greatest boon as resourceful civilizations can gather metric tons of antimatter with relative ease. Indeed for the Morte antimatter is a rare and valuable resource used for almost every piece of technology. They are a simple and convenient medium for tasks that require compact and highly energetic sources of power. Aside from this Mortean experiences with exotic matter and easily accessible high energy source inspired them to advance their material sciences, although undoubtedly they also stole a lot of advanced from the Dorvec. Speaking of stealing the Mortean faster-than-light technology builds entirely on developments from other races. The warp drive was invented by the Karan'esh, centuries before Kilonova Catastrophe. The hyperdrive in particular was derived from the Luxan, whose drive was a biomechanical imitation of a looted ancient hyperdrive design appropriated during their raids. Being imitation of an imitation, Mortean hyperdrives have severe issues and until recently they had massive reliability problems which prevented their widespread use.
Major Techs
Morte Imperium is using every available natural source they could: solar collectors, geothermal plants, gravitational sheer dynamos, you name it. This constitutes the majority percentage of the power maintaining their infrastructure. That being said while the central power grid is important the war-experienced Morte have numerous backup means including hidden power cells, backup generators and even other alternatives. Cars, smaller machinery and home generators use Plasma Engines (Plasmaslok). These are the distant relative of internal combustion engines with superheated plasma gases flowing through gravomagnetic fields in place of machinery. Plasma engines are safe and highly efficient, also extremely versatile. You could utilize any kind of fuel with them so long it provides sufficient heat as the system is intelligent enough to adjust. The most powerful plasma engines rely on fusion power provided by capsules of liquid hydrogen or similar fusion material enclosing antimatter and modulated by high-gravity chambers. When nuclear power is a must the Morte relies on Atomic Reactors (Atomarkraftretter). Being experts of material and nuclear science the atomic reactor can identify and break down any common material to then use them as fuel for various nuclear fission and fusion reactions. A decent atomic reactor can use practically anything for fuel which makes them highly popular in space, especially for the industry and military. The generator turning the heat of the reactions into energy are modified plasma engines. Antimatter Generators (Antistofskraftwerk) are an ancient technology nowadays rendered obsolete. It simply uses antimatter and mixes it with positive matter to gain energy. Large devices using pure antimatter are too resource demanding to operate thus they are no longer in use. Albeit research on them now allow the Morte to utilize antimatter in very compact means which forms the basis of most of their high-energy technologies.
Power storage has many forms with two being the most common. Mechanocells (Mechanozelle) are a family of technologies that use mechanical energy like spring tension at nano scale to store considerable amount of power. They are a bit heavy but their energy density is quite decent with very minimal energy loss and long lifetime. This makes them the most common way to transport energy. Plasma Batteries (Plasmtreibzelle) are also common when one needs light and quick energy source, these use heat and electromagnetism to store energy and can also release it quite rapidly. In spite of relying on plasma they're safe albeit they aren't preferable for long term energy storage. Antimatter Capacitors (Antistofskondensator) are far from a common power source as not many applications require their power density. They are most commonly encountered with military, research and specialized industry. They work by generating antimatter particles and storing them until it's needed. They are crude but effective but due to the conversion being inefficient (only 30-50% of the energy turns into antimatter) it's really only used when you need incredible amount of energy released in a quick, easy and compact way.
Planetary Transport Even in the world of reactors and starships the Morte seemingly relies on simple modes of transportation on the surface. Wheels and tracks are common even if the technology behind them advanced by miles. Driving axles are retained but almost optional as in the new age of gravomagnetics even the wheels are spun by fields. Wheels and tracks utilize superfluidics that increase their toughness and can flow to damaged portions to retain the same shape. Citizens of higher status or those who work in heavy duty jobs might be familiar with Gravomagnetic Actuators (Gravitationsmagnetisch-Beteatiger). Hydraulics, linear motors and tension mechanics are overtaken by gravomagnetics that provide motion without any moving mechanics within. Gravomagnetic acutators are widespread and for example are an essential part of plasma engines. But when they're mentioned as propulsion it usually involves lifts, presses and powered exoskeletons. The latter are special work equipment allowing a squishy Morte to accomplish tasks normally impossible by their own strength. Heavy lifting, carrying large weights, operating equipment requiring more strength. The possible range of utility are huge. Lastly gravomagnetics can interact with the gravitational and magnetic field of the planet to achieve a hover like effect. These are the Gravomagnetic Hovercrafts (Gravitationsmagnetisch-Heberkraftzeug). They are complex and usually not that efficient compared to other landcraft but they do have a certain niche. In addition since they don't need any part sticking out they are relatively easy to install to grant hover capability for almost anything. Hovercrafts are also used for certain air transports but most often the main propulsion for these are the Plasma Turbines (Plasmastreibwerk), these utilize modified Plasma Engines fit for higher velocities and utilize mechanism akin to ancient jet, turbine and propeller engines. Plasma turbines for high-speed aerial propulsion are often called as Plasma Thruster while sometimes plasma turbines can have virtual propellers usually referred as Variable Gravity Umbrella (Variabelschwerenkraftenschirm), usually to provide upwards lift albeit they are phased out in favor of hover technologies.
Space Propulsion Propulsion in space generally requires dramatically different methods than for planetary vehicles and this is also true for the Morte. Plasma Rockets (Plasmantreib) have niche in other uses but they are mostly associated with space travel. They can be extremely compact but not so fuel efficient compared to others. They are mostly used in tiny vessels and for verniers and other minute maneuvering utilities. Gravity Drive (Schwerenkrafttreib) is less of a propulsion and more of an extension after it's use for inertia dampening and other purposes. Regardless while inefficient it can be used as reactionless space propulsion and maneuvering assistance to ships without requiring any exhausts or other obvious systems built. Some space station chiefly on these. Antriesskraftzeug (Impulse Drive) is a nebulous name describing a wide range of advanced propulsion systems utilizing virtual mass particles. Impulse drives are the dominant space propulsion for the Morte and can be found on many vehicles albeit their hazardous interaction with the atmosphere makes them discouraged in the atmosphere, thus any vehicle expected to operate near or at planets have plasma jet backups at their disposal.
Faster Than Light Warp Drives used by the Karan'esh Pirates was the first time Morte would know about the possibility of superluminal travel. After a century of struggle and gradual success they managed to imitate the mechanism, dubbing it Spatienkeilfaltertreibwerk or Fold-Space Drive, also referred just as Fold Drive or Falter. It warps space-time in order to effectively reduce the distance an object travels and achieve FTL while effectively moving slower than light. Warp/Fold travel happens in realspace and while the field pushes away lighter obstacles like space dust it requires precise calculations and decent astrogation to avoid accidents. It's effectively a standard travel method but the difficulties turned up to eleven. As such in general it's unadvised to travel at warp during combat, especially since it drains other systems like shields or weapons while in use. Around IR900 the Morte encountered a whole new kind of threat, slipspace drives. Used by the Lux their bioships could pop up anywhere in Morte space. The following centuries went with developing countermeasures and gradually reverse engineering the drive which they dubbed Fernreisers AKA Farcasters. Farcasters are still mostly in prototype stage and limited to specialized vessels or gate systems while Fold travel remains the mainstay FTL to the Morte for now.
Warp/Fold Drives: - Extremely slow (couple of lightyears per day at best) - Travels through realspace - Needs large enough space to maneuver and precise astrogation data - Has a windup time but can run almost constantly otherwise - Can be intercepted without requiring anti-FTL technology - Doesn't show on FTL warning sensors but does on standard sensors - Susceptible to FTL jammers but not to jammer missiles
Slipspace/Farcaster Drives: - Slow (dozens of lightyears per day) - Travels through slipspace (a lower band of subspace) - Requires precise and exotic slipspace calculations to work - Has a windup, starter cost, travel cost, requires large capacitors charged to work - Doesn't interact with physical objects or sensors and requires special FTL warning systems to be detected - Susceptible to both FTL Jammers and Jammer Missiles aimed through slipspace
Hyperspace Drives: - Has no Morte equivalent yet - Fast (can traverse the map in days, hundreds of lightyears per day) - Travels through hyperspace (higher band of subspace) - Hyperspace travel is complicated by the mass shadow of astral bodies - Requires precise hyperspace calculations and known hyperspace routes to work - Much more predictable than Slipspace Drives - Doesn't interact much with realspace and requires FTL warning systems to be sensed - Susceptible to both FTL Jammers and Jammer Missiles (latter only if launched into hyperspace)
Military Information
Military Overview
With almost a thousand years of constant warfare with outside aggressors Morte became a militaristic nation where soldiering is part of every citizen's duty. Just prior to reaching adulthood all Morteans regardless of gender receive combat training and discipline. The best of the trainees are offered to become part of the Reichswehrmacht which, given the overall better living conditions of soldiers, is an offer not many refuses. Even after the training adult Morteans are obliged to periodically refresh their soldiering skills and accept to be drafted in a moment of notice. This kind of social structure aided Morte to eventually triumph over their technically superior enemy, very much drowning them in numbers. On the other hand having a hundred years without war the Morte civilization faces the greatest crisis since their foundation: Peace and prosperous growth.
Mortean military technology is mass-prouced and usually cheap. They want reliability and numbers above almost everything. As such while their technology is advanced they really only use them conservatively. For example while hover technology is mature tanks or other vehicles rarely use it as malfunctions or messing with hovercraft is considerably easier. Instead Morte makes use of advanced track and wheel propulsion systems. Similarly in favor of having more weapon systems for relatively low cost Mortean doctrines like to use manpower wherever it isn't a detriment. While many other civilizations would find means to keep soldiers away from dangerous missions the Morte side has volunteers and given their overpopulation issues there's no incentive to stop this.
Notable Weapons
Patronen aus Antistof schützen mit Electrogravitischenrahmen (projectile made from antimatter covered with an electrogravitic frame) is a type of weaponmechanism unique to Morte. It utilizes nanograms of antimatter safely contained by gravomagnetic means until the impact where it explodes in contact with the target with the power of a small grenade, usually obliterating unarmored infantry and anyone near it. PASERs are quite destructive and require a comparatively simple mechanism to be fired. On the other hand the shot only has a few joules of kinetic energy thus easily stopped. This is especially problematic against shields or special material without electrons that will fail to trigger even the explosion. Due to the value of antimatter PASERs are rarely if ever used at any larger scale than infantry level. Due to weapon cells holding usually enough antimatter to hundreds or for automatic variants even thousands of shots they also found an alternative use as improvised explosives.
Gravoelectromagnetic Rails are a technology using both gravity and electromagnetic force to accelerate objects. Its utilization is versatile and not limited to just weaponry but the purpose is relatively the same, to propel an object. Railguns (Scheinegeschoss) are widespread from infantry rifles to cannons and even outfitted for starships. Most of the time railguns rely on hypervelocity impacts but certain variants only use it as a delivery method for shells. Other utilities of GE-Rails for example include the first stage in missile launchers or as catapults to launch starfighters.
A wide family of explosives that utilize high intensity radiation absorbed by some medium to deliver explosive force. The inventor being Morte this often involves antimatter albeit it isn't a clear requirement. A simple single-stage plasma explosive involves a weinol core embedded with antihelium surrounded by inert material composite embedded with microscopic durachrome impactors as shrapnel. This is effective enough but larger explosives tend to use double, triple or even more stage for even more efficiency. A typical double stage design involves antimatter reacting with fusion fuel and only then meeting the inert material matrix (IMM). Plasma explosives are very specific and barring a lucky shot reaching their microscopic core they won't detonate by accident.
Promptverdichtetsuperschwerentheilschenbeschleuniger (flash-compressed superheavy particle accelerator) is a family of devices with wide range of applications including research, specialized industry and of course military. Dubbed as Massenlanz (mass lance) it focuses large amounts of matter into a microscopic point for a stream at relativistic velocities. The process is energy demanding and unless used at large enough scale would require considerable time to prepare the next shot. On the other hand it has extremely good armor/barrier penetration for relatively low energy cost. If calibrated right when the lance penetrates armor it also explodes as the pressure forcing matter together vanishes which has nasty consequences to anything found within. Massenlanz is a popular weapon against armor and bunkers and of course found application on starships. The weakness of the weapon is that it loses penetration power rapidly with range, albeit at what range it's inefficient depends heavily on which type of weapon system we talk about.
Massenlanzewerfer (Mass Lance Projector) - infantry portable variant used against hard targets. Massenlanzgeschütz (Mass Lance Gun or just Mass Gun) - gun version generally used by vehicles Massenfalterbeschleunigerlanzenwaffe (Mass Accelerator Lance, MAL) - main guns of starships
Starship variants are considerably different from the rest even if they use the same basic principle. Among others they utilize fold-space technology to shoot their beams at superluminal velocities whenever the theater permits it. In addition as it turned out Mass Lances are more versatile than just mere anti-armor weapons. By calibrating the velocity or in case of MALs even the folds-pace corridor it's possible to set up patterns where the matter stream collapses into something akin to a directed explosive. Thus Mass Lances can also have a shotgun or shell like effect depending on how they're utilized.
Be it in space or on the surface Morte does make use of various missiles. Planetary use generally involves various plasma explosive based warheads but kinetic, chemical and Atomic warheads are all a possibility. Missiles used in starship combat are a bit different and often can be considered as disposable miniature spacecraft.
There are two main families of them: missiles and torpedoes. Missiles come in light,medium and rare heavy categories with numerous variants each. They are usually medium to long range weapons but certain variants might even be designed for extreme distances. Missiles are compact, designed to be agile and attain their combat velocity over a short-medium distance as their priority. Torpedoes are launched from long accelerator systems to attain combat speed almost immediately. They're usually warhead-heavy and less maneuverable but this isn't a set rule. Torpedoes also have the ability of assisted Fold travel, using a Fold Catapult mechanism and Fold Sustainers to travel at superluminal speeds towards the target. Once getting near the torpedo cancels Fold and does terminal guidance under sublight speed. As such the use of Missiles and Torpedoes have very distinct doctrinal differences. Torpedoes are usually anti-ship weapons although variants for orbital bombardment are not unheard of. Missiles are mostly defensive or swarm tactics reliant. They are backup weapons and utilities for a ship.
- Plasma Warhead: Plasma explosives are the cheap alternative to atomics albeit their increased propellant mass does make them attractive to specialized roles, too.
- Atomic Warhead: Compact nuclear devices commonly used for long range ordnance. They can use various types of fusion and fission alike depending on which design fits the purpose the best. The most popular type splits superdense radioactive metamaterials for massive power. Jagd variants are shaped charges concentrating nearly all the atomic might against the hull or shields of the enemy ship. Another variant is the Zerstörer "destroyer" which is an anti-material or orbital bombardment warhead. It involves unique mechanics allowing limited chain reaction as part of the environment is also converted into nuclear fuel, this explicitly doesn't work on exotic materials like starship hulls thus its role as bombardment device.
- Antimatter Warhead: While nuclear reactors can be catalyzed by antimatter this kind of warhead relies entirely on the pair annihilation of matter-antimatter for destructive effects. They are undoubtedly powerful but nowadays Morte considers them a waste of strategic materials since Atomic Warheads can reach yields close to the same level. As such pure antimatter warheads are rare though not completely unheard of within the Empire.
- Jaeger Warhead: By shaping the power of atomic reactions it's possible to unleash a relatively coherent "lance" of extreme velocity plasma to attack reinforced targets. This usually have a shortish range and generally discontinued for a few hundred years now. Jaeger-B usually just called "Jaeger" took its place as it unleashes a focused and coherent bomb-pumped laser beam at the target. Jaeger-B2 which has no connection to the original instead relies on capacitors and compact lasing device to achieve similar performance with the option of multiple shots and increased range. While weaker than the original Jaeger-B its advantages and the appearance of the Lanzer warheads prompt it to become the new mainstay Jaeger.
- Lanzer Warhead: Mass Lances are soon recognized to be also decent as missile payload. The common Lanzer uses compact mechanics akin to an overpowered Massenlanzgeschütz to unleash a single or a few lance strikes at distance, usually with considerably less range than Jaeger warheads. This is called Lanzer-A. B variant is a newer type made for smaller warheads. It's a defensive missile dispersing high velocity matter at a range, making it a good interceptor. Lazer-C is a relatively recent development which uses well placed smaller warheads to compress the matter to superdense state while launching it like a focused jet at the target. Basically the result is a bomb-pumped Mass Lance. It has less range than Lanzer-As but can pack a surprising punch.
- Kinetic Warhead: The simplest form of space missile, it's nothing but propulsion with a superdense penetrator core at the front.
- Multi-kinetic Warhead: Missiles that carry multiple kinetic penetrators and disperse them in well-calculated pattern prior to impact. Sometimes the sub-munitions also have guidance and limited propulsion to assist them finding targets. Other times the warhead is nothing but the void combat equivalent of a canister shot.
- Beehive Warhead: When canister shots are put to the logical extreme. Beehive Warheads are a deceivingly sophisticated weapon which uses countless micron-sized balls of superdense metamaterials precisely positioned by an gravomagnetic field emitted from the center of the device. The result is a deadly "wall" of trillions of relativistic micropellets usually spread 1-10 centimeter from each other spread in a circular area with dozens to hundreds of kilometers in diameter. Beehive warheads are excessively used for long range interception and they can be dangerous to anything not sufficiently protected. This usually means fighters and missiles.
Space Forces
The Reichskriegsflotte (Imperial Fleet) is the Reichswehr's special branch dealing with starships and generally the region of space. Like for any interstellar civilization an absurd majority of their territory is space thus the Imperial Fleet has a prominent role of securing it. Since the Mortean triumph in Lux the Imperium haven't faced any existential threats and enjoys a relative peace. Of course there are always Karan'esh pirates, Dorvec remnants or rouge Luxan raiders to worry about yet at their current strength the navy is way prepared to deal with them. In order to reduce maintenance problems the PAX Accords were signed which currently limits the Mortean navy to 2500 warships, most of them being "Attack Frigates" a newly invented class for what is essentially fast traveling light cruisers. 2500 is the minimal count required for the Morte to secure their borders and that's only because the new faster ships permit them such low size. At the same time large amount of old starships are mothballed but preserved enough that they can return to battle upon any demand.
Smallcraft Tiny spacecraft generally limited in role and barring very specific exceptions incapable of FTL travel. Shuttles, starfighters or even tiny parasitic starships are all under this category.
- Pod: Tiny and short range craft, mostly know for the escape/landing pods although research vessels can also be pods. - Shuttle: Short range spacecraft used for transport of either cargo or personnel. - Starfighter:Small and agile spacecraft made for short range combat. - Heavy Craft:Tiny starships with limited crew and specialized roles usually launched from carriers.
Escort Ships Small starships outfitted with FTL but not fit for individual combat. As their name implies they usually support the warships. The divide between Heavy Craft and small Escort is thin and so is between large Escorts and small Warships. The difference is often decided on per case basis.
- Blockade Runner: The smallest type of escort to be equipped with a Fold Drive, mostly unused. - Recon Ship: A vague category for small escorts fit with sensors. - Gunboat: Basically a tiny warship about used for patrols. They are rarely part of a war fleet. - Cutter: Speedy small escort ships on the lower end of the scale. - Minesweeper: Specialist escort made for mine warfare and mine clearance. - Patrol Ship: Catch-all term for small escort classes. - Corvette: Medium-sized escort class. - Monitor: Pocket warships of medium to large size sporting considerable power but little strategic range. - Frigate Escort: Large escort made for speed and patrol. Frigates that are too small otherwise. - Destroyer: Large escort type also usually specialized against a certain form of threat or to a style of warfare. - Escort Carrier: Large escort specializing to carry strike craft but may lack facilities to maintain them. - Assault Transport: Not strictly an escort but neither a warship. Carries and deploys troops. Can be even 900m long. - Logistics Ship: Responsible for carrying supplies or capabilities to maintain vessels. They can be also tugs to carry away disabled vessels. Mining and hospital vessels also count under logistics. 40-600m long. Often made from scrapped escorts or warships.
Warships Large starships fit for individual long range travel and combat. They usually start at the length of 150m and some grow over a kilometer in length.
- Frigate: The smallest class of warships usually known for their speed in sacrifice of protection and usually firepower.150-250m long in general but Attack Frigates can be 450m long. - Cruiser: Mainline warship uniting speed, endurance, defense and firepower. 300-450m long. - Battleships: Warships specialized to be heavy combatants. 350-600m long. - Dreadnought: Superheavy class of ships made to breach defensive lines. 900-1500m long. - Flagship: Dreadnought-sized vessels sacrificing some of their capabilities for command&control facilities and electronic warfare. - Interdictor: Huge, usually 800-1000m long, vessels that sacrifice nearly everything to carry a mobile FTL jammer. In spite of their size they're rather vulnerable and desperately need escort.
Starbases Effectively fortresses in space they are slow and not very mobile but can sport tough defenses and powerful weapons along with providing support, resupply and maintenance to fleets. Most Mortean star-bases have propulsion and even capable of FTL travel.
Mainstay starfighter of the Morte Imperium. Created with offensive capability in mind the fighter is almost completely made of engines and weapon systems. It has two modular swiveling arms which can support a launcher or weapon battery each. The weapon systems can rotate and swivel for more freedom to fire also the set-up has an important role when the fighter is put on carriers with limited space. The standard armaments of the Walküre-IV are a pair of weapon systems with oversized capacitors providing power to 4 Mass Lances total. Due to their size these have sufficient power to even penetrate ship hulls at the weak points and generally be a threat not just against fighters but even ships. Aside from that the arms can even support a heavy missile each with yield enough to match torpedoes although usually the deployment of ordinance is left to the Hummel-type craft. While fast and powerful the Walküre-IV isn't as agile of more interception specialized craft and its weapons are a bit on the heavy side to engage fighters with. In addition they obviously sacrificed protection and the weak structure and shields only enough to handle micrometeorites and distant blast effects would immediately fold against direct firepower.
Large boxy 28 meters long weapon carrier craft with 4 modular bays that can sport various weapon systems including but not exclusive to railguns, mass lances, missile pods, heavy missiles (2 per bay) or heavy bombs (4 per bay). Bombs in particular are basically stripped down missiles using the velocity of the Hummel alone with only maneuvering engines for further guidance. They match heavy missiles in power but possess less range and mostly reserved for capital ship rushes. In case of them being deployed on planets they lack the aerodynamics or lift to efficiently operate in the atmosphere. Instead they dive down while deploying their munitions (usually stacks of many dozens of guided bombs or KKV munitions) then zoom back into space.
Vaguely based on the old Nagel-type starfighters the Geist is a stealthy recon craft used for scouting ahead and providing more accurate targeting data for ships. Using its encrypted hyper-radiation comms it can accurately and subtly beam data back straight for the designated ship thus leaving the chance for interception quite low. The Geist has a stealthy hull along with low-emission propulsion to be more difficult to detect along with minor electronic warfare suite and multiple "stealth field" like tricks, depending on the type of sensor the enemy uses. For defense they have a few 125mm light missiles and a mass lance in a flexible mount but it's not necessarily enough to fight back. Geist crafts have an elongated 21m shape and four of them stacked together roughly occupy the same space as 4 Walküres do.
Classification: Cutter Role: Patrol and Close-In Defense Length: 60m Mass: ~ 7.5 kilotonnes Complement: 18 Armament: MAL-25 Mass Lances x4, Class-10 Lasers x 8, 90mm Light Missile Pod x 2
Speedy patrol craft equipped for the bare minimum of space warfare. As a transitional piece between Heavy Craft and Escorts a disgusting proportion of the ship is dedicated to the engines.
Classification: Corvette Role: Defense and Interception Length: 72m Mass: ~ 16.9 kilotonnes Complement: 36 Carrying Capacity: Walküre Fighters x 4 Fixed Armament: 25mm Railguns x 4, Class-12 Lasers x 6 Weapon Modules: 4 Module Options: MAL-10 13-shot Pod, MAL-50 Defensive Mass Lance Pod, 125mm Missile Pod, 60mm HVM Pod, 425mm Medium Missile Pod
Corvette exemplifying the general role of escort ships. It has four modular weapon systems that can be switched around for varying features. Each weapon option serves a different role and it's rare for ships to mix them. Mass Accelerator Lances provide long range flak and supression against light targets while missiles offer more versatile defense at the expense of endurance. As a defensive ship it's less focused on speed and even outfitted with more decent armor. In addition it has the ability to carry 4 fighters albeit without any capability to rearm or service them. Lastly the top portion is a detachable escape vessel in case the hull receives critical damage. Sharjagers are versatile and not exactly the rookie captain's ship. On the other hand their features are well-respected by experienced soldiers.
Classification: Destroyer Role: Anti-Ship Warfare Length: 86m Mass: ~ 22.5 kilotonnes Complement: 48 Armament: MAL-40 Mass Lances x 4, 35mm Railgun Turrets x 2, Class-15 Lasers x 6, 125mm Missile Pods x 2
Compact escort vessel dedicating most of its space for a quad set-up of Mass Accelerator Lances to provide extra firepower at long range. Due to its lightness it's reasonably agile and at times even used as a general patrol ship. For this purpose it has reasonable amount of defensive armaments with all the layers expected for a Morte ship.
Class: Destroyer, Patrol Ship Role: General Escort Vessel Length: 102m Standard Mass: ~ 32.3 kilotonnes Complement: 152
After the Luxans' defeat the Morte enjoys a century of relative peace. The empire is revitalized while design philosophies shifted considerably. Focus went from easy and quick production to hulls with decent longevity and more efficiency. Keiljaeger is a late product of this era, literally meaning "wedge(-shaped) hunter" which is also the new curiosity of the Mortean Navy. Previous designs were boxy and focused firepower to the front, this put them at odds when it came to close combat and larger ships mounted a large number of secondary MAL batteries to compensate. The so-called "curved hull" instead opts for a more balanced setup with each main cannon having a wide area of coverage. This along with technological developments eliminating the advantages of the "light" mass lances meant the looks of the entire Mortean Fleet is transforming. Keiljaeger is supposed to represent this view with capabilities surpassing even old-type Frigates they are considered the next generation of escort vessels, just called Patrol Ships. They have mass lances, laser batteries, HVM slots, missile pods, torpedoes, minor hangar space and all this can be easily reconfigured at the nearest dock or large Logistics Ship.
Standard but not the only assault transport of the Morte. It carries a hundred landing pods filled with troops,vehicles and other special equipment for assaulting planets. For ease of maintenance of both machinery and err... human resources the contents of each pod are kept under a stasis field until they're needed. This way you can literally fill a box full of potentially over tens of thousands of soldiers. Albeit for some practical purposes a lower count is also utilized. Regardless the potential to deploy over a million troops makes the Lazarus-class the favored target of anti-orbital defenses thus require heavy escort.
Classification: Frigate Length: 172m Mass: ~ 93.8 kilotonnes Complement: 245 Armament: MAL-40 Mass Lances x6, 425mm Missile Pod, 125mm Missile Pods x 3, 50mm Railguns x 6, Class-20 Lasers x28
Speedy warships that are basically oversized escorts to make them fit for individual combat. They are unfit for frontline combat but neither they are supposed to. Has the limited hangar space for 20 fighters or 5 Heavy Craft albeit detailed maintenance/repair would require specialized logistics ships instead. Due to attrition no longer being a heavy concern they are phased to be eventually replaced by the new Attack Frigate designs.
Utilizing the new curved hull and compact impulse engine technology the Tristan-class Attack Frigates are effectively superior to the last generation cruisers in anything but armor. As explained for the Keiljaeger this shift happened due to both economical and doctrinal changes.
Irdishstreitkrafte der Mortereich (Planetary Armed Forces of the Morte Imperium) is a virtual term describing three different military branches: Reichsheer (Imperial Army), Reichsgrenadierkrafte (Imperial Grenadier Force) and Volkswehr (People's Defense AKA Militia). Reichsheer is the main army of the Empire with exactly 2 billion troops (mandated by the PAX Accords from IR1121). This is their bare minimum and any loses are to be recovered within a week. As per the Morte attitude to recruitment, every Morte who passes the physical tests are considered "reserves" to the Heer thus in times of crisis this number can increase considerably. In the current "peacetime" days their purpose is defensive but they also form the numbers for every major invasion. Reichsgrenadierkrafte is effectively the "marines" of the Morte, they are elite highly mobile force constantly traveling aboard starships. They are the primary response of the Morte during peacetime and the spearhead of major assaults. Volkswehr is an institution rather than an outright military branch, used during crisis when the regular military isn't present or requires backup. By its nature the Volkswehr is poorly equipped if not forced to use improvised weapons but they can compensate with their sheer numbers and fanaticism.
Morte ground combat doctrine focuses on massed infantry formations supported with a great deal of artillery. Morte likes fortifications and defensive combat as their wars frequently involved the other side as the primary aggressor. Armor is generally what each army division has asigned to them. It often provides fire supports but there are pure armored forces for breakthrough and maneuvering combat. Air force is a bit of a maligned child in Mortean warfare. Both Reichsheer and Reichsgrenadierkrafte has aerial detachments that can be linked with any division for support but usually their number is insufficient. This is often reinforced by space fighters from the Reichskriegsflotte but the different chain of command is a source of other issues.
- Antistof-Gewehr: Semi-automatic rifles using PASER mechanism,the most common kind of infantry weapon. Not recommended for hunting, though.
- Scheinen-Gewehr: Rifles using GE-Rail technology,their ownership by civilians is non-regulated (because no sane Morte shoots other for no reason) and for the army these provide an alternative where the PASER's features and drawbacks are detrimental. Scheinen-Gewehr are select-fire by default.
- Maschinegewehr - often bulky PASER weapons adjusted for rapid fire. Leichtes Maschinegewher (LMG) are portable and can be operated by just one man. Usually there's an LMG user in every squad.
- Sturmgewehr - Assault rifle variant of PASER weapons introduced in IR409. They are increasingly more common as standard arms for Grenadiers.
- Scharfschützengewehr: When something more precise is required than the tuned up version of standard rifles these weapons come into play. They are usually GE-Rails but at times even available in PASER variants.
- Plasmgranate - Standard hand grenade filled with plasma explosive. Simple variants exists but unpopular. Nowadays instead they have a micro rocket engine along with a simple INS guidance to fly further thus keeping the ones throwing it safe while also drastically improving accuracy. For the same reason they are too expensive for standard infantry and are more commonly used by Grenadiers.
- Granatenwerfer: Specialist weapon that can be described as a mini artillery working like a grenade launcher to lob plasma explosives at ditance or against fortified targets.
- Massenlanzewerfer:Mass Lance Projector. Takes time to compress particles and its effectiveness inversely proportional to range but its power is undoubted. There's a more rare two-man heavy variant called Grössesmassenlanzewerfer, used at platoon level for mostly anti-fortification roles.
Also just referred as Volkswehr, same as the military organization which covers them. They are militia of usually the most desperate kind, erected when either there's a local emergency and lack of manpower or the Morte potentially is running thin on soldiers. Volkswehr are civilians, people who semi-regularly undergo combat exercise but still civilians. In addition they rarely receive proper equipment, almost lucky to receive an old model of the PASER rifle. Their purpose is to fill out numbers and given their fantaticism mixed with desperation they fulfill this duty as expected. Thankfully it's been over a century since the Morte required the Volkswehr's services and they wish to keep it that way.
Also referred as Reichser. The typical Mortean infantry armed with PASER rifles and wearing durachrome helmet, fortified uniform and rebreather as standard. They don't wear armor in the strict sense but their uniform protects against mild fires, toxins, vacuum, radiation and can stop shrapnel from distance. Some suits are also coated in a bit of neutrozine allowing it to absorb one PASER hit to the same area. They usually operate in the squads of 10.
The Reichsheer's elite the Jaeger are usually formed of veterans who receive durachrome-plated and neutrozine layered armors as well as overall higher standard of equipment. While described as "elite" there are many millions of them regardless. Their number used to include soldiers who underwent special training after signing up to the Heer and they were supposed to lead assaults. Nowadays these people are funneled into the Reichsgrenadier instead to bolster its numbers further. They shouldn't be confused with the Jaegerschützen which is a title for designated marksman in certain units or even scouting light infantry of the Heer with unique training, albeit certain Jaeger units or individuals are obviously fulfilling the same role.
Members of the Reichsgrenadierkrafte, a branch specializing on expeditionary missions and thus very commonly deployed from ships. There was a time when they were considered elite special forces or assault specialists hence their name, Grenadiers. Nowadays while they receive higher training they are mostly common infantry under a doctrine different from normal. They receive equipment of considerably higher quality than the Reichsheer including modern body armor with layers of durachrome/neutrozine hard panels, integrated comms, sensors and usually carrying select-fire assault PASER rifles. Their combat emphatizes assault, mobility and at times small unit tactics compared to the Heer. Unlike the Reichschützen they almost always have grenades, including special variants for anti-tank use. Reichsgrenadiers also have specialists called the Grenadierjaeger who are veteran and act as special forces. Grenadierjaegers can choose their equipment including special tools that aids them to accomplish their mission.
Heavily equipped troopers specializing for high risk missions like boarding or leading assaults. They wear heavier armor assisted by a powered exoskeleton underneath. Thanks to their increased strength Panzergrenadiers can carry heavy portable weapons with the same ease as a rifle. Weapons that are used on the squad or company level now can be equipped for each individual soldier.
Special unit developed for the growing need of light and agile fire support that can also participate in the assaults along with the infantry. Dubbed as the Dragoners (Dragoons) they became the cavalry of the modern times. Imperial Dragoons wear a heavy power armor called Panzermotorisiertharnisch (Armored Powered Harness) which makes them into something akin to a light vehicle. The suit is about 2m tall, making them tower above the average soldier and its most remarkable feature is the solid egg-like armored shell encompassing both the head and torso. The suit is bulky and requires more than anti-personal level firepower to sufficiently threaten. In spite of that the gravomagnetic hover and plasma engine setup provides some well-deserved mobility for them in combat. The suit can be powered by plasma cells, plasma generator or occasionally an atomic reactor. It all depends on the weapon loadout as its chief consumer. The current model is called Drache-III and it has the latest advances in Mortean sensors and electronics along with new active protection systems. The Drache has sensors in redundancy and at all directions. Instead of moving his head the operator only needs the intention to turn his/her head and the system rotates the visual display accordingly, even to the center of their backs. Overall the Drache is considered the safest place for a Mortean soldier to be and with good reason.
The Reichswehr loves firepower to which end they reintroduced old infantry operated light weapon batteries in a whole new form. Infanterieverstarkerswaffe are special equipment too heavy for usually an infantryman to carry but not large enough to be vehicle mounted. These usually wheeled platforms are self-propelled and are designed to keep up with the infantry unit. In case of breakdown they are also light enough to be pushed by the troops themselves. On the first glance IVW seems like an outdated and backwards move but for the Morte who value manpower less than advanced machinery this is a fitting choice.
Common examples - Zwillingsmaschinegewehr: Twin PASER machinegun mount for company level covering fire. - Infanteriemassenlanzgeschütz: Mass Lance utilizing cartridges to match the firepower of tanks. - Langesmassenlanzewerfer: Powerful long range Mass Lance Projector for ambushes. - Infanteriemörser: Minor artillery lobbing heavy shells for its size. - Automatischgranatewerfer: Larger rapid-fire variant of the squad level grenade launchers with longer range. - Selbstating Munitiontrager: Usually not a weapon but a versatile carrier using the same base to ferry munitions or carry heavy weapons in place of the troops.
Not all infantry support weapons are mounted on a self-driving carriage, though. Heavy missile launchers used on company level for example tend to be carried by hand. Maschinegewehr also have portable variants as the twin mounts are only necessary when you require hours of sustained fire.
Ground Vehicles:
Mainline battle tank of the Morte Imperium. It was first fielded in IR506 after the Fifth Dorvec War. It's barely 5m long but due to its durachrome construction weighs approximately 120 metric tons. For perhaps this reason there's only accomodations for the crew of 3: driver, gunner and commander. As a tank with over 700 years of history the Löwe went through hundreds of refits, retrofits and complete overhauls yet the basic shape and features remained mostly the same. The current Jahre 1101 variant is a beast made for the intense battlefields of the 13rd Luxan War. It's armed with an advanced 128mm Plasma Cannon with its GE-Rail system capable of unleashing various matter and energy projectiles. It has two Massenlanzewerfer turrets on the side for additional close range firepower and the sponsons mount shortened ZaG-88 (Zwilligsautogewehr Modell-88) which pair a PASER machinegun with a small-caliber railgun each. It has the latest sensors especially edged for finding exotic lifeforms and deter underground ambushes. Many variants are installed with gravomagnetic hover system to escape toxic swamps and drive through difficult terrain as an emergency measure. The inertia dampeners are also tuned up to deal with not only shock from explosives and munitions but even the blunt force received from giant creatures. As shown in the picture the tank can be also outfitted with sensor-detonated explosively reactive jet buttons (the little bolt looking objects) to intercept heavy munitions or act as last resort against incoming masses. The current Löwe variant is equipped to drive through massive number of opponents and preferably survive. Since Morteans enjoy relative peace since the 13rd Luxan War they never had any reason to refit their tanks for any other purpose.
Multi-role assault vehicle made as a specialized variant to the Löwe. It has somewhat reinforced front profile but more importantly it mounts a Massenlanzschweresgeschütz AKA the Heavy Mass Lance. While it undoubtedly provides firepower to defeat enemy vehicles its main role is to siege fortifications and generally provide close range fire support. This is the level of firepower where the versatility of Mass Lances show the most. Depending on how the projector field and the velocity of the stream is modulated it can:
Hunt superheavy vehicles
Penetrate multiple walls/barriers before exploding at a determined location
Detonate on impact akin to an artillery shell, both HE and HEAT can be reproduced
Detonate in the air, either omnidirectionally or at a certain frontal arc
Unleash an expanding cone of energy to decimate targets in a line
Unleash a low velocity attack akin to a superpowered shotgun in effect
This is without actually manipulating the matter matrix or use ultratough microfilaments for some nasty patterns. The possibilities are practically limitless. As a relativistic direct fire weapon though the Mass Lance has a limited range on the ground and hence it's referred as an Assault Gun. Said weapon also have a limited traverse of around 110-135 degrees in a forward arc along with decent depression so these guns are particularly effective from mountains and other elevated points. Since they already require powerful inertia dampeners to withstand the stress of firing the Feuergeist has gravomagnetic hover assistance by default which helps a great deal for it to scale difficult terrain. Most vehicles also saw heavy use during the invasion of Lux thus they're equipped with the same AI-operated autogun sponsons as the Löwe.
Self-propelled Mountain Artillery are present in the Morte arsenal for centuries and one of the most common application for legged propulsion. Zweörg was first fielded in the 12th Luxan War during IR1064 where the yet prototype system showed that it could outperform past designs and perform similarly to standard artillery even if with less overall firepower. Prior to this mountain artillery relied on their advantage in elevation to attain decent ranges but for the Zweörg it became optional as it achieve extra-atmospheric trajectory. The mechanism is highly compact and has the crew of two people: driver who also handles data link during stoppages and an artillery operator responsible for controlling the weapon. Zweörg is so compact the cannon is almost right next to the operators, making it one of the most uncomfortable artillery to crew. It also completely lacks self-defense weaponry, requiring other units to protect them.
Standard Morte mobile artillery since its introduction during IR932. Like many of its predecessors it's based upon the Löwe's hull. For a long time there was a divide between static artillery large mobile artillery pieces and "medium" types that based on tank hulls. As technology progressed though this gradually evaporated and with the Basilisk now the Morte has a compact system that can match every other regular artillery. The main doctrine of using artillery is through firing shells at extra-atmospheric trajectory. Being almost in space the shell can ignore air resistance, travel great distances (hundreds to thousands of miles depending on many factors) and regain most of its velocity during the terminal phase. As such Mortean artillery mostly relies on the raw kinetic energy of the projectile. This is rarely done as a single solid projecile but rather the shell splits into various sub-munitions before the impact. This spreads out the damage without requiring explosives. Although there are still specialized duties where the usual plasma charge loaded warheads are preferable. Aside from these they can deliver various shells from chemical agents to micro mass lance canisters, chaff/smoke discharges to very rarely even nuclear devices. Obviously, artillery is used because the Morte hasa reason to not ruin the planet. Although in very specific situations your artillery might be needed to do extreme demolition. For any other purpose though such firepower is far more of a detriment than a benefit. Not even the death-insensitive Morte are crazy enough to use tactical nukes as their standard.
…. Five years ago the Daisan came to the Federation door step. Days prior to the surprise attack on the Urban Planet Anaria, word reached the fringe colonies of more mysterious activity in the deep space rim worlds; between governments collapsing and general panic, the center galaxy civilizations could only guess intense internal struggles, but little did they know.
Two days after the Anaria Star-Wide Gazette published their theory on the general unrest of the rim worlds a peculiar slipspace rupture was reported. In a matter of minutes a massive fleet appeared around the planet and launched massive factory spikes into the atmosphere, the fleet escort destroying any chance of space resistance. The spikes landed with such explosive power the touchdowns destroyed entire urban sprawls.
Quickly floods of battle droids exited the spikes and began to clean the planet of sentient life, construction and salvage droids quickly following. After the short battle of Anaria, little knew what happened next, the only escaping frigate barely able to give a believable report to the next Federal system over.
Soon more battles broke out between this unknown menace and the Federation, and soon the name “The Daisan Order” was leaked from military personnel despite never actually finding organic life behind the droids, with only subtle clues to makers and pilots.
Five years have since passed and only the combined might of the Empire and the Federation managed to slow down the progression of the Deep Space Menace, but where resistance was weak, they quickly washed over, leaving only completely cored planets and harvested suns in their wake, hives of space fighters and factories, and even strangely colonized planets. Demonstration of the assault on Anaria
You don't outright require to make these but they are fun so here's a good example.
Official Name: The Daisan Order Common Name: The Daisan, The Order Government: It unknown what sort of Government the Daisan even follow. Dominant Species: There are only hints of a organic dominant species: The Daisan Capital: It is assumed the Daisan have a capital to conduct such extensive conquests from: The Daisan Home System Systems Owned: From a sprawling territory in deep space to a growing territory in known space, the Daisan ownership is ever growing.
For hundreds of years the Daisan have been at their interstellar conquest. Five years ago they finally reached us, and their momentum is unbearable.
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
Major Holdings
Social Information
Mood music Social findings about the droids armies of the Daisan, as recorded by Federal Researchers and Combat reporters:
“Interestingly enough, some of the Daisan droids exhibit social behaviors such as verbal communication, laughing, and to some extent comradeship (depending on the model). We aren’t too sure why they do any of these things, since we have salvaged wireless transmitters from the droids, showing they are capable of relaying suggestions to other droids. One theory is they have learned communication skills to be able to conduct dialogue with organic or verbal speaking life forms; however, there is no recorded incident where a Daisan droid has attempted to communicate with a non Daisan construct.”
Regards to a possible Daisan Society, as recorded by a Federal Professor.
“...It would seem possible for the Daisan to have or have had a society. Their droids clearly have a hierarchy, meaning their creators knew of at least primitive social constructs. The fact that the models are split into roles, and have different functions shows the ability to delegate and use tools. Whether or not the Creator Daisan still exist or not, there should be no question that they had formed a complex society of hierarchies, departments, and understood job delegation and efficiency.
I will admit it is hard to paint a picture of a homeworld Daisan’s life when all we have to go on is the obvious highly controlled military present. Whether or not home-life would be as rigorous as their military represents is definitely a question not easily answered.
However, I can propose a few theories on the creator Daisan’s absence: either they are dead, and the machines on autopilot, or they are alive and avoiding contact.”
Additional conclusions from Federal Professor.
“ regards to IS there even a creator Daisan figure, I say yes. I do not believe these droids came upon themselves. Evidence suggesting a creator is evident in a few key areas which I will now demonstrate.
Found usually in larger invasion vehicles or starships, are ‘inserts’. These are potential cockpits or control centers, made uniformly seven feet tall and four to five feet wide, the all have four large holes in the back wall each four inches in diameter and six one diameter holes near the base in two groups of threes. Sensitive technology is found all along the walls of these holes and stretch about four feet back into the vehicle up top and a foot in the smaller holes. In in the front wall of these inserts are numerous potential displays and valves of all sorts, some oddly connected to the exhaust directly.
Oddly enough there is biomatter found on vehicles with inserts as well as in the air samples produced by the factory spikes (may the brave souls who collected these vital samples forever be remembered), it appears to be a bacteria unknown to our logs. While we are hesitant to allow someone full contact with these microorganisms in a control setting, some of our soldiers have come back from battles with the bacteria on their uniform or in their own system. Symptoms of infection vary but on the common human, the body tends to treat it almost like pollen, making pollen sensitive individuals cough or sneeze, but without any interior detriment to the body. Some species show no reaction to the relatively benign bacteria, but those with less developed or differently developed immune systems have in some occasions come down with common cold like symptoms but are easily treated with antibiotics. The bacteria itself can be described as similar to cynobacteria, yet heftier and airborne with the added ability to ‘gunk up’ rather quickly. The gravity of this discovery means that even if the Daisan Creators are not present, there is an organic lifeform being transported and cultured alongside the droid army, leading me to believe it is being done purposely, but for what purpose is only speculation. This evidence none the less leads most to believe in an organic run home-world.
Another piece of evidence is the verbal and written language present, used by the droids and machines, but what makes this important is that we are aware that new models of droids are currently still being produced and ever changing (evidence in itself), all with the ability to use this language, which leads me to believe that the master race is still alive and well, that or the droids have really taken to the elusive creator language of the Daisan.
Nonetheless, the search for the creator Daisan continues, and with only the images of the droids to assume their physiology, we have yet to know who we are indeed fighting, if anyone.”
(Describe your government here in detail. If you use something generic or just feel like there isn't enough to say you can merge this with the Society section under "Government/Society" and describe both here.)
Technological Information
Technology Overview
(Describe your civilization's technology in general)
Major Techs
: The CDB is also known as a disintegrator ray by the Federation forces, and is sometimes deployed on specialized Daisan floaters (often paired with energy bubbles) or in larger installations on vehicles and tripods. The beam is known to disrupt, destabilize and destroy chemical bonds in fractions of a second on impact, usually leaving no sign of impact other than heat scarring and scorching on the peripherals of the impact, or carbon dust on carbon based organics.
The Droids themselves all have installed protocols and access to a wireless communication link (of various levels: local, system, inter system, depending). Each protocol varies on the droid, its job and the model, but all are protected by internal systems active both when the droid is activated and when the droid is deactivated or in hibernation. Upon tampering with the droid without authorization, the droid’s Internal Protocol will either destroy all the internal hardware and software, or outright self destruct (depending on the Droid). Depending on the droid these safety protocols have more than one transponding location to maximize internal safety in case a part is severed in battle and later retrieved.
Should a droid be kept intact through quick action and forethought, the communicator and other internal functions can be manipulated, and other safety protocols will be taken into effect. It has been made clear that even through a manipulated communicator, other Daisan droids are aware that the signal is not coming from a Daisan, but a tampered communicator, probably due to coding, identification or fluxes from the tampered droid, the shutdown Internal Protocol, variance of droid ranks, location, and even perhaps due to a recognition software we are unaware of.
(Again, kinda optional. Do you wish to share with us how amazing your industry can be? This is the section for it! Major industrial methods, complexes and such can be also mentioned here.)
Military Information
Military Overview
(Describe your military in general. For a select few types of civs this might be alone enough.)
Space Forces
The Daisan Fighter droid is an extremely adaptable killing machine that has brought fear to many pilots, both civilian and military. The spiny, oblong almost eldritch ship is not only an intimidating sight, but possesses the hardware to back up the visage. The entire starfighter is encased in a classic Daisan energy bubble, fitted to flow with the shape of the ship itself to maximise efficiency. Hidden among the many forward facing spines are quick shooting plasma railguns meant for quick and close dogfighting and to put stress on heavy shields. Inside the nest of spikes specialized torpedoes are housed, usually ionic to help disrupt shields or cause interior damage to enemy vehicles. Running on four sides of the ship are powerful (yet fitted for small fighter craft) CDB guns meant for finishing off enemies, or clearing them before they become a problem.
Interestingly enough, there are two plasma railguns situated on the top and bottom of the ship, usually facing the rear (but able to swivel), to aid in dogfights. This loadout is often noted as to be “heavy.” The lighter, speedier version of the Daisan Fighter droid tends to forgo the CDB arrangements for further power to the engines and thus tend to be skinnier and harder to hit. Other models focus on large torpedo arrays, shield disrupting weapons, atmospheric invasions, or even attracting and tanking enemy weapons,
The largest advantage of the Daisan Fighter Droid is its amazing adaptation ability, paired with the quick work of the Daisan, making the next load out as surprising as the first encounter, every time.
Ground Forces
The Base Model Soldier Droid of the Daisan army is affectionately called “Clankers” by the Imperial and the Federal armies. The droid stands around six feet tall and are humanoid in shape, except for their kite shield shaped heads and strange ankles. These are the most common seen soldier and the most readily modified. Capable of improvisation and some thought, they are able to form strategies and adapt to battlefield conditions.
Unmodified, they have a empty slot on their back, and are usually seen carrying the standard Daisan Battle Rifle, ion grenades, plasma grenades, and a side arm (usually a pistol). Some usual modifications take the form of long range assassins, pilots, anti-vehicle, commando, engineer, and all other sorts of mix and matched equipment sets.
They are made out of a blast and space resistant metal, and have heavily protected wiring and power cores, resistant to EMP’s and the anomalies of space. Their limbs and joints allow them greater strength for carrying and overpowering in hand to hand combat. In short the base model soldier is a very modifiable and adaptable droid, capable of taking on many different faces.
Earning the Federal nickname “Reapers”, the Destroyer Droid is a chilling sight on the battlefield. These strange droids have three phases, movement, deploy, and attack. In the movement stage the droid is tucked into a oblong sphere, capable of fast speeds while rolling to its target. As soon as the target is found or it enters range it deploys itself, unfolding from the ball shape into a three legged crab like droid with two “arms” ending in powerful dual blasters. As they begin their onslaught, a personal shield generator is activated and covers them in a protective bubble, capable of taking intense punishment before being oversaturated and being forced into cool down.
Many engagements end when Reapers roll onto the battlefield, bubble up, and begin their devastating assaults. Some variants have even more blasters and weapons attached to them, or have slightly altered shields to protect more against certain ballistics or other factors.
During the initial engagements with the Empire, the Daisan droids must have carefully catalogued any defeats by the famous plasma sword wielding knights of the Imperials, because soon after came a product of their own to counter such attacks.
The Daisan Melee Droid, or “Myrmidon” as the Imperials so heartfully nicknamed it, is a unique droid in all its own. While similar in shape to the Base Soldier Droid, these tend to be thicker in limbs, and capable of a form fitting energy shield to specifically deflect superheat and plasma. Also to note is that they have four tendrils sprouting from their backs similar to pilot droids, although the reason for this isn’t completely known; however, Melee Droids have been found to pilot vehicles and of complex thinking and strategy planning.
They themselves wield an assortment of different weapons, but the most common is a blatant rip off of the Imperial plasma sword, with a Daisan twist added to its aesthetic. Another notable weapon are super heated dual whips formed out of scorching and almost rope like plasma. Some have even been seen carrying hard light shields to face the Imperial sword wielders. With it being such a new model, we aren’t sure we have seen everything this droid has to offer, unfortunately.
The Daisan Floater Droid (Also known as “Swarmers” by the Feds) is one of the easily most overlooked droid by new recruits, and most looked out for Droid by hardened veterans.
These spheres float around at extremely fast speeds and their sole purpose is recon and to calculate shots to exterminate the enemy, which they happen to be very good at. Being small in size, around a foot to a foot and a half in diameter, these little fuckers are not only annoying and difficult to hit from a distance, but have no qualms in blasting your comrades in fast moving swarms or being sent as tiny assassins.
Most have decent blast armor, and the most deadly have energy bubbles, but all hurt, and all shoot and in the worst cases are equipped with a self destruct protocol.
The soldier turned the corner, immediately raising his rifle. Nothing. He let out a shallow breath of relief. A gloved hand patted his shoulder from behind.
"It's okay rookie," the gruff voice betrayed the ever familiar accent of the Federation. The two stood point, ten men behind, and the dark shell of a bombed out apartment complex in front. As the rest of the soldiers scurried in, the group continued as a spear head through the first floor of the complex.
The ripped up floor tiles scattered under the boots of the commandos, and their footwork avoided fallen lights, glass, and other obstructions. The distinct taste of iron hung in the air, but on a planet that has been passed between the Daisan and the Federation for two years, that smell is nothing new.
"Fuck." a soldier cursed under his breath, unable to comprehend the gorey stains and human shaped shadows on the walls as they walked by. There was a clatter and everything fell silent. The troops stomachs tightened as they held their breaths, guns swinging back and forth.
Switching on his nozzle flashlight the captain of the group aimed his rifle down at a rolling candle stick. Ritzy.
His eyes focused, something was strange. Something didn't feel right. Suddenly the darkness before him glitched like it was a reflection in a pond that someone had tossed a rock into.
The captain squinted and seven more glitches appeared out of the corner of his eyes. There was a soft clicking.
"DAISAN!" Someone yelled and suddenly the room filled with the sound of assault rifles blaring. There was a loud thunderous clap and a storm of plasma ropes erupted from the darkness.
The rifles stopped. Body parts richoteted off the walls and bodies crumpled to the floor.
An automated voice laughed as seven heavily armored droids appeared out of thin air, tendrils of pure plasma waving from their backs, and four mechanical arms holding an assortment of weapons.
The Elite Soldier Droid, otherwise known as “Ghosts” by the Federation is a relatively new droid, built upon the Melee droids and the Commando droids of the base soldier model.
The Outer Rim has always been one of those vague, unexplored parts of the galaxy. In the interests of safety, nations refrain from sending large fleets into uncharted territory and the probes that are sent tend to wind up mysteriously vanishing. For the longest time, it was unknown how or why the Outer Rim was so unexplored.
Then the Sinnsyk appeared. At first glance these colorful, diminutive creatures don't seem like much of a threat. Who would be scared of a few hooded raiders? But they quickly established themselves as a fearsome pirate group. They could strike deep into the heart of hostile territories with nary a blip on the radar. Top secret military projects were somehow being fielded in enemy hands months before they were officially released. Unmanned probes and drones would suddenly go dark, their information lost. This was the legacy of the Sinnsyk. They went from another snotty pirate culture to fearsome thieves and phantoms of the night, with a ravenous desire for technology
To those who work with the Sinnsyk, they are determined engineers and programmers, machinists in the purest sense of the word. No code is to complex, no machine to big and their ability to find errors in such devices is uncanny. To their enemies, the Sinnsyk represent a subtle, mysterious threat. They strike deep in hostile territory practically unscathed, take what they want and leave. They have ears all over and the Network has its finger in every criminal underworld. This ability to avoid conflict, to hide from danger and to simply learn unprecedented amounts of information in short time spans more than makes up for their physical weaknesses.
Official Name: Sinnsyk Star Network Common Name: The Sinnsyk Government: Federated raider network Dominant Species: The Sinnsyk, uniquely Capital: Whilst the Sinnsyk don't have an official government as such, it is generally agreed that the largest of their star bases is the Stortvarmt Station. Systems Owned: None Planets Owned: 9 fully owned and habitable, though some planets they simply squat on and don't make moves to control. Population: TBC
Starmap Information
Galactic Location
Major Holdings
Largest Starbases: Stortvarmt Litenkaldt Solopp Kaotiskgalskap Behera
Held Planets from Largest to Smallest: Paardveid Breizh Pfrerdreich Ruiterji Aishite Huilebalk Gesteente Maanaw Stenholm
Social Information
The only race that occupies the Sinnsyk Star Network is the eponymous Sinnsyk. Sinnsyk are short humanoids, about four to five foot tall, with white skin, segmental heterochromatic eyes, fluffy, feathery hair that comes in a frankly obscene variety of colours and markings all up and down their body that glow colourfully. Weight swings between 6 to 9 stone by imperial measurements, due to excessively thin muscle and fat mass. Their bodies are covered in soft, supple skin that remains smooth from childhood to maturity. Colouration is always snow white with special markings of a single, bioluminescent color. These markings can range from a few short lines on the face to long complex patterns all over the face and body. They gain nutrition via oral consumption and are particularly dependent of fructose, glucose and sucrose, which they grow and consume in large quantities. Mentally, Sinnsyk are known for their attachment to machines. This attachment has spread deep into their society, with machines of all sorts being used as currency and treasure. This has raised a point of contention amongst scholars; what the Sinnsyk did before discovering electricity is a mystery and no Sinnsyk history source goes back that far. They also have a disturbing reaction to violence - when threatened, they projectile vomit. This puke is highly corrosive and can blind and burn anyone it lands on, with the exception of the Sinnsyk themselves. Again, this is genetically hard coded into their DNA. Disturbing evidence has been unearthed to suggest the Sinnsyk were deliberately genetically engineered, though who and why they did this is as of yet unknown. Their appearances, being highly effeminate by Human standards even amongst males, is consistent amongst them all. Even the most masculine of them is never much more than androgynous - some scholars suggest this points to deliberate genetic manipulation whilst others claim this could be a perfectly natural occurrence. Their consistent desire to gather more technology is present in 100% of specimens, a rate unheard of for a personality trait, even a culturally enforced trait, and their unusual racial unity even amongst different enclaves lacks the tribalism common amongst natural races.
"This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness."
Sinnsyk society is not a hard one to recognise. The colour gives them away. The colour grey apparently does not exist for Sinnsyk, since everything from clothes to ships is painted in bright, intense colours. Colour is present in all aspects of a Sinnsyk's life, and grey just bores the heck out of them, so dont expect to get much eye rest if you decide to visit.
Sinnsyk also enjoy duality and opposition, which makes up a large part of their philosophical culture. They believe that everything has at least two forms and that by changing between forms at the right time, one can construct something far greater than the sum of its parts. This duality can be something as simple as broken and functional, on and off or together and apart, or something far greater and more complex. This is one explanation as to why they wear such strange garments - the opposition of the bright colours and comfortable material with the fearsome, terrifying images that are worn on them. Some Sinnsyk use duality and opposition in a different way, such as adorning themselves with dead flowers, their sweet scent being sickening, or making tight, body-hugging suits that sexualise them out of hard, protective materials that prevent entry.
It wouldn't be a raider culture without something to raid. It is the technological, from simple mechanics right up to unimaginable technological wonders, that forms the centrepiece of Sinnsyk society. Every station has a massive electronic footprint, every Sinnsyk room is fitted with a workbench for taking apart and putting together devices. They trade in tech the way other races use currency. Machinery is the lifeblood of the Network and its a Sinnsyk's whole reason for being. Without it, they would have nothing.
Law and order in the Network is a simple affair. Sinnsyk are expected to flout the rules of any planet they set foot on - Such limits only slow them down in their mission. Rape and murder are always forbidden, but there is nothing stopping a Sinnsyk from fighting back if they were attacked first. "Purposefully drawing blood" - with exemption to medical grounds - is also forbidden. They often identify with local criminals and gangs, which often has hit and miss effects. Sometimes they set up large, successful smuggling rings. Sometimes they find themselves locked up sweatshops and brothels. Depends on the gang really.
Internal dissent is very limited, made up of a few small scale grudges or rivalries - nothing that threatens to overthrow the Network as a whole. Sinnsyk treat alien races mostly with respect, unless they have some tech they want. Then they become rivals, but even then Sinnsyk treat rivalries as big games and are never overly violent or cruel.
Sinnsyk have a very... loose government, which isn't the same as none at all. Generally, what happens is that a group of Sinnsyk will band together and work on a project together, then manage it between themselves. None of the Starbases, for example, were commissioned by a governing body by by groups of individual Sinnsyk who banded together to create what they created. Obviously a group of Sinnsyk who governs a Starbase or colonise a planet have more clout amongst the Network than than those who don't, but this disjointed system makes it hard to control certain individuals. It does, however, encourage Sinnsyk to work and achieve based on their own merits, so only the most diligent, most resourceful or most brilliant will climb to the top.
Technological Information
Technology Overview
Tech is the lynchpin of Sinnsyk society. Its like currency to them. The whole society focuses on or strives to gain more technology. They cant get enough of the stuff, it's like an itch that they need to scratch. As such, Technology amongst the Network is a bit chimeric. Nothing ever looks quite right. Its all taken from other nations, then experimented on and changed in ways that most people would either never have imagined or would never have dared. Every machine is unique, every device one of a kind, as every Sinnsyk who makes or steals has their own idea of what good tech is like. The Network thrives on its unique, crazy creativity and the abominations it creates because of it. Many innocent Sinnsyk have lost their minds to the desperate pursuit of more and more complex technology, constantly seeking bigger, better things. Confusingly, many Sinnsyk raiders constantly work on and improve technology purely for the purpose of stealing more technology. Improved stealth systems always get used for stealing things to improve their stealth system. God knows what would happen if the Sinnsyk ever created the ultimate version of something Its not just machines or programmes either, but medicines, chemicals, elements... anything vaguely related to science or technology, they want their own spin on it. Being as chaotic and as unpredictable as they are, the Sinnsyk rarely produce the same thing in bulk and this can make trade a little confusing. They rapidly get bored of making the same things over and over, and turn to grander projects as their minds change, leaving long-term business partners in the lurch. That steady supply of plasma pistols may suddenly become plasma shotguns, then plasma sniper rifles, and they wont understand why you're so upset.
Major Techs
Hand Crank Energy Chargers: Ah, those ancient, obsolete methods everyone else abandoned long ago. How they are sadly underused. Sinnsyk energy weapons are powered by hand-crank batteries, meaning the charge can be easily refilled. On the plus side, this makes ammo logistics far easier, and ensures that Sinnsyk never run out of shot on the field. On the other hand, trying to hand crank a machine gun in the midst of combat aint exactly easy, or quick.
Its no secret that the Sinnsyk are some of the most diligent engineers and mechanics in the galaxy. Recruiting them is a difficult task but highly rewarding, and since many have connections as part of the Network, what you pay them usually finds its way into circulation back home. Since the concept of money is so foreign to them, these engineers end up driving down the value of nearby techies, whilst lowering costs and raising profit for whatever company employs them - so if a Sinnsyk comes to town, you'll want to snag them before your rivals do.
The split between planets and starbases is simple. Planets are agricultural, starbases are industrial. If you live on a planet, it is expected that you will grow and raise the crops of the Network, which is traded with Starbases for consumption. Some starbases have small agricultural regions, but these are only really present in those bases that are out the way. Starbases' usual product is the various machines, robots and tech that provide the backbone of the Network.
Sinnsyk often find work in the black markets of foreign nations, either as traders and scrappers or as runners. Their short stature and feminine appearances mean they can easily be mistaken for children at first glance, which makes smuggling a lot easier.
Military Information
Military Overview
Space Forces
Navy Doctrine: The navy has a fondness for penetration stratagems. They strike deep into the core of the enemy territory, then go on a raiding spree. Of course this is done quietly and in a seemingly random order, which makes it hard to predict where they'll be next. Their ships are small and light, fast moving and equipped with high-quality stealth devices. This obviously drains from their armour and weapons systems - even the heaviest Network ship does little more than disable any ships and rarely destroys them outright.
Ground Forces
Ground Doctrine: Sinnsyk ground tactics are characterised by their long range, cautious nature, and swift entrance and exit. They rarely attack directly, preferring instead to harass and frustrate enemies, wearing down morale and attacking supplies. They are keen practitioners of the Fabian Strategy, even on foreign ground, and a large part of their strategies rely on remaining undetected for as long as possible. Tactically, they also use long-range harassment tactics. Small fire teams are deployed as opposed to large, overwhelming armies, and combat vehicles focus on speed and stealth, not armour. Even artillery sacrifices power for speed, so the whole theatre of war can be packed up and shipped out as soon as possible. fire team tactics include long-range fire then falling back or going into hiding, so as to frustrate and demoralise the enemy. Civilian casualties are avoided as much as possible.