Luthias, our "lovely" home.

The city of Luthias is flourishing city-state next to the great ocean. This is a melting pot where people from all corners of the world come to trade goods and Ideas. It houses many riches, both in knowledge and in gold. But Riches tend to attract attention. Both in form of honest workers and not so honest workers.
Places of interest
A bag of weasels.
This is our home. Or atleast our base of operations. We’ve “persuaded” the owner to let us run our business in his basement. It’s run down tavern in the middle of the slums. It smells horribly and it can be pretty hard to sleep at night but we get our drinks for free.
The slums.

Home to the blackmarket, dirty brothels and rowdy taverns. This is where most shady business takes place. If you wander into here, make sure to keep one hand on your purse and the other on your sword. And if you aren’t looking to punch in some fools you should probably stay out of the alleys.
The market district.

The market district is where most commerce takes place. It is home to many of Luthia’s middle class citizens and a pickpocket's dream. A large plaza filled with market stalls is the most prominent feature of the district. Around the plaza are many narrow alleys with shops on either side and apartments on the floors above them.
The waterfront.

This is Where goods come in and where goods go out. Not many people live here but a large portion of the city work here. As sailors, fishermen, merchants and labourers. Some opportunistic thieves might try stealing the valuables right off the ship before they’ve reached a store. And if you’re feeling particularly daring you might even try your hand at some good old fashioned hijacking.
The noble's district.

The noble's district is, as the name implies, home to the nobles, the aristocrats and the wealthy merchants of Luthia. They live in overabundance in luxurious villas with beautiful gardens. These are prime targets for burglars although security is usually very tight. Just getting into the noble's district can be hard.
The grand duke's palace.
This magnificent palace is home to the grand duke of Luthias. It's probably the juiciest target in the whole city. It is a massive citadel made out of solid marble and stone. No one knows what riches are hidden inside. But you'd have to be some kind of magician to get in. Elite guards are posted everywhere, eceryday. But a thief can always dream.
Location:Annie's Tavern

The city of Luthias is flourishing city-state next to the great ocean. This is a melting pot where people from all corners of the world come to trade goods and Ideas. It houses many riches, both in knowledge and in gold. But Riches tend to attract attention. Both in form of honest workers and not so honest workers.
Places of interest
A bag of weasels.
This is our home. Or atleast our base of operations. We’ve “persuaded” the owner to let us run our business in his basement. It’s run down tavern in the middle of the slums. It smells horribly and it can be pretty hard to sleep at night but we get our drinks for free.
The slums.

Home to the blackmarket, dirty brothels and rowdy taverns. This is where most shady business takes place. If you wander into here, make sure to keep one hand on your purse and the other on your sword. And if you aren’t looking to punch in some fools you should probably stay out of the alleys.
The market district.

The market district is where most commerce takes place. It is home to many of Luthia’s middle class citizens and a pickpocket's dream. A large plaza filled with market stalls is the most prominent feature of the district. Around the plaza are many narrow alleys with shops on either side and apartments on the floors above them.
The waterfront.

This is Where goods come in and where goods go out. Not many people live here but a large portion of the city work here. As sailors, fishermen, merchants and labourers. Some opportunistic thieves might try stealing the valuables right off the ship before they’ve reached a store. And if you’re feeling particularly daring you might even try your hand at some good old fashioned hijacking.
The noble's district.

The noble's district is, as the name implies, home to the nobles, the aristocrats and the wealthy merchants of Luthia. They live in overabundance in luxurious villas with beautiful gardens. These are prime targets for burglars although security is usually very tight. Just getting into the noble's district can be hard.
The grand duke's palace.
This magnificent palace is home to the grand duke of Luthias. It's probably the juiciest target in the whole city. It is a massive citadel made out of solid marble and stone. No one knows what riches are hidden inside. But you'd have to be some kind of magician to get in. Elite guards are posted everywhere, eceryday. But a thief can always dream.
Location:Annie's Tavern