Over 2,000 years ago...
The Cetra are on their long journey to cultivate life on the Planet. A being known as "Calamity from the Skies" crashes into the Planet's northern polar on a meteor, gravely injuring the Planet. The Cetra gather at this location to heal the Planet. The Calamity from the Skies emerges from the crater bringing with it deceit and treachery as a great pestilence falls upon the Cetra and the Planet. The Planet creates six powerful Weapons to combat the Calamity from the Skies: Jade Weapon, Sapphire Weapon, Diamond Weapon, Ultimate Weapon, Ruby Weapon, and Emerald Weapon. Having nearly wiped out the entire Cetra race, the Calamity of the Skies is defeated and sealed in a geological stratum. The Weapons remain dormant in the same stratum as they have never had to act. The Cetra's numbers continue to dwindle, being swallowed up by the ever-growing human population. The Cetra assimilate into human civilization, but maintain their ancient knowledge and powers.
Circa [ μ ] - εγλ 1959
September 23 - Shinra Manufacturing Works discovers Mako energy.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1969
June 12 - Damian Seran is born.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1972
August 20th - Astral Diamonia is born.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1974
June 29 - Cayde Halloway is born.
November 4 - Landon Milonas is born.
November 4 - Landon Milonas is born.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1976
June 24 - Shinra Manufacturing Works, now known as the Shinra Electric Power Company, begins the construction of a plate above the city of Midgar as a location to centralize the company with a modernized headquarters at the heart of the plate. The plate is to consist of eight sectors built above the smaller settlements on the ground, which in turn gradually become nameless slums.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1977
Exact Date Unknown - Shinra scientists led by Professor Gast discover Jenova and label her a Cetra. The Jenova Project is begun soon after with the goal of creating a human with the powers of a Cetra. Professor Hojo and Dr. Hollander have differing opinions for how this process should be carried out and establish two different projects under the Jenova Project: Hojo establishes Project S, while Hollander begins Project G.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1980
Exact Date Unkown - Professor Gast leaves Shinra, setting out on a journey across the Planet to find answers to the many questions he has about Jenova, the Ancients, and the Planet. In Gast's absence, a power struggle occurs within the Shinra's Department of Scientific Research between Professor Hojo and Dr. Hollander. Hojo obtains the position, his achievements in Project S being more recognized by Shinra than Hollander's Project G.
January 17 - Laphicet Kyrielight
January 17 - Laphicet Kyrielight
[ μ ] - εγλ 1981
April 8 - Lapin Delacroix is born.
April 22 - Sigurd Riot is born.
April 22 - Sigurd Riot is born.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1983
June 20 - Rowen Tuesti is born.
September 6 - Pendulum is born.
September 6 - Pendulum is born.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1985
January 1 - Beryl Vagrant is born.
February 27 **Non-Canon Excerpt** Fearing that Professor Gast's return would create another power clash, Hojo tracks down Professor Gast to the Icicle Inn in the Knowlespole, Northern Continent. Hojo accuses Professor Gast of defecting from Shinra and has his men execute him.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1992
Exact Date Unknown - The Wutai War begins between the forces of Wutai and Shinra when Wutai, the last major land free of their influence, denies Shinra permission to build a Mako Reactor on sacred Wutai grounds.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1997
Exact Date Unknown - An anti-Shinra activist group led by a man known as the "Death God of the Battlefield" meets with a weapons dealer to negotiate a deal with him. Unbeknown to them the weapons dealer betrays them and they are attacked by Shinra. Only the leader survives. Kalm, a village located outside Midgar, is firebombed by Shinra to eliminate a company intelligence leak.
[ μ ] - εγλ 1999
November 10 - The Turks learn that the Legendary Turk is the former anti-Shinra activist Death God of the Battlefield. The Turks oversee a mission Legendary Turk is tasked to handle in Wutai. **Non-Canon Excerpt** After the mission is taken care of, the Legendary Turk retires from Shinra in Costa Del Sol, Western Continent.
[ μ ] - εγλ 0000
October - Wutai surrenders after the capture of Fort Tamblin. Only rebel forces remain and are dispatched one by one by SOLDIER.
December - Rufus Shinra assumes the position of Vice President of the Shinra Electric Power Company and leaves on a long-term business trip.
December - Rufus Shinra assumes the position of Vice President of the Shinra Electric Power Company and leaves on a long-term business trip.
Circa [ ν ] - εγλ 0001
February - The Wutai War ends and the AVALANCHE insurgency begins.
March **Non-Canon Excerpt** President Shinra tasks the Turks to recruit more SOLDIER candidates in order to increase morale in response to the AVALANCHE insurgency.
March of 0001 is when this game begins.
March **Non-Canon Excerpt** President Shinra tasks the Turks to recruit more SOLDIER candidates in order to increase morale in response to the AVALANCHE insurgency.
March of 0001 is when this game begins.