Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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knifeman gender: cryptid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Devon Kouri



Sphynx Cat


Convenience Store Clerk

Film Writer/Director

She came to Hollywoo to both try to start her career as a filmmaker and to escape her horrible sinkhole of a family. Don’t ask her about her family. Not because it’s painful for her; she’ll just go off complaining about them until you want to stab your eardrums. Fun Fact: In a whole family of Sphynxes, Devon is the only hairless one.

Theme Song
Creep by Radiohead

Myrna Caniche





Salty Dog Landlady
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Felix Ebert

“You know what really pisses me off, all these talentless somebodies who make it big and they have no real talent and put no effort into their work. I want to see something profound and instead I am over here in the theater seats snoozing because I don’t actually give a fuck about your poorly acted, poorly written imitation of other films. Where did you get your schooling, in the theater itself? Watch someone better than you, became their pale imitation and then everyone praises for someone else’s work. Fuck you.”

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Species: Sphynx

Occupation: Reviewer [Cult Fame and almost always in some sort of spat with someone], Indie Film Director [Cult Fame]

Aspiration: To Watch Hollywoo eat itself alive by exploiting all the delicious fears and insecurities of talented somebodies who made it big because they are likeable. Also to get his films more talked about.

Appearance Note: I'd like his tattoos to be similar to the first and second photo. More specifically the neck tattoo like the sides of the first photo and the front of the second photo. And I'd like both of his arms to have the two different colored roses like on the first photo.


“Going to the award ceremony. Let’s see who wins. Certainly not someone who actually deserves it.”

Standing at 5’10” he’s an impressive young male cat, whose fit and likes to eat healthy. He refrains from drinking alcohol or getting into soda and won’t even smoke a cigarette with his pals, he doesn’t even vape. Some have asked him about his tattoos if they were gang related or not, except that he hasn’t really said anything about them. Nor has he denied or confirmed his connections with any gang or criminal activity. Though his record comes up clean.

He dresses fairly well on a middle class budget. His reviews and movies don’t make him much, but he rocks suit from the Greatwill like they were expensive thousand dollar suits. He’s considered attractive by a lot of woman and tends to have a cult following.

Most of the woman who do end up confronting him though, know nothing about his films. And those that do don’t spread their legs. Too smart for that.

His voice is smoky and hoarse, but not in an unpleasant way. It’s not gruff, in fact it’s very mellow and pleasant to the ears. It at least is what gets women to want him, despite his less than successful career.


“Was just interviewed for a filming journal. Was asked some great questions. I think the interviewer was checking me out.”


“Sometimes I just like to sit outside and sunbathe. My friend Roseline Crow says I like you like that. Let me draw you. Pretty rad results.”


Born in Sacramento, California. Felix had always been a Cinefile his whole life. Old films and new films he was fascinated by the way films were produced, directed, and edited. As a young kid he enjoyed watching old films rather than enjoying spending time with other kids. He even made small films in his garage and studied the arts at a young age.

Bullied with little friends, when he graduated from high school it was an easy choice. He went into filming as his college ambition. He wanted to direct and produce his own films. An excellent film maker who was praised for his creative thinking and outside of the box ideas in high school, middle school, and elementary. Winning a few local contest in high school and middle school young Felix had high expectations of his adult life.

Though that came crashing down when he graduated college coming to Hollywoo with high expectations being at the top of his class. Praised for his unique ideas and talent, he had expectations of what was going to happen in Hollywoo. Being a young adult coming out of teenagehood. He expected to walk into Hollywoo who’d accept his ideas as well. After the US is a world of dreams, isn’t it?
The change between Felix then and the monster he became was the day the door was slammed in his face quite literally. Making little connections in Hollywoo and praised for his work, he was called into a Lion’s Gate studios. Expecting that they were hiring him from a job he was separated from individuals in one line. Retards and dorks with little talent and smart, intelligent people he got along well with in those three hours he stood in line.

When he finally got to the front of a line, a secretary came out and slammed a door in his face. With a sign that read, Hollywoo not a Place for Original Ideas. Come back when you have significant brain damage.

Distraught. And unhappy that he was rejected because he was considered a threat to society grew a significant bitter wall in his heart and soul. Felix determined to take down Hollywoo’s hacks became a rather famed reviewer instead. His views controversial. His Twitter feed filled with trashy comments about people he doesn’t like. Yet his reviews remained truer, harsher and resonated with people who were just as fed up with Hollywoo mainstream trash as he was.

He gained a significant cult following in the last four years as a reviewer. People like to throw out his name when they want to sound important. Like they are on the in crowd. And he has had mild success directing small budget indie films with also cult following.

To the point that he has a pseudo C list celebrity status. He’s known. Just not well known. And definitely not well liked by A list celebrities.

What does Felix Listen to:

Dark Film Studio Films:

New York Terror

A detective on a high profile case finally deals with the high profile criminal who has killed several people. In a heated conflict detective Moore's kills his assailant. Only to have the assailant return as a vengeful ghost a few years later. Having to reopen the case and find the ghost of the killer who continued his murder spree in revenge.

Critic Review - A + - 10/10 - Terrifying and thrilling, it puts Hollywoo to shame. With interesting twist and turns and clever written clues.

Little Lost Kitten

An orphaned kitten abandoned by his mother's whose catnip problem finally got to her. He moves in with his abusive uncle and negligent aunt in law. Finds some sense of freedom through painting and expressing himself through the arts as a sculptor. He falls in love with a young dog who falls in love with his work before he falls in love with him. The two boys must face cross species discrimination from a small town and their own sexual awakening with each other.

Critic Review - C - 7/10 - You can really tell this was not his script. It feels like something thrown away and then saved by someone else who threw money at him to film it. It's weak, but great acting and amazing directing cannot save a story that feels more appropriate for mainstream Hollywoo romantic flicks. Where it does shine is in it's prejudice against cross species and tackling issues of homosexuality in a small town.

Beauty in Ink

TBA - Released Date TBA - Needs Funding
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Arty Fox
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Arty Fox

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Appearance – image to appear sometime
A narrow but muscular young man Marcus is on the shorter side of the height.
Out and about tends to wear a selection of rings, a silk scarf atop a t-shirt and shorts with equally colourful shoes. On the other hand indoors he dresses in simply shorts and oversized hoodies.

Marcus Finch


Male – tends to dress with a feminine flair


Straight but starting to question

Pole Dancer in a night club

Like a hundred others in HollyWoo, he wants to be a famous actor.

Born and raised in the busy streets of York, England, Marcus enjoyed all the perks of a public school in the old city. But even with all the plays and performances he did as he grew, Marcus felt destined for greater things and so decided to pack up his bags and try somewhere new on the other side of the world.

Sadly, Marcus wasn’t the first person to think this and quickly learned that Hollywoo has more than its fair share of wanna-be-stars and ever-hopefuls waiting for their big break. All too soon Marcus had to trade in his stylish pad for a more affordable option at the Salty Dog apartments and take whatever job he could get.

A year or so later Marcus is still working the same job with letters of rejection sitting on the table by his door. At least his neighbours aren’t too bad…

Theme Song
Filous - How Hard I Try
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrincePierce
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PrincePierce Professional Novice DM

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Dog (Pitbull)


Club Bouncer

Famous Musician

Logan moved to Hollywoo when he was 17 to live with his uncle, a formerly well known music producer, in order to try and kick-start his career. Shortly after his 18th birthday, before Logan could release a single song, the studio went bankrupt and was sold. His uncle fled his debts and is rumored to be living in South America somewhere, leaving Logan alone in Hollywoo. Needing the money, he recently sold his uncle's estate and moved to Salty Dog Apartments, which is closer to his current job of bouncing at The Cube. He's a big guy, so bouncing was the best thing for paying bills.

Logan is pretty easily discouraged, and often wonders if he'll ever actually make it as a musician. He's also starting to teeter towards alcoholism as self-medication.

Theme Song
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
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TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Colt Fields

Age: 20

Gender: Demiguy

Species: Human - sorry not all of us can have a tail. Actually that’s a good question, why does Felix and Devon not have tails? Do you guys face any discrimination against not having a tail?

Orientation: Panromantic - I’m not really too big into the whole swapping mouth spit with another person. There’s something really graphic and horrible about it all. People all twisted together like some big erotic version of Twister.

Occupation: Anything. Photography. Honestly I am a Suicide Portrait photographer. And if you want to know what that is, it’s simple. I take pictures of places that people have died or where they could die from the vantage of that person. It’s some project about mental health that I am designing.

Don’t let him fool you, he’s actually a graphic artist as well, and is working on a horror, action, comic book.

Aspiration: Not dying. That’s a pretty decent aspiration I think. When you’re in a constant state of apathy and mind numbingness not dying and finding some mild sense of success is a bigger aspiration than it seems. I guess it be cool to get my photos noticed or something. Eh I don’t know.

Just don’t call me a girl. Sure I like my hair in a certain way and I like some frilly shirts, but it’s called being punk. Or at least that’s my excuse. I like skinny jeans and to collect hair clips. And the bandaids are just a fashion statement. I swear I am not that fucked in the head. Well I was.

Always been a smaller guy then the ones in class, he stands at 5’4” and tends to wear petite shirts that seems sort of feminine. He likes to wear thick layers of eyeliner and eyeshadow. He tends to dress very punk, with skinny jeans, and his canvas shoes. He often tends to wear long sleeve shirts no matter the weather. Those who get to know him, if they know him will see old scars of his teenager years worn on his wrist.

He has a voice that is in the middle range. That it could be either the voice of a girl with a deeper voice or a voice of a guy with a much quieter voice. He smells like cigarettes or vape depending on whether or not he’s trying to quit that month or not.


Born in San Francisco, California Colt has always been the odd man out. A little too into death and decay, his favorite holiday being that of Halloween. His obsession with death and his graphic drawings had him labeled with many different mental health labels since he was very young.

He spent most of his life with his parents trying to fix him, and the school trying to get him to model behavioral normalcy on him that it actually inspired him to continue his work as a photographer and a comic book artist.
An excellent drawer with a dark sense of dry wit. He spent his life battling demons other people gave him. Now he works on comic book series he gets locally published at a comic bookstore. About a group of unlikely super heroes saving the world from demonic forces and it’s not what you think.

Moving to Hollywoo just to get away from his parents toxic negativity. And all the pills, the ins and outs of mental wards, and the sense of imprisonment he felt in San Francisco. He wanted to start over as someone new and pursuing his own passion in hopes to escape his clinical depression.


Hell on Earth - Production 2015 - C. Fields

Hell's spilled open and demons are pouring out onto Earth. No one can do anything about it. As demons gorge and feed on the humans of Earth. Until several heroes emerge to defeat Hell. There's a twist. These aren't your typical heroes, instead the only demons that could destroy the demons of hell were the mental demons some humans have to fight everyday. The heroes of this tale are representation of disorders like depression and schizophrenia, battling it out to close the gates of Hell.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Character Sheet


Besides his alluring appearance from the photos. Leonard has bright emerald colored eyes that pierce the night. Underneath his clothes in the right sunlight one can see a few of his spotted patterns underneath his dark black fur. Beyond that, Leonard stands a tall 6 foot 2 inches weighing in at about 210 pounds. Like most big cats his build is rather lean and muscular giving him a powerful appearance.

Leonard Pardus



Panther (Black Leopard, Panthera Pardus)


Pyramid Scheme Orchestrator

Real Estate Tycoon for Hollywoo

Growing up wasn’t very easy for Leonard. Originally from Africa he was raised in poverty under two loving parents. They were more feral than most anthropomorphic animals around. For most of his years little Leonard would always crowd around the one operational analog TV in the village to catch his favorite Hollywoo actors. From a young age he knew he wanted something more from life than the African Serengeti he was accustomed to. Every now and then he would practice his acting and speech with his local natives increasing his public speaking and confidence to command the respect of his peers in large settings. All valuable assets that would later come into play.

Unfortunately do to the nature of human expansion and greed their habitat was diminishing. Day by day the humans got bolder in their annexation of land in the African wildlife. With the new epidemic, Leonard’s parents decided it was best if he was sent overseas to America to pursue his passion with whatever remaining money they had left to spare. Before they could say their goodbyes his parents had lost their lives to a pack of hunters clearing out whatever threat was left; fur was always a lucrative trade. With nothing but the tattered clothes on his back and what little money he had left, Leonard set his sights on conquering Hollywoo, that didn’t prevent his emotions getting the better of him however.

Life wasn’t the American Dream as it was advertised on the Statue of Liberty. No, for poor Leonard he was in and out of orphanages for most of his life. There never seemed to be any interest for a nocturnal predator, it also didn’t help he was already entering his adolescent years while most of the other children were still ripe in age. Despite this Leonard continued his practice in speaking and coercion, evolving it to the point he was able to trick the counselors into giving into his needs. He was the kingpin of the orphanage by the time he was 17. Checking himself out, the young panther turned to the only venture he saw worthy of his talents, drugs. Steadily rising through the ranks Leonard secured quite a hefty sum in his savings, but that wasn’t without the occasional drug raid and gang violence that came with it.

While maintaining teaching himself with books of ancient literature and business he noticed an ad in the newspaper for timeshares. His curiosity getting the better of him led him to discovery of pyramid schemes. A dangerous thought crossed his mind knowing full well he could abuse the masses with his sociopathic levels of charisma and coercion. Dropping his current drug infused lifestyle, Leonard decided to pack up and move to Hollywoo to make something of himself, for his family. Setting up his trade cost him quite the hefty fee leaving him with barely enough to cover his stay at the not so Beverly Hills. Now Leonard hopes to find his way into the real estate business so he can live in his own mansion and not the barren wasteland he had grown accustomed to.

Theme Song
xxxtentacion - Jocelyn Flores

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Asher890


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Not at the moment, come back later.

Isadora has the normal coloring of your run-of-the-mill snow leopard. Her fur is always groomed neatly. Isadora has icy blue eyes which have long, thick lashes. She stands at 5'8 and has an hourglass shape. She dresses well, but only due to the fact that she is given them by the people she dates. She loves to display her jewelry to the onlookers of Hollywoo. If you see her 9-5 (on weekdays), you will often be see in her work outfit which is a black blazer and skirt, with a white blouse underneath. Isadora is the epitome of glamour, from her appearance to her walk. Her voice is silky and confident.

Isadora Clawver


Cis Female

Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia)


Salesperson at Jewelry store.

Isadora dreams of being an legendary actress.

Isadora is from a small town in Colorado, born to a Snow leopard father and mother. Her father, Mr. Clawver, was a drug dealer while Mrs. Clawver was a prostitute. Isadora would watch television while her parents were out, she was captivated as she watched the moving pictures. She spent time with her maternal grandmother who would often accompany her to plays. This fostered love of acting ultimately pushed her to go for her dream. While in school, she participated in every play she could. Isadora had straight A's and could have been accepted to anywhere she wanted... instead she chose her passion. When she graduated, she moved to Hollywoo.

She had found an ad in the paper for Salty Dog when she was looking for a place to live. With everything she had in a bag, she managed to find one apartment she could afford: Salty Dog. Isadora resides in apartment 8. Isadora found herself a job at a jewelry store called, 'Blue Moon Diamonds'. She dates around, but doesn't like to take relationships too serious. Most of fine with her lifestyle, all except for her ex-boyfriend, Axl Grey, the famed lead guitarist for 'Wolfram Spades'. Isadora dated him for two years after moving to Hollywoo. Most of the people she dates have ties in Hollywoo, older than her and loaded.

She's disappointed in where she is in life at the moment, but she is determined to become a star. A bottle of whiskey does help the pain fade a bit or any alcohol for that matter. Okay... maybe she has a problem? When she has free time, Isadora is often found out at auditions or at the club. Every now and again she gets the parts, but the leads almost always go to the girls who got the 'casting couch' action. With growing frustration for lack of roles, will she quit before she gets her big break? Or will she join the list of failed actors? Who the fuck knows!

Theme Song
Lana Del Rey - In My Feelings
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