Welcome to the World where all Blorbs preside.

It doesn't look like much at the moment, but, with your help, it can become something very different. But in order to help, you're going to need one of these;

This, is a Byu, though they are more commonly known as 'Blorbs'. Not all Blorbs look like this - in fact, far from it. They will be your avatars in this world.
To create a Byu, you need to enter the following command;
>>Create {Defining Trait} {Name} {Class}
Commands are dictated by the >> signal. Once you create this character, to enter the World, all you need to do is;
>>Log in
Once you've logged in make an;
>>Action (e.g, jump, dig)
Actions can be vague, or detailed. If you were to
I will cause you to dig in whichever direction I choose. However, were you to
>>Cast a spell
You will get an;
And, last but not least... the World State can change. Weather will occur, as will day, night, and seasons. Time passes. And Byu can die. But worry not - this brings us to;

The Heartstone is used to create Byu Legacies. Should your Byu die, the Heartstone will absorb and store their soul. You must wait one turn (until a new worldstate is presented) to create a new Byu. However, a minimum of one characteristic must change. An example is;
>>Create {Jolly} {Parker} {Wanderer}
WELCOME, Parker.
>>Parker has died.
>>Create new Byu? (Y/N)
>>Create {Gloomy} {Parker} {Wanderer}
>>Create {Jolly} {Jasmine} {Wanderer}
>>Create {Jolly} {Parker} {Scholar}
>>Would you like to begin?

It doesn't look like much at the moment, but, with your help, it can become something very different. But in order to help, you're going to need one of these;

This, is a Byu, though they are more commonly known as 'Blorbs'. Not all Blorbs look like this - in fact, far from it. They will be your avatars in this world.
To create a Byu, you need to enter the following command;
>>Create {Defining Trait} {Name} {Class}
Commands are dictated by the >> signal. Once you create this character, to enter the World, all you need to do is;
>>Log in
Once you've logged in make an;
>>Action (e.g, jump, dig)
Actions can be vague, or detailed. If you were to
I will cause you to dig in whichever direction I choose. However, were you to
>>Cast a spell
You will get an;
And, last but not least... the World State can change. Weather will occur, as will day, night, and seasons. Time passes. And Byu can die. But worry not - this brings us to;

The Heartstone is used to create Byu Legacies. Should your Byu die, the Heartstone will absorb and store their soul. You must wait one turn (until a new worldstate is presented) to create a new Byu. However, a minimum of one characteristic must change. An example is;
>>Create {Jolly} {Parker} {Wanderer}
WELCOME, Parker.
>>Parker has died.
>>Create new Byu? (Y/N)
>>Create {Gloomy} {Parker} {Wanderer}
>>Create {Jolly} {Jasmine} {Wanderer}
>>Create {Jolly} {Parker} {Scholar}
>>Would you like to begin?