Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: The keep-Hyall

Inside what was known as the keep was a rather gothic yet cozy looking office. The fireplace containing a rather warm fire being the only source of light at the moment. As the flames cast the light it was seen on the black couch was a man outstretched with his arm covering his eyes. His skin was a golden tan but just light enough to have people questioning just what race he was.
At a knock on the solid wood office door his arm moved revealing golden topaz colored eyes. A sigh as Dujae SaDiablo swung himself off the couch and opened the door, his eyes half lidded. ”Butler? What is it?” The extremely tall muscular man in a button up shirt and trousers held up an envelope his salt and pepper hair betraying that while the man still looked young he was actually getting up in age even for long lived races. Dujae took the envelope and lightly read it before his eyes seemed to grow cold. He folded the letter and then winced.

A shooting pain going through him that seemed to have been paired with the letter before he seemed to snarl. Butler seemed used to this as he finally spoke. ”Ms. Beale is making something” The big man’s deep voice was almost soothing rather than intimidating. A child like happiness spread through Dujae as he lit up before making his way past Butler and to the kitchen. His prey there. An unattended bowl filled with cookie dough. Dujae gave a glance around and not seeing the rather intimidating burly woman of a cook that is Ms. Beale he started to stick his hand toward the bowl. ”I know you're not trying to steal a taste princeling” His hand shot back quicker than someone who just burned themselves. A rather big eyed innocent face swept him and the cook shook her head before handing Dujae a cookie. ”Now out of my kitchen.” Dujae took the cookie with glee and quickly left the kitchen before he got whapped with that spoon.

Dujae nibbled on the cookie as he made his way past butler before he paused and backed up. ”Butler would you tell Memphias that he has to look over things while i’m gone? He knows what to do by now.” Butler gave a nod as Dujae made his way out of the keep the cookie really the only thing keeping his mood up at the moment. He made his way through the wolves territory...luckily without them swarming him...and out the gate where he lightly hopped onto the black wind.

The ride was fairly short given that this wind was never used by anyone else and got Dujae to his destination. Once on his feet he stood and then nearly doubled over in pain as the one who called upon him decided he needed a reason to move faster. The bitch Another silent snarl before he straightened and walked through Hyall. Hyall itself did not outwardly fully seem like anything was as twisted as it was. The land was not nearly as lush or green as the other territories in any realms, but the location was full of people who did not seem to care. Small shops lined streets and people in lush clothing walked on the busy cobblestone. Though as Dujae walked, a small space seemed to form around him. No one wanted to get close to the queen’s pet. His walk was elegant and almost cat like as he moved his way around people and headed for a rather massive castle. A showy thing that seemed there just to show off for the person that occupied it.

Dujae seemed to become more and more angry as he approached it and went inside. Who knew what absolutely disgusting thing waited for him...then again he did know, he just didn’t know what it would do with him today. His steps made no sound as he traversed the halls. The lights wavering as if his sheer anger made even the light twitch back in fear of touching him. Then he found her sitting upon her fancy throne that he hated so much. As soon as he saw her he gave her a blank half lidded expression. ”Heketah, you look positively old today. What do you require of me?” The woman merely scoffed at him. ”A bite as always Dujae. I have managed to go through another consort so I have a new one you need to teach.” Dujae’s expression hardened and before he could let out a response he found himself on the floor in a massive amount of pain. Heketah simply watched with an amused expression...she was enjoying this. As Dujae struggled to his feet his eyes were a hardened topaz. With a stiff bow he walked off toward the chambers. A black lock appearing on the door once he was inside. Heketah gave a smirk. ”Good boy”

Several hours later Dujae exited the room somehow looking more angry than before. His walk less elegant and more still as he strode past the now empty throne and straight out the entrance. Before he reached it a sing song female voice reached him. ”I will need you later” A grumble escaped Dujae before he exited knowing exactly what she would want him for later and walked through town his intent to get a drink, preferably a strong one...maybe enough to make himself useless later...not that hes ever been able to, but it’s the thought that counts. Hell maybe he could even make it to the keep and just lock himself away for a few hours.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

Faeril Ashkevron

Location: Hayll

It was rather amusing how people feared a Widow, yet they were desperately sought out to fix the ailment that a mere Healer could not. Theirs was a tedious balance of living and dying. Hers more than most, or so thought the Eyrian female. A taller Hayllian male slithered along beside her, casting a worried glance about himself. The poor dear was terrified she'd finally decide he was worth more to her as a plaything than his money. A fool's notion. Faeril could well remember the male appearing on her doorstep, wringing his hands in desperation as he pleaded with her to come aid his son. A cracked skull from a fall that had been easily healed by another, yet the poor lad's mind had been set on its ear. It had been a easy job and the male had readily agreed to her outrageous rates. A sly smile cold as the frost in the mountains tugged at her lips. The man's fear was well placed. Neither she nor her protector shared any love and a deep emenity towards the Hayllian race. Thus her rates and the fact the male was to buy her a good meal before seeing her home.

The two mismatched pair wandered with the crowd, the male steering them towards a decent tavern. With a stiff pint of ale to fortify himself against his own possible doom. He had talked to several friends of a friend's friend to find her and had known full well that his little opal would not be fair game against her. Poor man, Fae almost pitties him. Boring a slight curve in the crowd, hard eyes noticed the reason as well. Another male filled with rage enough her Healer bit sought to soothe it. But a firm grip on herself shook that notion from her. Saroth was not here to play protector and thus chasing down random folk to berate or mend was out of the question. Yet she felt herself moving a cursed herself soundly in Eyrian. One hand easing about the elbow of the taller male. Her employer gave a protest, but her voice sheathed in ice paused him. "You paid your due for my services, and I have little need for your guidance." Her eyes turned to shards of ice as the Hayllian male quailed and turned tail. Giving a slight smirk she turned her gaze upon her victim. For all essentials her 'help' often was a rock slide that bulldozed any in it's way and while it did leave greener pastures... People often were too stunned to appreciate it for a good second or two. Giving him a steady look, her took his hand in her other one and was off. Will or nil what this poor chap wanted.

Bodily steering the powerful and anger ridden male through the streets, she tossed her gaze about before selecting a likely looking tavern and began to essentially tug boat him in that direction. Her voice softened slightly. Taking the no-nonsense, soft voice she used on the patients needing a gentler touch."Now come along, you look half craze and about ready to snap. Do so on me and you won't like what happens. I give as good as I get- worse some say." She admitted the last part rather with a tad bit of bland disbelief over that fact in her voice. But it was what Gen and many others had told her so where was the lies in what was plainly said.

Gen Saroth

Location: Doun, Askavi

Gone. Gen Saroth gave a ugly snarl as he flung the wood to the side of the cabin he shared with Faeril Ashkevron. A Healer, and reckless fool as far as he was concerned. He could not smell her in the house, nor hear her pacing feet. His brow grew even more furrowed as he entered their home to find a note on the kitchen table. With a massive hand he picked it up gently. Afraid to tear the fragile words. But that only lasted for a moment, for in the next second the note was torn in two. Then three.

Swearing in as many Eyrian and Common phrases as he knew, he stormed to his room. Gone! Faeril, the fool, had gone to Hayll! To Hayll! He well knew the cruelity that could be found there and was not particularly keen on it when he first sampled it. Nor was he keen about the female he had sworn to protect being a victim of it. Oh, but he knew why she had left the note. Knew why she had willingly gone. Those thoughts alone cooled his fire and made him pause. Just as she knew he would. There was a loud thunk as his head slammed against the cottage's wall.

He couldn't go after her. Not to Hayll, he didn't have much of a temper. But Gen knew very well if he went to Hayll he'd be coming back with a war, wanted, or waste for Hell. None of those three things boded any good for him and worse for his companion and friend. Were it the first two? She would fight and claw her way along side him. Loyal to the end. Were it the latter? It would be her end. Well did Gen remember the night when his lover had tried to kill him. It was only Fae being Fae that saved him then. That allowed them to learn from Gen's lover who had sent him and then to track the woman down. Fae had been vicious and brutal. Not allowing the threat to exist. He still felt sick at what she had done, but knew deep inside it was right. That the witch and her little man would have done worse to get Gen. To keep him as their pet.

He sat down heavily on the couch. Watching the sky for several long minutes before strapping on his sword and dagger and plucking his bow from the wall. At least he could keep a eye on the Hayll border by hunting. At least he could do that.

Ravyn Ghosteye

Location: Hyall

This was not a good situation decided Ravyn Ghosteye. Hayll was not a place to be to procure the needed sparklies to survive in her home city of Dharo. Kicking her legs back and forth from her perch on a barrel, the worn black boots scuffing the wood with a steady knock. Her trousers were equally worn and patched. Dusty from her scuffle through the alleys of the city. The worn land was not nice like the other places, and the people here harsher. No, it was not a overly nice place to be for a thief. Aye, a thief. That is what she was at the end of the day. Pulling her prized winter cap low over her eyes and the youthful face frowned as she watched the people walk back and forth. Pulling her knee up to her chest, she wrapped her arms about said appendage and laid her chin on top. There wasn't much she could do here, but the alleys were rife with materials she could use. Someone's refuse was another person's treasure. Giving a small smile, her golden eyes gleaming in amusement. Then again, other people's treasure would be hers too. She was the Procurer after all.

A disturbance in the crowd caught her attention. People moving away from someone, like they had the plague. It was odd, they hadn't don't this before. Her head came up slightly as she noticed a tawny golden male. Who looked like he was ready to commit murder. She had seen that look before in the taverns and pubs, the rougher parts of the cities. Moving the the quick stealthiness of a feral ally-cat (Which she slightly was) she followed him from the shadows. Curious despite of knowing better. Nothing good came from men who were angry or anyone who was angry. Not to mention people were to be cautious about. She bit her lip in irritation. She was utterly vulnerable and Rav hated it. Her mother had perished years prior and left her alone. With no father and no real 'male' friends of her mother's to look to for aid. Not that she would look towards Jariah. He was a nice guy but his wife was incredibly jealous and hated her mother deeply for some reason. Pulling the collar of her worn coat up about her to help shield her face she continued to dog the man's steps from the alleys. Brushing a pale hand across her cheek she wiped away the soot she used to color her hair. Making it a darker grey to match with the Hayllians. Perhaps this man lived some where near? Angry people were not to be met up front and bad to pick the pockets of. But they were a mite careless with their homes and might leave a door unlock or leave a valuable out. Risky, Rav cautioned herself. It would be risky, but her curiosity warred agianst it. Reasoning that someone who looked like that probably had something at least! Or perhaps she could get some news, words sold better than gold sometimes. Angry folk talked loud and let others know their problems. Perhaps he would be the same. Her hand fisted about her messenger bag, as she slipped across streets. Perhaps-es and maybes were things Rav based her life on. Hopefully this one would pan out and make her trip worth it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 13 days ago

Onyx Bright

The markets of Hayll were honestly one of the best places to go if one was looking to buy some pretty awesome things. Onyx wove her way through the cobbled streets, a grey and white Scelt padding along at her side, easily keeping pace with her even though his stride was so short compared to hers. Glancing down at the pup, Onyx slowed down slightly so he wouldn't have to run to keep up with her- but instead of slowing down to stay with her, he just kept running, making circles around her now as they walked. Kirara's energy really was boundless.

Onyx shook her head at the Kindred as the two made their way from shop to shop. They were looking for one specific item today- a set of paints made to glimmer and shine on the paper. Eventually they'd find the right store, but for now Onyx was enjoying spending time with Kirara, wandering the winding roads through the city and looking through all the amazing, interesting things that the many shops would sell.

After a few hours, they found the store that had what they were looking for. As Onyx left the shop, a drawstring bag filled with a rainbow-and-a-half's worth of small jars of paint in her hands, the sun was high in the sky. "Well then little brother. What should we do next?"

"Food! It's food-time!" Kirara's voice rang out happily as he began to sniff the air around them, his ears perking up once he found what direction the nearest scents were coming from. "There's food this way! Follow!"

"Okay, lead on little brother." Onyx smiled brightly as the Scelt wove around the legs of those around them, finding a path for himself and Onyx now since she'd finished her task for the day. Soon they came to a tavern that didn't look too bad from the outside. Onyx was about to open the door for herself and Kirara to enter, but suddenly Kirara wasn't by her anymore. She looked around frantically for a moment, wondering where her little brother had gone, until she noticed him making his way through the crowd to where a gap had formed around one man as he walked down the street.

"Kirara!" She called after him, but he didn't turn around. She began making her way towards him and the man.

Kirara didn't mean to walk away from big sister, it just sort of, happened. As the two were reaching the door to the food-place, he noticed a different smell on the air. A very angry man was walking down the road, and that wasn't good. People should be happy! Like him and Onyx! He knew Onyx would want to help him, Onyx likes helping people, so Kirara was going to just tell her about the man. But, by the time the thought registered in his mind, he was halfway through the crowd already.

He heard Onyx call after him. He just kept walking now though, calling back to her a second before he made it to the man. "Follow!"

"Prince! Why are you angry? Angry is not good!" Kirara sat on the ground in front of the man-prince and cocked his head to the side as a woman appeared behind the man. She began talking to the man-prince and dragging him in a different direction than he had been walking. After a second, Kirara spoke up again. "You should come eat food with us. Food is good!"

As if on cue, Onyx appeared from the crowd behind Kirara just as he finished speaking. It took her a second to realize what was going on, and she bowed slightly to the man-prince before she spoke.

"I'm sorry if Kirara is bugging you..." She glanced over at the Scelt before saying more quietly to just him, "Were you bugging them?"

"No! I'm helping! Angry prince needs food." Kirara answered, way too loudly. "Food always helps."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mikahiel Zypheros

Dirt was lifted into the air as the galloping hooves of a horse trampled the ground at a great speed. It was then that the sight of the dark brown horse nearing the entrance to Hayll. A tattered scarf danced in the violent winds created by such rushing speed. The figure that rode atop the steed was blurred in the dark cloak that wrapped his face and body. He brought his horse to a slow gallop as he neared the entrance where people congested the path he was taking. He maneuvered past these people with the elegant steps of his horse and made his way to a unoccupied stable. There he swiftly rolled off his horse with a kicked out leg and brought its reigns to a pole and wrapped it around the pole. He patted the large head of the animal before letting it dip its head into the water for a drink. ”Drink up ol boy you deserve it.”He muttered before checking his hip for his blade which was safely sheathed on his side and walking off.

Mikahiel Zypheros untied the tattered black cloth from around his face and lifted the cloak off his shoulders. He placed it into his bag which sat on his horse and then lifted the bag from off the horse and carried it with some effort on his back. He made his way down the busy street and found a kind inn. Inside he rented a room and dropped his items off and locked the door for safety. He then looked at the sun as it was still bright within the sky. ”I need a hot meal.” He muttered to himself with a sigh and came from the halls of the inn and out the door. He moved some of his disheveled strands of hair out of his face and stood at the front of the inn trying to figure out which direction to go. Never has he been here before but it was simple. Almost too simple for his tastes.

”A decent bite is all I ask.” He spoke before steadily making his way down the street to observe the shops.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location - Hyall

On a long road from places unknown came a pale figure, appropriately cloaked due to the beating sun and dry air. He was used to the latter of these, but the former was making him sweat much more than he would like. Never again would he volunteer to come to this end of the world, someone else can take the walk from the city to here. He stopped for a moment and put a gloved hand up against the sun, shielding his eyes from the star's harsh rays, and ahead of him he saw a settlement of sorts. "...Good a place to stop as any..." he mumbled, confident that there was no one around to hear him. With a grasp of the canteen on his hip, the man set out for this town, glad to know he's been going in the right direction for the last few hours. The metal container rose to his lips and poured out some life-giving water into his mouth, which was quickly swallowed.

The rest of his walk later, Arsenio Graves began to regret leaving the Winds as early as he did. There was no threat here, this town was actually quite bustling, the dead opposite of what he expected from a town with no shade whatsoever. Based on the heat, he doubted this settlement even had a winter! It wasn't an issue though, he was where he needed to be. He started to look for the nearest inn, disregarding the hole that had formed in the street, or the tall woman chasing after something in the middle of it all, instead following the stride of a man in a blue coat with brown hair. Sure, it was from a distance, but he seemed to know what direction he was headed in. Hopefully it lead to a place to stay for a little while.

Thankfully, it did. Arsenio entered behind the man and booked himself a room, heading up to it soon after. He opened up the door and peered inside, pleasantly surprised to find that it was well-furnished for such a small village. A nice bed, a desk, a dresser even, a room fit for someone on important business. He set down his cloak and some of his traveling gear, keeping his sword and dagger on him as always before heading back down to the first floor. Once there, he sat at the bar and ordered himself a drink before sitting back and engaging in one of his favorite pass times: People watching.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aisha Najm

Location: Hyall

Hyall, a city of money, blood, power and secrets. Aisha had already heard about that city a lot of times, it was always held in such high regards by merchants and tourists. It was said that you could find absolutely anything there. Jewelry, clothes, weapons... If it existed, it was probable that somewhere in Hyall there was a merchant selling it. Aisha's last work was to escort a merchant, and what other destination a merchant would have other than Hyall? After finishing her job, she was left at the entrance of the city, with a nice amount of extra money. Since she never visited Hyall before, that was the perfect chance.

As she approached the entrance of city, Aisha couldn't help but be amazed. There were so many people on there, so many merchants... It wasn't anything like other small towns or villages she visited before. She thought it would take a while for her to get past all those people and enter the city, but in fact it wasn't. As she walked, people slowly got out of the way, staring curiously at her. It was unavoidable... Centaurs were a rare sight at cities, especially one as big as Hyall. Plus, the fact that she had such an exotic appearance, wearing a scarf covering her mouth to protect her from the dirt and sand on the road (which she quickly took it off after receiving the first few stares, because it could obviously be misunderstood by others) and the fact that she had a big glaive and a bow on her back.
It wasn't exactly pleasant, being the center of attentions like that, but she wouldn't deny that it was indeed very practical... She didn't need to stand on lines or anything...

"It is certainly... way bigger than I was imagining..." the young centauress said to herself as she walked through the town, looking around, amazed by the sheer amount of people. By that time, she was already getting kind of used to all the stares, but she couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. She really wasn't used on being the center of attentions. Was something wrong with her appearance?
Before proceeding, she stopped for a second, checking her overall appearance to see if there was anything wrong, weird or that it would draw even more attention and suspicion other than the fact that she was a centauress.

"Ok... Everything seems to be ok." she thought to herself, quickly passing her hands trough her hair, to be sure it wasn't messy, checking her hooves and tail.

But standing still right in the middle of the street wouldn't do any good now, would it?
She didn't knew a lot about the city, but she could easily see where the merchants were located just by hearing the people around her and following them. The noise from many different merchants displaying their products, and trying to sell was pretty easy to hear. From weapons to clothes and food, just like the rumors said, Hyall had it all... Everything you could think about, it was very probable that someone was selling it somewhere in that city.

Aisha hoped she could find some nice accessories for her. She could be a bit more careless with her money. After all, that merchant was quite generous with his reward. She never realized why, since it was a simple job, but she wouldn't deny his generosity. She could afford having some fun at Hyall. It was her first time there, she should enjoy herself. Taste some of the local food, browse the shops...

"If I'm lucky I'll be able to find some things for me." She thought to herself with a smile on her face, as she walked towards the shops.

Being such a big creature as a centaur, it was indeed a bit hard to walk without bumping on anyone, especially in a crowded place like that. Aisha's steps were graceful and elegant, but the sheer amount of people were too much for her to avoid bumping into them forever. Sooner or later, it was bound to happen, and it proved to be sooner than she had imagined. The victim in question was a man almost as tall as her, wearing a white and blue overcoat, with quite a daring half opened buttoned shirt under it. With long, slightly disheveled brown hair with a few white strands, giving him quite an... exotic appearance. He looked almost like one of those bards or traveling artists Aisha saw once on the road.

"I'm sorry... Are you ok? I didn't mean any harm. It's just that it's a bit hard to walk while avoiding bumping into other people in such a crowded place." Aisha said, trying to avoid any unnecessary confusion. She knew that due to her size, a bump could potentially hurt a bit more than it should.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location-Forest; Kindred Area

Her paws slowly pressed into the forest floor while her athletic build body brushed against overgrown bushes. For a while Taiah felt like something was watching her every movement, which wouldn’t have been a problem is this stalker was Theoden, then again the human would have called out Tai. A very strange nickname which was created since the animal’s kin had adopted her. Then again humans were a very peculiar creatures to kindred anyways. Taiah’s grey eyes shifted to the side, a soft growling rumbling within her chest.

The tiger shifted in her stance while staying in place for a few seconds. So far nothing seemed to be following her but the feeling of eyes still made her uncomfortable. Perhaps it was just her imagination. The girl slowly shifted from the sudden stance towards one of the nearby trees. She paced her paws against the plant’s bark scratching away into as if to claim this whole area as her own. In a way she was attempting to take claim to the area but she was also waiting for her stalker to appear. That way they could have a nice long chat.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Forest, Kindred territory.

Naaji realized that there was another tiger on that forest a few days ago... First it was her smell, then some markings on the trees. It made him really curious. Naaji was alone for most of the time, so he got really interested in that new smell. At first, he was really wary of her. He didn't know how she would react, so he simply kept watching her from the shadows, being careful to not show himself. She had a really beautiful fur, and her grey eyes were different from every other tiger Naaji had ever seen.
He knew he was in her area, but still, he couldn't help but be very curious about her. He was alone for a long time, so it would be nice to have someone to talk...

But Naaji wasn't that dumb, he knew that she had already realized that there was someone else watching her, mainly because of her actions, by marking the trees & etc. Staying hidden wouldn't do any good, so after thinking for a bit, he decided to show himself.

Very slowly, he got out of the bush he was into, walking on her direction, letting out a friendly chuff. He wanted to make sure that she wouldn't misunderstand his intentions and try to attack him. Very carefully, he would get near her, sniffing the ground near her to catch her scent.

@Demonic Angel
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dujae continued his walk, his almost knee high boots making no sound as he easily dodged the people avoiding him with his smooth predatory walk. Luckily to add along with that his pants on the tighter side allowed him to be nimble to avoid people who were not making space for him. His black collared shirt giving him an even more elegant appearance.

However, he soon paused as a horse with carriage passed through. His golden topaz eyes narrowed...that horse….it didn’t feel like a norma- he found his gaze pulled from the horse he was staring at to a scelt. He tilted his head and then shook it, he was still very much angry, but he was always calm with kindred. He knelt down to the canine’s level.

”It is reasons I cannot explain to you little brother. As for food….I think I must eat alone for now” He gave another nod and was about to stalk off again when he found himself getting grabbed. Grabbed and tugged. ”Hey?!” He blinked and realized the one pulling him was a healer. fantastic He couldn’t exactly just pull away and get out of there…..and he was hungry. But still, he was randomly getting pulled. A heavy sigh escaped him as she spoke. ”I am fine witchling” He was far from fine as always, but he knew that she would not be able to reach inside and fix what was broken. As he was being tugged he looked to Onyx. ”Of course he wasn’t.” Another sigh as he let himself get pulled into the inn. At least he could buy drinks here...until that bitch called upon him at some inconvenient time. That and this would probably prove to be interesting so why not see what the witchling was going to do with him. Being completely distracted by Fae, he did not notice the pale Glacian people watching.

Location:Forest outside of hyall

As Gen made his way into the forest he would likely notice the quietness of it. It was not as busy a place as other locations, not nearly as full of life. But then, a sound. Deeper in the forest was a man dealing with a horse, but not the usual way. Around the horse’s neck was a rope, but beneath it was the slightest glint of a summer-sky jewel. A whip sound barely made noise as the opal jeweled man laced his jewel power around the whip and hit the horse again. The deep red and black horse reared and seemed too traumatized to actually speak.

Another lash another rear and then the opal jewel gave a small burst of jewel power. The horse tried to shield, but it was too weak. A shatter sound was heard and the horse dropped. Now on it’s side its eyes were open wide and its breathing was heavy. The opal jewel rubbed their hands together and lightly whistled causing another horse to trot in and get the now broken kindred tied to it. The kindred, too traumatized to really do much else slowly got to shaking legs, its head down.


As Rayven not many a person were all that interesting compared to others. However, one man had a pouch of gold sitting on his hip on one side. It was not the largest pouch, but in no way was it small. It was bulging with coins pressed together in it. There was something rather different however about this man. On the other side of his hip rested a coiled whip. Not a normal site in a town filled with merchants, but yet no one seemed to react to the weapon.

The man himself seemed to have an almost cocky air about him. As if he felt he was something incredibly special. He was even whistling softly as he walked the pouch making occasional jingle sounds as the coins hit each other in the pouch. A clearly possibly easy target for the skilled thief if she so chose to go for it. Or was it perhaps too easy?


As Aisha bumped into Mikahiel people continued to walk around them. This was a bustling area full of people and they seemed to be determined to get where they are going. The pair received a few looks varying from annoyance to disgust toward the centaur. Centaurs were not entirely common in this area, but they did not seem to care. That creature was half animal after all.

If the pair were to look around them at the various shops they may notice a rather unusual sight. A shop that sold furs. If they continued to watch they might notice a woman leaving with a bright white fur around her shoulders. The fur had a glimmer to it almost as if it held something more to it. The woman flipped her hair and tugged a man with her and they walked off arm in arm.

Location:Forest within kindred territories

While the two tigers were getting to know each other a small group of men set up their temporary camp. Laughter echoed from them as they moved about and checked their furs from recent kills. Most of the fur seemed normal, but a few had a strange yet beautiful glimmer to them. The furs were not entirely fresh, but it was clear that it was not that long ago that they received them.

Along with that they seemed to have small cages that were meant to hold something. Large enough for tigers these cages looked like they were meant to hold animals. At the moment they all seemed empty. They moved about before they sat down and talked while eating a few rations of food. They were near enough for the tigers to smell them but, not close enough for them to be seen just yet.

Location:Askavi Mountains (Fort Helios-Sky Pass)

All seemed well in the Askavi mountains. An area where those outside of it really had no idea the names of the passes that cut through the mountains or even really the names of the tribes that were scattered throughout. The result of the entire territory in both realms being called Askavi. Those within however, knew a lot more. Their black wings allowing easy navigation through the peaks. Though, they also knew of the problems held in the mountains.

Rihlanders. While the smaller individuals looked identical to eyriens, they were smaller, had more numbers, and were unusually aggressive. They only had one goal. Raiding. It was their way of life and no matter how many of them died they seemed to never endingly swarm eyriens. Today seemed like one of the days they felt the need to try to get past the fort Helios in the sky pass. A rather massive swarm was flying in to the point where they almost blotted out the sun with their numbers. All of them male and all of them with the same goal in mind as the swooped down to try to take out the fort that always somehow managed to keep them at bay. It seemed an obvious answer, but no one said these were the smartest creatures.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

Faeril Ashkevron

Location: Hayll

It was a sigh of relief when Fae was able to steer the man into a nearby inn. It would have been difficult if she had to argue with him and garner her more attention than the Eyrien woman wished for. The odd dog running up to the man was not expected, but he seemed to speak to it. Fae decided not to question this and hold her peace til a later date. Then she would find the answer. Her will was iron forged in ice. Such as it should be, a small inner smirk agreed. She would not be her mother's heir otherwise. Giving a courteous nod to the woman who had ran up after the dog. Her firm voice still soft, soothing really, as she spoke to the woman. "I was about to get some food, when I noticed this one was unwell." Though she offered little more in explanation as she bodily steered the male into the inn and a secluded table. Will or nil he. Giving her current victim a scolding look she would give to any patient at his 'I'm fine.'. The two most hated words for someone like her. She knew something was wrong. It screamed to her senses than something was wronged and after nine hundred years of her Craft... She learned to pay attention to those details. "I am no witchling, sir. But I have not done my job as long as I have without learning 'I'm fine' is the biggest and boldest lie in existence." Her voice still was soft, quiet hard to hear by the passerbys and meant only for he. Though there was a will behind the words set in the icy gaze she fixed on him as hands set him in a seat.

If the Kindred and witch followed, she would also gesture them to a potential chair with the quick efficiency of someone used to working in chaos. Pulling a chair out for herself, and adjusting her wings to best suit the situation. A blessing she was wearing one of her backless gowns that left the small of her back to the loop of the top about the back of her neck bare. Fae never could understand how people could stand the slits in clothing that wings went through. Smoothing the wrinkles from the gown with a irritated glower and small glimmer of magic, she turned the glower to her current 'project'. It was cold of her to think this way, but people were expendable. Generally. This one perhaps was a good bit different. If only for his anger. Gen the Faithless was proof of that. Thinking of her old friend her eyes softened as she returned to gaze at her current problem. Biting at the crook of her forefinger in thought. Gen would have a fit knowing she was turning people's lives on their head, but such was her way.

Giving a sideways look to the other woman. A silent warning and question. Was she to be trusted? Some Healers could not be, those generally stayed out of her way. The wicked thought gave way to a small smirk from the Iron Healer. If she could not be... Well, she did know a good friend of hers who might be interesting in seeing how she was dissected. It was ungracious of her, but she was a professional and not some gossip rag-woman. "Faeril Ashkevron is my name. You, Master 'I'm fine', are certainly not that in either context. So care to inform me as to who you really are, and perhaps even enlighten myself as to the actual problem? Which, I assure you, I am very adept at dealing with and fixing problems quietly and quickly." A quirked brow adding to her consequence. Faeril's voice never rose about a crystal clear and cold casual. Though there was a defined softness to it, as if talking to a spooked or startle creature to sooth it. Faeril neatly hid her smirk behind a concerned looking frown, at the though of this angry and powerful male finding himself treated in such a way. It was as amusing to her as it was probably confusing to him.

Gen Saroth

Location: Forests

Gen sighed as he flew, there was little game out today. At least what he could see from the sky. Landing he moved through the forest the Eyrien paused. Hearing the screams of horse and a lash. A whip's lash. It wasn't a over familiar sound, but once heard it was seldom forgotten. Pausing, the Warlord crouched in the bushes. Regretting that he had not come sooner. He was not overly familiar with the Kindred but they were kind and not of the Blood. Friends. Allies.


As the Landen horse fell, traumatized as it's jewel was shattered. Gen's slow rage burned a slow anger. Faeril would not like this. Not in the slightest. She would want this man, the village would want this man. Readying the bow, strong fingers nocked the arrows and aimed. Not at the man, but the horse. No horse, no easy way out. He sighted for the beast's heart and fired. He did not still his movement there and strode forward, drawing his sword with a snarl. "You bastard." His smooth voice was rough with rage. The only words before he charged the man and strove with a slash. He would take this waste of life alive. He would answer for his crime.

Ravyn Ghosteye

Location: Hyall

A whistling caught her attention. A purse of gold kept it. That would feed her for potentially months. Ravyn's eyes widened as she moved stealthy along. She shouldn't be doing this, she knew it. It was a bad city to steal, far too risky. But it was so very tempting. Far too tempting for a young thief. Salt mines be damned. Some risks were worth taking surely? So she watched the man and followed. Her attention taken from the odd man who had a group form about him. Grouped targets were never a good thing. Too many eyes, too many hands.

Feet slipped along the street and she eased along side the man and moved quickly. Striking like a snake, she slide a dagger along the purse and gave a sharp tug. Freeing the straps that held it to the man's belt. Not waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and fled into the crowd. Darting around and through knots of people, making for the alley as she prepared to cast a slight illusion over herself. Ravyn wasn't sure what it would be yet but she'd have to decide soon.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While Arsenio sat and watched people pass by as he enjoyed his drink, eyes scanning the crowd for no one in particular. Before long, a few interesting faces entered the inn that had no business being in Hyall... unless they did, he had only a vague idea of what kinds of people frequented a town like this. Either way, these people seemed to stand out for one reason or another. One was a golden-skinned Hayllian- no, Dhelman- no, hybrid male, who admittedly looked quite attractive, another was a paler Eryien female. Without a reason to confront them at the moment, he resumed nursing his drink and watching the crowd... though his eyes kept drifting back to the hybrid and Eryien that had entered the room mere moments ago. While the crowd continued to mill about as usual, the Glacian Ambassador's attention stayed firmly on the pair, and thoughts began to drift through his head. Were they a couple? If so, how long have they been together? How would they react to a well-dressed man with pale skin and off-white hair intruding on their conversation? He looked down to his glass to find it empty, and decided that it was a good time to find out.

He got up and meandered on over to the table these two had claimed, taking his time on his way over. Upon his arrival, he quietly sauntered up to the table before speaking, his tone suggesting a noble heritage that was seemingly consistent with his entire body language. "Hello, is it alright if I sit with you, friends? The bar isn't very inter- er... who's that?" he asked as he looked up from the man and woman. On the way down the stairs was another woman, of pale skin and white hair, dressed in an outfit that showed off more than a questionable amount of skin for a lady in this area. She must've been some level of mad, for she approached the two and greeted one like an old friend.

Isadora Lafay descended the stairs that lead to the upper floors of the inn, her natural grace silencing each step. At the landing, she turned and approached the table Faeril was seated at, a disturbingly handsome... something, directly across from her with a Glacian that looked of noble status... at least until his hands were looked at. He wore no signets, and his left hand seemed perpetually glued to his sword, so he was probably an envoy of sorts. Meant to attract little attention besides a glance and a guess at how much money was on him. He then asked who the newcomer to the table was, and as it was Isadora, she answered. "You can call me Isadora," she said, introducing herself and quickly changing the subject to the woman she was familiar with at the table.

"So Faeril, who did you pick up off the street this time?" she inquired, pulling up a chair from a totally vacant table as she ran her eyes over the subject in question. Flawless skin tone, strong jawline, overall a well put together man, though something seemed a little... off. It could be the lighting in the room, maybe it was the sheer amount of black he was wearing... the hair? "Hmm... nope," she mumbled, daring to peek under the table at his pants. They were disturbingly tight even at a glance, she had to wonder how he got around in those, and from that she jumped to the conclusion that those were what was off about him. Her conclusion reached, she had another train of thought run off the rails as she noticed the empty table before them.

"Does anyone want anything to eat? Or drink, for that matter?" she asked, leaning forward onto the table.

"Speaking of, I'll buy whatever anyone wants. Gesture of good will and all," Arsenio chimed, patting the side of his coat with his right hand.

"Good guess on my part, then." A smug grin coated Isadora's face, a distinct sign of victory from her.

"Wait, what?" the Glacian wondered, never to receive an answer.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mikahiel Zephyros

Within the few moments spent within the crowd Mikahiel wound up colliding with a stranger. A gentle bow and an apology was the usual formality. But in this case a gentle exchange could not easily be had. For as the stranger bumped into Mikahiel, who was strolling gracefully, his balance faltered causing him to fall.

His hand met the ground before his body could. Almost sighing with relief at this he rose to his full height and brushed himself off. ”Oaf..” He muttered under his breathe as he brushed dirt off his pants and hands. His gaze had yet to meet the other as he did this. His mind seemed set on the identity of this person.

But as he turned to see who was behind his sudden embarrassing fall he noticed a man and woman linked in arms going to a building. His mind noted of the location, the man seemed fashioned with taste rather than necessity. So his entrance to the building made it seem more worthwhile. He now looked at the stranger, and his eyes widened.

It was his time abroad that has taught him to not stare, or take visible notice of the differences of the beings that took root here and there. But he was fascinated by the differences nonetheless. He felt himself, as a hybrid, to be a bit odd as well. ”Perhaps we both are to blame. Please do not stain your conscious for my poor balance.” He had a gentle smile and finished with a chuckle. His hand swiftly left his side and was raised near the centauress. As they shook he spoke.

”Mikahiel… Mikahiel Zephyros. I am new here and quite famished. Do join me if you will If this place has it I know a brew of tea that will brighten your day.” With that said pointed to the inn he saw the man enter and made his way there. The open window allowed him sight of the customers inside.

He went up to the window and waved to reach the attention of whomever worked there. Upon getting their attention he would make an order. ”Ahh. So, Aisha. How do you like this.. place?” He sat outside and awaited his meal, however a hot teapot sat on the table before him. He poured himself a cup and his guest one two. His legs sat crossed and a smile sat on his lips for the smell of soaking herbs. The water turned a light red and caramel. Like autumn leaves.

”Do let me know if you enjoy the tea. It's a mixture of what I enjoy the most. It reminds me of changing seasons.. which does not seem to happen here.. And I added three cubes of sugar. I hope it's not too sweet.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aisha Najm

Location: Hyall

Aisha wouldn't lie, she was more than just a bit annoyed by the looks of disgust she received from some people. She hated those kind of people... But she was there to relax and have a bit of fun, so she wouldn't let them ruin the day for her. The best thing to do was simply ignore them, otherwise, she would only irritate herself for nothing.

Turning her face towards the man in front of her once more, she was rather surprised by his politeness and education. Even his words had a certain... charm to them, a certain artistic touch. It was hard to explain, but it was there. He was certainly a very charming man. The way he walked, his clothes, even his words seemed like they were all very carefully chosen. He was indeed quite a dashing man... Aisha couldn't help but keep staring at him for a while, averting her gaze when she realized what she was doing.

"I'm terribly sorry, it was entirely my fault. I was a bit distracted..." Aisha said, as they shook hands.
"To be honest, I was a bit preoccupied if there was something wrong with my hair, my clothes or something... I know that centaurs aren't exactly a common sight, but even though..." She said, with a slightly annoyed tone on her voice, obviously referring to the looks of disgust she received.

"I'm Aisha, Aisha Najm. Its a pleasure to meet you, Mikahiel." Aisha said after the man presented himself, with a discreet smile on her face.

The second he mentioned tea, Aisha's ears perked up, moving a little bit, curiosity stamped on her face. She had never tasted tea from Hyall. She often prepared her own. She wondered how would it taste like...
"I wonder how does Hyall tea tastes like... I usually prepare my own." She said, looking towards where Mikahiel pointed and following him. With the corner of her eyes, she saw a strange woman getting out of a store, wearing some type of fur... It had a weird glimmer, but Aisha simply dismissed that as nothing. She wasn't really interested in furs or anything like that.

The inn Mikahiel spoke of was conveniently close, close enough that they could see what was happening inside it by looking through the window. She watched quietly as Mikahiel got closer to the window, waving towards those who were working there, ordering some tea and sitting outside, waiting for it to arrive.

”Ahh. So, Aisha. How do you like this.. place?” Mikahiel asked, pouring himself and Aisha a cup.

"I... Honestly, it's my first time in Hyall... I was hired to escort a merchant here. After I finished my job I decided to visit Hyall. Maybe even find some nice earrings, piercings or chains for me." She said, sitting down near Mikahiel, with both her front and hind legs folded underneath her, almost like if she was kneeling and resting her hands on her lap. Only if it wasn't for the big glaive on her back or the bow, she would look just like a noble lady.

After he poured some tea for her, she delicately held the cup on her hands, holding it for a brief second near her face as she closed her eyes and slowly feeling its aroma. It had very refreshing and delicate scent, it made her remember of Kaeler's plains and groves.
Delicately taking a sip of it, she slowly savored it. It was refreshing and really, really tasty.

”Do let me know if you enjoy the tea. It's a mixture of what I enjoy the most. It reminds me of changing seasons.. which does not seem to happen here.. And I added three cubes of sugar. I hope it's not too sweet.” Aisha heard Mikahiel saying.

Gently putting the cup down, she looked at him with a smile.
"It's really tasty. Thanks for telling me about this place, you really have a good taste for tea." She said, looking to him once more.

"I was really looking forward to a nice tea. I usually prepare my own, but it wouldn't be that... adequate, inside a town, would it?" She said, with a giggle.

"It became a habit, every day, when the sun sets, even if I'm guiding someone through the dense forests of Kaeler, its plains or even the harsh and cruel deserts of Pruul, I will always sit down for a bit to rest and drink some tea." She said, looking to the slightly red, caramel tea inside the cup, letting her memories fill her mind. Even if she was young, she had already passed through so many things, it was sometimes hard to remember that she only had 20 years...

"I'm sorry. I got lost in my own thoughts for a second." She said, sipping her tea, letting her eyes wander around, eventually meeting Mikahiel's.

She couldn't wonder but to think how that man stood out amongst the rest of the people there. Even if she was a centaur, he didn't treated her bad or looked to her with disgust. She had even bumped into him, and yet, he was so kind to invite her for a tea...

"I... Thank you being this kind, Mikahiel. I was really getting a bit irritated with the stares I was receiving... But your politeness made me forget about them. And this tea... It indeed brightened up my day!" she said, with a smile.

"Would you like to get something to eat? Please, let me pay. It's the least I can do after I bumped into you like that." She said, nodding her head in a very discreet bow.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Inside forest, Kindred Territory

It was rather unusual seeing another tiger in her area. Then again there always seemed to rarely be any while she was around. It wasn’t the fact of the other creature being curious but more of the fact that he was more or less stalking the tigress. Something which wasn’t welcomed in her mind set. All that Taiah could do was wait and see it what this tiger would do.

Honestly the chuff had caught her off guard. Most of the time she would have been attacked in order to be forced to leave a specific area. Then again that was wolves and this animal in front of her was a tiger. Very different from each other with different behaviors. It was noted that the male chuffed in order to say I mean no harm. He ever slowly walked towards her adding to the non aggressive approach. The odd matter was his ground sniffing. Did this tiger enjoy her scent this much?

Taiah moved her body downwards, tail moving to the right as if cowering from the tigress’s movement. In a way this action had made no sense to the other party but to her it did. It was mostly to see if the male would run away or if he would stay and continue. She mentally hoped the tiger would stay. She missed another animal’s company and her human’s presence would never help this longer. No matter how much they considered each other family.

If this male continued to walking towards her than her paw would be moved upwards. Not in a threatening manner but more for a playful intentions. The female would continue the motion playfully swipe at his head. Though the translation would be all for the male to decide. That was until human voices filled the still air. Her body tensed as the people’s scent mixed with kindred furs.

” If you want to live I would stay away from those scents. They’re bad news. I’ll be taking my leave now and you can do what you want.” Taiah said walking in a North Easterly direction.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Forest, Kindred territory.

After seeing that it was safe to approach her, Naaji did so a bit more brazenly. It was the first tiger he was seeing in some time. He longed for company of his own species. The Arcerian were... strange. Naaji always were very careful around them, since they could easily kill him. Even if they treated him well, or even ignored him, he was never truly relaxed near one.

As he got closer to her, he got a bit preoccupied by her sudden change in posture, but he stood there. He was very curious about her, and that may be the only chance to find company in a long time... Naaji would soon perceive that his persistence would reward him. The second he got closer to her, she started playfully swiping her paw at him. He got really happy when she did that. That meant she accepted his presence, right?

Naaji's reaction to that was almost instant, with him swiping back at her and laying down on the ground, giving small, playful bites on her legs, trying to make her fall down on the ground.

But something made him stop. A strange scent in the air. It smelled like humans, which normally was something good, as he liked to watch them. But this time there was another smell in the air. Fur. He knew what those humans were. They were hunters. Naaji never liked them that much. It wasn't even close for the hate he felt for Hayllians, but he didn't like them that much either.

” If you want to live I would stay away from those scents. They’re bad news. I’ll be taking my leave now and you can do what you want.” Naaji heard the tigress saying.

"They're hunters... I can smell fur..." He said to himself, immediately getting up. But when he tried to look for the tigress, she was already walking away.

Surely, Naaji wouldn't let her go that easily, so he ran after her, rubbing himself on her after he got nearby her and walking side by side with her.

"I'm Naaji. Would you mind if I followed you?" He asked, chuffing and playfully biting her ear.

@Demonic Angel
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rathe Grey & Chiya!
Location: Askavi Mountains, Fort Helios, Sky Pass

Fort Helios. A grand design placed in the pass that split the Askavi Mountains, called some way adequately Sky Pass. It is here that the fort had stood against countless invasions and attacks for just over two centuries. Garrisoned by some of the finest men the Askavi nation could muster. At the head stood Rathe, Warden Commander of Fort Helios and Lord-Defender of the Pass.

Out for his daily routines Rathe walked along the upper ramparts, dressed in full gear and always ever alert for the unannounced strike against the Askavi lands. As his feet fell against the cold, windswept stone one after the other. It was always cold this high up and it wasn't an odd event to have it snow even in Summer when this high up. However, it was this height that gave the fort it's tactical advantage. Any higher and intruders couldn't fly, leaving them to either brave Fort Helios or spead weeks navigating the treacherous mountain passes. Though with Rathe walking the ramparts it was a sure bet that the mountains would be safer. Yet even with that fools still tried to beat the wrath of Rathe and his men. Today was no different than any of the others over the past 200 years and the outcome will be the same.

This time, like always, Rathe was not walking the ramparts alone. The Kindred Wolf that he saved a few years ago and couldn't seem to get rid of. Though he'd never want to, Chiya was his best and only friend. And while he's never told Chiya that, he seemed to understand. Happily prancing along, keeping pace with a cheery gait. His tail wagging so fiercely that it threatened to fly off and get launched to the stars. "I hear something! Like voices!" He chimed up, running instead of after Rathe to an arrow slit in the ramparts, looking out at the horizon, or at least he would've had he been tall enough to leap over the cusp.

Rathe, witnessing this adorable little feat slowly walked over to him and reach down with a single massive hand, scooping up the pup and putting him on the edge so he could look out into the horizon like he had originally planned. Looking out at the horizon with his friend the two saw how beautiful the wild world was. It was gorgeous and wonderful. Yet it couldn't fool either. They knew what dangers bred like rabbits out there and now more had come to their walls. Rathe looked out at the land to see a threat and where it was, but it wasn't until Chiya chimed up again to add, "Look in the sky!" DId he look up to see what at first looked like a black cloud. Yet, he knew the truth of what it was. Letting out a grunt he picked Chiya from the edge and set him back on solid, contained ground, before walking off briskly to one of the massive bells that were set up on the wall. "Protect your ears." He said to Chiya, who very quickly put his head down and paws over his head. Once that was done he gripped the chime of the bell and begun to swing the heavy metal thing back and forth, causing a resounding clang to echo through the entire fort. With the clangs came his voice, "To arms! To arms! To arms! All men to their stations!"

Within but a few minutes the men of Fort Helios were roused from breakfast and some even from sleep as they scrambled to to armor and weapons. Having been trained, drilled, and experienced in handling situations like these, several ranks were already at their volley points. More still at the artillery stations as their weapons were either themselves or mounted on the walls in the form of ballistae and trebuchets. Yet even as the first few hundred men grew ready they did so before the enemy was in range. Thanks to Chiya's supernatural ears they had removed the enemy's element of surprise. Before long the entire fort was at arms and ready to fight.

Rathe stood on the highest tower of the fort, overlooking the fields and his own men as they readied all weapons they had to bear. His tower was the forward most place as well, so he could even see down the front facing wall of the keep to ensure that all positions were ready to fight, and so that he could give commands. The first of which, "Artillery! Ready!" Waiting a few moments as the artillery stations and mages took aim and drew upon their power. As the swarm came closer he waited and waited, watching them get closer and closer until finally, "Fire!" All across the fort mages and ballistae let fly their long range bombardment to the swarm. A few moments passed as the bolts and blast flew through the air until finally making contact. Energy blasts exploding and clipping many sets of wings at once. Bolts from ballistae punching holes through the swarm and many Rhilander bodies. Even from so far away Rathe could see as the clumps of bodies well from the sky. Again and again, wave after wave was fired at the swarm, taking down hundreds of bodies, but still the swarm was only minorly shrinking, just as the shadwo began to cover the fort.

Turning to his men, Rathe smirked, which many people could say is almost more concerning. "Thank our assailants men! For they had seen to giving us the pleasure of fighting in the shade! Enjoy it while it lasts and know that in their passing, their final deed was a minor convenience for us! Archers! Open Fire!" At the closing of his speech the archers on the upper and lower rampants drew, took aim, and unleashed volley after volley on the approaching Rhilanders, peppering them with hundred of arrows. Still more of their numbers fell as magic, arrows, bolts, and arcanic seige fire lit up the approaching swarm. Greatly reducing their numbers.

Rathe watched as his men did their duty, killing for Askavi and their family behind the walls. Yet he had done nothing but direct his men so far and that would not do any longer. With Harbinger in hand he pointed the blade at the swarm, readying his aim and power before taking several broad swipes and lunges with his weapon. As if making some sort of dance or training drill with his weapon. Yet on each cresendo a deep, dark grey lash or pulse of energy struck out, growing in size and reaping havoc upon the gathered swarm, cleaving swaths of blood to be cut from countless Rhilanders as the strokes continued through their unprotected bodies. Of all the men on the wall Rathe was still the most devastating in combat and he wasn't going to let anybody beat his kill count. So he continued his dance of death, twisting his weapon like it was a part of his own body. All the while cutting apart hordes of foes.

However, much like many battles with enemies of this size, they could not keep them at range forever and as their swarm was cut to a mere quarter of it's size, they reached the ramparts. The small, mischievous, and violent invaders attacking the archers first and very quickly overwhelming several who were carried away and cut to pieces by countless blades and claws. Although as it continued on the vanguard arrived with their spears, swords, and hammers. Piercing, slashing, and smashing at them to repel all boarders, sending most over the edge of teh castle for the wolves to reclaim.

Rathe still in his Warden's Tower watched as the swarm was being repelled at the wall and while the landed Rhilanders fought the vanguard he drew up his blade in hand and stretched his great wings taking flight with a great surge and charged into the swarm, erecting a magical barrier to leave him with a shielded bubble in a crowd of flies. Cutting around with his physical weapon to cut Rhilanders in twane. Yet for each one he cut another hundred seemed to be around him, swarming. As they surrounded him and walked right into his trap he quit swinging and instead started to summon all of his power inside, building up for several moments before with a great roar he let it all erupt out and surge past his form to burn and melt away the gathered Rhilanders. Killing countless and blasting a huge hole in their swarm. At that stage their numbers had be reduced so much that many of the stragglers became flapping at top speed away from the fort. With their forces in full retreat Rathe flew and hovered gently before his men on teh ramparts. Harbinger held firm in hand as he watched those swho remained be put to the sword.

Returning to the ramparts he started to walk past his men, "How many fell in the attack? His question simple and cold, showing no sign of remorse or regret for the fallen. Yet that did not mean he didn't care. He needed to know how many he must honor and ask for their eternal vigil from the after life, to keep and protect their vows, and to ensure that Ashkavi will always be safe.

"Twelve my lord. Died with sword in want, faithful to their oaths." A captain among his ranks declared, approaching, saluting, and reporting to code. Rathe nodded in kind and walked away with teh captain following, "Have their bodies dressed and their graves prepared. I will preform the rights myself. Get messages to their families. Tell them all that they passed honorably." Rathe said in response, always volunteering to provide the last rites of his men. To him it's more than sending to to teh beyond, it's about honoring them for their faithful and loyal service. And of course to request they stay and keep to the walls of Helios to watch over their fellow men and to keep Eternal Vigil of Ashkavi. It was never something he wanted to do, but he owed it to each and every soul who was his subordinate as their loyalty and devotion could never be repaid, so this was just a small offering he could make to start repaying that debt.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 13 days ago

Onyx Bright

As Dujae knelt down to speak to Kirara, the Scelt jumped forward and licked the prince's face. "You are too angry, you need to come with us!" He licked again before stepping back slightly, bowing in a playful pose while his tail began to wag. "Big sister and I will help you!" As Onyx's question was answered, he then turned his attention to Fae.

"Food is good. We're going to get food too. We should all get food together!" It didn't seem to occur to the Scelt that certain people *cough*Onyx*cough* may not want to be around other people at the moment. Or ever, really. Still though, as Kirara began to follow the Woman who was now dragging the Prince, Onyx followed quietly. She didn't trust this place enough to let Kirara go very far from her. When the group was finally within the tavern, Onyx sat quietly as a chair the woman motioned her to, sighing inwardly at the now forced interaction Kirara had gotten her into.

The Scelt in question, blissfully oblivious to Onyx's discomfort around the two, jumped up on the table and curled up on the corner between where Onyx and the prince sat. His dark eyes watched the prince carefully and with a much calmer tone than before, while the other woman finally introduced herself.

"Faeril Ashkevron is my name. You, Master 'I'm fine', are certainly not that in either context. So care to inform me as to who you really are, and perhaps even enlighten myself as to the actual problem? Which, I assure you, I am very adept at dealing with and fixing problems quietly and quickly."
"It's nice to meet you Faeril." Onyx said out of habit, not meaning it at all. It was never nice to meet new people. New people usually meant problems. Why did Kirara like people so much? "Although, if I may ask, why do you care about helping him so much? No offence to your instincts, but I don't believe I ever heard him ask for any help."

With this she turned to Dujae, bowing her head slightly before continuing to speak. "Unless my own instincts are wrong, Prince. But, I don't sense that you are hurt in any way that I could help with, so I have no idea why Faeril or myself would feel drawn to you." She reached over to pet Kirara's head, and the Scelt made a low, happy noise as she did, closing his eyes to better enjoy the attention.

"I'm only still here because this one says I should probably eat before we head back home for the day... unless you do need me for anything, Prince."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

location: Inn in Hyall

Dujae, much to his amusement, found himself being steered into an inn after being licked by a scelt. Not a bad place, though he had been there once or twice and the innkeep stiffened as soon as he saw him. Probably because he left a mess the last time….the mess being two individuals who had absolutely insisted. Ah well, not his problem anymore. His golden topaz eyes focused in on the eyrien as she spoke and he gave a small shrug. ”Though...Why would I lie about being fine? As for witchling being that I do not know your name...witchling is what I go with” Then he found himself shoved into a seat before he could even protest. A blink as he looked at her again. A twitch of his mouth the only give away that he found this absolutely entertaining.

Dujae watched her thinking and lightly rested his head on his hand. The black tinted nails betraying nothing but a slight unusuality perhaps even an eccentricity to him that most men did not possess. On one finger was a black colored ring with a crest imprinted upon it. The silence did not seem to bother him, if anything he seemed to be enjoying it. That is until the eyrien finally spoke. ”Ah so thats your name. Now i can stop calling you witchling. As for me...while ‘master I’m fine’ is probably suiting, my name is Dujae SaDiablo.” Now there was a curiosity to those golden topaz eyes. Everyone always reacted differently to the name. This was a testing pause before he continued. ”As for my problem, I assure you that I will not be informing you of such things.” His eyes betrayed nothing of what was held within him. Though he was also highly confused as to why this person had grabbed him in the first place…..why would anyone want to grab him?

Dujae flicked his eyes toward onyx and her Scelt with a look of amusement. Clearly, that one had no dealings with mental healing by her statements. Two healers and a scelt in one day, this was an interesting evening after all. ”I certainly won;t hold you here.” Golden eyes flicked between them wondering what on earth he was supposed to do with two healers and a scelt.
Though, Dujae soon found himself knocked out of his thoughts with the arrival of a noble Glacian. Golden eyes flicked to the man and slowly scanned the man from head to toe. The feeling of his stare when he was studying someone was usually described as feeling as though he was stripping everything away and peering at the soul in that moment. Seeming satisfied he gave a shrug and was fully prepared to answer when another made their appearance.

Dujae did another sliding look before quirking a brow as he followed her gaze. A mouth twitch soon followed. He did not seem to have to speak at all….this was different. He quietly sat there with his head resting on his hand while they spoke then still without saying a word seemed to procure a red pouch of gold coins from nowhere and thumped it on the table. ”No no….please let me i do plan on getting incredibly drunk….and i believe this should do it for me and have left over and i plan on this pouch being completely empty” Given that it was not his money anyway.

Before Dujae could completely enjoy what he just tossed to them he heard a very familiar voice. One of one of the consorts for the bitch. He leaned back to listen in. Oh yeah the queen totally has him by the balls. He may act tough but she knocks him in his place so damn easy. Such a queens pet Dujae gave an eye twitch and slowly stood. A process that held a fluidity that should not be possible for a man. Then the room got cold. People who noticed quickly made their exit while the table where the consort sat still held the group who now seemed to be laughing. Dujae’s eyes were hardened into a much paler color topaz as he rolled a shoulder causing the chain with his jewel to move ever so slightly allowing the jewel to peek out before being hidden once more.

Dujae’s moves were elegant...yet predatory as he slowly walked, the room somehow managing to drop in temperature more past the point where breath could be seen. His voice was a purr as he spoke. ”Keal. Dear consort. You do well to be more observant before speaking of those in the same room He slightly leaned and caressed the man’s jaw before suddenly the man was being held by the throat. The man dangled there while Dujae squeezed. The man managed to move a hand to a ring and soon there was a low hiss of pain from Dujae. ”Someday she won’t be able to save you….someday you will be unprotected…..and when you are consort the Sadist will come out to play” He slammed the man into a table before turning. He got to the doorway before pausing, leaning heavily on it, his head tilted down as he willed the pain to go away….but he knew it wouldn’t. He straightened after a few more moments and swiftly exited. The room slowly returning to normal temperature as he made his way to the castle. A much larger gap being made as he stalked his way there.

location: Forest outside of Hyall

The landen horse fell after being struck by the arrow causing the man with the opal jewel to turn and throw up a shield. This shield was very much visible due to Gen being above him in jewel strength. The slash hit the shield and the man was shoved backwards by the force of the hit. Clearly from the way he was now looking at Gen he had been taken off guard when he very much did not want to be.

Meanwhile, the deep red horse flinched away from the now dead landen. Upon closer inspection it was clear that this horse was female….and a healer. The mare moved back on shaking legs. She seemed to shell shocked to help with her birthright that now hung around her neck. A yellow jewel could not do much even if she was in better condition.

The opal jeweled man meanwhile uncoiled his whip and lashed it out in an attempt to get Gen away from him. A last probably futile attempt to defend himself from the higher jeweled man.


The man stopped whistling and patted where his pouch was only to notice it gone. He began to uncoil his whip when a hand lightly met his and slid up his arm. The change in Dujae was obvious. Half lidded golden eyes and his shirt was very much unbuttoned to expose a good portion of his chest. A coldness swept around them. This...was the SaDist. He lightly trailed his hand around the slaver and caressed the man’s jaw. Dujae was not just on the killing edge...he was dancing on it.

The slaver swallowed while Dujae walked around him a hand trailing as he went. ”P-Prince SaDi?” There was a low chuckle before a black tinted finger nail shushed him. ”Whipping a child? Oh my you have gone low...even for you The man swallowed as Dujae moved back and raised a hand. In a swift movement it turned and the man dropped while Dujae smiled. Then His hand went back and the people nearby could swear they heard a whip before the man had a deep lash mark on his side.

Dujae then spun on his heel and walked after the barest of eye twitches. His movements still predatory, but held a lot more sexuality to the sway of his hips. He paused when he found Rayven. His head tilted and his eyes were still half lidded. ”I would recommend going elsewhere. I would recommend-” A hiss suddenly escaped that ended with a jaw clench from him before he gave a nod and continued on his way. Though one man did get tossed hard into a wall for muttering something.
The slaver meanwhile slowly got to his feet holding the large wound he had on his side. He touched a ring for a moment before starting his hunt for the brat that stole his gold.


From the vantage point of Aisha and Mikahiel they could see the bustle of the area. Perhaps even the surge in a gap as Dujae walked past. They might even catch a glimpse of his sexual walk and the slight coolness of the area around him before he was too far past the duo.

Several people who had avoided the prince made their way into various shops. On one side of the shop with the furs was a rather cozy looking jewelry smith. In the windows there was extravagant necklaces and body chains. A shop where the jewelry smith clearly knew what they were doing with metal. However, all stores were dwarfed by a rather large shop that took up three shops in size. It held a sign stating proudly The Crimson Brothers This store held all things art and three specialists in their fields.

The inside, just from a glance in the windows, was just as extravagant as the outside. There was all things art. Music, painting, sculpture, all in one store with the specialists working in the back in their favored art. Odd clear jewels in a spear like shape held pre recorded music and in cases beside them held the tools to have them play. Done in such a way that even a landen could listen to the musical spears. Instruments lined the walls on one side with the other side holding painting and sculpture tools. The store was more expensive, but with good reason. Everything contained within was of the best quality. The brothers themselves were Hyall-Dea Al Mon triplets that all held a red jewel and had been doing their respected craft for a very long time.

location:Forest Kindred Territory

As the two tigers played and then eventually left, the hunters continued their socializing. One man out of the group stood and walked off...something about relieving himself. After he did so he happened to look down and spot paw prints.

The man silently made his way back to his group to gather them and point out the prints. There were several hushed whispers some having the idea to leave them alone since they had so many furs and others saying what would the harm be in having some more. One idea though stood out. Capture them and take them to the queen where their jewels could be broken. Kindred were after all a social uplifter so why not gift the queen with two live ones. They did have cages after all.

Once this plan was agreed upon they gathered their supplies and started to silently head out after the tigers. Their group fanning out and ensuring that more than half were downwind and therefore unable to be smelled by the creatures.

location:Askavi-Fort Helios-Sky Pass

After the battle ended and all was said and done some of Rathe’s men went and searched the bodies of the Rhilanders. After a few moments one of the men returned and held out a letter with a tad bit of confusion written on the Eyrien’s face. Why would a rhilander of all beings have a letter. Let alone a letter with that deep red wax seal that held a rather extravagant sigil pressed in it.

Once the letter was opened rather fanciful writing would greet the Eyrien and held the following:
To the warden,
If you are reading this then you have taken down yet another raid. I congratulate you in your success. I do ask something of you given your great prowess. I implore you to come from your high peek and join me in Hyall for a ball tomorrow where we can speak about our futures. I do hope you can make it for I do look forward to our speaking.
Heketah queen of Hyall

There was no threat there, but the knowledge that this raid was sent just to get this simple letter to Rathe in particular was most likely a bone chilling realization. No care about who all died and sending a group to their deaths just for one letter to be found and read.


Askavi being the large mountainous range that it was, the chaos at Sky pass went unnoticed by groups further away. For them it was another relatively uneventful day. Eyriens moved about while a few shot into the air to train in their aerial combat skills. The master of the sword watched a few younger Eyriens train in front of him with his arms crossed, he seemed partially lost in thought. Sul’ryk had been training most of the afternoon, teaching what he knew to those below him in age and experience. However, the day was drawing to a close for him as the sun had begun setting. He had worked himself to exhaustion as he always did. If a sweat wasn’t made then there was no accomplishment to his day. It didn’t take long for him to return to his dwelling, the prized remains of his mother’s old home. Quiet as usual.

He made his way to his old room; It was much cleaner and well kept than when he was younger, having the master of the sword taking him in and disciplining him in order to straighten the young boy out. Sul’ryk removed his old training clothes, folded them up for wash, and soon enough fell asleep.

As sleep overtook him he was greeted with a rather unusual dream. A woman of all gold from her skin to her hair made an appearance with a soft smile. Her voice seemed to resonate around him rather than her actually move her lips. It is time. You must find your blood Sul’ryk” With that the dream twisted and contorted to show a library and then a book. The book was opened and pages flipped until it paused to one with a very family symbol. One once forgotten. Find your roots Her parting words echoed in his mind before the dream swirled. Now wake up The dream vanished and he would find himself waking up whether he wanted to or not. The sun outside barely rising as if he had slept the whole night.

The symbol and the dream in its entirety would be remembered as any dream from the spiders was. For when they decided to send a message they made sure that message was remembered. Confusion took his mind as he was jolted awake from his vision. Finding his blood? Sul’ryk had soon sat up in his bed, grabbing the back of his head and rubbing it. He had relatives other than his mother? He shook his head; There was no possible way that he had anyone else but something in the back of his mind said otherwise. Soon he stood and made his way to the Master of the Sword.

”Master...I had the strangest of dreams-”

The master of sword looked over and raised a brow at the boyo. Being that he had gone to prep his area for training that morning he was already pretty awake. What is it boyo? His focus went entirely on Sul’ryk as he straightened and leaned against a post.
Sul’ryk spoke up.

” It was of a woman in gold. She spoke of me having blood...of a sibling. But the thing is- he went over to one of his tables and withdrew a writing implement and parchment. He began to draw a picture, a picture of the symbol he saw in his dream. It was the symbol of his heritage.

”She only showed me this. I-I don't understand what this means. Maybe you do?” He asked with curiosity.

The master of the swords moved to watch Sul’ryk as he drew. He was silent, but his gaze was intensely focused upon the art. Then he saw a crest he was all too familiar with. His eyes softened and he nodded. ”It’s your heritage boyo. You’re father’s crest.” He paused before giving a more familiar hard look. ”You need to follow what that dream told ya. If you need to hunt down a sibling….you go do it. The suggestion was more of a hard statement as those eyes bored into Sul’ryk. He was not about to let the boy not follow it...especially when there was a woman of all gold involved.

”I have...a sibling? Why didn’t my mother tell me I had a brother...or sister.” He shook his head and paced about momentarily before pausing.

”By the way...Master-” He sighed.

”I saw this in a library. What library would hold this crest?”

The master of the swords nodded and then hesitated. How would he explain this. How could he? A few more moments before he spoke. ”He was your half brother from your father. When his mother….forced your father out, your father...changed.” His tone was somber as he spoke of a man that he had known for so long. He regained his composure and looked at the crest again before remembering where the other boy was born. ”Hyall or Dhelman. Either would have what you are looking for”

Sul’ryk smirked before it grew to a smile when he heard he had a brother. That smile faded when he was reminded of that day. His father being denied and Sul’ryk's attempt to stop him. He was abandoned, left behind to endure the abuse of his mother. He looked towards The Master for guidance.

”What do you know of the two places? Hyall and Dhelman…”

The master of the swords watched the smile fade and understood it. He tilted his head as he thought back to when he frequented Dhelman and what he knew of Hyall. ”Dhelman is very much a peaceful place while hyall…..is different. I am not sure what is going on there, but something is happening” A hand went to his chin as he thought his expression one of someone in deep thought. ”If you wanted to find everything on that boy you would be likely to find the most in Hyall itself.”

With that Sul’ryk quickly bowed and left the Master's quarters. He made his way back to his old house and packed. Clothes, food and a few extra weapons made their way into the bag and on his person before he took to the skies for Hyall.

’ Different? How is it different?’ he thought to himself as his flight took him towards Hyall.

As he flew, the mountains he knew so well flattened out and became thick forests. Lush life was visible everywhere until...it wasnt. The grass gave out to dirt and the few trees that occupied the territory of Hyall were bare. The land looked sick. As if it had not been healed for some time, as if it had been ignored for other things. However, while the earth was barren looking, the city contained on it was bustling. A merchant town through and through that lead to a rather overly large castle. There was most certainly something...different...about this place.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

Faeril Ashkevron

Location: Hayll
Snaketooth Counter: 24 days left

Giving a sigh, the Widow's eyes slide to the Healer and dog. "I care because it is my duty to. Often those who do not ask, need the Healing the most." Inclining her head stately to the Sister, she gave her a apologetic look. Not expecting her to be anything other than offended. "My dear, while you may not sense something. I have been doing my Craft a good deal longer." Her voice was soft, trying to avoid the insult.

Dujae SaDiablo. The Sadist. Faeril's gave a light chuckle at the whims of fate. How curious was it that her current patient was the man who referrenced a good many of her clients to her. For one service or another. Distraught and in tears over their situation and willing to pay. They couldn't even turn about on her for the lectures she gave them about the proper protocol for bedding a male. The empty headed chits. It was honestly the aspect of her job she took a tad bit too much joy of. "The Sadist. A pleasure to meet one who sends so many clients my way." Her grey-blue eyes danced with amusement, as she idly traced the wood grain of the table. Oh, this was going to be fun. Already she heard the firm refusal in his voice that he didn't need healing and for a split second she pitied him. How many people had told her the same thing? How many times had she listened and heeded them? The answer was simply how often Gen could intervene. Oh, it was so very amusing! "However, I assure you, you- Dujae SaDiablo- will be informing me. I am a incredibly patient and persistent especially when you, my dear, need healing." Her gently smile turned to a stern frown. "More to the point and fact, I am a Healer. Thus as healing is my Craft and duty I cannot merely let you go without trying. For I too have a reputation."

Let him make of that what he would. She was not the most well known of Healers, but she was good, relentless. As a Widow, she was even less known. A rumor of a rumor, the whispers of a spider to a fly. To the fact those who sought her out for both her aspects were oft desperate or insane. The prices for that sort of thing was high. Her skill as a Healer, however, was what she made herself known for. As she once told her Sisters, 'Let them think they are safe with the Healer. With the one to tend the wounds you have caused, my Sisters. Let them think my hand as the savior and salvation. Then...' She was distracted by her thoughts by two newcomers. One a Glacian male who earned himself a icy stare of disapproval for his interruption. The other, however.

Her eyes thawed as they gazed upon her Sister, Isa. One of the few Faeril allowed close. With a purr, she gestured between her victim and Sister. "Dujae SaDiablo, Isadora Lafay. My dear, this poor soul believes he does not need my aid." The disbelief in that sweet tone was faux as someone telling another the sky was purple with pink poka dots. However as she turned back to SaDiablo, he was standing. She had caught a tad of what another table was saying and was able to discreet they were speaking of the 'Queen's Pet'. The Sadist, who mercilessly smashed the Consort into the table before limping off. Faeril's eye frozen to the arctic chill that the room had been heading towards. Standing with a grace that spoke of deadly predators, and a pride that was not merely talk she stalked towards the poor beaten consort. Her face however smoothed to a calm, her brows crinkled in worry. Though not for this poor fool.

"And that foolsih man, seems to have never had proper manners. Don't you agree dear?" She smiled with a bone chilling sweetness, the latter bit said to Isa. "To harm another in front of a Healer! No manners at all." Kneeling down next to the poor man, she laid a hand against him with a croon of affection that a woman might give a handsome man. Anyone who knew the Ice Healer would know it as a spider casting her web over the oblivious bastard. "But how awful for that Sadist to do such a thing to you! Here now, let me tend those wounds. He really was quite out of line, wasn't that Queen's Pet?" She plucked a cup from the table and offered it to the fallen consort with worry and concern written all over her face. "Now come somewhere quiet so I can fix you up proper like... You handle that brute well! Sending him running!" She bit her lip in concern- though it was that Isa might play along and not for this fool to get better. Rather he would pay a price. A price for harming her patient!

Gen Saroth

Location: Forest

With a deep laugh, Gen shielded his body with his power and grabbed the whip. Wrapping it about his forearm as he yanked the lash from the man with all his Elyrien strength. Bringing his sword up in a sharp motion that would keep the fool from spilling his blood on the keen edged blade. Saroth brought it down sharply with a bit of his Green jewel's power to shatter the shield. The pommel smacking the man on top of the head with the hope of knocking him senseless. But the warrior wasted no time. Cutting the rope from the landen horse's neck, the Warlord wasted no time in hogtying the man. Making damn sure it was uncomfortable. For good measure, he tore the man's Jewel from him and his shirt. The first went into Gen's own pouch, the latter was fashioned into a gag and shoved into the man's mouth.

One problem taken care of, Gen sheathed the sword and tossed the lash to the side. Turning towards the Jeweled Healer with a slow motion. "Easy there, Lady-o. I'm here to help with what I can if you'd let me." He gave the mare a boyish grin, as his voice remained in it's 'soothing' tone. Something that only worked on Razor Tongue when she had a traumatic loss of a patient. Works on Ashke, it ought work on a terrified mare. Slowly he gently touched the mare's shoulder, hoping those hooves wouldn't lash him or his prisoner. Slowly he worked the ropes about her free and dropped them to the ground. Keeping himself talking either to ease his nerves or the mare's he wasn't sure. "Gen Saroth's mine name. That sorry sod over there is going to pay for hurting you, dear. I know you're some sort of Healer, or I hope I'm not misreadin' something and insulting you. But I've got a Healer friend as well, she'll see to it he gives us every ounce of information, then make sure he can never hurt another. You can come along, and I'd rather you did. Ashke can look you over, help you deal with what that bastard did. Lest, you got some place you gotta be?" He slowly back away, keeping himself between the mare and her tormentor. Not exactly a smart place to be. But he did want Fae to take a look at the man. A look then some. Shattering a jewel was cruel business.

Ravyn Ghosteye

Location: Hyall

Ravyn looked in shock as the man she had thought to first rob, distracted the slaver. Not merely that, but he had followed her into the alley and suggested she flee. Something she was intending to do anyways. There was no reason to stick about and face the backlash- literally- when she had what she came for. Though her own golden eyes widened when she spied the black jewel that hung from his neck. Her jaw dropping slightly. "B-black..." She whispered, horrified she ever thought of robbing him. A near miss too many for this day.

Taking his advice to heart she gave a short nod to the man and turned on her heels racing down the alley and for the exit of the city. Hoping to catch a wind back to Dae Al Mon. That slaver would in no way dare to enter that territory. Her kin's witches were notorious for their tempers. She doubted they would let one sorry man like her oppressor in their borders. She'd just have to keep her head down. And that was exactly what she moved to do.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Hyall

As the banter continued at the table, Dujae got up and left to confront someone that had apparently been badmouthing him. The air cooled to what Arsenio considered a pleasant degree, and it took him several seconds to link this homey temperature to hybrid that was advancing on what was apparently a consort of a queen. In another moment, said consort was slammed into a nearby table before the more threatening of the two made for the door. There, he paused for a moment before ducking out.

While this was certainly a surprisingly violent display from someone he had just met, Arsenio watched with a level of interest characteristic of someone that liked watching people flare up. Right as Dujae left, he noticed the bag of gold left behind on their table, and the good Samaritan in him demanded that it find its owner. As far as the Glacian knew, the bag belonged to the man that just broke a table with someone, and so it was swept up by him and tucked onto his belt. Immediately after this, he made for the door without a word to either Faeril or Isadora. Rather than lean on it and wait for it to open via his body weight, it flew open as he left on a mission to return what had been left behind.

Arsenio got outside just in time to see Dujae's hand shoot into the air, then someone fall. "Did he just..? Yes, yes he did." With the acknowledgement that someone had more than likely just been killed, the Glacian picked up the pace and rushed over to the fallen man as the man that just battered him walked off. He kneeled down by it and soon realized he wasn't a doctor, and had no idea what he was looking for, though he did noticed quite a nasty gash in his side. An uneducated guess leaned towards a death by blood loss within the hour. Oh well, people die and Hyall is more or less lawless. The Glacian rose and dusted himself to find a small crowd looking at him like he had an answer as to what had happened. "...What? I'm not a coroner." He scanned the group before him briefly before peeking over it, noticing a small hand disappearing into an alleyway, which was once again followed by the nearing-infamous Dujae SaDiablo. With a shake of his head, the Glacian took after him with a leisurely jog.

Before Arsenio got to the alley, the man was off again with yet another person slammed into something in the process. Curiosity demanded that he check the alley for any more corpses, and he took a few cautious steps down it before finding a small girl running through it. "Hey! Wait up! What happened!?" He shouted before giving chase, his own agility allowing him to keep pace with a girl that was probably half his age and just as quick.

Location: Hyall
Snaketooth Counter: 21 Days

As chaos took hold of the tavern, Isadora leaned forward, elbows on the table and head resting on her knuckles as she watched everything unfold. Everything happened very quickly, and at the end of it, the air was chilled and an apparent consort of a queen was knocked squarely on his ass. Meanwhile, both Dujae and Arsenio had left the building in a hurry, while Fae was tending to the man on the floor. The Glacian left with the bag of gold the superior prince had forgotten about, so that left two Widows from the same coven in a room, with one hapless victim. The chance to break down someone from the inside out wasn't lost on the younger of the two.

"I've seen men be much more rude... though his wounds are light, given what happened," she said, slowly pacing around Fae and the unfortunate consort. While no one could see it, she flexed her right hand as a grayish claw formed around it, points wispy as her hand swung. "Though, here is more than quiet enough. An empty tavern is small enough to fix him up, dearest Faeril." With her left hand she brought the man to his feet and started to walk with him, leading what was essentially a walking corpse up the stairs and into a vacant room.

Once to one, she closed the door to an empty bedroom and set the man on the bed, a sensual walk overtaking her to mislead her victim. "Now... unless you want this to hurt, relax." She pounced as she neared the bed, slowly crawling on top of the consort and kneeling over his midsection. If his hands wandered, so be it, she soon had her clouded right hand over his head, the smoke invisible to him invading his eyes, nose, mouth, really any opening he had on the face. "Goodbye, dear consort."

Whether or not he relaxed, she broke into his mind like a burglar on a mission. Any barrier was smashed down with force, the gray jewel of Isadora easily overpowering the sapphire jewel of her victim. At his core, she began to create holes in his memory, like ripping books from the shelves of a library and later setting them alight. Nothing was changed necessarily, just removed to make blank spots at important parts in his life. The love of his mother, his first lover, every enjoyable moment was taken like a life, only several times more cruel. Once done with his past, she moved onto his present and future. Deeper inside was the spider web of his personality, intricate with an oversized ego at the center. "Hmm... oh, I know..." she mumbled, a mischievous smile creeping over her face as she plucked strings. The tooth under her right index finger pronounced itself as she readied herself to ruin someone's life. The strings she plucked were cut, snaketooth slicing through each piece of his personality she felt like removing. Some were replaced, stoking his ego to the point of narcissism, others were pulled entirely to leave nothing but an annoying, entitled man with everything to lose. She then left him there, a shell of his former self as the Black Widow retreated back to her own mind.

Back in her own head, Isadora left the room with the consort still on the bed, out cold due to many kinds of trauma. "Fae, he was... pretty boring actually. He'll tear his own life apart when he wakes back up," she sang, a little more than satisfied at her work.
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