"Step aside if you've got coldfeet. We need Tamers not kids!" Name: Phase (段階) / Nowe Vice
Age: 15
Digivice color(s): Bone White / Pounded Gold
Personality: Phase carries an air of mystery about him, often appearing and vanishing at random or whenever the mood strikes. In truth, Phase, like many of the Tamers feels the weight of his position. He knows an entire World is on his shoulders and refuses to let it down. Due this intense sense of duty, he often comes off as harsh, bossy, and downright reckless. He has a tendency to become especially argumentative when it comes to females.
- Favorite Food: Corndogs
- Favorite Read: Masked Assassins of Justice Vol. IV
- Favorite Hobby: Playing the card game: Furious Phantasms
- Favorite Subject: English
Backstory: Phase or Nowe Vice is the only child of a dying man. Often alone, he dove headfirst into his games. When he caught wind from his friends about a world within the Internet, he brushed it aside and ignored the temptation in lieu of caring for his ailing father. He found solace in his games and books during his off time, often losing his sense of self within the latter. Due to a childhood friend constantly clinging to him, he's found himself oddly protective over women and at times more prone to listen to them as well. The night he was chosen by Yggdrasil, he had wept for the first time in three years.